
Minus 2°C! ! It’s cold! That’s terrible ~ -6°!! It’s terrible. It’s only 5:40. What’s that? That’s terrible. I need to get gas quickly. Nagano in November? Where did they put this in ? It wasn’t in Nagano. It must have been somewhere on the Sea of ​​Japan side or in Yamanashi or somewhere. You

Need to be careful with diesel oil, and there are about 6 different types, and the temperature at which they can be used depends on the temperature. Gasoline doesn’t have that range , so you don’t have to worry too much about it, but

With diesel oil, especially if you’re going to Nagano or a high-altitude ski resort, temperatures below -20°C are like this, and temperatures below -30°C are like this. In most cases, it can only be used up to 0 degrees or -5 degrees, so especially when I go to Nagano,

But when winter comes to Nagano, it’s temperature 3 or special 3 or 3, but it ‘s safe up to around -20 degrees. But it’s okay because it switches over, but when you go to places like Hokkaido , it’s good until the lowest temperature is -30°C.So

We went overseas for about a month from November, so I think diesel fuel is still at size 2 or 1. It’s dangerous for my body… It was already minus 6 degrees Celsius, so I ran a little bit to reduce the temperature and put gas in it, otherwise it’ll freeze, so

I’d better be careful when I go to Nagano.I’m sure if I go to Nagano and put it in, I’ll be sure. If you ask at a gas station, they will tell you.If you come to Nagano, everything in Nagano has switched to it, so you should be fine, but if you are going

To use it in a warm place like Tokyo, I think it is better to ask first.I just came back from overseas. It ‘s winter lol I thought it was winter, but it was extremely warm for about three days after I got back.

Before I went, it snowed a bit in Nagano. Even though it was November, it was kind of warm when I came back lol. It was about 15 degrees Celsius lol. It was warmer than when I went abroad, huh? That’s what I was thinking, but it suddenly got colder today,

It was -5 degrees today , it was -6 degrees, it was really cold on the way , and snow was forecast for the next week, so the season is finally here at my house. The ski resorts suddenly opened and it snowed a lot, but

It’s never snowed like this at the beginning of December , so I thought, wow, this is serious… But it didn’t go that well.1 All the times were melted… lol. . That’s what I thought, but by the time I got back, everything had melted and everything was closed again.It

Looks like it’s going to snow starting tomorrow, so I’m going to take a big snow trip in Nagano for my first trip this winter ! Probably about 10 days. It ‘s already past Christmas, so I ‘m planning to go skiing until the very end of the year.I

Want to go to a place where I can ski a lot in Nagano.Depending on the snow, I might go to Niigata or even Toyama, but it’s going to be a long trip. If you look, you’ll probably hit a good spot somewhere. First of all, let’s go to a hot spring . Since we’re

Going to Nagano so much , first we buy a Shinshu Monomiyu Tegata. Shinshu Monomiyu Tegata can be bathed in up to 12 facilities. 40 locations. You can get 12 places in one year , which is 1980 yen cheaper! ! So let’s move on. First of all, I like the hot springs in Ueda.

It’s nice and spacious. I was so excited that it took me 5 hours to load my car. It took me 5 hours to change from the summer specification to the winter specification. I was worried about a lot of things. I ‘m trying to remodel this place, and I want to fix this too

, but the top of the roof freezes, so I don’t want the top of the MAX fan on the roof to freeze and melt and drip on my face, so I put a lid on some small parts. It took me 5 hours to do all sorts of things.

I’ll tell you about it a little later. Last time, when I went to Hokkaido for about a month in the summer, I made a big layout change. I moved it to the back of the refrigerator. I received messages from various people asking me to show it again. I got it, but

I was a little busy so I couldn’t introduce it, so I’ll introduce it later . Well, it’s arrived. It’s probably a minus. This is great. Let’s have dinner first. It’s already 7 o’clock. It would be better to have dinner first. That’s nice, Christmas owl♪ It

Seems like you can get pizza baked in a pizza oven , so the pizza is nice too. It’s 1000m above sea level . There are a lot of delicious-looking meals such as cutlet bowl, tempura bowl, and fried chicken bowl, which are named after Jizo Pass. It’s a new soba.

