We Can’t Believe This is Thailand 🇹🇭 (No Tourists)

Hello and good morning from phatthalung Province  in the south of Thailand today we’re going   on a bit of an adventure uh we rented a bike  just yesterday and I’m not going to lie it’s   definitely the smallest bike that we have rented  to date but it should work it should bring us  

Along on the adventure that we are wanting to  go on today have a look little 125 Suzuki step   um no idea what to expect of this but it is  incredibly small we have our helmets as well  

And the helmets are just as ridiculous as the  bike is just have a look at Naomi example a and   wait until you see me with this thing on this  is Tiny But today we’re going to go towards  

Thale noi we’re also going to explore a little  bit along the way on the way back probably and   there’s supposedly plenty to check out there’s  apparently lots of bird watching to be doing   which is something we’ve never done before but  hey here’s to a first there’s also supposedly  

Water buffalo to see too and plenty along the  way like I said so guys let’s go on an adventure   in the province of phatthalung here in southern  Thailand we’re very very excited let’s do it we’re only about 2 minutes outside of the  city of phatthalung and you can already really  

Feel the difference uh it went very very rural  very fast check this out very small sort of uh   Road here with very little people actually on  it that are driving and if so it’s usually a   scooter not a car and also we are immediately  in absolute green nature here there’s a doggy  

Hopefully he likes scooters huh he doesn’t  mind he’s okay as you can see it’s like   absolute and utter nature it’s crazy literally 2  minutes outside of phatthalung and phatthalung I mean it   is a small City you get like small City Vibes  but it’s still I mean it’s still a city but uh

Yeah it’s always so funny in uh rural Asia because  a lot of times you only have like one street that   goes into that direction and that leads to um  directions like in 10 km go to the left or 30  

Km to the right and uh it’s no different here  exactly the same way we have one street that   goes north to thale noi and that’s the street  that we’re on and uh yeah really excited now

This magic moment you guys we have arrived in the  at the thale noi visitor center now uh we are not   too sure actually how this is going to work  like how we’re going to get a boat uh or how  

Much it’s even going to cost we basically don’t  know anything we just know it’s here we know we   are here we know it’s going to be amazing but  we don’t know any other things but as you can  

Hear in the back there’s already people there in  the distance on boats uh going out basically you   want to take your head and the water this place  looks absolutely beautiful supposedly this area   here is a very significant place for migratory  birds so you will see a lot of different types  

Of bird species here if that’s something  that you’re into um like I said we’ve never   done something like this like bird watching or  whatever and supposedly some water buffalos now   if now idea if it’s the right season to spot them  um it’s obviously rainy/monsoon season so the  

Water level is pretty high on the lake but I’m  very excited to get on this Lake and see what’s   in there yeah talking about a rainy season or  monsoon season we are so so lucky that we got  

Here dry and right now there’s even a blue sky  for the first time in two weeks so we’re super excited the lady just said that the entry  tickets are 30 baht uh per person   and per hour you pay 550 for a boat and  but that’s about the range that we heard  

Before as well we sort of heard rumors  of like 450 550 but we’re not going to   ask for 100 baht so that’s fine yeah  it’s it’s very good I think bye 580 yeah elephant here no no elephants okay on the  entry tickets there are elephants I was  

Like okay didn’t know there were elephants  here we go guys thale noi big beautiful Lake   big beautiful long boats we’re also blessed  this morning with beautiful sunshine first   day that it has been like this actually in  the last sort of two days that we’ve been in  

Phatthalung look at that absolutely gorgeous  very excited now to hop on one of these boats all right guys apparently our boat is  on the way or maybe it’s somewhere over in this   general direction the lady just pointed  at us to walk over here so we’re on the  

Lookout now for our captain I just love  this the boats that are sorry the houses   that are sticking out neither of us are very  awake yet we haven’t really had much coffee   just look at how gorgeous just this area is  here it’s so picturesque everything about it what a beautiful day

