Learn Spanish – B1- Diálogos y conversaciones en español

Today we talk about sustainable tourism. Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before. With this quote from the Dalai Lama, we want to open this episode dedicated to travel and tourism. Human beings have always felt the desire to travel, discover new countries and expand their horizons.

However, until recently, traveling was a privilege of the elites, that is, the intellectuals and the rich. Nowadays, more and more people have the opportunity to travel and see new countries. But what consequences does this have on the environment and the lives of the inhabitants of these countries?

We talked about it with Leire Galván, tourist guide and founder of the Ecoviajes association. Good morning, Leire. Good morning, Susana. Well, since the beginning of the 20th century, industrialization and technological and social changes have caused a transformation in the way we travel, at least in Europe.

The train, the car and later the plane gradually became everyday means of transportation for a population that had more and more money. Tourism has developed into the mass tourism we know today. Yes, mass tourism is the most widespread form of tourism. It involves an incredible number of people who often choose the

Same tourist destinations through organized trips or tourist packages. It is a way of traveling that is criticized for several reasons. However, from my point of view, mass tourism has certain advantages. Thanks to him, many people have the opportunity to get to know

Very beautiful countries and cities with great cultural value. Another advantage is economic. Tourism has helped create new jobs, for example in hotels and restaurants in the most visited regions. But now let’s also talk about some negative aspects of mass tourism. Well, without a doubt, one of the

Main negative aspects is related to the change in landscape. To offer services to tourists, hotels, ski resorts or spas are built that transform the landscape, deform it, ruin it. Changes in the landscape can also have important environmental consequences, such as the disappearance of certain animal and plant species.

That is why it is necessary for tourists to adopt a responsible attitude when traveling. Today we talk about responsible or sustainable tourism, right? Yes. Let’s say that responsible tourism focuses on the economic, social and cultural impact. It takes into account the influence of tourism on the local population.

Instead, sustainable tourism focuses on environmental impact. But these are nuances of meaning and, in fact, both words are often used synonymously. For me, it is necessary for a good tourist to be responsible with the environment and with the local population. Let’s first move on to the attitude necessary to be responsible tourists.

What do you recommend? Before traveling, you must find out about the place you are traveling to. You need to get as much information as possible. And this not only means reading a tourist guide about the place, but also discovering its culture, its history and its traditions.

We could say that we began to be responsible even before the trip. Yes. You also have to pack your suitcase in the best possible way, thinking about what you need to bring so as not to travel with useless objects. Furthermore, the responsible tourist manages

To mix among the inhabitants and adapt to the geographical and cultural circumstances. Once, during a trip to Peru, a couple in the group showed up to a visit to Machu Picchu wearing sandals. I also often see tourists who want to

Enter places of worship in beach clothes. I imagine the scenes. But let’s move on to the trip itself. What is the attitude that must be had with the local population? Well, at the destination you have to see vacations as an opportunity for cultural exchange, and that means being open to

Local customs and traditions. Once, with a group of Spaniards in Iran, we stayed in the typical pension. Some tourists complained because they couldn’t eat a croissant or have a latte for breakfast. To be honest, I know someone else who would have the same demands.

But let’s talk now about sustainable tourism. Tourists should also have a respectful attitude toward their surroundings. How? Small gestures can make a difference. Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth. Turn off the air conditioning or the light if you don’t need it.

Energy and water are important resources for the entire planet, but let us remember that there are countries where these resources are really scarce. Turning off the tap or turning off the light is something that should be done in all countries. But here is another crucial aspect.

More and more people decide to spend their holidays away from traditional tourist centers, away from the crowds and chaos. They choose, for example, remote places in the mountains, in virgin nature. Yes, and especially in places like these you have to respect the environment and avoid leaving traces in nature.

And how should you behave when you are in a park or a nature reserve? In nature everything has a function and a role, therefore it is necessary to maintain the balance of the current ecosystem. In protected natural parks it is

Prohibited to pick flowers or mushrooms for this same reason, to respect the nature present. In this case the old saying “you look, but you don’t touch” applies. Bird or animal watching is permitted, but it is prohibited to disturb the lives of wild animals by shouting or approaching them to feed them.

There are also often problems with tourists starting forest fires, right? Unfortunately if. It only takes one second of recklessness to start a fire and destroy an entire forest. For this obvious reason, lighting fires in parks and nature reserves is prohibited. Picnics are only allowed

In certain picnic areas. And, of course, you have to be careful not to leave trash and throw it in the trash can. Leire, thank you very much for your intervention. Small gestures are enough to behave responsibly as a tourist. What do you think? I agree.

