A Motorcycle Adventure Through Nordic Fjords and Forests | Full Movie

It is finally time to get out on the road again. It’s been a poor summer with a lot of bad weather and the season has not been that great for me. Me and my good friend Matthias has been invited to an adventure festival in Latvia and in

This video he will follow me as I ride through some spectacular roads in Norway and Sweden before I meet up with Matthias in the southern parts of Sweden and take the ferry over to Latvia. I’ve always been a fan of riding alone. Being a solo rider has a lot of upsides

And let you enjoy more of the trip on your own terms. But this adventure has wakened something in me, something deep in my core and I really liked it. Good morning. A couple of more minutes. Still early. And the damn traffic goes by. That was Robin? A guy I met in Sweden at

The Moscow meetup we had there in early May. Yeah, it always amazed me who you end up meeting at the side of the road. Today I’m here outside Øvre Årdal I don’t have too many plans this time around. I’m gonna, the only thing I know for sure is I’m gonna meet up with

Matthias in one week from now. We’re gonna take the ferry over to Latvia. We’re gonna attend the OUTDURO Scout event. So I’m just gonna continue my trip enjoying the road, see some places I’ve never been to before. I really hope to have a nice holiday before the event starts.

There’s so many of these roads I really want to explore. But they’re all behind lock gates and it’s a private own. So yeah, I just have to return but it’s really nice. Those first sip every morning. You can’t beat that. There’s a woodpecker here behind some branches.

But yeah, anyway, I’m here at Grimsbu. The weather was supposed to be nice. But as you can see, it’s fogged down. It is often like this in Norway when the fall sets in, because you have really high fluctuating temperatures. Yesterday, I met up with two guys from Sweden

Who was in a cabin here. Don’t shoot me if I get their names incorrect. I’m terrible with names. Daniel and Johan, I think it was. And there is a guy here who runs sleds with dogs. So when the dogs wake up, they are just insane.

They’re just so eager to get on the road. So they were barking all over the place and waking up and what. But then it went going. And now it’s completely silence again. Now I’m just going to finish up my coffee. I’m going to hope that some of my gear

Dries up a little bit before I put everything on the bike and get going. I just passed a sign where it said “Yutulhogge.” Easy translate to English is “Jutulchop.” I’m not sure, but it’s quite impressive. I’ve never been to these parts before, or I just ride past it earlier.

It was just a small sign at the side of the road. So I was just lucky to see it. I have to admit, it’s quite an impressive view. You know that feeling when you’re on the top of a high place like this, that sudden urge to jump? I don’t get that.

I found this really nice wind shelter place right over the border here in Sweden. But it was so insane amount of mosquitoes yesterday. It was just a set up my hammock and just dive into it and stay there. Absolutely horrible, the joy of wild camping. I’m just outside Mora now and I’m trying

To search on Google to see if the factory for Mora Knives is open but it’s not and it’s not allowed to take visitors from what they can read on the comments on Google reviews. They refer to the concept store inside Mora town. Today it’s Sunday so everything is closed, same as

In Norway. So there’s only one place open and that is an outlet store for Mora Knives just outside Mora. So I think I’m gonna visit them and see if they’re able to spot any good knives there or just to take a look at history. And there’s one thing that’s painfully obvious when you

Come to Sweden and that is it’s kind of flat and a lot of forest so you don’t go here to see the beautiful views. You kind of go here for one thing only and that is gravel roads and they have a lot of gravel roads. That was a little bit disappointing. The

Outlet store is just some knives that are yeah too bad in shape to be sold in a regular store and a lot of dollar horses. That was quite interesting as to see how they made them but that is not of interest of me. I wanted more of the

Mora Knives but another reason to get back here and visit Mora again because I really want to go into that concept store. What a day it’s been today. Oh, cheers. I’ve been searching online for wind shelters to rest at but every time I went to a new

Rest place or camping site it was either closed or it was rubbish or full of people. So I spent a lot of hours on that. Now I’m just here close to its rest place right outside a town I can’t even pronounce. So now I’m just sitting here in my hammock because the mosquitoes

Are terrorizing me. I’m not sure, I don’t think this is normal for the season but the amount of mosquitoes is just insane. There’s so many. Every time you stop your bike it’s just bombarding you. It’s not that great to camp when the conditions are like that to be honest because every time

