
Hello ~ Good morning everyone. We are going to Taroko today , but I just found a very magical thing in the salad area of ​​the hotel’s breakfast. I even secretly took a small piece to show you , this thing is actually Isn’t it edible

? Isn’t this the succulent I usually grow at home? It ’s called Echeveria and it’s actually edible. Then I tried it just now and it tastes sour and crispy. Oh my God, we grow a lot of succulents at home. I feel like I can’t do it anymore. If you look at them directly,

They will die soon. Slowly, they may all be eaten by me. It’s amazing. It’s my first time to eat a lot of meat. There are so many bicycles . Everyone is riding around the island . It’s amazing. Wow. Are you riding around the island? Yes, wow, it’s great.

There’s also a train. Wow, it’s great . It’s great. Wow, it’s great. It’s great. It’s great. It’s great to ride around the island with two railways. I hope one day I can also ride a bicycle. Hahaha, go around the island or something . There was a traffic jam in Lu Ge

And then everyone turned around and left. I don’t know why everyone stopped here and then many people left. This traffic jam and everyone turning around was next to the traffic jam in front of the mountain . It reminded me of being in Yosemite. When there was a traffic jam on the ground

, did you still have many opportunities to go down and take pictures ? Yes, then I slowly drove into Taroko. The road is not easy to walk. Everyone was stuck here . The water in Taroko is too green. The Baisha Tunnel and Bululowan Suspension Bridge

Were delayed for a long time due to traffic control, and I didn’t want to affect my meeting with Yiwan. Let’s see you in Taroko next time! Hello, I’m here again. I’ll buy you something to take away. You’re so polite. Sorry, the original flavor of purple rice and shrimps. Which one is better?

Purple rice and shrimps. Original flavor. This shrimp is salty. If you want to eat specialties , because our specialty is The original flavor is meant to be eaten with meat. Well, let’s go with the original flavor. Then I’ll buy another sausage with this special feature. Hey, what are you doing?

Are you beating it? Come on, it’s already beaten. It’s already beaten. I can’t beat it any more or it will break. Oops , I just heard you beating my rice. What is this salted pork , this salty pig, this salty pig? You can drink it with wine. You can

Also put it in the freezer and then you want to drink it before eating it . Can you drink millet wine? Do you have it? Of course, here is some millet wine. Do you want one ? It doesn’t matter. I’m driving. It’s not wine , it’s millet -made drinks made from millet

. There is wine! You almost got fooled, haha, did you? Almost got deceived. Almost got deceived. Almost got deceived. This is the way the aborigines entertain. Yes, our family makes pure wine. It is made entirely of millet. It is pure fermentation and you drink it outside . If

The food made in the factory doesn’t taste good outside, you can take it back to your mother to drink. It just so happened that my sister bought some a few days ago. Well, okay, this restaurant is opened by my mother’s good friend. She has retreated behind the scenes in the past two years

. I didn’t tell her in advance today. My mom said, why didn’t you tell her ? She said she had never been drunk before. You had never been drunk before. That’s why I stopped drinking. I stopped drinking because I didn’t even meet my opponent. I’m here. I’m here.

There’s nothing you can do about it. I’ve already given up drinking . Are you sure you’re not “borrowing” alcohol from someone else? It’s really because every time they get drunk, I have to send them home, and it’s very troublesome to deal with the aftermath. I call and say, “ Where is my husband?

” You picked up his body on the side of the road. The reason for drinking together is to celebrate. It was just boring chatting and then everyone drank and sang together. Our life is so happy. Come on, have some millet wine. Wait a minute. I will show you. Show it to me

. You can take it and go first . This is your shrimp and original flavor. What is this ? Thank you for this. Is it yours? This is mine. Thank you. Thank you. What is this? This is millet wine . This is millet wine. When I tell you, when you go back,

You need to open this first, let it deflate, then close it , and shake it again. Oh, you can’t shake it first and it will explode. Yeah, okay, okay, okay, I understand what kind of rice is this? Xiaomi millet , so millet wine is millet.

You will come to me for a bottle. Can you go back and drink it at night? Okay . Maybe I will miss you very much after drinking it. You can come again in the future . Let’s eat this Taroko bamboo tube rice first . How do you eat this?

