
Today, we will use a scientific perspective to explore the complex truth behind meteorological events. According to the latest news from the Manila Times news website, the volcano on Mount Lewato Bila Kiraki in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, suffered a severe eruption on January 1 . Personnel were forced to evacuate

The volcano, which is located about 200 kilometers northeast of Kupang. The eruption produced volcanic ash as high as 1.5 kilometers . The authorities raised the alert level from level 2 to level 3 and established a 3-kilometer exclusion zone around the crater . At least 2,200 people have been evacuated in the area.

Residents should be alert to potential pyroclastic flows, lava flows and landslides along the rivers and valleys on the flanks of Levotobi Lakiraki in several directions to the north, northwest, south and southwest near the crater. 4 km distance has been designated as a no-go area. If volcanic activity intensifies,

Officials may issue further evacuation orders in the coming days or weeks. Thank you for liking, commenting, subscribing, and turning on the little bell. We will update every day starting from January 1. Fransceda Maumere Airport has suspended flights. Authorities may impose restrictions on roads in affected areas

As volcanic ash may reduce visibility and make streets slippery. Localized ground traffic may be disrupted. Volcanic activity may affect Levato Bilaki. The air quality in the area around Mount Laki , especially in areas near the crater, may cause difficulty breathing and tolerance to physical exertion. The force is low. This incident

Is not the first recent eruption of an Indonesian volcano. Our channel tracked and reported the eruption of the Malapi volcano in Indonesia on December 3. At that time, the Malapi volcano at an altitude of nearly 2,900 meters in Sumatra, Indonesia, suddenly erupted

With volcanic ash. It soared to an altitude of more than 3,000 meters and was shrouded in volcanic ash clouds for several kilometers. About 75 climbers had already set out to climb the mountain and were trapped . Most of the climbers had been evacuated and received treatment for burns.

The authorities confirmed that 11 climbers were killed. Search and rescue personnel launched a search. At least 22 missing people were successfully evacuated. 49 people were evacuated. 8 of them were rescued. The climbers were sent to the hospital for treatment due to burns. Another person had a broken limb. After the volcano erupted,

Two local climbing routes were quickly closed. Villagers living on the slopes were advised to stay away from the crater for at least 3 days. About 1,400 people live in villages on the kilometers of hillsides . Some villages are covered by falling volcanic ash. The sun is also obscured by volcanic clouds.

Volcanic ash rains fall on West Sumatra. The government of Bukit Tinggi, the third largest city in West Sumatra, calls on residents to wear hats, glasses and masks to protect themselves. Search and rescue officials in Padang, the capital of West Sumatra province affected by volcanic ash, said about 168 rescue workers

, including police and soldiers, had been deployed to try to rescue all trapped climbers and residents . At that time, the alert level in Malapi was maintained at level 3. The highest level was level 4. Authorities have been closely monitoring conditions after detecting increasing volcanic activity in recent weeks.

Malapi volcano is one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia and has shown signs of activity since the beginning of the year . Indonesia itself is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. And volcanic activity is quite active. From a global perspective,

Areas with frequent volcanic eruptions are mainly concentrated in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The volcanic belt is horseshoe-shaped and extends from the Andes Mountains at the junction of Chile and Peru in South America to the Alaska Peninsula in North America and the Russian Far East. The Kuril Islands then

Extend westward through the Japanese Archipelago and the Ryukyu Islands to Indonesia and the Philippine Islands, and finally form a closed annular belt on the North Island and South Island of New Zealand. Most of the volcanoes in the volcanic belt are active . Several of the most active volcanic areas are constantly erupting.

First of all, there are dozens of active volcanoes in the Andes Mountains in southern Chile. Among them, the most famous ones are the Lascar volcano and the Josi volcano. Both of these volcanoes erupted frequently in the 19th century, causing serious damage. There are also many active volcanoes in southern Peru.

