直播录像-12月16日跑者围炉漫谈 Live Recording – Runners’ Fireside Chat on December 16th

Hey Good morning and afternoon, everyone Hello I got a different tool to watch the bullet comments today I spent 100 yen to download an iPad software It feels much easier Is the volume okay? I don’t dare to touch the OBS settings on my current computer Getting old is different from before

I don’t want to study many things anymore It’s almost time to read the instructions before buying things Hello everyone, hello everyone Here you go Good afternoon, this is kamataholy Good afternoon. The sound is OK. Thank you. PACE3 is still in use Right now all running data comes exclusively from the PACE3

Although it doesn’t fully support the new dual Stryd pairing system But it’s actually quite troublesome not to use the official Stryd APP anymore That Stryd, this is my second Stryd, was given to me by the official company It means I have to make a video to talk about this

But I still haven’t figured out what to say Because I don’t quite understand it either Today’s cover is like this Another video will be updated tomorrow But it’s not tomorrow, it’s the 13th On the 5th, I ran a lap around Osaka Castle A complete lap of the video

This lap is what everyone can see It’s a little bit different from his official track 3.5 kilometers in a circle Especially good-looking The cover of that video and today And the cover of today’s live broadcast is drawn by AI I’m the 51-year-old elder sister who came to report to you Amazing, amazing, amazing

Never grow old, never grow old We were just talking about this today It’s just that our entire Chinese-speaking region is too big Including that time in Singapore, it was also a Chinese-speaking area Let me tell you something really interesting Buy insurance when you arrive in Singapore

Then the insurance broker is also he should be a generation of immigrants In that one big brother Probably can’t be said to be a grandfather He kept telling me about five pas and ten pas I asked him what a pa was

I thought about it for a long time but was too embarrassed to ask him Later, because my colleagues and I, they understood Because my colleague is from Minnan Then after leaving, tell me That’s what PERCENT means The Chinese-speaking region is just too big

For example, when they ask for money, they say ‘return money’, which is different Like sometimes when I speak, some of my southern friends might Like, is it a tank top? And there are many more For example, running in winter makes my lips chapped I don’t even know which word or character is 牛好

It’s just that this circle hurts so much When I was a child, my grandmother would apply balm on me like that What do you think of doing more strength training and reducing the amount of running? I don’t support it Especially for ordinary runners, I don’t support it

Ordinary runners can even do without strength training But you can’t run less Where did you buy the short-sleeved shirt? The short-sleeved shirt is a few years old. I bought it in 2019 and it’s long gone. Back then, you could easily buy Oregon on the official website.

Can the heart rate belt be disassembled now? Basically, throw it in the washing machine and wash it once every two weeks. But it’s better to put it in a laundry bag when washing it. I was talking to my family while having lunch today I said that live broadcasting is a bit tiring now

There are several problems The first question is that some friends said that after the live broadcast I don’t want to watch our usual videos anymore I think the live broadcast is more direct This actually has an impact on me I still hope everyone can watch my daily videos more

Because I put a lot of effort into shooting, producing and editing every day You should have noticed recently The color tone style of the video has been changing It was just fixed in these two episodes Used a Canon filter Then learning how to adjust

Because the adjustable range of that small camera is really too small I put a lot of thought into the topics of my daily videos and a lot of effort into filming and editing them. I still hope that more people will watch my daily videos. This is the first

The second is about live broadcast I still hope I can bring a rhythm The first few times, I was really nervous I’ve been answering questions from everyone Of course, that’s not to say that’s bad Sometimes I answer like that

When I look back, I find that I didn’t finish speaking and then I started the next one It seems not very good I think it’s the fourth day since I started live streaming today I can talk to you guys first

Let me talk to you guys about my training in the past 4 days Let’s give you a reference to start with Today is December 16th That is, starting from the 12th 10 is wrong 13, 14, 15, 16 Sorry it starts on the 13th The first day of training on the 13th

As you can see in the video Practicing with friends First an 8km warm-up That day I was in a hurry and didn’t say I ran a few kilometers to warm up Then a 6-kilometer threshold run A 6-kilometer cool-down run home Ran 7 kilometers in the afternoon

The circle you see around Osaka Castle tomorrow is what I ran that afternoon Then ran 21.11 kilometers on the morning of the second training day Average pace 4:55 is an almost even pace is the bottom line of my aerobic pace aerobic pace It’s not considered aerobic exercise if it’s too slow

I ran 4 kilometers this afternoon My running pace this afternoon was just following my feelings Then yesterday was a 22.26km Average 5’19 That’s easy run so intentionally slow Today is 26 kilometers 5 minutes 05 That’s about it These 4 days of practice A little more tired than last cycle

Because last cycle was too intense Tomorrow is the first full marathon I see you are typing, is it Taipei Horse? Right? Before more people come, let’s post the question first. My first marathon last week was within 4 hours But I feel there are many areas to reflect on

For example, at the water station halfway I still like to read to the water station now and have drunk water many times It takes some time to stop there every time More importantly, it is more difficult to start again Do you recommend bringing your own water for the full marathon?

It is not recommended to bring your own water. You have to practice drinking water without stopping. It can’t be helped You have to learn C language Come on, I encourage you C language can be put at this time Study while feeling sleepy Thank you for your fans’ badges

Thank you, thank you, there are many That Abe Hiroshi Sama c_Gege Buy a bottle of Coke Asen Honghao Then pronounce the character as Hao I am a science student Xiao Hang Wanli Thank you Minus 30 degrees in Inner Mongolia What kind of contact lenses do you wear?

Just the regular kind, Bausch & Lomb. I bought a bunch of six-month disposables on Singles’ Day. Thanks for sending that emoji that’s just for us It’s 10 below zero in Beijing today Beijing has been pretty good these past few days Embedded migrant worker I was fascinated by embedded for a while

Playing with that ESP32 chip by myself Made a bunch of gadgets myself Then embedded each one at home Embedded a web server in it I don’t have much time to run this month because I’m taking the postgraduate entrance exam soon. I ran 62 kilometers this month.

