一輛50元自行車導致6名警員被殺,2008年的楊佳案,真相究竟如何【文史江山 】

On July 1, 2008, a very serious and vicious attack on police officers occurred in Shanghai , resulting in the death of 6 police officers and 5 injuries. The murderer who rushed to the police station and stabbed anyone on sight was neither an extreme terrorist nor a vicious gangster. The bully

Was an ordinary 28-year-old boy. After the incident, he was also sentenced to death for committing intentional homicide. He showed no regrets until his death. Public opinions arose for a while. Some people said that he deserved his punishment for his extreme actions. Others compared him to Wu Song and called him For heroes

, the real trigger of this tragedy turned out to be an ordinary bicycle. On October 5, 2007, a young man from Beijing, the Yang family, traveled to Shanghai alone. In order to save time and convenience, he rented a bicycle for 50 yuan as a means of transportation. Tools

To travel around and hang out. The security environment at that time was not as good as it is now. Even in developed cities like Shanghai, thieves were often seen in the streets and alleys . Especially during the National Day holiday, the tourist flow in Shanghai increased. Car theft cases were frequent.

In response to this situation, the police Inspection checkpoints have been set up at many intersections and patrols have been stepped up. In particular, there is a train station in Zhabei District. The security situation is relatively chaotic, so inspections in this area are more stringent. According to the regulations at the time,

The police have the right to inspect bicycles without license plates and question the Yang family. Once an unlicensed bicycle is discovered, a routine check must be carried out. As expected, the Yang family was stopped when passing by the Pushan intersection of Zhijiang West Road, Zhabei District

. The patrol police from the local police station asked him to show his ID and provide proof of the origin of the vehicle. It stands to reason . He said that this was not an excessive request , but Yang Jia, who was stopped, showed some dissatisfaction. First of all, he did not understand

Why other unlicensed cars were passing smoothly and only he was stopped. Secondly, the Yang family thought that he was just an ordinary person. The car for foreign tourists was also temporarily rented and arrested. If this car is really a stolen black car, the police can handle the case according to the regulations

And ask the owner of the car rental agency to cooperate with the investigation instead of starting like now without any evidence to prove that there is something wrong with the car. Yang Jia, a tourist who rented a car, always refused to show his ID and expressed dissatisfaction with the police’s occupying his time

And restricting his personal freedom. As for the source of the car, he really couldn’t produce it and could only explain repeatedly that it was rented by him. The dispute and confrontation between the two sides of the car lasted for nearly 40 minutes , attracting many passers-by to watch

And even causing a traffic jam. Therefore, the police took him back to the Zhijiang West Road Police Station for further interrogation and investigation. In fact, this is where things developed. The police were just doing a routine thing and the Yang family was very innocent. Although the two sides had a quarrel

, there was no major conflict that was difficult to resolve. However, no one expected that the interrogation after returning to the police station would become the beginning of a tragedy. The Yang family’s trip to Shanghai ended like this. A six-hour interrogation ended badly. After returning to Beijing, he repeatedly

Complained to the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and Zhabei Branch through letters and emails, demanding that the relevant police officers be fired and compensate for their mental losses. The reason was that he was under interrogation. He was beaten during the process. He claimed that the police used violent methods.

Seven or eight police officers beat him in the interrogation room, leaving residual injuries on his arms and back and psychological damage . However, after review, the Zhabei Branch Inspectorate detachment believed that The police from the West Road Police Station only stated that the law enforcement process was legal and compliant , and

They had not committed any inappropriate behavior. On the contrary, the Yang family repeatedly insulted the police officers during the investigation and refused to cooperate and interfered with the police’s normal law enforcement . However, the police have not announced the monitoring parties of the interrogation process. In this way, each side

Insisted on their own opinions but could not produce direct evidence. The case reached a deadlock for a time. During the stalemate between the two parties, the Shanghai Zhabei Public Security Bureau twice sent staff to Beijing to communicate with Yang Jia to persuade him , but Yang Jia always ignored him.

In order to settle the matter, the Shanghai police finally agreed to give Yang Jia 1,500 yuan in compensation. However, the Yang family refused to give up and refused to accept such a settlement. On the one hand, he believed that 1,500 yuan could not compensate for

The damage he suffered after being beaten by the police . On the other hand , he Insisting on the Zhabei Branch to fire the police officer who violently enforced the law and publicly apologize to him. After the settlement failed, the Yang family continued to appeal. However, the case once again stalled

Without any progress . It dragged on for a year and the Yang family still did not get the outcome he wanted. The grievances in his heart gradually turned into anger, and his thoughts became more and more extreme. At this time, he had given up hope in legitimate means such as grievances and complaints.

