Victoria Adelaida de Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Duquesa de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha.

Hello to all history lovers and curious, welcome to my channel, today I bring you the life of Victoria Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, she was a German princess who would end up becoming Duchess Consort of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, becoming a very

Beloved character in the city of Coburg for her simplicity and her closeness to the people, but she was also a woman who lived in the middle of two world wars, which would end up taking their toll on the ducal family. This biography was made at the request of El Magnánimo 1825.

Victoria Adelaida Elena Luisa María Federica of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Augustenburg was born on December 31, 1885 on the Grünholz estate, in the town of Thumby, in Schleswig- Holstein, in the Kingdom of Prussia, currently in Germany. She was the daughter of Duke Frederick Ferdinand of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and his wife, Duchess Caroline Matilde of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg.

The couple had six children together, Victoria Adelaida being the first of their children. The princess had a good lineage, on her paternal side she was the grandniece of King Christian IX of Denmark, while on her maternal side she was the niece of the Empress Consort of Germany,

Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, in addition to being the great-granddaughter of Feodora of Leiningen, who was the half-sister of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Given her position and as the eldest daughter of the Dukes of Schleswig-Holstein, the princess received a good education,

Being trained to find a good marriage that would be beneficial for her family. On February 15, 1905, a grand ball was held at the Royal Palace in Berlin, where Victoria Adelaide was presented to Duke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha,

The only son of the Duke of Albany Leopold of the United Kingdom and grandson of the queen Victoria. That presentation was devised by both families to establish a possible commitment between the young people and during the meeting, both shared dances and lively conversations,

Then, at the end of the dance, their commitment was officially announced. On October 11 of that same year, the couple’s wedding was celebrated at Glücksburg Castle, in the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein. By then she was 19 years old at

The time of the union and he was 21. The newlyweds settled in the city of Coburg, in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, because although her husband was Duke of Albany Since his birth, he would also end up inheriting the duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha by order of his

Grandmother Queen Victoria when his uncle Duke Alfred died without male offspring in the year 1900, because by then, his son, the Prince Alfred, had died in 1899. Victoria Adelaide was very well received in the city of Coburg and soon won the affection

Of the people, being described as a very close duchess, kind and attentive to her subjects. The couple soon dedicated themselves to bringing their children into the world. In 1906, the couple’s first child was born, a boy named John Leopold, who was the crown prince of the

Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1908 Sibila was born, who was by marriage Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Västerbotten. In 1909 Huberto was born, who died during the Second World War. In 1912 Carolina Matilde was born, who would

Marry up to three times and in 1918 Federico Josías was born, who would be the Head of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha house. The couple had five children together, all of their children reaching adulthood. During the First World War, her husband supported the German Empire and was part

Of the Imperial German Army as a general, but his participation in said conflict caused the British government to decide to remove all his titles related to the British crown, such as Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence and Baron of Arklow, in addition to which he and his wife

And children lost the right to be treated as British princes or Royal Highnesses. This event was due to the fact that in 1917 the British Parliament passed the Law of Deprivation of Titles, where both the position and the titles were taken away from all those nobles.

And British princes who were on the enemy side during the First World War. In 1918 there was the November Revolution that would bring about the end of the German Empire, thus giving way to the Weimar Republic and a period of great instability that caused

Her husband, Duke Carlos Eduardo, to also be forced to abdicate. thus converting the ducal family into common citizens. The couple was allowed power residing in some of their private properties, the summers could be spent at the Callenberg Palace, while the winters at the Coburg fortress, although the following year,

Said fortress would become part of the German state. but the ducal family was allowed to continue residing there. During this new stage of her life, Victoria Adelaide would lead a simple life and would be remembered with great affection by the people of Coburg,

Because the duchess would walk through the streets of the city with basket in hand, personally buying the things necessary to Her family, in addition to caring and being very close to everyone who approached her, it was also common to see her riding a bicycle,

Which was how she traveled from one place to another to carry out her chores. In 1929, her husband Carlos Eduardo began to publicly support the Nazi party, Victoria Adelaida even accompanied her husband to a meeting that the party organized in a