Okay are you our captain? all right oh my sweet baby Jesus oh please don’t fall I will don’t worry okay will I go in the front here  sure okay let’s do this oh my God okay   I am sitting wow we are  ready to go and explore on a Long Boat  

Okay like this or should we go back yeah  probably more distributed weight would be   good on a boat both of us are sitting at  the front we’re probably going to sink the boat okay guys this is a proper  Old School Long Boat right here

One one hour yeah 1 hour yeah 1 hour yeah  we paid the lady at the entrance the 550 Baht   I hope this is okay oh yeah all good we paid  already don’t worry all right let’s see what  

Thale Noi is all about this is uh Apparently one of  the most recommended things to do around phatthalung   or just outside of phatthalung City the drive on the  bike is well took us a very reasonable amount of  

Time roughly around under half an hour I would  say yeah this is beautiful very very idelic as I said away we go oh my God I cannot  believe the beauty of this place already oh wow that worked well I’m so excited too excited for my own

Good we’re literally just rolling over the  B like bamboo sticks yeah rolling over are   floating in the water and we’re just driving  over it but it doesn’t like if you look at it   it doesn’t look possible looks like he just  going to drive it into a wall but it’s all good

Beautiful absolutely gorgeous I don’t understand   I don’t understand why there’s not  hundreds of tourists on this Lake uh well what are you doing if you’re just  going to the same places in Southern   thailand same places like thousands and  thousands of other tourists I understand  

That certain places are very beautiful  this is absolutely gorgeous have a look   at this bird running really funny I  don’t know if you can see him but it   looked like it looks like a like a Blue Duck  or something he looked like a blue chicken

Yeah if you are considering going a little bit  off the beaten path though in all seriousness   consider phatthalung unrivaled natural beauty  everywhere around us it’s kept very very   well as well the locals are incredible people  and like I want to show you we are going to  

Show you the people in phatthalung itself are  amazing the food as well top top top tier food oh my God what a beautiful day I’m sure  you can hear nearly nothing of what I’m saying   because the engine is quite loud obviously it’s  a traditional Long Boat so yeah it’s going to  

Be a little bit on the louder side but it’s  beautiful regardless we made a new friend as   well and I don’t know if we said it I’m for sure  we already did but we’re paying uh 550 baht for  

1 hour on the Longboat and it’s so beautiful  it just feels like we’re in a movie right now these little floaty plants are  really cool oh but there is another boat actually thought that we were going to get  a little bit wet that’s why I brought like all  

Of the coverings in case stuff gets wet and we  also have rain jackets but right now it looks   absolutely beautiful now I don’t want to jinx it  but it’s stunning very curious to see what kind  

Of birds we’re actually going to be able to see  so far uh we saw some swallows some storks a magical   blue chicken which we don’t know what kind of  a bird it was uh and some seagulls but right  

Now we’re going through uh what are these water  lillies I believe yeah yeah I think they’re water lies oh you have to go really slow  probably they’re going to tangle   around the engine obviously you  have a lot of roots on the plants  

Wow this just feels like we are in a  I don’t know we made it to a different Universe this doesn’t seem like it’s part of this world I just observed the people  on the other boats and they’re all   wearing these like safety vests like  if you’re unable to swim or whatever  

That are preventing you from drowning  and uh I don’t know nobody even asked   us if we wanted to have a vest should we  be wearing wearing vest right now oh my God I have to say I’m very surprised that the  size of this Lake when we’re here on it in person  

It looks very very small and insignificant  if you compare it to the large Songkhla Lake   which we were on not that long ago this here  looks very small on Google Maps but sitting   on it here on a Long Boat in person absolutely  sprawling beautiful massive Lake and I cannot  

Believe every time that we’re on a lake I can’t  believe just how calm and beautiful the water is and again we’ve gotten so lucky with  the weather today crystal clear for the   most part in the sky yes there are  some clouds but most of them are in  

The direction of phatthalung so hopefully it’s  not raining there when we go back later on wow so these guys appear to be  doing their best anyways to fish   in the lake now they seem to be  using these very small Nets that  