Formal channels and legal means could no longer solve his problems and quell his anger. Nationwide in June 2008 The people are extremely excited and looking forward to the opening of the Olympic Games. Beijing is enveloped in a festive atmosphere to welcome the Olympic Games. However, in this atmosphere, this 28-year-old Beijing boy

Went to Shanghai alone and decided to use his own methods and means to achieve this goal. The matter was settled. After arriving in Shanghai on June 12, Yang Jia first stayed in a hotel next to the police station on Zhijiang West Road and used binoculars to observe the situation in the

Police station . On June 26, he came to Shanghai again. This time he stayed near the Zhabei Public Security Bureau. During this period, he had prepared gasoline boning knives, tear gas spray , dust masks and other crime tools at the Meiyuan Guest House. Before setting off on the morning of July 1,

He told the owner of the guest house that he would not come back tomorrow and returned it. It can be seen from the room that the Yang family did not completely lose their minds at this time , but retaliated in a planned way and were prepared to die.

At around 9:40 in the morning, the Yang family carried equipment and went to the vicinity of the Zhabei Public Security Bureau. He packed the gasoline in 8 The beer bottles were thrown into the parking lot of the police car on Tianmu West Road

And next to the flower garden to the west of the gate, and then ignited. The security guard at the gate witnessed the incident and quickly rushed over to stop the Yang family and organize firefighting. At this time, the Yang family suddenly came to the fire. The security guard threw a beer bottle.

The other party was busy putting out the fire. Yang Jia took advantage of the chaos and slipped into the convenience service aisle. When he entered the building, security guard Gu Jianming was on the phone. So Yang Jia stepped forward

And hit him with the handle of a boning knife more than 20 centimeters long. His head caused Gu Jianming’s head laceration. Then Yang Jia held a knife in one hand and tear gas in the other and rushed straight into the office area from the lobby aisle on the ground floor.

The boning knife was inserted into the heart or neck artery and then the person was picked up with force. He would die from excessive blood loss within 20 seconds. Yang Jia used this method to kill everyone when he saw them. He rushed into the office area. Many police officers inside

Did not know what had happened and did not even have time to react. Ni Jingrong, Director of the Logistics Service Center, Public Security Detachment, Fuxin Zhangyi Street North Station Police Station, Zhang Jianping, was killed by Yang Jia without any preparation. 9:42110 After receiving the report, the command center immediately dispatched

The special police detachment to support the search. 120 ambulances also rushed to the scene to prepare for rescue. At this time, the Yang family had climbed up the fire stairs to the 9th floor and met traffic police officer Xu Weiya and Yang Jiachi from the traffic police detachment. The knife attack

Caused Xu Weiya to be stabbed in many places on his body and fell into a pool of blood . Then he rushed to the 10th floor and stabbed the knife into Wang Lingyun of the traffic police brigade . He then stabbed Li Ke, a policeman from the technical department, on the 11th floor

Until he reached the 21st floor. Downstairs, he was finally subdued in the 2,113 office of the Inspectorate Detachment . However, at this time, the Yang family’s eyes were red with blood. The gun was placed on his head , but he did not show any fear of repentance.

Instead, he said coldly, “I have enough.” The Yang family case was closed before the trial. It has caused a lot of controversy. For example, the selection of the Yang family’s defense lawyer has caused great repercussions in the outside world. In the prosecutor’s transcript, Yang Jia clearly stated that he would

Only accept defense lawyers invited by his mother . However, on July 19, the Shanghai Lawyers Association stated that Yang Jia Two lawyers, Xie Youmin and Xie Jin, were officially hired as defenders . This also caused great controversy in the lawyer industry. The first-instance lawyer was officially appointed by Shanghai.

However, the reply given by Shanghai was that it had been approved by Yang’s mother. However, in early July, Yang The mother of the Yang family was invited to Shanghai to assist in the investigation and lost contact with her family. Later, Li Jinsong, a lawyer at Beijing Yitong Law Firm, reported

That Wang Jingmei, the mother of the Yang family, was illegally detained in Ankang Hospital . Lawyer Xie Youming was at least aware of the matter. The related person may even be one of the suspects. Later, the media revealed that Xie Youming also served as

The legal adviser to the Zhabei District Government of Shanghai. However, not only did he not avoid the case , but as the defense lawyer of the Yang family, he also said in an interview that the Yang family had committed crimes. The circumstances were serious. If the Yang family was mentally normal

And nothing went wrong, it would probably be the death penalty. After a series of opinions that were not conducive to the Yang family, 16 lawyers jointly believed that lawyer Xie Yongming had seriously violated the Lawyers Law and professional disciplines and requested that Xie Yongming be investigated urgently until the first trial.