You try to sit out and relax and enjoy the sunset it’s just mosquitoes everywhere. Good thing though is I’m gonna go to sleep early and I’m gonna wake up early and I will continue my trip down south towards… yeah let’s see. Let’s see what tomorrow brings. That one moment every morning just like

Flashbacks of all the good memories. It’s a little bit nippy this morning and of course it’s foggy as well and there’s a slight change of plans. I will continue towards the east coast of Sweden instead of going down south towards Vätän and Värnän that are areas I’ve been many times

Before and I want Stegra to guide me on some proper gravel roads towards there. I get a lot of questions about how I maintain my fitness. I try to do push-ups every morning and every night when I’m out on trips like this and of course you get a little bit of exercise when

You’re on the bike as well. Not many think that but you actually do you burn a lot of calories and make sure to drink a lot of water and eat a little bit salty food on the way so I don’t get dehydrated and I try to eat as

Healthy as possible. Yes I can treat myself with a pizza or something good but it’s all those small details every day that counts in the big picture so I try to eat healthy every morning and at least one or two meals every day will be healthy and I quite enjoy it

Actually. I enjoy making my own food at camp and yeah that is actually the easy answer. I just found out if you search up “Petrol stations” on your Garmin Zumo X-T2 It shows the newest price on gasoline in there as well I never saw that before and

That is quite genius to be honest Yeah some Italians may hate me for this but I’m so crazy that I actually put pasta in cold water And when this boils up I’m gonna cut up some broccoli and some red onion, ham, some pizza cheese and a little bit of pesto

Okay this does not look like a TV kitchen I do understand that but bear with me Swedish knife, dala red I do bet there is a better way to cut onions on but I don’t know about it I just need some slices, good chunks I’m gonna say what this one

And I take a little bit of strimlädchenka, a little bit of ham Oh that is nice Cheese Just gonna put it on the knife And you cannot have enough cheese so just put a good amount in it and I’ll maybe take some on the top afterwards When it’s been cooking for a while,

Approximately 10 minutes, taste it And just before it’s done we put in the broccoli Almost like Gordon Ramsay You cheeky Perfect And now I’m gonna mix it And why do I mix it in a cold bowl? Well because I don’t want to burn my hands off when I eat this

Just gonna stir it Okay it wasn’t a little bit much And now the last but very important part Pesto And you put in as much as you like That looked a little clumsy One thing left to say and that is bon appetit This is really good And I almost forgot Cheers Oh delicious

You can’t go outside for two minutes before they are all over you And if you’re dumb enough to have open skin or what you call it like this They just Oh yeah and they’re gonna sting at the first landing as well That doesn’t sit and wait, they just sting you

They are really aggressive I have so many mosquito bites in my neck and my legs So this morning I’m gonna sit inside of obvious reason and make a coffee And I will continue my trip further towards The coast I still got a lot of time before I need to get to the ferry

So I’m gonna continue out towards Østhammar and yeah that’s a little bit north from Stockholm And yeah just see how the adventure plans out I hope there will be a little bit more wind out at the coast And not so much mosquitoes Yeah it’s much nicer to camp when you can

Sit outside and enjoy the nice weather When it is like this it’s not fun at all It’s been a great trip so far Been riding on some really nice roads And I’m gonna do the same today I’m gonna just make a route one point to another with Stegra

And see where it takes me Because I have, in this area I have no clue where to go Well this could have been without all the mosquitoes We need to reverse the process. Well, the mosquito is not backing down. It’s been a long day on the bike and I’m absolutely sick and tired of the damn mosquitoes. I’m covered in mosquito bites on my legs, on my neck, in my head, my arms, everything.

And I just, today I just came to the conclusion I’m not gonna spend one more hour in the forest. Not a chance. So I booked this little hotel apartment thing at Arlanda where the airport in Sweden is. Oh, I’m scratching my legs. I’m getting desperate. And going into the shower

Makes it actually worse. [Gasp] Bacon-flavored toothpaste. Let’s see if it can be done. This was the only thing I managed to grab from my bike before I went up to this room. So I’m just gonna see if this could be noodles with bacon-flavored toothpaste. Mm-mm, no. Not gonna happen.

