Empty Beach Paradise in Rural Thailand 🇹🇭

Wow there is zero people here an empty Beach Paradise here in Chumphon hello everybody and welcome to another off the beaten path Adventure  here in Chumphon Thailand today we’re starting our day off at the best Viewpoint in all of this  beautiful area we are at Khao Din Sor Viewpoint  

And I’m currently driving up a 90° angle right now this is pretty crazy I’m going Full Throttle   on our little banger of a scooter and I’m barely moving let’s go up to the top and have a beautiful view well guys does not get much more beautiful than this right here welcome to the top of Khao  

Dinsor Viewpoint in Chumphon I’ll tell you what that  was a struggle on our little scooter to get up   here it’s quite steep but it’s a relatively  short drive it only took us around maybe 1   minute of cranking it Full Throttle up the  hill and you’re rewarded with this here this  

Is really something else and uh I hope you can  see that there in the back remember in the last   video where we were talking about the hill so  this hill and the beach that you can see there  

In the distance that’s Thung Wua Laen Beach and the  beach here in the front that is Saphli Beach    and yeah we have never been this North from Chumphon I’m standing in the way of other tourists  

Of course any who from up here you can see  that um they have some uh Raptor statues here   some Eagles and so on because apparently come and be a nerd with me again um apparently they   are tracking some migratory Birds here with  satellite technology that is powered by solar  

Power never seen something like this before really  really cool to see what solar power can facilitate   and manage but wow this is absolutely beautiful to see today and also start our day off like this all right you guys off we go to the next

Adventure byebye bye oh my God it looks so steep now look at that view how beautiful   unbelievable I hope the brakes are strong  enough on this bike cuz I’ll tell you what   guys this is steeper than it looks probably  on camera right now the camera that we have  

Sometimes portrays things to be a little  bit less extreme than what it is because   it’s a wide angle lens but this is literally  straight down at the moment so we’re going   to be testing out our brakes for sure  now the brakes on our really old bike

Yeah oh my God brakes are squeaking well  if they’re squeaking they’re working right exactly I’m giving absolutely no gas at all  right now it’s all brakes it’s all brakes and    I’m squeezing the brakes as hard as I can yeah maybe don’t squeeze them too hard if they get too hot  

We will will just melt off yeah exactly we should  be back down though in roughly around 20 seconds okay it’s getting less now all right I  also need to have a look where we have to go right guys we went a little bit further  north to one of the Bays that we actually  

Haven’t seen yet so you’re going to experience  it at the same time as we are going to see it   for the very first time we are on our  way to a ma Bay very complicated name   but it sounds kind of funny and we are  very very excited to actually get there  

We’re not so far away from it anymore  you can already sort of see the ocean there yeah you can already see the ocean and  both of us are super excited we’re also sort of   looking for like maybe a little cafe or a little  restaurant something like that where we could have  

Some food maybe on the side of the road but right  now we are not able to really find any restaurants   smaller ones but uh yeah we’re going to have a  look and then hopefully get some breakfast on  

The side of the road somewhere [Music] here right  you guys we tried finding a goodlooking spot at   AO Mau Bay and actually we found a restaurant  that looks really nice uh from the outside one   second please don’t forget the towel B maybe okay  now we found this one restaurant here that looked  

Really nice and it looks sort of local so we  decided to stop and maybe have a look what kind   of food they have maybe have a look on their menu  or if they’re even open I don’t know but it looks  

Like really nice restaurant with Ocean View so  that’s why I thought we might stop here right   how beautiful does the do these guest houses look  as well guys I just want to show you before we go  

Into this restaurant cuz I cannot get over this  as well this is where we parked obviously and   these here are guest houses and just beyond here  is the beach is Alo Mau Bay no idea what the cost  

Of these are but gorgeous if you are looking for  the guest house this is the sign that you will see   and this is also the sign of this particular  guest house yeah let’s go inside have some

Food now guys this place is um sleepier even  sleepier than jump on which I didn’t think was   possible that restaurant is closed we went inside  and asked if they had food and unfortunately   they’re closed so we’re going to have to look  for another option on Google Maps it says it’s  

Open Google Maps says it’s open that’s why in  person it’s closed welcome to rural Thailand   guys um but we’re going to look for maybe another  option it’s kind of a well spaced out coast and  

Uh worst comes to worse we’re going to go for a  swim enjoy the beach and then get some food but   I’m sure we’ll be able to find a restaurant let’s  hop back on the bike for a sec and see what we can  