Among them, the most active Sambo volcano had a huge eruption in 1600, which buried nearby towns in volcanic ash. The Colima volcano and Popocatepetl volcano in central Mexico are also among these. The two most active large volcanoes in the region. Their eruptions have threatened the adjacent capital Mexico City many times. Secondly,

The Cascade volcano area in the western United States has also frequent volcanoes. Lassen Peak volcano and Mount St. Helens have both erupted many times. In 1980, the Santos The eruption of Helen volcano caused serious disasters. The Kluchi volcano and Sagan volcano in the southern part of the Alaska Peninsula

Were also in an extremely active period. The volcanic ash cloud produced by the Kluchi volcano erupted in 2006 flew across the Pacific Ocean and eventually led to the formation of the Kluchi volcano over the North Island of New Zealand. In addition, the most active volcanic areas in the Western Pacific are undoubtedly

The Japanese Archipelago and the Ryukyu Islands. There are 111 active volcanoes in Japan, accounting for about 10% of the total number of active volcanoes in the world . In addition to the Japanese archipelago itself, volcanoes are also extremely frequent on the Western Pacific islands.

The Philippines has 111 active volcanoes. There are dozens of active volcanoes , including the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, which triggered debris flow disasters; the Malapu volcano and Badong volcano in Indonesia also had several extremely destructive and huge eruptions in the 20th century

. The Pacific Ring of Fire The tail end area is mainly in the North Island and South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand is located at the junction of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Pacific and the Australian plates. It is one of the most volcanic areas in the world.

There are 18 active volcanoes in the country , including Auckland on the North Island. The volcano and the Hui volcano in the South Island have the largest number of eruptions in history, causing serious casualties and damage. In addition, the Kermadec Islands off the coast of New Zealand

Is also an extremely volcanically active sea area. In the 1950s, there were many small islands formed by submarine volcanoes. The fundamental reason for a volcanic eruption is that there is a large amount of thermal energy inside the earth. The earth ‘s interior is mainly composed of the earth’s core and the mantle

. The core’s temperature is as high as 4000-5000°C. It is the heat source inside the earth; the mantle surrounds the earth’s core. The temperature is also as high as 1000-4000°C. These high-temperature materials continue to conduct heat to the surface, which is the driving force for volcanic activity.

There are three main ways of magma movement in the mantle : thermal convection, solid melting and gas dissolution. When the originally stable mantle rock is heated or reduced, When pressed and melted, the melt with a lighter density will form thermal convection and rise to the surface.

This is the internal reason for volcanic eruptions. Volcanic eruptions can produce extremely serious disasters. First, the direct impact of volcanic bombs and volcanic debris. When the eruption cloud When magma blows and cools rapidly, scoria are formed. These sharp and hard fragments are ejected from the

Crater like projectiles at high speed due to rising heat. They quickly fall within a radius of nearly 10 kilometers around the volcano . Their kinetic energy is huge and difficult to prevent. They can be fatal to people and buildings. In addition, smaller suspended particles

Such as volcanic ash will be produced, drifting in the air like sandstorms, seriously affecting the respiratory system. Secondly, high-temperature volcanic airflow and lahar will have a huge impact on the surrounding areas. When the pressure in the crater cannot be controlled, it will High-speed airflows of hundreds of kilometers per hour are generated

And sweep across the area under the mountain. The thousands of degrees of high temperature they carry are enough to seriously burn people. What is even more serious is the ensuing lahar. This kind of earth-rock flow mixed with volcanic debris and water vapor is large in size and extremely fast. quick

It can submerge dozens of square kilometers of surrounding valleys in a very short time . More importantly, the piles of volcanic ash will cause environmental pollution and completely paralyze outdoor traffic. The large amount of volcanic ash will quickly cover the entire volcanic area , just like thick black snow. Generally,

All outdoor facilities will soon be completely submerged by sticky volcanic ash. Covered roads and runways will become impassable. Railway tracks and overhead wires will also break and collapse under the heavy pressure. This will completely paralyze the transportation system in the area around the volcano. What cannot be ignored is that

A very serious eruption will also cause extensive damage to indoor mechanical and electrical facilities due to the intrusion of volcanic ash . The dust particles and corrosive gases in the volcanic ash can quickly invade various types of indoor precision equipment , causing permanent damage to them

And putting the entire city into an irreversible state. Technology collapse. In addition, volcanic ash collapses buildings. It is worth mentioning that the most far-reaching impact of volcanic eruptions is its huge climate impact. Many high-intensity eruptions in history have led to “volcanic winters” around the world. Sexual climate anomalies,

When a large number of eruptions invade the stratosphere, will form an aerosol layer all over the world. It will refract and absorb a large amount of sunlight , causing the surface temperature to drop sharply and last for many years. More specifically, there are several main categories of inducing factors that cause volcanic eruptions.

