“Je ferai ici ce que je n’ai jamais fait dans le monde entier” : Apparitions de Tilly-sur-Seulles

You see how people come to Lourdes in large numbers to pray. One day Lourdes will become a little Tilly. Tilly is the summary of all the appearances I have made around the world. Welcome to this new video in which I will discuss today a momentous Marian apparition. And yet forgotten.

You will discover an incredible story, there is so much to tell that I could not say it all in one go. Of course and as always you will see that there are controversies but that does not prevent you from forming your opinion in relation

To what happened rather than in relation to the conflicts of ego which rage everywhere and even in the Church. Keep in mind that St. Joan of Arc was canonized nearly 500 years after her death or that the appearance of Laus which took place

At the end of the 15th century and beginning of the 16th century was not officially recognized until in 2008. So as always I invite you not to judge hastily but to study the subject carefully before making your decision. You will see that in these apparitions the Virgin

Mary places particular emphasis on the Rosary. I receive a lot of messages asking me where to find a beautiful rosary to pray the Rosary. Before starting the story, I wanted to introduce you to the work of Benoît Laurençon. He’s a patenotrier.

You may be wondering what it is, and it’s about a craftsman who makes rosaries. It must be recognized that there are almost no more in France and he is one of the last to exercise this wonderful profession. In addition, I like its philosophy and its values.

Instead of manufacturing poor quality objects that break very quickly and lead to planned obsolescence like almost everything that is currently produced. Benedict chose to make unbreakable rosaries. Yes, you heard correctly, its rosaries are made for life. This is a complete change from the

Plastic rosaries made in China which break at the slightest problem. Here it is excellence that is highlighted. Benoît Laurençon invented a very particular technique which means that his rosaries are of exceptional quality.

To the point that it guarantees them to you, not for one year, two years or even 10 years but for life! There are a very large number of models available and I will let you discover them on his site. In addition, Benedict even offers to create personalized works according to the prayer’s needs.

You can therefore buy a unique rosary that will accompany you throughout your life as you follow the path of prayer. And don’t think that Benoît arrived in this industry by chance, his family has a heritage in this area spanning several generations.

In addition and exceptionally if you order specifying that you come from me you will obtain a 10% reduction. To do this when ordering, you will need to indicate the code MARIE10 in capital letters and without spaces. I leave you the link to his site in the description.

Rather than selling you uninteresting mugs, T-shirts made on the other side of the world by children, or gadgets that cause pollution of our planet, I suggest you hire a courageous craftsman who will make a product of rare quality for a spiritual activity.

Tilly-sur-Seulles is a small town in Calvados located 17km from Caen in France. Today the majority of residents are unaware of the demonstrations that took place in this place. And yet a little over a century ago a series of very important Marian apparitions took place.

FIRST DEMONSTRATIONS APPEARANCES AT SCHOOL It all started on Wednesday March 18, 1896 at the Sacré-Coeur school in Tilly sur Seulles. It is an establishment for girls which is run by nuns and has 68 students. The Mother Superior comes to see the children. “Tomorrow is the feast of St. Joseph,

So you must say your prayers” And so everyone reflects. One of the young girls is then challenged by what she sees through the window. She nudges her neighbor: Did you see over there, it looks like Mr. Lepetit put a Holy Virgin in his field!

Her friend then looks and exclaims: “Oh! how beautiful! We can see the good Virgin there! This sentence interrupts the prayers and all the girls turn their gaze towards the field. Shouts then arise in the class. The sisters present try to restore order. Calm down my children, you must have made a mistake.

The nuns then look out the window and are very surprised. They see the same thing. A Virgin radiant with light. She is dressed in a white dress, cinched at the waist by a wide, very pale blue belt, tied at the front, the tails falling freely. A transparent veil covers her head without hiding

The forehead, and envelops the entire body in its graceful folds… All around the Virgin, there is a snow-white halo, but not the same white as the dress. Finally, everything is in a pink cloud which gracefully overflows to the right and left. What is most surprising is that the Virgin seems close

Even though she is more than 1km away. Spontaneously the students will all start praying. The more intensely they pray, the more the Virgin seems to shine. All this will last for more than an hour. Even the youngest who usually tire quickly will pray fervently.