Sort of sink down I’m not too sure  what they would be catching though um yeah I have no idea maybe a  little crayfish little shell fish   whatever fresh water amazing huh doesn’t look like

Sorry okay it doesn’t look like it’s for fish if  it was for fish I think it would be a little bit   larger and more uh flexible because this is sort  of it just look like it was made out of like  

A steel wire or something like that so maybe  freshwater crayfish of sorts I would say only guessing though never thought I would say  this sitting in a Longboat on a   lake in the south of Thailand and we are  currently floating past a gigantic water buffalo oh they are absolutely

Massive massive massive creatures there’s  one here very close just off to the right hello oh there’s one in the distance with a white bird on  the back yeah there’s one over there with a white   bird you probably can’t see it on the camera  of course but just over here wow there’s a a  

Lot of them probably a solid 20 water buffalo here  right now or more actually there’s even more over   here there probably 20 just over here in this in  this corner here it’s so funny to it’s so funny  

To see them walk in the water it’s amazing yeah  because you you I kind of thought it was really   deep the lake but it’s not it’s not that deep  the water buffalo can walk very comfortably so  

It must not be that deep I thought it was like  at least 10 m or something obviously it’s not I   was I was thinking it’s crazy deep but uh nope  but they must uh walk out really far because  

The mainland I cannot see where the mainland  is right right now so they must walk quite far hello boat full of tourists  here as well yeah of course they’re   stuff their head under the water to  get the roots of these things I think where how long can they hold their breath pretty  

Long this guy is just dunkin  this is their version of Dunkin Donuts wow they’re just munching munching  on the little plants that are growing here   incredible I never saw them put down  their head before even like we saw  

Water buffalos before and I also actually  in Thailand and also in Sri Lanka but I’ve   never seen them put their heads on the  water for such a long time it’s crazy never another one ahead just completely wow we are literally the  boat itself probably around half a  

Meter or meter away from some of these giant  buffalos right now find so funny the horns   looking out from underwater it’s like it’s  liter it’s hilarious they just it’s like a   non-functioning snorkel yeah that’s so such  a unique experience to have this right here

I I am I’m speechless I’m genuinely  speechless right now this is surrounded by them it’s beautiful yeah it is it’s really nice that  the engine is off it’s especially peaceful   um definitely not disturbing The Animals by  just floating here if we had the engine on it  

Would be a a different story I think these Buffalo  they really don’t seem to care at all that we’re   sitting directly in front of their faces while  they’re snorkeling around this Lake it might be  

Used to humans I think yeah they might be used  to to to boats by now know I think they will be I think they’re so cute with  their heads under water think it’s   really cute I’m going to cry so beautiful so nice

Wow I’m actually so so happy that we managed  to see some water buffalos for a second there   I scared that it’s not the time or not the season  for the water or whatever you know there’s always  

These certain things that can happen if you are  uh going on a trip somewhere to see animals but   I’m yeah I’m so so delighted that we were able to  see them and now we’re currently driving under a  

Bridge which you will be able to see here  now looks like some sort of a like new uh   Motorway or something like that that is going  over the actual um RI over the actual Lake and  

Uh I’m sure if you I don’t know I don’t think  it’s a Motorway maybe some sort of a street I   don’t know but uh I’m sure if you drive over  it you will have absolutely fantastic views  

Over this Lake maybe if we’re on our way back  we will be able to actually drive this way   that would be really nice uh you can actually  see some tour buses there in the distance as   well of people trying to see something in the  Lake very cool there is the bus just behind

Luke and there’s also a Housey yeah a  house in the middle of the lake sounds   like the dream no oh imagine no neighbors  yeah you ride your water buffalo to the   supermarket yeah I’m going to ride  my water buffalo to the next Lotus  

Supermarket do you think they have  water buffalo parking there as well crazy just barely made it through there with  my head I kind of have to be like crouching   tiger hidden hidden farang that’s I’m going to  trademark that and put that on a t-shirt actually