Restaurant in the city of Coburg, where Adolf Hitler would give a speech. During the Third Reich, her husband held important positions within the Nazi Party, in addition to serving as president of the German Red Cross, thus improving the position of the ducal family. Her

Husband Carlos Eduardo served more as a diplomat who was in the service of Hitler, because he was a little too old to be able to serve on the front during the Second World War, although his children would do so, something that caused his son Hubert died due to a

Plane accident in 1943 while he was fighting. When the Second World War ended, her husband was already in the crosshairs of different governments of the time, for this reason he would end up being arrested by order of American General George Patton

And was placed under house arrest in the Coburg fortress, having to The dukes settled in a small cabin that was at the foot of said fortress and where they had hardly any comforts. Faced with this situation, her husband’s sister, Countess Alice of Albany,

Traveled to Coburg with her husband, Count Alexander of Cambridge, and during that visit they asked that the dukes be released, but that request was not accepted, so they mediated to to give them a more comfortable house, ensuring that the

Dukes were transferred to a house near the Coburg market, a place where Victoria Adelaide would try to lead a normal life while her husband continued under house arrest. Her husband Carlos Eduardo began to experience serious health problems due to the cancer

He was suffering from at that time, so the family tried to negotiate his release, ensuring that neither the Duke nor any member of the family had Nazi ideology, but that the Duke had been blinded by the figure of Adolf Hitler and came to think that he could be a hero, in addition to

Ensuring that he had not committed any crime against humanity, since his functions during the Third Reich were limited to acting as diplomat and his functions within the German Red Cross. Finally, Duke Charles Edward was granted his freedom, but in

Exchange he had to pay a large fine that left the ducal family ruined. Victoria Adelaida personally took care of her husband during his long illness and remained by his side despite the poor economic situation they were experiencing, but finally her husband would end up passing away in

1954. After being widowed, the Duchess spent some years traveling, especially with her sister-in-law the Countess Alice of Albany and according to what is said, for the first time in many years she was happy again, it was common to see her smile or have lively conversations, since during the Second

World War she had become a quiet and somber woman. that was rarely related with people or smiled. After traveling for four years, he finally decided to settle in Greinburg Castle , in Austria, because all the dukes’ properties had been confiscated and despite continuous claims to recover them, only the Austrian castle, a residence,

Was returned to them. summer that he began to use it as his habitual residence, dying there on October 3, 1970 at the age of 84. Her mortal remains rest next to those of her husband in the family Pantheon in the Gardens of Callenberg Castle, in Coburg, Germany.

Victoria Adelaida was a princess who lived in the middle of two world wars, thus remaining by her family’s side in difficult times where the Dukes ended up losing everything and were ruined. Even so, she remained by her husband’s side, accompanying him

During the hardships that They passed and in their long illness. This princess was a very beloved character in the city of Coburg, being described as a simple woman who adapted very well to the circumstances of life, in addition to being very close and attentive to the people,

Relating to everyone who approached her. It is very common to see her shopping in the city market or riding a bicycle. It is not very well known if Victoria Adelaida supported her husband’s ideals or if she was also a supporter of Adolf Hitler, but there is evidence that

During the Second World War, she became a sad and somber woman, only regaining joy when that great war ended and after the death of her husband. Well friends, we have reached the end of the life of Victoria Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, I hope you liked this story and I hope

That the Magnanimous 1825 also, as always, thank you for all the support that the channel receives, a thousand Thank you for watching the videos that I am making and I would like to thank you from the

Bottom of my heart for being part of BioPic Channel, today I would like to know what you thought of this story and if you know other princesses who have also lost everything due to the two world wars, and with this I say goodbye, until next time!

Victoria Adelaida fue una princesa alemana que se acabaría convirtiendo en Duquesa consorte de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha, siendo una mujer muy querida en la ciudad de Coburgo por su sencillez y por ser muy cercana con el pueblo, pero a esta duquesa le tocó vivir tiempos complicados y lidiar con los estragos de dos guerras mundiales que afectarían bastante a la familia Ducal. Durante la primera guerra mundial, su marido Carlos Eduardo se vería obligado a abdicar y perdieron casi todas sus propiedades al convertirse en ciudadanos comunes, después, durante la segunda guerra mundial, los ideales políticos de su marido acabarían arruinando por completo a la familia ducal.