Well, I’m gonna have a good night’s sleep and tomorrow is a new day and let’s see what tomorrow brings. Next day I decide to sleep in. I find myself not enjoying the trip as I should and I decide to take a rest day in Stockholm so I can recharge my mental

Batteries. I take a trip to the Viking Museum. I like to do something completely different when I have rest days like this. Every morning that first cup it’s a beautiful morning. Yeah I love the fall when it’s colors like this and every time when it gets autumn I used to think that it’s

Maybe the best part of the year but I think that is in spring as well. Yeah because then you have been all winter you’re looking forward to brighter days and I think it’s quite funny because we all we long for the summer the actual summer but then when you’re in the spring and

Autumn I think that is I think it’s really great. Okay what seems to be the problem, TJommie? Yeah we discussed how to get on the ferry and we found out that I have forgot my passport Go figure and you need it to get aboard. Yeah. But we have

Solved it. How? We are going to get a temporary passport. Okay do you think we managed before we? Definitely. Okay. We will do it. Fortunately we were talking about it. Mattias was empty of fuel just 300 meters away from the petrol station and now we have to rush to get to

The police station so he can get a new passport so we can get the ferry over to Latvia. So this turns out to be quite an adventure after all. Do you have any tips for people who forget their passport at home? Yeah if you remember it in time you are

Able to get a temporary one. Next morning we arrive early in the land of OUTDURO. Me and Matthias has been invited to the very first Outduro Scout event and are really curious what these guys have in store for us. We don’t know much but we got instruction for where to meet and we

Are greeted by our Norwegian Outduro guy Ole. He leads us to the registration area where we sign in, get our goodie bag and are shown where we can camp for the weekend. We get a couple of hours to settle in before the Arturo team welcome all participants, give some practical information

Before they put up the flag to symbolize the event open. These guys don’t mess around. We get our first challenge and that is to figure out where to ride so we can get our bikes over river to the campground. We had to solve some coordinates and we had a huge

Decision to make muddy or forest. Wait wait wait wait wait We quickly understand that this is not a race. This event is all about helping each other and building relationships and making new friends. The first day is all about teamwork, challenges that you can encounter on the trails and some

Good old activities that spark the competitors in us. Yes some more than others but it’s all fun and games. And if you are one of the more experienced riders there are plenty of challenges for you as well. It really impressed me how they managed to balance all the activities

Between beginner and experienced. They made it fun for everyone. And let’s not forget the kitchen. The food and the meals they arranged for us is hands down the best experience I ever had. A good meal is the best team builder in the world. Next morning, start slow with a good cup

Of coffee and a fantastic breakfast. Today is the main scout event where everyone is put into groups of 2 and 2 riders. This is a navigational treasure hunt where you want to collect places that present you with different challenges and each place gives different point values. This will reward you in the end.

Some are faster than others but again this is no race. The most important part is to work together and finish as a team. We all had a really great time on the trails today. There is so much to share and tell from today’s challenges. You can really feel the connection and

Genuine interest for each other. We gather around the bonfire, share drinks, laughs, crazy stories and just let this whole experience sink in. There is so much more I could tell about this experience but I guess that is a story for another time. I really want to thank the Outduro team

For this amazing event. Thank you so much for inviting us. I want to thank each and every one of you who was there letting us learn to know you, your culture, love for adventure and how to throw a kick-ass party. I really hope to see you again next year. Thank you.

Join me on this unforgettable motorcycle adventure through the breathtaking landscapes of Norway, Sweden and Latvia. In this cinematic journey I take you on a thrilling ride through towering mountains, lush forests, and serene fjords as I try to capture the essence of a Nordic Motorcycle Adventure.
Me and my good friend @Braapncamp is joining the @OUTDURO Scout event and have time before the event to see what Norway and Sweden has to offer.