It looks a little bit like parts of this  should be dry like uh there’s trees here   and there and there’s also trees there  in the in the distance and uh it gives   a little bit The Vibes of uh this should  be a little bit drier even there is like a  

Little island and you can see water buffalos  are on that island right now so cute um but   yeah maybe uh parts of it should be  dry and because of the rainy season   right right now it might not necessarily  be dry that would be very interesting to

Know all right so that was a very a really  Unforgettable experience to be honest and now   we seem to have made our way hello made our  way back towards land now back towards dry land the boat is rocking

Let’s see where we can get off here guys I know  I might have to walk straight or I might be able   to hop off here to the side we’ll see either  way we are not used to this let’s see what happens thank you just extra for you

Okay was it okay okay okay  thank you thank you thank you I hope that that it was right that we paid  the 550 at the entry because he looked a little   bit like not so happy about it yeah I don’t know  I don’t know maybe it’s a Mis miscommunication  

The woman pointed at us to take this particular  boat but let’s go back and see uh we’ll walk   back toward ws and find out if we if that guy  is actually going to get our money but we gave  

Him an extra 200 Baht just to say thank you and but  hopefully the communication Works itself out but   we need to get back to our scooter anyways so  here we are walking alongside the lake that we  

Were just on so doesn’t seem like the official  road to walk on yeah true kind of just uh off   to the side from all of the tour buses and mini  buses and it seems to be pretty popular I’m not  

Going to lie I did not expect to see as many  boats um full of people as I thought it seems   to be maybe Malay Chinese maybe Korean maybe  Japanese tourists and obviously Thai tourists as well that’s a difficult that’s  a difficult job I think driving  

These long boats it takes a lot of skill  that’s for sure I think you can Charter a   boat from here as well you can Charter  a boat it looks like it he’s already   waving at us oh interesting I think  there’s an official way to do it and an unofficial way we just did

You want to go another hour we can go for  go to a second hour yeah yeah I don’t know I   hope we did uh we chose the correct way to  do it yeah I’m not so sure right now yeah  

Yeah we just need to we need to get back to our  bike and then we’re going to be probably we’re   going to we need to go get some breakfast  I think that’s the the next accomplishment  

That we need to get yeah I just hope that that  uncle gets the money would be sad if not I hope so made it passenger princess as  always okay we can go ready sort of halfway it started raining  so now we decided to make a quick  

Pit stop here and maybe uh get a  coffee or something like that um   and wait out the rain I wanted to stop  somewhere in between anyway so that’s okay hello lovely little shop on the side  of the road it was too par parad paradic  

Par Paradise like what’s the word paradisal  paradisal paradisical if you’re Australian uh   the entire day so yeah it’s okay that it’s  raining now uh we were just sort of on the   lookout to get some breakfast I see they have  some fried chicken over there there there’s  

A lot of lovely Auntie aunties there as well that  are waving uh I think they’re selling some really   good food it looks really really nice over there  actually everything smells nice and um people   here I think are a little bit taken a back that  we decided to stop here it’s really funny these  

Are the best types of situations side of the road  middle of nowhere this is where you usually have   the best stories and it is really starting  to heavily rain now yeah I’m happy that we stopped okay so got ourselves to roadside  coffees now these are only 30 baht each and  

Absolutely loaded full of ice it’s actually very  good coffee as well no tasty super good coffee   and uh you even learned how to say no sugar mai wan from our comment section from   the other day when we were in talat phlu with  not knowing how to order anything so uh and  

She actually made it mai wan yeah very good  coffee super strong yeah very strong nicely   we’re going to be nicely caffeinated after  this roadside stop that’s for sure and then   we’re going to hop back on the Suzuki step and  uh go on a search for some food because we’re  

Starting to get a little bit hungry yeah and  it also uh already kind of stopped raining I   don’t know if you can see that um but it’s  still a little bit Gray so we’re just going   to really take our time finish the coffee enjoy  the moment and then we’re going to continue bye