The soba is also good, I’ll have it first ♪ It’s quite a lot. I made a large portion, but it ‘s delicious! ! This is so smooth and fresh , I think I’ll try some Tendon from Touge, right away . I guess I didn’t ask for it after seeing it

Lol It’s too big! w It was a big conger eel tempura! It’s so crispy! Delicious! ! ! ! ! ! It’s crispy and fluffy! There is a lounge and a shop inside.The source was a little sulfurous, which was great, but it was cold! This is terrible! Diesel oil is dangerous…

I had to go get gas soon, it felt super good! ! It felt so good. It was my first hot spring in a long time, and it was really nice. And that open-air bath is really big . It’s amazing. The open-air bath is big, and there’s a sleeping bath

In the back. I was sleeping there quietly for a long time, and it was really great! ! It’s irresistible. You can also eat dinner, and even dinner was a little expensive. It was 2,700 yen for two people . Well, it ‘s a large portion, but it’s not enough lol

I’m thinking of going to Mac lol Well, I’ll have a Mac shake~♪ It’s cold, but I’m thirsty with the heater on, so I need to get some gas soon. I got -3°C in the bath, so now I’m down by more than half, right ? -4°. It wasn’t snowing around here today , but

It wasn’t snowing, so it’s covered in salt, but it’s white . I found McDonald’s lol Let’s eat it up ~ I didn’t have enough soba at night, so I just feel guilty about the Big Mac set . I ‘ll take it~ ♪ Well, I’m going to go north a little more

, probably tomorrow. I think I’ll be able to go to Ryuo, so I’d like to go to Ryuo, so I’ll go as far as Obuse . I’ll see how it goes in the morning, and I’ll probably ski at a place where I can ski, so

I won’t be able to do it the first time. Don’t do that. It’s perfect if you go to the hot springs as soon as you’ve skied until the hot springs feel good. What’s the fun of it? I’m looking forward to the hot springs after skiing.

In Ryuo, that’s the Yamanouchi town I always go to. Yudanaka, but Nozawa. You can go away, you can find a new place, you can think about it tomorrow, or you’ve arrived and the FF heater is already working! warm! How many times is it now? It’s already warm at 13°C.I’ll

Show you a little bit about the inside of the car.I changed the water supply to this one.The previous one couldn’t adjust the water pressure, so I used a regular water supply and turned on the water pump using the switch here. When I turn on the power , there’s no water in it, but

I leave it on and it feels like I’m adjusting the water with the faucet.It’s like the one I had at a regular plumber ‘s house.I think it was the one I used in Bongo a long time ago, probably at Christmas.The back hasn’t changed. I’m hanging my backpack around here, and

It’s now in bed mode.It ‘s in bed mode, so it’s about 1200mm wide , so I can stand here, so I can also use the kitchen.I changed it to the front.This is like my space. lol This area is occupied…The sweat table can also be spread out here.I’m relaxing like this with the backrest

I bought at Cain’s.I installed a table here.First, I placed a table behind the driver’s seat. I put it on and put a portable battery under this. There used to be a refrigerator here, but I stopped it right after I entered and put it on a clothesline.

I use it as a clothesline to hang my ski clothes and raincoats here. It’s in the back. It didn’t dry very well, so I moved it to the front.Since it gets warm with the FF, I use SGP pipes, ordinary water pipes, etc.It ‘s the cheapest, so I installed it like this. I’m

Putting a lid on this entrance.It’s cold , so a lot of cold air comes in, so when I leave, I put it aside and put my feet on it, so I can ride on it.The top is rough, but it looks like something like foam rubber. This is what it looked like before: Next

Back Up until now, the door wouldn’t open when I set it to bed mode, but I didn’t like that, so I turned it off here.The sofa is not normally set to bed mode. At the time, all the doors are connected so that they can be opened, and when the bed is unfolded, you

Can raise the key and only open the top.This is what the back looks like.The ski board is placed upright and stored.This right side is the opposite of the chest of drawers. There’s a refrigerator on the side . It’s quite convenient to put this refrigerator here. It’s

Double layered so it doesn’t open, so if you buy something from outside, you can put it in right away, which is convenient. Actually, it would have been better if the refrigerator opened the other way, but it wasn’t there. I can’t help but open the door and it looks like this, it’s quite spacious

And there’s a bunk bed on top. This is my bed. I take a break in the gray area in front of the bunk bed on top, which is convenient. This is probably the completed version.It’s strange that it’s not snowing at all … I’m thinking of going to ski resort Ryuo, but it’s amazing!

I’m charging at 106W, which is great with the solar I installed on the roof the other day ! Chikuwa bread that sells apples ? Chikuwa bread contains chikuwa and tuna, and I discovered something called chestnut shochu! It’s like awamori jelly. I’m going to buy some chestnut rice. Obuse is synonymous with chestnuts

, so let’s have breakfast. I have to have coffee in the morning . Tea is better than rice. I don’t normally open it, but the milk is expensive again. Did the price go up in December? It’s kind of expensive. I went there for the first time in a while, and everything was expensive.