Find right guys we decided to go for a quick  dip before looking for another restaurant but   just because we are literally just at the beach  and just at the access point um because it’s   like I don’t know there’s not necessarily like a  prominade or anything like that and we saw this  

Very nice looking access point here here and check  this out we are the only people here legitimately   trying to not fall down the beach wow there is  zero people here not a not a single person we’re   legitimately the only two people on this entire  Beach stretch we’re the only people here what the

Hell why is that I have no idea I mean there  are some guest houses there like on the right   side from what we saw but now I understand why  the restaurant was closed because uh there’s   nobody around here that’s very interesting and  I cannot believe it I thought that Al BAU was  

Somewhat of a well-known place for snorkeling or  diving stuff like that but apparently it’s Solly   ours today so we’re incredibly looking it’s a  Sunday by the way it’s a Sunday it’s it’s not   even locals here it’s not even uh during the  week like if we came here during the week and  

It looked like this I wouldn’t be as surprised  as I am but uh it’s totally open totally free   not one person this is beautiful I kind of feel  like we didn’t get the memo that today there is   something big happening somewhere else where  everybody is at but uh yeah like it is early  

Afternoon there should be people everywhere in  the restaurant on the beach Etc but yeah nobody   here so we’re just going to go for a lonely dip  and this whole entire Beach is quite literally   lined with beautiful green trees as well very  tall trees a mixture kind of of palm trees  

And whatever these things are here yeah this is  gorgeous beautiful sand and it is very windy last   few days I don’t know what it is it’s just been  super windy and we’re feeling it on the scooter   as well we’re kind of just constantly getting  blasted sand and everything else is just flying  

Into our faces while we are driving around yeah  this is total Paradise right here and again not   a single soul with us and Naomi is already  heading out for a little dip wow Thailand I  

Don’t say this enough well I say a lot I say it  a lot but I don’t say it enough we love you so much unreal time to go in for a little bit of  a dippy dip in the water oh it’s feeling  

A little bit chilly actually usually the water  in Thailand is often times quite warm not this   time around it’s quite chilly at the moment and  Naomi is like maybe 80 M 100 m in front of me  

And she’s still standing up so that will give  you an idea of just how gradual this particular   sandbank is it really takes you quite some  time to get out in the water and this is unreal I can’t truly describe it I can’t  accurately put into words just how perfect  

Chumon really is but it is perfect we’ve  never met friendlier people we’ve never   seen such beautiful and long and  beautiful Coast Line we’ve never   had such delicious local food this  area of Thailand is truly massively underrated it is a very well-known jump  off point for the more well-known Islands  

But I’m telling you if you are thinking  about going to co pangan or Co or co co   whatever think about spending a few days around Chon wow I said I got tired of walking after 500  m in it’s just about like maybe a meter in  

Depth so yeah I think you can walk out  pretty pretty far I can also see that   it’s like it gets a little bit deeper  in the distance and then there’s like a   sand Bank where you can walk on again so I  think you can never go really deep on this  

Beach very interesting unbelievable it’s  so surreal we are literally maybe 300 400   m away from where I just entered the water  and I am genuinely up to my knees right now crazy after being here now for roughly around  30 minutes and enjoying the amazing water the  

Only other person that we’ve seen on this  beach is this guy just here behind me and   he is basically scraping the beach for plastic  bottles and it’s a very common thing that you’ll   see all throughout southeast Asia I’m not too  sure now what type of money that they can get  

For the plastic bottles that they do collect  but you see them quite a lot doing this sort   of activity and I’m sure it’s worthwhile  if people are doing it but yeah this is   literally the only other person that has  been with us zero tourists watch soever  

And uh we really don’t understand why Naomi  was just saying if if you were to rent one of   the guest houses that we just showed you before  coming here you would basically have a private

Beach just have a look at this as well here guys  it seems to be like um a Beach Shack that was   probably at one time a very happening place and um  I’m sure people still probably use it this seems  

To be like a little bit of a campfire situation  maybe uh you might be able to set up a nice nice   little fire maybe barbecue whatever places to sit  places to sleep this is a great place I would have  

Loved this place when I was h a teenager to maybe  come here a few cans of beer on the beach doesn’t   get much better than this looks like might still  be using like there’s so that is like burned down  

