視界觀994「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(68)騎行再訪鹿湖(1)-新年前夕的本拿比街道 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, today I still waited until there was two or three hours of non-raining in the afternoon . I looked at this time and rode to Deer Lake at 1 o’clock . I still wanted to go to the Burnaby Country Museum, which I didn’t go inside.

Go take a look, because it only opens at 1 o’clock in the afternoon to see if it is OK today. Today I just basically follow the road I found last time. There is a section that requires pushing the car over mountains and ridges , but this is As a shortcut , I will

Go directly to the Sperling in front of me on Kingsway today . This road goes all the way north. It is a straightened road, although there are two sections in the middle that are dead ends. One section requires climbing over mountains and ridges, and requires walking up a flight of stairs.

I was walking in the car, but I thought it didn’t matter. It was almost the Chinese New Year. I saw some markets and some small supermarkets placing fruits and other items in their yards, attracting many people to come and buy

. There seemed to be a lot of people and cars on the streets. There were some The atmosphere on New Year’s Eve. This is the Sperling road I’m going to take. It’s a straight road and rides directly towards the mountain. According to my last riding experience,

This road is a little uphill , but it should be basically the same at the other end. On the downhill slope , Canada has a three-day holiday for Christmas and then a three-day holiday for the New Year. In fact, the middle

Ones are not connected together. There is no Chinese way of switching it to a week and so on. Of course, if you have it yourself How you want to use your paid vacation is a personal matter , so here there is no natural formation of a long weekend

Or a long vacation of 7 consecutive days and 8 consecutive vacations. However, after looking forward to it for a year, we have ushered in two major events. The festival is approaching and the New Year is approaching. All the unpleasantness and unhappiness of this year will

Be forgotten with the arrival of the new year. I also hope for the new year and have good wishes for each other. I believe that I will upload this video. It should be after New Year’s Day of 2024 by the time it is released on YouTube

, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year. Happy New Year. It’s been going downhill all the way when I got here. It’s very refreshing when I come back. It’s a slope. Now I continue to follow this Sperling down the slope.

This is a relatively steep slope, so I have to go slower. The walking steps in front of me are the strolling path that I want to walk. What’s interesting is that there is a The car can be pushed down the groove smoothly. I don’t know who designed

It. Just push it down the slope like this , and the wheels will get stuck in the groove . You only need to apply the brake a little , and the car will be smooth and silky. You can go down the slope. I think this design is quite good.

This is the second time I have followed this trail down the mountain. I pushed the car like this and actually slid down the mountain. Today it was particularly silky and very interesting. Now I have come to the edge of Deer Lake. It

Seems that there are more cars parked on the edge of Deer Lake today than ever before. It ’s really interesting. The Chinese New Year is coming soon and everyone wants to come out and play. Is it still a little early? It’s not yet 1 o’clock.

I see that there are cars parked in front of the museum. It seems that this is the time when everyone knows the door opens. It’s still early . Let’s go and take a look around. In fact, there are two There is a door that you can ride through here,

And there is another one over there that should be the main entrance. No matter which door you enter through, as long as you can get inside and take a look, I think it’s good. Sure enough, there are also cars parked here, just inside the fence on the right. This museum

Is said to be a museum. In fact, it is a natural place , or it may be a small town with some additions later. It is still a few minutes away. It should not be time to go in yet. I see everyone is waiting at the door for

You to take a look at this place. Some roads are relatively narrow, with only one lane each way, so the bicycle signs are very conspicuous on this road. When the car behind the car encounters someone riding in front, it will slow down and avoid it. I think this It’s good that

Many small roads should have such signs. It seems that there are a lot of cars on the road today. It seems that everyone is rushing home to celebrate the New Year. But tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, right? There is one here . Burnaby Village Museum seems to be a little early.

Everyone is waiting for the door to open. I went to store my bicycle. Haha, the bicycle is not parked. What’s the situation? Suddenly I found that the rack where the bicycle was originally parked was locked. Of course, I can understand that he may be afraid that this bicycle will easily hit people,

But where should I park? This is a new problem, so I will let this group of people pass first and let them wait for a while before returning. Looking back, there may be a lot of people queuing up. Putting a larger bicycle in this place will indeed block tourists, but cyclists shouldn’t be

Turned away. Fortunately, there are still bicycles parked here.

#本拿比 #本拿比道路 #deerlakes

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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