Dec 3rd, 2023 Podcast: Who Is Uber? Welcome to the BBQ!

What up my night drivers out there that’s right  once again we G to do another night live stream   I’m kind of liking these Night live streams you  know what I’m saying we’re actually getting people   involved chatting with everybody while they’re out  driving and everything but if you looked at the  

Title of this live stream you kind of see tonight  we gonna talk about Uber a little bit I mean the   last live stream we did I got educated somebody  told me something important and I was like wait  

A minute are you serious we were talking about  this guy his name’s Tony West what’s up Greg my   man my man Gregory Meyers in the building first  walking through the door like hey what’s good  

Silver Fox my man Melly Mel oh y’all gonna love  this one man this’s gonna be good hey that live   live stream hooked me up man offer kicks what’s  good what’s good a Sunday night live stream I  

Don’t even do Sunday nights but I man after last  live stream y’all man y’all had me searching I   went looking for information and y’all know when  I’m digging for information looking up stuff I’m   like man man Frank what’s good Frank creso no but  we brought up this name last live stream and I  

Didn’t know it was this this guy named Tony West  he works for Uber Tony West works for Uber he’s   actually the the brother-in-law of Cala Harris in  the White House and everybody’s like but but this  

Is the thing what up night shift mg the thing is  it’s not the fact that he’s the brother-in-law of   Cala Harris is what up Wes it’s what this man  used to do when he was in government nobody  

Talks about what he used to do what does he say  how do I how do you block people um I don’t know   you just go through and block them you got to  go to their Channel you go to their Channel and  

You can like block them or hide them from your  Channel or something I don’t know but that’s   basically how you doing Kim what’s good Kim we’re  in the building Harry Harold’s like we in here hey  

Welcome to the live stream man this one’s gonna  be good this is gonna be one of the hardest live   streams to do I think because it’s gonna be a lot  of people irritated by the time I’m done a lot of  

People irritated with this live stream which is  cool I mean [ __ ] happens people go you don’t   like everything but they hope Pedro a out that  Port Authority bathroom sink hell yeah Mark Yos   barbecue time oh this is man this barbecue GNA  burn some [ __ ] this was gonna burn man why are  

You blocking people I’m not blocking nobody who  did I block what are you talking about Rick I mean   say you you’re being very general who the [ __ ]  am I blocking say a [ __ ] name man this is the  

[ __ ] this is the barbecue you talk about why you  I block a lot of [ __ ] for whatever reason who   are you talking about don’t come in this [ __ ]  with something general do I don’t even know you  

Don’t start with me tonight I’m just starting my  live stream do not [ __ ] with me before you get   blocked let me get in this [ __ ] and at least get  get it going goddamn dog what up Robert ree what’s  

Good hot facts hot facts man all right hey now so  this is what we gonna do man this is what we gonna   do now Tony West Tony West used to be now I had  to write some [ __ ] down because I was reading  

This [ __ ] like you are [ __ ] kidding me he was  in the the Clinton Administration and he was also   in the Obama Administration he was one of the  attorney generals he worked in the Department of   Justice this guy and he was actually the Assistant  Attorney General of the Department of Justice and  

He was in charge of the litigation Department  of the Department of Justice the litigation   department is one of the biggest departments in  the Department of Justice he was in charge of that   that’s who this guy was that’s who this guy was so  when you think about Tony West you’re thinking oh  

That’s Camala Harris’s you know brother-in-law  no it’s deeper than that way deeper than that   this dude is part of the government he’s part of  the government of United States of America he is   part of the government working for Uber right now  he is now in charge of uber legals Department he  

Runs Uber’s legal department right now this guy  was involved in the Clinton Administration in the   doj and also in the Obama Administration in the  doj this guy’s B he like I said he he’s basically   a Democrat he’s a Democrat and he will tell you  he was part of democratic you know administrations  

It ain’t no [ __ ] secret it’s on the internet  I’m not telling you [ __ ] that you can’t find   out just by pulling up on the Internet that’s  right Kim so he left and he went to Pepsi when  

When the when the um the Democrats were no longer  in power he went and he went to Pepsi so he was   working for Pepsi in their departments yeah he’s  about to make things change you’re not going to  

Lie real [ __ ] so he went to Pepsi now the reason  why he left Pepsi let me tell you the reason why   this [ __ ] left Pepsi this is the best reason  right here he left Pepsi in 2017 because Uber   was being like investigated by Attorney General  Eric Holder at the Department of Justice Uber  

Was being investigated by Eric Holder for sexual  demmin sexual harassment uh discrimination all   of these [ __ ] lawsuits coming down the pipe  all the these lawsuits against Uber was coming   out a pipe Uber didn’t know what the [ __ ] do  so what did Uber do they hired somebody from  

The government they pulled him out of Pepsi and  said come over to Uber and work for us you know   how the government works dog you know how the  government works we need you to work for us now  

So right now we got somebody that’s basically the  US government working in Uber right now and you   wonder why in 2021 just a few years ago the White  House the current White House we got Camala Harris  

All these [ __ ] the reason why they are actually  in the white house right now 2021 they said we’re   going to give all undocumented workers the right  to work all undocumented workers the right to   work that’s what the white the current White House  Administration said that guess who’s at Uber you  

Don’t think Uber knew about this [ __ ] this guy  worked for the government he was part of the this   largest litigation division in the US government  yes Tony West everybody likes to talk about Dara   everybody like to talk about David Richard that’s  cool but who’s pulling the [ __ ] strings in the  

Background that’s what I’m talking about like  I told you a lot of [ __ ] gonna be upset a   lot of people gonna be upset so when you look at  who’s behind all of these legal things why can’t  

Nobody get ahead in the government and and Tony  West was in charge of suing places like Bank of   America you know uh country west holes he was  he was suing big ass corporations for financial  

Things behind the scenes that’s what he was doing  so when Uber is like wait a minute we’re going to   run victim of getting our asses handed to us  let’s hire somebody from the government let’s  

Hire somebody from the government yep Sally you  too so he ended up going over to Uber now all of   a sudden all these things are changing we got  all these undocumented people working on Uber   nobody suing anybody nobody’s investigating  anybody nothing’s really going on right now  

Because they have somebody who has the inside  Side Track to the justice department working   for him this dude was the highest up there he was  the assistant in the uh AG he was the Assistant   Attorney General Civil Division this is what  he did he knows the ins and outs of the of the  

Government that we deal with right now he’s got  a direct shot to the government that we deal with   right now his sister is the damn vice president I  know people say well that’s a sister-in-law don’t  

Give a [ __ ] that’s like saying I’m your second  cousin I’m your third cousin no no [ __ ] you my   cousin ain’t no second third cousin [ __ ] like  that we don’t do that not where I’m from if you  

My cousin’s cousin [ __ ] you my cousin it ain’t  a well you’re my second cousin on my dad’s side   on my uncle and [ __ ] all that you my cousin  dog that’s his [ __ ] sister that’s what it is   that’s his sister and so when you start looking  at the dynamic especially of different YouTube  

Channels I’m getting into that [ __ ] now oh yeah  this [ __ ] runs deep the dynamic of different   YouTube channels and while they’re scared to say  [ __ ] they scared of [ __ ] I ain’t scared I’m   like I’m just saying information that’s already  on the [ __ ] internet how you going to be mad  

At me for saying what I can see on the screen it’s  on the screen I say it that’s it it’s a done deal   if you want to be mad be mad at Google for putting  this [ __ ] on the screen be mad at at y Yahoo for  

Allowing me to search for the [ __ ] be mad at  them man barbecue was getting good for real man   we’re not scared we give information to facts  with honest opinion that’s right Robert Reese   that’s what we do and [ __ ] don’t like me because  I don’t ass simulate to the game I don’t play the  

Game you can’t control my channel just because I  don’t have a lot of Subs I don’t know these [ __ ]   like that you can’t come and tell me Well Jeff we  need your channel to be more like this man [ __ ]  

That I don’t know you these [ __ ] walking around  talking about well Jeff wants to sit at the table   with the cool kids man [ __ ] your table I’ll  pull up my own chair to my own table I don’t know  

You [ __ ] like that I don’t know none of y’all  but when I I see something I’m gonna say [ __ ]   because I’m real because I’m real that’s right for  I got the right Subs like I tell [ __ ] I don’t  

Need a million [ __ ] on my channel I just need  real ones I need real ones it ain’t the quantity   of [ __ ] it’s the quality I got real ones so  we could like I said we did 300 we could be  

The smallest Channel out there I bet we make the  most impact we make the most impact when we riding   around with customers talking to these customers  I’ll tell my Riders hey you know who’s running   Uber right now some old Democratic politicians  are running Uber right now that’s right Democrats  

Are running the [ __ ] Uber right the Pol the  plantation opens the plantation opens wider   now so now we know why they don’t give a [ __ ]  about Americans working hard making money they   want to keep people under their thumb the easiest  thing to do to control somebody is to break them  