The postgraduate entrance exam is more important to you. My family member has also taken the postgraduate entrance exam. The family member passed the postgraduate entrance exam by himself I dare not think about this I remember that the family member gained weight when he was preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam

It just feels hard I have never experienced this kind of hardship The college entrance examination is also known to everyone I don’t have any big ambitions I’m just an ordinary person At that time, my score in the college entrance examination was 50 points higher than the admission score We volunteer first

It’s like you have to gamble, just like the marathon now You have to say how much you’re going to run before you run Unlike now, we all fill in our applications after the results are out Back then, we had to take a gamble I’m quite conservative

So I never really went through the whole studying for the test thing I think it would be cool to have an online questionnaire FAQ comment thing Agreed good idea For Beihang University Beihang University is okay There are many canteens We had a lot of canteens when we were in school Yes

Today I’d like to talk to you all about running and life How to deal with work taking up too much time Today I really want to talk to you about My little channel Actually, I don’t have any organization or team behind me It’s just me and my family, the two of us

It was purely out of interest at the time How did this channel start? It was going to the Berlin Marathon in 2018 I didn’t have any filming equipment at that point And I have no experience in shooting videos But because I used to play games At that time, I played Warcraft

Recording videos while playing World of Warcraft is a particular favorite Because our team Was the first to defeat all the bosses on our server Then record them all and then send them to the website Send them to Youku At that time, use Premiere Figure out how to cut and add subtitles

I think it’s pretty interesting And that year, 2018, many people started making videos I’m a very old-fashioned and newfangled person We rented a GoPro and took it to Berlin That was the beginning of us There was no anti-shake at that time, so it was impossible to watch It is still the same now

Then it’s not an early video That pubg is an experiment I wrote an automatic live recording software myself Then uploaded it That’s what it was like back then Because I didn’t think about doing this back then Now why do I still hope that everyone can watch my videos more

Because I have some motivation and then get this thing done because now all walks of life are really in a slump Bilibili is also in a bad situation, let’s be honest I joked with my family at noon today Can I still get 100,000 subscribers? Will the platform be fine if it reaches 100,000?

Just bought a PACE 3 and found that the real-time pace lags a lot All GPS watches are like this It all depends on how you calculate it, whether it’s radical or conservative What do you think the pace would be if you wrote the software? Pace is distance divided by time, right?

So how often does this time and distance update the real-time pace? This is the practice of different manufacturers and has nothing to do with good or bad. He can also tell you every ten meters. It can be 100 meters or 1 kilometer

Of course, the longer the more accurate, but the longer it will lag It’s all a balance There is no such thing as true instantaneous pace Even with Stryd, which is more responsive, it’s not truly instantaneous It still needs distance and time to calculate the instantaneous pace

Otherwise you can’t have a denominator of 0, right? It’s gone up by less than 10,000 this year, right? Less than that, maybe about the same. I remember that at this time last year, it seemed to be 30,000 subscriptions on Bilibili Don’t be reluctant to watch it

It’s serious to stop running for more than a month due to a sprained foot My most serious sprain took a week to heal on its own Thank you Abe Hiroshi-sama for the 10 little flowers Thank you, Guangdong has cooled down, right? 3,000 fans started following Thank you for your eternal denim

Running always breaks the net, is the posture wrong? Please help I don’t quite understand what you mean by Zhongwang Is 265 not as good as PACE3? There is no reason why one is better than the other. If 265 and PACE3 are not short of money at all

In fact, 265 may have a much better screen experience Are you going to Osaka for work? That’s not true, right? Sorry, I was just kidding with you As soon as I finished speaking, my family members immediately told me not to say rhetorical questions People won’t be happy to hear that

Hahaha, the two of us are really quite The two of us are actually the kind of quite conservative and quite hard to say ah Play by the rules Sometimes it’s not good either It should be none if it’s not stuck The mesh on the toes always breaks The shoes are too small, bro

I don’t know, I’ve never experienced this I’ve had socks break on me Like that really expensive pair of Nikes $110 racing socks Every game I break a pair The only time I didn’t break was this year’s Tokyo I wore it three times without breaking it

The first time was in New York in 2019 The second time was in the sub-center Both times I wore the new ones and they broke What time do you go to bed at night? I went to bed at 7:30 We don’t have a night life, we don’t go out.

Stryd’s recent distances are relatively short This is called kimman Compared to PACE3 That’s what’s so bad about Stryd You have to age its distance pretty accurately for each shoe And then it’s different when you run fast or slow I don’t think it’s a good idea to use it as a distance

Sometimes good, sometimes not There is also one called yanshi shiyan bar Can I ask Boge about running long distances or a full marathon In the second half, there is a high probability of stomach acid reflux, no cramps, no tired legs, and no pain Heartburn is very uncomfortable

Running and stopping to spit out acid reflux If your body is normal I think you can eat a little more before the game Just don’t eat soy products Soy products are easy to cause acid reflux And you might be the one who is gluten intolerant You see, in Western countries

This proportion is higher in Western races So you see that American supermarkets in Europe have this gluten free It’s grain without gluten It’s possible that this is the reason You can try Gluten free It’s gluten-free But it’s really hard to buy in eastern countries It’s hard to buy here and it’s very expensive

Compared to the ordinary ones It’s possible that this is the reason You try the problem of diet Your personality is suitable for living in Japan Hahaha How long do you plan to stay in Osaka? I feel like the videos of Kuroe 2022 are much more accessible. That was cooler back then.

Getting old, huh At this age, it’s hard to stay cool, bro How to relieve calf shin pain after running Last month was my first month of winter training I just got my mileage back up to 570 kilometers when I started having pain on the inside of both shins

It’s near the ankle and it’s pretty bad One leg hurt for a week and two legs hurt for two weeks Just soak it in hot water and apply some medicine The last time I showed you guys that medicine was the time before last.

It would be great if all the medicine could be gone. Thanks for the little flowers from the donkey chasing the carrot. Parrot sitting on the ground Xiaohua Thank you all All are talented My nickname has never been so artistic This morning’s physical examination showed that the heart rate was low

It’s okay to have a low heart rate Is it Oregon clothing Yes Will there be any inconvenience in life I haven’t talked about that topic with you guys yet It’s about life, work, and running Why did I mention my channel? I actually put a lot of effort into this channel, to be honest

And then I finished my workout this morning at 7:30 or so Right, I reported it in my video Then I went home When I got home, I transferred the video to my computer first Because that Insta360GO3 That camera’s USB speed is 480Mbps That’s about 50 megabytes per second, which is quite slow

I’ll go take a shower while it transfers After changing clothes, I had breakfast with my family After breakfast, I sat down and started editing I sat down at about 8:10 and waited until I actually stood up It was already 10am when the video was released It’s like this every day for two hours

It’s almost there because today is the weekend I just went out late Usually I would be half an hour late Because I start work at 9:30 Although there is a time difference It’s 9:30 in China and 10:30 here But I still started working at 9:30 Otherwise the morning time is too short

Actually, our small team all plays the role of Party B As you know, sometimes it can be quite tiring You can only sacrifice like I said that day You have a big love as if many people here love skiing Guys who live in Japan should know Japanese people are particularly fond of skiing

It costs them their vacation and money to ski, which is expensive Then they sacrifice all sorts of things This is really no way out It is that we work hard to live to a certain extent It is the so-called GDP after a certain extent People will have more other hobbies to pursue

This is no problem Because you see this creature evolved from It was all about survival at the beginning Then gradually there were other things The more other things there are, the more you are alive It’s not to say that the more the better Some people may like peace and others may like richness

I’m a person who likes richness So I can only sacrifice There is an impact with eversion In fact, any eversion has an impact But it doesn’t matter to ordinary people I have to read it slowly I have I can’t read this katakana I don’t know what it is either Look gluten free right

Family family can family tell me I’ve been gluten free for over half a year now See if you can cure the hay fever that makes you miserable every year Hay fever is caused by this kind of allergy Why do so many people say allergic rhinitis now What I understand is allergy

It’s the allergen that accumulates in your body It’s been building up to a certain age and then it just explodes Especially here, it seems like a lot of people have hay fever Entered the Osaka Marathon 2024 Is there any activity like park run in the days before the marathon?