Byebye bye a so nice I love all of the Thai  uncles and aunties they’re so cute especially   here in rural Thailand it’s so so beautiful  and I I don’t know how it happens but um in   Thailand so far we have not experienced let  let’s say a country fatigue and then a lot  

Of other countries when we’re there for like an  extended amount uh of time after a while we’re   sort of like ah yeah it’s really nice here but uh  obviously we want to move along and see another country

With Thailand that didn’t happen yet no matter  where we go no matter what we do um every time   every single day we’re sort of excited to go out  even after um we are here now for the third time  

I believe um and I think in total it was like  4 months or something like that so uh yeah it’s   absolutely insane we love Thailand every corner  of it it’s just beautiful and exciting so yeah if   we could we would probably stay here forever  but obviously we would run into Visa issues

Eventually of course it started raining again  but we’re not going to stop another time we’re   just going to drive through the rain like this  uh we also brought rain jackets but uh I don’t   know it’s just sort of uh drizzling a little  bit right now so I feel like it’s okay um the  

Way it is if it starts raining a little bit  heavier I think we’re got to Stu and put on   the rain jackets but like this is all right  some of the thai people are already wearing rain  

Jackets maybe that’s a bad sign maybe that’s  a sign that we should put it on and that it’s   going to get heavy ahead or something but uh  yeah we’re nearly there now okay so we just  

Dropped the bike off at our hotel and by the  way guys if you are looking for somewhere to   stay in phatthalung I would check out the centris  we’ve definitely been enjoying it the rooms   are very comfortable AC works very very well as  well and the price is exceptionally reasonable  

Considering we’re slap bang here in the center  of the city keep in mind it is a fourstar hotel   as well now there’s not many places in the world  there’s not many cities in the world where you   can get a fourstar hotel for roughly around €25  per night so this place is absolutely perfect  

And now we’re going to go on a little bit of a  stroll through the center of phatthalung and get some food loads of fresh fruit here oh sorry I thought  you were talking to me oh beautiful and in the  

Background you can see khao ok thalu you can  see it poking above the the market here that’s   in front of us and uh this Market stretches kind  of all the way around here I’m not too sure now   if they are currently closing up because this  morning when we were leaving to drive towards  

Thale noi this place was absolutely booming and  so now it’s definitely a lot quieter a lot   more calm I guess you could okay this woman is  selling some interesting pancakes I think a lot   of the stands uh were put away due to the Rain  yeah that’s that’s actually true yeah it rained  

Pretty heavily while we were on the bike on the  way back in here it’s only half past 11 so it’s too   early for them to already lock everything up  or close everything it’s very true it’s only  

It’s only coming up to midday now yeah guys  the middle of phatthalung right now and uh the   architecture the houses all of this very very  cool it’s really interesting to see it varies   and contrasts so much with our experience of  Thailand up until this point really but up  

Until we arrived in the South because up until we  arrived in the South we hadn’t really experienced   this side of Thailand the rural side the real  local heart I guess you could say of Thailand   there’s plenty of really local and amazing  places in Bangkok but down here in the south  

Things definitely operate at a much slower pace  and look at this Greenery in the background here   such a beautiful and very very underrated place  for sure if you don’t know where to go for food   in Thailand just always try and find one of  these here uh the large pork bellies you can  

Usually see them funly enough from far away  and yet we still walked probably past this   restaurant several times yeah yeah so yeah we  found some place to eat this looks very good you want to go in definitely let’s give it a

Try you take shoes off or is okay  I think shoe okay shoe okay okay oh they’re talking about the flooding  on the TV yeah I don’t know some parts   of Thailand really sorry I’m trying to  spin the camera here um some parts of  

Thailand really seem to be having loads  of issues with the flooding ah thank   you um thank God it’s not so bad here but  I do believe it’s sort of like uh if you go [Music] pork two you know what comes with the