Financially that’s the easiest way you can do it  when you look at a lot of different neighborhoods   why are they so easily controlled because they’re  broke they don’t have the financial freedom to do   what they want to do you keep people broke  you keep them under control Uber is almost  

An extension of that mindset now because now we  know Uber has government officials involved they   basically have government people working for him  yeah we got a city here called Plantation by the   way we do for real Plantation man Frank you got  to do it man tell your writers of Truth all the  

Time wait we really live again oh yeah Nicole we  live again you caught me you caught me yeah I’m   gonna play this live stream with the riders in  the car do it let these [ __ ] know hey if you  

Support Freedom you support America you support  a right for us to to build this [ __ ] country up   then you got to understand who Uber is being run  by right now they’re being run by some democratic   politicians from the [ __ ] justice department  Obama era Clinton era now they’re sitting there  

In the Dera era der era era [ __ ] ass [ __ ] we  over here making [ __ ] mixes with these [ __ ] we   in the Dera era these [ __ ] in the Dera era right  now cuz we was making money before the Dera era  

We was doing very well for a reason we was doing  well for a reason and now all of a sudden what up   Kev now all of a sudden ain’t nobody making that  like why we making money because they’re playing   with with loopholes political loopholes 2021 they  started allowing undocumented workers to work in  

Our country and the undocumented workers it’s  cool it’s cool but they know that these people   don’t understand how expensive it is to live in  this country so they can play these people out  

We even got other channel saying oh well if they  want to pay you $10 an hour to be a driver then   they have a right to pay you $10 an hour to be a  d that don’t sound like you fighting for me dog  

I’m sorry but that don’t sound like you fighting  for me because when you tell me that you’re here   for drivers you’re here to help out the community  of Rod share to tell somebody just roll over and  

Take it no [ __ ] that no no yeah no more money  in rasher man Cornelius it depends man last night   Juan Vargas made over $300 out here in Phoenix  so you do got nights you got pockets man you got  

Pocket just depends on how you do it me I would  have probably had a shitty night based on the   areas that I work in I mean there’s been nights  when I’ve the same nights why I and everybody  

Been working I made two 300 they made five 600  depending on the areas we work same exact City   same exact tears you just got to know your [ __ ]  man that’s all know your [ __ ] so if you ain’t no  

More money in ride chair it’s something you ain’t  doing right but there’s a way to do it there’s a   way to do it and you ain’t going to always hit  it just like I don’t always hit it there’s been  

Nights when I’ve left drove the [ __ ] off like  [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m done with it there’s been   those nights man and you got to be willing to  call it good if you ain’t willing to deal with  

The frustration call that [ __ ] good pack it up  go home but to just say hey man there’s no money   in R maybe for you maybe for you but not for  everybody maybe for you and you come to this  

Channel you talk about your Market you talk about  what you drive how you drive drive a [ __ ] might   be able to pull you together and say this is  why you ain’t making no money dog I see what  

You doing you in the wrong areas are you doing  this you doing that you chasing surge you not   CH they can help you figure it out man but there’s  always a way to make money in this you just can’t  

Let let these [ __ ] run you man these comments be  going we be going in what up Megan what up Megan   yeah you caught us again yeah it’s out there just  got to make them adjustments man you got to make  

Them adjustments because if you ain’t making the  adjustment to get the money you’re going to keep   doing the same thing over and over again getting  the same result over and over again like man why  

Am I not getting money like one night I [ __ ] up  and I’d show people I even showed it on the video   I [ __ ] up I took a nature hike a $50 nature  hike all the way down south that was the night  

Everybody else made like five 600 bucks and I end  up making 250 that night because I [ __ ] up and   got myself out of the money it was booming with  surge downtown booming with surge I took myself  

Out of the money [ __ ] happens to all of us man  it happens to all of us you just got to be willing   to admit it move P know where you got to change  up next time and and just stay your ground man  

Stand your ground uh oh Uber have I’m driven Uber  in almost two weeks Uber ticked me off deleted   all their trash apps have no motivation to get  back out there I need the money but seems like  

It’s such a cluster [ __ ] yeah it is I haven’t  drove in about what eight days now eight days I   cannot wait to get out I’m I’m about to smash  they [ __ ] ass I don’t know how I’m GNA do it  

But I just got that [ __ ] in my soul I’m G to get  their ass what up King James my man what is that   hey in the life of Desmond said I caught a nice  $30 surge amongst a lot of nice surges on Friday  

Night and Saturday morning then Saturday night to  Sunday morning didn’t make one trip because it was   all trash exactly exactly or all those tents off  meals I don’t know what tents is LOL yeah but man  

Yeah but I I wanted to tell people man understand  who we dealing with when we’re dealing with the   business of uber know who all these players are  and why [ __ ] is the way it is right now there’s  

A reason why Uber and Li got a huge cash injection  they got cash injections when the pandemic first   started who are they [ __ ] link with you  don’t think somebody who’s the Attorney General   Assistant Attorney of the justice department  still got connections in Washington you don’t  

Think so you don’t think Uber got connections in  Washington right now I mean they got somebody from   Washington sitting in they damn building every  day running their corporate policies every time   they go have a lawsuit and he was in charge of the  civil litigation division excuse me not criminal  

Litigation civil litigation so you don’t think  these people have connection with each other   all these [ __ ] hobnob and and happy with each  other then you got YouTube channels instead of   just saying what’s real calling it out for what  it is and saying what’s real they want to dodge  

Around it don’t Dodge around it we’re drivers we  out here we’re Riders we live in this country we   should be allowed to talk about it and for people  to say no we don’t want to talk about we don’t  

Want to discuss that over here we want to talk  about you know the the fact that you can now   see the front of the store on your app to help you  drive better that’s what we want to talk about man  

That’s that’s pennies compared to the [ __ ] we  talking about we see why policy is going a certain   way and if we don’t have people in our government  government is a representative of who we are we   elect our government we elect our Representatives  if we don’t have that representing us we have no  

Chance in court we have no chance to ever have a  issue with [ __ ] Uber lift anybody else because   we go to court it’s the government against the  government now these people are all involved in   government and who are we we should be the people  with the power we are the power the Constitution  

Gives us that power but when you got government  involved with government paying government and   giving government money we left in the dark we  sitting here like how come we don’t get Justice   why ain’t we getting Justice yeah we gota look at  all those Clash action lawsuits look at look at  

All of them there’s a reason why Uber and I even  put Uber legal videos on my channel I’m Uber legal   and most of those uh Uber legal policies are done  by the chief counsil of uber they are approved  

By the chief counsil a lot of [ __ ] don’t happen  unless you know it C the person at the top is the   one who checks all that [ __ ] off it they check  it all off so half the [ __ ] that happens in Uber  

Right now is approved by somebody who was part of  the democratic administrations in the White House   and if we always say man anytime a republican  runs something everybody gets good money we get   good policies we just out here Banking and going  nuts you go to democratic communities Democratic  

Neighborhoods Democratic cities Democratic  policies why are the people they want to   control people so bad they willing to keep people  poor keep people broke keep them struggling just   to say we’ll give you table scraps to me that’s  slave mentality that’s slave mentality we don’t  

Want you to have your own we don’t want you to  have your own we want you to struggle and suffer   and come crawling to us on your [ __ ] knees when  you need something that to me is what Uber sounds  

Like they’re doing and you got channels promoting  that [ __ ] I’m not crawling on my [ __ ] knees   in a goddamn BMW driving around picking up [ __ ]  all night for $3 no no what I’m gonna end up doing  

Is getting this Beamer and going out and find out  how to make some money I’ll talk to some Riders   I’ll talk to you know other drivers out there we  gonna figure a way out how to make money don’t buy  

Into the two-party illusion I’m not talking about  two parties I’m talking about the Democrats right   now and I’m talking about whenever you see like  I said anything I’m telling you is not [ __ ]   fantasy it’s not fantasy you buy more houses when  Republicans are in in office you buy more houses  

Why is that because they want Democrats renting  they want you to stay on a [ __ ] Plantation if   you can’t see that based on history that’s your  failure to see it I’m not making [ __ ] up over  

Here I’m not you can go historically and look  at all the periods look at all the periods of   time when the economy was booming I’m not saying  who made it boom I’m saying look at the periods  

Of who was running it if you sitting there going  well when Democrats are in office man we make a   [ __ ] killing we all buying houses and we got  lower interest rates if that’s what it is then  

Say that’s what it is put that period out there  and say hey man that’s what it is thank you for   the Super Chat glitch Dash my man and so if I’m  telling you something it’s because of what I see I  

Bought my house during a republican period of time  I’ve seen a lot of my friends lose houses in 2008   2009 2010 11 12 all Democratic periods losing  houses due to foreclosure high interest rate   recession level [ __ ] and guess what we going  through right now recession level [ __ ] all over  

