視界觀954 「北美再發現」之多倫多篇:(30)乘火車轉巴士開啟未知旅行 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, it’s time to drive. I installed one of my GoPro cameras on this glass window. It’s still a little dark now. I saw this building outside, which is Concord. Concord is Concord. It is said to be a building owned by Li Ka-shing’s company, not only in Toronto but also

In Vancouver. It is also the most well-known real estate , so many Chinese people buy these high-rise buildings here. These houses should look quite good. The Concord City Plaza is a little bit troublesome . I woke up this morning and activated the ticket first , and then

I went 15 minutes earlier. I arrived at Union Station in minutes and found the GO Train station. I was told that the 9:03 direct train to the city of Niagara Falls was canceled , but I could still transfer to a place in the middle

. It seemed to get off at Burlington. After that, I transferred to the GO Bus No. 12 and said that it can also go to the destination, so we will wait and see. We will go there and look for it to see if the transfer will be very smooth.

I feel that there is construction along the way. Is this? Is there a platform? I saw someone walking down there. Final call for door please stand clear doors. Doors are close . It seems to be a small station. Every distance you walk, there is a small station where people get off.

Then I suddenly found that there is a platform on the go train. A service like go plus’s Wifi is very considerate. Now I can surf the Internet. Never go the extension stop never go. The window on the left side of go is already by the Lake of Ontario.

I have walked this road several times last time I drove. Seeing that there are some new communities ahead of the lake, many high-rise buildings have been built. I believe it is also a very good residential area. Now our GO Train track is along this highway or expressway and we are moving forward .

The speed is about the same as that of a car. I estimate it is about 100 kilometers per hour. At such a speed, we will reach a small station very quickly , so there are quite a few stations on this road . I see that there are many houses beside the railway .

There is also a GO Train across the street which is pretty good. This place is called Minico. We have approximately four minutes to departure this is your lakeshore westline making all stops to oakfall station. The hook circle train across the street has already started. I just heard on the radio that

Our train is here. It may take 4 minutes to start. In the past, this time adjustment in China meant that ordinary trains often had to wait for trains , express trains, etc. This kind of thing often happened. But now in China, trains are generally very punctual . If you take the high-speed rail

That is, sometimes the minutes and seconds are not bad , and it can basically be very punctual because it is basically operated automatically. But here in Canada, we experienced the same feeling as riding the green train in China. First of all It often arrives late at a station. Sometimes it arrives early,

Sometimes it arrives late , and then you have to wait for other vehicles that may be faster to pass through, etc. So you have to wait slowly like this. Now you can see that there is something on this platform. There are a lot of glass houses for waiting for buses.

I believe it’s very cold here. Sometimes the bus doesn’t come for a long time. It’s freezing in the winter , so they basically made some more closed or semi-closed glass houses for waiting, so that everyone can I was hiding there from the severe cold. Now

There is actually another GO Train coming from the opposite side to my right. There are actually quite a lot of them, but as you can see today, I am the only one sitting in this carriage downstairs. It should be fine. I don’t know if it was because you didn’t sell enough tickets

That the bus was canceled so casually, or if it was originally canceled like this. I don’t know exactly, but I always feel like I checked yesterday and there was still a bus arriving. This morning I was suddenly told that there are no cars and we will switch to buses. But I believe

That the cost of this bus is definitely incomparable in terms of the operating cost of this kind of train . The bus is much cheaper and more flexible because a bus is not big. For example If a train can carry 1,000 people,

Then the bus may have forty or fifty people and they will leave. This may be the biggest cost consideration to arbitrarily adjust whether these trains are operating . Of course, this is just my personal guess. I hope he is not so random. please stand clear doors doors are closed.

Fortunately, I have been waiting for 4 minutes at this station and now it is finally time to leave. In fact, sometimes I think about it. It only cost 10 yuan in total. You can go back and forth , and you can also ride in reverse , take the train

, and take the bus. I think it’s really worth spending 10 yuan for such an experience. There’s nothing to complain about. It’s just an experience. You’ll need to listen to our announcement to know which doors will open otherwise you may miss your stop please prepare system

And learn more at gotranset com next stop walk branch Anyway, the instructions on the car were very detailed, where you would stop and how long you would stop, what was going on, which doors should be opened , please pay attention, etc. To be clear, I came to Canada to experience it and relax

After retirement. Of course, I came here in a more economical way. When I traveled from China to Japan via Hong Kong to the United States and then to Canada, I originally bought a relatively economical plane. Although the ticket will be a little tiring, it also allows me to experience more airport transfers.

I personally think it is quite interesting. So I came to Canada and experienced it for the first time in Vancouver on the bicycle of an old friend of mine. I rode here for more than ten or twenty days and came to Toronto to meet my daughter.

Of course, she is also the most nervous and busy in her studies now and I can’t disturb her too much. So I may have to leave Toronto in a few days , but I am looking forward to seeing her again as soon as possible.

At least I will come to attend her graduation ceremony next year. I think my first trip to Toronto was also very fruitful. I rented a car twice, not only in college but also in Toronto. I drove wildly in Toronto and even drove to the United States and Ohio

. Of course, there were some minor accidents there. I accidentally got an American ticket and it is still being processed. But I have no regrets because I actually drive in the United States. Everyone was speeding and we followed the traffic , but we were selectively caught by the police

And had nothing to say. This is just the price you have to pay if you are not a local , but compared with the insights gained from this trip . Well, these are all small things. I just need to pay more attention to them later. Anyway

, I have experienced a lot of transportation, not only driving, taking the subway, and taking the bus. Yesterday, I took a beautiful red Streetcar with my daughter when she came back from college . Street trams. Let’s experience a long-distance train again today , just like the trains in China.