They also have some delicious-looking pickles. Is this something called a man’s taste? This looks delicious! ! It contains finely chopped chestnuts and is delicious! ! The rice is delicious! You like rice, right? 680 yen . What’s this? lol It’s floating! What’s this? With this sticky rubber. . lol I

Just had a rubber band so I put it on the bottom lol It was so cute lol It was delicious~ I enjoyed Japan . I ate soba and chestnut okowa. Even though I went abroad before, I didn’t feel like I wanted Japanese food that much. But maybe it’s because of my age lol

I always want to eat Japanese food , but it’s Japanese food.I didn’t make a video of it, but I went to Yayoiken and I’ve been there quite a bit. Japanese food I’m going to go skiing for the first time today. It’s finally the season in mid-December.

There’s no snow around this time of year, so I’m desperately trying to find a ski resort lol. Considering that, it’s not too late since a lot of ski resorts open for the cold Christmas season . It rained a lot at the beginning of December, so I was just panicking, but it’s okay

. But there’s not much snow. The lower mountains are white, but it takes about 40 minutes to get to Ryuo. Let’s go just 20km ! The one on the right is quite amazing , but I guess Shiga Kogen doesn’t look like much of a winter landscape yet.The upper part, which looks like the

End of autumn with no snow at all , is covered with a little snow. I’m going to stop by Tsuruya.It’s a long trip, so I’m going to go shopping.I bought 7,000 yen.I bought a lot.Which hot spring should I go to after skiing?I can go to Nozawa.Well

, I don’t know where to go after this.It’s not good around here at all, so this is it. The next one that’s open is probably Arai, so I thought it would be nice to go to Arai after it opened yesterday, but it might be raining there, but

I think it’s going to be amazing today ! This lack of snow is already a ski resort! There’s not a single bit of snow lol. Usually when there’s not enough snow, the ski resort is white, but it’s 10-20 cm, so we can’t open the snow because it can’t be compacted, but

There’s no snow at all , and there’s no snow at all in the shade. Ryuo is a ski resort with a solar terrace. That’s good. In the summer, I just go to Sora Terrace , but in winter, Sora Terrace comes next, so it ‘s even more fun. Plus, you can

Enjoy the spectacular view of Sora Terrace. It’s not the best time of the year. It ‘s not the pure white of winter, so it’s one more thing. It might be better to come here for revenge. It’s a little cloudy at the top today, so you might not be able to see.

Amazing cars lol This is super nice! Hotel Ryuo I want that too! That’s amazing! It’s invincible lol If you put it on this it would be really cool.Wouldn’t it be really popular if you could run around the ski slope with it and then sleep at the top of the ski slope ? I

Was told that I could go anywhere. Right now, I can use the parking lot near the Sanroku Station for the gondola bound for Sora Terrace, and I think I can buy tickets there.The lower center seems to be closed at the moment.For Ryuo, I took the gondola bound for Soraterasu and went upstairs.

There are two lifts, so the top opens relatively early, and the snow is good.The slope at the top is gentle, so it’s perfect for getting your feet wet.It ‘s also good for first-time skiers and snowboarders.The snow is soft and the slope is gentle. The view is nice, and it’s snowing, but

It’s still snowing. I wonder if this will be a good practice by practicing on a snowy road ? I don’t think this is good practice even though there are stones underneath lol We can go buy tickets too Earth Hopper can be used here I have the Earth Hopper Pass Unlimited so

Earth Hopper is 90 nationwide. We have partnered with about 52 ski resorts, and there are currently about 52 ski resorts, and you can use the ticket freely at each ski resort twice, so there are about 52 ski resorts, so you can go more than 100 times, including Ryuo. So I

Went to change my ticket. It’s cold. It’s even colder up there, so I need to dress warmly. After logging in, all I had to do was show the ticket exchange screen on my phone and get a ticket! It seems like there’s a 500 yen deposit here. You’re the third Earthhopper today. There’s one!

Everyone, this is a great deal, so you should buy it! The cheapest plan is 27,800 yen and there is a plan that can be used 7 times. Get ready and head to the ropeway. Ready, let’s go right away

. There are chairs on the ropeway and it’s comfortable ♪ It would be nice if the clouds could break through . What do you think? Well, there’s quite a bit of snow up there and it’s beautiful. Warm-up exercises are also OK . The snow is dangerous … it’s ice lol.

The season is finally here! I’m looking forward to it~~♪ Oh, it’s so beautiful! It’s super beautiful! ! There’s a little bush, but I can ski without any problems.I’m lazing around and have some free time, so I’m resting on the lift at my new school’s Leaders.The temperature is low today.It

‘s probably around -3-5 degrees Celsius.If it snows, it’ll be perfect.It’s super hard with ice in places. I haven’t had this stock stick to me yet lol. It ‘s terrible… I’ll be left behind… lol Has it gotten a little sunny now? cold! ! It’s cold after all! !