I’m opening a little digression because I already imagine reading in the comments of people concluding that this is simply a collective hallucination. I therefore specify that collective hallucination does not exist. It’s an excuse used by scientists to close debate on disturbing subjects.

Indeed, a hallucination in the strict sense is a construction of a person’s brain, it cannot therefore be shared. On the other hand, there are hysteria or collective psychoses. But if you think that a group of children who spontaneously start praying in the greatest calm and

Fervor is hysteria then I can’t tell you anything more. The priest of Tilly, Abbot Guéroult, was quickly informed. But he is cautious. The children probably imagined all this. The girls are therefore forbidden to talk about it and they are no longer allowed

To look at the place of appearance. However, the students were so amazed that they continued to pray spontaneously in the hope of seeing the Virgin again. 5 days pass and the priest thinks that everything is back to normal so the ban is lifted. Once again the children can look out the window.

And again on this March 25, the feast of the Annunciation, the same phenomenon occurs. While in class the students see the Virgin in the same place and once again spontaneously in front of this spectacle the children begin to pray. The Virgin joins her hands and seems to unite with the young girls

“She prays with us! How beautiful She is…” A little later that day Mary seems to be walking towards the school and everyone exclaims: “She’s coming! She’s coming towards us!” An astonishing phenomenon then occurs. On one of the classroom tiles, an image appears as if painted. The windows seem lit by the apparition.

Two days later on March 27 it is the feast of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. This time it is three sisters who go to see the Virgin Mary, always in the same place. But they notice what appears to be a blood stain near the heart. Then people

From the village arrive and everything disappears… A few hours later the three sisters are then in the company of some students and again, the Virgin Mary appears. The story began to make a big splash and the following Sunday, many people gathered around the school. They are mostly curious people,

No one prays and nothing is going to happen. It then starts to rain and the crowd dissipates. But some students and sisters nevertheless remained and prayed fervently and for a few minutes they will have the privilege of seeing the Virgin in the field again. I imagine you are wondering how come

No one went to look in the field at the place of the apparition. Well, at the beginning of the following week, a sister named Saint-Cléophas asked the Mother Superior if she can go there to see what is happening.

The mother superior accepts and the sister leaves in the company of the 3 oldest students. Only at that time there was no cell phone so it was very difficult to know where exactly the place of the apparition was. It was therefore decided that the sisters who remained at the school would wave a

White handkerchief when Sister Saint-Cléophas was in precisely the right place. After a few unsuccessful attempts the location seems identified. This is a hedge separating Mr. Lepetit’s property in two. The Easter period is approaching and the Virgin continues to appear several

Times to certain nuns at the school. But in this Holy Week she seems sad. Then on Thursday April 9 an extraordinary event will occur. Three nuns accompanied by two ladies from the village go to the place of the apparition to pray. And there, to their great amazement, they see

The spire of a white stone bell tower emerging above the tops of the trees. So what is this religious building? You will find out later. During this period many astonishing events will also take place. For example, at the beginning of April, a fairground theater opened in

Tilly. And the director hearing of the apparitions of the Virgin laughed out loud. She even jokes a little by saying that the Virgin will appear in one of her attractions. Shortly after her declaration, Marie will appear before her. The director will be so frightened that she will dismantle the fairground facilities in the

Next minute and leave the town as quickly as possible. On April 17, the watchmaker from Tilly openly mocked these apparitions as well as the clairvoyants. His son then fell seriously ill and died 8 days later precisely

At the time when the watchmaker had made fun of the Virgin. He will subsequently go to the field of apparitions and will also have a vision. He will ask for forgiveness and become a fervent Christian. On May 9, the town hall gardener, who is known to despise religion, went to the

Apparition site in order to discredit these events. He then sees the Virgin blessing the crowd, but he does not feel this blessing. He then declares in front of everyone that he is going to confess. But he did not keep his word and died

