I Decided to Work as a RUSSIAN Food Delivery Man

Hello Everybody. Welcome to Travelling with Russell.  Welcome to a new video. Welcome to Moscow.  Now this is going to be a little  bit of an interesting video.  Maybe the title, maybe the thumbnail gave it away. I’m going to explain a little   bit more in just a second. Hopefully this is going to be  

A very interesting video for you. As I briefly walk up and   down this aisle right here. I wonder if you can tell where I am?  Now, it does look like a supermarket. The one difference is there’s no prices.  There’s no tickets. There’s no fancy signage. 

There’s just stuff on the shelves. I did pick the chocolate aisle.  Tthat’s my favorite aisle in the store and as you  can see it looks very much like a supermarket but   I’m going to explain to you what it really is. So if you didn’t figure it out. 

I’m actually in a Dark Store. This is a concept that’s slowly   spreading around the world and it’s  part of how people who do shopping.  Maybe like yourself. Where you do online ordering from home.  Maybe on your computer or your phone and you order  food for delivery to your house. Depending on  

Where you live in the world they may actually pick  the order from a local supermarket where you live   or they might pick it from a dack store. Now the one thing when I walked in.  It’s not very dark. Basically what it is. 

Is this is a full line Supermarket setup. But it’s not for you and I as the   consumer to come shopping in. It’s purely for online order   picking and then packing and then delivering. Now I’m going to take you for a bit of a walk  

Around this particular dark store and just  give you a little bit of an explanation   about what we’re seeing on on the shelves  and then I’m going to give it a go and   pick a few orders for delivery. With a little bit of help from   somebody here hopefully. I think I’m going to be  

Very nervous and I might get it wrong. I know I’ll have to get it right because   my helper is going to be right on my shoulder  making sure that I fulfill the orders correctly.  Then the second part of the video  and hopefully it’s not too long. 

I’m actually going to go out and  deliver some orders to people’s houses.  I’ve not really been fully explained  about what I’m going to do yet.  So, this video will evolve as I’m filming it. I hope it will be interesting for everybody. 

I think this video will be very interesting  because I’m fairly sure everyone watching   this has not seen a dark store before or  what it might look like or how it works.  Eessentially when you walk in and especially if  you do for the first time like I’ve done today  

It looks like a supermarket. But everything’s packed out   a little bit more in bulk. It’s not quite as beautiful   looking as a normal supermarket would look. However basically everything’s laid out by   products and by types of products and  items and if I was walking in this  

Aisle right here in a normal supermarket  all the drinks would be right over here.  All of the sodas on this side and it  would be really be quite the same.  Of course this is not for public use. This is purely for the pickers of online  

Orders when people shop from home and  then for the collection of the orders.  As I’m walking around we’re going  to actually perhaps see some of   the order pickers running around. Eventually I’m going to actually   have a go at doing this and try  to pick one of the orders myself. 

I’am not sure how it will go. These are the carts that everybody’s using.  Now of course I’ve been to Perekrestok  and Pyaterochka Stores before.  So a lot of the things look very very familiar. Of course the way they’re here on the shelves  

It’s designed purely for picking only so there  is a lot of organization to this and then for   me when I’m walking around there’s a little bit  of hecticness at the same time but you know of   course with the amount of products and different  items there’s got to be organization to a degree  

So that the pickers can find the items nice and  efficiently and they’re on the right shelves   and the right section for grabbing now this is  actually all of the different shampoos and body   washers and these need to be very organized one  of the tasks as part of being a picker is also  

To of course choose the fruits and vegetables that  the person has ordered and just like in the store   they come on pallets and in boxes like this this  is all the mandarins this is the current seasonal  

Item in Russia so there’s a lot of them and a lot  of them will get picked and sent out for delivery   this little corner here is where all the fruit  and vegetables are all handled from so it’s up  

To the staff here to pick the right weight of  product and then also put them into bags and   also just choose the items so they’re almost to  a point handpicking the different fruit so that   that particular customer gets the best quality  right now as it’s put on the shelves part of the  

Organization of this dark store is also to have  all of the aisles numbered and then all of the   different shelves and Bays numbered as well and  you know to make sure that at all times everything  

Is exactly where it is when the Picker comes to  look for the item and you know it’s very critical   that that item is in exactly that spot because  otherwise then you’re busy looking for it and it’s  

