視界觀984「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(60)再訪BC舊省府新威斯敏斯特 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, it’s another sunny day after a rainy day . Winter in Vancouver is the rainy season. If you want to go out for exercise, you have to fight with the weather and find every opportunity to use it. You see, the ground is all wet, but I see The weather forecast

Seems to be cloudy for about a few hours, so I still have to take the risk of not predicting rain and go out for a ride. Now every time I go out, I really like to ride a section of this cycling track, where there is a lot of traffic.

There is such a road on the edge of it , but it is not very long. Today I want to go to New Westminster and walk around again. Last time I went there and turned a corner. Now I am on Edmonds street. In front of you is a tall building next to

A community center in Edmonds that is starting to look a little bit different. There is also a store called Rova that sells various household items and materials . Last time I spent a dollar here to buy a screw for a camera holder. , very useful . I should have ridden inside.

Now I have reached the Kingsway. This Kingsway has a dedicated cycling track. From here, you can cut diagonally to New Westminster. I went to New Westminster last time and I felt that there are many uphills and downhills. But I have been here for nearly two months

And have been riding for less than a month, so whether it is my familiarity with the uphill and downhill roads here or the riding experience during this period, I have gradually It has also increased my physical strength. Another thing is that I have a little experience with this gear of this bicycle,

So I will continue to challenge it today to see if I can ride those big uphill and downhill hills . This Kingsway is from Downtown. It is a road that runs diagonally through the entire Greater Vancouver area , especially through downtown Vancouver and Burnaby until it reaches New Westminster. So it is actually

A diagonal main road that runs through three cities . So this main road In the past, it was just a traffic thoroughfare. It was generally uninhabitable and there were no particularly decent buildings on the side of the road . But now in Metrotown, it has become a city center

. I believe this main street In the future, it will slowly become a street that also has commerce. Of course, this is all in the future. So now we are using it as a main thoroughfare and a shortcut for transportation. The sign here says “New Westminster” ahead.

But if you If you turn left, there is a driveway that leads all the way to Coquitlam. We have reached the boundary of New Westminster. There are some shops on both sides of the road that I can’t understand. I don’t know if they are in Indian or Arabic.

I turn left to a road called London. I ‘m waiting for an older lady’s car to turn around here. Everyone has to drive here. Sometimes we meet some very old people traveling in cars because it’s impossible not to drive . Now. When we came to this street called London,

I felt that these houses were quite interesting. Most of them were old-fashioned houses. You see, this road has a bicycle sign specially painted on it. This is a road that is relatively suitable for cycling. Many roads here are marked with single lanes

. Of course, sometimes you have to ride on the main road , but more often than not, you can actually choose a small road, just like riding now. These small roads are very safe , and generally speaking, he will Keeping this slope within a relatively small range makes it safer and more comfortable

For you to ride on such a road, so you can quietly look at the scenery. You see, this family’s Christmas decorations have been placed in front of the garden . In fact, many people When it comes to this most important festival for the West, it’s a bit like our Chinese New Year’s Eve

, where every household has family reunions. It’s like spending a festival here and creating some atmosphere , just like when China lights up the New Year, it doesn’t matter. Whether you believe in religion or not, many people will put some Christmas decorations in front and back of their houses

To add some festive atmosphere. Suddenly I came to that street. Now I rode 8th Ave and then rode this road in Harleton . We have reached the Seventh and there is also a Greenway , which is a road for everyone to ride here. So I am going to turn left here

And ride along this road that can be cycled. There are many people here. I believe it was thirty or forty years ago. Even though the Apartment built a long time ago is only more than ten stories high, it is a form of collective housing. Some of them have regulations,

That is, how old you must be before you can apply to buy or move in , and there are regulations for raising children. There are strict restrictions on pet rentals to ensure that people with certain needs can live there safely and comfortably. However, I heard that Vancouver has now lifted

The restrictions on rentals , which means that all houses are now open for rent. In the past, many The house regulations require the consent of the property owners committee and you have to queue up, so your house cannot be rented out if you want. It is said that

In order to increase the number of empty houses on the market, the government is also sparing no effort to suppress the rapid increase in rents. This is one of the measures to provide convenience for people. Based on my limited knowledge of the Greater Vancouver area, I roughly understand

That New Westminster is the earliest provincial capital of BC and probably the earliest colony . Of course, it mainly refers to the entry of British colonists into this area. After that, this place became a capital. That date dates back to 1885, which is very early. More than a hundred years ago, this place

Was one of the earliest settlements in Vancouver because it was on the bank of the Fraser River. After roads were built , of course, railways and so on later became a transportation hub. But later, the provincial government slowly moved away with the development needs of this area.

