視界觀983「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(59)沿著弗雷澤河本拿比河濱綠道騎行 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, I’m riding on the Marine Way and now it turns to a road that I don’t know, but I hope it goes in the direction of the Fraser River . Let’s go inside and see if there is a greenway along the Fraser River. We can ride this as our second

Leisure ride today. We pass a railway and ride across this road called North Fraser Way. On my left is the opposite side of the road called Business Park with many low houses. It can be used as an office or a factory or something like that.

This is also a major form of industry here. It’s a bit like what we call a entrepreneurship park in China. That’s what it means. I believe it’s close to the Fraser River. I rode a bike today. It took me a long time to realize that I forgot to bring

My backpack today, and I didn’t bring any water . Well , now I rode towards the riverside path, a path covered with dead leaves. But when I got here, I realized that I couldn’t get through. Look at this water. It’s all overflowing on this small road.

It seems that you can’t take this road. Look at the very neat and uniform low-rise commercial houses across the road . They should be for rent. These are companies . The environment for conducting their business here is very beautiful. Although there are very few people here,

To be honest, the utilization rate of these riversides is not very high , but the government still spent huge sums of money to build the roads along the river very well , and the roads along the riverside are very good.

You see there are many resting chairs and so on. The opposite side is actually the river . There is a small lake between this cycling path and the walking path on the other side of the river . There are many ducks here. Let’s see how I can get to that road.

It should feel better to go for a walk by the river , so I’ll go back. The old lady was walking three dogs. I found that many people here like to keep dogs . Of course, there may be cats and other pets at home , but they must sneak out. Since

They are all dogs , sometimes they feel that they have formed a very close relationship with the animals. However, I see many elderly people accompanying one or two or three dogs outside . To a certain extent , this is also a reality. Yes, because the elderly here rarely live with their children

, so most of them live alone. In this case, they need companionship . I believe that dogs are the most loyal friends of humans. As long as you are good to them , walk them and feed them every day. Eat, and He will be loyal to you

, give you a lot of comfort, and accompany you. I think it has something to do with this. When we got here, we were already at a river. It was very beautiful here. I remember a relative took me for a walk around here. It’s a while

, but it shouldn’t be very far by foot, so I came here today because I know this place and have a good ride. No matter where you go in this city, you will see beautiful scenery. It feels very comfortable. But I find that I can’t get through here again. You see, the

Water is flooding the Jinshan Mountain. The water has already reached the outside. Wow, why is this? Is the river flooding? Is it the flood season? There is a plane ahead that should probably go to the airport to land. The opposite side of a gesture should be Richmond. I just came to this river

And stood for a while. The first battery ran out. Today I only brought one memory card because I forgot my bag at home today and didn’t take it out. But I’ll see what I can do here. If you can wade through this section of water, take the risk.

Go through this section of fording road and see if you can walk ahead. Look at this water, it ’s really overflowing from the river to the shore. I think this scene is rare. It’s a more water-friendly place. You see, the water is close to my wheels. It’s also in the back.

Wow, the crows here are very powerful. You see , okay, let’s continue riding . The slightly higher place on the front is where my relatives took me here last time. The place where we parked while walking should be the flight path of the plane. I heard the roar of planes in the sky

. Look, there is a Burnaby city sign here that says Canada 150. It should be a memorial to commemorate the 150th year. It looks like two pens. The same thing is here. There are a lot of these stone benches on the roadside here. Of course, there are also many wooden benches

. In the summer, when the weather is better, families will come here to barbecue. You can see the row in front. There are stools arranged like this and there is a restroom next to the table. It is right on the riverside. Ordinary people can bring their families here

Not only to walk their dogs and children , but also to have barbecues with their families, have gatherings with friends, etc. This is a very good place. In this environment , I saw some fitness equipment for everyone to use. I don’t know where this road leads,

And I don’t know if I can go back to my residence. But if there is a road, I will ride for a while. Anyway, today I feel like the Fraser River It’s a flood season , the river is very full, and the water is almost overflowing to the river bank.

Originally, this path was supposed to be a walking path. I know that the cycling path should be the wider one outside on the left , but there are no people and this side is closer to the water . So I My understanding is that it’s okay to borrow it. Sorry for that.

I suddenly found a bridge here. What kind of bridge is it? This is a very weird bridge. You see, this bridge seems to be able to be opened or straightened. If it is opened, it can be larger. When the boat passed by, it was completely open in the middle of a wooden bridge

. I don’t know if it has always been open like this. Then it became a broken bridge. Let’s continue riding along the river. This road is just like what I followed two days ago. The cycling path to the seaside in Richmond is a bit similar , with some sand and gravel

, except that it is on the riverside , and on the seaside side , you can see several wooden rafts in the river. These wooden rafts have been cleared from the forest upstream. From now on, I just float down the river using the most economical method . So

There are rafts like this everywhere in the river. You see these thick logs at such a close distance or is this the first time ? I don’t know. What kind of trees are they ? But they are very thick. They are not 100 years old, but they are fifty or sixty years old.

So Canada’s forestry resources are very rich, but I think the more they are cut down, the less they will be. If you cut down too much, if you can’t replant, the wood will become thinner in the future. There are fewer and fewer coming. Just past here is Richmond, just across the river.

I estimate that such a width is good enough for swimming . We continue to set off , but I don’t know where we can go . So I took a look at the map and suddenly found that we have actually reached the end here.

A rider has just arrived. I didn’t even realize that we turned a corner here , so let’s ride out onto the road . It’s like riding in the forest. There’s a big house here and a big chimney. I don’t know what this is like . It seems to be some kind of factory.

Why are there so many cars parked here ? This is a garbage incineration plant, but after it is burned, it can also generate heat and energy . It is such a factory. Look, why are there so many cars parked here? All these people are here. Are you working?

It feels like it’s a new campus. What I see in front of me is the one I went to yesterday called Southgate City. It ’s supposed to be the tallest residential building here. Then I think I’ll do it. There should be nothing wrong with riding towards this building from here

. I rode this railway again and started to prepare for a section of the ramp. Among the three high-rise buildings I saw in front of me, one of them has not been completed yet. I felt that the pile in front of me was not finished yet. The high-rise building

Is the community next to Edmonds, and it’s on Marine Way. I was riding on my bike, and I rode to this bridge. Well, the direction I set now is New Westminter. When I get to 20th Street , I turn left. I don’t know where to go. Right or wrong? It seems that

Turning left on 20th Street is not possible. We have to continue walking forward for a while. Now we come to an overpass that crosses the road. Below is Marine Way, a major road . This is the skytrain track passing through. There happens to be a skytrain passing through . We Continue riding here

And you can go to the 22nd Street station. I am now above 20th Street. There is a long uphill slope. I push it for a while . Now I am back near the Edmonds station and there is still a long way to go.

Yesterday I was here. Walking on the pedestrian bridge. Today I walked under it and passed by BC Power Company again. In front of it is 18th Street. On the left is the Edmonds station. I’m almost home. The battery has run out. I put on the last battery and ended it.

I started from my residence today and didn’t go there. Instead of cycling in nearby residential areas , I went as far as Vancouver. There is a very old community just past Boundary and there is also the Forest Park Golf Course . The most impressive thing is the community centers located in different communities.

There are community schools, community parks one after another , and children’s play areas nearby. It ’s a very nice ride. I ’ll share it here today. See you next time. Thank you for following and watching . Bye .

#溫哥華 #r本拿比 #fraserriver

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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