공대 1티어 ㅎㄷㄷ한 카이스트 클라스;; [카이스트 항공우주공학과] | 전과자 ep.44 [EN/JP/ID/TH]

You were the top of your class? [Graduated from a science high school] As it was a science high school, there was competition inside, [Fierce competition] I couldn’t make the first place. Then, where do students who don’t do well in science high school go? They usually go to Yonsei University or Korea University. …wow.

[Changing Majors] [Jeongwaja] [Appeared in boring city Daejeon] [Fun Human] [Making jokes from the beginning] Oh, it’s cold. Hello, I review all majors in the world, Lee ChangSub of Jeongwaja. Do you know that thing over there? [Essential meme at Daejeon station] [Satisfied] [Sneakily] Oh, we have a new program [Suddenly?] What is it?

[And just in time] The name is Jeonyeokja (Veteran). [Truly Disgusting] Now, you make… [Totally annoyed] you make programs with soldiers. [Frustrated] Not the soldiers, but, [It’s not a military discharge] it’s about reviewing all stations. [Understood completely] [A man who finished military service, Jeonyeokja] It’s about reviewing stations all over the world,

And introduces delicious restaurants and attractions around the station. Wait, did you say all over the world? [Even changing the program?] If it’s the whole world, I’d like to do it. – Whole world.. – Joksotboksurilda??? [Overwhelming presence] I’m a Google World Star. Hello, everyone, next to me is,

[Rival appeared] someone who is filming different content. Due to overlapping content, let’s move somewhere else. [Relocation completed] Anyway, so which university am I going? [1st tier Daegu bakery] Following the famous Seongsimdang in Daejeon, [1st tier of engineering university] Today’s university, KAIST. [!!!] Eh-eh? [Shocked] KAIST? [Can’t believe it] The KAIST I know?

[Top-ranking students gathering spot] Truly the best college of engineering The name is cool, isn’t it? Which university do you go to? [Wow..] KAIST, lol. [Getting drunk with the pride of KAIST] LOL. So which department of KAIST? Today’s department is Aerospace Engineering. [Surprised] Ah.. wait a minute if it’s aerospace,

[Nuri rocket launching] Rocket, [Astronaut’s rest area] Space station, [Space X] Elon Musk [🐕] Dogecoin [Researching the unknown world instead of Doge!] [Educating space exploration technologies] [Cultivating excellent talents in space field] [KAIST Department of Aerospace Engineering] Do you have any questions? Uh… about the spaceship,

[Considering fuel efficiency] Is it run by gasoline or diesel? Or premium gas or electricity? LOL [Expensive is the best] Wouldn’t it be premium gas? [Expensive is the best] LOL [20 minutes by car] We have to move a bit by car from here. Not by a car, as it’s aerospace engineering department,

[???] I’ll go by rocket. I’ll go. See you at KAIST. 3 2 1 Launch! Boom! Shaaaaaaak! [Going to KAIST] [Safe landing] [Pretends to be cool] [Behind the scene for a cool shot] I jumped three times to film this. LOL Wow, KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Why don’t you read the English below? LOL [This is why KAIST] Korea.. Advanced… Ins…ti..tu..te [Skills that can’t keep up with passion] I can’t read it… I’m really curious about everything because it’s KAIST. [Swoosh] Wow, they even make you practice driving at KAIST. [Why are you showing up there..?]

If you go to KAIST, [Multi-dimensional zealousness for learning] you can get your driver’s license. LOL Let’s go. [Going to school] Entering KAIST. [Perfect for drive training] Wow, it’s really big here. [Even 4 lanes] This road inside the school is big. [All kinds of transportation gathered] There are buses and taxis, too.

Kick scooters, bicycles. [Final Boss appeared] Oh… trucks are running… [Why are you out there again…?] [Of course, there are people, too] Going to class? What grade are you in? [Knowledgeable master] I’m a graduate student. [Looks tired somehow] Ah, you’re a grad student? What was your major? It was biochemical engineering. Biochemical engineering?

[Another engineering student appeared] Let’s do it together. [Comrade appeared] He is my lab partner. What do you learn in biochemistry? Based on chemical engineering, something that can be applied in the field of life science. I think today’s interview is going to be really tough. [Too difficult] It’s too scientific.

How does it feel now that you’ve enrolled in KAIST? [Genius gathering place] There seem to be too many geniuses, [Heh] That’s what I expected. If you go to the physics or math department, [Not the YouTube Channel] You can see real geniuses.

They are not here, you have to go up there to meet those friends. The further away from that entrance, [Hiding masters] more geniuses appear? [Book (north) part] Over there, northern part. What about cafeteria food? Cafeteria food? [Woo] The Northern cafeteria is fine. [Cafeteria exploration] Chungnam University’s is more delicious. [Shocking cafeteria review]

[But] Where are you going? That aerospace something.. [Wish you luck] …fighting LOL [Sign detected] Isn’t it weird to cheer without speaking? [???] Wow, even walking with an umbrella. [Under the clear sky] Why is he walking with an umbrella? That must be an experiment, right? [KAISTlighting] That must be an experiment.