A few days later, although filled with feelings of respect for the Virgin. On the Thursday of the ascension, Abbot Durand, director of the major seminary of Bayeux, visits Tilly where he brings a relic of the true cross. At the precise moment he enters the city,

A crowd of 400 people present on the apparition field then sees a luminous cross in the sky for approximately 1 hour. There were many other extraordinary phenomena, but I cannot tell you everything here. However, there were often statements from young children which astonished their parents. And even this case where a little Charlotte,

Aged 2 years old, who was moving in all directions suddenly stopped at the moment of the apparition also seeming to see the divine Mother. To finish this first part I need to tell you about what happened on July 26, the feast of St. Anne. The weather was terrible, the rain was torrential.

We are at school, a lady from Alençon passing through who was praying to the Blessed Virgin, looks up towards the hill and sees the facade of a magnificent basilica. She immediately called a Sister who saw the same thing but after a minute everything disappeared.

Then the nun calls the two other sisters and the five residents present. Everyone immediately begins to pray the rosary. Immediately the Vision reappears, but this time complete: the entire basilica is there! The nine clairvoyants go up to the class to see better. For an hour the Vision appears and disappears a dozen times.

The basilica is so radiant with light that the foliage of the trees hundreds of meters away is radiant with white. Thus ends the first cycle of Tilly’s apparitions. It spreads over four months, exactly one hundred and thirty-one days, and includes twenty-six apparitions

Including twenty-four of the Virgin, the majority on the spot of Mr. Lepetit. The video could have ended there as the events are exceptional. But it’s far from the end. Because I cannot relate the apparitions of Tilly without talking to you about Marie Martel. She is a 24-year-old girl who lives in

Cristot, a hamlet a few kilometers from Tilly sur Seulles. She works as a seamstress and Marie Martel has always been pious and very religious. Like many people, she heard about the apparitions of March 18 at the Sacré-Coeur school. Also she came for the first time on April 1st to the field of apparitions.

She feels drawn by an irresistible force. And every evening after work, she goes to this place. She has rather fragile health and it is quite difficult for her because she has to walk almost 10 km every evening. 5 outward and 5 return.

On April 25, 1896, as usual, she went to the apparition site accompanied by a friend. During each journey she recites the rosary without interruption. Arriving there, she begins to pray with her friend. Suddenly next to an abalone

She sees a lady dazzling with light. There is no doubt about it, it is the Virgin Mary. Faced with this spectacle, Marie Martel can only utter the following words: O My Mother, My Mother, take me with you. The Virgin Mary smiled upon hearing these words. Marie Martel is surprised because

Her friend does not seem to see the Virgin. – Don’t you see anything to the right of the abalone? – No nothing at all. What do you see ? – Look how she smiles at us, she holds out her arms to me – What is she like, tell me quickly?

The Virgin Mary was of a completely celestial beauty, dressed in white with a blue sash, golden roses were placed on her bare feet, and at her feet, a white banner. There were these words written in gold letters: “I AM THE IMMACULATE. » As always in this case, the news quickly reaches the

Ears of all the residents. And as a result the tree where the apparition took place, the abalone, was quickly reduced to nothing. In fact, everyone wanted a little piece of it, so we tore off leaves, then when there were no more branches, then finally the bark.

From there, the Virgin presented herself several times to Marie Martel who quickly fell into ecstasy during each apparition. At first some people thought that she was simulating all this and that it was just inventions. But then an almost unique phenomenon occurred, which was reported

By numerous witnesses, including a doctor. When Marie Martel is in ecstasy it is possible to see in her eyes an image which stands out on her slightly raised iris. A luminous shape was clearly present as if the Virgin was there in front of her.