There should be a warm-up run. Like the Osaka Marathon this year. I recommend you the British running blogger Ben is running to Osaka Because he is participating in a NB event It seems to be NB Then there is the warm-up run that morning You can pay attention to this area

Instagram of celebrities who came to run the Osaka Marathon They usually post on it First marathon without a history of running Then you can only find a marathon that doesn’t require a score Right, buddy But you have to find at least one that is registered with the Chinese Athletics Association

At least a class A or B event Beijing snow stopped at minus 16 degrees Beijing snow is still very beautiful But it does affect running I only went for a morning run once and came home after going downstairs Changed to go to Chaoyang Park to run during the day

That’s the snow in the morning When I went downstairs, the snow was up to my feet And it was not a low temperature at that time Then the snow was all like mud It was really impossible to run It’s normal for toenails to turn black

Sometimes the front of my calf hurts a lot when I run a marathon Is it because I didn’t warm up? No, it’s because you’ve accumulated fatigue to a certain extent It won’t hurt if you run more. The 10-kilometer snow scene in the Olympic Forest Park is beautiful. Yes

Do you remember Ge Fei, whom we met in New York? Xue Ge Fei went back to Beijing to visit his relatives, right? And today he posted on Wechat Moments asking where in Beijing the snow removal is faster. Wanting to run is the fastest way to clear snow in the park

My first half marathon was a success in the lottery for training records The new Nike vest is a size too big in length, but it’s also loose Yes Nike’s version is not very friendly to Asians That’s how it is here So that’s why only people with really good figures can wear it

It’s not just Asians, Westerners are the same The back of my calf hurts when I jog, but it doesn’t hurt when I speed up It’s fine as long as it doesn’t hurt Tony the barber at the village entrance Thank you for the fans’ light signs

Thanks, I actually don’t know how to set this up I have to study hard Any brand recommendations for high arches or do I just have to get shoes a size bigger Sorry, I haven’t studied this I haven’t studied it But I think most manufacturers’ flagship models This should be considered

Because especially foreign brands Because foreign countries are Westerners and Africans High arches will have a higher percentage I think Alphafly is a great advantage for high arches I really can’t do it Has Bogo considered finding a language school system to learn Japanese? Integrate into local life Actually no I’m on Duolingo now

Talked to that dude yesterday He shared his experience with me Let’s just say that sometimes language is understood right away And then language is also a step up And besides, my job is now Because many Chinese people who live here came here to work

I didn’t come here to work for a Japanese company after a job interview I’m not in that situation I don’t need it urgently at the moment and indeed usually I am already very busy now Good afternoon, good afternoon Winter training is hard below zero What do I do I do Internet software development

Last month’s half marathon 137, how much can I run for a full marathon? According to 330 It’s easy to learn in a language environment. I’ve been self-studying for two years. Agree It will be much faster than in China. Video collections are like this Bilibili’s video collections are different from others

It can only hold up to 50 videos in a collection Then everyone has a limit on the total number of collections So I can’t do it I tried that day, my friend Why diet videos are not for the general audience That’s not an instructional video That’s just a hobby for self-entertainment

Then the shooting was taken seriously Because using iPhone and then shooting Dolby Vision Plus the editor’s family doing special effects or something That’s just for fun, don’t spend too much That’s one of my own hobbies It’s not for real, it’s not for making money Can Apple’s running data be imported into Gaocci?

Apple can also export .fit format But it depends on whether Gaocci accepts it or not You can try Stop running for a few days with the common cold You can run if you don’t have a fever, a mild cough, or shortness of breath Next Saturday is the postgraduate entrance exam

Then we can wait for the video recording next Saturday if you are free I wish you success in the postgraduate entrance exam Running is very shaky Practice sit-ups Then practice the kind of scissor legs that lunge with a bow and arrow This is the power of the core and the legs

Strength is only one part The other part is balance and stability That’s why you see professional athletes working on those core What he does not take much effort But he is cultivating a stability Leg pain after running on the treadmill for two days I don’t have much experience with treadmills Japanese language school

Against Is a runny nose while running a sign of fitness? If you are competing, yes Look back and see if there is no one, then wake up on the ground If it is a normal training I think gloves may be more suitable than arm sleeves I also have very severe allergic rhinitis

Sometimes when you listen to me, I suddenly can’t speak My nose is blocked again Which one is more accurate, Garmin or Coros? Both are accurate, dual-frequency GPS doesn’t make much difference now. 53 years old, half marathon 1:39, next autumn full marathon. I think 330 is also fine at the age of 53

Try to reach 330 It might be red PACE3 if you watch your video and rush Next year is the year of the zodiac Wish you a happy run Wearing too many clothes in winter training makes it difficult to move your legs Adapt to it and you can’t walk

Don’t strengthen anything if you are not balanced Unless you are If you can tell that you are off balance when you walk Then it is none of my business, you should see a doctor If you are fine, then you don’t need to worry about it at all Right Mr. Honda, right?

He doesn’t care at all Those are habits that are slowly formed and just can’t be changed But Mr. Honda, look It feels like flying when Mr. Honda runs It’s very stable and elastic It’s just that he didn’t squat on the ground This is a master, I can’t do it

Do you consciously calculate your protein intake in your diet? No, because I eat a lot of meat myself Like tonight, I’m having barbecue tonight Bought a platter of various beef cuts Cost 1600 yen per 500 grams It’s okay, really, it’s okay My family and I can’t finish it

We don’t eat carbs at night, just meat and vegetables Normal lunch and normal breakfast Now go to Cangzhou to watch the live broadcast on the high-speed rail Thank you, thank you I wish you good results and a happy run Are you going to pick up the items now? That’s a bit stressful.