[Everything looks like an experiment] Current temperature, smell, humidity. Calculating things like this. [Power J] He must have prepared it in advance. [Power N] I feel like there must be students like this. Where are you going, student? [Going home] I’m going home. [Cyborg from the future?] Are you coming from 2042? What’s this?

[HBD] Ah, this.. It’s my birthday, so.. – Did you just print it? – Yes. [Indeed, unique KAIST] Wow, that’s interesting. What is your major? Uh.. I’m studying computing science. It’s mostly called computer science in other schools. How many questions do I have to get wrong on CSAT to enter KAIST?

Oh, I don’t know much about the SAT. [Grades master] I came here through an early admission. Then, how much grades do you need for early admission to get in here? [Presumed prestigious high school] I was about 15th in the whole school. The ones above me mostly went to medical schools.

Among my friends who said they were going to engineering school, [Confidence with basis] I am one of the best. [Awed] Wow, that’s impressive. The advantages of KAIST? When you are a freshman, [Free major system: For one year, basic subjects are taken.] [A system where you choose your major in your second year]

[There are no limits on grades or quota. You can freely transfer between majors.] Oh, sounds good. – Bweeeeeeeeee – What is this? [Saying anything] Is that something KAIST launching? [Fighter jet suddenly appeared] Well, our school people might, [In a convincing tone] have made it, who knows.

[Why is this serious…?] It seems that could be possible. – So what’s the downside of KAIST? – Now that, Daejeon is, [All it has is the bakery] sometimes, it’s called a boring city. As I was born and grew up in Daejeon, [I ♥ Daejeon] I couldn’t quite agree with that. But..

[Frog in a well, regarding Daejeon] But after I visited Seoul, I realized. [From a boring city with a humorous youth] Okay, thank you. – Thank you. – Bye! [???] I have a question. [Now…?] Are you doing something like shooting? Do you know Jeongwaja by any chance? Is it something like YouTube?

– Eh.. – Ah.. [No way…] Do you know who I am? [!!!] I don’t really know. [The truth discovered in 10 minutes] He looked like a genius at first glance. [KAIST student feature) Not watching YouTube] The fact that you don’t watch YouTube is, that you are a genius. Where are you going?

[NPC-like appearance] I’m going to Kakao. [KakaoTalk?] Eh? You’re going to Kakao? [Passing by] It’s part of a lecture. [Being persistent] Can I interview you for a moment? I have to take the bus at 30. [Advanced vocabulary appeared] Within 1 minute is possible. [60-second Interview] I’ll ask quickly.

[Company tour?] What do you mean by going to Kakao? [Tech 4 Impact class: Kakao mentoring from technologists] [A project-based class that solves various social issues.] [Awesome.. Awesome..!] Wow. [40 seconds left] What’s your major? I’m majoring in math.

[A real genius appeared from the north…!] Wow! you’re a math major? [Unsolved math] Why is 1 plus 1 equals 2? That thing troubled me a lot. [A dizzy memory] I once went to a math class. Oh, that’s, that’s because it has constructed an axiomatic system that way.

[KAIST student’s words] You can say that it’s obvious. I don’t know well, [Time Limit Ended] Let’s move on to the next. Okay, I got it. [No look bye] Goodbye, Kakao. Yes. [Limits of knowledge] But what is an axiomatic system? LOL Where are you going? I’m going to work..

[Oh, you too?] Kakao? Samsung Electronics? [Nope] I’m working at a lab over there. What’s your major? My major is bioscience. [Fixed question] What is the flagship major of KAIST? [Honesty] Well.. the Department of Life Science is not… Computer science? [Large department] It has a lot of students.

It will be a hundred, two hundred something. Wow, there’s a lot. Which high school has the most alumni? There are a lot of students from advanced and science high schools. [Including me] I graduated from an advanced high school. Wow. [Amazing…] [Distance suddenly increased] This place feels like a different world.

What was your rank there? [Real genius among geniuses] Top 20 percent? You were top 20 percent at the advanced high school where geniuses are gathered? Everyone studies well. [Top of top] Among them, you’re above top 20%. [Shy] Yes. That’s really impressive. I’m going to Aerospace Engineering Department today.

– What do you learn there? – There… We do paper folding classes. [Decreased expectations] Paper folding class? Paper folding is widely used in Aerospace Department these days. I don’t know well, either. [Professor Kim Young-man…?] Why do we need paper folding? You don’t have something like that, do you?

[Engineering student’s hobby?] Like a club that makes robots. I’m not sure about robots, but there’s a club that makes cars. [Skills mastered] A club that makes cars? They participate in competitions and actually drive the cars. They ride around here? [Real Cart Rider] They practice driving with it.