But it is a double-decker train. I sat on the upper deck in an environment with no one and glued it to the glass window. I used my GoPro camera to take pictures of the scenery outside. The trip lasted for at least more than an hour and I experienced many small stops . I

Stopped at two small stops to see some of the conditions at each small stop . I found it very interesting , so I am willing to include this. Let me share a paragraph for everyone to share and enjoy. It seems that we have entered a small town again because we saw many people

Seeing a commercial street , but our car had already entered the station . So although it is a train, it is actually the same as a subway. It is exactly the same because each station is very short , so it is unrealistic for it to run very fast. It is mainly a means

Of transportation for residents, and is a means of transportation that connects various satellite towns, residential areas and some large communities. That’s it . Then you can see that there is a relatively large parking lot next to the station , but I don’t know if this parking lot will be full at ordinary times,

And I don’t know how much the parking lot charges , but I believe it should be a price that everyone can afford. That is, if you want to go to work, you drive here and then take the train to, for example, a lively place like Downtown in Toronto

. After work, you come back and get in your car and maybe go to some supermarket to buy something . Since they rarely work overtime when I go home , they can guarantee rest days , so I actually live a little further away and travel this way.

I don’t think there is any inconvenience. This is something I think I can try if I have the opportunity in the future. Living a slow life is like renting a house for a longer period of half a year and a year to experience more of the country’s changes throughout the year

And the people’s real living conditions , etc. I think it should be very It will be interesting. Finally, another passenger came to my car . On the opposite side of the window is a very station, completely open. From now on, this is

What I just said. If you stay here for a longer time, you will definitely go there. Experience some of the physical exercise here, activities popular with the people, etc. now arriving at fourth credit happy day four credit . There are many small towns like this along the way

. I estimate that the number of people in each small town is not very large, which is probably a few thousand to one. Twenty thousand shouldn’t be that many people , but the space they occupy is very large. Now there are some high-rise buildings like this.

In fact, they are not particularly high-rise buildings. From my understanding, these are called buildings with more than ten floors. It is an apartment or part of it may be a condo , and it is next to such a small station. In fact , it is very convenient

If you travel at the right time, but if you want to go out anytime and anywhere, you may have to drive yourself. This is your lake shore leftout dream we can all stop to Oakland we have just over a minute before the winter final off the door

Please stand clear doors doors are opening We are in a small town again. Look at this house opposite the GO Train. This house is very big. I don’t think so. I know very well if it is a parking lot what the next departure I saw several people getting off the bus

Find out the door please stand for your doors dark before our next and final stop is oakville there is no train service between Oakville and west cover this weekend due to construction Magrofold trains will run between Magrofold and overshot where you can connect to more goal service

This train will be out of service at oakville go but continuing west will be available at the bus loom you can learn more at oakville com once again our next end final stop is oakville. You see, the speed of this car should be slower than riding a bicycle.

I don’t know the reason for this . Is there a road construction ahead or a problem with the roadbed? Or does it need to kill some time? In short, this drive It’s very slow . It turns out that we arrived at a station called Oakville. I drove there last time and drove

To the lake. It’s a very beautiful small city. Good morning passengers we are now running to our final stock here at Oakville. Just a reminder that this train will be out of service on arrival at Oakville passengers who are continuing west mount please exit the train here at Oakville

There are no trains between Oakville and west Harbor the Suite of duty construction on the apple phone offering crew thank you for riding the best today and our executor fighting stones for passengers who need to head further to westbound we have buses leaving from the platform

Number six in the Oakville bus loop area the next bus will be departing in a few minutes picking a stop at Burlington and Aldertock road. Haha, the situation has changed again. Now this bus is broadcasting and it stops here . The last stop is in Oakville.

If you want to go to Burlington, you were originally scheduled to go to that destination. We have to take the bus. The bus will leave in a few minutes . Is it the bus stop No. 6 or the bus No. 6 here ? So now We are going to transfer to the bus

. This journey is very dramatic , so the train here is very casual. I think the trains in India are not like this, but this is the reality of this place. It is also a very fun and interesting experience. Now we are heading towards the bus. The direction is walking

, but at least there is no need to exchange tickets or buy additional tickets. But I think the people who buy tickets here have to go to such a place to go through a formality , which is probably to transfer, and they need to go to such a machine for

This subway. Cards can also be used to get to the bus from here. It should be a small station. Although it is a relatively small station, there are food and toilets in the front of the same will i want to go to regular sports exercise

Uh is it at all the sports in trainer thank you so much . Now I have boarded the No. 6 bus to go to my next destination . I was told whether there is a train or a bus to get there. Besides, it should be a GO Bus.

There are quite a lot of GO buses at this station. The bus is also double-decker. I am sitting on the second floor and there is a screen to announce the stop. It is at Oakville. Oakville should be a relatively large stop. Then I will go to Burlington. I am now going

To take out my camera that is stuck to the window. Continue filming for a while (to be continued)

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Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!


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