Pork anyway we have been talking about flooding  I think in the last video as well um from my   limited online research um I saw that it might  be a little bit more at the Malaysian border so  

It’s not too far away from here but in phatthalung  itself and also in Songkhla um it was fine thank God absolutely delicious does this look  unbelievable oh it smells so good wondering   what the red sauce consists of yeah is it  just like chili oil or is it oh I’ve never  

Smell something like this it smells amazing  smells like a like a fruity acidic sour sweet and   sour type of yeah B I don’t know I don’t want to  lean too far out of the window getting it wrong  

They also gave us some greens and some um some  soup soup as well some broth we have water as   well which is actually believe it or not included  and uh this looks incredible it’s like pork belly  

Red pork white rice some type of a sauce over the  top as well very excited to try this the broth is   amazing very heavy on the coriander I love the  taste of coriander by now in the beginning not  

So much but now I actually like it a lot should  I go in and try it first sure okay just take   some of that uh red rice basically that is  drenched with the sauce and some of the red

Pork that’s amazing it’s actually um quite  sour sour yeah I think it’s uh I don’t know   I’ve never tasted this type of a sauce  before let’s try the pork belly as well sorry pork belly is amazing this one yeah  I don’t really understand what makes the  

Sauce sour interesting could it be like a vinegar  maybe I don’t know like a fish sauce no no you try   it let’s give it a try guys let’s see fork and a  spoon a lot of you guys it’s really funny in some  

Countries they say just use a spoon in Thailand  people say use a spoon and a fork together so   unless you have noodles then Chopsticks unless  you have noodles then you have chopsticks I’m   going to try red pork with the rice nice big  serving size here on the spoon looks absolutely

Beautiful does have a sour taste to it again  nothing that I’ve ever smelled before nothing   like I’ve ever tasted before as well that taste  is very very special I don’t know what the   sauce is I really wish that we had better thai  language skills that we could ask what is this  

Sauce I think we might use Google Translate  but here we go with the pork belly and the rice oh man oh man this is fantastic really really  high quality on both the red pork   and the crispy pork belly beautiful and the  people here that are running this place it  

Seems to be a mother and a son they’re  very very very kind very warm nice big   smiles greeted us as soon as we came in the  front door does not get much better than this

Amazing oh and we will try and put the name  of this place I think it’s all in to but we   will make sure to capture a video of the  front of this place at least so you guys  

Watching might be able to find your way here if  you do come to patalon highly highly recommend   it already have no idea what the cost is but  this tastes incredible and the friendliness of   these people is amazing if you want to get an  idea of the name and the price that’s the name  

And these are the prices so uh yeah 50 to  60 baht the most expensive dish is 60 baht yeah very good [Music] menu byebye ah what a lovely family  and a lovely restaurant as well now for the  

Two relatively large dishes like it was enough to  fill us up we paid 100 baht so 50 baht per dish oh   I think somebody wants to drive in okay super  amazing experience um very very interesting   restaurant very tasty food I’m I couldn’t be  happier than this to be honest okay guys what  

An absolutely incredible year 2023 has been for us  uh genuinely we could not have asked for anything   else from you guys you guys have been absolutely  incredible the support that you’ve shown us over   the last 12 months and uh it’s just been out  of this world insane really really incredible  

And uh we couldn’t be happier to be spending  our new year here in the south of Thailand of   all places this has to be already one of our  favorite countries in the world we have plenty  

Of favorites and we have plenty that we do want  to go back to but Thailand has a very special   place in our hearts for sure and we’ll always  have in our hearts as well and especially here  

The south of Thailand like the Undiscovered South  I’d say like this further south then uh phuket it’s   actually so nice super super local incredible  food and uh I don’t know I just I just love it  

Here to be honest last night we went for a run  and uh I could have cried because of how nice   everything is and how beautiful it is and I don’t  know I’m just so grateful that you guys are making  

All of this possible I don’t know I’m going to  start crying oh it’s incredible this place is   amazing the friendliest of people and like you  just saw very very nice food too but yeah guys  