[Seen before?] Oh, wasn’t that the yellow car from earlier? College of Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering. Oh, department office. [Knock knock knock] Hello, professor. Ah yes, hello. [Lee Jung-Rul / Department Head, KAIST Rocket Team] [Admiration even before sitting down] Wow. [Direct question] Professor, I have a question. In a spaceship,

[Meal for spaceship] Does it run by diesel or gasoline? By diesel. – Oh..really? – Yes. It’s called kerosine, how did you know that? [Expected different answer] I just thought it would be premium oil. [Unbelievable] Sir, about the Department of Aerospace Engineering,

[What can I learn?] What can I exactly learn in this department? [Answers are on the table] It’s a department that makes what you see here. It’s called KF-X. [Korean Fighter Jet] Our country’s first fighter jet. This was made by our graduates. [Surprise] Wow. [Also,] Even artificial satellites? That was made in KAIST.

[2nd surprise] Wow. [Active duty?] Is this currently flying in the air? Yes. [The pride of KAIST] It’s the satellite that went with Nuriho. [Nth surprise] Wow. Next-generation small satellite. [Aerospace engineering: Producing and operating,] You must know how to design these things, [Airplanes, spaceships, artificial satellites.] you have to know how to produce them

[For flight and space exploration,] you need to know how to operate [explore technology and systems.] also learn skills to synthesize systems. I heard there is a paper folding class when interviewing students. [KAIST Kindergarten?] Why do you have a folding class? So, you have to make it this tiny,

So you can take it to the space. [What do you carry…?] Eh? I mean, paper like this, [Minimize volume] Making it small, load it onto the projectile, [Space Express] and go up. Go up and then, [Easy explanation] If you spread it out, [Expanding] It becomes bigger, right? [Artificial satellite] This was originally,

This had been folded like this, [Transformer style] It unfolded in space. It’s the same principle as paper folding. [Maximum output in paper folding] That’s why we are studying through paper folding. [Easy example] It’s like a tent, tent that spreads out. [A tent…?] – One touch? – Yes, that’s right. [Laughter] LOL

[Sudden laughter] That was quite funny. Understood, sir. What classes do I have on today’s schedule? Today there is a class named ‘Basic space project’. Next is a course called ‘Aerospace engineering experiment 1’. It’s a course for undergraduates so it’s quite simple. [An ominous feeling] Is it a simple experiment for them?

Or is it simple to me? – It would be a simple experiment for you. – Ah, it must be, right? Anyway, [Isn’t it easy?] Controlling satellite’s posture. [Why is that simple?] Ah, professor, today’s daily tuition. [???] We don’t have tuition. [Really?] Yes? [Put it back] We don’t have tuition.

All our students are scholarship students. All of them are students who receive full scholarships. [KAIST Scholarship] If your grade is 2.7, it is academic warning, [Grade 2.7 or above, get a full scholarship] As long as you don’t get an academic warning,

[If it is below, half the scholarship is provided] you can receive full scholarship. [No way] Is it less than 2.7? [Can’t remember] [May I…?] Can I…make it? [2.39] I think it was 2.3 or something [Immediate return] Really? 2.3?

[About 21,500 won / day (For Jeongwaja only)] You pay tuition as you don’t meet the standard. It’s a daily tuition. Yes, thank you. [Class 1] Basic space project. [Jeongwaja entered the classroom] Nice to meet you, friends. [Greetings] Hello, there. But why is there this laptop?

[One laptop per person] The class is basic space project, you’re going to make a satellite? Ultimately. There’s something called a Sun Sensor. [Posture measuring sensor on the satellite,] It finds the position of the sun, [measures the direction of sunlight,] So it can always face the sun.

[controls the position of the satellite] You code that? [You said it’s simple..] What year are you in now? – I’m in my second year. – Second year. [Free major] You don’t have majors in the first year, Why did you choose this? At first,

When I was young, my dream was to be an explorer. But now when you look at a map, [Fully explored] there’s no more places left to explore. [Let’s go to Mars] So now I plan to explore space. I dreamed of making these kind of exploratory craft. – Ooh – That’s why.

What club did you do in your first year? I’m still doing it. [!!!] A car-making club named ‘Rush’. [Seen before] Oh? I heard it earlier. [Making my car with my hands] You, you, did you make your own car? It’s not a private car. [Class of KAIST] I made about 2 of them.

[Show me plz] Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. – Alright. – Time to try it out. [Professor’s entrance] [Looks like an athlete, Yun Seong-bin] [Distinctive appearance] He looks like a sports athlete. [Yoon Hyo-sang (Professor) /KAIST Physical100] Did Jeongwaja come today? [Afraid] Yes, here I am. [Kindness boss] I hope you like today’s class.

[Coward boss] Ah. Yes. Ah, surprise! I was surprised. Okay.. So.. Today I’m going to talk about the attitude control with reaction hills [English that hits the ear] I can assume you guys already, watched this video, right? All students are Korean, but why does he give lectures in English?

There are also two foreigners over there, [Hello] [KAIST English class: Most lectures are conducted in English.] [Basic space project Major (3 credits)] [Manufacture of artificial satellite model and posture control through coding] [Artificial satellite model] You guys already saw this, right? [Rotation motor] There is a reaction wheel.