Again I’m just telling you if you can’t see the  periods and what’s happening during these periods   it ain’t me it ain’t me I’m just telling you this  is what happens you can try to make it up if you  

Want to no no no man this is what really no trust  me it’ be some rough ass [ __ ] years out there   and look at all the rough years you had and look  at who was running a [ __ ] show doing those rough  

Years I ain’t got to tell you [ __ ] it’s for you  to look at at that’s for you to go research and   look at what is it uh West Bay Sal 800,000 but  he’s making 23 million and cash incenters and  

Stock awards man that’s a payol for government  connection that’s right Harold that’s right and   guess what where do you think all this money’s  coming from it’s coming from driver’s Pockets   we’re paying that [ __ ] this is plantation  mentality Plantation mentality we’re out in  

The fields picking the [ __ ] cotton we picking  all the [ __ ] produce we picking all the goddamn   vegetables and [ __ ] and you’re taking it up to  the big house all these [ __ ] sitting in the big   house eating and we Starving in the [ __ ] Barn  right now that’s Plantation mentality right there  

These people do not give a [ __ ] about the people  on the bottom they do not care about the American   citizens they will flood your [ __ ] neighborhoods  with tons of people who probably don’t even   realize you being dropped off and giving nothing  I hope you can make it it’s Americans in America  

That can’t make it Americans in America cannot  make it so how you going to bring people from   other countries who really don’t even speak this  language drop them off in our neighborhoods and  

Say I hope you can make it it’s a [ __ ] setup  it’s a setup Ezra my man Ezra OB hey first Super   Chat what’s good brother what’s good first Super  Chat on the live stream thank you brother ad  

Doph is in the building what’s good Daniel just  walked in there you go yeah exactly and I tell   people man it’s like if you don’t understand the  psychology of what’s going on behind you if they  

Wanted to take care of Americans you don’t think  there’s enough money to go around to take care of   Americans if you do not think it’s enough money to  go around and take care of Americans why are you  

Giving a 100 billion to [ __ ] overseas to fight  a war why are you constantly fighting other [ __ ]   Wars why are you giving each immigrant that come  to this nation all this [ __ ] money all these   cell phones giving them cars and houses and all  this why are you doing that if you think there’s  

Not enough money to take care of Americans there  is enough money to take care of Americans there   is they just aren’t doing it they ain’t doing  it and there’s a reason why they not doing it   when you have a strong societ Society willing to  stand up we all got second amendment rights and  

[ __ ] we strong Second Amendment free to travel  the country free you can’t control us we are out   of your control so what do you do you try to  break these [ __ ] you break everybody you keep   people broke but yet everybody’s getting like I  said 23 million in stocks and [ __ ] 23 million  

100 billion overseas 5 billion here two billion  here help to every [ __ ] body else except the   American citizen who’s putting money into these  [ __ ] Pockets we’re the ones doing it this is   all of our money and they acting like it’s they  money this ain’t y’all money we the ones out here  

Working for that [ __ ] we doing these rides  [ __ ] Rider pays $80 for a [ __ ] ride and we   get1 $20 out of the 80 because it’s only [ __ ]  five miles thank you ad Dophin for the Super Chat  

My brother he you know I appreciate it man it’s  been a long ass eight days making no money thank   you brother I appreciate it but I’m gonna stay  on this [ __ ] man I’m gonna stay on it that’s   right giving away our hard-earned money Dante  you right you right giving away our hard-earned  

Money because when you get in that car every day  you lead a driveway and you go down the circle   can you fill that [ __ ] up with money you made  the day before you need to get a return on that  

Money because you just spent your money into the  gas tank investing it so you can make more money   because you got bills coming down the pipe so  even though you just put money into it you driving  

You’re spending money the more you drive that’s  why I say Park these [ __ ] don’t be spending no   money on gas Park this [ __ ] scouting the parking  lot and so you out dumping money into the system  

Over and over again but we ain’t getting [ __ ]  back and that’s how I say Uber and lift break   his economy thank you Daniel I appreciate the  Super Chat brother got you bro man I’m glad you  

Do brother real [ __ ] and Daniel it’s like this  I’m gonna say [ __ ] on this live stream and I’m   gonna say [ __ ] on this channel in general that’s  gonna make a lot of people not happy about how we  

Handle [ __ ] over here but it’s cool this is  a real Channel over over here this is people   speaking this is people talking chatting we ain’t  trying to sell No Illusion we talking about what’s  

Around us we are a part of the community we are  a part of the economy so when we sitting up there   driving people around and they’re paying $40 50  that’s Uber taking money out of the economy how  

Do they supposed to put it back in there they pay  it to the driver because when they pay it back to   the driver we spend money in the neighborhoods  and communities we’re in we spend money at the  

Little small stores and and at the know the malls  and at the gas we’re spending money back into   our community when they taking all this money out  and they ain’t paying a driver [ __ ] everybody’s   hurting 23 million in stocks this dude is getting  23 million in stock options so you don’t think  

They gonna push and promote get these stocks as  high as they can go get them as high as they can   go with all this fake [ __ ] they doing and all  of a sudden just everybody just sell their stocks  

Real quick everybody sell their stocks real quick  it’s like a rug pull man it’s like crypto you push   it higher and higher and higher high then just  pull a [ __ ] rug everybody sell their stock   right now [ __ ] goes straight to the ground yeah  and and the complaints cause people make our made  

Are paying so much yeah invisible Ranch people  are paying too much for these rods they’re paying   too much for them and they can feel it they’re  going to work at their W2 they just want to go  

Out and have a good time have a couple of drinks  with a friend they get in the car with us man I   can’t believe this route was $36 $36 damn dude I’m  getting $14 I’m getting $114 for this nine miles  

Yeah man it cost me $36 for this ride 36 damn I’m  only getting 14 bucks damn like that yeah Uber’s   taking $22 out same ride instead of it being it  probably used to be instead of $36 it used to  

Be probably 24 but then they got greedy the apps  got greedy they got people from the government now   working for them saying hey man you know we could  do this right the people in Minnesota only asking  

For like minimum wage they’re asking for minimum  wage some people were asking for like 177 $ an   hour and Uber’s like that’s too much that $117 an  hour is too much we’re going to go broke if we got  

To pay these people $17 an hour we’re out of here  Uber and lft both gonna leave and you don’t think   Lyft is aware of who Tony West is you don’t think  lft is aware Tony West works for Uber you don’t  

Think lft is aware of who that [ __ ] is why do  you think every time something happens to Uber’s   app it looks the same on lip’s app every single  time Uber got this update guess what lift looks  

Like same [ __ ] every the prices on certain apps  go away guess what lift looks the same way they’re   all in the same [ __ ] boat man they’re all in the  same boat they all got the same issues when the   justice department went after Uber for all that  sexual harassment and all that discrimination and  

All those lawsuits when the justice department  went after them who did Uber go grab somebody   from the justice department to fight the justice  department they said we going to fight fire with   fire you want justice department want to come  after us guess what we gonna grab somebody from  

The justice department we gonna use the government  to fight the [ __ ] government and we gonna pay   the government with all his government connections  and all his government insight to go back and   fight the government he ain’t fighting for people  he fighting for the elites he’s fighting for the  

Elites now you went from being a a government  official a United States government official   to now fighting just for the elites so you can’t  tell me these people are not padding each other’s   [ __ ] pockets and [ __ ] scratching these other’s  [ __ ] back all the time you can’t tell me they  

Ain’t giving people the endone hey man get this  stop tell we about to do this right now we F to   do this get this stock look at Nancy Pelosi and  all those [ __ ] hey get this stock we FNA do this  

We FNA make this call right now on this company  get this stock and a lot of people just don’t   want to see it they don’t want to see it time to  wake up what’s good he says hello the gig slave

Economy exactly what this shit’s trying to  become man and now you see the player that’s   why I said we need to find out who the players are  in the game because we’re business partners we’re   business we’re partners with the apps we don’t  work for these [ __ ] I’m not a Uber driver no  

I drive for Uber but I’m not a uber Uber don’t  [ __ ] own me lift Don’t Own Me I’ve been off   work for eight [ __ ] days if they own me they’d  fire me say dude you’ve been off for eight days  

We gonna [ __ ] fire you they can’t do that I work  with them not for them but we need to know who are   we working with like come to the table [ __ ]  who are we working that’s why I say go look up  

Tony West and I’m glad in the live live stream  they brought up Tony West because I really it’s   important to know who’s running the laws and  who’s running the policies for these companies   that we are driving for every day because when we  go out there what what did Megan say Uber and live  

The worst Partners all of yeah R share rental cars  are killing us in the market this Avenue for these   companies to put any sucker in the car to accept  [ __ ] rods to meet their weekly requirements  