Not there and again this really does to a point  look like a supermarket probably looks a little   bit more like a wholesale type supermarket and  the way they’ve even put all the things forward   facing as well so whoever looks after this aisle  really cares about the look of the shelving for  

The pickers to make their job that little bit  easier as I’m walking around all the different   aisles here we can see how everything’s organized  by type of product so this is the aisle with all   the different te’s and exactly how they would be  in the shop and how they would be purchased that’s  

How they’re laid out here so even right down to  putting them by brand and by size and by weight   now there is actually a lot of the order Pickers  running around behind me I’m trying to not get in  

Their way while I’m just doing this little bit of  a tour of the shelves and having a look at some of   the stock my favorite bubbly chocolate right there  oh now of course pichka and prair cross stores   are all throughout Russia there is thousands of  locations these are incredibly well-known stores  

And the popularity of them kind of proves it just  by seeing this dark store in operation and you   know the amount of orders that are getting picked  here now I am trying to not get the staff too much  

In the video but they are running around up and  down the aisles and as I walk back towards the   entrance of the store I’m going to call it a store  because it does feel like a store to me can then  

See all the different trolleys that are ready or  almost completed for the pickups and then and also   as the shelves empty they obviously need new stock  to go out so the pallets of food and drinks in  

This case get delivered and they’ll then get put  onto the shelves so that the actual store stays   full on a constant basis and you know the stock  has to come in right then it has to go on the  

Shelves and it’s a never ending process and most  of what I’ve just shown you is all of the regular   food Goods or what’s called dry goods to some  people and then this is actually the refrigerator   section with all the dairy items and some of the  vegetables here is mushrooms actually these are  

The mushrooms that I buy and we cook with quite a  lot these little button mushrooms and again there   is a organization to all of this now of course  all of this is the packaging that the stock gets  

Delivered from the manufacturers and of course  if you went to a normal shop it would be out for   display whereas in here it’s put out basically  how it comes and then the pickers then come and   grab the items so there is madness and chaos and  organization all wrapped into one and of course  

You want to see in the store beautiful fridges of  all of the yogurts but when you’re doing an online   order this is something you wouldn’t come across  and wouldn’t know how it gets to you so we’re  

Going a a little bit behind the scenes now I say  we but it’s pretty much me and I’ve got a little   bit of a helper today helping me film and there’s  also a helper that’s showing me how to do the  

Picking of the orders I have been told by quite a  few people Russell you have to go and show me eggs   in the supermarket now I’m here in the dark store  of course making this video and there is lots  

Of eggs so people are doing online shopping and  orders the egg would get picked from here and put   into the orders for delivery right to your house  or to somebody’s house depending on how you’re  

Watching this video and where you are in the world  but plenty of eggs in Russia right now I really do   hope this is an interesting insight into the back  of house or the dark store concept of shopping  

And perhaps wherever you are in the world or if  you’re here in Russia where I am and maybe you’re   doing an online order for delivered to your house  this video is a good insight into how that works  

And all the different processes and steps from  that initial order that you might make on your   phone to get it delivered right to your door or to  your house where you live or apartment somewhere  

In the world or of course right here in Russia  where these are all delivered from so one of my   tasks will be to actually pick one of the orders  and I’m here in the dark store and I’ve got my  

Handheld scan right here that shows us the items  that we’re going to pick and I’m going to figure   out from this enormous Store where the items are  okay so one of the things that you need to do when  

You start doing the orders is you get yourself the  basket and actually there is actually the bags on   either side to choose between the two different  stores that we’re picking for here and we prepare  

The bag ahead of time and you actually leave this  in the middle of the corridor here because it’s a   little bit hard to go down the aisles this one is  fairly easy it’s in aisle 1 13.4 and it’s a Quant and 13.4 I think it’s this one  right yes all right I think  

We found it yes okay okay it’s the order from perr okay and then we need with ches 13.5 one more okay. bread bread okay all right so so far  most to the order of this one   that I’m doing is bread products  so we’re a little bit lucky here

1.3 and we have to find the aisle  and then the Shelf number and then   1 two 3 4 and we can actually even  match up the item here with the pitcher and then oh my my favorite thing milk  or chocolate yes this is now aisle 12 which is  

