ガレージが欲しい人必見|カクイチのかっこいいバイクガレージ MINI-HHD、カーポート B-CANOのご紹介

Arrived! This is Kakuichi. Everyone, stay safe. This is YU. Today, I came to Fujieda City in Shizuoka Prefecture in response to a request to interview a motorcycle garage. Sounds exciting , I started a garage company a year ago. Lately, I’ve been working hard every day to build cool garages, but

Today I got to see various showrooms of a famous company called Kakuichi, and I’m thinking of learning with you guys.I’m looking forward to it! It’s really cool. ! amazing! (Wall made of real wood pasted together) Ah! Nice! Helmet storage area. Made to size. amazing! Look look! The signboard is amazing (lol)

This one is cuter. Nice to meet you, my name is YU. Nice to meet you, my name is Arikawa from the Fujieda store. Today, please tell us a lot about the bike garage . Thank you. It’s really cool! This gable roof-like design is wonderful. It’s a very unusual design.

It’s black and wood grain. This illustration may be true, I drew it! cute. Are you riding Rebel? I’ll disturb you. Wow, the ceiling is high. I agree. The ceiling is about 3 meters high. Is it 3 meters here? Yes. It is slanted and has a slightly open feel.

The interior is really cool, but is it DIY? that’s right. It was made by our staff as a DIY. Well, we’re holding a display contest within the company, and each shop is customizing their garage. How many stores are there? I feel like the 70 stores

Are very particular about their products, and the shelves here are slanted. Well, yes. As you can see from here. I was really interested in this SHOEI helmet the moment I saw it, and I’m using the same one. I’m so happy!♪

The helmet doesn’t fall off even if you tilt it diagonally because it has anti-slip elements. The tools are really ugly.Are these really old ones? Well, it’s a tool that my father used. picture~! Wow wow. The rust looks cool, and the foundation is well built, making it a sturdy garage.It’s

Firmly fixed to the ground, so it’s safe from earthquakes. There are also electrical outlets. I’m going to put my bike in the garage here ! I’m glad there are no steps at the entrance.Does it suit you? It looks great ^^; Because the width is wide, you can park diagonally. How much free

Space do you have? The width of the shutter is 2.8 meters , so the width of a car is about 2 meters, so I think it will fit a light car.It’s really cool , and it looks like you could use the eaves next to the garage.You could put your bicycle under it, or

Use it as a terrace. You can also use it in the sun.It would be nice to have a shaded area.Isn’t it hot? Having something like this makes me want to have a barbecue.There ‘s an outlet in the garage, so I can just plug it in from there. That’s why it’s in the foreground.

Hey, there’s a lot of thought put into it. Does Arikawa also think about the design? Ah, the design… I’m sorry, I asked a strange question. LOL Then you should think about the interior design.The interior is wonderful. I want a lot of people to see this.I want everyone to see it.I

Think it can be very helpful. Is it okay to come here unexpectedly? You can come to the store without reservation . Thank you for letting me see various things. thank you very much. Lastly, if there’s anything I don’t want to say, please let me know. It’s okay, I was told it’s okay. LOL

I also took this opportunity to show them another garage with a different size. Well, I came here because I was also asked to see this large garage. Hello, my name is YU. My name is Wakimoto and I am the manager of Kakuichi A Site Fujieda store ! ? You’re young.

Thank you very much, Mr. Wakimoto. Is this a garage for cars? The product you saw earlier is called MINI-HHD, and it was developed as a motorcycle garage, but this product is a type that was developed as a car garage.It’s spacious! I want to see it right away, is that okay

? ! I’ll disturb you. Is the width of the shutter wider than before? The width is a little shorter than 3 meters, to about 2,600 mm . Ah, that’s right. It looked big. amazing. It’s very open.It looks like you could live here.The ceiling is 4 meters high at the highest point.You

Might even be able to keep a giraffe there.The ceiling is high, so you can use it like this.It’s great that you can secure more storage space.There are long things here that I don’t usually use. I wonder how many cars can fit in this garage, where you can park your motorcycle or other

Low-height car underneath where you can store things you don’t have? If you drive by car, it’s the space for three cars, but the maximum depth can be 11.5 meters.Are there various sizes of garages that can parallel park ordinary cars ? The depth can be adjusted to suit the customer’s needs.

It would be great to have a garage as big as this one.By the way, I have two cars and one motorcycle, so I have a lot of room.Oh , I have a hammock!I love it…I have a lot of room in my hammock. Is it possible to put this in a car garage?

Well, the concept is a garage for cars, but some people turn it into a direct sales store for vegetables like Marche. Eh, that’s true too. I agree. There are some customers like that. OK as a hobby space Is this the same material and structure as the MINI-HHD, just smaller in size?

That’s what it looks like.It looks like a house.Some customers say, “I want to live here.” I want to live there, too.In order to make it livable, it looks like a living room with interior decoration and insulation. It looks like

There’s no insulation right now, but if you put insulation in after it’s built, you’ll be able to live in it like a vacation home . I have a dream. It’s a steel-framed house, right? Nowadays, the price of steel frames is getting really high , and the price of materials is going up.

Since it is made of steel, it will last a long time.What is the attractive price? Are there different prices ? It changes depending on where it is installed, so I’m worried about YU, which is bothering the store manager.I can’t answer right now. That’s right ^^; You can add windows as an option.