I have not found a similar case in the different apparitions that I have treated. There was a physical and observable phenomenon in the eyes of the clairvoyant attesting to the reality of what she was experiencing. From June 15, 1896, Mrs. Henry offered to accommodate Marie Martel

In Tilly in order to avoid the long Cristot-Tilly journeys given her poor health. Because Marie suffers from several ailments, including heart rheumatism. When she was a child, her father and mother were working, and there was no one to look after her

, so she remained alone, for whole days, lying in a very small, very humid room, with a slice of bread on her bed. In these unfavorable hygienic conditions, she contracted rheumatic heart disease which caused her to suffer throughout her life. Before continuing, I would like to focus on

Marie Martel’s behavior because it is always an essential element. Here are some testimonials from people who worked with her. His life can be summed up in three words: prayer, suffering and work. Up at half past four in the morning, it is rare that at ten o’clock in the evening

She is not still at work. She must thus enlarge the days, even the longest ones, because to work is added all the time she devotes to prayer. Every day, she hears Holy Mass; every day,

She goes up to the Field to recite the Holy Rosary. In the evening, she comes to church to adore the One to whom she belongs, and her prayers often continue into the night. Here’s another: During the first ten or eleven months, her life in Tilly was only one of suffering,

Forced to rely on two sticks to walk. When suffering allows her to catch her breath, she finds time to work for the poor. She welcomes children and visits the elderly. Every day, she takes care of a poor old woman who shows her no gratitude.

THE VIRGIN BEGINS TO SPEAK On July 16, 1896, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Marie Martel heard the voice of the Virgin Mary for the first time. Penance, my child, penance. Marie Martel replies: Oh my good mother, I want to go with you and even right away if you want.

The Virgin replied: You will have a lot to suffer here below. If you are faithful to the mission you have to fulfill, I promise you to be happy in the next Life. On July 26 she received this message: Pray and do penance if you want to ward off punishment.

On August 2, 1896, the Virgin explains why she chose to appear to Tilly. “Here where I showed myself, once upon a time, there was a monastery. Here itself, many times, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated by Saints in the eyes of my Divine Son.” And by doing research we will learn

That there was indeed a monastery in this place which was destroyed in 1400. August 15, 1896 is the feast of the Assumption. The procession continues to the field of apparitions. It was Bishop Monseigneur Hugonin who requested it. A statue offered by a family is blessed but not by the bishop

To avoid this act being taken as approval of the apparitions. On this day Marie Martel really suffers a lot and the Virgin will say to her: My child, suffering is only temporary for those who accept it in union with my

Divine Son. Afterwards the reward is up there. The next day, August 16, Marie Martel will experience 3 ecstasies, including one where the Virgin appears to her with a starry dress, thus recalling the apparition of Pontmain on which I made a video that I invite you to discover.

I open a little digression about suffering. I’ve noticed that this is a subject that is never really understood. We rightly flee from suffering because it is there to show us that we are on the wrong track. Without suffering we could not

Understand that we have gone astray. This is also how the majority of humans calm down. When they suffer. No matter how gently or forcefully you warn them, they generally dismiss you saying that they choose to live their life as they please. But when the consequences of their attitudes begin to appear then

Very often they are horrified at all that they will have to assume and they begin to think. However, if you follow the lives of the saints you will have noticed that the vast majority go through very difficult trials and great suffering. And we can question ourselves. Why do such virtuous people

Suffer so much? There are of course answers to this. Rather than a long speech I will use a short story. Imagine that you are in a magnificent place, a forest with a stream where pure water flows and where animals come to drink. There are flowers on trees and birds.

And there suddenly arrives a large truck which dumps a pile of garbage and rubbish into the stream which begins to make sick the animals which drink from it. Of course you are not responsible for this fact. The majority of us will alert the

Necessary authorities so that the perpetrator is arrested and the place is cleaned up. But it will take a long time during which this place will remain polluted and unlivable. However, there are certain people who, seeing the divine work thus defiled,

Will want to act immediately by cleaning the area and helping the sick animals. Of course they are not at all obliged to do this, nothing obliges them to do so. Like the majority, they could go and alert the competent authorities to repair this damage.