To stay the rental Megan I was just saying that  [ __ ] in one of the comments if you get somebody   who has to drive at least 30 rides to keep this  car they GNA bang on as many [ __ ] rods as they  

Can in the first two days because they want to  they want to bang out a whole bunch of [ __ ]   rods just to say at least I’ll pass a requirement  of keeping his rental car it won’t even pay for  

The rental car the rental car might cost him 400  a week they ain’t making 400 they trying to bang   out them rides they if they get let’s say n$ n $10  a ride they’re going to make anywhere from 27 to  

$300 for them first two days that’s not counting  the fuel they need the food they probably ate on   the road and everything like that so their first  30 rids they still in the hole with these rental  

Cars but at least they did the requirement and so  now that they out there driving the hell out of   this car running this car into the ground hurts  and everybody’s like well we can’t afford the  

Tires no more we can’t afford to fix these cars  we ain’t doing this no more you guys got to start   buying your own tires because they found out what  they were doing running the hell out of these cars  

That’s what they was doing taking all the [ __ ]  rides to get them first 30 out the way once your   first 30 is out the way you try to profit for  the rest of the week you’re really living on  

Days three through seven that’s where your life  is being paid for and if you getting [ __ ] rides   three three four five six seven you just getting  [ __ ] rides you gonna be driving that thing 10  

12 hours a day running that [ __ ] into the ground  oh yeah Walmart spark pays better it does yep and   a lot of people don’t understand man I’m rental  cards it I said it you know a long time ago and  

I always stuck by that shit’s a poverty trap it’s  a poverty trap there’s no way you can get ahead   they sell you the solusion that hey if you rent a  car you’re not going to have to pay for any damage  

Or any repairs you’re paying for the [ __ ] up  front with the price you’re paying you’re paying   for the damage and repairs up front if you don’t  blow an engine you don’t get no money back you  

Paid for all that [ __ ] up front and you never  get the money you return the rental car and say   hey man I didn’t blow an engine or nothing like  that so instead of paying that much a day can  

We go back and you just give me like 20 $30 back  a day no no you were buying probability that in   case you blew the engine you could always you know  come get another car and then they probably ding  

You for damage on the [ __ ] on the way out the  door any [ __ ] way yeah Greg man you currently   rent you hate it what up pars because Greg you  understand how it feels man cuz you know what  

It feels like to say I want to generate profits  you busting your ass out there you work work hard   you doing good service you got people in the car  laughing people being thankful people tipping you  

And you getting a $1 [ __ ] tip [ __ ] like that  you doing everything you can possibly do and you   doing it the right way and you still ain’t getting  a benefit from that [ __ ] that hurts it hurts me  

Because I be doing the same [ __ ] I’m out there  [ __ ] knocking man I’m doing crazy rides $ one   tip two doll tip fair not right [ __ ] be pissing  me off sometimes I be like nope I’m driving home  

On my own gas nope I’m not doing it I’m out  I’m I’m done for the night yeah just paying   over $1,400 a month for a 10-year-old Prius with  foggy headlights you had suck [ __ ] about them   headlights did you you said them [ __ ] foggy  headlights you walk up to that [ __ ] like these  

[ __ ] foggy headlights I feel you on that [ __ ]  though man and if you paying that much a month   $1,400 a month even with insurance and car note on  your own car the most you gonna pay is about 600  

If you get a decent PRI a decent PRI with you know  a brand new PRI at that you get a brand new pris   warranty and everything on that [ __ ] you gonna  be paying about 5600 a month total total for that  

Car brand new he said damn right yeah they need  to call it in because some [ __ ] it doesn’t break   down should I get some money back yeah that’s  what it is Melvin in case [ __ ] because it ain’t  

Real in [ __ ] give me some of my money if I bring  your rental car back and I never break [ __ ] can   I have some of my money back then I’m like nope  nope it was a probability thing yeah see Silver  

Fox said I bought my own pris 5K and see that’s  what it is man you buy your own you know go get   your own pris that’s already using everything else  like that drive that [ __ ] as much as you want to  

You don’t got to worry about trying to do them  30 rides because they push people to do them 30   rides if you don’t do 30 rides we’re gonna take  your car to me that’s coercion you’re coercing  

Me to take [ __ ] rides knowing that these rides  ain’t worth [ __ ] you know they not worth nothing   but in order for me to keep this car I got to do  30 of these [ __ ] what if I take two days off I  

Take two days off now I got five days to do 30  rides so every every day I got to take at least   six garbage rides a day for the next five days  I got to take but that means my other rides have  

To be banging but if I waste my time doing these  [ __ ] rides I give up the opportunity of seeing   a good ride out there the opportunity cost us gone  and there’s a lot of good rides out there people  

Are still man I just got 20 bucks three miles I  got $14 man six miles it’s still some good rides   out there but when you coercing these drivers  to do your bidding I mean like I said you know  

Who’s in charge of their legal department they’re  doing anything they can Allowed by law and that’s   why you don’t see anybody you know pitching  for contractors right now nobody fighting for   contractors nobody fighting for ride share drivers  because they know there’s somebody in the [ __ ]  

Government sitting at the top of uber going dude  we got a link right in with the government they’re   not going to ever win anything they just awarded  this dude so much money because he apparently   saved Uber so much money in litigation saved him  like hundreds of millions of dollars in litigation  

That’s what he saved Uber how did he save them I  mean if you got attorneys all attorneys that went   to law schools all attorneys that know law and  you got attorneys working for you and these and  

People are taking you to court and these attorneys  that you have at Uber keep losing over and over   they just keep losing over and over but all of  a sudden you get Cala Harris’s brother in and  

You’re saving bil millions of dollars in court  all of a sudden wait a minute how how did this   one guy come in and just turn everything around  in your legal Division I mean crimes are crimes   facts are facts evidence is evidence what did the  old attorneys not have that this new attorney has  

Connections that’s what he has [ __ ] connections  so when you got connections of hey we gonna hook   you up with some stocks we gonna hook you up  with this we gonna take care of [ __ ] don’t  

Worry about it we got you back in and we know this  [ __ ] happens we see it all the time we see it   all the time we see everybody getting bribed left  and right we see people oh yeah he transferred so  

Much money to China to the government officials in  China he transfer you know [ __ ] on his laptop to   this [ __ ] and [ __ ] on his laptop to that we  see it all the time so for people to sit up there  

And go no no these attorneys are straight up and  legit and these business and these companies are   straight up and legit they would never do that man  this dude is already already in the system he was  

The assistant AG he’s already in the government  system right now Big Horn Kev my brother oh thank   you for the Super Chat my brother that what 173  and four hours this morning thanks to that $20  

Surge I got from ER from the ER you did not walk  through banner and get that surge that’s funny   [ __ ] Kev the only one I know be like man I don’t  give a [ __ ] if that shit’s in the hospital I’m  

Walking in the ER I’m getting that money [ __ ]  that [ __ ] I’m getting that oh yeah they’re   building housing developments and businesses all  over which is going to make for shorter distance   with rods overpopulation trying to get trying  to turn everywhere City into metro style yeah  

You right Rob you’re right and I just saw and and  Robert re I want you to do something because you   the news check this [ __ ] out I’m gonna give you  some news right now look at these little machines  

Over in China they’ve got they’ve got delivery  trucks delivery food delivery robots that are the   size of a regular car looks like a regular car  looks like a little minivan but there’s nobody   driving it and it’s delivering food is delivering  groceries it’s doing all that [ __ ] right now in  

China that’s what they’re trying to do in America  right now then they going to have these little   bitty small boxes that look like water coolers and  [ __ ] driving around they’re not gonna have that   they’re gonna have full-blown cars with no driver  delivering food all they doing it in China right  

Now and if they have and if they have everybody  living in one area like you said Rob like you know   if it’s like metro style everybody living in one  big building one big condo once you know the robot  

Is parked you go outside to the robot you open the  door you type in the code open the door there’s   all your groceries and [ __ ] right there no it’s  not even a Tesla they’re like minivans they’re   like minivans and they deliver their food delivery  and grocery delivery minivans driving around with  

No drivers and they’re like in traffic like real  traffic and they said the only issue that people   are having with them is they do abrupt stops like  they go like people be riding bikes and they’ll   stop real abruptly like they’ll just goir so if  you’re behind one you might rear in that [ __ ]  

Because the sensors are picking up people standing  on the curb people riding bikes and they’re like   real jerky they’re real jerky and [ __ ] like that  but for the most part that’s what’s coming for   delivery they’re gonna have absolute like actual  car siiz delivery vehicles with no drivers pulling  

Up in front of your house you’re going to get  notified your groceries are here you gonna walk   outside type in a code door opens you get all your  groceries out that’s what they coming like that’s  

What they’re coming like it’s in China right now  I saw a video on that [ __ ] I was like damn they   really going and I thought delivery had a chance  I was like well delivery might have a chance n  

