美浓传统客家擂茶 在一碗来之不易的茶中 领会古人的养生智慧和人生哲学

Hi ~ Hello everyone, we are in Meinong now because we are going to try Hakka Leicha today. Wow, this store looks so interesting. The store is so beautiful . Look at Meinong Leicha here. I don’t even know what Leicha is . It inherits the Hakka style. Continuing the Hakka sentiment

, find a seat and sit down first. Thank you . It looks great. You can sit in that one . You can sit in this one. This one is too beautiful. It’s great. We have been open for more than 20 years . It hasn’t changed in several years , it hasn’t changed.

Wow, it’s great. If you want to renovate, the old customers say no , don’t renovate. Everyone has feelings. Yes, yes, all of them are old customers who have been here for more than 20 years. They all have feelings . Oh, it’s just grinding . Okay , wait a moment.

The top of your hand is fixed like this . Don’t move. Then it’s very easy for you to grind it on the bottom like this . Then I’ll prepare some tea to entertain you later. Okay, thank you. How long should you beat it until the oil is fine

? So it’s fine. So if you move like this, just grind it like this, right, right, you don’t need a hammer. If you say Mojiha Moji, you call it that glutinous rice cake. It is used. Hammered glutinous rice cakes are made with hammers. In the early days, we used hammers. We

Also have Hamaki here . Wait, if you want one, 20 yuan or three, 50 yuan is better. Many customers come here specially to eat our mochi . . numb. . Ciba la Ciba is good. I want to eat it. Haha , let’s grind it here and here. So this is grinding. Leicha

Needs to grind out oil. Grind out oil. He said to grind out oil . Where does the oil come from ? It’s in peanuts and sesame seeds. Oil, grind it slowly , I grind it slowly and I will show you

The T-shirt of the grass mud horse riding a bicycle that I bought yesterday. It gave me the power to grind. I still put on the horse stance and it seemed to smell the fragrance. Yes, it has a fragrance, right? It has the aroma of whole grains, sesame, brown rice and peanuts.

I read on the Internet that it seems that in the earliest times, it was a Hakka “escape meal” during the war. This was done by frying the whole grains and then taking them with you and adding some tea . It’s not easy to get worms.

When you get to a place and you’re hungry, grind it into powder and rinse it with water. It can both satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst. Wow, I’ve grinded it a little finer. The big brother just now said to grind it gently

Like this, but I think it’s better this way. It is more energetic and saves effort and time. It is a way for rich people, other than aristocrats, to drink in their leisure time. One way is for aristocrats to drink . For rich people, let us talk about the way rich people, aristocrats, relax

. Today I am here to enjoy the wealth of the rich. This is Leicha . This is Leicha. Ours has sesame seeds, peanuts, lotus seeds, and gorgon . So we just introduced it to you . It is the aristocracy of the rich in ancient times.

He is During leisure time, we seem to be good friends, sitting down and chatting. He drinks salty Leicha. Is n’t this Salty Leicha? It’s the same thing . Leicha is something sweet before Leicha. If you want that, It is more difficult to obtain. If we talk about ordinary people, they drink more salty

Leicha. Like the Hakka people in Huizhou, Guangdong and Malaysia, their Leicha is different from the current improved Leicha. Oh, they are an authentic ancient Leicha , so after they have beaten it, they put a lot of some, ah , so some of the prepared ingredients, um, then put them in

And then add boiling water. Three or five good friends or Do you drink it again when family members get together ? This is great. Thank you for your popular science. So this is Leicha . This is also Leicha . This is the lotus seeds that have been ground by others.

This kind of powder and that powder. This is mine. I grind this myself. Okay. It smells really good. Look , this bowl is very particular. It has one edge after another, so it’s easier to grind. This should be the oil coming out. It has started to become moist,

So grind it out. It’s oily , so the more expensive the grind, the finer it is. I want to grind it finer to imbue it with nobility . Just now, the sister came to me specially and told me not to be lazy . My grind is not fine enough.