You can also add windows. You can customize it according to your wishes. You can choose between garage shutters or sliding doors. If you don’t need shutters, you can make them all walls, or vice versa. You can do full-scale shutters, and you can also put in larger shutters.It seems

Like a garage like a custom-built house . We will discuss the customer’s requests in detail and make proposals to make them as concrete as possible.I hear that.What kind of flooring is this? This is concrete with a dirt floor.I like to do various things with DIY, so

I also like painting the dirt floor with color.I want to create my ideal garage like this.I want to make it like this.I want to make it like this.I want to make it like this.I want to make it like that.PaintingIt has a durable coating.Painting It seems that he is most particular about this .

Can I look at the paint again? All products are painted once, and then the pillars are coated with powder baking paint.It’s no different from painting a car, so it’s quite resistant to rust.It’s a bit of a difficult term, but I didn’t understand it . Do you apply it twice? Yes

, that’s right. Thank you very much for your commitment to strength. This is a carport, right? B CANO is a product with carport specifications. B CANO is super cool. The color of the carport is all black. It looks very cool and stands out in the cityscape, and it is

Also very suitable for vacation homes.There are no pillars, so it looks stylish, and it is easy to get in and out of the car. Is that about it? The width is 9 meters and the depth is 6 meters, right? It’s about the same size as I said before,

So it can park about 3 cars. There are many different types of carports, but it’s hard to find a cool one. . Well, it’s hard to find a carport with a good design. I also have a catalog if you’d like. It’s in just the right place,

And it feels nice in a forest like this. The white pillar carport in the back is a conventional carport with a length of 3 meters between the pillars, but this B CANO’s pillars are spaced 4 meters apart, so it’s quite wide .

Since the opening can be removed, it is convenient when you want to enter a car from the side rather than from the front because of the structure of the house. Just being able to put it in from the side opens up a lot of ways to use it.How much does it cost?

This is a high-quality item that costs about 1.7 million yen to 1.8 million yen.What do you think? Thank you for showing me the various garages today.After all, this is a garage made for people who like cars and motorcycles. So I could feel the creator’s commitment to everything.I

Think it will be a long time to store your bike as we head into winter, but I hope everyone’s bike life will be happy.

カクイチ A-SITE藤枝:https://www.kakuichi-house.jp/a-site/fujieda/
カクイチ様 HPはこちら! https://www.kakuichi-house.jp/


お気軽にご相談お待ちしております。▶︎ https://casagarage.jp
Casa Garage(カーサ・ガラージュ)🏘🚘🏍💨🏡



⛑愛用中 SHOEIヘルメット

魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

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📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



通算100回以上続いているカーくる新舞子サンデーなどの車バイクイベントを主催するメディア カーくるに記事をアップしています。

→ https://covo.site/_users/16922374
→ https://carcle.jp/blog/carcleyu

『parcferme (パルクフェルメ) 』
→ https://parcferme.co.jp/article-tag/yu/

『Motorcyclist (モーターサイクリスト)』
→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338


  1. もう建てる土地も蓄えもないけれど、自分だけのガレージ良いですね。ずっといても飽きなさそうな秘密基地感があります。途中で少し出ていた車は、セリカLB? 懐かしいです。それと、サイドスタンド復活おめでとうございます。

  2. この秋からガレージハウスに一人暮らしです。居住部分が広いのですが、ガレージが車一台分でプラス🏍バイクはギリギリで四苦八苦します。

  3. オープニングカッコいいです。キックはSR、XS650、ハスクバーナTE610と乗りました。今は降りちゃったけど子供の学費が終わったら乗ります。

  4. うわ!藤枝にYUさんきたの!静岡県内に来てくれるとなんか嬉しい!

  5. ワァオ、めっちゃ近所っ🎵
    手を加えるセンスの 味 も

  6. I've always loved your videos. They give a sense of freedom and enjoyment in life! Not to mention the beautiful Japan, a country that I visit a lot! You are an example that if a person does what he/she really loves, the money will take care of itself! Congrats on your garage business!

  7. カクイチガレージ ネットで良く検索してます こうやって買い手側目線での謂わば痒い所に手が届く感じの動画は有難いです👍

  8. 一昨年某メーカーさんで車庫的なガレージを建てて頂きましたが、やはりちょっと物足りなさがあります…。
    ①魅せるガレージ ②メンテ、カスタムをガッツリできるガレージ ③ただただ保管するだけのガレージ

  9. 地震にはめちゃ強いものの断熱は貧相ですから簡単に住めるようにはならないですが

  10. Yu-san 自分の奥さんからの質問ですが、そうすればヘルメットかぶってもメイクが落ちないのと、ヘアスタイルがぺちゃんこにならないのですか

  11. I like the first garage with the wood siding interior, very nice. I live in Southern California in an old house with a old garage similar to that styling. It’s an old redwood frame with old double hinged doors. I have my Red 1980 VW Scirocco “S”, and a 1969 Triumph Tr120 motorcycle parked there. The garage is decorated with old posters, and have my tools, and shelves for parts storage. It’s not in perfect order, and my car an motorcycle leak oil, which the car is easier to fix leaks. The Triumph has the reputation for leaking, which needs an oil pan underneath.
    It will never be a show case garage, but it’s cool being messy and used. No one could ever live in it. 😂 I wish you the best on your garage project. 👍🏻👍🏻

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