거북이 보러 왔는데 태풍이 오는 가오슝😱🌪️

Maddening moisture tourist spot under construction a man who has gone mad Kaohsiung Typhoon Travel begins now Wow, it’s getting humid right away. what’s this Wait a minute。 It’s getting humid right away.If you wipe it off Do you have tissues? I don’t have tissues. I only have wet tissues

Wow, can you see that it’s humid in real time? Yes, shall we go get some tissues? I think you can wipe it with your clothes? Hello, I’m bbeo Wow, this is a sauna.a dry sauna We’re outside right now The camera keeps getting humid Oh, it’s raining again Oh, is it raining?

Aren’t we going straight? Where are you going? To (Subway) I heard that a typhoon is coming A typhoon is coming now What’s wrong with the camera?dampness Ah, this device needs to get used to the humidity too So I went to an ecological station Here is the Dragon and Tiger Tower

Dragon and Tiger Tower They’re all gathered.Around the Dragon-Tiger Tower This is the market last night I looked it up on Google and it’s open until 5 a.m It’s open until 5 AM, This is the end of course

There’s a night market at night, so I think you can go to the night market at night There are more UFO catchers here than I thought tourist night market It’s calm, Gaoshun After all, it’s a very quiet Mirijima station It’s pretty, isn’t it A sign in Korean that you can see from here It’s 10:30, but there are many places that aren’t open yet What is this

Are you free to look around? There’s nothing to see? But if this is the second prettiest subway station in the world I don’t know where the world’s first clean subway station is Let’s go This is an ecological station in Kaohsiung If you get off around this station

The Dragon and Tiger Pagoda and Historic Sites? in a place where you can see things like that It looks like this in the picture I don’t like this kind of thing, But since we’re here I want to feel the charm of this Chinese country.”

I think it’s cute to have bears like this in Taiwan Uncle Bear Haircut Express I think they’re going to cut my hair quickly I’ll go to the bathroom first, teacher Now you’re talking to yourself You know.. Hi everyone It’s so humid here that my face is a bit

It feels like it’s fully charged with moisturizing First of all, there are really no people at the subway station They sell cute things here They sell cute key rings The toilets here are cool What is this?。 I wanted to see what they were selling You sell data cables, don’t you?

Oh, you sell Doraemon, don’t you? For God’s sake, I want to see the turtle Please, please, please The purpose of coming to Kaohsiung was to snorkel I came here to see this Can’t you see the turtle? There are situations where you can’t watch it Then I’ll come back to see the turtle later

Oh, has it stopped raining? No, I think it’s raining? Everyone is walking with an umbrella It’s raining, but it looks like it’s not raining Oh, is that an apartment You have to walk for 20 minutes Do you have anything to ride? Shall we go by bus? 10 minutes after scheduled departure

You have to take number 35 from the bottom, Someone is sleeping at a bus stop I’ll wait for the bus before getting on Then what should I do? Should I take a taxi? Can’t you see the taxi? It’s a tough trip because of all the rain It’s raining and humid I can’t even see turtles This couple is losing their minds If you can’t see the turtle, go to the zoo and see it

I’m very happy to walk around holding my husband’s belly I can’t get the flesh out of my belly It’s my handle Wow, puppy It’s scary? Shall we have lunch? Let’s have lunch? Yup. I ate it and cheered up Here? What’s here? Shall we look around? Is that so It’s kind of like a meat bowl It’s a Hong Kong-style barbecue restaurant Near the Dragon-Tiger Tower There’s beef noodles that you have to eat Let’s eat beef noodles

Let’s hit a tapioca tea Okay, okay if there is This place is like Vietnam A motorcycle? There are a lot of motorcycles and buildings It’s a bit ambiguous Should I not use it? Yes. I think the restaurant in the morning is around 10 o’clock I think it’s going to be closed

I saw the restaurant opening time earlier and it was 03 AM There is a taxi behind Are you going to spend money?Don’t you use it? But there’s about 1 million won in Taiwanese dollars that’s right Yup.If you spend money, my wife will ride it OK – Hi everyone – Hi everyone

– Are you going to Yongho Tower? – Yes, I’m going to Yongho Tower – It’s Dragon and Tiger Tower, right? – That’s right – okay I wasn’t going to ride it, I just saw a taxi, so I got in It rained, so I went there early