I think in the back if you can see here there  is aisle numbers then there’s Bay numbers and   then there’s shelf numbers so I think we’re  going to go this way now if I was in a regular  

Supermarket I would know exactly where milk  or chocolate is but the fact that I’m in this   dark store this is very difficult especially  doing the first order so 12 23 12 is this one 23 point two okay cucumbers okay so the next item I’ve  actually got to find is in the refrigerator at  

Section and part of what we’re doing here is to  separate the refrigerated items from the dry good   items so I need to put a second bag here and on  the side of the trolley here there is actually two  

Different bags so we’re actually able to pick for  two different stores here so we need to prepare   that second bag now how they possibly do this with  only two hands I don’t know but I think over time  

You get used to it and can get a little bit faster  doing this now in Australia they do actually have   this system as well I haven’t seen it operating  in a dark store like this but I’ve seen it in the  

Normal shops okay so we’re now in the cool room of  the refrigerator here and I need to find cucumbers   now again there’s numbers on the shelves and on  the Bays there’s QR codes and the one I I need is  

Down here all right we can scan the item and we  need two of them you have to be much faster than   this all right and we have the two right here and  then we’re going to move on now we need chicken  

Thighs okay so I found the chicken here and it  was a little bit more difficult than I thought   you’ve actually got to check the best before date  ride here and make sure of course it’s matching up  

Which it is so we just scan it right there and  then we press the orange button and we’re good   to move on it looks like I found this smana right  here now of course this PDT or hand Held scanner  

Is in Russian doesn’t have the English option  but luckily of course I’ve lived here so many   years I recognize some of the food products and  items and smana I know very well now in Russia  

They also now have a QR code on dairy products and  this is mostly to to protect the consumer for the   best before dates and the quality of the product. All right so walking around in the dairy section  

Here there is a lot of stuff now of course when  you’re in a supermarket it’s a little bit easier   to see things it’s more beautifully displayed  but here in this dark store it’s a little bit   hectic especially when you’ve just walked in  here or you’re doing this for the first time  

But you slowly get used to it now I’m actually  having to look for some salmon here I wonder if   they’re preparing this for the new year table I  love salmon oh with a bit of cream cheese and I  

Found the right item right here scan the back  and we’re good and that’s the order completed   so I’m going to put it in the bag now and I’m  going to prepare it for the delivery man to  

Collect it okay so once the order has been  picked there actually is a little bit of a   order that you got to do so the certain food go in  one bag and then the actual refrigerator items go  

In a separate bag CU in a minute we’re going to  actually put them for preparation for collection   so what we need to do now is actually put the  order number on the bag and I’m doing this a  

Little bit blind here but I know that we have to  tie up the bags now and then we get ourselves a   couple of stickers right here and we have to  write down the order number here okay so the  

Last four digits of the order number I’ve got to  write right here put on the bag and put on the   bag and I think we’re correct in what we’ve done  right here and we’re going to move on to the next

Stage and as quick as I’ve actually handed over  the bags to the order delivery man he’s actually   going to take them right from me now here the  two bags the two orders he’s confirmed on his  

Tablet and he’s off just like that I have a go at  doing an order myself completely now and this this   one’s actually a little bit easy this is only  a two item order so hopefully I can find this  

Nice and officially this is actually for Perry  cross talk so we can grab the right bag for the   right supermarket and let’s find this first item  all right so I need to find the chocolate here  

It’s on aisle 12 and the bay number is 33 so  if you have a look here again up the top you   can see all of the aisle numbers laid out here  of course if you’re very efficient at this you  

Would know where the item is without knowing  some of the aisle numbers but if you’re not   it can be a little bit difficult but we’ll go  down aisle 12 we need 33 which I think is at  

The end here this is my dream shelf by the way  my favorite milka right there milk a banana if   you need a suggestion and 33. four which is 1 2  3 4 and we need the this one right here yes I’m  

Not sure what flavor that is but that matches  the item exactly what we need and then we can   scan it and we’re good and then we now need to  find some I think this is either cream cheese  

Or maybe yogurt so let’s go and find that shall  we all right right so we’re here in the dairy   section again and this is probably my downfall  a little bit initially doing this but I think  

I would get better over time and I really need to  focus now on which aisle I’m looking for because   17 18 it’s somewhere here let’s have a look for  it and I’m going to come right back to you okay  