In my opinion, it is necessary to know and respect the norms, the rules of the place. For example, it is important to know how and when you tip. Yes it’s true. In Spain, tipping is an unwritten rule, but in other countries it is not necessary. You have to adapt to the customs

Of the country you visit. Yes, the norms and rules of archaeological sites and nature reserves should also be respected. Yes, they are understandable rules to maintain the local ecosystem. Yes, for example, in Spain it is prohibited to collect stones in national parks and in

Many countries it is prohibited to collect corals. And, naturally, it is important not to disturb the tranquility of the place. It’s true. Exact. I recently read that for this reason it is prohibited to fly drones in nature reserves. How interesting! I didn’t know. If the situation does not improve. Well, Minerva, everything is

Ready for the weekend. I’ll pick you up at the office on Thursday afternoon. We drive to the station and take the train. Let’s hope the weather is good. It would be a shame to spend three days in the hotel. Because you said so? Are you worried about rain?

Come on, you’ll see it’s not. It’s already spring and for the last few weeks it has been sunny. Well, I’m worried about it raining like that. Haven’t you seen the forecast for next weekend? No, not yet. Don’t tell me that… It seems that it will be cold this weekend

Throughout northern Spain. According to what they said on TV, temperatures will drop by at least 10 degrees. How is it possible? It’s the end of May and it was supposed to finally be warm. And if the weather continues like this, summer will arrive in September. And now?

Luckily, it’s not supposed to rain in Barcelona. But if it rains, we will spend three days at the National Museum. Hasn’t it always been your dream? Very funny. Do not come. If the weather is bad, we are sure to find something to do.

Anyway, at the end of May we usually went out in a light cotton sweater. However, in recent years the weather has become increasingly unpredictable and extreme. Global warming is to blame. If the situation does not improve, in a few years we will be

In the middle of winter in May. Come on, don’t exaggerate. I’m just being realistic. I fear that governments around the world are underestimating the situation. The experts are quite clear. If we don’t do something about CO2 emissions, there will be very high levels of carbon dioxide in 2030.

And this will cause a chain reaction. Large areas of fertile land will become arid, extraordinary weather events such as hurricanes and floods will increase, and many animal and plant species will become extinct. Yes you’re right. Climate change is a problem that affects us all directly. And I agree with you on that.

But I don’t have such an apocalyptic vision of the future. No, look, the situation is really critical. If we do not take measures to limit gases, the average global temperature could rise by more than 1.5 degrees. Yes, but at the Paris conference, large countries already presented an

Action plan focused on renewable energies. All this should lead to a greener life in the future and, above all, with these measures we can stop global warming. I really hope they know what they are doing. In fact, for once I want to have hope.

You’ll see, we will win this battle. I’m afraid you’re wrong. I recently read in an article that the measures adopted at the Paris Conference are not enough. If the global climate warms by two degrees in the coming years, glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise.

Summers will be even hotter in many European countries, and this will have consequences on our lives. Yes, but… how do you think this situation could be addressed? In my opinion, greater awareness of the problem is necessary. The situation will only improve if we all become more responsible citizens.

It seems to me that I already do enough. I sort out my trash, I bike to work and I don’t fly on vacation. That is certainly a great help, but I am afraid that not everyone behaves as responsibly as you.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I would like to do something for the environment through volunteering. It’s not a bad idea. Do you already know who you need to contact? I have thought about contacting the NOS Futuro association. They are dedicated to awareness-raising and education activities on the subject.

They organize events, round tables, presentations… Well, it seems like a good idea, but didn’t you want to start volunteering at the Red Cross a few months ago? Who knows? Maybe with that passion you will win the Nobel Peace Prize one day. But I just hope that all your enthusiasm turns into concrete actions.

If it rains, we will spend three days at the National Museum. If the situation does not improve, in a few years we will be in the middle of winter in May. If we don’t do something about gas emissions, we will see very

High levels of carbon dioxide in 2030. If countries on Earth do not take action to limit gases, global warming could exceed the 1.5 degree threshold . If the global climate warms by two degrees in the next few years, glaciers will melt. The situation will only improve if we all become more responsible citizens.

What will happen if the glaciers melt? If the glaciers melt, the sea level will rise. What will happen if temperatures rise? If temperatures rise, some endangered animals will die. What else will happen if temperatures rise? If temperatures rise, Mediterranean countries will experience long periods of drought.

And what will happen if the drought periods last a long time? If periods of drought last for a long time, harvests will be poor and lead to famine. To travel is to live. A route of about 75 kilometers. Very good! Here we are again, in a new episode of our Trotamundos podcast.

In today’s episode we are going to talk about vacations on two wheels. In fact, we will talk about a trend that has also been imposed in our country, cycle tourism. More and more people are deciding to discover Spain by bicycle. And there are some really impressive routes.

Some run along the sea, others cross mountains and others pass through picturesque towns. Today we want to propose a route that is also suitable for less experienced cyclists, which is the Playa Blanca route, on the island of Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands.

