視界觀990「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(66)走新路再騎行本拿比鹿湖畔 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone , I live in Vancouver . If you want to go out cycling, you must always pay attention to the weather forecast. The weather changes every day. There will be some small changes almost every hour . I woke up this morning and saw that it was raining all day, so I said

It would be possible in the afternoon. It will not rain for an hour or two. As a result, I just checked and it seems that the period of non-raining time has increased again. From about 11 o’clock to 2 o’clock in the afternoon or even to 3 o’clock, it may not rain anymore,

So I quickly rode outside. Now I have ridden the Kingsway. In front of my house, this road continues to ride north for a while, which is towards Dear Lake. I haven’t been there for a long time. Today I want to try my luck . There is a Burnaby village museum there.

It is said that there is still a lot to see. But I’ve been there twice and it was closed. So I’ll go back today to see if it can be opened and I can ride on the road because the ground is wet, so I have to ride slower otherwise my back

Will get splashed. Water stains stain my clothes. Every time I ride here at Deer Lake, the strangest thing I feel is that this road is not the right one to ride on because the roads here are indeed rugged and winding. When I went out today, I specially I looked at the map

To see if I could reach my desired destination according to my wishes. It should be quite easy to walk from my residence to Deer Lake because many roads are actually downhill or flat roads like I am now riding this road called Walker Avenue. I have ridden it before,

But the problem is that when I come back, it is a hilly road and I have to make many turns. When I come to this spering road, it is a dead end road with several dead ends. It’s broken everywhere , but there is a walking path in one place that

Allows you to take a shortcut to Dear Lake , but I don’t know if I can find this path smoothly. It turns out that this is the path. I have to carry the car. You can only go down to the bottom , but when you get to the bottom,

There is a very short shortcut. The scenery on the top of the mountain is endless. Look at this family on the right. They have a dedicated private road to go down. In fact, this road should be able to drive or ride down, but Private land is not allowed to enter. It doesn’t matter

. Let’s take a short walk here. It’s very considerate. There is a groove that allows the wheel to slide down smoothly. It’s fun to ride. I think sometimes it’s just like this to do little things here and there. Of course, when exploring , I will sometimes travel through mountains and rivers

To find some problems for myself , but in the end I believe that I can successfully reach the destination I want to reach. However, if this road is easy to come up, I will have to find another way after a while. From here You can see Deer Lake here.

If you look at the woods ahead on the left, you can see Dear Lake. This place is actually a very steep hillside with many private residences on the hillside . Okay, I have come down from this slope and now I Looking back , there is a ditch along the edge

From so many steps. I believe this is for people to push bicycles down easily , or is it actually a ditch. I don’t know if this is where we want to go. It’s all the way down here , but it’s easy to go up. I guess it’s more difficult.

On the left is Deer Lake . Then go ahead to Canada Way and you can go to the Burnaby Village Museum . Now, continue down the slope. It turns out that there is already a rental here. There is a place for small boats. Look, there is a pier here. I have been

Here specifically . If the weather is good , you can go boating on the lake and enjoy the better natural environment . Today I should have taken a shortcut . Of course, there is a section where riding is not allowed.

You have to push the car and hold the gate and slowly come down here. This is a beautiful lakeside. I came here specifically last time. On the left is the boat rental place. This is Dear Lake. Now that we are here , we will come here to take a look.

Obviously, with the winter The wild geese have all flown south. There are only some ducks left, so these migratory birds come and go with the seasons. On the left is this rural museum. The trees are still hung with Christmas lights . This is where you enter

. See if it is open today. Excuse me, are you opening? We’re not open till one Okay okay So do I need make a appointment, right? No, you can just go in But we don’t open till one o’clock Okay Open from one to nine today Okay, thank

You It doesn’t open at one o’clock in the middle of the day . The time is not clearly written. I ‘ll come back another day. But you can take a look at it from the sign. The actual area inside is quite large. You see, there are actually

Many buildings. They are some of the old houses that have been preserved or were renovated to the same style as before. There are various functions inside. You can visit them and do some activities inside . It feels like a village. In fact, It’s very meaningful. A situation like 1 o’clock to 5:30

And then 1 o’clock to 9 o’clock still makes me have some people who didn’t expect it. The working hours are really interesting. Maybe there are fewer people in the first place , so everyone doesn’t. It will open very early , so in this case,

I can only go for a ride in the lake area , but there are actually many traditional British ones on the edge of Deer Lake Park. I believe this is the so-called Victoria. This is the architectural style of the period. This is right on the edge of Deer Lake. Let’s

Take a look inside when no one else is there. I don’t remember the first time I’ve been here. It must have been at least the third or fourth time. The ones in front should be some buildings in Metrotown. As soon as I rode up, I saw a license plate saying that this road

Is not allowed to ride bicycles. So we just wait and see around here. When I got here, I discovered that there is a large area inside. All of them belong to this Burnaby Village Museum, which is also their entry point , or this is the main entrance. Unfortunately, the time is wrong.

It’s only around 11 o’clock and I feel a little bit weird when I ride here. Going straight ahead is Burnaby Lake. I walked through there last time . Although I didn’t go into a scenic spot to visit , I think the whole Burnaby is basically a mountain village when you look out.

A large mountain village is in front of the fine arts. There are a lot of facilities here scattered around the lake. I remember when I first came here about two months ago, the lawn was full of wild geese. Now there are no more geese. They have all flown away

, but it looks much cleaner. It turned out that this road There are big wild goose dumplings everywhere on the street . It is very clean now, washed by the rain. This is the art gallery next to it. It is actually built like a community center.

I thought it was a community center. I went in last time and it is such a good environment. But what is lacking is people. Maybe it is winter here. The days are shorter and the temperature is relatively low. This causes many people to stay at home and do indoor activities in winter

. There are only some people who are not afraid of the cold. We cycle, run and walk , but most people still don’t want to go out. This gallery is open. Across the street is the Burnaby City Hall . I have never been in it and I came here

To take a look when I was free . Look , this is the police station. This should be their City Hall. The environment is nice, but the scale is still small. This building is Burnaby’s City Hall, which is very inconspicuous. Looking at it from a distance

, I thought it was this. It is a collection of residences. If it weren’t for the name City Hall, most people would really not know what it is for. There is also a cafe here and a corridor displaying some historical photos. It turns out that there is more than just this one, and

There is another one over there. building West building The style of the building we see now is the same as the one we just saw. It is also an auxiliary building and an integral part of the municipal government office building. It has some humanistic service facilities. These office buildings

Are hidden in the garden. Among the bushes, we came to a platform in the water. It is a good place to watch the lake and see wild ducks. There are buildings like this in the city center in front of us, but most of them are trees that have turned yellow.

I saw that the lake is still there. There are some wild geese cruising around. It should be said that there is a group of them , so not every wild goose is going to the south. So we will end our first section of riding today by the beautiful Deer Lake.

Thank you everyone for following and watching us. Goodbye for a while, goodbye

#deerlake #burnaby #cycling

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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