[Review Phim] Biệt Đội Săn Quỷ | Review Phim Hàn Hay

Who else is suffering more than this guy? Go to the abandoned warehouse to save people was lifted into the air by a mysterious force That devil also gave him two very cruel options He just told me to get rid of it One is the girl he loves the most

2 is that innocent little girl of school age he was put in a dilemma Will you choose your heart? Or listen to your reason Here this girl is struggling in despair Next to him is a murderer sharpening his ax preparing to end her life

In fact, she was the decoy the police set up to lure the murderer into a trap while he was preparing to finish the girl Inspector Kim promptly arrived at the scene and opened fire He thought he had victory in his hands but it was unexpected for a moment of inattention

Because the radio next to me played ceo again which created the opportunity for the murderer to strike murdered a young girl unlucky That’s why the murderer was sentenced to the altar watching the fire chicken and detective kim’s psychology seriously affected he always lived in torment and guilt With regret, he sank into alcohol

On a night of drinking and peeing profusely When returning home, Inspector Kim was approached by a hidden man Please directly ask him Right now at the fortune teller’s house Actually this guy is a scammer specializes in fortune-telling mainly to attract pretty girls He deceived a bar owner

That’s why this two-haired man came to me confide in the pink age This guy with 2 bangs looks very cool is actually a police inspector named kang pi sung due to a fight with a criminal in her boss’s bar causing a lot of damage That’s why I had to accept her offer

He warned the psychic Don’t cheat on girls anymore Otherwise, you will know what a festival is Meanwhile His teammates were sitting in the car to stalk criminals see someone suspicious The captain immediately jumped down and grabbed him This criminal is also not average He alone was strong enough to escape the embrace

Affectionate love from two policemen he then ran away But whatever is difficult, there is pi sung Pi sung even though he was in the middle of eating a bowl of noodles But when I received a phone call from a colleague reported that the suspect had been identified

He immediately ran to arrest Pi Sung and the other reporter Everyone’s face looks very cunning So the two got into a fight to stop him from running away He even bit his thigh, almost biting the rim scene of two men embracing each other was seen by seo young passing by

Because I don’t know who is the bad guy So she sees whose face is uglier then hit that guy with a broom Stop being unfairly beaten by girls Another colleague ran to help but flew into the picture Straight kick to Pi Sung’s face Truly a good man

But anyway, the criminal was taken to the station because Seo Young obstructed the police from performing their duties So she also had to go to the station to take a statement But that’s just a formality to get things done Some colleagues want to set up a relationship with a longtime friend

I even forced police to bring her back seo young is a person with hypnotic eyes and can see the soul but strangely Kang police were not affected in advance Those eyes made Seo Young interested in him thinks he has a pure soul Before getting off the bus, she even gave her name

My card for you Be advised when you experience sleep paralysis If you encounter any spiritual phenomenon, please call me because she has extremely strong spiritual powers Kang police consider this as a loose statement but still accepted the business card Actually, Seo Young had no intention of joking with him

That she could actually hear the sound of the soul There is also a sticker full of charms in the house to get rid of unclean things at this time There is an assassin prowling around looking for new prey His target is this high school teacher after finishing teaching

She got in the car to go home but did not detect any bad guys sitting in the back of the car until she realized something unusual was controlled and threatened by him So she drove to a deserted place even though the teacher begged pitifully was still brutally murdered by the murderer no mercy

Tomorrow The teacher’s body was also found by the police this murder case was handed over to Pi Sung’s investigation team temporary They still haven’t been able to find any clues at the scene think the murderer is too good at covering up no evidence can be expected

The murderer’s identity is that of a doctor who saves people and more terrifying he used the daeju murderer who was executed Why did he kill police officer Kim? because he got the daeju convicted and went to sell salt even in this doctor’s house still hiding that daeju’s ashes

Although Pi Sung is an honest police officer, he is afraid of ghosts so that He decided to find Seo Young Hanh’s home address She went out to drink beer to ask about spirituality Unexpectedly She told him that his mother took her own life This makes him doubt his life

His mother’s death left him with a huge psychological shadow I’m always looking for the reason why she did that and that is also one of the reasons made Pisung choose the police profession to find out the truth He risked following Seo Young home because his ears were too itchy

When pisung kept thinking he was seducing him but no ability at all so seo young touched the head Share your ability to see souls let him open his eyes as soon as I opened my eyes A series of ghosts appeared right in front eyes make pi sung panic Now I really believe it

Young stars regain their powers not yet fully recovered he was targeted by a virgin ghost She immediately entered Pi Sung’s body made him convulse to save him seo young pulled down the spell board Open the window to chase all the ghosts out Having gone through this, Pi’s soul flew away in an instant

Run out of the house seo young didn’t dare turn around and go home You have to turn on the TV really loud and turn on all the lights but still can’t sleep So the next day I went to work in a lethargic state tired

Besides, we still have to continue to deal with the teacher’s murder case This case caused many difficulties for the police team Because I can’t find any evidence as well as the murderer’s motive for committing the crime The teacher’s private life is very honest have no enmity with anyone

In reviewing recent similar case reports pi sung realized something Police officer Kim and the teacher both had their cervical arteries severed and this same method of killing made him doubtful Could it be that the murderer is the same person? I know that police officer Kim was murdered

Bring the wild daeju name to light from the above data That’s it immediately He went to the case file of the wild man Daeju When I went down to the private room to get the files he met a high-ranking police officer who appeared suddenly made Pi startled hastily bowed

Then quickly went to look for daeju’s criminal record If you don’t find it, that’s it found it cold down my spine again about his barbaric way of killing people he uses a mirror to show the victim how he died This coincides with the teacher’s case

But strangely enough, Daeju’s wild thing has been dealt with So could the current murderer be his descendant? There is another point that makes Pi Sung feel suspicious that is when killing the victim Daeju bastard will take their fingernails and he considered it a trophy The teacher’s fingernails were taken

Can’t get the information I need pi sung immediately left the private room when pi sung passed through the hallway saw a police team holding a photo of a deceased policeman This guy is scary is the same person that pi sung saw Below the private room then he came

The mortuary examined the teacher’s body and actually discovered the nail clippings but that could also be before being killed she cut herself The doctor forced his mouth to say a sentence want to verify this You have to ask the dead person to determine After listening, he immediately thought of Seo Young

He immediately ran to her house to invite her to dinner Thought it would be a romantic dinner so she prepared very carefully Who cares about this man? took her to the convenience store again Eating instant noodles is truly romantic It has to come from the simplest things

After eating, he drove her to the crime scene I thought I would go on a date tonight Who would have thought that having to look for ghosts would make Seo Young angry I’m bored and want to talk are planning to leave Then she felt a certain spiritual force behind the bridge

So the two of them decided to go in and check together Because he was so scared, he had to hold Seo Young’s hand tightly The seaweed can walked next to her It’s dark and gloomy in here to a pillar then they really saw the teacher’s ghost seo yong

Has had a lot of experience in seeing ghosts she advised him not to Look into their eyes and communicate with them Even though I really wanted to ask the teacher who was the culprit But the cowardly Pi Sung had no choice but to go home helplessly

The next day Pi sung brought his findings tell the captain I think the murderer this time is imitating the daeju of the past because the method of committing the crime is identical But the captain and his teammates did not believe him At the same time at the teacher’s funeral The husband was heartbroken

Look at the innocent daughter I still don’t know that my mother has passed away forever But the hateful thing here is That damn murderer came to light incense again He was still talking to the little girl When Pi Sung came to visit his teacher he accidentally collided with the murderer

But didn’t know it After returning home, something unexpected happened to Pi Sung when he saw the ghosts of father and son used to live in the house before Too scared, he ran at fast speed to Seo Young’s house asked her to completely regain this spiritual ability Otherwise, your life will be messy

Seo young spoke again the power she transmitted into her body He has been completely regained but I really didn’t expect it accidentally activated his third eye this also means It’s not her ability still exists in you but yourself he already had psychic powers only now revealed I can’t bear it

I can’t bear it asked her to teach me how to use charms and bells to expel all souls After learning how to use the bell, he mustered up the courage to go home Experimentation is also effective But It seems that this father and son have no intention of harming him

They are two such gentle souls but the first time I met a ghost like pi sung Who cares about human decency? The next day he bought a bunch of exorcism plants and took them home Hang bells on the ceiling to feel secure At night, the father and son appeared again

Pi sung is unforgiving Immediately shake the bell to scare them away He just sat there ringing the bell until morning without daring to sleep That’s why He brought his panda appearance to join the team their investigation not only accept each teacher’s case but also many murder cases of countless other people

This time it’s a girl’s case was murdered at the stream a while ago After a few days, Pi Sung and 2 colleagues immediately went there as well as the previous case They could find no trace of the perpetrator at the scene But there is one suspicious point

The victim this time showed no signs of resistance So maybe he was doused with anesthetic before killing him? Before they could think about it, they received another case asked to get there urgently Because this time the victim is still alive will definitely provide useful information

The victim in the third case was a young girl She was going to the gym when a stranger covered her with a towel soaked in anesthetic and fainted Her dog didn’t see its owner return so he chased after him That’s why the murderer turned

Skin the dog in a very barbaric and cruel way he was planning to deal with the girl Then someone came and took her to the hospital just escaped the last life This time on the doctor’s side He has a scratch on his wrist So we can somewhat conclude

Recent crimes are precisely caused by this guy But that’s just a statement Evidence still cannot be found The headache from the case has not gone away yet, but he returned home Pi sung continues to suffer because of two souls your father’s ghost He frantically hit them with tree roots

Looking into her daughter’s eyes He saw the helpless suffering so he stopped when calm He also learned that they were two peaceful ghosts So I offered them rice to eat decided to let them stay in their home thanks to honest work So Pi Sung can sleep well tonight

The next day he was in a different position with an extremely comfortable state when listening to colleagues They investigated the type of anesthetic the killer used Can be obtained from hospitals so he immediately went to see the girl lucky to survive know