El canal ya ha realizado las biografías de algunos de los personajes que son mencionados en este vídeo:
-Victoria del Reino Unido:
-Alfredo del Reino Unido:
-Leopoldo del Reino Unido:
-Feodora de Leiningen:

Todas las imágenes del video están o bien libres de derechos o bien se rigen bajo la licencia “Creative Common” en sus diferentes variantes.

-Carlos Eduardo de Sajonia:,_Jehresfest_der_Deustch-Englischen_Gesellschaft.jpg,_Er%C3%B6ffnung_des_Deutsch-Polnischen_Instituts.jpg

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  1. Qué valiente princesa, que a pesar de lo difícil que le tocó vivir,k supo salir adelante y mantenerse con entereza.
    Muy resiliente en épocas de guerra.
    Creo que no estuvo de acuerdo con su esposo. Sobretodo, por la tristeza que demostró durante la la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
    Muchas gracias Esther, muy interesante esta historia, saludos.🥰❤💖⚘

  2. Mi conclusión después de ver este video, no me asombra en absoluto. Se sabe que la guerra jamás trae nada bueno: solo muerte, discapacidad y enfermedades físicas y mentales, tristeza, miedo, odio, pobreza, destrucción, contaminación ambiental e inutilización de suelos para la agricultura y la ganadería. Tal vez los duques sintieron que debían alinearse con su nación y por eso eligieron ese bando. Muchas familias de origen mixto quedaron divididas. Muchas personas se dieron cuenta tarde de su error y ya no pudieron volver atrás por el peligro de represalias contra sus seres queridos. De nuevo, la guerra alimenta sentimientos de xenofobia y nos olvidamos de que los seres humanos somos hermanos, y terminamos siendo una versión moderna de Caín y Abel, pero en proporciones gigantescas. Gracias querida Esther, me fascina la fotografía victoriana (aunque tenía también su lado oscuro).

  3. Puede que nunca estuviera de acuerdo con la ideología nazi porque si se apagó de tal manera durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, algo más tuvo que haber ocurrido.

  4. Victoria Adelaidayyseconvirtieron, enysumaasu marido, se vio obligado a abdicar, y se convirtieron en cuidanos comunes, en la segunda guerra, los ideales políticos de su marido, acabarían arruinando, por completo a la familia. En mi opinión personal Hitler y sus aliados, fueron los más grandes asesinos.

  5. Excelente y tristemente fue una princesa alemana quien fue duquesa consorte de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha por el matrimonio con el Duque Carlos Eduardo de S.C.G. es hijo de Leopoldo de Reino Unido y nieto de la reina Victoria quien subio al trono ducal tras la muerte de su tio Alfredo de Reino Unido sin decendencia varon su hijo Alfredo de S.C.G se sucidio por no poder casarse con una persona plebeya tras el rechazo de sus padres😢.

    Su matrimonio tuvo varios hijos.

    -Juan Leopoldo que renuncio su derecho al trono Ducal y vivio como religioso.

    -Sibila fue princesa consorte de Suecia con el matrimonio con Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia pero degraciamente el fallecio en un accidente aereo en Dinamarca y perdio la oportunidad ser reina consorte y madre el actual rey de Suecia Carlos XVI Gustavo.

    -Humberto quien murio durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial😢.

    -Federico Josia fue jefe de la Casa de S.C.G hasta su muerte en 1998.

    Ella vivio en dos guerras mundiales pero afecto mucho su familia y su ducal.

    Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial su esposo apoyo al Imperio aleman esto provoco de quitar todos los titulos reales britanicos por el parlamento ingles por apoyar al mando enemigo y en el año 1918 estallo la revolucion de Noviembre que acabo el Imperio aleman y el Ducado pero la familia vivieron como cuidadanos comunes hasta el año 1929 su esposo se unio al partido Nazi y estrecha cooperacion con Adolf Hitler quien fue diplomatico y miembro de la Cruz Roja esto costo mucho durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta la final de la Guerra donde fue capturado por los Aliados encabezado por el polemico General norteamericano George Patton y su familia fueron llevaron en un Castillo aleman como arresto domiciliario y ella quedo liberada.