But these people are so sad to see creation so damaged that they cannot wait. They want to act immediately and so they get to work. And it’s very difficult because they get dirty cleaning all this and they even get

Bitten by certain animals while caring for them because they have gone crazy drinking the polluted water. But in the end everything became clean again and the divine work was once again resplendent. Harmony has returned. And with all this waste these people manage, thanks to their nobility and holiness, to transform the rubbish

Into gold with which they can do wonders and help even more people. Well in the same way there are very evolved people who accept to suffer for a greater cause and for the glory of God. No one is forcing them to do this. But

These beings love God so much that they cannot tolerate his work being soiled. I won’t say more on this subject but I hope this may have enlightened some people. There will be many more apparitions during this year 1896. I cannot describe them all here. But to get the full story as well

As deep thoughts on the subject, I invite you to contact the Notre Dame de Tilly association and its president Eric Martin. He has also given numerous very detailed conferences on his YouTube channel Notre Dame de Tilly which I invite you to discover as always all the information is in the description.

Marie Martel will also see Jesus during the apparition on October 11, 1896. For an instant Christ appears to her in the purest blue. A large scarf is like a coat, leaving his injured side exposed, his pierced hands and feet. As I told you previously, it happened that we saw

Luminous phenomena in Marie Martel’s eyes and on November 21, 1896, many witnesses said they saw sometimes Christ in transfiguration with the Virgin Mary below him sometimes an unknown religious building. On February 2, 1897 Marie Martel saw under the Virgin a luminous banner on which was written in gold letters:

“QUEEN OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY, PRAY FOR US, WHO ALL HOPE IN YOU” Towards the end of September 1897, the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, made appear to the eyes of Marie Martel, a banner held by two angels on which were inscribed in succession, these words: “Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries”

She told the young girl that she would now need , while reciting the rosary, meditate on the Mysteries. Because reciting the rosary without meditating is sterile. I have often talked to you about prayer on this channel and in particular the intensity with which it must be recited.

Mechanical prayers are counterproductive. The Virgin will deliver a message on this subject: We do not pray enough, there are some, it seems that prayer burns them and in fact, quite a few people leave without staying long, the rosary bores them. What more riches Our Lady gives us with these words.

She is right a large majority prays with boredom, how many people we see repeating “our Father” several times a day and swearing that they cannot forgive afterwards. What meaning do these prayers have? None ? If praying is a chore or a duty for you, then question your intentions?

Imagine the first time you were in love? Was it a chore for you to say “I love you” to the person who loved you? So when we address God, the source of all Love, how can we feel bored? Obviously and as always there were many detractors and in particular people

Saying that it was not the Virgin who appeared but the devil. Also during one of her ecstasies at the end of October 1897 Marie Martel said to the Queen of Heaven. “Show yourself to everyone!… We don’t believe it… they say it’s the devil…”

Then in front of her a celestial banner unfolds which Marie Martel hastens to read with joy. Her eyes move and She gently pronounces: “I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION” And she comments: “it is to show that you are the Mother of the Good Jesus…”, and she

Continues to pray the Rosary. And almost a month later it is this time the Virgin who will say to him out loud and distinctly pronounce the sentence: “I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION” THE BASILICA I had already mentioned to you during the apparitions at the school of sacred

Heart, the vision of a religious building of great beauty experienced by the sisters. In the same way, between May 26, 1897 and October 1, 1898, in the meadow located on the other side of the elm, Marie Martel will also see this magnificent basilica,

The exterior of which Notre Dame shows her and inside during certain ecstasies. When she walks there, the clairvoyant seems to admire everything she sees. On August 15, 1897, a most incredible phenomenon related to the basilica took place.

Although in the middle of summer it rains heavily. After all, we are in Normandy, aren’t we? :))) Marie Martel asks those accompanying her to bring candles because the Blessed Virgin has promised to bless them. We wonder if it is worth

Turning them on because given the intensity of the rain they risk going out very quickly. And yet to everyone’s astonishment the candles do not go out. Marie Martel takes the front of the procession. Everyone has difficulty following her because everyone is wading through

The mud and wet grass. But the surprise is great because we see Marie Martel moving forward without any effort; she seems to be sliding on slabs, she moves forward with her eyes to the sky without looking at her feet and without tripping once. She then announces:

I saw the interior of the Basilica. After a final ecstasy where she visited this place she declared on October 1, 1898: I am going to sketch it today. She will later be helped by an architect to draw up the plan. But don’t think that he will act according to his inspiration.