I was looking everywhere just now. Look, because I think this store is very beautiful, but my sister specially pulled me back and said that I can’t be lazy and I need to grind it a little finer, haha, okay, so he just poured that one in, and poured the finer one in

. Thank you. Does this also need to be ground? Yes, oh, what about this? If you are thirsty, can you drink osmanthus tea? Yes, it was iced just now. It was served to the boss . Wow , this osmanthus tea is delicious. Our osmanthus tea is delicious here. Many customers from Tainan

, we customers from Tainan are very picky. Haha, so the quality at your side is very high. It’s great. Thank you for helping me hold the bowl. Let me demonstrate again. Help me hold the bowl . Let’s fix it like this. Ha, use it first. With a little effort,

Just make circles and small circles like this. Why? Because the older generation has the concept of dietary supplements. Well, our concept of dietary supplements comes from traditional Chinese medicine. The concept of traditional Chinese medicine comes from Taoism. Taoism teaches us that we have to adapt to whatever we do. Naturally,

It takes advantage of the trend and uses force without any effort. So when you are playing, it doesn’t matter whether you use your left hand, left hand or right hand. Well, as long as you feel comfortable, it will be fine. Then comes Leicha. You ca n’t use a hammer .

You can use the pounder because it’s not mochi . Because this ceramic is inedible and you can’t add random ingredients to it. Then you can stir it in big circles and small circles. Okay, and it’s a Taoist idea . Let’s use this wooden spoon to stir it from beginning to end. content inside

What about this brush? We use it last to brush the stick, and brush the bowl. Have you seen the white one that has been ground fine? Have you seen the good one that has sesame seeds that have been finely ground ? Why? In ancient times, there were no dentists.

What should I do if my teeth were bad ? In ancient times, there were no dentists. So I had to use beating sticks and thunder bowls to grind and smash all the contents. Play and twist your buttocks and exercise. Hey, right, exercise, hahaha Thank you very

Much. I will grind it a little finer for you. If your tooth is broken, I will grind it a little finer for you. You need to grind it while twisting it. My sister said that I need to grind it while twisting it. I will grind it and twist it

Just now. When the sister finished speaking, I understand better. She said yes. Go with nature , so this becomes more labor-saving. It’s not like I had to stir like this just now . In fact, stirring like this is very tiring, so I should go with nature and follow the force to grind it.

This is the mochi from our Hakka . Thank you for using us in Taiwan. The local glutinous rice is a mixture of the sharp glutinous rice and the round glutinous rice . If you buy it in the supermarket, they add emulsifiers , so you put it in the refrigerator

For a year and a half . It’s still soft , it won’t be this, it won’t be this. If you put it in the refrigerator for a day, it will harden . It will harden, so it has to be eaten on the same day. The tasting period is only one day. Where

Are we from, uh, Qingdao, mainland, oh mainland, Qingdao, Shandong ? Yes , Shandong people are taller and taller in ancient times. Well, we belong to the south. If we say south of the Yangtze River Basin , well, if we are very tall, we call them southerners and northerners. They

Were born in the south, but their appearance is in the north, and their personality is The more stubborn ones are a bit more stubborn. This has something to do with migration in ancient times. It has something to do with refugees, wars, and everything. People migrated south from the Central Plains.

So I’m asking you, what do you think of Shandong people? They themselves are relatively tall . I am relatively tall. If I am a southerner, then I am very stubborn, right ? Hahaha. Generally, southerners belong to rice-eating culture. Northerners belong to pasta and meat culture , so they will be taller

. I am taller . A serious northerner, aren’t you a stubborn southerner? This handsome guy is also from the north. I’m from Beijing. Yes, your facial features are official . Oh, official. Yes, he has a very high forehead, boss. I’m so happy that I have horns on my forehead. You do too.

Do I also have horns? But you do. . (If I didn’t understand, I guess it means my forehead is big.) This means that the brain capacity is bigger than the average. A big brain means a big brain. He has horns and his thinking ability is very good. You also have an official appearance.

Your nose is also Very beautiful. Oh, thank you, boss. Thank you, thank you. This nose is big. He is the master of wealth in ancient times. When those wandering pirates entered Kyoto, the first one they killed was you. Hahahahahaha . This is a noble. Noble. Hey, the boss got promoted

And then he gave me surgery. My brain capacity is bigger than other people’s brains. If you have a big brain , you can be a maid . How come I have to be a maid? Why do I have to be a maid ? I can grind the director’s teeth

Well. Board members, give it a good fight. Oh, let me grind it for you. Please help me grind it. Please ask if outsiders are not allowed to do this work . Outsiders are officials outside and are at home . Haha .

