【長野移住】高台にある絶景レストランでちょっと特別な時間を過ごせました♪|STARRACE KOMORO|小諸城址 懐古園|高ボッチ|ドライブ|田舎暮らし|長野県|4K

I’m going to Komoro today Autumn is deep The autumn leaves have finished changing in the mountains. The autumn leaves are starting to fall in the village. First, let’s go to Komoro’s Kaikoen Garden. It’s famous even though I’ve never been there. I don’t know, but what about the autumn leaves? Today I went to

Komoro’s Kaikoen Garden, and there was a new terrace that looked like a winery, so I went there and had lunch. It’s already cold so it’s a hot spring It’s the season when hot springs feel good. There are quite a lot of good hot springs around Ueda. Bessho Onsen, Reisenji Onsen

Go to a hot spring somewhere around there Let’s relax First of all, it’s already noon. I was thinking of having lunch first. I was thinking of going to a place called STARRACE KOMORO. Starus? It’s called Starus. Hey, that’s an unusual name. I wonder what it means. It’s not a terrace lol

I thought it was Star Terrace Komoro but it was Staras Komoro lol It’s different lol It’s completely different lol It seems like they also do morning training etc. It’s already noon, so it’s time for lunch. The facility itself was completed in March. It’s new, that’s why Wow, it’s beautiful! Mt. Asama

I wanted to climb near Mt. Asama this year, but I couldn’t do it in the end. oh! I entered Komoro City It’s 629m above sea level. Iizunayama Park? Right here? It’s going up, right? Even 17 degrees For lunch. It’s cold at night though Is this it? That’s a great view

What a great view! What a pleasant place! What about Mt. Fuji? After all, you can see the Mt. Asama side. Awesome! ! Let’s go to Staras! It’s a big panorama amazing! ! Wow! Amazing view! seriously Let’s eat on this terrace It smells good It smells really good lol

I like it! With this spectacular view! from coffee Let’s eat! Mushroom♪ Because it’s autumn♪ Let’s eat~~ delicious! Garlic works! It’s Italian. delicious! There is also ham I want to go to Spain lol The pizza has arrived ♪ (1600 yen, includes appetizer and drink) I guess I made a mistake in my order

And ended up getting two of the same pizza… It somehow became two lol I thought I made one piece of pasta lol I made a mistake That may be the case I’ll enjoy having this Ah, delicious! The dough is really sticky It looks kind of fluffy. Ah, it’s delicious! ! Ah, that’s delicious~

I like eggplant Let’s eat~~ That’s delicious! It’s crispy and chewy. It was delicious♪ 100 Best Views of Komoro City This is amazing. This is serious. Did you know? There’s a little bit of Mt. Fuji here, right? It’s so thin lol I can’t see it on camera, though. Wow, that’s amazing! It’s the best!

I also came to see the winery. Free sled rental available Unusual shaped aging tank You can also try tasting here ♪ It was an amazing view! Would be nice in winter too It’s hard to come, but when the snow piles up The roads are in good shape. The view is amazing

Now, let’s head to Komoro Castle Ruins Kaikoen. The parking lot at Kaikoen is expensive at 500 yen. There is a municipal parking lot in front of Komoro Station. Shall we park there? I think it’s probably around 100 yen. I can walk. It’s fun to be in front of the station too.

A little retro Let’s do so~~ 8 minutes left to the station parking lot, almost 3.4 km. You can easily come by renting a bicycle from the station. If it’s an E-bike. It’s difficult if you don’t have an E-bike though. That’s enough, it’s that close.

You can see the mountains all the way in the background. That’s amazing! Looks like a painting Overlapping many layers There’s a snowy mountain in the back. You can see Mt. Yarigatake too, right? The one on the left There are quite a lot of Thai restaurants. I thought about it before too.

100 yen for up to 3 hours 100 yen for 2 to 3 hours It’s free within 2 hours. amazing~ There’s a train It’s the Koumi line! To Kobuchizawa This is the one I rode the other day. Fresh vegetables are sold inside the station It’s 30m from the station, so it’s close.

I arrived as soon as I left. Entrance fee is 300 yen for just walking around the park and visiting the zoo. It seems like you can go to museums with a 500 yen ticket. Is the zoo on the left? It’s quite spacious. This is the zoo. here and now It’s quite deep inside.

It is one of the top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots. I’m not here during the cherry blossom season. I’ll try going. It’s already beautiful! It’s so beautiful from the entrance♪ It’s already turned into a zoo, shall we go? What is this Hiyashiame? It’s Kaikoen’s famous Hiyashi Ame, right? Should I take a look?