First of all, the movement of the lithosphere is the main cause. Below the surface of the earth we live is the lithosphere, which includes the crust and upper mantle. The lithosphere is not stationary. Due to the push of mantle convection, the lithosphere often undergoes collisions , subduction, cracking and

Other movements. The changes in pressure or tension accompanying the movement can cause the melting of solid rocks to form magma. For example, the volcanic activity in the Andes and the Japanese Archipelago is mainly caused by the collision of the Pacific Plate with the South American Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

Secondly, it is caused by the mantle hot plume. Ascent can also trigger volcanic activity. Tubular areas in the mantle with higher temperatures and more active magma are called “thermal pillars.” They transport heat from deep within the mantle upwards like pipes . When the thermal pillars are connected to the crust,

There will be a large amount of Magma erupts through cracks in the earth’s crust. The formation of the Hawaiian volcanoes is a typical rising process of hot plumes in the mantle . It cannot be ignored that the melting of non-volcanic rocks in the earth’s crust will also form magma and trigger volcanic eruptions.

Under normal circumstances, the rock layers in the earth’s crust They are all fixed by huge pressure and difficult to melt , but when they are in a depressurized environment, the rocks will soften and produce magma. This type of volcano usually appears in continental rifts or seafloor spreading centers

. In addition, there are also external induced factors such as Violent earthquakes and large-scale landslides caused by an asteroid hitting the earth may cause large-scale melting of local rocks and trigger volcanic eruptions. In 1883, Indonesia’s Krakatoa volcano erupted violently shortly after a magnitude 8 earthquake there.

From history From this period to the present, the overall frequency of volcanic eruptions has shown a gradually increasing trend. This is closely related to the impact of global warming in the era of human activities. In the early days of civilization, due to a lack of historical data,

It was impossible to calculate the exact frequency of global volcanic activity . However, since Egypt around 3000 BC After early records appeared in India and other places, it can be seen that at that time, about 15-25 volcanic eruptions were recorded every year around the world

. This relatively low eruption frequency continued until around the 15th century. Specifically, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD The Huayla volcano eruption in 1600 and other large eruptions were rare in history . Starting from the 16th century, with the expansion of European colonization to the New World and other intercontinental

Areas, the records of volcanic eruptions around the world began to become more complete . During this period, the global volcanoes averaged about The frequency of 20-30 eruptions recorded in the archives has begun to increase. In the 19th century, volcanic activity on all continents increased significantly. Many large volcanoes such

As Mount St. Helens in North America, Cotopaxi volcano in South America , and Mount Merapi in Asia are here. Frequent activity and multiple eruptions in one period Since the 20th century, with the advancement of observation methods, the monitoring and recording of volcanic eruptions around the world

Have become more complete and accurate than ever before , making it seem that volcanoes around the world have become “more active.” The global average number of volcanic eruptions per century is about 50-70, with the peak in the 1960s. There have been as many as 99 volcanic eruptions in the world in 10 years.

Since the 21st century, global volcanic eruptions have remained at a relatively high level, with an annual average of about Scientific research on 60-80 volcanic eruptions has shown that the continuous rise in global temperatures in the past century has accelerated the circulation of earth’s materials, which has indeed increased the number

Of volcanic eruptions. If you want to reduce the frequency of volcanic eruptions, you must control greenhouse gas emissions from the source and slow down global change. Warm trend When encountering a volcanic eruption, correct survival methods can greatly improve your survival probability. First, you must stay away from the volcano as soon as possible.

