Latest in Norway and Sweden! Historic Snow storm in 2024

Norway and Sweden January 04 2024 you can open the window the  yellow building is just on the main extremely cold temperatures compounded by  gale force winds and snow waked Havoc across   the Nordic region Thursday leaving thousands  without power While others Brave the cold for  

Hours stuck in their cars along clogged highways  heavy rains in Germany France and the Netherlands   again caused floods in regions that have  seen persistent flooding in the last two   weeks Malcolm and Chris are here helping me out  which is great one death was reported in France  

The Deep Freeze disrupted Transportation  throughout the Nordic region amid reports   of traffic chaos following closures of sections  of Highways and major roads problems with rail   service have also been reported electricity  was cut to some 4,000 homes in Arctic Sweden  

Where temperatures plummeted to – 38° c – 36.4  de F according to Swedish public radio in the   southern part of the country motorists were  stuck in their cars or evacuated to a nearby   sporting complex where they spent the night in  neighboring Denmark police urged motorists to  

Avoid unnecessary trips as wind and snow battered  the northern and western parts of the country in Finnish lap land the municipality of Enon  Teo near the border with Norway and Sweden   recorded the country’s lowest temperature this  winter on Thursday at – 43.1 de c – 45.6 de F  

Meteorologists are forecasting even colder  temperatures for the rest of the week a   fairy sailing between the capitals of Norway and  Denmark finally docked in Copenhagen on Thursday   after some 900 passengers spent the night board  The Vessel which had been idling in the Orson  

Straight between Denmark and Southern Sweden on  Wednesday weather hampered the crown seaway’s   vessel from sailing into the Copenhagen Harbor  in neighboring Denmark police urged motorists   to avoid unnecessary trips as wind and snow  battered the northern and western parts of the  

Country in Finnish lap land the municipality of  enan Teo near the border with Norway and Sweden   recorded the country’s lowest temperature this  winter on Thursday at minus 43.1 1° C- 45.6 de   F meteorologists are forecasting even colder  temperatures for the rest of the week airport  

Our estimated flight time today is 1 hour and 5  minutes and we have a fery sailing between the   capitals of Norway and Denmark finally docked in  Copenhagen on Thursday after some 900 passengers   spent the night aboard the vessel which had been  idling in the Orson straight between Denmark and  

Southern Sweden on Wednesday weather hampered  the crown seaways vessel from sailing into the   Copenhagen Harbor in Germany heavy rain has  resumed in regions that have seen persistent   flooding over the past 2 weeks Chancellor  Olaf scholes on Thursday made his second  

Visit this week to inspect a dyke and a sandbag  filling facility in the Eastern town of Sanger Housen after several days of rain and Rising  Waters several towns in North France were left   underwater Thursday hundreds of people have been  evacuated in recent days the area was also hit by  

Flooding in November and December and some towns  still hadn’t recovered government ministers are   traveling to the area on Thursday a 73-year-old  man was found dead in his partially submerged car   near the city of KN France’s national je service  said he was reported missing Tuesday after he left  

His home to buy bread and didn’t return and was  found when wednes as Waters began receding in   the area in Britain there was little respit from  the bad weather with widespread flooding across   central England particularly in the vicinity of  the river Trent in Nottinghamshire and more heavy  

Rain hitting Southern areas as of Thursday evening  more than 220 flood warnings where flooding is   expected remain in place across England while  almost 300 flood alerts where flooding is possible   are also in place the flooding comes just days  after storm Hank named by the official Weather  

Services of Britain Ireland and the Netherlands  battered large areas of England and Wales leaving   the ground saturated and prone to flooding  it also emerged Thursday that an 87-year-old   woman died near Oxford on Tuesday during storm  Hank when she drove into a fallen tree that had  

Been reported Fallen to police about 90 minutes  earlier the local temps Valley police force has   referred itself for independent investigation  earlier this week a driver also died after a   tree fell on his car in Western England and in  the Netherlands police in einthoven said strong  

Winds may have played a role in the death of a  75-year-old man who fell off his bicycle late Tuesday the government in low Ling Netherlands  which also faced extremely high water levels in   rivers and lakes said it would send pumps to  France to help it tackle widespread flooding  

It has rained a lot recently which means that the  water in France can no longer be drained properly   in many places Rivers have already burst their  banks that is why it is important to help each   other get rid of the water as quickly as possible  infrastructure and water Minister Mark haror said  

In a statement the Dutch emergency pumps can  each process 5 million L 1.3 million gallons   of water per hour people who got trapped in  1,000 vehicles in heavy snow for more than   24 hours have been evacuated Swedish authorities  say Rescuers work through the the night to free  

People stuck on the main East 22 Road in the  skain area of Southern Sweden many of those   trapped were evacuated by rescue teams and told  to return to their cars later the travel chaos   occurred amid plummeting winter temperatures  across the Nordic countries extreme cold weather  

Has hit parts of Sweden Finland and Norway and  snowstorms in Denmark have left drivers trapped   on a Motorway near orus since Wednesday the kicj  ainara weather station in Northern Sweden recorded   its coldest night for 25 years on Tuesday night  with temperatures dropping to – 43.6 c laugh  

About anymore Rescuers said all people traveling  by car had been evacuated and only Lori drivers   remained in their vehicles by Thursday morning  authorities said later they were still working   to free around 180 trucks the disruption on the  main e22 began at about 9:00 local time 8:00  

Greenwich meantime on Wednesday when snow made  the e22 impassible in both directions between   horby and Canta hundreds of cars ground to a halt  in snow drifts Erica sep ofite told Aton blad at   website that she and her two children and her  dog were freed after 19 hours Molen Johansson  

56 from Aus said she and her partner had started  their car at regular intervals to keep it warm   she told expressen they were freed when Rescuers  cut the road’s Central barrier allowing them to   leave at 4:30 on Thursday the army was dispatched  to deliver food and water to the people trapped

Latest in Norway and Sweden! Historic Snow storm in 2024

In the southwestern county of Agder, the situation quickly escalated on New Year’s Eve when a severe storm blanketed the area, disrupting transport of all kinds and causing widespread power outages.

The intensity of the snowfall prompted state meteorologists to issue warnings, which were swiftly followed by the establishment of crisis management teams in the southern cities of Kristiansand and Arendal.

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4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm. Daily monitoring of natural disasters around the planet.


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