I ate something and thought it was good On your way home (in a taxi)? On your way home? I’ll give it a thought when I go home What is that It’s raining There are a lot of forests in Taiwan. It feels pretty Anyway, let’s go a traditional building It’s raining a lot I’m in front of the Dragon-Tiger Tower Is the Yongho Pagoda under repair I don’t know if it’s under construction

Also, you can feel the charm of this only when you do repair work Well, the trees here are hidden so we can avoid the rain now? But you can’t see this kind of tree in Korea It’s kind of hard to see, isn’t it The trees are clean It’s suddenly raining a lot

But this temple is so beautiful this? I do not think so? This is where you enter the Dragon and Tiger Pagoda The lotus flowers are all gone? It would be very beautiful if the lotus flowers were in bloom Was I talking to myself? You can go in here I think it’s a space

I don’t think you can go in with the door closed Someone pooped away I blocked it like this way It’s supposed to be a place where you can enter through the stairs Shall we go? Shall we go? far away What’s over there? It’s like a deserted country town right now

But there are still tourists The whole town is like a Chinatown? The Flying White Sagi This is cool Oh, are you going to hunt? It looks like you’re hunting something, right? The water isn’t clear I think it’s very thin This is Oh, I’ll hunt you.I’m going to hunt National Peography

Did you just do the peography? Yes. I’m looking at a turtle I like fish, fish, wow Fish, look at this fall suddenly in love with egret hunting It’s no joke.It’s no joke It’s pretty here.Here, here Shall we go eat something delicious? I think it’s time to eat

The feeling of rain falling on the iron roof is good It rained and there were a lot of cars So when I’m traveling, There are days when the weather is nice and days when it’s not If a typhoon comes early, I’ll make sure to come I hope you’re gone

I still want everyone to go to Koryu-ku for a while.” Oh, that’s right!! No way!! I really want to see sea turtles How pretty is it? Gaoshun, this is the reason why we’re here Here? Wow, there are already so many lines? Wow, it sounds like a famous place – Are you Korean?

– Yes, I am Korean – Yes, please have a seat at the table first – Next time you order, please write down the table number – Do you have a table number? – It’s table eight – Please write it down there – What is this? – This is ramen wait a minute

– Here’s the ramen – Next is noodles, and then sujebi – We’re noodles – Noodles, please. I understand. Oh, he’s wearing noodles too. Didn’t you choose dumplings? – Yes, beef noodles and dumpling soup – Yes – Thank you – Thank you My feet are really itchy right now Why do mosquitoes bite me so much? This is Samwoo Yukmyeon And the data of the building in here doesn’t connect at all Somehow I told you on KakaoTalk that I settled down Messenger is not working

The beef noodle restaurant will pick up the table first It’s a structure where you have to order Don’t wait in line, get a seat Next, please line up You can bring bowls and stuff from behind And I saw where to drink water It looks like there’s a water purifier over there

But the locals don’t drink water right now, so I don’t know what’s going on Oh, it looks delicious It’s really big Two foods came out I think this is dumpling soup This is beef noodles I’ll get it and eat it Too many Go! My husband really can’t solve it

I ate this and drank tapioca tea I need to eat shaved ice Is there a shaved ice shop near here? No, I have to go The noodles are not salty and the meat is salty It’s salty but delicious You can eat it with noodles Is it good?

Yeah, I love it because it’s not salty The soup is not salty either A lot of people buy it I’m not going to eat here Now, let’s eat samwoo meat noodles I’m done eating Beef noodles are not salty It tasted good Let’s move on to the next place

We came to the subway station I came to the convenience store before going to the subway station Completely milk-flavored high-grade milk Oh, it’s soft Our next destination is shaved ice street Main tourist attractions in Kaohsiung, etc I’m going to look back over there for a little bit I want to move quickly We’re lost orange line Oh, I have to go the other way It says all the directions I have to go down Go down there In Taiwan, the part where the subway doesn’t ride was closed.in a circle empty Can the subway be this quiet? Don’t do that Where are we going now? Did you say that? We’re going to the Ball Arts Zone We’re going to the Ball Arts Zone But before I go there, I think I’ll go to shaved ice street Eat shaved ice first, Because everyone is in that area Yes, please do so

Because it’s the difference between one stop This city is a bit strange, isn’t it It’s not that there aren’t many people It probably rained because of the typhoon People don’t go out Is it raining in Korea? It will rain Oh, is it raining in Korea? We arrived at Jeongwan Station If you go this way, you’ll see the Boeol Art Special Zone There’s a place to get on the ferry, This is near the beach Anyways, to eat shaved ice I’ll go to the shaved ice shop I’m going to a place called Heiseving Taiwanese shaved ice is really good