Marie Martel will redo the sketches several times because the architect had not respected her vision. The length must be 120 meters, the width 30 and 32 meters. 15 steps to access each of the 3 entrances. In the choir 7 altars are provided attributed to saints designated by the Virgin.

One is planned for Joan of Arc, which concerns Marie Martel because she is not a saint. But Mary will tell him that Joan of Arc will one day be Saint. Joan of Arc was beatified in April 1909 and canonized on May 16, 1920. During the apparition on April 25, 1899, the Virgin showed

Marie Martel a painting of the Holy Family. She told him that Abbot Durand would take him to Rome and present him to the Holy Father. But before that, his vision must come to fruition. So the clairvoyant deploys all her energy so that the representation of the Holy Family is entirely

Consistent with the vision she received. For several days, she will work with an artist named Mlle Le Gagneux, indicating with each brush stroke how it should be directed, neglecting no detail, scrupulously correcting everything that seemed

Defective to her. What emerged from this work was a true masterpiece, admired by all those who saw it. As the Virgin had planned, Father Durand left for Rome in July 1900, taking the painting of the holy family. There, he had it reproduced by a

Renowned artist who took barely a month to do the work. Leo XIII granted him an exceptional audience. The painting pleased the pope so well that he wanted it for his private apartments. In gratitude the pope gave Father Durand the rosary which he used daily. On April 25, 1899,

Our Lady asked Marie Martel to go to Lourdes on a pilgrimage and announced to her that sick people would be healed in her hands. On August 17, 1899, Marie took the train from Audrieu to join the white-blue train of the national pilgrimage in Paris towards Lourdes.

“Arriving in Lourdes, I was happy to see so many pilgrims come to greet the Queen of Heaven and the Blessed Virgin said to me: “My child, you see that the world comes here in large numbers to pray. Hey! well, my child, it’s not much compared to those who will come there

To Tilly; one day Lourdes will become a little Tilly. ” My child, Tilly, this is the summary of all the appearances that I have made throughout the world.” On the evening of August 22, we succeeded, not without difficulty, in having the order of the Blessed Virgin carried out: that

Mary bathes sick children. As the Immaculate had announced: healings took place in Lourdes, after leaving the swimming pool in the hands of Marie Martel. “I bathed a little girl who could have been between 5 and 6 years old . This child was healed: her name is Yvonne Gouet. Here are two statements that

The Virgin will make about Tilly. “My triumph will be in the midst of the great trials that will soon arrive. Be courageous: after the fight you will have victory, and when you are victorious down here, the reward is up there! “Take courage my children, I tell you ‘affirms,

I will do here what I have never done in the whole world” I would still have many things to say to you about the appearances of Tilly on Seulles. In particular the conversion of Marie Martel’s father who is a very moving episode or

Even Paul Guérard who was another seer. Yes you heard correctly after the episode of the school and Marie Martel there was another seer of the Virgin Mary. There are also numerous prophecies which have been revealed to him.

So there are still many things to tell you but the video is already very long and I am sure that the vast majority have not stayed until now. And before concluding and to thank the

People who have stayed until now. At the end I am going to give you three gifts. A small book which is the Report read at the Marian Congress of Friborg on August 19, 1902 as well as a small card

Helping you to meditate on the mysteries and a card representing the Virgin with her prayer. To try to win one of these gifts, simply leave the following sentence in a comment: Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us who all hope in you

And I will draw before Christmas to send you these gifts. And don’t forget that you can have a 10% reduction on the very beautiful rosaries from Benoît Laurençon with the code MARIE10. One of the reasons for the non-recognition of the Church to this day comes from a message from the Virgin.

In fact on December 8, 1904 she declared: “The Clergy is not what it should be”. This message may surprise many of you and yet. It is completely understandable. The Virgin Mary does not want an administrative type Church like our current governments where people come to make relationships and make a career.