I’ve never taken the postgraduate entrance exam. How can I take the postgraduate entrance examination with my personality? Then I’ll be exhausted. I’m a person who, in fact, apart from running a marathon I’m a person who is quite reluctant to suffer. Actually, I wasn’t a good student since I was a child.

I’ve been thinking about how to do something to make some money. Back then in college I was a network administrator Then I made a website and wrote a blog Then I got Google ads and made some money After several years of hard work, I still didn’t make much money Speaking of making money

It’s just that our small channel has the support of everyone There will indeed be some income Then there are also some review contacts There are times when I miss it Because everyone who sent me a private message on Bilibili knows my passive reply Sometimes I miss it I don’t care too much

But there will be I will release a video in two days about How much our channel has earned in total this year Not enough to support myself So it’s really not easy for self-media professionals to do self-media full-time Because I probably know

What is the conversion rate of this number of subscribers and traffic to revenue? Sometimes I see that they work very hard but can’t make much money Can you play shuttlecock when you usually run? No, you can’t. English 6 in the afternoon Good luck to you Keep warm

5km PB My current 5km PB is 17 minutes flat But there are two 180-degree turnarounds Search for my video Around the end of summer this year It was a Wednesday running club 5km test run It was on that road in Osaka Castle If there was no turnaround

I should have no problem watching 16 minutes and 50 seconds now 16 minutes and 50 seconds should be no problem 52 years old, running for 2 years, monthly running volume 200 Half marathon best 1 hour 40 minutes Fastest kilometer can’t run within 4 minutes Honestly bro, this is not easy to practice

Because as we age Speed ability itself will decline Finally, you have more stamina but not enough speed You can try running sprints more often Pay attention to safety when doing interval running It is also easier to get injured And it takes longer to recover from an injury

Actually, you don’t need to run a kilometer in 4 minutes You can also achieve great results if you keep running at your current pace for a few years If you complete a full marathon at a pace of 4 minutes per kilometer That would be 2 hours and 52 minutes That’s about right

That’s pretty good I support cycling as cross-training I support What laptops do you recommend for college students It depends on where you go to college If you are in China, it is better to buy Windows It may be more convenient It is amazing that a 53-year-old can run a kilometer in four minutes

It feels like minus 16 degrees in Beijing. Will I be cold if I wear a pair of compression pants and a pair of fleece-lined compression pants? Not cold. Ordinary compression pants are not cold, just the thick ones. I wore that all last winter.

Do you know how thick the compression pants are for qinggong? The compression pants are that thick Except for a few particularly cold days in winter When it feels like minus 20 degrees I wore a pair of ordinary pants outside That’s all I wore underneath It’s too cold with the wind in Hangzhou

If it’s windy, we can only wish good luck for the game Does playing basketball help with running? Not helpful lol How to run easy or speed workout the day before a long run each week Either is fine As you can see, I just talked to everyone these 4 days

The first day was a speed class But I can’t run long distances the second day This will affect the training of the next two days So the next day I did some aerobic exercise The third day, yesterday, I did an easy run

Today I ran a distance that is not too long for me 26 kilometers of aerobic exercise This is almost the limit of aerobic exercise Or put the long distance on the first day Or put it on the last day This is a little suggestion from me

Does the PACE3 have a floating heart rate? I’ve been wearing the Garmin heart rate armband I don’t rely on the heart rate sensor on any watch itself But I have evaluated it You can see that I got the second issue of PACE3

You can definitely find it by searching for the keywords PACE3 and heart rate Do I need to see an otolaryngologist if I cough up phlegm while running? No, you don’t need to. You probably won’t be able to do a triathlon. Because I can’t accept leaving my fate up to

Whether or not my bike breaks down It’s too much trouble, it’s really too much trouble How fast is the pace of running the second ring road in Beijing? If the weather is normal, it is 440, 445 Because I don’t plan to meet you guys on the second ring road It’s too dangerous

We are still in the park Does the big head recommend adding velvet at minus 10 degrees? Most manufacturers’ plush hats should fit even if your head is big My head is not small 45 years old, running for half a year, and just got under an hour for 10 kilometers this year That’s awesome

6 allocations are good enough Boge can try to take more running shoes reviews of various brands Running shoes, people don’t look for me The key is that you can easily wear a pair of shoes for two days with your daily running volume What you said is very right

I don’t actually reject the evaluation. The premise is that you can’t blindly blow. And the second thing is that you can’t be the kind of client. I can I can say whatever I want Since you are confident in giving me a test Then I have confidence to make me feel good, right?

But it’s true that almost no running shoes come to me Like Tebu doesn’t ask me to make a video review That’s the little buddy from Tebu and one of his colleagues They are the audience of our channel And then because I’ve been praising the 160X generation

Talking about how the second generation is not good and then I didn’t have the chance to try the third generation So there was such a pair of the third generation Because I’m not that type, that’s just the way my personality is And then what else

It’s just that there was once a Bi Mai’s exclamation 2.0 That came for free But that family doesn’t have the feeling of being the client at all They don’t have any requirements I can say whatever I want to say I got the shoes and went out for a run

I came back and recorded a video and sent it to you guys, think about it This was all done without communicating with them That year’s Spring Festival, Bi Mai also gave me a pair of gloves and a hat I’m very grateful to that friend

Every time I run in Chaoyang Park, I glance at that service station That’s the Beimai service station in Chaoyang Park And then there’s also Feiyin PB and Saucony Feiyin PB is okay Saucony is not impressive Because it is a slow running shoe I am looking forward to one day

If a big brand could respond to me, it still hasn’t PACE3 with the new generation of Polar is fine, right? No problem 5.0PRO was not delivered, not delivered Because at first I felt that there were not many 5.0pro goods I am basically the kind of person who doesn’t take the initiative to speak

No need, I just bought it because I like it Because I don’t have many places to spend money Sincerely You should listen to the doctor, not me, about the echocardiogram. The Nike Dark Horse really inspired me back then. You can also watch that documentary.