It will take about six minutes from here? The picture is pretty. What’s this? It’s a bit of an art This is like an art city The color is beautiful Now, this is Jeongwan Station compared to Taipei Does it feel like Yoon Kang-jae? (Yoon Kanze is a beautiful city in Taipei)

That’s what it looks like I hope it doesn’t rain It keeps raining Oh, this road is so quiet Isn’t this kind of street so pretty? But everyone closed the door a lot What is this place? They’re lining up There are a lot of locals here I think it’s a really good place

Yes, it sounds like a good place If I can eat it later, I’ll try it What shall we have for dinner tonight? I ate a while ago This evening? Yup. Come on. Let’s go first First of all, I have to eat squid tempura today It’s Spider-Man It’s very close to this ferry stop

The shaved ice has begun to come out If you look at shaved ice, you can see shaved ice on the signboard Again, you can see the locals eating a lot of shaved ice stay here Oh, this one? Okay, then let’s go Oh, there’s Korean Oh, I’m going to do it like this I think we should eat mango shaved ice – One milk mango shaved ice, please – – – Ok – Is it a small size? – Yes, please give me one in a smaller size

– Can I use an easy card? – NO EASY Cards – I’ll cash it We have 1,200 twd left 205twd (about 8,000 won) came out I got 295twd In a way, it’s 4,000 won each, so isn’t it bad? There’s a lot? Yes, there are a lot Mango is really fluffy It’s a delicious mango That’s a lot be large in quantity

I would have been in big trouble if I ordered two I’m done eating Is this Hisebbing? Yup. It’s like shaved ice There are a lot of shaved ice The place with the most locals was over there Maybe it’s too famous, but there are many Koreans coming

I think I’ll go to the ferry in front of me This is Gushan Ferry Pier I was going to go to the Ball Arts Zone, It’s close here Oh, this place is beautiful The number of reels has exceeded 500 We are heading for a rainy port The color of the water is amazing. Water color? Emerald color? Yes, emerald How deep is it? If you look at this big ship It can look deep Oh, I can’t film it.Come here I’m just taking pictures – Are you going to Shimizuwan Beach? If we go to the beach over there I don’t think so The typhoon is said to have blocked the coastline okay The police who are going to the beach You’re talking about it It’s blocked because of the typhoon I’m so sad. I can’t help it.The beach in Sizwan is blocked I think we have to cross the bridge to the British consulate

The bridge we’re crossing is originally going to Sizwan The British Consulate can go this way, too.” an impromptu person who immediately changes plans) Is your husband Korean? My husband is Korean I speak a mixture of Chinese and Vietnamese Are you Vietnamese? The Vietnamese are Yùnnan yu in Chinese A long time ago?

Be difficult to pronounce Why is it so difficult Please make it possible to go What are you doing? Do you want me to stop the rain? The wind! The wind has picked up If you want to go to the Ball Arts Zone, it’s only open until 5 PM Oh, really? / Yes

If I don’t have time, I won’t go If it keeps raining I really want to know how to meet turtles Is this a house? It’s nice to have a house Oh my gosh! wind Huh? This is the entrance? I closed it? Why did they close it ? It says it’s open?

Closed Consulate of Kaohsiung, now a tourist attraction Is it because a typhoon came? The typhoon has come and won’t open I think that This is the north gate.North Gate of Shunjeong clean back What this place is It’s like firing a cannon at the site of a battery built in the 1800s

Winds Realizing Typhoon Oh, my! It’s a bit high, so the weather is amazing If you come up The waves are strong Don’t go there either Let’s go down We can’t open the beach at this rate It got worse The tree is shaking Typhoon Travel in Taiwan The umbrella fails to function properly

Why aren’t you doing it? That’s why I fold my umbrella Another beach is Sizwan Beach is a little hard to get to I’m going to visit Jijin Island I don’t know if the motorcycle is going, I don’t know if people will go 여기 Travel lane for tourists

I think it would be good to pay for two people with easycard Is this it? I don’t know how to do it It’s every five or seven minutes – Is this the ship that goes to Jijin Island? – Yes, it’s a ship that goes into Jijin Island – It’s two people How much? 20twd (about 800 won) Oh, okay – Thank you Now, this is how the ship got on How about a typhoon trip? It’s ridiculous It’s ridiculous and unlucky It’s kind of hard It’s hard.. That’s travel It can’t be helped That’s possible

