차임로그 / 12월 늦가을 도파민 중독 탈출을 위한 사서 하는 고생 일본 자전거 여행, 쿠마가야에서 시부카와까지 브이로그 #2

This video of trip to Gunma & Saitama is a continuation of the previous I got lost for a few minutes and finally found the entrance This is my first destination today It’s an old japanese house cafe The space is a little bit large, so I’ll take a look Please make mine delicious!

Well… A drink that look very different from the picture on Google Maps… Anyway, Itadakimasu! Hmm… I guess the taste is just as not good as it looks… I’m moving for lunch I found a teahouse I had a small cup of Hojicha No. 6. for tasting

I bought the one called Hagamine Hojicha with ginger They have a lot of food drying out in front of the store A rustic landscape The steep stairs! It’s a comfortable space in an old house curry set order 1,100瞼 I was about to eat it…

A elderly suddenly showed up and He explained his art work for sale an old man who writes Haiku that is a japanese poet There are his work over there and He’s promoting to other guests Bon appetit Eggs are important in Japanese cuisine The taste was normal, but I enjoyed it

In one corner, you can see a map of Japan in 1919 It’s an island country, but there are a lot of high mountains in Japan I don’t know what it says, but a nice frame It was a small display of old history of this town

I wasn’t full, so I looked around their desserts It’s full of things I like My favorite combination of Sweet bean paste, Butter and Monaka There was a very cute event brochure, so I brought it The weather is nice, so I’ll wait outside on the bench for my order

When I said I was going to Gunma Prefecture by bicycle, the staff responded with great interest Red bean paste butter monaka 275 yen Another employee who is wondering about my bike ride came to see me I chatted with the staff until I finished my dessert

The staff here is very friendly, Monaka is especially delicious, so I’ll come back again! There is a shrine with a very nice atmosphere just passing by, so I’m going to rest for a while tall very nice ginkgo tree I think it would be interesting if I could look inside I’m curious

If I go out to the side, there’s a small but nice garden Let’s take a walk together for a while It’s really warm today a bird’s chirpings The scenery of mid-December in Japan, which is very different from Korea a very beautiful maple after a short walk

I ran for about 20 minutes again and came to Ota Station Continuing from yesterday, another unique post discovery It looks like a character from a sports team. Which one? a facility that doubles as an art museum and a library

I’m going to take a rest here, charging my battery of the bike and reading books I’m reading “Mitte des Lebens” by Luise Rinser that occured Nina syndrome in Germany I read here for a long time I went out to the rooftop terrace It’s pretty good

The weather is so nice today. It’s like spring I can’t believe it’s December I’m really blessed with the weather bask in the sun for a while I can see a mountain…Maybe I’ll go there after that

It looks like it’s coming very quickly, but it actually took a long time because it was far from the station I’m afraid I can’t see the scenery I take a walk in the mountains behind the shrine It’s nice to be quiet with phytoncide

I was on my way to the ruins of Kanayama Castle, but with 6 minutes left, it’s getting dark and I think I should go back here I’m going home now I found a cat that looks just like Luna of Sailor Moon! He seemed to be annoyed with human and went away

I’m finally leaving around sunset! The sunset is beautiful Even so, I have to run more than 40 kilometers, but it’s already dark and I’m in trouble I ran on a darker road for about two hours At this time, I can see the destination in front of me and it’s quite bright

Arrived at Roadside Station The blue illumination tunnel is wonderful Illumination viewing ends here a feeling of exhaustion and hunger Order a voluminous hamburger set tonight for ,2,100 I’m so happy in dinner time The hamburger was too big to eat It was a slightly healthier hamburger than I thought, with a weak sauce

I will run about 5km to the hotel again It was really hard to ride after dark. I thought I was going to die Really… It was a mistake to stop by that mountain Anyways, I arrived safely today as well

안녕하세요 구독자 여러분😊
오랜만에 다시 돌아온 자전거 장거리 여행입니다.
이번엔 사이타마현를 거쳐 군마현까지 도쿄의 북서쪽으로 달려봤어요.
유자와(湯沢) 직전인 미나카미마치(みなかみ町)까지 다녀왔어요.
#2은 여행 첫날의 쿠마가야(熊谷)에서 시부카와(渋川)까지의 여정을 담았답니다.

영상에 대해 궁금한거 있으시면 언제든지 댓글주세요.
시청 후 좋아요와 구독해주시면 감사합니다💕

🎬 episodes
#1 https://youtu.be/Le1NgLaayC0
#2 https://youtu.be/BJx5QRfTubE
#3 2024/01/09 11:00 업로드 예정
#4 2024/01/16 11:00 업로드 예정
#5 2024/01/23 11:00 업로드 예정


Youtube Library : By the Fireplace – TrackTribe

Youtube Library : The Tower of Light – magine A New Darker You

Serenity – Lucjo (No Copyright Music)

Track: Move — KV [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/mQm340YnF2w
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/move



  1. あけましておめでとうございます

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