She just told me that it’s better to just peel it open. Is that right? Just open the bamboo tube rice , so she just now, you know she wants to break this bamboo, she cracks this bamboo , and that bamboo is delicious , it has the smell of the nine-story pagoda,

What the sister just said , the taste of the nine-story pagoda, yes, yes, today is so perfect. I ate bamboo tube rice, a traditional delicacy of the Taroko tribe. I also bought millet wine. I think the millet wine will be delicious. Where is it? Wrap up

The salted pork. You want to eat it with this . OK, thank you. If you don’t have enough pepper, I’ll try it again. Thank you very much. This looks amazing. Come on, come on. It’s delicious. It’s delicious. Hey hey~~ Today I’ve sneaked into the interior of the Taroko tribe from the inside out.

It’s 700 yuan. It’s okay. It’s okay. Slowly, slowly. Do you have those two that the young lady got just now? Do you want a pack of lotus fruits ? Thank you. I’ll buy them. You don’t need to buy so many. Please . Thank you. You ’re very sweet. Okay.

I especially like lotus mist. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. The aboriginal people are the aboriginal people. We aboriginal people are very hospitable, so hospitable . If you hadn’t been driving and couldn’t drink, I would have invited you to drink.

Oops, we must have a good time over wine next time. Yes, it tastes delicious. My sister gave me a big bag of lotus mist. I bought a big bag in Ximending that day when I last shot a video. My friends said that I was cheated and ripped off,

But it was given to me here . Haha, great, great, great. Where is my millet wine? Wait a minute over there. That one must never be forgotten. That one must never be forgotten. You must open it first to deflate it. Oh, for fear of exploding, you must open this first. I can

, um, it must be refrigerated , right? It must be refrigerated. You said that, um, you said. That millet wine, millet wine, um, no need, it doesn’t need to be at room temperature, ok, ok, um, this one is also very cute, this one, yes

, this is the one the lady gave to us just now. The lady is from the Ami tribe, no, she is, she is from the Taroko tribe , yes. I have seen her from the Taroko tribe before . She lives there in the Taroko tribe . Yes, how do you know her

? She sang in our hotel yesterday. Yes, I was thinking about you. Where did you stay yesterday ? That Yanbo Ah, over there in Yanbo, why don’t you give your husband some food ? The lotus mist on the mountain is very delicious. Oh, the lotus mist on the mountain is really delicious. We

Grow it ourselves and sell it ourselves . Sometimes we help our neighbors. If the old man has any, she will bring it and ask you if you can’t help me consign it. I sell it for her. I don’t eat it. I eat fruit there until I get edema. This is really enviable .

Does this millet wine have a shelf life? No, uh, almost you. Half a year after you open it. Half a year after you open it, you can finish it after a while. I can’t bear to drink it . I have to drink

It. I can’t let it go. I want to take it home and drink it. Can I take it back to the United States ? Can I take it back to the United States? This doesn’t work. I can take it back. Yes, oh, um. How can I be willing to drink

Such a good thing here? I want to go back and savor it. Yes, I have to go . Thank you for the cute one. Ha, the colorful Amis are originally red. Ha , bye . Let me show it to everyone. Our B&B in Hualien is a marine-themed B&B called SEA BNB.

You can see the sea view from the outside. Although it is reflective and cannot be seen , you can feel that this is a B&B with many ocean elements. This B&B is pretty good in Hualien. It’s famous because its sea view is very beautiful . The lights under my room were all on.

This B&B has a total of 9 rooms , each of which can see the sea.

朋友们 本视频截取了一天当中的头和尾 中间部分是前两期视频 希望不要给大家造成时间上的困惑😂


#taiwan #taiwanculture #台湾原住民


  1. 告訴妳一件事、我們原住民55歲就可以領老人年金,比我們早10歲,因為她們愛喝酒、壽命比較短、政府特別優待他們55就是老人了、太魯閣跟阿美族、皮膚跟我們一樣、沒有其他族都是黑色的、比較美、他們的輪廓比較好看、妳住意看都是雙眼皮喔

  2. 太魯閣整個風景線非常漂亮~但是很多地方很容易落石~所以能停車的地方不太多,如果自己開車很多風景點會錯過~最好的方法是搭 台灣好行 觀光巴士 (景點接駁)車次往來密集,也不需提前預約上車投現金或刷悠遊卡非常方便,補充~(上網搜尋 台灣好行)~全台各地方景點都有路線,搭台鐵或高鐵在搭配台灣好行巴士~想自由行的朋友可以試試哦

  3. 太魯閣往裡到天祥有很多可看可走的景點👍

  4. 可能不是所有多肉都可以吃,最好查一下,不要中毒了。 小米酒好喝,但是每家做的風味又會不太一樣。

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