Eight hundred won is a pretty good price to go on board My husband’s face keeps coming up stop My husband wears a hat like me I should go to sleep. need energy supplementation I’m going to go down and film it later I’ve been on the boat for about 5 minutes

They seem to get off as soon as they arrive There’s a lot of wind blowing here too I feel like I’m on a trip here There’s a taxi There’s a bicycle, too This is Jijin Island If you go straight, you’ll see the beach We decided to go around Chidin Island Oh, it’s bubble tea bubble tea This is going to be easycard? I drink bubble milk tea good – Tell me the amount of sugar and ice – five leaves of sugar Bubble milk tea medium milk latte – Small bubbles and big bubbles, Or you can mix it up – I’m in a big bubble There are many kinds Five sugars, less ice seems to be the best be really cheap Even if you buy two, it’s only 75 twd I really like Taiwan

Do you really like me? Do you like Taiwan? Taiwan is good And are you more happy to go with your favorite wife? – Thank you This is yours Mine? Why did you do mine? www Kind It’s really good I don’t usually drink milk tea? Yup. But it’s really good here I closed the door, but it’s clean It’s much easier because it doesn’t rain Tomorrow, I will go from Donggang to Suryu-gu All ferries have been suspended Due to the typhoon, the ferry from Higashi River to Suryu-ku tomorrow

All of them have been discontinued We don’t even operate shuttle services I will cancel this reservation ticket and give you a full refund Please understand the inconvenience Thank you. We were going to go to the swamp You have to get on the boat I can’t go

But we signed up for a shuttle bus Do you want to go that far? Does it take an hour by car? But on KKDAY You said you would refund the full amount first Still, it’s good to know beforehand What are you doing tomorrow? We have more time My plans have changed

In Taiwan, turtles weren’t meant to meet us Will you ever see a sea turtle again? Since we’re in Jijin Island My husband will take me to the Maldives later If I make a lot of money for my wife, I will be able to take her with me Are there turtles in the Maldives? Isn’t this our world? in the absence of anyone If you do this, you don’t have to spend more money There’s really no one but us empty rattling But there are still people walking There’s no end of course Right now, we’re at Jijin Beach

If a typhoon doesn’t come You can go out that way There’s a typhoon coming There’s no one here, so I can’t go in here I’ve blocked it The waves are so strong that I can’t say anything about swimming If you swim over there, you’ll really die a bit of apocalypse

With the destruction of the earth We’re the only ones who survived? You know, post-apocalypse on the island of Chidin I’d like to wrap up my trip here How was it? I’m very confused You’re going to get hit by the rain have a lot of rain have a lot of rain

Oh, a lot of people are coming What should I do Let’s move into the city After passing through Jijin Island I’d like to go downtown Hi everyone We got out of Jijin Island It’s going to rain a lot more It’s no joke I think there are more typhoons I’m going crazy

There are so many shaved ice shops open I guess you’re kind of giving up now This is Kaohsiung’s brand called Royalty I ordered milk tea, but outside It’s raining so hard that I can take a break I bought a tapioca tea There’s no such thing as sitting inside

There’s a chair in front of this store I’m waiting in a place like this to eat How much is milk tea like this? I’m sixty Think about 2,400 won 2,500 won? I listened to tapioca a lot Taiwan is a country of milk tea, so think of milk tea as really good

Wherever possible You can’t fail It’s 6 o’clock right now It looks like the business is closed It’s closed I went to the subway station and it got dark around me, so I filmed more I don’t know if I can do it Let’s go to a bright place and shoot It rained, so today

Extraordinary It was a trip to Kaohsiung across the typhoon

대만 가오슝은 아름다운 바다가 있는 도시로 유명하죠.
근교의 컨딩부터 스노쿨링의 성지 소류구까지..

원래 계획은 소류구에 가서 스노쿨링을 하면서
바다 거북이와 함께 수영을 하며 추억을 쌓고 싶었는데
태풍이 진짜루 와버리네…

태풍과 맞서 싸우는 뻬오 부부의 이야기
는 무슨 태풍 피하기입니다.

용호탑 – 삼우우육면 – 하이즈빙 – 시즈완역 – 가오슝 영국 영사관
– 슝전북문 – 치진섬 – 로얄티(브랜드 이름)

그래도 즐거웠습니다.

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