#Norway #MotorcycleAdventure #adventure

⭐️ A special Thank You to my Patreons ⭐️

✓ Ole Marius Husby ✓ Dominic Bannister
✓ John Kelly ✓ Konrad Diehm
✓ Dan Elkins ✓ Naor Ahikam
✓ Anthony Horgos ✓ Peter Sajo
✓ Dan Staff ✓ Simon Lewis
✓ Peter Park ✓ Wolfgang Preis
✓ René Elkjær ✓ Kristian Fidjeland
✓ Maik Breust ✓ Marc Andrews
✓ Gordon Campbell ✓ Greg H

Brands that support Me and my Channel:
☑️ Amok Equipment ➡️ https://bit.ly/2Pq0Zx0
☑️ Mosko Moto ➡️ https://bit.ly/4626N1N
☑️ Yamaha Bergen ➡️ https://bit.ly/45ZQcvI

These are companies I’ve been a fan of for a long time.
I’m passionate about their products, and I believe they offer products and services that truly make a difference.
If you would like to support my adventures or buy me a coffee, feel free use the link below.
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  1. Hey, great film! How do you cope with loneliness? Or do you never feel lonely when riding alone? I’m asking because I went on a solo trip last summer, and the loneliness was horrible. It really affected my adventure.

  2. You must be tall I sat on the 2024 yamaha T7 the other day and felt like a ballerina on it. Was on my tip toes and for some reason the seat felt wide compared to my low R1250GSA

  3. Grusveiene kan du ha for deg selv, men jeg liker å kjøre på den svenske landsbyga. Jeg får litt Emil i Lønneberget vibber. Det er øde og det er få folk som bor utenfor tettstedene. Jeg liker stillheten på landsbygda der. 🙂 Men nord for Østersund er det ikke kye å oppleve synes jeg. Liker meg best i sør sverige 🙂 Nok en flott video som vanlig 🙂

  4. Although I have seen every episode from you I find myself enjoying this film a lot, such beautiful cinematography and that t7 WR is just beautiful, I like that you have your luggage close to the bike, with this setup I guess the bike feels much more nimble, grate production 👍🏻
    Ps Mora knives are the best😜

  5. Greetings from Oregon brother Thomas i love your adventures you choose roads that ad to you trips well done! We ride to other states here you ride to other countries freaking awesome! I ride a 06 BMW r1200GS a little heavy at times loaded with gear i also camp and travel, its winter and cold and wet waiting for a break and off i go! at age 71 im very active and stay in shape and i love gravel roads! Be safe and GOD BLESS

  6. I have a 2023 MT09 that I wonder if it could use some Tenure luggage and turn it into a sort of tourer. It gets so much better gas mileage than my Raider. I would love to ride Norway one day.

  7. Great vid/movie and beautiful ride. I hate mosquitos. I wonder if there is a bug net that would cover a hammock or a bivy that would reach the ground eliminating them. Something one meter by 2 meters or so. It would be very light and compact. That would allow sitting in small camp chair with folding table while cooking. I prepare my own food as well. I won't eat but very little processed food. If it comes in a can it's almost a no go. Too much salt. I watch the Trangia cooking from campers. Do you prefer the gas stove model best? I haven't purchased one yet but will for the coming year. May get the alcohol burner as well. Too much stuff to carry. I like it simple. Optimus has the Polaris that runs on every fuel. Handy. We have a lot of BMW rallies and ADV get togethers over here. Meet friends for life like that. Interesting with common bonds of life's enjoyment. Do another. Good job

  8. Hei navnebror😉 Du har igjen laget et mesterverk av en film! Er så imponert over din måte å filme og redigere! Det er en ren nytelse å se på😊😊😊 Tusen takk for at du hjelper en vinter fast motorsykkelist ved polarsirkelen i nord Norge,komme gjennom en lang vinter,med et fantastisk motorsykkel eventyr på film😊👏😊👏😊👏Stor hilsning fra Thomas😊✌️😊






  10. ahahah looking at the bit where you cook the pasta I had chills but I could almost forgive you, but the onion and pesto without having warmed it up… ahhahaha it's a dish that screams revenge!
    But other than that the video is really good, despite the vicious mosquitoes! Note that I must mark for future trips to Sweden…. Liters of anti-mosquito lotion and make myself like a coffee that is not Italian espresso.
    And a last little question which motorbike boots do you use for this trip, like adventouring or enduro??

  11. Hi mate, Thank for making such video. I will be travelling to cover Scandinavian and parts of europe in Q3 2024 from India, your video will sure add some perspective on how i should plan my itinerary. I will be churning through your uploads for a bit to know more of your story.

  12. Great video and adventure!, I like the way you do fresh coffee everyday, thats great. And as for your chain adjustment at 38:20, well thats another league! so simple. Great footage and some help for my Norway trip planning.

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