What is Hiyashiame? What is Hiyashiame? Looks like a ginger drink Is it something like Nikki water? A long time ago, it was written that it was nostalgic. Ah, it tastes like Nikki water! Outstanding density. It’s not too dark! Ginger? delicious! ! The cold ginger one is also delicious. Everything here is cherry blossoms

It’s like a walking course What are those? Chrysanthemum fair? Wow, great! So admirable! Kaikoen is a castle park. It’s a castle wall. Wow, that’s amazing! Ginkgo carpet That’s amazing! It’s a yellow carpet. This is the main castle ruins Even more beautiful when the sun sets It was a nice walk ♪

I’m going to go see the nearby Nunobiki Kannon. It’s a lot of walking I’ve passed by on my bike before. It was a great hill It’s on a hill or a mountain. The autumn leaves might be nice It was dusk, but was it a shadow? I think it was on the north side.

Well, let’s go as much as we can. How much? 3km from here 500m left It’s in an amazing place. Will this also become Komoro? It seems better to come by around noon. It looks like it’s going to climb a lot lol I’m going up from here I wonder how high it will climb

For some reason there are stones in it lol Even Ushiiwa It’s amazing to climb I’m starting to see something Wow, that’s amazing! ! It’s an important cultural property

The palace is enshrined in a rock of Kannon-do, which is built on a hanging cliff. It was built in 1258 during the Kamakura period and still stands today. it’s scary~ The bottom is amazing, there’s a gap That’s scary~ There’s nothing underneath. Scary! It wasn’t that hard. Climbed for about 15 minutes

It was surprisingly easy It was pretty good It didn’t seem like you could see it from the outside. I could see the house in the back There was a rock right where the stage was. Maybe it’s made so you can’t see it It was pretty amazing. It’s not that difficult.

Apparently you can go to the top by car. It seems like an incredible road It seems like the road is easy but difficult. Oh, that was good! The autumn leaves have already finished Okay, then it’s a hot spring. The weather is so nice and the mountains are amazing

I think I’ll try high school I wonder if we won’t be able to see the sea of clouds this year? I couldn’t see it last year Shall we go to high school today? First, warm up in a hot spring Let’s do so There are so many ~ which one

Should I go to? Should I go to Bessho Onsen or Rokukyoyu Onsen? Are you going to Tazawa Onsen? There are a lot of them. I guess I’ll go in that direction for now. Shall we go in the direction of Rokukyoyu? Even Chikuma View Line It’s beautiful ~ the mountains That’s amazing! this

I was heading to Rokukyoyu Onsen. I’m extremely hungry lol I’m now near Bessho Onsen. I kind of went into the mountains, but I feel like I’m going back. There weren’t many places to eat, so There aren’t many people at Rokukyoyu. Below Bessho Onsen Even Hongo, Ueda City.

I’m heading to Rokumonsen, a Japanese-style Western restaurant. I just don’t know how to read it I’m heading there I think we’ll arrive soon ~ 300m left let’s go! I’m hungry. Because I didn’t have much lunch. It smells super nice That’s scary lol 2 pieces of fried shrimp (1650 yen) looks delicious~! Fried Shrimp!

It’s huge! ! This is crab croquette 1440 yen The shrimp are huge♪ Let’s eat! It’s so delicious! What’s this! ? It’s so fluffy! That’s amazing! ! Too big lol I’ll also have crab cream croquette. That’s awesome It’s sweet The crab croquettes are also melty and great!

This might be my first time having such delicious fried shrimp! It’s delicious! ! It was delicious! I’m here until 7 o’clock, so if I don’t go, it’s 6:30. Wow, it was delicious! It’s so delicious! The fried shrimp was amazing! The crab cream croquette was also really delicious!

This might be the best fried shrimp I’ve ever eaten. It was really delicious. I don’t really eat fried shrimp. It’s just a normal fried shrimp. It’s small and looks like it’s just eating clothes lol So I thought it was a waste. But I guess there are quite a few decent shops as well.

If you go to a proper store, it will cost 1500 yen or 2000 yen. I’m worried about what it will look like, like it might be small. That’s why I couldn’t ask for it until now lol, so I don’t ask for it often. I was seriously surprised here. It was big, wasn’t it?