This is how a spacecraft makes a turn. [Action Reaction] This is using the Newton’s third law. If the motor is spinning this direction, [Like a green frog] spacecraft’s body is rotating the other direction. Ok? And this is very very simple. In spacecraft system, [EZEZ] the simple is the best. [!!!] OK, here…

[KAIST Class Feature 1 Different standards of simplicity] [Mathematics + Science + English] These are all the hardest things for me. I can assume you guys know how to solve this, right? You’ve already learned this when you were a freshman year. [KAIST Class Feature 2 This level of calculation is a piece of cake]

Do you know how to do this? [Pointing out] Jeongwaja. [It’s like a piece of cake.] Yes, I understand. [Jeongwaja feature) Say yes first] Yes, yes. If you put the angular rate, [Calculation again] if the system follows that rates, your controller can be [PD) He said so…] simple, such as this.

But everything is 0 right now. [Where..] 0 0 0 0 0 0 It is not 0, it is θ. [Speechless] Angle.. [Couldn’t understand] Prof.. Professor, [Courageous English] I have a question. [Go Go] aw… [Compliment for effort] What kyesan(calculate)? [Feeling sad] You can speak in Korean. [Awkward] [Immediately] What are you calculating right now?

Now, what I’m trying to do is, [LOL] [Easy explanation] What we want for this is to rotate and stop at the exact moment. How can we turn the motor? [Coding input value calculation] Which code should we give to motor? That’s what we’re calculating. [Pretends to understand] Ah ah. Everyone here,

[It’s too difficult] It’s too computational. So, now you guys know how to control the cube set simulator in 1D rotation. It’s time for practicing. [Experimental assistant] Can you call for a teaching assistant? [Arrival of teaching assistant corps] [Paulo / Teaching assistant representative First foreign teaching assistant at Jeongwaja]

[Looks like a professor] He looks like a professor than him. Since our mission is to keep the solar panel, [Sunflower] facing the sun. Making sure the satellite is pointing [Maintaining direction is essential] the place you wanted to point is very important In order to maintain the position,

[Direction setting coding] we’re going to use basic PD control. [Unknown world] Nobody knows anything about the system, [Guessing technique] So we have to throw any input first, see how to systems behave, [Meaning that it can’t be hit in one go] and then we’re going to go back

And see if we can make it better. Anybody wanna give.. [Pointing out again] you…I guess [Between 10~100] Choose a number between this, any number. First, P, [Random Number 1] 77. Nice number. D? [Random Number 2] 26. [Liked it] 26, okay. It’s good, isn’t it? [Enter into the formula] I have used this,

[Coding Complete] I’ll try to make it run. [Keeping direction is the right answer.] Let’s see what your choice gives us. [Preparing for operation] [How good is Jeongwaja at guessing?] Okay, wait. [???] Okay, this is, [Disrupted artificial satellite] this is not good. [Jeongwaja’s perspective] Sounds good.

[Aerospace engineer’s perspective] It sounds like it’s going to explode soon. [Failed to maintain direction] No, it’s going to explode. You choose bad numbers. Now, let’s see if we put in the correct value, [Pre-calculated value] Our TA team spent a lot of time tuning. Let’s go. [2nd Round] Let’s try one more time.

[Quiet] [Posture Control Success] This is the point of equilibrium. This is more like what you expect [This is the Answer] When you do the PD controller. [Even if a collision occurs in space] If it gets out of equilibrium, [Direction recovery is possible] it tries to come back. If it gets out of equilibrium,

It would try to come back. [Spinning] But now you can see that there is some oscillation. And when you’re gonna be in space, you’re gonna have some wind, right? [Cute] It’s wind. [Creating self-wind] It returns nicely to the original point. Wait a minute. [!!!] Isn’t there no wind in space? [Huh…being smart…?]

[Teaching assistants embarrassed] [Whoa, calm down] Not air wind, [Mystical universe] The universe also has wind. Oh? [New wind in aerospace] [Future of aerospace Professor Yoon Hyosang & Assistant] [Car club] Isn’t that too difficult? It’s difficult for me, too. Wow.. No, you know what I mean.

[Running Club] You said there’s that car in the club. [Show Me] Let’s go check it out. Almost all friends from KAIST, [Iron Man] Tony Stark? [Avengers level anticipation] They can make everything. [Too much imagination] But what about Iron Man suit? Oh, lab. [KAIST Club room] This is our car-making workshop. [Impressive visual] Wow.

[KAIST car center] Wow, this is amazing. [DIY by KAIST] Wow, you have made it really well. This is the internal combustion car we made last year. [Eco-friendly New Model] This is the electric car we made this year. Wow, you guys are really. [Trend Setter] You also go with the trend,

When you’re doing club activities. [Class accepted] Amazing. Hey, I was curious since earlier. [Racing bike] Did you guys make this too? This one is, [2024 model development] we have to make a new car next year. This bike’s engine will be removed. [Engine transition] It will be transplanted into car. [Surprise] Wow.