She used to go to Han Un Medical Center for medical examination when asking about the teacher’s husband He also needs to know that his wife also went there to be examined Along with that, the victim at the stream also went there for treatment pi sung immediately brought this discovery back tell colleagues

They quickly implemented a plan to go there to investigate but things are not easy Because it is a large hospital with hundreds of thousands of employees The dean was extremely difficult to live with refused to cooperate with the inspector So they just had to return to heaven empty-handed late evening

That killer doctor drove up the mountain to find someone That person is a magician with extremely strong spiritual abilities has the ability to call souls and revive the dead Daeju also came to her before wanted to summon the soul of one of his victims but she kicked him out immediately

Today the young murderer found her in the mountains he took the life of the nurse who had taken care of the magician to force him to help him summon the soul of the daeju under the mountain at this time Seo Young also senses that something is about to happen

That’s right, the magician agreed to help this doctor right when the fan was blowing The surrounding candles also went out, leaving everything in darkness The magician’s face became more terrifying She chanted a spell to call the white tiger’s soul to devour the evil soul of the murderous doctor

When he was about to be eaten by a white tiger He took out roasted sticky rice causing the white tiger to step back and return to his body He angrily controlled the nurse put a knife in her pussy to force the magician not to play tricks on him

She was once devoted to taking care of the shaman so she cannot see the substance does not save forced to agree to conduct the calling ceremony The shaman took the daeju’s ashes Sprinkle it on a white cloth and then recite the spell

Then burn the talisman of the 2nd column and shake the bell on the stick then frantically chanting charms A moment later, a black gas emitted from the two pendulums Hoang Daeju’s soul has entered his body The magician talked with the young murderer This name is the same as Hoang Daeju

I want to absorb all of the psychic’s energy so that the soul never disappears then enter yourself put both together Go and kill this tragic humanity In a moment The spirit of the medium has regained her body but was quickly controlled by wild daeju The doctor stabbed a knife into the medium’s body

For her soul to leave her body after that Daeju’s wild soul also comes out of the body fly into the air then hold it tightly with your hands causing the spirit of the medium to disappear then he immediately entered the body of that killer doctor now

Two evil demons reside in the same body This time on the pi sung side I’m watching a movie with a bunch of ghosts there are ghosts The soldier even rested his head on Pi Sung’s leg, looking very cute because you were good stomach for the other two father and son to eat

So now all the ghosts gather together to enjoy the drink This scene is really warm like a family tomorrow The murderer still wandered to the hospital to work Furthermore, an operation was performed holding the patient’s butcher knife he was trembling with joy now in this body There are two cruel souls coexisting done

The doctor targeted the nurse as the next target He invited her out for a few drinks but was rejected because she had to go shopping with her boyfriend Immediately this crazy guy followed intending to take action against both of them Pi sung was also present at that hospital to investigate

Yesterday I was kicked out, but today it’s back to me Basically thick He noticed the cameras in the corner of the house There will definitely be some clues Then call someone to investigate After work, he wants to meet Seo Young for dinner but don’t know how to speak

Here, she also wants to text him to go out to eat but I’m afraid to text and then delete it but people have a saying that there is fate will definitely meet 2 people by some random means but met each other at the store

It’s convenient for both of us to sit down and eat noodles After eating, he gallantly carried things home to help her To repay her, she gave him the shirt she had just hunted Sale is 0 VND on shopee with embarrassment On the outside, he’s shy

But this sign indicates that the roof is empty the murderer’s side he’s reviewing his criminal record was published in the newspaper three years ago with a satisfied look now the body of the doctor but the soul was completely occupied by wilderness At the same time, he may also possess medical skills

Without being exposed From now on he will live under this identity The doctor’s wife is also his Rainy clouds finished with his succulent wife Netfelig He was called by the director His son is a drug addict take off your wrist He called him here to bandage his wound

Because he knows you keep your mouth shut So I won’t reveal this to the public Hoang Daeju was insulted by the dean’s son When everyone goes out he gave it to the boy in front of him know what a festival is with one punch is passionate

I was about to deal with the kid Then he had an idea that some time later will enter this body to continue living Pi sung side Today he put on the seo rong shirt he gave her Make an appointment with him to a place that teaches dancing

She wants him to relax after stressful working hours so The two of them clumsily practiced dancing together as they get closer together feeling both excited Being embarrassed makes my heart beat fast I’m glad that she likes me But the truth is harsh and blows up in Seo Young’s face

Because I don’t want to have my rent increased That’s why I had to invite students to let my aunt teach me how to dance This homeowner and pi sung are the first students When he found out, he got angry and wanted to leave but when I heard she couldn’t pay the rent

He softened again Because I say it when I’m in love Even though I know it’s a refresh, I still keep crashing So pi sung called more teammates to learn dancing Look at these policemen’s faces The dancing teacher was helpless I don’t know these guys If I dance, no one will watch

But that’s it Anyway, I don’t have any students here daeju is standing in front of the mirror talk to the spirit of the medium because he now owns it Because of her psychic powers, she can see ghosts he wants to kill a lot of people so he can become a god

Sit without itching Wild Daeju continues to go out to hunt unfortunate prey He pretended to be injured and lured a nice guy to help then immediately stabbed him in the neck the end of a new life then sucks the victim’s soul but this story has been seo rong with telepathic abilities

See the next day The police found the bad boy’s body This guy is the nurse’s fiancé the person the murderer asked to go drinking with but was refused just because of her refusal but he also killed her husband Even though there is no hatred or resentment

Pi sung with a keen sense of smell discovered his wife works at han un hospital All cases have the same thing in common Suspected is Han Un Medical Center Okay, pi sung and co Instantly view video recordings from the camera at that hospital Finally found the name of the suspicious doctor

The young colleague immediately went to investigate and then returned to report that is the chief of surgery department sung iangu The two of them told this story to the captain but there is not specific evidence So this inference is not helpful For the time being, they can only silently monitor their whereabouts

His daily activities Wherever he goes, pi sung is there He even followed him to the parking garage That old fox is very clever and did not reveal any loopholes Pi used looking at his license plate to remember The first day he and seo young met each other That car passed your car

And was commented by seo young The soul of this car’s owner is dark he immediately called her and was confirmed by her That guy must be an extremely bloodthirsty person pi sung has locked on the target Surely that’s the culprit Because of adversity, he really wanted to catch him

But you don’t have any evidence The young police officer investigated that doctor’s name once renamed the scary thing as 53 years old He once killed his schoolmate pi sung immediately went to meet the victim’s father He recalls that his son was only 13 years old at the time are studying at school

While playing, I accidentally bumped into a classmate So he hit me in the head with a chair to the point of stopping breathing That friend is none other than doctor pi sung Only from this father’s mouth did I find out That doctor once received psychological counseling The psychiatrist was shocked

Knowing he worships serial killers Hoang Daeju heard that made him certain of his inference So I immediately wanted to arrest the doctor Despite the captain’s words to stop this side killer as always will visit the funeral of his victim

He pretended in front of his wife to comfort her not to be too sad know this guy’s songs he immediately rushed straight to the funeral bad guy saw the devil still sitting there laughing He went crazy and turned the dining table over to face him The battle between the two officially began

Hoang Dae Ru laughed like crazy looking at Pi Sung suddenly in a moment His ability to see into other people’s hearts revealed, even if only fleetingly makes Pi Sung startled in fear but he quickly regained his composure come and arrest this devil and take him to the police station

He has the psychic powers of a medium so can see the past of pi sung So I deliberately used my mother to provoke him causing him to lose his temper and kick continuously his person Only when colleagues arrived could they stop Pi sung The captain was infuriated with his hot-tempered action

Don’t think before this of pi sung If that guy tells the opposite, the police will be very troubled at the same time in the interrogation room Hoang Dae even just tapping a few times caused camera noise without evidence seo young can’t arrest him But the captain decided to disobey orders this time

Hold him for 2 hours so the investigation team can find evidence 6 types of pi in the car And the young policeman went to the doctor’s house 2 strange teammates 6 found his workplace But all the efforts and hopes went down the drain He hid all the evidence of his crime elsewhere

The captain could only bow his head and apologize and let the devil out It’s also because of this thoughtless arrest Pi sung was warned by the captain not allowed to continue investigating the case bored to death So he went to his crush to drink alcohol to relieve his sadness

Tell her about the murderer seo young forced his mouth to blurt out that name is also a magician Doctor and murderer But neither she nor pi sung paid attention to this statement just assumed he was suspicious After drinking a few warm drinks, the two of them went home

When he arrived, he sat alone and sat alone Remembering your mother and crying The next day when he went to work, he was confiscated by the captain Take the gun to avoid He was impatient and acted foolishly On this side, the murderer has found a new prey at the golf course

But it seems like he won’t be able to act today because pi sung is watching closely I followed him all the way to the hotel Patiently waiting in the lobby A moment later he went out But the girl who was with him was nowhere to be seen

Vi Sung impatiently dropped out his police card Ask the staff to check the girl’s room because he thought it very possible that she had been murdered but unexpectedly she just stayed to take a shower however this It’s impossible to make Pi sung out of doubt

Pi sung stayed up late and took out his binoculars Observe his every move but everything he does That guy knew everything and made fun of him Because human strength is limited, Pi Sung fell asleep The next morning he suddenly remembered that he had a wife

Listen to what the apartment security guard has to say The wife has not been seen for several days outside Vi Dung immediately became suspicious and looked at the camera in the elevator Then I saw the doctor carrying a very large suitcase right away

Vi Dung and the security guard came to knock on the devil’s door but no one answered at the same time He came to find the girlfriend he met at the ferry golf course Prepare to go down on her Pi sung had left a business card for her before

Say if anything happens, call me right away but before she could call her, the devil covered her mouth He tied her up and threw her into the trunk of the car next to Pi Sung Only then did he notice the missed call from the golf course girl Feeling unsafe

Should call back as if no one picks up smells danger Pi sung immediately called the captain to report Looking for support The captain was very angry because pi sung dared to resist the order to investigate but still choose to trust him this time because my intuition told me