It might be as cold as the peak of winter, but I can’t even move my mouth properly.I’m going to go to Sora Terrace.The season is finally here.It was fun.About 6 or 7? I skied quite a bit. It was surprisingly crowded and I was scared. Let’s go. It’s 1770 meters above sea level

. Looks like we can eat some delicious food. I can’t see anything today… lol Café latte is 550 yen . Hot coffee at a ski resort is the best. Wow. It’s bitter but delicious.And I bought the Shinano Sweet from Tsuruya♪ I tried the half-baked method the other day. This company

Has been very popular for half a century, and it seems like it’s made by a place called Minami Shinshu Confectionery Studio.It ‘s delicious.I want to try all the types.It ‘s pretty big.I’ll only get an impression after I try it.It ‘s super delicious! I’m sure it’s good, but what is this?

The inside is like jelly, but it’s a soft candy! Can you see the jelly that looks like candy instead of jelly ? A more delicious version of that, super delicious , super delicious! Shinano Sweet itself is sweet, so it has quite an apple taste.It

Has sugar in it, but it’s so delicious that you don’t need any sugar.The half-baked manufacturing method is great.It was sunny just for a moment, so let’s go out for a little while.We saw a spectacular view! It’s snowing! Let’s go!

I think it was a good way to get your feet used to skiing for the first time. Now, let’s head to a hot spring. Speaking of hot springs in winter…Nozawa Onsen! ! There’s no doubt about it.Where should I go after going to Nozawa Onsen? There isn’t much snow, so

There aren’t many Tateibori swamps yet.The annoying thing is , should I go a little further north? That’s right, because I was going on a snow trip today, Ryuo also used a service called Earth Hopper.They offer this Earth Hopper Pass, and it ‘s a wide-area pass service, so you

Get lift tickets in the winter and downhill passes in the summer. The ticket service can be used at over 90 facilities and there are three types: Earth Hopper Unlimited, Earth Hopper Standard, There is Earth Hopper Lite , and with Earth Hopper Unlimited, the maximum number of uses

Is 65,000 yen.The standard is 42,800 yen with a maximum of 16 uses.The light is 27,800 yen with a maximum of 7 uses.For example, with this Earth Hopper Unlimited. It says unlimited, but that doesn’t mean you can go to the designated ski resorts without limit.You can use one ski resort up to

2 times.If you go twice, you can’t use the unlimited pass anymore.I was looking at the number of ski resorts yesterday. I counted them all. There were more than 50 locations across the country , so I could go more than 100 times.100 times means 65,000 yen, and 100 times

Means 650 yen per visit, but that’s impossible.If you really go hopping, you can go from Hokkaido to western Japan. It’s tough to do everything, but it’s really fun to be able to go to different places twice at a time.We decided to take a snow trip to Nagano this time, and we started

With Ryuo Ski Park when it was open. That’s why I came to Ryuo this time. What’s great about this Earth Hopper is that it has a fairly large ski resort. For example, in Hokkaido, Niseko Annupuri and Kiroro would be amazing! I highly recommend it! !

I’m wondering why no one is using this, and I’m wondering why we haven’t used it before, but the concept is a little different from traditional ski season passes, and what’s more, it’s not just for winter. You can use it for downhill cycling in the summer, and

You can also use it for forest adventures.You can also use it for wakeboarding , so you can enjoy it all year round, so I’d like you to look into the Earth Hopper.Recommended for those who love the outdoors! It’s been raining a bit. It’s pretty wet underneath, so it might pile up.

That’s amazing! It’s a little white. I think there will be a lot of people coming to Nozawa to ski during the Christmas and New Year holidays , so let’s do some research on Nozawa’s restaurants!

#長野県移住 #車中泊 #earthhopper


撮影日 12月18日


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#キャンピングカー #車中泊


  1. 長野の❄️⛷️シーズンイン待ってました♪スキーが出来る頃に帰国されるはずと主人とも話してました👍昨日今日も❄️降ってますか?初滑りの動画を見てると行きたくなりました😂

  2. キャンカーは冬のスペシャル仕様になりましたね~。😊👍順調に初すべりになりましたね。変わらずビューティフル・スキー🎿でした〜。✨ 今週から長野の山も景色が一変してるのではないでしょうか?お気をつけてシーズン楽しまれて下さ〜い。😊

  3. いつも楽しく拝見しています。ボード多いですね~。30年位前はスキー全盛期でしたので・・少し寂くも思って見てました。。

  4. アウトさん、こんにちは

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