The Virgin wishes for the most virtuous nuns and monks. Having a noble ideal and a sense of sacrifice. For this is how the kingdom of God can be established. Unfortunately if you study Church history you will see that this is not always the case.

In rich families, the eldest child pursued a military career to become a general and the youngest a religious career to become a bishop. Many priests today are demotivated, asleep, canceled. They do the union minimum, I would be tempted to say. Some enter the orders out of

Spite because they were not successful in their initial career or are disappointed by life. During certain investigations, I was even surprised to see testimonies from Vatican ecclesiastics who were not even aware of certain Marian apparitions that were nevertheless recognized. Of course, you shouldn’t put everyone in the same basket.

There are still fortunately people who work in silence, who are not recognized for their true value and who have very high ideals and who serve God in the most beautiful of ways. And we must applaud them because given our time it’s really very difficult. Unfortunately these are exceptions.

I will not go into the scabrous scandals suffered by the Church because all of this is over-represented in today’s media. But nevertheless it is clear that the Virgin is right. The Clergy is not what it should be. A day will come when religious men and women will all be holy beings

Who will give all of humanity the direction to follow. Not only by words but also and above all by the virtues that they will embody. They will be examples from which everyone can draw inspiration. They will be the “stars” of tomorrow and every child will one day wish to become like them.

This is what our society lacks in the examples of people we wish to imitate. Nowadays, unfortunately, children want to look like gangsters, rappers, influencers with excessive egos, these are the only models presented to them. You have to know how to humiliate others, crush your brother, show off your luxury car,

Adorn yourself with your Rolex and your Vuitton bag. This is what adults offer young people. Well, precisely so that the Kingdom of God comes on earth, so that the world becomes more beautiful and more virtuous, let us show young people that another path is possible.

And let’s not just do it with words but by making our life an example of virtue. Every day we fight to tame our vices to make them work in the service of God. Let’s develop our qualities instead of complaining

And only focusing on what’s going wrong. Let’s move forward, let’s rise. And if we fall it doesn’t matter, let’s always get back up. This is how the kingdom of God will come to earth. I wish you the best.

Découvrez une apparition des plus exceptionnelles qui s’est déroulée à Tilly-sur-Seulles dans le calvados en France.
Le site de Benoit LAURENCON
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#tilly #apparition #notredame #rosaire #prière #miracle #mariemartel

📚 Sources :

Historique des apparitions de Tilly-sur-Seulles : Récits d’un témoin
Editions : Les Documents de Tilly
Les apparitions marieales de Tilly-sur-Seulles – Père Aubry
Editions : RESIAC
Rapport au congrès Marial de Fribourg

🎞🖼 Images et vidéo :
Huillam Daverec

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    Il ne pourra notamment pas y avoir de livraison avant Noël.

    Merci de votre compréhension et en cas de besoin, contactez le sur son site.

  2. M. Benoit LAURENCON je suis TRÈS déçue de l' adresse que vous donnez sur votre site comme référence d'informations à propos des pierres, et particulièrement sur la pierre ''Œil de Tigre. Toutes ses croyances sont fausses sur ces pierres, c'est prouvé scientifiquement. Ce sont des arnaques. Veuillez svp avoir la gentillesse d'enlever ces références M. Huilliam Daverec, je ne comprends pas qu'une telle erreur n'a pas été corrigée? Merci d'agir le plus tôt possible en ce sens.

  3. Merci infiniment pour votre bellle video et les avertissements que vous nous avsz divulgués notamment sue la prière du chapelet moi j'ai l'intention de bien prier le chapelet mais mon esprit s'egare vite puis je me reprends et continue. Enfin c'est ainsi. J'espère toujours sur mon ange gardien et me repose sur ses ailes avec par contre l'envie de plus de courage la prochaine fois.

  4. Reine du très Saint Rosaire priez pour nous ,qui espérons tout en Vous
    Rita Barrella Péan d'Haïti.
    On est en janvier , je sais qu il ne s'agit plus de tirage, mais mon coeur me dicte á écrire la prière.

    Bonne journée Huilam.
    Continuer ce travail sans découragement.

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