It’s about some people who are preparing for the Taipei Marathon They are all ordinary people who prepare together and then go to the competition The documentary is very well shot A 1.70m, 52kg male can’t maintain his weight He’ll gain weight if he eats a little more I’m the same

You are amazing to be able to reach 52 kg My lowest weight in history It was 53 kg and more when preparing for the competition It really won’t work That doesn’t mean that eating a little more will make you grow, it means that eating until you’re full will make you grow

Or even eating until you’re 80% full will make you grow It’s really scary, really really scary I was so anxious at that time The cover of one of my previous videos was me Just the upper body is not wearing clothes Just look at that state at that time

That state now I am afraid I really can’t do it I don’t recommend you to maintain like this if you are not in the preparation period I don’t maintain like this now If I don’t maintain now, I will be 57 kg at most Around 57 kg Then it won’t grow or drop

Control it again before the competition Prepare a few long-sleeved clothes for winter Prepare 3 or 4 pieces and it will be fine Piriformis strain Massage, massage and then go to physiotherapy FeiBit counts too FeiBit to FeiBit counts too But in fact, I want to tell you the truth

These tests are almost free of charge It means the stuff is mine I won’t even give a quote if someone sincere asks me to Sometimes You know Mr. Hu from Bilibili, right? We also met in Tokyo that time We should meet this time too He should also come to Hakone

I asked him how to do it at that time Then he said how to do it He said he suggested how much I should report After I reported it, he ignored me The third generation is still bought in Boston The third generation of Vaporfly is still bought in Boston Just that pair

Many domestic shoes are too wide and not suitable for my narrow feet I didn’t notice that The temperature during winter training in Japan is much more pleasant than in Beijing, right? Osaka is much better Osaka is much warmer than Beijing But summer is really uncomfortable I’m not saying anything about this

It’s just that I’m actually open to these things I just don’t know how to talk sometimes My family keeps sending me screenshots Our current life list life partition real-time popular anchor recommendation We are third now OK What to wear at minus 16 degrees

Wear a thick compression pants when it is 16 degrees below zero Then wear a close-fitting long sleeve inside the upper body Then you can wear another loose long sleeve A running top like that Long sleeve top Then wear a windproof layer outside It doesn’t have to be very thick

Be sure to have windproof clothes Then wear a neck gaiter Put on a neck brace Put on a hat that covers your ears Then pull the neck brace up in the back and pull it up here Look, my hand is connected to the hat Because the hat is rough

Then the neck cover got stuck It’s like you wrapped it into this shape Pull this up when you start running Protect your mouth so it’s not so cold Got used to it and pulled it down It’s over, just wear a hand muffler Boston 12 never worn

I weigh 125 kg and I am 1.8 meters tall If it’s 125 kg, then that’s really amazing This hat, this hat is gone Look at this hat carefully, there are two black spots Why Because the leather on this part has faded I didn’t have the heart to dye it

I haven’t figured out how to do it yet I know there’s something that can bleach it But dare not This hat was suddenly on sale on the official website one day This is 40 dollars, it seemed to be 30 dollars at that time $30 is over 200 bucks

My only Oregon piece is starting to peel Battle scars What to do if you can’t run for a week because you’re traveling This is called LD’s channel Traveling and running shouldn’t be related I run wherever I go My first time running while traveling was during the Spring Festival in 2015

My company organized a trip to Osaka before That was the first time in my life I came here Just live not far from here That was the first time running in a foreign land But I ran very little And the second time was also that year

It started the year I went to Guangzhou on a business trip At that time, I ran quite a lot, twice on Ersha Island Then you bring a pair of shoelaces and a piece of clothing Then get up in the morning and go for a morning run What to do after a morning run

Those people you met at Osaka Castle were all tourists, you see It’s okay My experience is that time will always It depends on how you think about this issue I support you and encourage you to give it a try Just take the first step But first figure out the map and the route

If you go to the local stadium, that would be the best Check the map before you go to a new place As you all know, I don’t carry a mobile phone Actually, the watch has a map function, but it doesn’t work very well sometimes

Just do your homework in advance and look at the map Then how to turn here and there is almost there You will always run in the wrong direction, but the general direction is correct. It’s okay. How long will it be on today Still until 2:45 Beijing time

After getting on the horse, my heart beats in my chest from time to time It’s normal, it’s fine My hat smells even after washing it every day when I run in the summer There’s something that you can spray on your clothes to get rid of the smell Anyway, there is

And the type of video of Boge I think it can be made into a new type of evaluation It’s just that running and chatting can reflect some feelings in real time Yes, yes, yes This is the pattern I expected But now it’s actually not quite the same as the mainstream.

If his heart doesn’t beat, won’t it be broken? Interesting partner. Cold weather tomorrow, good condition, slow pace, want to break 3. How should I run? Warm up hard Warming up before a marathon is very important. Don’t be stingy with your energy That little bit of energy doesn’t matter Marathon warm-up

If you want to run a good time in a full marathon One or two kilometers of jogging is essential At least more than one kilometer Then sprint a few times to get up that morning This is really no way How to build a good mentality for LSD30km novice

I suggest you run on a route with some check-in points I ran here and there For example, you run the 2nd Ring Road in Beijing 33 kilometers on the Second Ring Road I’ll run to Daguanyuan when you come I’ll be at Xizhimen in a moment

I’ll be at the Yonghe Temple in a moment That’s a different mindset If you were to walk in circles in the park, you’d be miserable Really painful Just ran 26 kilometers What a coincidence, I also ran 26 kilometers today Just took a shower and eating popsicle now Yes yes yes

The sole of my forefoot has been slightly swollen for two months Just go for a run when you’re fine I haven’t run for 5 days because I have a fever Oh, that’s serious. I wish you a speedy recovery. 30 kilometers can be 430 It is unlikely to break 3 in winter training

It is unlikely in one winter Be prepared to fight for another year and a half to break 3 It can be in the spring of the year after next 30 kilometers 430 Still a long way from breaking 3 Osaka Marathon has an official course map

You can check it out yourself, I won’t show it to you You search Osaka Marathon in Google or search engine There is an official website in Japanese, English and Chinese Then the route map is a PDF that can be enlarged to be very clear If you have the energy

You can mark his route on the map And then save it as a route on your watch That’s what I mean Just watch the official website of the game, it’s more useful than anything else Really just watch the official website of the game Seeing is believing most of the time

Although hearing is not necessarily believing The efficiency you asked me about is indeed too low This matter, everyone sees the official website has a lot of Running with glasses or contact lenses I suggest wearing contact lenses What is a 5k PB Didn’t you just ask me that

Learn history 5k PB 17 minutes flat But running on a normal road with two 180-degree turnarounds Haven’t tried it on the track Made peace with myself, withdrawing from the Hangzhou race tomorrow Why? I didn’t see your previous comment Why? The 30km 430 guy just now Let me put it this way

The road from 430 to 416 is actually very long The gap is actually quite large The gap from 416 to 410 is not that big Then to get to a 4-minute gap is another step up This is one of my feelings, just a psychological feeling

What should I do if I have no passion after finishing my first half marathon 154 this year? I can understand I also watch videos of other running up masters There are also those that are for beginners I can feel what they are feeling in their hearts

It’s just very painful and I can’t see any prospects or hope It depends on one’s personality, only one’s personality can be seen I can’t possibly influence your thoughts on this I can only give you some experience That’s it Or it’s not even an experience

Oh, this little friend said he wants to run 140. As long as you have a goal, you will be motivated. Do you think it’s difficult to improve 5 kilometers to 16 minutes? Or is there an age restriction It’s difficult 16 minutes It’s really not something ordinary people can achieve through hard work

Just like the 240 in a full marathon Basically 16 minutes and 30 seconds It is beyond the reach of most people even if they try hard This is the limit of what can be achieved through hard work That kind of effort is not achievable Really can enter 17 minutes

I think it’s the state of ordinary people working very hard Tomorrow accompany wife’s first half horse target 230 Congratulations on your early congratulations That’s great I’m looking forward to it too There are many such competitions 30 kilometers in winter Do I need to bring water, gels or salt pills?