Pi sung opened daeju’s case file and looked at it he took a risk decided to drive to the address where the crime was committed and actually found the doctor’s car The inspector tried harder to call the captain but no signal So he went alone into the tiger’s den in the wilderness

Torn remains wrapped in anti-blood plastic hung everywhere At the end of the room the girl is tied up there In the dark corner, there was the silhouette of a murderer He showed his face and provoked police officer Kang if he approached he will pull the strings that hold the girl’s life immediately

Hoang Daeju really did it to save the girl’s life Pi sung let him hit him with a stick Nor did he let go of his hand to lift the girl up then used a fatal blow to strike him But Pi Sung still decided to save the girl’s life

Until he put a knife to his neck and wanted to take his life then finally The police also came and gave him a series of sweet candies police kang and the girl were finally saved until they checked the sack in the trunk The murderer just discovered his wife’s body

The doctor’s body was dead But the wild soul hasn’t He flew to enter the headmaster’s son took over his body as a new host Pi Sung’s side thought this case had been resolved so he was excited Seo Young asked Seo Young to eat noodles at the convenience store

But this time the two of them talked more happily She even invited him to ride a bicycle and share her suffering Pi sung doesn’t know how to pedal So I had to go back and ask my colleagues but was teased until he laughed life is over

The new deputy captain agreed to take Pi Sung out to practice driving By chance I met a young colleague Also cycling with crush So this couple sat and fed each other lovingly The other two uncles were crooked people holding the steering wheel The person holding the back saddle wants to bend his back

However, Pi Sung still crashed It was the young colleague’s turn to act It’s delicious at first but after that it didn’t make the pi sung much better After a while of persistent practice for a bright future cycling with my crush Pi sung can also run the car

The other three people saw that and were happy for him decided to increase the difficulty for him Who would have thought that this uncle just knew how to ride a bike and was already acting like it? Dropping downhill but letting go of both hands, he looked like a street boy

The result of rushing headlong into the wall couldn’t have been better But it’s okay, I already know the basics of pedaling So he immediately took the car to find Seo Rong Ride with them to the restaurant to sit and talk happily but don’t know that all your actions

Were all captured by the wild name daeju in the body of an addicted youth watched as he looked at them and gave an evil smile Hoang Daeju followed Pi Sung all the way home when night falls he invaded my dreams recreate pi sung’s most painful memories in the dream he couldn’t move

Helplessly experiencing the pain of losing her mother again at this time Hoang Daeju appears in his true form He rolled his eyes and affirmed that no one could stop him he will make this world sink into death Another new day begins Seo Young prepares to ride his bike then

I saw that my saddle was covered with a soft rubber cushion So yesterday you said cycling hurt your butt so pi sung silently applied that padding for her This makes Seo Young extremely happy Pi sung side At this moment, he was still affected by yesterday’s dream

I can’t help but doubt whether daeju is still alive At the same time, he was under the identity of a rich young master Stubbornly go to the company to work as usual he has sighted new prey that’s the secretary the former headmaster’s son’s mistress She threatened them with their adultery

It will ruin his reputation if he doesn’t give it It’s such a big amount of money, baby This further stimulated the murderer At night there was a page of blood This is the right time to conduct a black magic ritual Hoang Daeju set up a table of candles

Then burned the photo of his old prison friend mumbled a spell with his mouth Later He cut his hand again with his fresh blood on the doll from the outside looking in you can see the villa he lives in shrouded in yin this name

Has increased a portion of the dark power in his body right now Seo Young’s spiritual power made her feel it too Evil is increasing day by day in this world next morning Pi sung is chasing a suspicious person with his teammates driving too fast

Despite being repeatedly asked to pull over by the police But this guy still stubbornly stepped on the gas and went into full gear The result causes traffic jams He turned the car into a small alley thought I could escape Who would have thought that the police would sandwich their car in the middle

Run out of track This guy boldly took out his knife and threatened forcing pi sung to pull out his stun gun But your shooting skills are a bit lame so the destination landed directly on the deputy captain’s thigh accidentally created an opportunity for the suspect flee to a nearby hospital

Then he successfully disguised himself as a doctor past three police officers such as identification documents and white goods He left it all in the car All his profiles are recorded His specialty is drug trafficking type of magic This time he appeared on the market as the best of the world

Inhaling a small amount is intoxicating After 2 inhales, I get high and bite people randomly so call it zombie ghost Immediately they sat down to discuss The plan is to quickly capture that ghost alive While the water is boiling, the oil burns But these policemen can still chase each other The captain noticed

See the young inspector and the police officer in the traffic department smiling at each other Then he immediately pulled the battery into the bathroom 8 stories told him about his speculation that Those two young police officers are going back and forth pi jung is boring to listen to don’t bother to say

Because he is also being dishonest and ambiguous Who is this? Then he immediately went out to do his duty pi sung with the young policeman Park your car in front of the drug dealer’s house to catch him but wait from afternoon to evening and then until the next morning and only the belt

Waiting for the vice captain Come change your cigarette so you can go back home to sleep even though it’s tiring But when I just received a text message from my crush invite to watch a movie He immediately jumped up and ran straight towards it As a result, people watch the movie and cry

He was snoring and snoring making the whole theater look at her, making her look so rustic Mom, call me, call me After watching the movie, they went to a luxury restaurant for dinner I thought there were only 2 people who know Seo Rong also invited the hostess who teaches ballet

She tried to be close to her like that is to avoid being forced to pay rent Who would have thought that she would even date her new boyfriend? come have dinner together no body eles is the cheating fortune teller Because we are right that the earth is too round

The fortune teller immediately pulled Pisung aside try to be friendly I hope this uncle won’t tell her The ballet teacher knows about the fortune teller’s past because now he has reformed I love her with all my heart Looking at his face, he still looks very shy

But pi sung still gives the opportunity to start over on the dining table The ballet teacher constantly flattered his psychic abilities My husband’s sorrow he was also proud so much So Seo Young took action to teach him What is the level of a magician? Just one look from her

Made him feel fear in his soul After the meal ended, Pi sung brought his crush home This made his heart race bamboo to confide in the soul I seem to have fallen in love with her wild daeju for residing in the body of a drug addict should be a habit

Hoang Daeju went to the drug transaction point boss gave the murderer the white flash and showed it to him That junior doesn’t work very well so he was beaten alive by lightning Hoang Daeju is interested in his namesake’s way of working because I let him submit to me

The murderer got out of the car and took down all his men then looked into the other junior’s eyes again But I know this guy was almost caught by Pi Sung what is related to pi sung all make wild dae ru excited The big brother felt his reputation was insulted

So I got out of the car and tried to brandish a knife to show some basic lines then threatened him but he didn’t know person in front No longer a drug addicted kid but a cold-blooded murderer in Daeju quickly grabbed the knife and pressed the big guy against the hood of the car

But he didn’t kill him but let him be his junior then turned around and stabbed that unfortunate junior to death Now he has all these white goods in his hands therefore which has more and more victims of addiction There are even cases of people rushing into people’s houses biting innocent people

At the same time at school a group of female students was dragging a classmate into the school warehouse to bully that was witnessed by this girl She is the captain’s daughter police team to save that classmate She broke the bully’s big sister’s arm

I really didn’t expect this girl’s family to be so big His mother made a fuss and went to the police station want to take this case to court The police chief had to kneel down to admit his mistake But pi sung is not easy to tease he used the law to argue

And also threatened to take the video tape from school This case is brought to court Her family will definitely suffer the loss made her speechless As soon as this incident calmed down, another incident occurred The body of the drug dealer from the previous day was found

Next to the body was a rearview mirror This is similar to the doctor’s method of committing crimes and the name daeju pi sung coldly down my spine He raised the victim’s hand to look at it and literally froze The perpetrator took part of the victim’s fingernails for spoils of war

Thinking to myself, is Daeju wild still alive? He voiced his doubts to the captain But Daeju wild theory is still alive It’s really unreasonable None of my colleagues believed what Pi Soong said After work, everyone left Only Pi Sung still sat back and studied the case

He remembered the dream he had of meeting wild daeju This is too coincidental maybe really His soul is destroying this world Young stars also went to the police station Please help me investigate her mother’s background Thanks to my crush, I couldn’t refuse While waiting for Pi to investigate the information

Young stars are mischievous How could the handcuffs be locked? I can’t open my hand anymore while struggling to find the key to open the handcuffs She accidentally saw the details of the murder in the pi supplement Crime scene images matched the dream Yesterday she dreamed At the same time, pi sung also investigated

Seo Young’s mother’s residence They went there together and it turned out The psychic used to perform magic and was stabbed to death by the doctor It’s Seo Young’s mother Look at the remaining field map She knew her mother had performed a seance her body in the house makes pi sung scared to death

Because so that seo young won’t be psychologically haunted he tried to push her out But with a strong spiritual person like you I already felt my mother’s death The next morning the police arrived to investigate the scene Talk to the highway police Phi Dung learned about the high-speed video tape

Recorded the name of the doctor who drove into this hill Perhaps it was he who killed the medium even though she sensed her death But when I saw my mother with my own eyes seo young still can’t hold back she was sad

Because perhaps there is no one else in this world who is a relative then because to comfort her pi sung took her to the sea Patiently sitting there with her sharing her sadness after regaining my composure She decided to investigate this case with Pi Sung If we link all the evidence together

The exact name of the doctor went to the mountain to find a psychic call daeju’s name and then he took over the doctor’s body go kill people when the doctor died Wild Daeju takes over another person’s body continue hunting Over here, he is currently discussing with the big brother

How to produce a lot of zombie magic Thus the speed of world destruction will increase The big brother has someone with solid backing We should leave the police alone to proudly produce opium At the same time, police Kang and Seo Young arrived Bury the bodies of criminals

Ask about the whereabouts of Hoang Daeju’s ashes but strangely there is no note in the list That is, this guy’s ashes were taken by someone else So their inference seems to be very accurate seo young immediately asked for pi sung Take her to meet the great magician she is the most powerful magician

I just heard Seo Young say her mother passed away The magician immediately understood the problem she said the evil spirit of wild daeju I want to open the gates of hell entered the world and caused chaos in human life And only Seo Young can put this matter to rest