And then when with the power of editing we’ve  actually found them right here there is actually   a help with me at the moment and there’s also  a cameraman obviously I could do this without   a camera probably a lot easier than walking  around and slowly over time you get a little  

Bit faster there is multiple items on the Shelf  here but of course these QR codes help you out   here where you’re looking 18. 17.3 is this shelf  and this is what I’m looking for right here and we  

Need four of them so they bought themselves some  yogurt and some chocolate whoever that Shopper is one two three four and we’re all good pop these in the  bag now we could have obviously used the cart  

But we’re just using it by hand because only  a couple of items so we’re going to head on   over now for the pickup okay and here I am again  and we’re now going to basically put the ticket  

Number on this one and again we just need the  last four digits of the order let’s have a look 3156 and we basically just matched that up and  we actually do this by hand because it has to  

Be human in some point there’s no robots in here  yet so we’re all saved of jobs for a little while   and we’re going to put that right on the order  and we’re going to take it over to the fridge if  

You’re wondering how it is that I came to make  this video and come and do these tasks I was   actually invited by X5 Group which is the company  that own and operate the stores from pichka   perroso and chisik they actually have a program  that they run over December and January which are  

The holidays now called petan nit or X5 nit which  is actually a program where they invite the people   from the corporate office of X5 group to come to  either these dark stores like this or they come to  

Some of the stores out in the different parts of  Russia and the different regions to actually help   out in High season which is now between December  and January and they come and do some of the tasks  

That the staff are doing here in this particular  store or maybe the local store even where I live   someone would come from the office to that store  and they’d help fill out the shelves they’d help   unload the truck they’d help organize The Back  warehouse and similar to what I’m doing today  

They’d come and do the same jobs that the staff  are doing here in this dark store and experience   what it’s like doing these actual tasks versus  being in the W versus being in their corporate  

Office all the time so I’m very privileged  to be able to come and do this and I hope the   video shows that and you like how it’s come out  so far before I can start the second part of my 

Duties here at the duck store I need to get myself  ready now I have to put on my winter jacket and   this is nice and lined and padded inside now we’re  going to go outside to the cold today and in here  

In Moscow the weather is about Minus 3 Celuis. It’s not really full winter weather just yet   now of course I’m doing this as a two-part video  so the initial part was picking the orders now  

We’re going to go out and do the delivery so I  get my jacket and the next thing I need is the   very famous delivery boxes right here now they’ve  got a few of them here for future delivery people  

Who take on the job so I just need to get this  on my back and head on back to the entrance   of the store and find my order so so let’s go  okay so the second part of my job today after  

We did the picking of the orders is actually to  deliver one of the orders to somebody’s house.  I’ve actually got omebody to come along with me  of course there going to make sure everything   goes smoothly but the order I need to pick is  right behind me it’s on shelf number eight and  

It’s this order right here so of course you saw  earlier where I put the order number and the   quantity on the bags and put it on the shelves  now it’s my chance to take this to somebody’s  

House I’m not sure how and where and what but  we’ll get outside and I’ll update about where   we’re going all right so one of the things that  you may see if you’re living in Russia is these   delivery boxes now these are all over Russia you  might see people actually walking with these you  

Might see them on the back of bikes you might see  them sometimes in cars but this is my order I’ve   got to put it in here and seal it up and then  put it on my back and and I’m going to head on  

Out the store and I’m going to link up with  my driver to help me deliver this package to   somebody’s house so let’s go now I do believe  we’re going on a in a car not on a bike these  

Are the very famous delivery bikes with the  boxes on the back but we’re heading out this way and let’s get on outside now the one thing  that you might notice is it’s snowing here in   Moscow and finally winter is upon us you can  see the beautiful snow and the Christmas tree  

And the beautiful view here now my jacket’s not  quite done up properly of course I do that up a   little bit better but we’re going to head on off  and deliver this food right away now now part of  

Being a delivery driver there is a few different  ways that you can do this of course if you’ve got   a car like this the driver can literally drive to  the location now I’m actually going along with the  

Driver so of course the driver would have picked  the order would have got his bag would be in the   car and off we go I’m just following along in  the back basically mirroring him or shadowing   him for the delivery and we’re off somewhere  in the neighborhood of the dark store where we  