[Cost of materials?] How much did you pay for that? [Huge amount] We bought it for 6.7 million won. The club members paid. [Small contributions] We collected 700,000 won each to buy it. Wow… [Passion acknowledged] That’s real passion. – Can I sit down for a bit? – Sure, go ahead. [Jeongwaja trial] Mmm.. Haha

[Narrow car body] Oh, Hey. [Is this correct?] Oh my. What is this? What is this? [Boarding completed] Like this? Right, right. [Somehow petty rider] [Folded] Do you drive like this? [Custom vehicle] It was made to match the driver. It’s a bit small. [Is this for kids?] Who is the driver? Oh no.

[Somebody Help] Okay, I’m done. [Steering wheel up] Lift it up. [Extremely difficult to get off] Aw, ow. [Anger management needed] Oh my. [Escape success] Ah, done. [But] Whose phone is this? Navigation, navigation. [Full option] Look at this mount? Whose is this? [???] I don’t know who it belongs to.

Oops.. I think I touched it unnecessarily. [Gaming] Someone is playing Seven Knights. [Gaming?] Oh, it’s a PPL for raising Seven Knights. Eh? [Another surprise success again] Oh, it was a PPL. The game that’s all the rage now! Have fun wherever, whenever! Raising Seven Knights Today’s PPL is Netmarble’s Raising Seven Knights.

Hey, this is the sequel to Seven Knights. [New Game] Raising Seven Knights [Game Feature] There’s one good point. If you collect characters and set them, [Do it on its own] It grows on its own, it does everything. [Direct manipulation is possible] I can move like this. There are a lot of characters?

[Immersive] Oh, I used a special move. [Fun Factor] This is fun. To celebrate the 100th day of launch for Raising Seven Knights We will have a 100-day feast for our Seki. [What the…?] Se..Se…? [No Misunderstanding] Short for Raising Seven Knights. Ah, Seki. [Note the pronunciation] This Seki. Not that kid, it’s Seki!

Seven Knights heroes in my hand every day! Our 100th day party with Seki! Raising Seven Knights. [Curious] Can you start this? Let’s try [Comfortable Check] Can we just start a car once? [Ready] Oh, the light is on. [Ignition ON] [This is it.] [Majestic exhaust sound] [Men’s dream realization] This probably tastes good.

[That’s why we’re doing it.] [Thumbs Up] Boom. Look at the exhaust sound. [Sounds like a movie] I think you can make a popcorn with this. Just watch, the popcorn’s going to pop! Let go, this is fun, Seki! Raising Seven Knights. [Lunch Time] There are various opinions on cafeteria. I’ll check it out myself.

[Arrival at student cafeteria] Kaimaru. Wow, it’s huge, the cafeteria. [Kaimaru: Food court co-existing with snack bars, other restaurants, etc. in the student cafeteria] The middle ones are student meals. Student meals? [Decided] Then let’s go for student meals. [Buffet Style] The meals are self-service.

[Cheap Price] But isn’t 5,000 won for a self-service meal cheap? Yes, it’s cheap. [Black rice vs White rice] There are two options for rice. Then I will have this one. [One scoop of black rice] [Hybrid type] No, let’s eat both. [White rice added] I have to assess today.

[Kimchi added] First of all, the Kimchi is good. [Keep adding] Oh. [Stacking on the tray] Oh yes, this is going to be delicious. [Stir-fried Pork / Looking good] [Seaweed Soup / Mom’s soup] [Grilled Rice Cake&Honey / Top tier dessert] Well, if it’s this much, [KAIST cost-effective student meal] It’s really generous.

[Starting with the Soup] I’ll check the soup first. [Seaweed soup drinking] [What do you think?] [I’ll Cast You] Passed. It’s good, right? [Overall Review] Ah, it’s just perfect. [Quality approved] It tastes good with rice. [A bite of black rice] [This place is good.] The rice is nicely chewy and good.

[Drum roll] The long-awaited main course. [Spicy stir-fried pork] [Yum] Uh-eh? [???] (PD) What’s wrong? [Surprised if it’s tasty] Wow, it’s too delicious? Everyone, the cafeteria food at KAIST is [Decided.] Delicious. We invited some more friends for lunch today. Someone who knows well about the school life and major.

We have invited departmental student representative. departmental student representative? [Join the lunch] Student representative. But why do people say the cafeteria food is not delicious when it is so good? Why are there people who say it’s not good? To be honest, it is my first time trying cafeteria food.

[Only I’m serious..] How did you end up at KAIST? I’ve always wanted to go to the Aerospace Department, universities with Aerospace Departments across the nation are [Less than ten] only eight places. [Aerospace engineering departments in 8 universities: Seoul National University, KAIST] [PNU, Inha University, JNU, CNU, Korea Aerospace University, KyungSang National University]

But isn’t Seoul National University the number one university? [Refutation] But for engineering schools, it’s KAIST. [Global engineering schools] KAIST is the 24th in the world ranking of engineering universities. What about Pohang University of Science and Technology? Oh. [Kidding] Don’t compare us with them. [War warning]

Are you watching, Pohang University of Science and Technology students? Were you the top of your class? [Graduated from science high school] As it was a science high school, there’s competition even within the science high school. [Fierece competition] Couldn’t get the first place.