We wish you all a very very happy New Year we hope  2024 is a great adventure for all of you watching   we hope that our videos inspire you to come and  travel the world and open your mind and eyes and  

See how beautiful the world is but for now my name  is Luke my name is Naomi we are the mad explorers   and this is your reminder to keep exploring I’ll  see you guys in 2024 thanks so much for watching thank you bye-bye bye-bye

Welcome to Phatthalung Thailand พัทลุง ประเทศไทย
In this video, we explore a place that is very rarely explored by western tourists. We are in Phatthalung in Southern Thailand at Thale Noi to see some beautiful wildlife. This is the absolute, authentic and local Thailand, exactly how we like it. If you are looking for a place to see in the south that is not a typical tourist trap, then check out Phatthalung, Thailand.

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Naomi & Luke


  1. happy new year สวัสดีปีใหม่ครับ ขอให้คุณทั้งสองเที่ยวอย่างมีความสุขเดินทางปลอดภัยครับ🎉❤😊

  2. ยินดีต้อนรับสู่บ้านของเรา..ขอให้มีความสุขกับการท่องเที่ยวของพวกคุณ..ขอบคุณที่มาเยือน..

  3. ยังมีที่ท่องเที่ยวสวยๆอีกมากที่นักท่องเที่ยวยังไม่รู้จักทั่ประเทศในเมืองเล็กๆขอให้เที่ยวอย่างมีความสุขประเทศไทยยินดีต้อนรับ

  4. ขอให้ท่านเดินทางด้วยความปลอดภัย สนุกสนานกับการท่องเที่ยวทั่วไทยครับ

  5. Have a nice riding on the street in Thailand and go slowly.and B careful.when you're on the motorbike the street in Thailand we have the top 3 the most dangerous roads in the world.I can tell. so Enjoy with your jouneys.

  6. ประเทศไทย ยินดีต้อนรับเป็นอย่างยิ่ง และเราดีใจที่เห็นพวกคุณมีความสุข

  7. ❤❤❤สวัสดีปีใหม่คิดหวังสิ่งใดสมความมุ่งมาดปรารถนาคิดเงินจะได้เงินคิดทองให้ได้ทองสิ่งที่หมายปองสมหวังดั่งใจด้วยเทอญ

  8. Good…Two Mad Explorers ผมเป็นคน จ.ตรัง.แต่ จ.พัทลุง ไปเที่ยวบ่อยมากโดยเฉพาะสะพานเฉลิมพระเกียรติฯ หรือ สะพานเอกชัย ทุกวันนี้ถ้ามีโอกาศจะไปขึ้น เขาอกทะลุ สักครั้ง ขอให้คุณทั้ง2คนท่องเที่ยวใน ปท.ไทย อย่างมีความสุข กินอาหารที่อร่อยปาก พักรีสอรฺ์ทหรือโฮเทลที่สดวกสบายและเดินทางท่องเที่ยวใน ปท.ไทย.ปลอดภัยทุกเส้นทาง…นะจ๊ะๆ ❤🎉😊❤🎉😊❤🎉😊

  9. ขอบคุณคับ ขอให้เดินทางและมีความสุขและสนุกกับทริปในรูปแบบที่คุณต้องการคับผม🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  10. เขาเที่ยวกรุงเทพมั้ง ช่วงนี้เขาเที่ยวภาคเหนือกัน คุณไปเที่ยวที่ๆคนไม่เที่ยวกันช่วงนี้ คุณอย่าหลงไปเที่ยวแถวสามจังหวัดชายแดนใต้นะ เที่ยวอีสานต้องน่่าทำนา ดูวิวข้าวสวยๆ

  11. Hi, Luke &Naomi..HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024.
    You're the best youtuber serveyer in THAILAND "PATTALUNG PROVINC is one of best place to visit . There have several kinds of birds species, water plants species,aquatic animals species, Dugong fish habitat and the best scene sunset at TALAY NOI SANCTURY PARK…

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