That’s actually a pretty freshly freshly burned  spoons here as well if it would have been a long   time ago the spoons would be gone by with the  wind and everything that is going on here that’s  

Very true yeah guys an empty Beach Paradise here  in chomon so if you do like things on the quiet   side of Life come and check out ow B ma Bay here  in chomon for now we’re going to hop back on our  

Bike it is coming up to 300 p.m. in the day and  once again like almost in every video we haven’t   eaten anything yet so intermittent fasting for the  win if you know what that is yeah we’re going to  

Make our way now I think to another Beach and  maybe along the way we will hopefully catch a   restaurant and uh have a nice relaxing meal  and bring you guys along with us and we can   maybe review one of these restaurants along the  coastline but look at this guys not a single soul  

Here and this seems to be here with the purpose  of being some sort of a parking lot that’s what   it looks like anyways everything’s flattened  out it’s a Sunday and it’s just us I’m finding  

It really odd I don’t know I feel like maybe I I  already said it maybe we missed something maybe   there’s a festival or something going on that  we’re not aware of but there should be people right right guys we just drove uh to to safle  Beach and we actually found where everybody is  

At here at safle beach it seems like they  have some sort of a Sunday market going on   and uh really everybody is here this the entire  stretch the beach is just there uh behind those   houses and uh yeah the entire Beach stretch is  completely filled with Market vendors and uh  

Everybody is here enjoying their Sunday doing  their weekly shopping all of that good stuff   so yeah we’re just going to have a look around I  suppose to see what we can eat what we can have  

Uh going to be interesting here it looks like a  massive Market guys it looks like uh hustle and   bustle is here uh at safle beach yes this is  exactly where the beach is and it was only a  

Quick kind of a 15 20 minute drive from where  we were at Al ma Bay now from what this part   here of the market looks like it looks like a  lot of fresh stuff so it looks like a lot of V  

Vegetables root vegetables bananas you have  some fresh fruit fresh fish loads of stuff   going on here Lottery if you want to play the  lottery as well super popular in Thailand and   uh I think we’re going to look for some sort of  a readymade food whether that’s pyu P crapo pad  

Tip all of the pads this seems like we’re in  the right place though I hope that they have   readymade food because it seems a little  bit like a weekend Market where everybody   just does their weekly shopping to cook at home  but we don’t have a kitchen in our guest house  

So we need to have something that is already  made very very true go for a little bit of a   walk anyways and inspect what they have I love  these by the way I keep seeing these bikes with  

The side cars uh everywhere you go and uh those  side cars are just really funny because you’ll   see these bikes going by there’ll be obviously  one or two people on the bike and then probably  

Around 15 people in the side car oh my God  look at the fish yeah some of them look like tuna wow they’re so big so big  absolutely entire family with   one fish yeah absolutely massive fish mango sticky

Rice so tasty oh my God smaller variety of  fishes here as well of course dried dried   fish oh wow it’s all happening here let’s  go inside the market and see what we can find got Sweet Treats oh yeah this was just like   the pre-market yeah can buy  entire chickens entire Ducks

Incredible and this seems to stretch guys I’m  going to try and extend the camera so you can see theid have a look here guys you probably see the scale of this Market  what’s this here pork knuckle pork knuckle wow  

Delish Fried Chicken got some Fried Chicken  as well Fried Chicken is usually a fantastic   option in Thailand Thailand really knows  Fried Chicken so tasty oh my God I don’t   know I can’t really see any like uh sitting  down opportunities I would like to like sit  

Down and enjoy a meal usually in the majority  of the markets you have like a place behind the   vendor where you can sit down but I’m not  sure if that’s the case uh on this weekend Market oh my God there’s so much options here

Though okay guys so we’re picking ourselves  up some fresh juice here we definitely need   a refreshment so we got some watermelon  juice and some orange juice looks nice   and cold and refreshing and basically  exact what we need ccor cab this looks  

Amazing it’s so IC that it looks like  a slushy yeah when you pour it out of   the out of the box it looked like  a proper slushie oh it’s literally perfect so tasty but it is a  slushy it’s really Frozen and no

Sugar Frozen watermelon in a cup  what more could you ask for sell   clothes here too so clothes food fruit  juice at the beach everything oh I have   a brain fre sorry it’s so hot outside  it’s like 33° 34° today look is running

Into look at this this is a death  trap death trap for tall people yeah have welcome to saf Beach hopefully we’re  pronouncing that correctly and we stumbled   upon a fantastic team of people here that are  cleaning up the beach how amazing is that it  