Then where does the number one person in the science high school go? They also come here. [KAIST or SNU] If not here, then Seoul National University. Then where do the students who don’t do well academically in science high school go? They usually go to Yonsei University or Korea University. [One punch] …Wow.

[Different world] It’s a different world, I can’t even talk. [Science high school feature] There are people who graduate early, aren’t there? Are there genius kids here, too? [That’s me] I graduated early. [High school student age?] How old are you? How old were you when you entered here? [Minor admission] 19 years old?

You came to KAIST at 19? [Express pass] [Totally different world] But what’s the good point of graduating early? Even if you graduate early, [From the perspective of Jeongwaja] you can’t even drink alcohol a year earlier. But anyway, since I came in early,

[Perspective of science high school Student] You can study for a longer time. There’s a sense of stability. [From the perspective of Jeongwaja again] But do you want to study? For a long time? [Cannot understand each other] I met the dean earlier. If your grade is over 2.7, then you’re a scholarship student.

[Yes] Almost all students are scholarship students. [Full scholarship?] Is it 100% scholarship? – It’s a 100% scholarship. – They also give you pocket money every month. [Generous] About 140,000 won. [Really?] [The Giving University] Then how does KAIST survive? Where do you live now? It’s called the Hope Hall. – Dormitory. – Yes, yes.

[Mostly dorm life] About 95% of students, are living in the dorm. [Surprised] [But] If 95% of KAIST’s students, are said to be living in a dormitory. [Can entire students be accommodated?] Is the infrastructure around here good enough? For a daily life? [Laundry possible] There is a laundry in KAIST.

[New phone purchase available] There’s a cellphone store. [Styling possible] There’s a beauty salon. [Diving possible] There’s a swimming pool, too. [Bicycling possible] There’s a bicycle repair shop, too. [KAIST Crossing] It feels like a small village. [Mom, this place is weird] What is this place? What’s going on here?

[Q. Aerospace department career?] Where are you planning to get a job? [Unfamiliar] Is it KAI or KARI? There’s an aerospace research institute. As it’s leading our country’s aerospace industry. What do you want to do when you go there? [Seen on the news] I can make a spacecraft like Nuriho.

[Aerospace department’s interest] It looks fun. And you? Actually, [Next generation Buzz Lightyear] My dream is to be an astronaut. [Space top] So, do you want to go to NASA? If I could, I would want to go. [Only for Americans] As far as I know, it requires permanent residency and citizenship.

[Already signed up] I’m also part of NASA. – Eh? – Really? – Yes. – What are you talking about? It’s called a gathering of people with old age. [EP.34 Korean Medicine Special] Ah.. I think I’ve seen this before. If you can explore planets, [The 8 Planets] Where do you want to explore?

[Mars] I think humans can go to Mars. In fact, by 2050 KAIST Aerospace Engineering Department announced [World’s first space campus] that they’re going to create a Mars campus. [Surprised] [Can’t believe] Isn’t that Hwasung in Gyeonggi-do? [Start of refutation] Making Mars like Earth. [Changing Mars ecosystem so that people can] It’s called terraforming.

[live in the similar ecosystem] As it’s being researched right now. [Knowledge Added] But terraforming would take a really long time. [Specialty knowledge appeared] The atmosphere on Mars is very thin. To change Mars’ atmosphere to the level of Earth’s atmosphere, [Not interested] Melted CO2 or oxygen, things like these have to,

Be released into the air. [Knows everything] I heard this process will take quite a while. [Social distancing] [Conversation over] Enjoy your meal. [Forced Speechless] [Class 2 (Aerospace engineering experiment 1)] What was the class? It’s aerospace engineering experiment. If you go this way. Let’s go. [Surprised] Woah, what a surprise. [Hello] What the.. [Familiar]

[Identifying] Why is this happening? This is used for drone taxi. [Taxi passenger] It is one of the mannequins. [Even the tongue is paralyzed] Oh my.. I was scared.. Really surprised. Mister, hey, mister. [Scene you can see at 4AM] Mister, please get up quickly. [Drunken] Mister, hey. [2nd class] Nice to meet you, friends.

Nice to meet you. What were we supposed to do today, checking the temperature? That’s right. What do you mean by checking the temperature? Here we’ll leave hot water, cold water and lukewarm water. And we’re measuring the temperature of that. [???] LOL [Why? At KAIST?] We even did this in elementary school.