The work that should be done at home cannot be done without tools. People still have to do it. Tool man, haha, isn’t this still a tool man? Goose, goose, goose, oh my God, I laughed like a goose. Hahaha , oh my God, I laughed so hard. You have to use this

Tool. Tool man. Tool man, you have to learn to use tools. I haven’t eaten in a day. I haven’t eaten in a day. I only work after eating. Oh , I laughed so hard . This grinding thing is very fun. It’s fun , and you grind it from really big peanuts.

Confucius and Mencius’ thoughts. That’s Confucianism. The second one is Taoism , which is Lao Tzu. In Xuzhou, their highest state is called “inaction”. Well, the highest state of Confucianism is called “gentleman”. There is another thought, Legalism. The highest state of Legalism is called “fairness”. The opposite of fairness is called calculation

. One thought is a relatively philosophical one called Zhuangzi Thought. Zhuangzi Thought emphasizes “nature”. Nature is good. Nature is a philosophy. Like us, great responsibilities have been entrusted to us by heaven. People have toiled their minds , starved their bodies, and depleted their bodies. Oh, these are all Lao Tzu’s ideas. So

We Hakka people sometimes have that kind of ideological contact with them, so we Hakka people go from the north to the south, looking for his Peach Blossom Spring, Tao Yuanming, he said, picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing us in Nanshan. The Hakka people have always been looking for this realm there.

Hard work and hard work are also some of the mottos of our Hakka people. Thank you for teaching us how to drink (lei tea). Now it feels right, right, and it makes sense to me. Teach you first, you can teach him later. Haha, come on, I’ll stir it and

Smell it while stirring it for you . Stir it thoroughly. It smells so good . It’s the first round of Leicha. It’s like when we were young and had angular personalities, so we drank it. Oh, sometimes you still get kaka , and sometimes you still get the bitter taste of raw tea.

Oh, then why do you want to play again? It will be better after a while. Let’s take the first sip. Then you have to taste the fragrant rice, tea fragrant and sesame fragrant. It also has a peanut fragrance. It’s so fragrant. Remember, you can’t stir this rice

, or you have to eat it to get the crispiness. Let’s drink from oily to light. We drink from thick to thin. Let’s play, drink and play. Well, is this water or tea? This is the tea, tea leaves, barley and cassia seeds, oh, tea leaves, barley and cassia seeds

, because we, the older generation, have dietary supplements. The concept of champion tea is that it melts in the mouth when it is beaten. Yes , because the biggest difference between our Eastern culture and Western culture is that our Eastern culture is first bitter and then

Happy. Western culture is first happy and then bitter. Is there any older generation in our Eastern culture called We want life to be bitter first and then sweet. When it is sunny, we must store food for rainy days. If there is an old man in the family

, there is a treasure. We must also respect teachers and Taoism. We must always seek inward . Well, this is our traditional Hakka culture . Well, Western culture is just the opposite of us . Well, it’s better to taste it first. Is the first sip different from the previous one ? It

‘s getting sweeter. Yes, it’s getting sweeter. Well, that’s it . In life, you have to eat sugar cane. It’s bitter first and then it’s sweet. This one is sweeter than the one just now. Leicha won’t let you work in vain. He will give you the taste once.

Play it twice and it will taste twice. Play it three times and it will taste three times. Hey , it’s great . If you are lazy, you will never be able to taste that championship tea . It ’s so fragrant. It’s fragrant and sweet.

But it’s right. It’s not the kind of overly sweet, it’s the kind of sweetness that comes from the food itself . Well, it’s best to drink Leicha with more than two people . You have to drink it while playing , from thick to fine to strong. When it’s light

, I’ll teach you how to eat mochi. This is our traditional Hakka mochi. Traditional Hakka mochi. Yes, yes, it’s mochi. Yes , yes. This one is made from whole grains of rice. Let’s flatten it first . Let’s eat the traditional sesame and peanut flavor first. Knead it together.

