視界觀982「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(58)見識掩映在森林裡的溫哥華居民社區 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, the weather is good today , so cycling is a subject that must be completed. Let’s start a casual ride from the tree-lined path near my residence. There is no special destination , just cycling for fitness. Of course, if If possible, I would also like to visit the communities

Where ordinary people live. We saw on the road that most Canadians drive in a civilized manner and obey traffic rules , but we always encounter a few reckless ones. I just saw one. Originally, when you want to turn right (slip of the tongue), you usually have to stop.

If someone is crossing the road , you have to yield. This is a rule . But I saw that guy didn’t stop at all and turned right very quickly, like We sometimes see people on the road who unplug their mufflers and make very loud noises in their cars.

I believe these are a minority. In every society, there are people who vent some kind of depression in their hearts in different ways . Fortunately, these people It will not become the mainstream of society. I took a quick look at the map before I went out today, and I saw that

There is an area at the end of Boundary, that is, in Vancouver city, which should be a forest park. There is a large community there. It is a large golf course , and a number of new communities are being built to the south of it by the Fraser River.

I often drive by Marine Drive and it is obvious that this new community has taken shape and has its own supporting facilities. I think about it. Why not just ride over there today and wander around randomly to see some unknown areas in Vancouver or places that used to be driven by.

The changes that are happening now , especially the continuous inflow of population, of course, I am mainly referring to. The immigrants gradually formed some communities where more new immigrants chose their residences , and these new communities are constantly improving. I am very interested in this process . Yesterday, I was wandering around

And went to Burnaby, which is near my residence. There is an already mature community in Edmonds Station that consists of seven or eight high-rise buildings. The three high-rise buildings that are being built further ahead can really be said to be 4 or 50-story residential areas. The area where the building is located

Is called high. Gate City went there and wandered around, and I found that they are building a new community there . It has a supporting community center, community school , and other facilities that are convenient for the people. Of course, they are still under construction

, but I think Once such a community is established , it means that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. I think it is a very good place. I accidentally came to a school. This is the place where a relative of mine once studied in middle school and high school.

I remember the first time When I brought him here to enroll, I was really shocked by the number of students. There seemed to be dozens of classes in their grade . Such a school actually transferred here. You see, there are many towns next to this school. It’s a house

Or a low-rise apartment. It’s very good for students to go to school nearby . I just turned a street early and I wanted to ride from this Victory street. This place is not far from the Royal Oak station , but it is also in the middle of the bustle. Opposite Jing

Is a community center in Royal Oak. The houses in this community center look more traditional and older. Some of the newly built community centers now have large glass windows and are bright and clean . The style is more modern. It is obvious here on the left and right of the road.

There are some houses where a small developer buys a few old houses that occupy a relatively large area and then re-plans them into smaller independent houses and then sells them after they are built. However, there are also some house owners who are unmoved. Those who don’t want to be acquired

Still keep some of their original appearance. Of course, some of them have been renovated and turned into independent mansions. So everyone says that the house itself is not valuable, especially after decades, what is valuable is what’s underneath it. And the land is constantly appreciating. We continue to ride along this Victory Street.

Relatively speaking, this is an inner street with no cars . It is very comfortable to ride . It also shows on the sign that it is a cycling road . You can take a look at these houses in Burnaby here, both old and new. There is a beautiful house opposite.

It is completely a Victorian house, with a very typical pointed roof. But the house on the right is basically Vancouver Special. This style should belong to the area of ​​South Burnaby. South Burnaby is recognized by everyone as a good living area. Many people come here and tear down the old houses

And rebuild them into new houses on both sides of me. There are some , but there are still some old houses that have not been demolished . The old houses will be relatively low, so this street is a century-old architectural history. It is a display area for different houses over the past century.

It is the same in the United States and Canada. The main residential areas all appear in the form of independent houses . Even in a community, it is sometimes difficult to find two identical houses. I think one reason is that everyone pursues a kind of personality

, but the more important thing is actually It’s also an economic point. You can’t make a complete analogy to say whether the house next to me and your house have the same value. It’s actually different when you sell it because the structure itself is different. Even though the house type is different.

The areas are almost the same , but they are actually different , so there is no way to make a complete analogy. Look, here I have several houses like Vancouver Special connected to each other, and there are many Christmas decorations in front of the door. This house is a completely

New house with a new look . You can see many different houses on the road , which is also very interesting . The road is almost at the end and the boundary should be outside. But how can I continue riding? This road is Patterson . See if I can cross it. The road

Today is still very easy to ride on. Most of it is flat, and there are more downhill slopes like now. But I know that when I come back later, it will be different. There is a small door here that you can enter and ride for a while

. In fact, this is a community park. I was attracted by the laughter of many children in front. Many children are playing in the playground. There is also a court next to it . I don’t know today. Why are there so many children? I guess it’s because of the many kindergartens here.