[Speechless] LOL [Correction] Checking the water’s temperature is not the goal. [Difficulty increase] Analyzing the errors of various thermometers. [Supporting role] The temperature of the water is not the main. [Main role] The thermometer is the main. Right. Hello. [!!!] What’s going on? [Lee Daeyoung / Professor, KAIST Elon Musk]

Why does he look so young? There are a lot of young professors in the Aerospace Department. Jeongwaja. I changed my major this time. I’m Jeongwaja. I have a question, professor. [Common Korean question] How old are you? [Common answer] How old do you think I am? In your thirties… mid…? [This guy lol] Hahaha..

[No way] Are you in your 20s? [Big smile] No, lol. [20s who burst out laughing] [Shy] I am thirty-six. Wow. So, Jeongwaja came and, [Protecting Jeongwaja] To prevent the Jeongwaja from running away, Well, the class content should be interesting and easy.

[Fun Class Tip) Watching videos] The scene where Falcon Heavy is re-landing, [Elon Musk’s Work] It’s such a cool scene and it’s great every time I watch it. [Going home] This rocket is coming back. it’s a scene where it’s coming back to the ground. [Proud Musk]

It was a moment that changed the history of aerospace. Professor, I have a question. Going out and coming back like that, [No knowledge on science] can you explain how great an achievement that is? Can you explain it, please? [SpaceX Owner] Elon Musk once wondered We ride airplanes.

[Average KRW 2,000,000 to New York] In fact, we can ride it with a few million won. Lately, even to Jeju Island, [Oops! Cheaper than a tire] the ticket costs less than 100,000 won, right? But to launch a rocket once, [Based on Nuri, it’s KRW 140 billion] It costs hundreds of millions to billions.

So what is the difference between a rocket and an airplane? They say he thought about that [Maximum lifespan of 30 years] We keep using the airplane. If we have to discard the airplane every time we use it, We have to pay a lot of money. [Agreed] If we could,

[Reusable rocket] reuse the rocket continuously, [Cost saving] in the end, it will be cheap like airplanes. We will be able to go to space. Now let’s think about what we will do when we go to space. [Now is the Space Age] The new space age has started.

[Obsessed with Nobel Prize] Then is that worth of a Nobel prize? Hmm…Nobel prize…uh… [Money Making Prize] One can certainly make a lot of money. We can probably make more than the Nobel Prize amount. [Better…?] LOL [Aerospace engineering experiment 1 Major (3 credits)] [Importance and measurement of temperature] [Main point] So, what is temperature?

[Immediate Reply] Well.. it’s the kinetic energy of molecules. [Correct] Yes, that’s correct. Oooh. About temperature, [Scientific approach] If we define it accurately in a physical way, [More molecular motion = temperature increase] it is about how fast the molecules vibrate. Then why do we, who are studying aerospace, need to study temperature.

I plan to show you a bit more and then move on. [3 seconds before launch] This is the scene of the third launch of Nuriho. Let’s think of a temperature. Do you see this burning spot here? [Terrific firepower] The temperature of this engine is it is said to exceed 3,000 degrees.

So, in a way, the rocket is just a bomb itself. It’s about constantly exploding a bomb. [Propeller: I’m going to explode] How well can it explode, [Rocket: I’ll be safe] and despite the explosions, can they be stand it. This is really difficult rocket technology.

[Keep going on] There is a more extreme technology here. So, in fact, in space, [No Oxygen] there’s no oxygen, We have to carry oxygen. [Space survival essential item] We need to make liquid oxygen by compression. To make liquid oxygen, The temperature is said to be around minus 183 degrees.

So to rephrase it, [3000 degrees] The bottom is burning at 3,000 degrees. [-253 degrees] It’s freezing on top and in this state, the system that flies at 27,000 km per hour is a rocket. So the really special reason why temperature is more important in aerospace is It’s really too extreme.

[Extreme balance game] Because we have to create such a system. [Next topic] Now the question is, how are we going to measure this temperature? [Thermometer 1] Liquid in the glass, so it’s a body thermometer [Thermometer 2] Thermocouple [Thermometer 3] RTD [Thermometer 4] A camera that can measure Infrared It’s often used there

[Industry’s Pick] There are thermocouples and thermoresistive. [Answer Wanted] How does a thermocouple measure temperature? [Answer] For example, if there are two conductors or wires when heat is given an electromotive force is generated, I remember that it measures temperature using that method. [Perfect answer] Very accurate, yes, that’s correct.

[As a student representative] As expected, a student representative. Next, what we learned was, [Thermistor 3] Thermoresistive. When heat is applied, the resistance changes according to the temperature. We call the method of measuring using such things a thermoresistive. [Experimental tools] I will give you thermal measuring equipment today.

[Experiment Topic] What would be best And what would be bad and why [Experiment Topic] About these things I hope you think about it. [Experiment Time, Testing Thermometers] [Thermometer 1. Glass Thermometer] It’s the most basic one. [Thinking of old days] A thermometer from old memories.

I wish I could check the temperature inside my mouth, [Possible?] but it might be a little dirty. [Not possible] There are unknown solutions all over it. [Danger detected] LOL [Measuring boiling water temperature] Let’s see how fast it rises. [Glass thermometer deployment] Let’s go. [Slowly rising red line] It went over 80 degrees.