I don’t need it anyway I don’t drink water, eat, or anything But I suggest that if you haven’t broken through the third level Run 30 kilometers at this level with a gel Bring a gel and a little water That should do it Sore feet means you haven’t trained enough

The pain will go away after it hurts Try to get a BQ and hopefully qualify for the Grand Slam through the BQ Yes, it’s just that BQ’s participation in Boston feels different It’s not that it’s bad to spend money to go It just feels different It’s almost over There will be a recording

What characteristics do you think can be called gifted Hard to say, I can’t answer that Hard to answer After 5K in June, I could never run at that level again It’s fine as long as you can understand it slowly For corns, there are corn plasters or patches

Brother Bo, how do you match your running shoes with your current training content? I’m wearing two pairs of shoes right now One is a pair of Nike Vaporfly 2 The other is the 160X 3.0Pro. I’m wearing these two pairs of shoes together Like the Vaporfly 3 racing shoe

If the goal is only 21K, 10K, 5K, how is it recommended to train In fact, it is not much different from the whole horse Because you have a half marathon goal Started running in August How come I’m getting slower and slower That shouldn’t That means you should try my suggestion

Thinking about how to be faster everyday Just try a little harder Because the stride is that big That’s right, the stride is a hurdle for ordinary people It’s really hard to increase the stride It’s not easy, really not easy Can fascia gun be used everyday? Is it much different from massage?

I have no experience I really have no experience How many kilometers will my running shoes retire 1,500 or so Is it normal for a heavy runner to have frequent toe numbness during a 5k run Normal If you run, you will lose weight. Is a full marathon of 3:10 far from breaking 3?

Not far. 3:10 is really not far from breaking 3. I think 2 hours 55 to 3 hours 15 is about the same level About the same level Want to get into Why You guys saw that Okkawara-sensei got stuck at 2 hours and 52 minutes He’s trying his best to distribute the speed.

4 minutes and 4 minutes and 1 second Between 4 minutes and 4 minutes and 01 seconds is 2 hours and 52 minutes 2 hours and 52 minutes is a hurdle, a psychological barrier You want me to run a full marathon in 4 hours, this is a level

After that, there was nothing until 245 If you want to be faster, it becomes 3 minutes and 54 seconds is 245 About 244, right? Have been running for half a year but weight has not changed, is it because of not controlling diet? Two reasons One reason is that you don’t run enough

One reason is that you eat too much This is very direct I can talk to you about this Running less means I’ve shared it too Basically, you run a kilometer to consume calories That is your weight in kilograms Change the unit name of that kilogram to kilocalories

For example, if you weigh 80 kilograms, running one kilometer will be about 80 kilocalories Probably between 80 and 90 That’s not a lot When a normal person eats until they are full How do you adult men eat Chinese food If you say that I can easily eat 1,000 calories in a minute

If you want another drink Sincerely Not much interval, only tempo run Can only running tempo and LSD improve full marathon OK What kind of fabric is generally used for trousers, chemical fiber or cotton? I don’t know I don’t look at the fabric when I buy clothes, I just go with my gut feeling

Actually, I rely on my gut feeling for a lot of things Including my various training arrangements I run as fast as I feel today I am not a technical runner I also watch many technical bloggers Very technological and scientific But I’m really not I can’t learn it either Just don’t choose cotton

He probably means the pants So I can’t really say Will your Beijing route be interrupted by traffic lights at intersections? Every time I go on a business trip to Beijing and run along the Third Ring Road, I always get interrupted by intersections Yes, but I run early

Most people are still asleep when I run So sometimes I just go through the small intersection Then at the big intersection I usually choose the route that turns right For example, I was chatting with that dude yesterday My first time breaking 3 in Beijing, I ran it myself

It was the 2020 Beijing Online Marathon I remember that day, October 18th very clearly Because November 1st or something That was the Wuxi Marathon that was postponed that year So that day after running a full marathon online, I was exhausted Wuxi didn’t run well

That day I ran 2 hours and 51 minutes. That day I just chose a road There is only one traffic light at the intersection If you catch a red light, you have to wait The others are either right turns or There are almost no traffic lights There are no traffic lights

There is only one traffic light Then this circle is 8 kilometers We left at 4:30 and started running at 4:40 We were lucky enough not to catch up with it once That’s the only way How to bring water during summer training If you are in China or in a country with trash cans

For example, we cut half an onion and didn’t finish it Put the remaining half in a small plastic bag, the kind for food That big, and then fill it with water Then tie a death knot This water bag is clenched in the hand After getting thirsty

Because you basically just need to rehydrate your workout once Bite it open and drink When you’re done, just throw the pouch in the trash This won’t work, there’s no trash can here Even if there was a trash can It would be one of those special ones for bottles, next to the vending machine

So I’m going to bring a soft water bottle now Tokyo half marathon 128, what’s a suitable goal for Osaka next year? You’re amazing Do you live in Tokyo or Osaka? Osaka is not good for running a full marathon. Although it has changed some courses in the process. Bypassed many slopes but that 30km

That slope at 32km was too steep Half marathon 128 if running Osaka You can try to target a 3:10 finish You can start out at a 3-hour pace Start at 4:16 or 4:15 pace Let’s see how far you can run Because even if you don’t break 3, running at a pace of 4:16

You won’t collapse and have a major collapse at the end It might end up taking 3 hours You were supposed to run 310 but ended up running 315 That’s not so bad After all, you did run 300 Like my two races, one in Beijing and one in Boston

I started off aiming for 240 in both of them But in the end I couldn’t do it, I ran 245 Then it was fine If I hadn’t aimed for 240 from the beginning I can easily 243 This is the truth Do you feel any progress after training with the running group this year

I feel like I’ve made some progress I feel like my speed ability has improved a lot But I’m not sure how much my speed ability will show in the game Is 35 minutes for 10 kilometers considered the threshold for ordinary people? Yes, ordinary people can’t do it in 35 minutes

