Батюшка, прошу Вас не надо – молила девочка вырываясь из рук настоятеля. Как вдруг пришел ОН!

It’s the month of June, in all its glory. The entire village was preparing for the great holiday, the Holy Trinity. Women cleaned houses. Very carefully so that there is not a

Speck of dust or speck anywhere. They washed the windows and window sills and washed the curtains. They made the beds beautifully, covered them with lace capes, and cleaned them so that there was not a single dirty corner in the house.

The men were putting things in order in the utility rooms. Sheds and courtyards. Some, especially active ones, even repaired carts. In the morning, Dunyasha and her grandmother Marfa went to the village churchyard. They removed

The graves of my grandfather and Dunen’s parents. They put fresh flowers. Tomorrow morning they will come to the already cleaned graves with cookies, sweets and birch branches. All that was left to do was go into the forest

And break these very branches. Having collected some medicinal herbs, Baba Marfa went to the local village store for food, and sent her granddaughter to the forest. They split up to finish everything quickly . Grandma also wanted pies to bake for the holiday, with cabbage, Dunyashka loved them very much.

On Trinity Day, all the villagers gathered in the temple. Medicinal herbs and birch branches were illuminated. In the village they believed that the herbs collected for the Trinity had special healing properties. Taking her

Small bicycle with a basket attached to the trunk , Dunya rode between the fields to the forest behind a small river. The weather was great! In June, the sun warmed up Mother Earth well in the morning.

After the midday heat there was real grace in the fishing line . Quiet, cool, even hungry mosquitoes didn’t bother us at all. The girl planned to quickly go to the forest and return back as soon as possible

In order to decorate the house for the holiday. Dunya loved to go alone into the forest, so she freed her thoughts and felt freedom, because in the village she was constantly pitied because she had no

Parents. The girl was tired of seeing self-pity in people’s eyes , because she considered herself strong, and did not regret at all that she was raised by her grandparents. But what can you do, it happens. This is

Her cross and a test that she must withstand with dignity. This is what the local priest, Father Innokenty, always told her . Dunya, despite her young age, was a very religious person. She

Loved people and honored her family. Her grandmother taught her a lot, to knit, sew and embroider, and most importantly, to treat her with herbs. Tomorrow it will most likely rain, that’s what grandma said. Today we

Definitely need to collect herbs. The girl very quickly reached the clearing, parked her bike under a tree and began looking for the plants she needed. She quietly hummed her favorite tune to herself.

She put the picked herbs in a small linen bag. When it was filled to the very top and became elastic, Dunya sat down under a tree to rest. The birds chirped their songs. The wind rustled in the branches of the birches.

The girl leaned her head against the tree trunk and didn’t even notice how she dozed off. When she woke up half an hour later, her attention was attracted by some rustling and a strange sound coming from under the tree where she had left her bicycle. Imagine her surprise when

She saw a small, gray puppy in a basket in the trunk. Having come closer to look at the baby, Dunya realized that it was not a puppy at all, but a cub of a wolf. But what is he doing in her

Basket and how did he get there? She didn’t understand. She tried to shoo away the intruder. Shoo, shoo,” the girl said to the wolf cub. She shook the bike violently. Go from here and look for your mother, but the wolf cub refused

To leave and whined quietly. Well, okay, if you’re so stubborn, then I’ll take you to the village now, Dunya told the wolf cub. I hope that the baby will get scared by the fast driving and jump out somewhere

Along the road. The girl accelerated as quickly as possible, but the wolf cub only pressed even tighter into the basket. Dunya stopped her iron horse. I took the cub in my arms and only at that very moment

I saw that its front leg was hanging like a whip. So that’s what it’s all about, well then let’s go to grandma for a therapy session. She also knows how to edit bones , and maybe she can heal your wounded paw. Clutching the

Wolf cub to her, Dunyashka drove along the country road home. To say that grandma was delighted with such a gift would be an understatement. But a believer cannot refuse to help a living being. She believed that nothing in life just happens. Since on the eve of such a

Great holiday the Lord sent them this destitute creature, it means it’s not just like that. True, Father Innocent did not agree with her. The next day Dunya told him about her

Discovery in the forest. But don’t abandon a living creature, which the granny has already begun to treat and care for, and this is somehow not human, not Christian, the girl asked the priest. And he agreed

With her arguments and blessed her for a good deed. So the wolf cub remained in the house of Baba Martha. Dunyashka named him Buran and became attached to the baby with all her heart. He grew up in love and care. The girl played

With him like a puppy. Taught different commands. I tried to train as much as possible . A year later, thanks to the warmth and care of two women, Buran grew into a handsome man,

Into a large and powerful beast. There was no trace left of the former trauma . He didn’t even limp. But apparently the time had come to part, because one fine spring day Buran chose freedom

And returned to the forest. To where his true element was. Dunyasha at first cried and was offended by her friend, but Baba Marfa still managed to convince her granddaughter that the wolf made the right

Choice. He needs to continue his family line, for this we all come into this world, the grandmother said. Over time, Dunyashka calmed down, but swore that she would never forget her Buran and hoped that

Someday she would meet him in the forest. So another three years passed. Dunyashka blossomed. From an angular girl she turned into a beautiful flower. The guys started looking at her. Three days before. She again went into the forest for birch branches. All on the same beat-up old bicycle.