Looks like because of the strong winds and the  strong weather over the last few days that a   little bit of garbage has been washed up onto  the beach unfortunately and that’s the reason   why people like this are here cleaning the beach  up seems to be an initiative that is called I’m a  

Trash hero trash hero yeah trash hero they seem  to be cleaning up the beach maybe the leftovers   from whatever the high tide or the bad weather  brought in I think they’re cleaning it up amazing   initiative though very cool on the last guys very  beautiful beach it does look like as I just said  

Bit of plastic has blown up here very thankful for  these guys doing what they’re doing they seem to   be collecting quite a bit of this stuff and you  can see that this Coastline stretches for a very  

Very long amount to over 200 km I believe uh  which is incredible I think chump on has the   longest coastline of any province in Thailand  that is a fact to be very proud of it’s gorgeous

Here you can really see how high the water must  have been during the last few days I mean I don’t   know it was uh kind of the same theme the same  topic on uh all three beaches that we saw so  

Far in this area so I do think that this is the  normal water level and then uh I don’t know some   bad weather happened with very very high weather  very high waves something like that that uh all  

Of the stuff all of the garbage that is far  out in the ocean probably came up here maybe   I don’t know maybe it had something to do with  all of the floods and everything that happened  

In Japan or something like that even I’m I’m not  sure but uh seems to be a common theme here it’s   very true yeah guys just so you know we decided  to stick with our fruit juice for now and we’re  

Going to try and maybe find a nice sit down  place in a while but for for now this fruit   juice is all that we need to fuel up until  dinner time wow this is a very nice Fe and  

Again basically nobody on this beach where  is everybody in jump on I don’t understand I   think you can see the cow din from here yes I  believe the one of these Peaks the one may be  

In the middle I think it’s the cut out there  in the middle of the forest little cut out in   the forest yeah you’re definitely not going to  be able to see that but it is somewhere here   in the middle that’s exactly where we started  this video off and we would have been looking  

From there out over in this direction in the very  beginning crazy what comes around goes around yep beautiful okay nice little walk along this  beautiful beach now have a look at these   gorgeous swings as well that you can just sit and  enjoy I don’t know if they would hold me in Naomi  

I think we’re a little bit too tall a little  bit too heavy that’s what I wanted to ask do   you think they can support a farang or no idea I  don’t think so the plan now guys is we’re going  

To make our way towards a local Village that’s  close to where we’re staying we have not shown   you this place yet but it’s a very beautiful  local area quite literally in the middle of   nowhere and they have quite a lot of selection of  different food to try out and the people there are  

Exceptionally friendly this place here sa Beach is  gorgeous too definitely recommend you guys coming   and checking out this area maybe on a Sunday I’m  not sure if this is a Sunday only Market uh or   if this is an everyday Market but definitely  come and check this place out it is a good

Vibe quick little pit stop at the accommodation  we had to sort of freshen up it was quite a long   drive around to the two separate beaches and  The View point and everything and as you can  

Probably see I think we’re a little bit sunburned  as well so we had to put some moisturizer on that   but now guys we’re going to bring you towards  the village that I was just speaking about there  

Previously this is a very nice place that we’re  going to bring you to and it’s definitely off the   beaten path from tourists as well my shoulders  were absolutely burned they were like fire red  

H that’s why I had to put on a long t-shirt to  not have more sun exposure and and also I went   into the water with my pants and my t-shirt so  I just had to generally put on something dry so  

Don’t be weirded out if we look different now  but yeah really hungry now cannot wait to eat   something yeah there’s a few spots that we saw we  walked down into this Village previously before   and um they have a really interesting lady that  sells pizza of all things I don’t know if we’re  

Going to get pizza today though I would stick to  maybe the more local stuff there’s women selling   things like sé and uh pretty much everything that  you can think of so we’re going to go now to this  

Village should be there in probably around 30 or  40 seconds it’s very close to where we’re staying   here at ARA Garden stupid helmet is on let’s get  on the bik you guys we didn’t really make it far  

At all we’re still standing in the same spot  Luke just tried to push out backwards and uh   yeah it looks like we have a flat tire looks  like we have a flat tire now this is not the  

First time in Southeast Asia that we have a flat  tire unfortunately it’s uh the second time it’s   definitely flat it’s starting starting to sort  of come off the rim really really lucky that   uh I heard it just as I was pushing the bike  back I could hear and sort of feel that that  