I haven’t tested 10 kilometers for a long time All my 10k PBs are during a marathon or half marathon basically just divide the half marathon by 2 1 hour and 17 is how long That’s 77 minutes, right? Right. 77 minutes divided by 2 is 38 and a half minutes. That’s about right

If I try to run 10 kilometers Try to run 10 kilometers I can probably do a 3:36 pace That’s about it If a 3:30 pace is my time goal here’s a little trick I guess everyone knows that I am behind For example, the pace of 330 is 3.5 3.5 times 10 is 30.5

30.5, that’s 35 minutes Do I sometimes calculate like this during a race Talk about the intensity arrangement of running four days and resting one day I just shared with you all my training in the past four days To see if I can catch up with the intensity of the group training

If I can’t catch up, I usually either do long distance on the first day Either the last day is a long run Then when the day is staggered If the first day is a long run, the last day is a tempo run or interval training

Generally, if the first day is long distance, then the last day will not have interval running or tempo run. Then, in the middle two days, one day will be easy run. One day will be slow run and one day will be aerobic run. If the first day is intense

Most of the intensity is relatively high Then the two days in the middle are one aerobic and one easy The last day’s long distance will be like today If it’s shorter, it’s not 30 kilometers but 26 kilometers Are you watching Hakone live this year?

Look, this year there are three groups of people who have made an appointment The first group of people are probably light-weight friends from China They are also the audience of our channel Want to meet And of course I have to meet Mr. Hu

And then there’s the old guy from Tokyo yesterday, Dongpao Lian I want to ask them in advance about our trip to Tokyo this time Which day do they have joint practice so I can join That’s it There should be three groups of people

Actually, I also posted a video of Gao Chi’s Tokyo Marathon Expo They also have people in Tokyo 35 minutes for a 10K run is very fast, yes You’re welcome, you’re welcome Show off that singlet The family members have to help me get it I won’t stand up here

I’m afraid I’ll knock these over and get hurt if I stand up Let’s just look at this Female, 45 years old Started running in 2018 PB 3:17 Chicago 2022 Back to Beijing for a few months in Jan, will do Boston in April Where can I practice hill climbing in Beijing

Aosen Aosen’s South Garden Aosen’s South Garden But that slope is actually quite steep But it doesn’t last long The rest can only find that kind of overpass For example, the auxiliary road of the Second Ring Road But that slope is not long My personal suggestion is that climbing the slope

Is that you don’t need to practice so hard when facing Poma You are really amazing, really amazing We give this female runner a manual like Manual like Gradually recover to pre-injury level after injury Half marathon as a short-term goal for running a marathon 10km PB44 minutes Train in carbon-plated shoes during recovery periods

Recently used the VF2 for recovery interval training VF2 is the second generation of Vaporfly Speed is recovering well But after training for a while, the left hip was a little sore I don’t think carbon plate shoes are the key The posture of exerting force will make you have some changes

If you want to control it in the game, you can only adapt Reduce the intensity to adapt This is the dress from yesterday This is the back, sorry This is called the spirit of the dragon horse Hey, that’s pretty cool Dongpao Lian runtime and Tokyo Front is dragon, back is also dragon

This is a back This is a big horse head, maybe It’s okay I like this kind of special flower Actually, you see me always wearing black and white But my favorite color is red That kind of really bright red I have a lot of things that are red

What are the prerequisites to determine that you are capable of 330 Just one month before the race, you test a 30-kilometer run Being able to run at a pace of 330 means finishing the race in 330 The pacing run in Malaysia is not a big problem

Yes, I also think this is like something I can’t say I’m afraid I’ll be unhappy if I say it But this fabric is still pretty good This fabric is still pretty good Can only be worn in summer It’s getting cold here too. The temperature will drop sharply tomorrow.

Tomorrow it will be 3 to 8 degrees. And then the temperature will drop for the rest of the week. It will start to get cold and there’s no turning back Tomorrow morning than Today’s daytime high is 21 degrees, tomorrow it will be 8 degrees Haha

I liked red since the old videos of archaeology I still like red now It’s been years since I bought clothes My hip makes a popping sound when I warm up I suggest you try physiotherapy I don’t have much experience with this But I think I can adapt to it

Thank you for the little flowers, everyone. Monthly mileage is not the key My monthly mileage is only 220, half marathon 129 Not really. Mileage is the most important thing for ordinary people. Your score indicates that you are talented There are not many talented people You are one of the few talented people

Just like you see, some up masters are talented No way Which one do you recommend to go for next year, Berlin or Chicago I think these two are okay for ordinary people These two are friendly to both the starting and ending points Both are in the city center without a long journey

The second track is very flat for ordinary people Instead, Chicago will have an advantage Because the start in Chicago is very wide Berlin is not Berlin if you can’t start in the first box or if you start in front it’s going to be very, very tight

Berlin might have an advantage when it comes to weather Chicago might be warmer than Berlin The red BTC one is pretty nice I also have that tie-dye one Was the one I lost before the Decathlon skin clothing? Yes What’s a good way to quickly heal a blister on the sole of your foot?

Don’t tear off the skin of the blister. Just poke it once and squeeze it out. If it’s squeezed, don’t think about letting it dry. You can pierce it, but don’t twist the skin off. No matter how talented the up master is, he is not as good as President Wu or

I don’t know who you’re talking about the second person But yes Talent is like I always say on the marathon track No matter how fast you are, there is always someone faster. No matter how slow you are, there is always someone slower. We are all ordinary people.

Are you interested in running back to Singapore? Not interested in Singapore’s visa-free policy for Chinese passport holders next year Really too hot, really too hot Really too hot, really too hot Many people collapsed in the Guangzhou Marathon. What do you think? It’s normal. It’s so hot.

Just like the time I showed you in my last live broadcast, I got sunburned in London that year. It’s normal for the weather to collapse like that Would you usually consider competing in a humid environment? No, I really wouldn’t. Unless it’s for traveling And I’m a person who’s particularly afraid of the heat

So Southeast Asia is basically a tourist destination But I don’t really like it I like places with distinct seasons Will Bogo come to run the Taipei Marathon later? Will My current plan is to run the Taipei Marathon next year But I don’t know the logic of registration

Is it just a straight pass or a lottery or something I’m still here Because I haven’t seen it, I should know when I go Because there is a chance to pass by here Does thigh soreness require drinking more water? Your pain is not soreness

The lactic acid build-up is the most when you get off the field After a few hours, it will be gone The reason you are in pain is because of the injury It is right to drink more water It is right to drink more water after the game It will make him have some

When you see us very tired after fatigue If you happen to have a physical examination You may have protein in your urine if you have a urine test That’s what’s called proteinuria People say that it’s abnormal, but it’s actually fine That’s because you have a lot of these cells

It ruptured and went into the blood vessels And then it was like this It’s okay to drink more water Family said there are 8 more minutes Hahaha there are 8 more minutes Thank you for your encouragement and attention on various social platforms Thank you

When I go back to Beijing, we can have a face-to-face communication There will definitely be a chance It’s nothing to do with the snapping, it’s just the parts of us The parts of the body just deteriorate with age Think about it, I’ve lived for more than 38 years

What are you doing every day, walking, running, and grinding? It’s impossible for him to be good all the time, right? You said that you don’t stretch right after running a marathon It’s very likely that it won’t be sent out the next day I really don’t recommend stretching after a full marathon

I really don’t recommend static stretching It’s okay to have a massage at most Do you recommend the Chongqing Marathon I’ve never run Any suggestions for the Sanya Marathon next Wednesday? It might be quite hot. I really can’t give you any advice on that. I’ve never been to Hainan.

