視界觀989「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(65)煤氣鎮至唐人街,徜徉溫哥華中山公園緬懷先賢 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, I’m in downtown Vancouver right now. I just took a walk around Gastown. It’s an quaint town that still retains a lot of old buildings and there’s a gas clock that everyone comes here to admire. Then I Now that we have come to Chinatown , many streets

Have been marked with both English and Chinese characters. Once I made a special trip to Chinatown to cycle around and chat with everyone. There are still some Chinese-style buildings here. Of course, many of them are a combination of Chinese and Western. The most famous one here is the Zhongshan Park on my right.

But I don’t know when it will open. The last time I came here, it didn’t open. The courtyard wall on the right is completely Chinese-style. The gate to Zhongshan Park should be open. Go inside and take a look. This is the gate of Zhongshan Park.

There is a bust of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in front of the door. A small square seems to have an open door. Behind it is a bust of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. You can enter Zhongshan Park from here. Let me see if it is possible to put my bicycle inside and take a look.

It seems that I am lucky today. I have been here several times. Today is the first time I have entered Zhongshan Park. It’s just a waterside pavilion , a water-friendly platform. Although it doesn’t occupy a very large area, it feels like you’ve come to a garden in Suzhou, China.

There are many pine trees and many bamboos in various shapes along the promenade and small bridge next to this bar, which should be an artificial lake. It is not easy to have such a Chinese-style garden in a foreign country with different flowers and trees.

I still put a lot of thought into it back then. You see, there are many such stones. Of course, I don’t know if these are Taihu stones , but in any case, these stones were deliberately found. The most important thing is that there are so many green bamboos planted,

Which are completely representative of Chinese culture. Although the area is not large , you can still change the scenery as you move. Look at the pavilion in front of you and the pavilion by the water. It is very beautiful . Hi everyone, I am very lucky today. Ah,

Sit for a while in Zhongshan Park in Chinatown. Mr. Sun Yat-sen fled all over the world for the sake of revolution, but he remained determined. In the end, under his leadership, he finally overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and only then did the Republic of China

Emerge and a new era for the Chinese people. So for China, whether you are in mainland China or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan , including the Chinese scattered around the world, I believe that no one can forget the achievements of Sun Yat-sen in everyone’s mind

. This is a great figure who created the world, so there are many Sun Yat-sens around the world. These footprints have slowly turned into some commemorative parks , so I am very happy to come here on the day after Christmas. The door is open today and

I can come here and take a look. I think it is also a return. I wish I could continue walking on the paths in the park and see that the courtyard walls are completely Chinese-style and even the buildings are green glazed tiles , which fits the environment very well. Although it is winter

, the flowers that should bloom are still blooming and should be green. The trees are still green. Of course, there are some, like the big willow tree opposite, which should wait until spring to become more lush. There are only two solitary ducks left in this small lake. This is in front of

The Greater Vancouver Chinese Cultural Center Library and Art Museum . It is a small gift shop , but the overall feeling is that there is no commercial atmosphere here. This area is reserved for everyone to come here to take a walk and remember the ancestors. But the interesting thing

Is that it only opens such a small side door. If you are not careful, you can go around here. You can’t even find this small door , so I didn’t find the place last time , and it may have something to do with my not finding this small door. Opposite is the

Li Guoxian Nursing and Attention Home of the Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Association . We always have to pay high respect to these charitable organizations , although this place I have been completely trapped by these homeless people. I saw many homeless people queuing up to receive food, which should be

Donated by some charity groups . Although I believe that no one would like to live in such an environment , but in the face of such helplessness, Homeless people or self-destructive people should calm down because as long as they are alive, they are also a living life. They

Must also respect each other in front of life. As long as they do not attack others , I think it is up to them. It’s just that this neighborhood that should have been more prosperous has become a bit smoky. This is indeed a pity. What I see now is an archway

In Chinese style with Millennium Gate written on it. I will pass under this Millennium Gate now and then go on. A section of Chinatown , then I said goodbye to Chinatown and rode home. Now I am back to Main street. I just changed a battery and missed a traffic light. Now I

Continue to ride on Main street towards the main street station. I once again came to the north of Main street and came to Chinatown. After passing Chinatown and Hastings, there are many homeless people on the whole road , which still makes people feel a lot of emotion. Therefore, no matter what system

This society is , it cannot be fair to everyone. This is because human nature itself is innate. He can have equal rights due to differences , or he should also get the respect and freedom he deserves , etc. But this society can never be

The kind of fair society that everyone can be satisfied with. He is definitely composed of different classes. A society made up of various communities is a reality. I believe everyone needs to face reality. How can we put our mind in a good mood in such a society

? The most important thing is to constantly improve ourselves and become a better version of ourselves . There is no other way to go. We have reached the main street station , but I always want to take a road that I have not traveled

Before , so I plan to ride along the Skytrain track for one or two stops. Now I Turn left to this road called Terminal Avenue. A large area on the left is undergoing an overall development , which is next to this railway station . Well, then we will follow this Terminal avenue.

Cycling forward for a while, there is a music center and education center on the right side. I saw that the houses on the right side should be relatively new. There is a sign that says it is also a college. There are many car shops here. I left on the left.

There is a free market in front of you . You see, everyone here washes their cars in a small factory-like car wash. You see, it is fully automatic and much longer than the simple automatic car washes we see in China. If the machine looks more reliable,

It seems that you have to walk to this bridge. Once again, you took the wrong road. There is also a station on the opposite side. The Skytrain station . This should be the intersection of the two stations . In front of it, there should be Commercial Broadway station. I am here.

I ‘m going to transfer to the subway and go home. Well, I’m going to ride this commercial road. The station is on the right in front of me . I’m going to end my ride in Downtown today. Now I ‘m going to take the Skytrain loop home.

Thank you all for following and watching. See you next time . Bye.

#溫哥華唐人街 #溫哥華中山公園 #chinatown

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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