    Pero su esposo sufre serio problemas de salud, su esposa y su cuñada Alicia de Albany y su esposo Alejandro de C. pidio la liberacion de Carlos Eduardo y poco despues fue liberado y tuvo que embargar sus bienes por complicidad y por crimenes de guerra con el regimen Nazi😢, hasta que fallecio en la ruina en el año 1954.

    Tras enviudar ella paso sus ultimos años para el triste momentos y visitar a su cuñada Alicia de Albany y establecer en un Castillo en Austria donde Fallecio en el año 1970.

    Para mi fue una Duquesa muy querida en el pueblo de Coburgo por sus paseos y tristemente dramatico que vivio durante las dos guerras mundiales, la perdida del Ducado de Sajonia-Cuburgo-Gotha en el 1918 y el apoyo de su esposo del regimen Nazi con Adolf Hitler que costo de perder muchos de sus bienes y su hijo Humberto que murio durante la guerra😢.

    Su nieto Andres Miguel de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha es actual jefe de la casa del Ducado de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha y ademas son primos de los monarcas Margarita II de Dinamarca, Carlos XVI Gustavo y Carlos III de Reino Unido o algunos casas europeas o pretendientes al trono.

    Saludos desde Santiago de Chile y muchas gracias por video biografico y lo investigue sobre esa familia😊.

  6. Estupenda bio Esther 😊
    No conocía a esta princesa alemana; veo que tuvo un matrimonio feliz y bien avenido q pesar de las dificultades vividas durante las dos guerras mundiales Victoria Adelaida era un mujer cercana al pueblo y que se ocupaba ella de las cosas del hogar
    Puedo entender el alineamiento de su esposo y ella durante las dos guerras mundiales: en la IGM normal que apoyaran asu país; y durante la IIGM creo que les pasó cono a muchos alemanes, que viron en la figura de H a un salvador tras la debacle de la guerra anterior y el Tratado de Versalles que dejó a Alemania en la ruina
    Y me imagino que la tristeza de Victoria Adelaida era por todos los sucesos que acontecieron durante la guerra
    Me apena mucho que perdieran sus posesiones, pero para los aliados ellos eran también enemigos por muy príncipes que fueran
    Pd: el sábado pasado vi Napoleón y me acordé de tud vídeos acerca de él y Josephine, después de la película le estuve comentando cosas a mi marido de lo que no se vio en la peli gracias a estos vídeos 😊
    Saludos desde Cantabria

  7. Hola biopic CHANEL me ha encantado la biografía DE VICTORIA ADELAIDA DE SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-Sonderburg-Glückburg por favor podrías añadir a la lista DE peticiones a:
    A los padres, marido e HIJOS DE VICTORIA ADELAIDA

  8. me gustaría qué hicieras un vídeo de Matilde de Escocia (Edith), quién fue Reina Consorte de Enrique l de Inglaterra y además Madre de Matilde: Señora de los Ingleses y Guillermo

  9. Victoria fue una princesa de una dinastia en decadencia, una guerra solo trae muerte destrucción y tragedia, en estos conflictos estas a favor o en contra, no hay puntos medios. A pesar de todo pudo disfrutar de una larga vida. Excelente vídeo, gran historia.

  10. Creo que es también importante ver que si habia un grado de culpa, pues aliarse con los nazis no es algo sin relevancia. Una familia en su posición podria haber huido y sin embargo decidieron apoyar a un govierno criminal. Ademas que idiota se tiene que ser para ver a Hitler como héroe??
    Que horror tener un marido nazi.
    Por mi no hacen falta biografías de nazis donde se minimice su culpa. Tanto peca el que mata la vaca como el que le agarra la pata

  11. Le tocó vivir la belle epoque, dos guerras mundiales y hasta el primer viaje a la luna. Desde los valses de Strauss hasta los hippies y los Beatles. Creo nunca el mundo ha cambiado tanto en tan poco tiempo y a su generación le tocó verlo, gozarlo y padecerlo.

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