They coming for everybody’s job right now these  [ __ ] coming for every job out there yeah people   are easy to control when they weak Public Funding  housing will increase they want to control every   one like pu yeah because and that’s what it is  they got this agenda out right now that said  

Nobody’s gonna own anything you won’t own anything  everything you will do will cost you for the rest   of your life as long as you’re a [ __ ] live you  will not own anything you will you get a car you  

Will never not just stop on no you’re going to  have a car payment for eternity whether it’s per   day per week per month per year you’re gonna have  a car payment forever that’s what they want to do  

Because that becomes easier to control people when  you got money over their head when anytime people   have freedom and they got their own thing going  on you can’t that person is free free to make a  

Decision free to say hey I’m not going to work  today but if you can force them to go to work   and force them to keep your machine moving you  have control over them yeah bitor Kev like the  

Video you shared on how crooked Uber was before  D but you know they still being crooked as hell   skirting loopholes and [ __ ] than je oh Kev you  already know brother you already know brother hold  

Let me do something for you Kev hold up B let’s  do like this that’s my buddy Kev right there I   ran in the Kev yeah is in China they’re changing  the repo game they’ve been bot the size of of  

Daytona floor jacks that can maneuver underneath  these wheels pick up the car and take it back to   the place human remote operated damn they out  there picking up people’s car just bringing it   back what up driving the wealth my man he’s  in the building yeah and prior the chief of  

Economics for the US Department of Labor no one  of these fairs are so good absolutely exactly   Harold you see it you see it like I said once  you get government officials who have links to   government officials involved in your private  Corporation your private Corporation you can  

Kind of do whatever you want because everybody’s  still scratching everybody’s back and then when   you got your sister as the VP I mean that’s clout  that’s clout right there so what you gonna say oh   man you know that’s that’s Camala Harris you can  be in with you can go meet with President Biden  

If you want to that’s her [ __ ] brother right  there okay cool oh all good Kev [ __ ] I got   you brother and so you want to go meet with with  Brighton you want to meet with all these people  

At the state dinner you want to come with us oh  cool man I got you I got you cuz we got Tony in   the building Tony Gonna Get Us everything we want  we got Tony we keep paying Tony money kicking him  

Down with money he gonna get us all the government  connections we need all over the world this dude   was the assistant AG he got connections all over  the planet we in we got a legal dude like I said  

He used to work for Pepsi they pulled his ass in  from Pepsi they pulled him in from Pepsi to help   with all these uh sexual harassment lawsuits  all these discrimination lawsuits that’s who   he’s pulling down for so it’s like when you got  somebody like that in your building oh you gotta  

We need to get people involved in our government  that represent us as people because right now   there’s people involved in the government that’s  representative of Corporations these corporations   have more representation with our officials than  we have as people and that’s why they’re doing  

[ __ ] the way it’s supposed they’re doing [ __ ]  the way it’s not supposed to be done if we stood   up and we voted for the people we wanted in office  oh trust me they trying to keep certain people off  

The ballot for a reason because they have a plan  they have an agenda and they’ve promised all these   people with all this money that’s pumping all  this money into to him hey just keep trusting   us keep giving us money because we’re going to  get our agenda done trust me we’re going to get  

The agenda done but what about that guy oh we’re  going to keep him off the ballot don’t stress him   we’re working on him we’re work we’ll get him  off the [ __ ] ballot you don’t worry about him  

You just keep giving us money we’ll keep [ __ ]  with the people keeping the people now we gonna   get it there yep totalitarian that’s what it is  that’s what it is claudo what’s good what’s good   this is the best barbecue on the internet [ __ ]  we over here cooking ribs today yeah Kim you’re  

Right why do you think they building all these  apartments they want the American people to be   renters I heard they’re going up on property  taxes in certain States I believe it I believe   it because they want to make it so expensive  to purchase a home that’s what they want to do  

That you end up either getting a condo renting  something and just not even want to be involved   with buying something look at the interest rate  right now eight% that’s crazy my interest rate is   half that when you double the interest rate on a  on a note that’s 30 years that’s crazy because I’m  

Like my my house payment is already high that’s  probably more than double my [ __ ] house payment   that is not even possible on the same exact piece  of [ __ ] property these houses was built in the   60s and 70s and [ __ ] they not worth that much  money they’re selling loans they’re not selling  

Homes they’re selling you loans they’re getting  money out of anybody they can get money out of   just like with these Riders they’re taking all  the money out of these Riders Pockets not putting   money into the driver’s Pockets so we can’t  invest back into our communities around here  

We can’t take care of [ __ ] around here if they  keep taking all the money and just holding it to   themselves the elite sitting with these fat ass  bank accounts stock accounts going up all the time   but Society in general is going downhill it’s  a recession it’s inflation it’s going down and  

I’m like how are the rich getting richer yeah  hey Megan I was just about to say that [ __ ]   how are the rich getting richer with the middle  class getting wrecked it’s funny that you said  

That because you said it a while ago while I was  talking about I was even looking at the screen   is over here I’m looking this way and it’s like  you said exactly what I’m saying Megan you said  

Exactly what I’m saying and it’s like the rich  people keep getting richer and it’s like at what   point will will people in America or people just  in the world General wake up to see that America’s  

Not what you think it is it’s not what you think  it is what it is but it’s not what you think it is   why do you think they’re sending so many young men  right now they’re sending young men on airplanes  

And allowing young men to cross the border mainly  young men not old people not people who they’re   gonna have to take care of like senior citizens  who need medical care or moms and their children  

A few moms a few kids [ __ ] like that but for the  most part they’re sending more young men over to   this country because young men can come over work  like slaves work theselves to the [ __ ] bone send  

And they promise them you can send a little money  back to where you’re from send money back to your   family over in you know Venezuela send money back  over to your family over in you know Ghana you  

Can send money back over there so these young men  come over here thinking we’re going to work we’re   going to work we’re going to America we’re going  to work they get over here and they get played the   [ __ ] out they’re not paid what Americans are  paid they’re living like hard they’re living on  

Top of each other stacked on top of each other  I mean you look at these old old pictures and   videos of how the slave ships came over these  [ __ ] were sleeping on top of each other every  

Was you know stacked on top of each other just to  come to America stacked on top then they get here   same thing they’re in Barnes and [ __ ] stacked  on top of each other 2023 you got [ __ ] living  

In an apartment sleeping in cars all stacked on  top of each other this shit’s repeating itself   all over again and people ain’t even waking up and  seeing it and we’re sitting here chatting about it   because it’s what we see in our communities we’re  drivers we’re out the house all day we ain’t in  

The office we ain’t sitting in a [ __ ] cubicle  we see what’s going on we drive up seeing trash   stacked up next to people’s houses and [ __ ] like  damn how can one family generate that much [ __ ]  

Trash damn that’s a lot of trash oh well there’s  like [ __ ] 10 people living in that house right   now what yeah man we told the city we told the  city hey we got like 10 people living over here  

City don’t even come through so when you got a  government that can’t even [ __ ] deal with the   ordinances and tell people you cannot have this  many people living in this house right here this   is what Community start looking like cuz people  going to struggle they came over here man land  

Of the fee home of the slave real [ __ ] and  people are coming over here with this illusion   they’re giving these pamphlets on how great it  is in America how everybody’s like at the park   with their kids and [ __ ] swinging on swings  and everybody’s driving around in nice clean  

Cars and walking around in suits and [ __ ] then  they come over here they sleeping in their cars   they in housing you know 10 people deep in a  three-bedroom house and [ __ ] like I said I   be dropping people off you see side the house  trash trash generated I mean some weeks pass by  

I don’t even put my trash can out because I don’t  generate that much trash I don’t even put my trash   can out I put my recycling out more than anything  else but when I’m dropping people off I see like  

Two trash cans overflowing trash seill next to  the house and [ __ ] trash bags around the I’m   just like damn yeah man it’s like 10 people living  in that house man and our government can’t even do   nothing our government’s hands are tied because  what our current Administration is allowing in  

This country but not only that but we got people  from the current Administration who has family out   there in Corporate America doing this [ __ ] to  us yeah the government about to subsidize starter   home builders make way more profit on bigger  homes because about the same to build a 2,000  

Foot home than it is to build A600 foot home yeah  I would see I I could see that it’s roughly about   the same when you think about the price it cost  because once you it’s Dimension returns once you  

Get to be a certain size there’s an equilibrium  where a price is basically the same even if you   add more or less square feet it’s basically the  same yeah they just destroyed the 3D printer Home  

Project n who who destroyed the 3D printed home he  said they just destroyed the 3D printed home Chris   D said I updated uberX three times this week can  you tell me why they still haven’t added upfront  

Fair price into my market I did one ride today  drove nine miles a pickup they were 1.8 and I   got $344 pissed oh I would have been livid oh you  don’t even know cuz they i’ have been living and  