She didn’t want to go down this path but the magician affirmed that this was her destiny Her mother also did not want to follow the spiritual path But it was because fate forced me to leave she understood everything Seo Young was heartbroken and sobbed by your side

The inspector is entering a martial arts hall looking for his lover She was boxing with the captain’s daughter When he saw her, he threw his partner to the ground made him gasp thinking about human life if sharing the same house Just a little trouble with the roof and it will break

Even the three of them went out to dinner together the captain’s daughter confided The little girl later wants to become a police officer like her two older siblings So I will try my best As soon as she got home, she threw herself into studying seriously

I saw my daughter after I met my two siblings The police have improved markedly The captain was extremely happy the next day right after work He immediately invited two young people to drink with him This time on the side of the wild man daeju lot The first drug has been produced to test

See if the quality is as good as the illegal drugs He ordered his juniors to approach a group of people drinking pouring liquid spirit into one’s wine As a result, he went crazy and rushed home to bite his wife and children As of yesterday, no one had discovered this

Schools still let students go to school as usual The school captain’s daughter was bullied Make an appointment after class confide in the pink age She knows how to listen to the police officer’s advice very well is not allowed to have a criminal record on school records

So I texted her to ask for help The police officer told this story to her lover and pi sung the deputy captain was worried If the captain knows that his daughter is being threatened will be very angry So the four of them decided to go meet the bullies replace the girl

Waited until evening and they arrived at the meeting point very punctually The beautiful police girl stayed to keep watch Three men went to the table together just scare the kids Don’t hurt them But only after entering the tiger’s den will you know those three girls I even brought a few gangsters with me

With many years in the profession The vice captain confidently dueled with the big brother and then was kicked in the head and fainted immediately afterward at the same time at seo young’s house She was very panicked and called Pi Sung But he left his phone in the car

The reason seo young panicked like So that’s because you predicted another murder then out The murderer is about to attack another girl This girl is the former lover of the dean’s son come back in the morning She hired a lawyer came to meet privately with the dean’s son to claim compensation if not

Will expose the affair between you and him But she didn’t know that the addict was now gone now a cold-blooded murderer with no one He happily pretended to agree to pay one billion won but then silently watched She goes to the gym and wait for the opportunity to strike

Because I can’t call pi sung So Seo Young decided to save people first Pi Sung’s side does not dare to act rashly at this time because the enemy is very active I thought today was the end, but the situation has changed The policewoman abandoned her car and ran to provide reinforcements

She is an excellent boxer This kid in front of me is nothing to me just a few nice basic lines You made this guy cross-eyed mind reeling finally hit the wall fly up to the middle Kicked and knocked him out with a devastating kick

The guys behind looked at it and were also shy and just a few notes The governor made the bullies know what a festival is Together they knelt down and repented Finished dealing with these brats Everyone helped the vice captain home Pi sung turns on the power just received a message from seo young

Worried she would be in danger Pi sung immediately drove there leaving behind three colleagues to walk home beside Seo Jongko saw the man in his dream immediately followed him The killer’s keen sense of smell discovered her also discovered that she was the child of a psychic He happily decided to change prey tonight

Hoang Daeju ignores his mistress which lured seo young to a building no one here Suddenly he rushed out and controlled her from behind come into contact with the murderer at close range seo young saw him kill someone Moreover, we also found out that he was daeju killed her mother and took her powers

That’s why He can also read minds now and learned her identity Just as he was about to strike, Pi Sung ran to the spot Just touched your face know that he is the wild soul of the world but pi sung can’t do anything because he’s holding my girlfriend in his hands

The murderer asked for her remains to save my lover He knelt down and begged for the decision to let him deal with him The devil saw this scene and became even more interested Besides, he didn’t want to kill Pi Sung so easily

He wanted to torment him deep inside so he raised the knife preparing to take the life of the person he loves At that moment, the spirit of the medium took over his body Struggle to control the murderer’s soul buy time for his daughter to escape

I thought it would be easy to escape this 82nd disaster Then Hoang Daeju jumped from the third floor to the ground to block the way The two people had to continue running away Luckily at this time a group of people passed by

The murderer was inconvenient to show his face, so he skipped it this time Thanks to that, the two of them escaped an extremely magical life go home seo young Pi sung carefully bandaged her wound He was afraid of the wild Daeju’s ability Soon he will feel this place

And came to harm Seo Young She reassured him that this place was the safest place because This house is full of potential her spirituality Evil people with bad intentions will not be able to enter on the side of the devil in that body’s subconscious

His soul and the medium’s soul are facing each other The medium tried every way to persuade him to stop at the right time she expressed herself sympathize with his painful past of abandonment But Hoang Daeju was not shaken He wanted to kill her soul forever but failed The magician’s soul temporarily disappears

Then resides in the tree trunk It is also the root of a boy’s soul and body The director is now on Seo Young’s side even though she affirmed that her house was very safe But Pi Sung still doesn’t feel secure about going home

He parked his car in front of the house and kept watch all night everything has been seen by seo young Now she understands why her mother left her in the past because she doesn’t want people around her in danger her spiritual power can attract unclean things and now seo young is the same

She didn’t want to involve him feel how much better he is to her she felt even more tormented That’s why Seo Young is silent leave a message saying goodbye to pi sung to go to a far away place The next morning Pi Sung woke up in the car

The first thing he did was run and knock on Seo Young’s door to make sure she’s safe but there was no response Contact phone numbers have also been blocked He ran to her store to look but couldn’t find it pi sung zealously he immediately returned to the station

Check security cameras on the highway I hope to find Seo Young’s whereabouts saw her standing in front of my car door yesterday he suddenly understood everything Also found her goodbye note stuck on the car windshield actually seo young doesn’t want to run away

She just went to the temple door to calm her mind for a while Today’s society is too chaotic and complicated People’s hearts are evil and scheming drug dealer Collaborate with the evil demon Daeju he ordered his juniors to disguise themselves as employees water delivery Pour drugs mixed into it for everyone to drink

The restaurant is crowded with people no one knew the disaster was about to strike Just like that as planned each person has a glass of water and soon some people went crazy They lost their reason and rushed forward I want to bite and tear those around me The restaurant became chaotic

In a few short minutes, people rushed to flee This thing is starting to get tense Public opinion puts pressure on the government The police force must quickly find the culprit ban this zombie on the side of the devil He was extremely happy with his achievement then this world will be destroyed

According to his long-standing wish because I was bored with the game of white powder becoming a ghost So Hoang Daeju did not hesitate to kill the old man then cruelly threw him into the crematorium Now he wants to play another game with Pi sung

He ordered someone to kidnap a young man who was a gang leader school bully tied hands and feet and blindfolded make him stand on the railing on the rooftop of a high-rise building then the devil called pi sung I want you to watch this good show with him

The guy was caught and tied up last month bullied a classmate That unfortunate friend couldn’t stand it anymore had to jump from the building where the young man was tied up That’s where that guy threw himself down to escape the painful reality Now he also calls the father of that unfortunate friend

Came to see if he was willing to save the bully whether or not he indirectly killed his son The honest father is planning to save people the video of the boy being bullied appears on the computer Seeing my son being treated by his friends when he was still alive no different from animals

The father’s resentment emerged This is also the time The boundary between honesty and cruelty in humans Outburst the heartbroken father questioned the bully just because my son stutters made him hate it so he tortured it So why did the bully tremble in the face of his death?

I just feel how bad things are Is it time to regret now? through the camera screen Hoang Daeju wants to make a bet with Pi Sung Will that honest father turn black? Pi sung held his breath to see the situation The chosen father held the bully boy’s hand tightly

While I was breathing a sigh of relief then that poor father took off the boy’s blindfold Let him see your face clearly then he firmly pushed him down in pi sung’s shock wild despite understanding people’s hearts so well He completely won this bet Actually he is not

Someone who is born evil because he has a villain’s past when he yearned for people’s hearts and found sympathy then someone would volunteer to extend their hand to save him That’s why the psychology of social hatred is born destroy everything and by default humans are cruel

Therefore, it is not worthy to live on this planet Hoang Daeju announced his new game is kills one person every week no one can stop it If you want to end this game, pi sung must kill seo young Only then did Hoang Daeju stop Pi sung falls into a difficult position

I really don’t know what to do now On one side is the girl he loves one side left is the lives of countless people they do not know No one deserves to be sacrificed I feel that the devil must be captured at all costs tomorrow

Seo Young has decided to return and stand by his side Together Pi sung wins The devil received her phone call Pi sung immediately rushed straight there he thought he was going crazy Question Seo Young why he disappeared But when I saw that pure smile of hers he couldn’t be angry

The two decided not to talk about the past and go together Play together all day long I really hope this peaceful moment will last forever after the trip Seo Yong even took Pi Sung to the YouTube store slap the nails back at the moment

He was immersed in the happiest moment in this life cotton seo young spoke again She will become a magician like her mother It is also said to be a servant of the gods Only then can God grant strength to be strong enough to defeat wild daeju

But there is one thing when you become a man of god Then everything that belongs to her will be decided by God In other words, she cannot love him listen to these words It was like a slap pulled him back to this cruel reality pi sung motionless but when you know

You will still be able to see her as usual then he will feel more relaxed on the side of that bastard daeju Because pi sung refused his request to kill seo yong So he continued to look for new victims This beautiful, unfortunate girl Unfortunately, it fell into his sights complete the crime

He calmly called Pi Sung to show off his achievements because of using an encrypted device so pi sung couldn’t find his whereabouts Helplessness always torments pi sung knowing each person is innocent at times I lost my life and I couldn’t do anything That’s why he learned Seo Young’s way

Whenever you’re tired, hug the big bear on the side of the road this man never felt Life is as difficult as it is now He mustered all his courage to find Seo Young speak out your long-standing feelings I like you, I’m not afraid of danger So I hope you don’t become a magician

Together we will defeat wild daeju What he said made Seo Young extremely touched She gave him their first kiss but sadly This kiss is also a refusal She still decided to sacrifice herself for the greater good This made Pi Sung sad and hide in the car

Crying loudly, Seo Young also silently shed tears while the ritual for the ongoing shaman finished The old magician just looked and realized her feelings she hugged her like a mother she can finally lean on someone’s shoulder and can cry loudly without restraint has found a successor to be my servant

The old magician also passed away in silence From now on, we are responsible for harmonizing yin and yang in the earthly world Leave everything to Seo Young to film With Pi Sung again, he knew he couldn’t give up The murderer is still at large because he could not rest assured that day

If he followed what he said, he would kill someone every other week Then on the 13th, innocent people will lose their lives and that’s right Hoang Daeju attacked a man Kindly help him fix the tire The victim’s blood splashed on his face, making him excited

This case was reported in the newspaper the next day Pi sung can also be viewed he was extremely indignant because every time he takes action against the victim Hoang Daeju will text Pi Sung to give him the clue suggests he must find that answer

If he can answer, he will stop killing people for a week Now I can’t solve it twice That’s why 2 people died This time Pi Sung must find something in common between the two victims Only then will we know Who is the third person Hoang Daeju targets?