It is a route of about 75 kilometers in a mostly flat area. The route begins and ends in Playa Blanca, an important tourist area located in the south of the island, about 40 kilometers from the airport. There you can enjoy a refreshing swim on the crystal-clear water beaches, various leisure spaces and

A rich gastronomic offer. The bicycle route begins in Playa Blanca and from there we will depart in the morning heading northeast. We will cross the Ajaches Natural Reserve, an ancient and monumental volcanic formation that can be seen until we reach Playa Quemada. This stretch is about 30 kilometers.

In Playa Quemada we can rest and take a swim on the dark sand beach and calm tide, and we can also walk through the charming streets of the fishing town. And for lunch, don’t leave without tasting fresh fish at a restaurant.

We will resume the route starting from Playa Quemada until we reach Femés. Although it is a somewhat tiring upward path, it is only 10 kilometers and it is worth going up for the beauty of the views of the Atlantic Ocean and the neighboring islands

Isla de Lobos and Fuerteventura. And if we get there in the afternoon, we can see a spectacular sunset. From Femes we will descend again and pedal about 10 kilometers to the town of Yaiza. Here we recommend taking a walk through the historic center, which is very representative of the native architecture and consists

Mainly of harmonious low-rise white houses with green portals. If you walk through Llaiza, it is mandatory to visit the Church of Remedios, which dates back to the 17th century, and the Casa Benito Pérez Armas, the municipality’s cultural center.

Furthermore, although the bicycle route can be completed in one day, if you are traveling with children or want to take it easy, you can spend the night in Llaiza and have dinner there. That, that! And the next day the route continues about 10 kilometers to Las Breñas,

Another small picturesque town that is on the way to Playa Blanca. There we can enjoy a typical breakfast in a local cafeteria. For breakfast, we recommend trying a gofio pella or a soft cheese and quince sandwich accompanied by a barraquito,

Which is a coffee with milk and condensed milk. And at the end, we will cycle back about 15 kilometers towards the town of Playa Blanca. Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit and flip flops with you. But now let’s move on to planning the trip. If we decide to travel by bicycle,

We must think carefully about accommodation. Yes, especially for those who are not experts, it is important to look for suitable accommodation for cycle touring. In recent years, more and more accommodations have been equipped to accommodate groups or individual travelers by bicycle. There are also websites that allow you

To find accommodation, hotels and guesthouses that offer services for cyclists. These hotels are called Bike Friendly. In Spanish we could call them Friends of the Bicycles. They offer a safe place to leave your bike at night, tools to repair them, and very nutritious breakfasts in the morning.

A nutritious breakfast is necessary before going out for bike rides. It would also be nice if they offered free massages and sauna, right? Unfortunately they do not offer that service at the moment, but maybe the hoteliers who listen to us will fulfill your wish. Who knows? But of course, not everyone

Likes hotels or guesthouses. For this reason, we also want to offer you another type of interesting and, above all, free accommodation. For cyclists who want to meet other people who are passionate about cycling, the Worm Showers website is for you. This is an online community dedicated solely to cyclists looking for

Accommodation during your trips on two wheels. Does it work more or less like Couchsurfing? Exactly! It’s like Couchsurfing for cyclists. Simply register on the Warm Showers website to offer or seek hospitality. Members offer a room or just a bed in their home and of course

A hot shower for free. The website is an international platform and offers an interactive map to find accommodation in the area you are traveling to. Yes, and something very important that we should not forget is that Warm Showers relies heavily on trust and a review system. On the website we can read the

Positive or negative comments of users and decide, accordingly, where to stay. Then we left from Ojos Negros to Peracense. And then? We leave Peracense and pedal until we reach Teruel. There you can visit the old town and eat shepherd’s gazpacho with sollapas.

Teruel has a charming old town and the typical food is delicious. And from Teruel, where do we go next? We take the Alfambra road from Teruel and rejoin the Ojos Negros greenway until we reach Puerto Escandón. There you can rest, dine in the restaurant and spend the night in the hotel for cyclists.

Yes, in Puerto Escandón there is a hotel equipped to park your bicycle overnight. And also, the restaurant eats very well. Well, let’s continue with our journey. From Puerto Escandón, where are we going? We leave Puerto Escandón and continue along the Greenway on a downward path until we reach Altura.

There you can walk through the town and observe the beautiful landscape of orange trees. Altura is a very beautiful town where we recommend visiting the Cartuja de Val de Cristo, an ancient monastery of imposing dimensions that reflects very well

The typical architectural style of the area. Now let’s move on to the last stage of the route. From above, where are we going? Afterwards, we continue along the Ojos Negros Greenway until it ends and take the road to reach Sagunto. There you can go to Sagunto beach to take a swim.

Thank you very much for taking us on a bicycle route along the Ojos Negros Greenway.

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0l60KfOjlnleY518acTpFknBXdgCJKi

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