See and this is what people need to do you don’t  get distance when you pick somebody up Christie   I don’t think you get distance if you’re that far  away I would probably type somebody and ask them  

Hey how far do you have to go because 9.44 miles  to get to somebody you better be going a pretty   good distance like I said you drove basically  11 miles almost and you got $3 yeah I would have  

Been pissed oh I would have been livid I think  I would have probably turned my app off and went   home I would have been that pissed in the casino  Industries are trying to best to keep Airbnb out  

Of Vegas yeahall believe it mg I believe it and  this is the thing about Airbnb they were okay in   the beginning airbnbs were okay in the beginning  but now they’re starting to get people who are   subletting they’re renting houses to Airbnb like  somebody would go rent this house and then they  

Airbnb that house out and it was YouTubers  pushing that [ __ ] YouTubers was pushing   renting out other people [ __ ] than airbn bed out  so I’m like if the landlord wanted to Airbnb they   [ __ ] they would have did it from the get-go  so somebody has let’s say $2,000 in rent but  

They’re making $1,400 a weekend for four weeks  so they’re making $5,600 a month on a house that   they’re renting and the landlord is barely making  money on he because the landlord’s only charging   you two G’s landlord like I’m trying to help you  take care of your family and [ __ ] man I rent  

You my house for 2 G’s and you turn around and  you making $5,600 in profit or in revenue on my   house that I’m allowing you to R so yeah landlords  they getting shafted with this Airbnb [ __ ] man  

It’s going nuts right now I would be pissed to  for me to look out for somebody yeah you got to   prohibit sub but people don’t even care man they  don’t care they will sublet your [ __ ] because  

Most of these landlords live in Canada they live  you know in New Jersey way the [ __ ] far away   from you they ain’t gonna be come and drive from  New Jersey just to see if somebody’s like airbn  

B a [ __ ] out many landlords don’t even live in  the same States they don’t even live in the same   country you got [ __ ] in China and [ __ ] fly  over here and buying up whole blocks of [ __ ]  

Property that’s their investment and they all that  money they’re using to pay for their kid to go to   [ __ ] Stanford or to Harvard or some [ __ ] like  that so they done bought a whole block of houses  

They live in China and they kid is driving a  [ __ ] Mazda RX7 on campus that ain’t nobody   even seen yet dud what kind of car is that oh this  is a new RX7 from where that’s a Batmobile [ __ ]

Yeah yeah if you’re in crypto like me and it  blows up invest in real estate look for any   rofs you can yeah for real for real you have to  gbera said the marathon continues that’s these   live streams baby the marathon continues the  only way a landlord will find out that if he  

If he has someone coming around to check on the  neighborhood areas looking out from otherwise   like you said how would you ever find out exactly  and a lot of people are doing that a lot of people   are doing that they’re renting houses but they’re  air they’re sub letting an Airbnb and [ __ ] out  

Some people are renting the house and they’re  just renting out rooms and they got the [ __ ]   on Craig say hey room for rent and how do you  know that they own that [ __ ] house they don’t   even own that [ __ ] they just renting them damn  themselves this dude making 7K a week because he’s  

Renting his seven-bedroom house for this company  for their employees to stay and that would be bank   if you had some traveling employees especially  let’s say if you got with American Airlines or   Delta Airlines or Southwest and somehow you said  hey your people flying in town don’t have to get  

Hotels I got a really nice house by the airport  this is what it is they [ __ ] write you a check   hell yeah they write you a check people fly in  they got a garage they can just you know Uber  

Over to the house they got a kitchen everything’s  all set up perfectly they definitely do it because   I’ll be picking up uh when I go up to the there’s  a hotel on 44th Street just north of the 202 like  

The Rison wherever that little place is right  there all Steward is be standing there all Airline   ladies be standing there they walk out they get  in a big ass [ __ ] van every time because these   ladies have nowhere to stay so that hotel must  give them like good accommodations and gives  

Them a free ride in that big ass Super Shuttle CU  they all be walking out all dressed exactly alike   every time every time say case of 9 millimeters  210 not teabag everybody looks weird on here I’m  

Sitting in the parking lot chilling yeah oh where  you at where you at Nicole you over there still   out shopping right now because it’s only 8:43  so you still got some time you still got time  

To make some money tonight before they call it  good what Hees said Li hasn’t let my Tesla Model   y qualify extra Comfort rods since it’s Inception  they keep telling me I got flaged but it’s been  

60 rides since and they still denying me extra  comfort AC and uh New Jersey so what and you got   a what a model y you said and they won’t give  you extra Comfort that’s crazy I wouldn’t give  

Ass no rods then I’m like nope I’m done for the  day yeah I wouldn’t give them hey if they said   they was gonna give me extra Comfort I’ve made me  seen three the entire time I’ve been driving I’m  

Getting all lift [ __ ] I don’t get extra Comfort  I get all lift [ __ ] so was like no no I’m cool   on that nope but again we’re only contractors oh  you said I’m I’m done I’m on power R you way out  

Way out yeah I call support three times and no  one is looking into it man that’s crazy that’s   crazy and the thing is extra Comfort is just  like lift there no difference yeah like Nick  

Said as BS is no difference I mean I’ll get some  extra Comfort rods it’ll be pretty much like 80   cents more but they’re probably charging the  passenger you know5 $6 dollar more but we get  

Like 80 cents out of that5 or $6 dollars that’s  really what what it is it’ll bump it up like 80   cent a do5 you ain’t really getting a whole  lot with extra Comfort but but again when you   get people in the government who are involved  in these private companies now but they still  

Got links into the government we as independent  contractors we don’t really have a foot to stand   on so we got to get out there yeah we gotta fight  man we gotta fight we got to go out there if you  

Can get business CS made up trust me and be okay  with talking to Riders about the [ __ ] we talk   about on this channel be okay with that if you  got to tell him hey man do me a favor listen to  

This podcast from this dude he’s explaining to you  why y’all [ __ ] getting charged so much and why   drivers are not getting charged but all these  Elites and these executives are running this   country into the [ __ ] ground so unless you guys  are giving us money straight up paying us straight  

Up as drivers the cycle is going to continue they  keep thinking oh but I want to use Uber I like to   use Uber because I get like a bonus buck and I get  you know a free [ __ ] hot dog for every 10 rides  

But you’re killing the economy using these apps  you’re killing the [ __ ] economy and if you’re   going to give this these people 20 bucks a day to  take you to work when it used to cost you 11 bucks  

A day to take you to work but I’m still getting  $7 you giving them 20 I’m getting seven they’re   making $113 every time you go to work you’re  helping Corporate America demolish the economy  

That we know yeah they too scared to turn off apps  what Christy say oh we need to band together and   turn off apps just for one day both apps hell  I’m not a contractor because I don’t know when  

I’m contracted to do up front I’m getting heated  yeah and that’s what it is as a contractor anybody   should know their payload up front you should  know how many people are getting in your car   you showing up blind is the dumbest [ __ ] ever  you should be knowing how many people you should  

Be knowing where you going like how far you got  to go to pickup where you taking them to where am   I taking am I taking these people to [ __ ] you  know three hours away two hours away where am I  

Taking them to and how much am I getting paid  for this and with that information you make a   decision they’re not giving people the ability to  make a decision until you turn on excuse me start  

Ride when you turn on start ride now you see how  far you’re going and now you like holy [ __ ] an   hour and 17 minutes where I didn’t know you were  going to Tucson I had no idea I thought you know  

You was probably going to Chandler maybe you know  Scottdale I had no idea you was going to Tucson   yeah yeah I’m going to Tucson well [ __ ] for $60  I can’t drive 109 miles for 660 bucks I can’t do  

That because I live up here it means I got to  drive down there turn around and drive back so   that’s 218 miles for $60 is what I’m getting paid  so you got to cancel the ride and the person got  

To get out or just pay you in cash and a lot of  mother like how about I just pay you in cash what   up Ryan my man what’s good brother what’s good  what is that if anyone has their uh has their  

Part 107 I’m getting linked up to USDA contract  flying drones if you live in the south I may be   able to help out anyone who’s looking for a way  out well you flying drones now that’s what’s up  

That’s what’s up so I’m flying drones goddamn it  yeah I definitely want to get my business cards   amaz but in the last three days I’ve added 11  people in my group text I’ve already got three  

Reservations and two other private rides fix the  app that’s how you got to do it though that’s how   you got to do it and a lot of people don’t know  how to talk to people how to generate business  

How do you know let people know you’re going to  save them money time headache frustration if not   getting a ride frustration of getting cancelled  declined You’re Gonna Save them all of that just  

Like hey you need a ride hit me up see where I  am hey Jeff tomorrow I gotta go somewhere at 3   o’clock p.m. cool the more time you give me the  more likely I can I can accommodate you if you  