It was big and kind of fluffy. The crab cream croquette was really delicious and you can come by train too. There’s a train to Bessho. That station was right nearby, so I don’t know what station it is. So you can come by train. How many kilometers to Bessho Onsen? It’s about 3.8km/4km

I can afford it even after Bessho Onsen. You can also come by electric bicycle from Bessho Onsen. I was renting a bicycle Why not? Okay, let’s go to Bessho Onsen. Bessho Onsen Hasa There are about 3 public baths, and you can enter them for 200 yen. It was 150 yen a while ago,

But I’ll put it in for 200 yen. It’s fine there too Also, I guess it’s the entrance to Bessho Onsen. I think there was a big bath there for about 500 yen. There was a place where a lot of cars were parked in front of us, right? Near the station.

It’s fine there too It’s big! This is the station Nice, looks like Yudanaka I felt like taking a hot spring while waiting for the train. There’s a big bath on the left. I’m sure there was a stone bath at the very back of this place. It’s a nice inn

With several inns lined up. It’s starting to look like a hot spring town There are lots of matsutake mushrooms around here. Because it’s Ueda There were hot springs around here too. I got this before I like the atmosphere The stone bath, I think it was this. Wasn’t this the parking lot?

I don’t mind taking a stone bath though. Would you like to take a look? That’s nice, but there are also stone baths and Daishi baths for 200 yen. This is Daishiyu It was good~ I will also take a look at Oyu. I want to take a bath in the hot water

What do you think? amazing! There’s also a restaurant Is it an izakaya? I said it happened before too. It’s so nice, it feels so rustic I would like to stay around here sometime. Might be good It’s like just taking a hot spring bath. This is the big bath on the right.

Ah, it’s crowded. If you just go down this way I can go back to the path I was on before. Shall we go to Aisome no Yu? There are quite a lot of local lines like this in Nagano. A train going to Yuzawa Middle School. Not just JR etc.

It was a good hot spring It’s quite sulfurous. It had a unique sulfuric taste. It’s not a strong sulfur smell, but it’s quite nice. Colorless in sulfur springs It wasn’t white. It’s colorless Well, it’s something like this. The same goes for Nozawa. Similar to Tazawa Onsen Aryuyu Wow, that’s nice

It was really good It’s really warm My body feels so warm Okay, let’s move on to Matsumoto. About 45km to Matsumoto Looks like I can go there in about an hour. Continue on to Matsumoto I’m heading to high school I want to see the sea of clouds this year,

But will it show up? what about? w I don’t know how to make a sea of clouds appear. It’s thin Are you okay What time in December was this? I think it was about the 15th The road will be closed It was written that it was planned

Because it would be dangerous due to freezing and snowing. So maybe it depends on the weather? I guess they won’t remove the snow if it’s already piled up. Quite a bit like Shibutouge. There are times when it becomes impossible to pass before it is completely closed. Only during the morning

Have you arrived? gradually On top There’s still a little more There’s already someone on standby. I don’t know if it’s standby though lol Well, we’ve arrived Now, please wait for about 4 hours. Let’s wait ~ ♪ Lake Suwa is clearly visible. next morning It’s 5:50 now, 10 minutes left until sunrise.

It’s a sea of clouds, or rather the fog is amazing… Now that you can see the sky, what do you think? Mt. Fuji has come into view. But I couldn’t see the sea of clouds…lol Too bad…>< Unfortunately I couldn't see the sea of clouds. Mt.Fuji is visible Shall we go see the other side? It might be more beautiful over there in the Northern Alps.

#長野県移住 #車中泊
今回は、STARRACE KOMOROで絶景を眺めがらランチを頂きました。高台の公園の中にレストランがあるので浅間山やお天気が良いと遠くに富士山も見えます。

撮影日 11月8日頃


【Instagram】@outdoorbase_asobi https://www.instagram.com/outdoorbase_asobi/

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#キャンピングカー #車中泊


  1. 今年は紅葉時期長野に行けなかったので楽しませてもらいました😂今年の京都は、まっカッカの紅葉でしたよ😃たかボッチの朝は、最高にステキですよね✨雲海が見れなくても・・・👍

  2. 小諸は今は亡き漫画家「小山田いく」先生の故郷でデビュー作「すくらっぷぶっく」の舞台。


  3. スタラス小諸のテラスからの眺めは本当に凄いです!抜けるような青空と浅間山は圧巻でした!レストランのテラスはペットも大丈夫そうなので是非行ってみたいです❤温泉も選び放題で羨まし過ぎます😂高ボッチの眺めも何度見ても良いですね♪

  4. 母が小諸市出身で、祖母が小諸に住んでいたので

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