Even if I rack my brain and think, I can’t figure it out I had to find Seo Young Present She was moving all her belongings to the magician’s house From now on it’s her new home Two people had just met and argued But the words were still filled with concern

After the argument was over, they started to get to the main topic pi sung revealed to her about the riddle the devil asked him he said Only police officer Kim can solve his riddle So He wants her to use her ability to summon the metal police spirit according to her words

Pi Sung has arrived at the place where Officer Kim’s ashes are kept Get his police badge replace it with your badge Then go back and give it back to Seo Young 2 days later pi sung came to perform the ceremony seo young will use necromancy to police kim

Let his soul enter Pi Sung’s body This process is very dangerous and could cost you your life But because of the big Pi Sung, I still want to try it once seo young started the ceremony She made a small wound His finger dripped onto the doll she had prepared in advance

Fold the police badge into the burning charm then began to ring the bell to call the soul At the end of the process, the doll on the table shook violently Seo Young took a cloth string and wrapped it around the doll’s other head give it to pi sung hold

Police officer Kim’s soul immediately entered him He screamed in fear and hid in a corner when she mentioned the villain he once captured went to prison and is now alive again Only then did Inspector Kim calm down he cannot accept this when seo young asked him to help capture wild daeju he refused

But under the extremely earnest advice of seo young Inspector Kim also relented and decided to step out into the darkness determined to catch the villain again present the soul of Inspector Kim will stay in pi sung’s body for a while because in pi sung’s body So Mr. Kim has all your habits

And can find your way home easily Look at the files of the two victims on the table then looked at Hoang Daeju’s photo Mr. Kim was mad and hated him to the extreme I must catch him and put him in jail again so the next morning Mr. Kim went out to exercise

To be more adaptable to your current body is making the soul fly through the wall very stylish Now I have to carry this heavy mass of meat The movement is a bit unfamiliar Started the morning dew Mr. Kim drove the car to the police station he has the habit of pi sung

But no memory That’s why I ignored the beautiful young police officer colleagues as usual often joke around with each other but today I didn’t see any response from pi sung and found him cold boy makes them feel strange The captain thought there was something sad about him Should take it to the bathroom

Secret confide Mr. Kim of course did not understand what the captain said So I just silently bowed my head and replied a few words and then left The whole team went on a mission again Together they round up a gangster His subordinates have appeared and was controlled by the young policeman

The boss hid in the car and locked the door Without saying much, Mr. Kim smashed the car window with one shot The boss must reveal himself He pulled out a knife and threatened his colleagues around him to be careful But the needleman pointed a few basic lines and kicked the knife away

He still refused to give in and demanded a duel But it’s still young and green was defeated by Mr. Kim with just a few low-level punches Police officer Kang usually has a hot temper act rashly But the needle in his body was calm Assertiveness shows a person with high professional skills

Surrounding colleagues gasped Eyes wide open in admiration because this pulse is so awesome After handling this case, Mr. Kim did not forget his investigative duties The devil’s riddle hope to save the innocent third person with support from seo young Only then did he realize that the devil had killed someone as a rule

He will take the lives of people with the same name as the victim which 2 years ago he killed knowing this Mr. Kim immediately ran to the police station Turn over Hoang Daeju’s criminal record recognized his third victim is a girl named yo ji suk

That same night Mr. Kim called each phone number each address of a person named yo ji suk and also know her whereabouts Seo Young also came to save lives with Mr. Kim when facing pisungko’s face Still feeling emotional in my heart

Even though I knew it wasn’t him in front of me, it was very fast Seo Young went from confused to nervous Because Kim doesn’t want to save people yet he wants to use the girl do ji suk to lure the devil out true to his old ways

Use the victim as bait to stop him But Mr. Kim made up his mind She could only follow with utmost caution They parked their car in front of the girl’s house and kept watch until the next morning when she goes to work they immediately go

Drove to follow this girl who worked as a waitress at a restaurant a normal job and a peaceful life but just because of the same name, he was murdered Is it really worth it? If you let the mistakes of the past happen again once again

Then the decoy victim will be murdered by the murderer They patiently sat in the car keeping watch until she gets off work but still nothing happened until Mr. Kim drove the girl home The new murderer showed up, but he didn’t pay attention to him Because his current appearance is so different

But he just looked recognized the person in front of him was Kim Inspector 2 years ago even though he found the answer But he did not want to spare this prey he uses his power Change voice to the girl’s husband Lure the mother and child into the car

Until Mr. Kim and Seo Young ran up to the place didn’t see anyone because the murderer drove their whole family to one place absent of murder cruel but he leisurely ate the food his wife had bought when Mr. Kim and Yong found the location of the crime The place was surrounded by police

So the old mistake was repeated again just because he wanted to lure the murderer into a trap But Inspector Kim caused the decoy to die This time it’s not just one person but a whole family of three The murderer parked his car near it and called him satisfied provoke that ignorance

Kim lost control screaming around forcing Seo Young to take him back to Pi Sung’s house Here he also told her the story The devil wanted Pi Sung to kill her Only then will he stop playing this game But Pi Sung chose not to seo young is not afraid of death

She’s just more afraid of the crazy killer when he kills magicians like you to easily open the door to hell but it won’t stop Mr. Kim does not believe in hell or longan apples I just wanted to borrow alcohol to relieve my sadness and then fall asleep on the table

Meanwhile, Jong read Pi Sung’s letter In the letter he mentioned her I hope Mr. Kim will protect her well Young smiled She lit incense on his behalf for the souls who still kindly talked to her look into her angry eyes Because this person doesn’t want to die

But he dragged him along to die with him It turned out that these two men and nephews were in debt and had no place to live The grandfather did not want his grandchildren to suffer in this world which caused both of them to reincarnate at the same time under SEO Young’s advice

The grandfather finally let go Let me go Seo Young’s reincarnation also helped her change her life get this done She uses her psychic powers go into pi sung’s subconscious Currently he lives very happily wearing a suit looks very cool Letting the boat out on the sea, fishing leisurely, I sat on the sail

Because in here is the subconscious So Pi Sung boldly held Seo Young’s hand and went to kiss her But she still cannot allow herself to love someone else when I’m a magician You should quickly return your soul to your body The next day she went to see her magician brother

But he still has all the same problems no cheating also cheat money for other people’s ceremonies When a fake product meets a real product, it immediately catches up under her oppressive eyes that see through the world he had to go out and disperse the customers Promised to watch them for free next time

And talk obediently Actually, this guy also has special abilities but use it to make money and today She came to see him because she wanted to reconnect with him to destroy the devil Because both of them are real magicians, they can attain enlightenment while two people talked then

The dancing teacher and Inspector Kim were standing in front of the door acquaintances meet The aunt kept talking But Inspector Kim refused to answer until the magician’s brother opened the door Then just put the needle in makes the ballet dancer suspicious determined to get in until he got in then it slopes horizontally

When I met my friend Seo Young The magician had to drag this woman out In the other room Mr. Kim and Seo Young he revealed something to her wild name daeju is definitely in the process of finding a new host in case his current body is killed He quickly entered his new body

Otherwise the soul will perish and who he chooses definitely definitely lives in the antion forest area because daeju always acts according to the rules that forest 2 years ago is where he was arrested by Mr. Kim so now he will definitely choose the host live in or near forests say do

The next day Mr. Kim drove into that area Step into the house where a murder took place Memories of two years ago came back to torment him But now is not the time to be sad Mr. Kim immediately went to the land management board

I want to see the household registration of each house live in this area While Inspector Kim was busy, his eyes darkened his nose Meanwhile, teammates at home only think about the soccer competition between police teams they sit and beg for the past Just like a fan of some Red Devils team

The vice captain’s enthusiasm was boiling Use all your strength to win the ball want to win But the ball went into the hands of goalkeeper Pi Sung Then he used his foot to kick a shot let the opponent into your own net As a result, his team lost miserably

This year, learn from experience The whole team doesn’t let Pi sung play anymore Just make him stand still in one place so there are enough numbers but times are different Pi sung plays poorly Mr. Kim is a great striker see your team is leading

Mr. Kim held the ball and spun it around like Anthony then put it straight into the net to bring the score to three one for the home team The vice captain also did not understand what happened but he won face as stiff as a muscle Early in the morning, I carried the news

In the evening, I returned to visit thousands to investigate each household The area around the mountain found a girl named Ji Han Suddenly, the police officer appeared, his face full of condolences The other girl is his daughter The next morning he quietly came to observe mother and child

They followed the girl to work After work, he followed his daughter to the pub Listen to Ji Han confide in friends He learned that his son’s work was under a lot of pressure oppressed by the boss but did not dare to rest because her mother looks forward to her work

Late at night she walked home alone Unfortunately, she met three thugs who wanted to rob her bag Luckily, Inspector Kim came out and chased those bastards away ji han se refused to know anything anymore So Mr. Kim kindly carried her home She feels this person is very safe