Try to use me as an on call ride I might already  have somebody in the car right now at this moment   oh Jeff I need to go somewhere right now I already  got somebody in the car right now you know I’m not  

A la I’m not an onall Rider I mean I’m just saying  I could be your private driver but not the on call   that’s the difference and they got to know the  difference between that [ __ ] I have to kick  

People out because that then I get reported yeah  and and that’s the thing Grizzy if somebody got in   my car and I didn’t know how far we were going I’d  be like sh hey you gotta go hey I stay on live and  

That’s the thing I love doing live stream because  I can chop it up with everybody no but if I like   if somebody gets in my car Chris and and I don’t  know where we going until I slide that Swip button  

I’m gonna make a decision after that because if  they’re going you know two hours away from my   house no no I’m cool on that [ __ ] I’m cool we  can sit down and we can negotiate we could talk  

About it I can Google you know how far they live  and what what I would do it for and if they say   yeah n that’s too much man that’s too much the app  is charge me about the same amount cool the app is  

Charge you about the same amount but they’re not  paying me that amount so if you cool with pay the   app that but you not cool with paying me that try  the app again because I’m not cancell I’m done  

They should be if you’re paying for a ride pay for  the [ __ ] ride that’s it but if you just want to   pay with the app because you feel like I want to  pay for the app because you know I get coverage  

For this and coverage for that and cool then use  the app you don’t have to use me I can cancel the   ride you can get out that’s cool but I’m Not Gon  to sit up there and allow people to get played out  

Especially from other countries coming in getting  played out because they feel they have to be   forced to take these rides just to make a living  nobody’s got to be forced for this [ __ ] to make   a living man well Robert Reed said that’s how the  number one thing people don’t know how to speak  

To people understand how to make their business  cards I love give my presentation every time yeah   man and that’s what it is and you got to practice  on that [ __ ] and if you don’t know how to speak  

To people on how to engage to get a private ride  going there’s a lot of drivers on this channel a   lot of drivers on the will tell you how’s hum  doing are they busy yet well I still do night  

Driving I haven’t done days hum is still in the  days but hopefully they start expanding till night   times but yeah Robert it’s a lot of people man  and maybe what people need to do in the comments  

If they really want to get involved into getting  private rides just ask people hey man how do you   even start that conversation like a lot of times  you can just start the conversation by saying  

You know what no no knock till you miss Rider or  whatever how much did you even pay for this ride   oh I paid $19 oh damn for real because I’m only  getting like six seven doll out of this for real  

You you only getting because a lot of these [ __ ]  don’t know they don’t know you only getting six or   seven dollars yeah I’m only getting six or seven  bucks [ __ ] if you would have gave me you know  

Instead of you paying 19 you could have slid me  you know 10 15 bucks I’ll be good I’m only getting   six seven dollars with that because even with the  19 if they want to tip you three four five do you  

May not get the tip you might get it but it might  be reduced you might tip you five you might see $1   on your app so a lot of times you know the the way  to even present to people is to find out what are  

The current rates right now going for ride share  what are you guys paying right now and I know Liff   was saying Li was telling people riders that if a  driver has conversation with you about the fairs   report that driver so they can and they’ll  give you some kind of reward or some [ __ ]  

It’s because these apps are for promoting a lack  of transparency that’s all they promote and to   me that shit’s coercion it’s fraud to promote the  fact that you don’t want me to know how much these  

Rides are costing people that’s fraud M if you  know you want to up and up and you doing [ __ ]   the right way you shouldn’t have any problem any  problem whatsoever saying hey you could tell a  

Driver you PID 20 bucks for it because we paying  a driver 15 tell a driver we cool with that but   when they know they doing some shady [ __ ] they  charge [ __ ] $82 to leave the airport $82 but  

Yet you’re only getting 36 for the ride you like  well how the hell you charging them 8 well it’s   from the airport that’s what we do they don’t  want you talking about that because they want   to continue the shady [ __ ] building their [ __ ]  you know stock Pro start stock portfolio building  

Their profits up they don’t care about American  profits your driver profits they don’t care about that the more they chat about it the less people  tip I’ve seen too many $1 tips like oh man all  

These things be $1 tips all of them all the  drivers I have met and become friends with a   hard ass workers yeah yeah because they be out  there getting it you know what I’m saying it  

Takes a lot a lot to know that you’re about to  decline more rides than you take you’re going to   decline more rides you take so you got to be okay  with rejection if you’re not okay with rejection  

This career probably ain’t for you this career  ain’t for you so you go out there and you go oh   man you know what I’mma have to reject probably  nine of the 10 rides just to get going but once  

I get going I might be doing better you got to  be okay with having that in your spirit and I’m   okay with that I don’t I don’t take it personal to  have people standing on a curb I don’t care it’s  

Like if they say hey man I ain’t got a ride in two  hours it’s not my problem does the apps charge you   too much fix the app said the shit’s easy for me I  just ask them if they use Uber LIF a lot and they  

Tell them and tell them that I do private rise  they catch on quick LOL yeah yeah they catch they   like oh so you want to save us some money hell  yeah let’s talk let’s talk [ __ ] and what Kim  

Say Democrats came with that idea Jeff I believe  all the they came up with these damn ideas man so   you need to ask them how many times they use the  service to go to work also while driving is there  

A specific route because I can get you there  faster how much they charge you for this ride   yeah and and be okay with communicating talking  business with people because this is a business   it ain’t a friendship you’re not friends with  the riter you can become friends with the writers  

Eventually but if it if it’s about business  and they don’t feel like paying $120 to leave   this [ __ ] concert and they like man it’s $120  to leave the concert we’re just going to Scott  

Deal it’s $120 to go to Scott say you know what  dude pay me $75 I’ll take you there 7 that’s it   save you 50 bucks right off the [ __ ] bat let’s  roll let’s go we’ll take that deal be okay with  

That [ __ ] be okay with it what up DJ what time  to wake up say hey yeah Jeffrey they have taken   away tens of billions of dollar out of driver’s  Pockets over the past year with these upfront   fairs over $800 million in mindate Colorado alone  oh I believe it man they’re scamming the [ __ ]  

Out of people with up run fairs because they’re  not telling the riers in the drivers the full of   what’s being paid because when you’re paid by the  rate card you pay you get charged probably after   the [ __ ] ride when you get upfront fairs they’re  charging the [ __ ] up front and they’re fishing  

For profits okay charge the rider $53 and we’ll  look for the cheapest ride we can give them we’ll   fish for the cheapest driver out there charge  them charge them 53 now start lowballing every   [ __ ] body just start lowballing the [ __ ]  out of everybody and people just got to keep  

Declining it but people are so quick to grab them  lowball offers it’s like dude don’t do that [ __ ]   when you see something too low let that [ __ ]  go well Big Horn Kev here’s an idea get your  

Business cards made up and go to a Harley or any  dealership talk to the service manager see if you   can leave cars at the Ser death service Rider to  authorise the people who leave their bikes that’s  

Hey for real man real [ __ ] and the only thing I  would say about that though Kev is that I would I   would make sure to tell the service manager we are  not linked directly to you as a Harley dealership  

Or anything like that and tell the person these  people do not work for us they’re not our shtle   service they have nothing to do with us we’re  just saying if you use them you use them I mean  

Here’s their card you can call them and use them  just like if if Harley was to say hey man we got   people that can cut grass at your house just  because they saying hey man here’s a guy’s card  

You can cut your grass at your house Harley’s not  responsible if this person [ __ ] your grass up   it’s like Harley’s not responsible if this dude  you know take drop you off at the wrong house or  

Whatever like that they’re not responsible so we  got to make sure when we do stuff like that with   a company we let them know off the bat we are not  affiliated with them at all no no affiliation just  

Saying if you need a ride here you go AutoZone  used to do that [ __ ] all the time when I used   to give my car to the AutoZone people when I was  in St Louis and they would call hey Jeff we got  

This person here at the store they’re about to buy  racking pinion they’re saying that they need it or   whatever but they don’t have anybody to install  it I’m like I could do a Dodge Ram racking pinion  

That’s cool I could do a Dodge Ram racking pinion  person would call me text me and everything even   though AutoZone gave out my card and everything  I tell the person yeah go ahead and buy the rack  

And pinion while you’re there I can install it  give me a day to wrap up a project I’m doing   right now I can help you out and I’d set my own  prices and everything AutoZone would always do  

That [ __ ] because they get a lot of people that  would come in that would buy parts or do this and   that like well if you need a meic to help you out  my homeboy Jeff he’s always up here I would meet  

People in line I met a lady in line one time I did  her window regulators cuz she was someing about   her R she was buying some other [ __ ] some about  her window regulators was jacked up I gave her my  

Card in AutoZone told this is what I do had her  order the window regulators came to her house put   them right in her [ __ ] car got paid for it so a  lot of times you can actually use other companies  