Tire was flat so I just messaged our Airbnb host  who we rented the bike from and we’re just going   to see what we can do with this we’re a little  bit stuck and we are very hungry so maybe do you  

Just want to go to that uh little stop there on  the side of the road the uncle and an uncle and   auntie that we’ve been at the last time yeah my  pity on that’s something that we can easily reach  

I mean the village is also not too far away to  be to be honest it’s like it’s very close but   h on the way there the last time we walked there  were like loads and loads of dogs that are sort  

Of protective over the territory and you have  to stop every time and uh be barked at and then   keep walking and stop and keep walking and so  on it just takes a lot of time if you’re on  

Foot so that’s why we’re just I believe going  to go probably to our closest nearest option   for now to stop being so hungry did she already  message back she’s riding is it is it okay or is  

She angry don’t know she’s riding okay should be  fine see how much it is can’t be too expensive to   repair it’s only basically a tube with air so it  should be totally fine and I’m sure it’s just the   inside tube that’s after popping from whatever  we’ve driven on I actually funnily enough was  

Thinking today when we were driving back I was  like probably going to get a flat tire because   there was a lot of a lot of different areas where  we drove over gravel and stuff like that and this  

Is all gravel and it’s very easy to pop a tire  on stuff like this when you have very thin tires   yeah and as I said not the first time uh the last  time it happened I think it was in when we were  

In Indonesia so uh and that was also totally  fine um these things just happen especially   in Southeast Asia when you’re not always driving  over uh normal asphalt cement type of a road but   a lot of times you’re just driving here and there  sort of in weird places over weird paths and that  

Type of stuff just happens but that’s okay uh I  just need some something to eat or I’m going to   faint I think okay guys so the ORD deal is already  sort of resolved it just means we’re going to have  

To walk to our destination to get food now but uh  we just had a little bit of a chat with the lovely   Homestay owner here she doesn’t speak a word of  English but thankfully Google Translate is there  

To help and she actually asked us to use Google  Translate so she could speak into it and uh she   basically just told us that on during Sundays  in Thailand everything is closed or everything   is a lot more laidback and she said that the  people that are here to repair the tire yeah  

Are not there to repair the tire so it will  probably be in the morning Pacific car repair   shop is closed and they cannot reach it but uh  her son will come tomorrow and take the bicycle  

The scooter to the next car repair shop and then  that’s okay like it’s going to be resolved that   way but just means that for the the rest of  today we will have to walk everywhere which  

Is fine we just need some food and that’s all  exactly thankfully it happened at the end of the day can you imagine being somewhere in cow what  was it called cow dinur DIN and then having a  

Flat tire and not being able to go home that  would have been a problem we would have been   many kilometers away probably around 20 or 18 20  km away from where from where we are right now   and that would have been an absolute headache  so very grateful that we only realized that it  

Was flat when we were back safe at the home stay  and now we’re going to go and enjoy some food at   our favorite place in Chon this road this road is  definitely not our favorite it’s quite loud but so  

Loud at the same time this uh food establishment  really makes up for it yeah I’m totally not a   road busy road person yeah so this this road is my  nightmare but it’s fine I’m very sad though that  

We cannot bring you guys to to see this Village  that I was talking about because wow it’s a very   special place but it is quite literally behind  uh the hom stay where we’re staying so if you  

Are coming to Aria Garden home make sure to  check out the area that is directly behind it   because it’s a very special place now let’s go get  some food okay guys so we’re back at our favorite   establishment here in Chan and you’ll know all  about this place if you watched our previous  

Videos before I think what we’re going to get is  two hcraft out absolutely starving so let’s dig in welcome C there you have it guys probably the best Pad crop H in uh Southern  Thailand and that’s a very bold statement  

For me to be making but this one plate of  P crap H is 50 but massive portion of pork   beautiful fried egg gigantic portion  of rice even get some Greenery as well it’s also very spicy they  prepare it exceptionally spicy too the egg is as ooey  gooey and amazing as alwaysa

Kka oh my God I cannot wait to dig in I’m  so hungry you guys you cannot believe it ah   you won’t believe it I don’t even know what I’m  saying I’m so hungry I’m just a delusional bner  

It’s decorated M oh yeah yeah those red uh green  beans that they put into it I don’t know if I can   find one now here these green beans they’re super  Super Fresh um the entire Pat CRA is uh insanely  