So I told him about her father Memories of father and son from before also appeared massively in Mr. Kim’s mind causing him to silently shed tears The past is past and cannot be returned I want my daughter to live well He must quickly catch that evil guy

When seo young came to give him food She was surprised by the papers on the ground Those are the names of each household on the mountain change scene Kim’s daughter was sent to work for the president And that president is the devil of Daeju he seemed to know who she was

And is planning a sinister plan with her He used sweet words to praise her talent made Ji Han very grateful to him for using him Daeju also arranged a new office for her a new location a new position to gain her trust He was now proud to have everything in his hands

Return to your house Hoang Daeju was asked for his pension by the boss Otherwise, I will report to the police what he did Hoang Daeju did not pay He immediately pulled out a gun and threatened Hoang Daeju is not only not afraid but also extremely enjoyable he uses his ability

Control the actions of the boss then hit him in the head causing him to faint and wake up in the warehouse next to the crematorium His face turned pale and he hoped Daeju would forgive him But because it no longer has any useful value so this body of his

Used as a vessel for the soul The name of Hoang Daeju’s cellmate he opened his mouth once Black smoke flew out and then entered that person named big brother the fusion process ends The prisoner’s soul has occupied this body He killed all of the boss’s subordinates leave no trace

From now on, this guy is no less evil than Daeju will be his powerful arm On Seo Yongko’s side and the magician guy is diligently devising a spell to destroy souls wild dae even though I only saw him bring out a jar of garlic and chili mixture

Extremely confidently bragged about its exorcism powers While this guy is going crazy when the ballet teacher was going crazy Because jealousy is not as free as some of them Kim inspector from night to morning diligently shortened the scope of the investigation from a closed wall

Now there are only a few sheets of paper left thanks to his tireless efforts Kim finally found the suspect That’s the owner of the medical corporation is also Hoang Daeju He immediately drove to his home address d no it is a splendid and luxurious villa located on the way to mount enson

Very similar to what he suspected looking inside to see Then an old man appeared behind him to extract information helpful from inspector kim invited him to dinner The currency is the currency ahead of Wisdom from the old man’s mouth I know The president of that medical group also has a son

And in his house, thugs often appear Meanwhile, on the wild side of Daeju He approached and started a conversation with police officer Kim’s daughter He invited her out to eat to strengthen his relationship with her for easy action After dinner, he was still thoughtful drive her home

And gave a portion of premium beef to her mother waiting for innocent ji han to enter the house he just smiled evilly at the same time Inspector Kim brought his findings tell young He also investigated the thug that the old man said often went in and out of that villa

2 people have locked the target is a thug and the president of a medical corporation Currently, those two people live in the same house daeju’s thug friend He used to be a pedophile having sex with girls then killing them Now He was revived by Daeju and continued his old hobby makes daeju uncomfortable

He grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted his best friend’s name to the scene Report if you still dare to do what you like I will kill you This side is Inspector Kim’s daughter It seemed like she was in love by wild dae ru’s sweet words

Enchantment began to produce feelings for him When I left, I went out to eat with him Inspector Kim at this time is carefully following conan Even though this guy was warned by wild daeju Don’t continue playing tricks on girls but he still has his own problems

The country is easy to change, its nature is difficult to leave He went to the bar to flirt with the waitress But this girl seems to be very stubborn Don’t follow him home This guy had to go home alone Inspector Kim reported to the police that someone was drinking and driving

So we can go a bit This guy was stopped by the police but because of the light alcohol content So he was released but it doesn’t matter because police officer Kim already has the information he needs so that night He and Seo Rong went to the pub That thug often comes

Let her feel in this guy’s body Is there a soul of Hoang Daeju? Young stars immediately took action She covered her face and entered the shop An excuse to really go to the bathroom to approach her name The explosion occurred when the two passed each other in the bathroom she felt it

This body is being possessed by another soul Even though it’s not wild Daeju But that soul is still very cruel after a long courtship He lured the waitress into the hotel to save this girl Inspector Kim used the excuse that his car’s lights were not turned off

Ask the service to call the car owner to turn on the lights so very dazzling The service immediately called Then he was called down to turn off the car lights Sao Young quickly sneaked up to his room when accidentally hearing the room number She dragged the waitress away

On top of his car, he seemed to realize something because his car lights were off He decided not to go back to his room anymore but went down the hall to face Mr. Kim This name is also known The person in front of me is not pi sung but the needle police

He also told him Hoang Daeju already knew His soul resides in pi sung’s body Having finished speaking, the two rushed into a duel If you wrestle me to the ground, I’ll give you a punch The two struggled on the ground Punching back and forth, no one loses

In the end, this guy is still too young compared to the scene’s superior skill level Kim was defeated by him But due to a moment of negligence on his part, he got up grabbed the knife and tried to stab him in the back Luckily Seo Young arrived on time

A blow to the back of the head knocked him unconscious young seo personnel wanted to eliminate the cruel soul within him But police Kim wants to destroy him He immediately stuffed him into the trunk of the car Drive to the abandoned house where Daeju killed someone in the past

Here Seo Young casts a spell to burn this evil soul Let him endure the pain and leave the big brother’s body the heat from the talisman fire causing pain to the soul of Daeju’s best friend Seo Young softened his heart and spared him his life

Wanted him to quickly return the body to the big brother But the soul of this street hustler is stubborn refused to force Seo Young to use holy water for the soul Holy water is like acid when poured on the face and it burns extremely

The soul of police officer Kim also shuddered when he witnessed it eventually The other prisoner was also sucked into the paper bag seo young’s charm Back to police officer Kim’s daughter she entered into a love relationship with the devil wild daeju He came to her mother’s house and promised to find a doctor

The best at treating her feet expressed his desire to marry her daughter Look at his sincere face and his great family background The mother couldn’t help but shake her daughter who lost her father at a young age She also hopes that her child will have a stable place

And she agreed to let her daughter go back and forth with him Go back to the police officer seo young saw it The gates of hell are opening wider and wider So they had to quickly destroy the wild daeju The boss has woken up memories of being wild daeju in another soul

Occupy the body shocked him through the mouth of the boss they finally know wild daeju is residing in the body Chairman of the medical group He was bitter because he was taken advantage of by Daeju Kill all your close subordinates was indignant and decided to join the kim police

Help him deal with him early morning Colleagues talk to each other about 8 things I thought Pi Sung was strange these days because of love They can still investigate seo young is the girl who changed pi sung under the argument of the deputy captain Seo Young becomes a magician girl

Trick pi sung’s feelings And as colleagues, they must silently help him He overcame the shock this time Big brother’s name right now listen to the advice that seo young said Standing from afar, calling Hoang Dae Du to meet tomorrow night because if he gets close he will notice something unusual

But it seems like they already despise him wild how to travel the phone line can still be recognized My friend’s soul has been destroyed He didn’t expose it right away but wanted to wait and see a good drama After calling Hoang Daeju The big brother immediately found his old boss

Give a large amount of money wants to use his power to help kill wild daeju But in this society, having money can buy money The tycoon decided to play until the end Fully equipped with guns and ready to go Big brother wants to personally take Daeju’s life

So he didn’t answer Inspector Kim’s phone call which led the boss to the devil’s mansion he is not at home right now because he was busy going on a date with Mr. Kim’s daughter Hoang Daeju led her to the place where he was born and also revealed it to her

About his true identity he quipped that she was in love with her father’s enemy Ji Han held herself in place. She wanted to run but couldn’t Maybe he temporarily locked her here then returned home alone In Daeju deserted house At this moment, the big brother was arrogantly waiting for him

Because they have allies and relatives with full guns so he wasn’t afraid of anything The tycoon’s juniors control him Leading wild Daeju down to the crematorium let the boss torment him Just as he was about to cut off Hoang Dae Du’s finger then the electric light went out

When the light turns back on The whole group of people were controlled and stood still, unable to move Hoang Daeju started his game He used force to force them to follow the play He wants each person to stab and kill each other In the end, all share the same fate

That is death in the crematorium get the job done he leisurely went jogging without knowing that police officer Kim was following behind Look at the villain in front of you He stepped hard on the gas pedal stabbed him unconscious on a kumquat branch then carried his body to the car

Call Seo Young and tell him Prepare a ritual to destroy evil spirits She immediately arranged her tools to work This trip may be more or less good or bad Inspector Kim brought the bastard Daeju to the place seo young immediately conducted the ceremony First, use the exorcism stick to smash his entire body

Then use the bell to chant a spell to push the soul out but it seems ineffective seo young doesn’t give up She directly used the fabric to connect with him then recite the spell as it enters his subconscious seo young felt his mother’s soul in there until the fabric turns black

Daeju’s wild soul is still unaffected she penetrated his consciousness Seo Young was pushed back by a great force when I got close to him again Then she discovered a photo he took with his daughter Kim Inspector know something bad is happening Kim immediately called his wife asked about his daughter’s whereabouts

Knowing all day today She is with her lover who is also Hoang Daeju Police officer Kim lost his temper He wanted to rush in and tear this evil man apart to find a way to save her daughter He ignored SEO Young’s advice accept the risk of having his soul destroyed thanks seo young

Help me enter the body with Hoang Daeju She had no choice but to do it She took the needle’s blood wiped daeju’s face Then ring the bell to begin the ritual Then she sucked Kim’s soul then transferred into Daeju’s wild body Pi sung’s body was returned to his soul

In wild Daeju’s mind what police officer Kim saw seo young can see it too Currently, Hoang Daeju is losing consciousness So it’s not easy to find his soul But in return, Mr. Kim can control this consciousness He wants Seo Young to take him to his memories

About where the murderer lived as a child because he most likely hid your daughter there 2000 00:56:56,660 –> 00:56:56,600 due to him always work according to what has a connection to him Mr. Kim immediately returned to his old memories met Hoang Daeju when he was five years old

At this time he was still a good-natured boy with sad, pitiful eyes because he was beaten by his drunken father all day long police officer kim wants to help but can’t because of living in that situation So Daeju wild psychology is distorted he began to intend to kill First is a small chicken