They will organize these children to come here to play together . Of course, there are teachers to lead you to see how lively it is . There are also some older children , so I started from the park. There is a dedicated parking lot here. There is a park

In front of the boundary. I have to cross this road and across the road is what I said is a huge community with some short wooden walls. But I see that the houses inside are all made of wood , including its exterior walls, which are made of pieces of wood. But these woods

Look very old over time , just like the color of the tree, but the house here I believe it was developed in a unified manner before. There is a huge park inside this place. But I don’t know if the houses are owned or rented. I believe they are all owned.

This can be considered a type of townhome. Two or three . Houses are connected together. This is the first time I have entered this community. In front of me is the forest park. It turns out that there is an entrance here. You can go inside and ride for a while

. I saw someone walking the dog here, like A park has paved walking trails and cycling trails like this. There is also a big park hidden inside. It should also be their community center. Look at these small shops and a small supermarket in their village.

It is a small city in a forest. It should be old. We have reached a community here, Marine Avenue , but it’s not Marine Drive. What I’m going to look for later is Marine Drive. It’s hard for us Chinese to imagine that there is a house in this kind of forest

. Usually you walk on the road, even if it’s me. Riding on this road without seeing anyone will make you feel very lonely. It is true. I felt this way when I first came here. But once you calm down and slow down a little, you will feel that this kind of living situation

Is also ours. Of course, people’s inner needs are different. It’s impossible to say that I like you completely. You may miss those more lively scenes after a while. But I think if you can be extravagant, you can combine the two or live in different lives. I think it might be more interesting

To be able to live different lives at different stages . There are many tennis courts on the left. The right side is called the Champion Heights community center. This is the place called Champion Heights. Champion Heights or Champion Heights community can be found anywhere . There is such a community center.

I can see that there are many people exercising there, and there are various facilities for children to play, etc. It is a kind of citizen exchange activity open to the community and residents. It is a place for exchanging information. It has no management function,

So it is completely different from a neighborhood committee in China. Although you can see that the fence is just an ordinary barbed wire, nothing special. If you look at the houses next to it, it is often the most convenient to travel and go to these communities. Central Park is just some

Apartments, which means relatively cheap houses and even many low-rent houses . This is very interesting. They reserve the best locations or the most convenient locations for relatively low-income groups. So China is now I also want to solve the housing problem for those groups who are frustrated by the high housing prices

. But China’s population base is so large that it’s hard to say whether this can be realized. But I think more help should be given to the people at the bottom. In fact, it is the function of the government . For those wealthy people who own multi-million-dollar mansions

, just standardize the rules of the game and set reasonable taxes, and leave everything else to the market. I think this is more reasonable. Riding, riding, riding. I lost my way, but I believe there is nothing wrong with riding to a lower place, because I have seen some high-rise buildings behind the trees,

Which are some new community houses on the riverside , so I thought of riding there for a while . Take a look at the changing riverside community. You see, this is Marine Drive. Then there are some old houses close to the road. Now I have crossed the road and come here.

Two children are riding a bicycle . What we see here is In the past, the old townhouses were along the main road . There is actually a road below this one and the riverside is further ahead , so there is still a lot of open space here, but it has left

The large park at the other end of the road . Just ride along this marine drive for a while and find a road. Then ride to the river on the right. There seems to be a road here. I’ll see if I can take a shortcut. It seems that I’ve thought too much.

There is no road to the parking place . We went to the river, so although many communities here are not gated , they should be self-contained, so it would be difficult for strangers to find their way out. Okay, I returned to the road again. During the day,

Look at the cars. You can park on the road. Look, there are these townhouses all over the road . I believe there is a parking garage behind it. I don’t know why there are so many houses for sale here. Look, it seems

Like every house has a parking garage. The feeling of being for sale. Is there any action here? You see, every house is said to be for sale. I don’t know why. It seems that this area is going to be re-planned and developed. It seems that

There is already a road here. There are many roads called marine here. This one is called marine way. This should be the main road. It seems that I accidentally missed the new community of Fraser Riverside that I wanted to go to. It seems that we have gone too far, but it doesn’t matter.

We continue to ride back to Burnaby from here. Today I will come out of Burnaby’s residence. I rode past the boundary in front of me and then circled around an old community on the edge of a forest park. Now I’m back close to the boudary. I think this section

Will be the first section I ride today to avoid disturbing everyone. It took too long to watch. We will continue to share with you in the next section. Thank you for watching . Bye.

#溫哥華 #r本拿比 #vancouver

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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