[Swoosh] 90 degrees.. Oh, be careful. [Uh…Why?? Special solution?] Because boiling water is hot, [Seriously serious] It could burn you. [How wouldn’t I know that…?] [Kind til the end] No, as the steam keeps rising here. [Speechless due to tremendous kindness] [Overwhelming gratitude] Thank you for your interest.

[Meanwhile] Oh, it has reached 90 degrees. Did it hit 90 degrees? [Experiment result] 90.. 96 degrees.. This one isn’t so accurate. [Thermometer 2. Thermocouple] Alright, let’s try this, too. Connect it with this. [Thermocouple is ready] Let’s put it in. [Boiling water is 22 degrees?] It’s still at 22 degrees?

It’s not moving at all. [Reasonable doubt] Did the plus and minus get switched? [Heated debate] Is it plus right? Wait.. It’s marked as minus? [Hypothesis] Shouldn’t it clip at the end? Oh, like this? That does not matter.. [Teaching assistant appeared] Actually, this doesn’t matter.. Wait, this is a thermocouple,

You need to connect it here. [Embarrassed] LOL [Thermometer ON] Ah… [KAIST feature) Sometimes they don’t know] [Thermocouple re-entry] Let’s go. This one will go up very quickly, too. [Changes rapidly] Wow. [Nearly 100 degrees] This is 99 degrees. We can know this through it. [Experiment result2] We can learn that

The speed of this measurement equipment is fast Oh oh oh. [Thermometer 3. RTD] This measures with resistance. This one doesn’t send the temperature directly. [Conversion needed] Look at the marked number and know the degrees. But why do we have to check the temperature so difficult… [RTD measurements started] Shall we go in?

Goes in. It keeps going up. Hey, but my finger is, [Pikachu?] It feels tingly. [No way] LOL 138.2 [Temperature resistance table] 138.2 [Calculation completed] 99.44 degrees. [Quite accurate] Oh oh oh. [Checking time] Is the experiment going well? Is it coming out well? This molecule thing seems to be very accurate.

– Are you talking about the thermocouple? – Yes, that’s right. [Glass thermometer] In fact, in this case, there are too many reasons for the error. [Low accuracy] Only this side is being heated, but this whole thing could be heated. The overall temperature distribution is not uniform.

While going from 0 to 100 degrees, [Limitation of glass thermometer] the chance of making a mistake is very, very high. [Thermocouple] On the other hand, in this case, [Looking around] Okay, this is RTD. Where is the thermocouple? [Picking up from the floor] Oh, did you leave this on the floor?

[Precious thermocouple] This one is the most expensive one. LOL I.. I didn’t do it. [If you want to properly launch an expensive rocket?] [Professor Lee Daeyoung, the god of temperature] I’ve just had classes at the department of aerospace engineering When would I ever go to KAIST in my life.

[Precious experience] It was a very meaningful event. Things like an artificial satellite and rocket materials, [Experience of new space] it was fun and amazing. Looking at those students, [Genius gathering spot] they seemed very smart. At KAIST and in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, [We’re going to Jupiter] a scientist surpassing Elon Musk,

I sincerely hope that a developer and a wonderful talent will come out. Well everyone, now, Winter is coming. In other words, [Eek, it’s the end of semester] It means the end of the semester is coming. [Drum roll] So we, [Excited for end of semester] prepared an end-of-semester party. [Alcohol party?] No, it’s not.

[End of Semester Party Pop-up Store] Snackie Pop-up Store Season 2 [Date: December 14th to 20th, 2023] This time, we prepared various experiences. [Location: Megabox B1, Starfield COEX Mall] We have a lot of new goods [Refer to the community notice for details] Please show a lot of interest. Today, an acrostic poem with ‘universe’.

Universe, okay. Woo. Before boarding the spaceship, Joo. Please check if the refueling is done. Diesel or premium gas? LOL [Preview available] [On the way to school] Through biotechnology, [Body re-modelling?] if something can be supplemented, what would you like to supplement? [Dream high] …Height? [Laughter] LOL

[Make a wish] How many centimeters do you want to increase? About 7cm. [Dream height] I want to be 180. [Their own world..] What are you talking about? I’m 180cm now. [Next episode: Biotechnology department] You’d be about 190cm, if you increase 7cm. [Previous Department / Recommended Department]

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  1. 어렸을때는 서울대, 카이스트, 포항공대, 심지어 스텐포드 하버드 여기에 수석 타이틀이나 3년만에 학사, 석사 박사를 마친 소식등을 보며 와 진짜 천재다 신기해 했는데
    더 나이를 먹고 넓게 보니 그런 사람들이 전세계적으로 엄청 많은걸 발견함. ㅋㅋㅋ

  2. 경희대 스포츠 의학과 가주쎄요ㅜㅜ 진로 고민 때문에 머리가 터질 거 같아유 스포츠 의학과 보고 도움 받고 싶습니다 사랑해요

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