Mr. Kim promptly stopped him so he could open up more to her He gently comforted and soothed him Hoang Daeju once said he craved sympathy Now I hear words in my defense so the boy immediately fell into Inspector Kim’s arms trust leading him to his secret mine base The father’s premonition was felt

This is where my daughter is hidden know the location already maybe It’s time to completely destroy the wild spirit of Daeju before he regained consciousness Mr. Kim immediately grabbed her neck tightly The child was betrayed by the person he trusted causing Daeju in the present to awaken he grabbed nam seo yong

Then throw it away like a toy The two of you are not his opponents The police were even more motionless seo yong is in his arms Hoang Daeju is not in a hurry to kill her he let her into his mind again Watch the scene where he destroys Kim’s soul

The devil easily controlled the police made him immobile then grabbed his neck and burned his soul When he finished, he returned to real life to deal with Seo Young But she’s not average either but in a broader form she uses the magical sword causing pain to the evil soul

This game can only hold him back for a while Luckily, Pi Sung was awake at this time He opened fire to warn him to stop Hoang Daeju continued to use hypnosis techniques Control Pi Sung’s gun muzzle to aim at Seo Jong but with love and strong reason he

Turned the car and shot one shot at the devil’s leg then ran to help seo jong Thanks to that, Hoang dae du used two hands take both at the same time for convenience both ways is tense like a string Then the magician’s brother appeared Along with that is the garlic spray anti-ghost treasure

Actually, I don’t want to continue playing Because he was out of strength, Hoang Daeju let the three people go They did not return to the temple immediately but took the risk of running to the cave to save Mr. Kim’s daughter She was locked in an iron box blocked with rocks above

By the time they found her, she had fainted Luckily he was taken to the emergency room in time does not affect life take care of this Pi sung and seo young can also sit down talk to each other seo young wants him to kill him at the request of Hoang Daeju

Let it all end But how can pi sung be possible? plus the words of an addict and an evil person You should not listen to what they have to say Only by killing him can all the troubles end This is now the fortune teller’s place for that sugar cane magician’s brother

Will be the basis for their discussion and the magician brother right now running to find her sister who teaches ballet explains everything he and young are just magicians sent from heaven to earth This is difficult for ordinary people to accept Because it was so silly, it made my sister even more mad

But to prove his integrity So my brother decided to apply profound internal techniques extinguish the candle Squeezing your butt muscles and inhaling your butt muscles can’t stop it But with just a scream that echoed into the sky from her sister then the fire immediately went out

Pizung when he returns to his body until it’s time to eat He immediately ran to eat That’s why my colleagues can be sure This is the real pi sung I thought everything would return to normal but it’s not that simple Daeju wild devil I don’t want to live under someone else’s skin anymore

He was completely exposed and came out to slaughter people The street scene suddenly became chaotic Along with that was a stream of people running away screaming Hoang Daeju calmly walked away and opened fire satisfy the madness He rushed into the cafe and took control of the hostages

This incident was reported in the news Then Pi Sung and his colleagues were having lunch I saw the worried look on Pi Sung’s face because he knew the Daeju wild devil did that as a warning Young stars can also see the news This news is like a message he sent to them

If Pi Sung hadn’t even personally killed the person he loved he will continue to slaughter innocent people Currently, the police have surrounded the scene inside The devil sat leisurely drinking coffee Watch the hostages tremble Pi sung arrived at the scene He tried his best to stop the special team

Do not kill the suspect because you know it well Even if I shoot him a hundred times His soul will still find a new body So we had to capture him alive but no one listened to him they pulled him aside at the same time

Hoang Daeju took the girl making coffee as a hostage almost when he was about to shoot the girl then the sniper took him down It’s all part of the devil’s plan because his current identity has been revealed So he will go find a new body

At that point, it will be even more difficult to catch him while things are getting more and more complicated Pi Jung and Seo Young are in pain then outsiders like this young police couple They are as happy as cloud nine because she was pregnant

At the same time, it was the same on the magician’s brother’s side She collaborates with me in sales Seo Rong went to the door to look for him Even though he was not accepted, it was because he had sunstroke The eyes of the magician she broke into regardless One woman after another came

His lover also came It is true that if you are handsome, you will have many lovers This time, this guy is here for real business I found my boyfriend’s face very suspicious so she also rushed into the house And so the three women met each other seo young is helpless to explain

The remaining two women used martial arts to fight each other fighting over a potato Seeing that they didn’t have enough money, they rushed to scoop each other up Seo Young and the magician did not dare to intervene So she had to call pi sung to handle it thought something happened to her

He galloped there on three legs and four legs Raising her gun high, ready to shoot anyone who touched her, she threatened All four people were startled Raise your hands in surrender But the wig of the dancing teacher fell off but thanks to pi sung But Seo Young also escaped this love triangle

The two walked together under the first snow of the season look at her smile Pi Sung silently resolved to protect her they went home together I want to welcome the beauty well But for the first time, the house ran out of dragon fruit noodles So Pi sung had to run and buy it

Only Seo Young is left at home Suddenly she had a premonition of something I was so heartbroken that I cried and left first until Pi sung arrives home I don’t understand why she left The next day she invited him to a place under a tree

Once upon a time, he sat with his mother It turned out that the mother’s soul had come to Pi Sung’s house Temporarily residing in Seo Young’s body She wanted to ask her to let her see her son one last time before reincarnating into a new life

At first Pi Sung did not want to forgive her because you left me but then The love between mother and child has brought closer the distance between two people pi sung is like returning to a baby hugging its mother and crying Finally, the mother was able to pass away peacefully

Pi sung also untied the knot in my heart Focused on handling the Daeju incident on the side of the devil The new body he chose is the big brother Turns out he hadn’t killed them all before just to be on the safe side to the infamous tycoon

I also have to bow my head and be his junior Wild Daeju doesn’t massacre randomly anymore He turned to target his colleagues pi sung the first person is the captain He is currently sitting and discussing the wedding with me young colleagues His girlfriend lost her father at a young age

So he wanted to ask the captain to do it Dad led her down the aisle The captain agreed to go home He even practiced with his daughter to avoid confusion This side is the wild devil killer Daeju He wanted to inform the vi sung that he had reappeared

By killing the girl at the convenience store or sell him noodles Knowing that news, his mood collapsed again because the camera was destroyed by the villain So evidence cannot be saved At the scene, only one illegal gun was found This gun-related incident is not over yet

There have been many other shootings that have occurred Girl shot and killed her cheating boyfriend Office workers cannot handle the pressure pulled out a gun and shot dead a colleague Everyone seemed hypnotized The source of guns they have is the arms dealer has now become a junior to Hoang Daeju

He wants humans to kill each other with their own hands Hoang Daeju was sitting to the side observing the captain Watch the happy scenes of them he gave a deadly smile His junior is the boss at this time is at the clothing store of young yong’s best friend

I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen should call to warn you But do not keep up anymore That bastard came and killed her the death of her best friend causing pain for SEO young because of both that people around are constantly being killed is it worth it

Police officer Kang also went to warn his colleagues he told me about wild souls Even though he’s still alive, you have to be careful with him Although the vice captain did not believe it but still promised to keep a closer eye on my colleagues

Advised, but his colleagues were also tired and went home Before I could rest, Hoang Daeju called He urged him to quickly kill Seo Young then everything will be okay Because of that threat, Pi Sung decided to leave to a deserted place no one can find it

So you can’t come into contact with anyone like that Maybe it will protect them next morning Hoang Daeju couldn’t see what he wanted on the news so he continued to act at the same time The police also found a lair for storing guns old boss

They suddenly attacked, leaving the juniors unable to react in time but negligence allowed one person to escape The young police officer immediately chased him to the used car lot The criminal hid behind a car was planning to secretly shoot him Then the captain ran to block the bullets and instead he collapsed

The deputy captain also came and shot the criminal in the leg making it impossible for him to escape Luckily the captain wore a bulletproof vest so it doesn’t affect much Couldn’t take his life wild dae du Switch to the police officer and the captain’s daughter He took two people hostage

Then send videos of their loved ones saw his daughter and lover in trouble The two men immediately panicked Hoang Daeju requested if he wanted to save the two girls The captain and the policeman had to kill each other whoever survives, their loved ones will live

Immediately the two people ran to the fighting location which Hoang Dae Ru requested At the same time, the two girls regained consciousness and began to untie themselves comfort each other next to the two men The police are still searching diligently but turned away then the captain pointed his gun at him

On the side of the two girls When the devil entered the inspection room Her prey grabbed him by the neck from behind then shouted urging me to run immediately but before a devil She couldn’t last long and was quickly controlled by him He took the police officer’s life to threaten her

And then both were caught by him On this side, there are two men to save their loved ones so we have to be cruel to each other The captain still gritted his teeth opened fire on a young colleague to get the results you want The murderer was extremely satisfied

He took the police officer to another room to handle the matter then video call her to the captain grandfather witnessed his daughter being shot and killed by him I thought I was taking my colleague’s life will exchange for his daughter’s life But now everyone has to die feeling of pain and torment

Causing the captain to shoot and kill himself next morning The crime scene was surrounded by police This case immediately became hot on the news vice captain and pi sung when you know your teammates are miserable then collapsed and cried loudly now close people around pi sung were all harmed

Young stars also worry too much but want to return to dust Hope everything will be resolved but good luck She was discovered by the magician promptly taken to the hospital everything happens like an invisible pressure pressing down on the pi sung on the vice captain’s side when reviewing cameras at the crime scene

He felt extremely doubtful Why did the captain open fire and kill his colleague? then take your own life Remember what Pi Sung once said Daeju bastard is still alive If the vice captain doesn’t believe it now, he has to believe it He immediately went to find Pi Sung and asked everything clearly

When the two men met each other, they both cried loudly because they all carry pain within themselves when losing close teammates At this time, the devil transformed into Seo Rong’s mother Go to the hospital room to find her he quipped Her wanting to die was just a waste of effort

I want him to stop everything Pi sung must kill her himself before he can speak then he left Just then Pi Sung also arrived noticed something unusual he immediately chased after the suspect and caught up with him In the parking garage, Pi Jung dragged the devil out of the car