The southernmost place I’ve been to is probably Xiamen Yes But I don’t know which is further south, Guangzhou or Xiamen No obvious concept 小白 starts running Is it better to run on a treadmill or outdoors You can run on the treadmill for a month or two now

If you start running outdoors, you may not be able to run I signed up for the 2024 Chongqing Marathon Chongqing is delicious We went to Chongqing in 2015 I was quite fat at that time Stretching is not recommended after a full marathon Because the muscles are damaged, stretching is useless

The only thing it might do is increase your risk of injury and pain After running a full marathon, it’s time for a massage and rest Have more to eat and drink after the massage and rest What’s the plan for Hakone? I want to meet you in Tokyo. I can talk to you guys

This is how I planned Hakone If we don’t go to Hakone, we’ll just stay in Tokyo Just look at the first day’s departure and the second day’s sprint Then after the first day’s departure It seems that some friends suggest where to go to see A motorcycle team changing shifts or something

I’ll look into it It’s just that I’ll be in Tokyo for two days Go to bed early the day before and wake up at 8am the next day to start the race I’ll definitely be at the starting line then I’ll definitely be at the finish line on the third day of the sprint

Then watch the sprint Are we coming back the same day or the next day The next day On the 4th, I will go back to Osaka and spend a day in Tokyo Because my family and I came to Japan for a trip before We just played, ate, and shopped in Tokyo

This Tokyo Marathon and half marathon were too rushed It’s really hard for family members to follow along Then you look at the Tokyo Half Marathon We went there at noon the day before. Came back at noon after the morning run. Because I can’t leave my busy work.

This time just happened to catch up with the holiday, so have a good time After the whole horse, is it recommended to soak in an ice bucket without stretching? It is not recommended to go home after just finishing running Suggest taking a hot bath after getting home Hello, hello It’s almost over

5 more minutes It’s just a daily training Also if you ran a long distance I would not recommend doing any more stretching Only after a hard workout or a normal mid-distance run I would recommend stretching I’m just lazy sometimes The Internet always says that hip delivery can chat about this concept

Can’t chat about this That’s what everyone knows about hip-hop Everyone knows that big strides are good Or let’s put it more simply Everybody knows that I run fast, but how do I do it? It’s not something you can do just by thrusting your hips.

Thrusting your hips is a manifestation of ability, it can’t be the other way around. Who is the Mr. Hu you mentioned? Oh, what’s his ID? I think it’s Fred Hu, he’s also an uploader. But it should only be on Bilibili He is an expert on Hakone How long is the distance

For example, if your daily training is 8 kilometers Then for you, more than 16 kilometers is a long distance My daily training is 21 kilometers More than 25 kilometers is a long distance for me That’s how it feels, right? Pray for winning the lottery in Wuxi or Chongqing Follow Boge and train well

We all train ourselves. I wish you all the best Yes, definitely. How to increase stride length Actually, you said you were 80 at the beginning 80 means just getting started or even not started yet Run more for two years first, then we’ll talk I’ve never intentionally increased my stride

Because it’s not something you can just add if you want to It is a manifestation of comprehensive ability Whether it is the nervous system or strength or the feeling of running Just ran 8 kilometers at noon today Can you run on your hind legs when it’s too cold? Yes

Look at that guy who won the New York championship What’s the name of the guitar? Isn’t that just the heel of the foot landing? Not important It really doesn’t matter My stride rate is just like that, not specifically increased Running is really the most natural sport

It’s really the smoothest running posture that teaches you how to run I can say that Unless, for example, some people swing their arms I’ve seen people like this Then there are people with particularly obvious bowlegs Or people like this Even Mr. Honda’s kind of example can suggest that he should change

That is, deliberately change The others are all kinds of strange. If you can’t change it, don’t change it. The hip replacement has improved the speed. You run fast when you swing your hips and others see your moves Nature hip joint is flexible and can not be reversed. It’s all about ability. Is it

For example, what you see is like what we said, simple, like ping-pong and badminton Everyone knows that world champion Like my curved ball Or like a badminton smash They all look so good Can you do it? You can’t even do it if you pose

Running is not a good thing to say, posing can still be quite beautiful This is also my weakness Running is actually one of the easiest sports to take a good photo of For ordinary people, right? Mr. Ichikawa is the running form in my dream Right, but you guys said

If you want to evaluate Mr. Ichikawa with professional athletes There are also many people who can find fault with it, right? In his eyes, some people are all faults Some things are in his eyes The light spot is different Look at yourself too Family members said they were ready to end

1 minute left I still hope everyone can watch more of my usual videos I really worked hard on the editing too I’ve made a lot of small progress recently I’ve added to my videos now Like after switching to DaVinci, for example, adjusting the brightness

Then add lut then add noise reduction then color space conversion Every day, those seemingly insignificant short videos And the audio, the audio is processed several times every day A standard battery is pulled to a standard battery of -14 That’s what social media platforms want I’m not doing this. I’m trying hard to learn.

Thanks thanks Ready to finish Ready to finish It’s time to wrap up Sorry, family members are not allowed to be in the shot Let’s wrap it up Well, finally I wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe life I wish Taipei and Hangzhou tomorrow a happy day And other places’ marathons, okay?

Thank you all Thank you all Thank you all So we’re done We’ll have a video tomorrow You guys can see See you next training day, bye –

Live Recording – Runners’ Fireside Chat on December 16th


  1. 很感謝您的各項分享,大齡的我

  2. 李博, 你好!上次给你留言说我今年57岁,芝加哥马拉松成绩为3小时12分07秒。现在正准备明年的波马,想有机会PB到 3小时05分左右,甚至破三。我计划从今年12月份到明年三月份每月跑量堆到550公里至六百公里,并超额执行 Hassen 18 周训练计划。你觉得我的目标能实现吗?有什么好的建议吗?多谢🙏

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