If the volcanic eruption is fierce, you must take effective evacuation before the danger comes. If you are already in the straight downwind area of ​​the volcano. You must immediately escape at full speed in the opposite direction without looking back. At this time, you must not be greedy for luggage.

It is also wise to abandon the car and take a more maneuverable bicycle . Secondly, you must choose the evacuation site correctly to avoid the volcano. Move to the main downwind direction to the upwind direction. Evacuate in an area and also choose a location north

Of the hillside that avoids the path of possible volcanic mudflows. The ideal evacuation site should be a large building with a concrete or steel structure and a stable location. If you are homeless, you can also consider temporarily hiding in a solid cave. At the same time to avoid disasters

, pay attention to protecting your mouth and nose. Volcanic ash will accompany almost all types of volcanic eruptions and the air will be seriously polluted. Wrapping your mouth and nose with a mask, wet towel or clothing outdoors can block volcanic ash particles from entering the respiratory system and prevent you from being choked,

Even if you are already in the air. If the volcanic ash outside is too heavy indoors , you should also prepare these items just in case . You cannot ignore it. You must be fully prepared before evacuating the volcanic area. The key is to pack over-the-counter medicines

, dry food, water, a change of clothes, and bring a sleeping bag, It is worth mentioning that outdoor survival equipment such as flashlights and portable batteries must be set up with backup communications. During the evacuation, be sure to maintain remote contact with family or friends to inform them of their whereabouts and plans

, and report on the current situation regularly . If they are in danger, they can also This organization rescues. In addition , radios and other equipment can also be used to obtain real-time information and news broadcasts of volcanic eruptions . Predicting volcanic eruptions is an important part of disaster prevention and mitigation.

After long-term research, scientists have accumulated a large number of effective monitoring methods that can be used to predict volcanic eruptions in advance to a certain extent. To predict a volcanic eruption , first of all, it is necessary to monitor the seismic activity around the volcano.

When a large amount of magma gathers toward the volcanic vent, it will inevitably trigger large-scale micro-earthquakes. Using a high-density array of seismometers, we can capture the characteristic changes of volcanic earthquakes and determine whether they are occurring. An eruption is brewing. Once a typical volcanic earthquake swarm is detected,

It can be preliminarily determined that an eruption will occur. The second step is to measure the tiny ground deformation in the volcanic area when the magma aggregates under the volcano expand. Obvious expansion and uplift will inevitably occur on the earth’s surface. Using satellite interferometry radar to obtain fine images of the volcanic area

To detect its subtle deformation can also predict the eruption trend. For example, in 1991, the Pinatubo volcano had been monitored by the InSAR satellite before the eruption. Abnormal uplift was detected . What’s more important is that Directly monitor the changes in volcanic vent activity. By monitoring the video images of the crater,

We can intuitively capture abnormal volcanic activities such as the intensity of the vent or the appearance of new vents , which indicates a possible eruption. This is the most direct and effective prediction method and can even give predictions within a few hours. Accurate prediction of eruption time

, but the disadvantage is that it is only effective for the local volcano and cannot provide regional early warning . At the same time, satellites are used to detect magma thermal anomalies . Some of the latest infrared and microwave detection satellites can directly obtain thermal information of the magma on the volcano surface

To monitor changes in its thermal field. Determining whether a volcano is likely to erupt is currently the most promising systematic early warning technology


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  1. 20:12 我又看见死了的人、无论大小、都站在宝座前.案卷展开了.并且另有一卷展开、就是生命册.死了的人都凭着这些案卷所记载的、照他们所行的受审判。

  2. 启20:6 在头一次复活有分的、有福了、圣洁了.第二次的死在他们身上没有权柄.他们必作 神和基督的祭司、并要与基督一同作王一千年。

  3. 启20:4 我又看见几个宝座、也有坐在上面的、并有审判的权柄赐给他们.我又看见那些因为给耶稣作见证、并为 神之道被斩者的灵魂、和那没有拜过兽与兽像、也没有在额上和手上受过他印记之人的灵魂.他们都复活了、与基督一同作王一千年。

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