視界觀965 「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(41)從艾德蒙頓暢快騎行至本拿比湖 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, it’s rare that the weather cleared up for a while today. I went out for a ride. Now I’m riding this trail from where I live. I’ve ridden to New Westminster from here before , but today I’m going to Burnaby Lake.

In fact, last time I rode from there. I passed by by the way , but I made a mistake. I thought it was Dear Lake , but it was actually Burnaby. There is another lake , which is also a country park and wetland park called Burnaby Lake.

Today I wanted to go for a challenge. I have never walked this way on this road before. It’s about 10 kilometers one way. Now I’m at the junction of Edmonds and Kingsway. You can take a look at this. This is the small town of Edmonds. It’s like a central area

. Although it also has a light rail station and a Skytrain station , it’s a little out of the way. It takes about ten minutes to walk there. The development of this place is far from as good as Metrotown . Okay, now I ride the Kingsway on my bicycle, and continue riding

On the Edmonds road . It only takes about 6 Turning right on the street, I casually looked at the map without navigation to see if I could successfully find my destination. The temperature today is still a bit low. I just checked and saw that it was 4 degrees.

But after a while of sun, it felt like it was better than when I came out last evening. It seems to be warmer when riding. Maybe it’s because of the feeling. On the left is the community center of Edmonds. There are many recreational facilities and many things for children to play.

Now when I ride the Canada Way, a large road, when riding in Vancouver , one has a relatively steep slope up and down. Secondly, in China , you need to have physical strength and make good use of gears. Many of its roads are along the slopes and mountains.

Otherwise, you have to understand the direction of the twists and turns while walking . It’s not what you think. I’ve missed it many times . Okay, now the front is Sixth Street , and then I’m going to start turning right here. Some of the streets in this place are called Street

, some are called Avenue , and there are numbers. It’s the same. Sometimes we often get confused. It ‘s better to call it 16th Street or 16th Avenue in front of us. Generally, the Avenue is relatively big. It’s 16th Street directly opposite. I want to ride down

This street from here. I’m really too lazy to press this (pedestrian crossing button) and I can’t cross. So the system on this road gives priority to pedestrians , but you have to press the pedestrian light (button) to cross the road , otherwise it will have to wait for a long, long time

. , I am riding past No. 6 Street and riding eastward along No. 16 Street. The cold wind is blowing and I am too lazy to talk. But the houses on both sides of the street along the way make me feel quite good , and the community parks are one after another

Here. There should be a lot of greenery and green environment for everyone. After passing a downhill road here, you should turn left. Cariboo road has passed by it before. You see, this road is called Cariboo Road . It is called Road. I imagine. Road may be a wider, busy road called Road,

But we don’t actually understand the meaning of these English words that well . This road is a downhill road. I remember that I took it last time when I went to Simon Fraser University. This road , so this road needs to be slower. Hold the brake and ride down. You

Have to pass Highway 1 in front of you. It turns out that you can ride in this place. Okay, so I made a mistake. This is a pedestrian road, and there is a car road next to it. There is a cycling path on the road , but I accidentally rode the wrong way,

So I had to continue riding along this Cariboo Road North for a while . I continued to follow this Cariboo Road downhill to get to the Government one. Only when you turn right can you finally see this Government Street . If you continue riding on this Government Street for a while

, you will reach Burnaby Lake. It turns out there is a Costco here and you have passed this Brighton . Now this road is called Winston Street. Winston should be Prime Minister Churchill. The name is Winston . There is a train coming. It is full of trains. There are many traditional factory areas

Along the way . There are buildings like factories, but some of them should be offices . This kind of low-rise old ones can be used as offices. I saw that I had already arrived at this kind of factory. I turned on this road and I should be in the park.

It is Burnaby Lake. I remember driving there a long time ago. It was a long and narrow lake area. It should be similar in size to Deer Lake , but it seems to be smaller. It’s a little longer. Let’s ride inside and have a look. Okay , ahead is Burnaby Lake.

I saw the sign. So that’s the end of the first section of today’s ride from Edmonds to Burnaby Lake. We’ll see you later . Bye.

#burnaby #cycling #溫哥華

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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