While she was breaking branches in the clearing, it seemed to her that some gray shadow flashed behind the bushes. Or maybe it’s Buran, Dunya daydreamed. I would so like to see him again at least once, and she quietly called him Buran,

Buran, but no one came out of the forest. Apparently it was my imagination, the girl thought. But in fact, she didn’t feel like anyone was watching her. From the nearby bushes, and it was not a wolf at all,

But a strong man in a tracksuit, with a black knitted hat on his head, which completely hid his face. Only through the slits were the man’s lustful eyes visible. He slowly approached from behind, so as to be sure not to be recognized. Covering Duna’s mouth with his hand,

He began to push the girl to the ground. She tried to fight back. She waved her arms violently and kicked, but the man was quite powerful. Resistance was practically useless. He

Had already pressed his whole body onto her. At some point, Dunya grabbed her hat with her hand and with a sharp jerk took it off her head. In front of her she saw the face of Father Innocent, red from tension. Father, the

Girl could only whisper. How so? “ You didn’t do this in vain,” Father Innokenty hissed, pulling out a knife from his pocket. Now I have to send you to the next world, to your parents.

After all, you saw my face. But everything could have been so good. You’d like it. At some point Duna managed to free her mouth and was able to scream loudly. Buran, Buran to the rescue. Scream,

Scream, no one will hear you anyway, but I like it even better, Father Innocent sniffled. But Dunya still didn’t give up and screamed even louder. At that moment, a rustling sound was heard from the nearby bushes. A

Crunch was heard and the body of Father Innocent somehow suddenly went limp and pressed her to the ground even more. Dunya jumped to her feet, but Father Innokenty remained lying on the ground with his neck twisted.

Buran sat next to him. He still came to her aid in the most terrible moment of her life. He had just saved her from certain death! Dear friends! Thank you for listening to the story to the end! If

You liked it, like it, subscribe to the channel, there is still a lot of interesting things to come!

На дворе месяц июнь, во всей своей красе. Вся деревня вела подготовку к великому празднику, святой троицы. Женщины наводили чистоту в домах. Очень тщательно так, чтобы нигде не было ни пылинки, ни соринки. Намывали окна и подоконники, истирали занавески. Убирали красиво кровати, застилали кружевными накидками, убирали так, чтобы в доме не было ни одного грязного угла. Мужчины наводили порядок в подсобных помещениях. Сараях и во дворах. Некоторые, особо активные, даже чинили повозки.


  1. Да простит меня Бог!!Но в моем детстве в деревне где я жила был батюшка церкви православной что вел себя недостойно на виду у всей деревни!Поэтому я верующая протестанской церкви!

  2. Вы, только подтверждаете то ,что я всегда ГОВОРЮ!!!! Ни одно животное не страшно,как человек!!! Человек самое коварное и подлое создание!!!!!!

  3. Батюшки разные бывают, они же обычные люди. И они могут грешить, для этого есть решение вопроса. Это не повод менять веру. Просто одни за православие, а другие против

  4. НАПИСАНО:"Но дух Бога ясно говорит, что придёт время, когда некоторые отступят от веры, слушая вводящие в заблуждение слова, учения демонов 2 и ложь лицемеров, чью совесть словно прижгли калёным железом. 3 Они запрещают вступать в брак и не разрешают есть ту или иную пищу. Но ведь Бог создал её, чтобы те, у кого есть вера и точное знание истины, ели её с благодарностью. 4 Всё созданное Богом хорошо, и нельзя отвергать то, что принимается с благодарностью, 5 так как оно освящено словом Бога и молитвой".
    Евангелие письмо апостола Павла к 1Тимофею глава 4 стихи с 1 по 5 стих.
    НАПИСАНО:"Знай, что в последние дни наступят очень тяжёлые времена. 2 Люди будут эгоистичными, любящими деньги, хвастливыми, высокомерными, богохульниками, непослушными родителям, неблагодарными, неверными, 3 не любящими других, несговорчивыми, клеветниками, не имеющими самообладания, жестокими, не любящими добро, 4 предателями, упрямыми, гордыми, любящими удовольствия, но не любящими Бога, 5 они будут делать вид, что преданы Богу, но их дела будут говорить об обратном. Держись подальше от таких людей". Евангелие письмо апостола Павла к 2Тимофею глава 3 стихи с 1 по 5 стих.
    Священные Писания которые находятся в Библии. Современный Русский перевод взят из Первоисточника.

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