Now the provincial government is in Victoria, which is this very beautiful city on Vancouver Island. There is no bridge between the mainland and the mainland, only ferries , so it still looks like a British town back then. But this New Westminster, I think, has lost its glory. It

Has been very depressed for a while. It is said that this place has no new industry. It gradually became a relatively poor area. And there are a lot of drug addicts gathered here, which is probably a situation like this. But now the entire Greater Vancouver area is developing. I believe this place

Is also slowly exploring some of its cultural elements , because for a founding of a country, there are only a few. For a country that is 200 years old, this place can be excavated up to 18 years ago. It should already be very historical and cultural for them. I rode my bike and

Arrived at the Second Street. I didn’t know that there was a huge park in front of it. Isn’t this where Queen’s Park should be? There is a school opposite Queen’s Park. The school is well built, and the building materials and styles are very good. I have been riding for a long time

And I haven’t arrived at Queen’s Park yet. I am still walking a little further. It turns out that it’s on the first street. Opposite the first street is the Queen’s Park. You can see a sign here. This is a huge park . So I’m going to ride there for a while. For Canada

, some people like it and some don’t. But I’m also very interested in these cycling trails and walking trails in these forests where there are no people . Maybe we come from a noisy place , but some places are too noisy and uncomfortable.

I think it’s quite nice to be able to walk in such a quiet place by chance. Okay , but if you ask me to live in this place for the rest of my life, it seems that I still have to think about it or make some mental construction and make some adjustments.

You see, this park is very big. I don’t know why there are some totems in it that may have been preserved. You see, this totem is so colorful. It should be a place like an art museum. I read the article about Arts New West. See if this park is huge.

The trees on the side are all towering trees. There are also some in the park. The facilities are all open public facilities . In fact, you can think of it as an enlarged community park . It also includes many golf courses , which are some of the most popular places

. Then there are large lawns and some art galleries . Places are scattered in the park. There are often some large-looking buildings here, but I’m not sure where they are. Let me look at where this is. Queen’s Park Arena is actually a stadium and an event venue

. There are a lot of trophies on display inside. It should be a place for playing some kind of ball. Because people here prefer ice hockey . Of course, there are many other sports like baseball and various outdoor sports. So this park is very big

. In fact, it contains There are many stadiums. There is another stadium here. I don’t know what to play baseball or for . There is also a sportsplex on the left side. I believe it is a sports venue. It is indoors and all you can see is a large lawn.

So although New Westminster has now become a This is a residential area that is not particularly popular in Greater Vancouver , but I believe that over time there will be some renovations here. I see that there is a bridge here that should be a pedestrian bridge.

I believe it is also a bicycle bridge. You can cross to the other side of the road . I believe it will be better. Ahead is Riverside. From here you can see a big river. I have never been to this section of the road. Let’s ride down and take a look

. It seems that there is also a bridge expansion project here. A new bridge is being built. This section has already arrived. Royal is already close to the river. I see there are a lot of houses , but how can I go to the river for a walk? I looked for

Riverside residential areas like these . It should be said that it is still a price depression because everyone has a low opinion of this city. This kind of interest is not very strong yet , but in fact , there should be a pretty good mature residential area on this edge

, and the resources of this kind of riverside residence are relatively scarce. Now I came to a riverside path. There is a path here. It can wind down , but I don’t know if the road along the river is always accessible. But anyway, let’s go to the river for a walk.

We can take a look here , which is relatively close to the water. The track in front of this place is the skytrain. There should be a station called Columbia at this place . You can transfer at this station . You can go to King Goerge or Production-way University in both directions.

I took the skytrain here last time and walked through it. This side is also quite open. I think the residents living here can look at the river every day. The river is quite open. It seems that a new bridge is being built in front of it. This bridge goes to Surrey

. It’s closer to the water. Let’s take a look back. Look at the low-rise residences on this hillside. I think these residences are quite good. They are on a high slope overlooking the Fraser River. Traveling is also convenient because you can drive right out onto the main road

. I believe. There is a skytrain station right next to it, not too far away, so these houses overlooking the river have already taken advantage of it. There is road construction ahead. Look at the cars queuing up. I don’t know if I can ride on this cycle path.

There is a big traffic project going on here , because there is a new bridge being built on the left front. We can take a look here for a while. You see, this is a new bridge that is being built. It will be connected to Surrey in the future , mainly

To have more traffic with Surrey on the opposite side. I believe it is the next key development city in the Greater Vancouver area . So if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. It is the same everywhere . There is another bridge over here

. I believe this bridge is connected to the skytrain. And there is an iron bridge over here. There is a new bridge on the side. There are many bridges built. You can see that this is a bridge for skytrain. Building such a bridge specifically for skytrain is a bit extravagant and

A bit uneconomical . And you can also see that there are many residents here. of residential buildings built along the river It’s built on a slope. It says here that if you want to go to Downtown New Westminster, it’s 0.2 kilometers . Then let’s continue riding a little further and we

‘ll reach their city center . There’s a skytrain coming here , so I guess this should be it. New Westminster’s Downtown. Now I’m riding on Colombia Street. There are still some old buildings that look very good. In other words, the atmosphere is the same as the European-style small town. You can see

This kind of building here. It doesn’t look like it’s 100 years ago, it’s seventy or eighty years ago, right? Look at this place, there are many shops selling some Christmas items. This road is still very interesting. Riding down the whole road makes you feel like you have stepped

Back in time. It was a kind of thing in the past. I can imagine that it was a very lively small town back then. This building. I was in front of it last time . This place should be a new Douglas School building . Well, I have already arrived at Eighth Street.

It should be opposite . There are some sightseeing places on the riverside. At the same time, this is also a station in New Westminster. I took the skytrain here last time, so I will regard this section as our riding destination today and say thank you to everyone . Everyone is watching and

We will see you on the next ride . Bye bye.

#溫哥華 #newwestminster #fraserriver

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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