The situation has not changed. On September 1, the Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court issued a first-instance verdict against the defendant Yang Jia. Yang Jia’s criminal behavior resulted in the death of 6 police officers, injuries to 3 police officers and a security guard. Therefore,

The court charged him with intentional homicide. The Yang family was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life. The Yang family appealed against the first-instance verdict. The Yang family’s aunt Wang Jinrong and the Yang family’s father Yang Fusheng also wrote to Yong Yong, President of the Shanghai Higher People’s Court

, stating that they disagreed with the appointment of a lawyer forcibly appointed by the Shanghai High Court . The Yang family’s second-instance defense lawyer has been replaced by Xie Youming, a well-known criminal case lawyer in Shanghai, at the second-instance hearing on October 13. The first -instance trial will examine

Whether Yang Jia was beaten by the police at the police station and whether Yang Jia’s mental condition has full capacity. Most of the witnesses only provided testimony and did not appear in court. Is this legally valid? Regarding these issues, both parties argued fiercely from the court investigation stage to the court debate.

However, on October 20, the court still announced that it rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict of the Yang family . Sentenced to death in accordance with the law, Yang Jia was executed in Shanghai on the morning of November 26, 2008. Regarding what kind of person Yang Jia is,

The file of this 28-year-old young man can be found in the Shanghai police case files . Yang Jia was born in Hebei on August 27, 1980. Provincial Jixian County , registered place of residence, Dongcheng District, Beijing, technical secondary school education , height 171 centimeters, weight 77 kilograms , no criminal record Principles

, abide by the rules , don’t jaywalk, and can’t stand others littering. Even when playing games with his classmates, he never cheats or cheats. When he was 13 years old, Yang’s parents divorced and he lived with his mother. His personality also became somewhat withdrawn during his adolescence. He became obsessed with mountain climbing

To relieve his worries and stress. The Yang family’s aunt said that when the Yang family first started working, they saved up money to buy a bicycle, but it was stolen not long after. On a winter night, he walked for several hours in the heavy snow before returning home

. From then on, I especially hated people who stole cars . The incident in 2007 was also caused by a bicycle . However, no one thought that the usually introverted and law-abiding Yang family would take revenge and kill people. After being subdued after the murder , During his defense in court,

Yang Jia was calm and calm from beginning to end. When defending himself, Yang Jia expressed that he had no regrets about what he had done. He said, “I think I am innocent. They beat me first and there were no first-level complaints.” As a result, the police insulted my character at every level

, so what happened on July 1 was completely normal. The police denied that they had beaten Yang Jia. The court also rejected the defense lawyer’s request for a new mental evaluation of Yang Jia . Even the Yang family I also said that I personally think that my mental state is normal.

The police officers at the police station may not be normal. But if it was such a trivial dispute over a bicycle, why did it eventually develop into an attack on a police officer and murder? In the face of the settled results, Yang The motive of committing the crime has become a mystery.

When the Yang family first opened his mouth to explain the motive of committing the crime, the first thing he said was that he was a little aggrieved . If I have to carry it on my body for the rest of my life, I would rather break the law .

If you want to give me an explanation , don’t you? Give me an explanation and I will give you an explanation. Some people think that the Yang family committed murder and acted in an extreme manner and deserved their death . Others think

That the Yang family cheated with Wu Song, whose blood was spattered in Yuanyang House. They think that he was a hero. The Yang family deserved his crime and was not innocent . He was not worthy of people’s pity and worship. But it is indeed regrettable. In the public opinion at the time,

Most people believed that if law enforcement agencies could pay attention to their own law enforcement methods and attitudes, Perhaps the tragedy could have been avoided in the first place.

一輛50元自行車導致6名警員被殺,2008年的楊佳案,真相究竟如何【文史江山 】





  1. 被要求出示身份证就受不了了?在美国警察如果怀疑你偷车或者其它原因可以拦停你,让你出示驾照等证件,此时如果你不配合,或者手去掏东西,警察会认为你想掏枪而击毙你。这个姓杨的如果在美国,气性这么大,早就被警察消灭了。

  2. 虽然不知道他之前被带去警局受过什么委屈,但如果因此就认为他可以随意随机杀人,还能是无罪,那就太离谱了。他如果不甘心可以直接找当时欺负他的警察,而不是滥杀无辜。判得好,不值得同情。

  3. 如果你看到另一个真实的版本,就能理解杨佳的过激举动。不知道博主是故意黑白颠倒的胡说八道,还是不负责任的道听途说。七八个警察在小黑屋打杨佳,而且说监控视频坏了,把他打坏生殖腔,失去了生育功能。是可忍孰不可忍,博主如此跪舔,想分一杯羹吗?

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