Why do you want to knead it together so that you don’t choke on the peanut powder ? A good friend is called Moji . If you have a good relationship, you are called Moji. Moji is all blended together. It ‘s all together . Let’s eat the traditional flavor first. It’s okay. I’ll

Teach you how to open your mouth . Ah~~~~~~ Remember you can’t talk when eating our mochi. Why? Because it’s good to enjoy the aroma of the food. Then we’ll come again if we come again. Yes, this one also needs to be added with leicha. We know how to make mochi

Because the customers want to make it sticky with leicha and add rice brown rice. He said that other places can’t get a good mochi , so we will eat different flavors. Wow, will this one work? It doesn’t matter if it’s too big. I have a big mouth

And can eat. People who know how to eat are blessed. People in the past said that it is very important for a family to have a prosperous stove and for a family to have a prosperous stove. To eat is very important . ~~~~ It’s very big. Sorry, if you chew it slowly, it

Will have a layered texture. It’s delicious. It will have tea aroma, sesame aroma, peanut aroma , and the rice is crispy. Another way to eat the texture is to put it in here. Okay, so this one needs to be thick, because we are going to put the mochi in here later

. It’s a bit like glutinous rice balls, right, because like me and my husband, we are both big landowners. The offspring , so we are very particular about eating , so this is really eating while playing, right, right, playing, eating , eating and playing , this is so interesting

, so why do we have such tricky mouths ? We have been obsessed with our mouths since we were little. Our older generation all talk about what we eat. We have to obey God, that is, we should eat whatever God gives us to eat.

These are seasonal fruits and vegetables in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Only in this way can the body be healthy. Yes, okay, thank you. Let’s play again. Thank you . Let’s play together. As long as there is such a clicking sound while playing, there is still room for improvement .

So I discovered that actually, I used to Our ancestors are the real people who make a living. I think we rich people now are too pitiful and have no time to have children. They are busy every day. Do you think it is because our ancestors in the past, us Chinese,

Know better about life ? It’s like our life. We have to master it instead of it mastering us. When we were young, grandpa must eat first . Well, grandpa would have fish and meat for every meal . After grandpa ate, it was my dad’s turn. For uncles and uncles, only boys can eat

First. After the boys have finished eating, the children can eat. The children can’t be served. If the children ca n’t be served, then wait until the boys are full. Then I’ll switch to my mother, so I can give it to you. Guess who my grandma is eating grandma with? Is it with grandpa?

Or with a boy? With a boy? Or with a girl? With a girl . Yes, drink again and see if it is different from before. Step 2 I’ve been grinding this for so long just now. I’m playing and drinking. I’m playing . From thick to thin. From strong to light.

Do you want it to be sweeter? Wow, it’s sweeter and finer . It’s really thin . It tastes much different. Boss, try it. The boss is a typical example of capitalism. It starts with sweetness and then bitterness. It doesn’t matter that the

Coarse one we just grinded in the early stage is a bit bitter. It doesn’t matter if you drink it from the bowl. It doesn’t matter when you finally drink the bitter one. Traditional culture seems invisible and colorless , but it determines our modern times. Where does society come from?

It has shaped our appearance and tempered our thoughts for thousands of years . The wisdom of the ancients is also the essence accumulated over thousands of years. Progress and tradition are not a pair of antonyms. Innovation never leaves the roots . No matter how arrogant an era is,

Tradition cannot be forgotten. The inheritance of thought and culture , because only by knowing where our lives come from can we know where our steps are heading.


#asianfood #asianculture #客家文化


  1. Sean 他們前幾天去馬來西亞一家餐廳也點了擂茶,結果每個人都喝了一口就喝不下去了,他們喝的那個是應該是用機器打出來的

  2. 直到今天看了這集,

  3. 那位教妳擂茶的阿姨也做太久了吧⋯⋯(難道是闆娘?),這家的擂茶真的是最好喝的,美濃的麻糬也是最道地好吃的😋❤

  4. 那個大同電扇阿嬤留下來的還在用😊

  5. 阿罐師今天化身小動物被餵食,還分享客家追本溯源的精神,擂茶相傳是三國名將張飛打仗時,張飛陣營中的草藥醫發明的,從前戰亂逃難,到瘴癘之地,水土不服,茶能解渴,又能解毒

  6. 擂茶棒是以芭樂樹來製作最佳,油茶樹、布驚頭次之,其他樹木則不可用,因在研磨擂茶過程中,擂棍之成份也同時加入其中,因此能健胃整腸之芭樂樹最為適當。

  7. 台灣的山東人好像是分散在各地,當初應該沒有特別把山東老兵分配到哪裡,像泰緬孤軍才是有分配的,聚落就在桃園龍岡、台北雙和等地。山東人在韓戰時,台灣有美援麵粉之後,台灣各地的山東老兵,就開始大量製作山東的各式麵點(包子、饅頭、蔥油餅…等),很多老兵在擺攤開店時,就取名叫山東大饅頭,該名號也就從此在台灣敲響,提到饅頭就會想到山東。

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