Vented all his anger on him but he recognized it though Even if I do that, I can’t end everything so I had to kneel down Please forgive everyone Take my life instead of theirs But the devil always repeats the same sentence Go kill your girlfriend

Only the person you love the most will save the world After that, he calmly got into the car and left he naively thought of something Then he stood up and walked towards Seo Young’s hospital room Standing in front of the girl I love

Pi sung had difficulty pulling out his gun and pointing it at her Joya also did not resist asking him to quickly shoot her she couldn’t continue to endure life like this hell on earth How could he kill the person he loves? Yes

Pi Sung decisively pulled Seo Young’s hand out of the hospital room right at night They took the bus to the port Then from the port board a boat heading towards the far island perhaps only when staying away from the human world The devil cannot be found

They both want to live selfishly for themselves once at a small house on the island In the afternoon we will sit together on the sand watch the sunset in peace of mind There was only the sound of the sea breeze around, nothing else There were no gunshots or threats

Or there is news of any loss of life spend every day together worry-free like a normal couple She’s at home cooking And he went to the neighbor’s house to steal the dog and bring it back to her Then the two of them enjoyed a frugal meal together

There’s nothing more to life than that in a very vast world That hustle and bustle The devil also knew that both of them escaped There are familiar people around thought he and seo young were missing only have one brother magician is knowing they cannot stand this reality anymore so I just left

Inspired by this couple The brother immediately proposed to the dance teacher The wedding was held immediately afterward with the participation of the protective uncle The magician hired another b because couldn’t find pi sung so the deputy captain broke into his room to search for information That’s why he read the documents

Related to the demon’s soul By now he must completely believe in the devil takes possession of human souls is real at the same time on the side of the devil he seduced coax the boss Bring hot goods to the police station and shoot kill all the cops

If he was shot dead by counter-attacking police then he will give it His soul entered this body of his The boss’s dream is just that he immediately agreed then brought a bag of guns into the police station Continuously discharge bullets causing each inspector to collapse

Until the deputy captain came to shoot this crazy man down Watching my teammates lose their lives one by one in front of me The vice captain was extremely indignant very fast The boss’s dark soul has escaped from his body Hoang Daeju Do stood on the building opposite the police Watch the chaos below

Made him extremely happy This is the most beautiful scene for him right now The boss’s soul has flown in and wanted to join the wild people of Daeju to continue living But the devil will never keep his promise took advantage of the boss he destroyed his soul other side now

Pi sung and seo young are living extremely happily In the afternoon, they walked by the beach with the dog whole family The three people deeply cherished this precious moment At night, we hug each other passionately and sleep, waiting peacefully A new day with the bright light of the warm sun

Pi sung uses top fishing skills Catching a big girl like that is enough food for today So we both went home together Since Pi sung made a swing in his yard There’s always a kid running in to play Sao Young gently gets used to the baby feel the kindness from two people

Should gradually relax and become more intimate Phi Dung is a kite and goes to the beach with her to fly and play When you’re tired, go home to eat because I eat too fast So the girl choked and had a relapse of her asthma

The two worried people picked up the girl and ran home immediately Fortunately At this time, her grandfather had just returned from outside Thanks to that, the baby’s condition has improved Pi sung went out onto the porch to talk to the old man just found out

The girl’s parents left the island and went to the city to make a living Leave the baby in your care because to feed both of us The grandfather always had to go to work at sea I don’t have time to worry about the girl Hearing this, pi sung immediately made a decision

In the next few days, he and Yong will take care of her for him Wait for her to wake up and take her home to play on the swing Time to take medicine Ms. Yong had already brought a cup of medicine and patiently spoon-fed it They also decorate the house

Sparkling colorful lights to make the little girl happy All three are like a family on the mainland at this time The magician’s family is also extremely happy older sister teaches dancing In addition to beautiful dancing, cooking is also extremely delicious But beautiful scenarios often do not happen

The name travels due to the use of psychic powers he linked with the magician’s consciousness asked to come see me quickly otherwise he will harm his wife to protect her he couldn’t not come for refusing to be his servant So the magician was killed by him on a remote island

The peaceful life of Pi Sung and Seo Young cannot continue anymore for today pi sung heard it from the mouth of a fisherman her parents My baby opened a street stall in the city today suddenly Someone came and opened fire on their street vendors Unfortunately, my baby’s father was also seriously injured

He asked Pi Sung to keep it a secret from my baby because the story is meaningless This situation makes Pi sung worried Surely the devil is using this method to warn of his disappearance so the next day Pi sung silently returned to the city alone

Before leaving, he left a letter for Seo Young I hope you stay on this island Let me handle everything back to the mainland He had no idea that someone had harmed him by leaving the body in your house plus story suddenly pi sung disappeared again for a while

Causing the police to suspect him as the number one suspect up to this point The vice captain cannot continue to defend pi sung At the same time, pi sung called him again The vice captain had to come quietly to meet him and announced that he was being wrongly accused by others

He asked Pi Sung to go to the station and tell the truth but he didn’t go because things are not that simple All are caused by evil spirits with the current situation Pi sung wants to find a medium to exchange souls with the vice captain for easier action

But the deputy captain was hasty wanted to personally avenge his comrades like how a normal person can defeat the devil dae du sucked out the soul from the vice captain’s memories he knew where young lived But he won’t kill her himself but must find pi sung evil name

Impersonating the deputy chief’s voice, he called Pi Sung to lure him to come because it’s the deputy captain’s phone number So pi sung easily falls into the trap when he arrived then only saw the cold body of his teammate Daeju takes great pleasure in other people’s pain

He called to poke fun at Pi Sung’s pain At the same time, on the far island of Yong I have a feeling that the devil is coming Seo Young immediately hid baby Mi in a jar to ensure baby’s safety then alone facing wild daeju The villain injured her and then dragged her home

In front of the door he discovered a pair of children’s shoes should start 6 types of search He approached the jar and passed by but unlucky The girl suddenly let out a cough expose position Just like that, both of them were in the hands of the devil he called pi sung

Announcing that I had caught both seaweed and my baby Pi sung’s mind could no longer listen at this time what he said again he immediately ran to the rendezvous point to save people It’s an abandoned warehouse just reached the middle of the warehouse Suddenly Pi sung was hit by some force

Keep it in the air daeju came out from the darkness give pi sung a gun Between baby mi and seo young, I can only save one person otherwise he will kill them both The game begins Pi sung is released and the devil went into a place and started watching a good show

Seeing that Pi Sung wanted to untie and save Young The devil immediately controlled an excavator nearby rushed towards the girl to warn her Now pi sung is in a dilemma don’t know what to do young kept urging him to shoot him quickly But the muzzle of Pi Sung’s gun was pointed towards Mi

Under struggle jong’s harsh introspection and persuasion Pi sung painfully killed the person he loved Daeju happily appeared when the young soul flies out of the body He immediately absorbed it and poked pi sung whether you go to heaven or hell then you won’t be able to see her again

But pi sung is no longer blind now He just quietly picked up the little girl and walked past He took the baby to the hospital because of the devil left his phone at the scene So this time the police thought it was Pi Sung’s doing They immediately surrounded the hospital and arrested him

Unable to destroy the devil so pi sung cannot be caught At this point he quickly ran away from the hot pursuit of the police should be shot in the arm Pi sung quickly jumped onto the cargo truck successfully escaped When the car stopped, he jumped out and continued to run away

His destination is the church tomorrow Pi Sung’s wanted news was all over the newspapers scattered all over the road and he was now saved by the nuns The old nun at the church even recognized him At the same time, the devil found this place Look at the statue of Jesus Christ

He guessed why people didn’t protect him As a child, he suffered domestic violence to grow up to become like this then opened fire and killed two nuns until pi sung realized something was wrong It was too late to run home he completely broke himself down Wherever he goes, he kills those around him

It daeju sat with pi sung He questioned him why he still took innocent people’s lives he argued said he was just a judge in the name of God If God doesn’t do anything, he will do it for you Pi sung helplessly burst into tears and the devil then happily left a moment later

The police burst in, forcing Pi Sung to continue fleeing run to the abyss He slipped and could only hold on to a tree branch The police also removed people and were determined not to let them go and Pi Sung had no choice but to drop his hand and fall into the sea

Fortunately, he was alive and drifted to shore Remember what Seo Young said before revived the will to live in him Pi tried his best to get up Right now his physical condition is very weak then the souls he carried before appear one after another They decided to give pi their power

Including the captain’s soul he put all his trust in him was given great strength Extrasensory abilities also increased significantly I know where the devil is right now So he stole a car and chased after him He successfully stopped his car Two people face each other

The wild name Daeju used his power to act He burst out in anger as he was about to finish him off Then Seo Young’s soul begins to fight for power The body is supported by souls Pi sung stood up, picked up the gun and aimed at the devil

Killing him also means killing Seo Young But he no longer has a choice the captain’s soul added Pi sung’s motivation was decisively in his hands take him to sea Then kill him to destroy his soul forever Pi sung wants to kill himself but the gun jammed take that opportunity

The soul named dae du occupies his body But he couldn’t laugh for long because his will was still there He continuously rose and struggled with the evil soul then jumped down and threw himself into the sea to reincarnate and change lives in the end he won

It’s all over and the devil has been destroyed Good people also sacrifice forever But not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s gone the most beautiful thing will always exist in each of us If we believe in it then it’s okay The movie ends here You spend three seconds

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[Review Phim] Biệt Đội Săn Quỷ | Review Phim Hàn Hay

Link Phim: https://youtu.be/Pcz-F_-J8wg

Thám Tử Bắt Ma​ xoay quanh một thám tử điều tra vụ án Kang Pil Sung (Song Sae Byuk) và nhà ngoại cảm Hong Seo Jung (Go Jun Hee). Họ truy đuổi những hồn ma phạm tội sau khi chiếm cơ thể con người.

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  1. moá… phim coi cay vãi nồi … hên làm review tiết kiệm được time chứ cày bình thường cắn răng coi cho hết phim r đón nhận cái kết chán vãi 😅😅

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