Picked this order from all right so my driver  here or the driver of this order of course if   this was me doing it then you’ve actually got  an application on the phone right there and it’s  

Very much like Yandex Maps or Google Maps and it  shows you where you’ve got to go it’s 3.2 kilome   from where we started and it’s going to take 9  minutes to get there actually it’s just ticked  

Over 8 minutes now of course if I was driving  and I’d know the streets it would be very easy.  Here in Russia I don’t actually have a car. I do have a license to drive but this is the key  

To this now obviously you can either be a driver  deliveryman or you can do it on a bike or you   can do it walking literally all right so after a  short 8 minute drive around the block a couple of  

Times really we’ve actually come to this very big  apartment complex here and I’ve got my order right   here in the car now of course the weather’s not  the best today but this is winter in Russia and  

It’s really to be expected that it’s like this  so basically get the bag on your back and make   sure you look out for other cars of course and now  we’re going to find the entrance and deliver this  

To the customer so actually my driver here who I  just pointed out a little bit earlier he actually   is the one that’s in control of whatever I’m doing  right now now of course this is something that  

I could do myself once I learn the steps and of  course you’d Shadow someone for a time to do this   and he knows how to get into the complex he knows  the entrance that we’re going to and I’m simply  

His helper at the moment as we go on in so these  big apartment complexes now depending on where you   live in Russia either V or small sometime they got  concierge and this gentleman’s actually calling  

Up to the person who we’re delivering to so that  we can actually go up there and deliver it right   to their door nice Christmas decor ations as you  can see and we’re going to head to the elevator  

And go on upstairs okay so we found our way to  the elevator and we’re going up to level 18.  I think that’s as high as I’ve been in  someone’s elevator before so let’s press 18.  21 level apartment complex. This is the order right here now  

I don’t want to give away who we’re delivering  to of course but I’ve got their stuff in my bag   and couple of minutes from now I’ll be right at  their door okay so I’m actually doing this live   this is not pre-recorded or made up this  is actually an order from where we started  

Out to right here and we’re at their door and  hopefully they’re home which I know they are   but we’ve got our bag ready for them and we’re  going to hand over the package to them in a few  

Seconds sounds like they’ve got a few dogs and  of course the door number right here is where   we coming to the right place so hopefully this  is going to go nice and smooth the orders right here sorry near the door near the door oh  no worries thank you okay so this particular  

Person didn’t want to come to the door to open  it to give it to them which is not a problem a   lot of people have different options for  this but they want it just leaving right  

Here by the door and they let me know that on  the speaker so we’re going to do that right now so we take out their order for them and we’ll  place it right there and for now we’re done with  

The delivery okay so I’ve left the order now all  I need to do is accept that I’ve made the delivery   so I just press this one press this one and we’re  done it’s even tell me to take a drink so I think  

After this delivery I deserve a little bit of a  drink I thought the easiest way to end this video   was actually come to a local PKA very close close  to the dark store where I was a little bit earlier  

And not too far from the apartment building where  we just filmed the last part of the video I really   hope you’ve enjoyed this video from start to  end if you’re watching the ending now if you  

Are interested in either of the two positions  that I was doing so one was a picker and one   was a delivery person I’m going to actually put  a link in the description so you can actually   check out both of the jobs perhaps if you’re  in Russia you might be interested in taking up  

One of the positions and also on that website it  does show you about the salary and the terms and   conditions of working under both jobs so check out  the description of this video if you’re interested  

In one of those jobs I really enjoy doing this  today it’s been very fun I particularly like the   warehouse and the dark store side of it because  my background is in retail and supermarkets   before moving to Russia so it’s something that  I know over time I could pick up very easily the  

Delivery part I’m not sure if I can handle that  cold weather outside particularly on those Electro   bikes those guys doing that really hustle around  on them so it’d be very interesting I don’t know  

How I could go even a few trips let alone a day or  a few days doing it so thanks again for watching   give it a thumbs up post a comment let me know  what you think perhaps you actually do online  

Ordering yourself and you have food delivered to  your house or apartment perhaps you’re in another   part of the world and you do that let me know  maybe if you’ve ever been curious about the whole   concept of the online ordering and delivery system  which I pointed out in this video be interesting  

To read some comments now if you want to follow me  on telegram I posted a link to telegram right here   you can click that I do post a lot of daily photos  and updates about what I’m doing on my travels and  

Making the videos so you can check that out  and then if you want to see an old video I’ve   actually made a video in this pichka so perhaps  you can check that out after this one and you  

Can actually enjoy a walk around of this store and  see what inside and what’s available and just the   variety of goods in a PKA here in Moscow region  okay everybody I’m off on another adventure and   I’ll see you in another video. Bye.