Spicy actually like so spicy that actually brings  me a little bit to the limit of what I can take   in terms of spiciness but it’s really tasty while  being painful so if you know what I mean but yeah  

If you basically eat this one dish for 50 but um  it’s everything you need for the entire day in   terms of filling you up and everything and that’s  kind of what we have been doing for the past few  

Days we’ve been just coming here sort of once a  day maybe a few nuts or something from 7-Eleven   and that’s about it so really worth the money and  so tasty it’s very true guys if you are traveling  

On a budget like we are and you need to stick to  a certain amount amount this is enough food for   you it will literally fill you up for probably  half the day if you’re someone large like myself  

Around half of the day you can be full easily with  this so for some people this is going to fill you   up literally for the entire day if you are able  to even finish the dish I have not been able to  

Finish it and sometimes I eat it for lunch and  then I just take the rest uh away with me and   then I eat the rest the leftover basically for  dinner that’s how much food it is so it’s insane  

But yeah guys we’re going to dig in we’re going to  enjoy our food and then we’re going to basically   kick back and relax it’s been another amazing and  fantastic Adventure here in chomon Thailand for  

Now guys my name is Luke my name is Naomi we are  the two M explorers and this is your reminder to   keep exploring and I’ll see you guys in the next  Thailand Adventure Cuna for watching byebye time

We found an empty beach paradise in Chumphon Thailand. Today, we venture to an amazing viewpoint and see some totally forgotten beaches along the coast of Chumphon Thailand. Thailand has a massive coastline and some of the best beaches in the world are here, but we did not expect to find such empty beaches here in Chumphon today.

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Naomi & Luke


  1. มีธงสีแดง ปักที่ชายหาด แปลว่าไม่ควรที่จะลงเล่นน้ำ มันเลยทำให้คุณเห็นแต่ชายหาดที่ว่างเปล่า

  2. Maybe because sea rough, red flag on. Also chumphon airport not popular and location is mid half way of huahin and khaosok or Samui not easy to visit by driving, plus Thai people generally hate sunshine, they tend to come out at sunset possibly. That’s reason 0 person on the beach!!

  3. สถานที่สวยการถ่ายทำวีดีโอสวยและคุณสองคนน่ารักไม่มีอะไรดีกว่านี้แล้ว❤😊

  4. WOW Great driving Luke 😎 I lost ten years of my life watching you both go down that hill and praying breaks worked. Jealous of beautiful weather you have, lucky ducks❤ Another fantastic video 📷📸

  5. Found your YouTube channel and thoroughly enjoyed your content! I'm interested in connecting and exploring potential opportunities. Would you prefer a direct message, or is it more suitable to reach out via business email?

  6. Thank you both for yet another excellent video! I especially appreciate you guys showing how vast and quiet many of the more rural beaches in Thailand can be! After living in Costa Rica for almost 7 years solid and soon to be heading off to explore SE Asia as a family by the middle of this year, I often feel like we will desperately miss the many beautiful and naturally untouched beaches in Costa Rica that are just so beautiful and mind blowing! After now being able to see even more how beautiful these beaches in Thailand are, thanks to you guys I feel much better knowing that we can still get that same type of calm beach vibe experience when we need it, while still being able to experience the bigger areas. Thanks again for another great video and keep up the great work! You guys are awesome! 💯❤️

  7. กระเพรา – กระชาย – ข่า – ตะไคร้ – ใบมะกรูด นอกจากจะเป็นเครื่องเทศ ที่เป็นส่วนประกอบสำหรับปรุงอาหารไทยแล้ว ยังเป็นยาสมุนไพรพื้นบ้านของไทย มีฤทธิขับลมในลำไส้ เมื่อคุณเข้าห้องน้ำในปกติประจำวัน คุณจะรู้ถึงสรรพคุณทางยาของมัน สำหรับผัดกระเพราและอาหารรสเผ็ดทุกประเภทที่ต้องปรุงก่อนเสิร์ฟ คุณสามารถบอกแม่ครัวได้ว่าต้องการความเผ็ดในระดับใด เพราะแม้แต่คนไทยเองก็ใช่ว่าจะกินเผ็ดได้ทุกคน ต้องบอกแม่ครัวล่วงหน้าก่อน ขอให้ท่องเที่ยวในไทยอย่างมีความสุขครับ 💚😊

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