I decided to try my hand as a Russian Food Delivery Man, taking on the role of both store picker and physical delivery person. Working in a dark storee in Moscow, i got the chance to see what its like being a Russian Food Delivery Person. From the store shelf to the customers door step I did it all.

🌐 Курьер (Courier Jobs) Website: https://www.x5staff.ru
🌐 Сборщик (Store Picker Jobs) Website: https://www.x5staff.ru/sborka
📍 5ka Store Location: Ulitsa Ostrovskogo, 38, Arkhangel’skoe, Moscow Oblast, 143360
📍 Map Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/oDnbe3sy7URdvrXJ7
⌚ Time of Filming: 2.00 pm (14.00 pm) 26th December 2023.

Ways you can support me and the channel
💳 (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
💳 (Set up for Everyone) https://www.donationalerts.com/r/travelwithrusell
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☕ Buy me a Coke (Coffee) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RussellTravel
🛒 Shop for items on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/likecruiseships
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Travelling with Russell Social Links:
✈ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/travellingwithrussell
📫 Email: otwayrussell@gmail.com
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All the things I use to create my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra: https://amzn.to/2xlE0q6
Mini Tripod: https://amzn.to/2xjuCDd
Camera Mount: https://amzn.to/2QDLq0O
Rode Microphone: https://amzn.to/2MxYOQR

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow


  1. I really enjoyed my day working in the Dark Store. If your interested in more information about the different jobs, here are the links:

    🌐 Курьер (Courier Jobs) Website: https://www.x5staff.ru

    🌐 Сборщик (Store Picker Jobs) Website: https://www.x5staff.ru/sborka

    If you want me to head off to somewhere new or different, let me know, or if you want to shout me lunch or a train ticket:

    💳 (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982

    💳 (Set up for Everyone) https://www.donationalerts.com/r/travelwithrusell

  2. Thank you, Russell! You're doing a good job indeed! I like watching your work process and stores, shops excursions. Wish you success and health in New 2024 year and continuing make viewers happier with each of your new video! 🎉 Happy New year, Russell! 😊

  3. We had one of this type of store in Boston, MA but it did not last reason they could not offer enough selection of items to meet customer's needs John S

  4. Filming it up to the client's door without their permission doesn't seem right to me. i d be not happy either seeing a bunch of ppl at my door including a cameraman instead of delivery.

  5. 8:08 A picker must be well-paid job. the guy is wearing Gucci-made cap worth 500 USD 😀 LOL But I guess it's a hell of a job. You need to know where every item is in the shop, second, you need to pick up your order as fast as you can, and then make no mistakes. Probably there are some fines if the picker puts some different item and customer makes a return… Then make as many orders as you can… I worked 4 years in a supermarket warehouse as a picker I can feel the stress only by watching this video…

  6. Some such online stores use robots to pick orders and the staff just lays them into boxes that delivery guy or even robots or drones. Seen videos of such robots in Moscow. Drones I guess is not used as they might get shot down by air defence.

  7. About eggs it's not reported that there aren't any only that prices has gone 40%. Even Putin called it a failure of the government. I wouldn't blame government really but the greedy capitalists.

  8. To me this is as fast paced as either working in a fast food restaurant or assembling parts in a factory. I have done both of those in the past. So many items to go through. Very well stocked warehouse.

  9. 🤔💡Capital Allocator; Biotech investor; Fractional Shares broker; Business incubator;
    Private Space (orbit) entrepreneur; Wholesaler and trader; Night Club Empresario (
    Putin said .RU has the best 🍑😍), but Food Delivery? Man! Ah! I know, some would
    say: "You are thinking like a Gringo" to me just for suggesting some actual dynamism in .RU

  10. You have to have a trustworthy population who believes in the rule of law to have this be successful. Thankfully Russia is moral standard of the globe today. Slava Russia 🇷🇺

  11. Thery interesting, I'm not see such quality doc video this theme in russian-language YouTube video. This video should be on good tv channel!

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