To kind of give you a crutch to help build your  client base just like with Uber andyt this could   be our crutch to lift because if they want to  [ __ ] us over and play games with us and charge  

These people all this money and not give us a part  of the money this could be our crutch to get into   something else because it’s like hey man if you  if these [ __ ] tried you 50 60 bucks just to get  

To work or to get home from work 50 60 bucks and  they only giving a driver $22 out of that tell you   what you pay me 35 I do it 35 for real for real  35 I do it and a lot of people will appreciate  

That because that’s how we keep the economy in  our communities going in a certain direction oh   yeah go to restaurants and permission if you can  drop some R share personal business cards yeah   definitely places with dinners if you got a really  nice car a really nice car and you want to go to  

Like a a nice restaurant and let them know hey you  know what just tell them I do a good service you   know this is what I do if somebody wants to leave  dinner they want a good ride the waitress walking  

Around just let the waitress know hey talk to  the people that say Hey you know I hope you guys   enjoyed your dinner if you took ride share in or  anything like that we do have a a good selection  

Of really upscale Vehicles we know some people who  could probably you know they oh really you guys   yeah you don’t got to call uin and potentially  get a car that you don’t like you can get a car  

You could save yourself some money I mean we got  a whole wall of people over here they can go over   by the wall and be like oh [ __ ] I’mma call this  guy right here with the Suburban hell yeah see how  

Much he charges hey we’re at this restaurant right  now we see your Cal’s R CH wall how much do you   charge for a ride from here to the yeah I could be  there like in about 20 minutes and perfect because  

We’re paying our bill right now no problem there’s  so many ways you can Market yourself and pitch for   yourself other than letting these apps do that  [ __ ] because these apps they’re not it takes  

Nothing for them to find a ride nothing people  got the phone in their hand and all they do is go   which who’s available that’s all they pick up the  phone who’s available they could be hitting you up  

Are you available right now can you come hey man  we’ll be leaving here in about an hour and a half   you cool with that cool let me wrap up what I’m  doing I could be there in an hour and a half no  

Problem I got you and a lot of yeah airport hotels  some markets have people with the problem getting   rods to and from airports close by yeah because  nobody wants to do the the close airport hotels  

They’re not worth it they’re not worth it and the  the the apps will be charging a good amount the   person don’t care about the amount just would have  make it today flight but they’re only going to pay  

The driver $6 $4 for airport ride when they’re  willing to pay 20 bucks to get to the airport   say dude I’m right next to the airport give you  20 bucks you come get me man cool that’s it but  

Yet the app is gonna be like $4 to fight through  all that traffic for $ four no I’m cool NOP NOP   what up Rock what up rock yeah Reese you gotta  use every trick in your bag those are your tools  

And and if you’re a contractor you’re a business  person you got to start doing business because we   know right now what we’re up against like I said  when I looked up that Tony West guy I’m like we’re  

Up against the government right now Uber is is an  extension of the [ __ ] government pretty much it   is extension of the government you if they’ve got  people in government offices now working in their   private Corporation they’ve got Old Government  legal people that worked in the White House  

And [ __ ] like that in their bill they’re an  extension of the government because they still   got connections with the government and they use  those connections all the time to get [ __ ] done   against us the American people just like our  government goes against the American people now  

We got these corporations doing the same [ __ ] so  now we gotta say all right we see how y’all [ __ ]   rolling we gonna do some [ __ ] now and once you  start seeing their once they start seeing their   revenue numbers go down they gonna start realizing  these drivers are up to something people ain’t  

Paying for ride share No More they’re they’re  dealing with drivers straight up right now and   they going to try they going to be mad of course  they’re going to be mad cuz they’re trying to use   the government as a weapon against us we’re  going to have the government in our building  

And weaponize them against drivers trying to do  their own [ __ ] thing we’re gonna weaponize our   the government against them use our connections  and [ __ ] it’s like no we we got a new plan for   you [ __ ] trust me we got a plan coming what’s  that Danon it’s like you having a Car Service  

Company in New York you can call and get a car  with the car service and the driver keep 100% of   the fair that’s what it is and people have been  doing this [ __ ] for Generations ride share is  

A new industry and a lot of people understand what  ride share is it’s a whole new industry and we’ve   had Logistics private companies taxis we have all  this [ __ ] as long as cars have been around get  

Your neighbor to a store picking up your kids  and their friends from like one party and take   them to another [ __ ] party we’ve been doing this  [ __ ] for Generations but everybody’s so scared   right now everybody so scared to let somebody  get in their car I don’t know man I might not  

Have insurance for this like [ __ ] you’ve been  doing this [ __ ] since you was a kid what are you   talking about I can’t pick up nobody’s kid from  school and drop them off at basketball practice   I need a certain insurance for that since when  [ __ ] people been doing that what up Fortune Jama  

So you’ve been picking up people before taking  their kids from to basketball camp picking them up   from summer camp bringing them home and somebody  said man thank you for bringing my kid man here   here’s 50 bucks for gas and time and everything  appreciate that man appreciate it so much oh cool  

Thanks brother I appreciate that it ain’t never  been I can’t pick up your kid from summer camp man   especially if you’re going to give me some money  for gas and time that’s considered Rod share it  

A considered ride share consider me doing you a  [ __ ] favor in my car and you been considered the   favor and say man here’s 50 bucks appreciate it  it’s like yeah I know Megan that’s it door Das rev  

What’s good what’s good the Rev that’s the exact  thing Jeff what you said all these corporations   are an extension of the government they are all in  bed together and all these big Banks run the show  

Since have jeo Island yeah and see time to wake  up we we don’t mind discussing that over here we   really don’t it ain’t no [ __ ] secret it’s just  a conversation it ain’t no see you can see all  

The [ __ ] on the internet you just go to Google  or YouTube or Yahoo or whatever you can pull up   all this information but you got Channel scared to  even mention the [ __ ] you say on oh we’re gonna  

We’re gonna ban your comment flag your comment  don’t don’t say over here that that Uber has   people that used to work for the government now  working for Uber don’t say that on our Channel   it’s the [ __ ] truth it’s the truth and so when  you start saying truth and start mentioning truth  

A lot of people who want to consal that truth  they cower they shy away from it they consider   it drama the truth is drama the truth is drama  if you mentioned Tony West on our Corner works   for Uber and used to be the Assistant Attorney  General of the United States CI civil litigation  

Department of no that’s drama that’s drama  don’t talk about that [ __ ] that’s the truth   though what are you talking about and that’s why  a lot of people like can’t rock with man I don’t   [ __ ] with a lot of people cuz you start seeing  seeing the true integrity and soul of who [ __ ]  

Are it’s like what illusion are you trying to sell  there’s a reality going on around us that you can   speak about it’s okay to speak about reality but  when people get scared to speak about reality I’m  

Scared of them I’m like okay so who you trying to  [ __ ] fake it for who you faking it for because   I need to know what side of the coin you playing  on and I don’t [ __ ] with everybody like that cuz  

I’m goingon to keep it 100 somebody ask me some  [ __ ] I’m not going to [ __ ] you and lie to you   because you can just pull it up on internet and  see it he like why in the hell did Jeff lie about  

That it’s right here on [ __ ] Google why did  he lie about that exactly the CCP basically your   sority house and fraternity idea was was a good  one Jeff soon as I get my business cards made I’m  

Head to Ann Arbor you have been pass him out yeah  fix I’m telling you because a lot of them they’re   especially college women especially college  women they are very scared to use ride share   there’s some shady [ __ ] in ride share especially  now with the influx and I’m not knock no [ __ ]  

Body believe me when I say this [ __ ] with the  influx of people who have no documentation in the   American legal system the American you know court  system they have no document they’re completely   undocumented involved in Rod share if anything  was to happen that person can’t even report it’s  

Like having ghosts in the system picking these  people up they don’t even know who these people   are driving these cars they’re not documented they  don’t have social security numbers they don’t got   birth certificates they don’t got [ __ ] they just  got here they’re driving Rod share they’re driving  

Around in these cars with all these people and and  what do you do you only have a car who registered   to somebody just like the one guy who was using  his girlfriend’s car to deliver [ __ ] uh food he  

Went and stole a package off these people [ __ ]  these people uh porch they had to track back the   [ __ ] car to her track the car to her and she  was at work at the time and she was like oh it  

Was probably my boyfriend sure enough they got  a picture of a boyfriend that was him clearly   on camera now imagine somebody who was not linked  to any not linked to anybody driving these cars  

Around and you go kill somebody hey you know what  you rented a car out somebody or this car is is   uh registered to you yeah it’s registered to me  but I rent it out to people well who’d you rent  

It out to yesterday I don’t I rent it out to this  guy they look at the guy no that’s not the guy he   rent it out to somebody else or he let somebody  else borrow there’s two or three guys using that  

Same car right now it gets [ __ ] convoluted  man it gets crazy because you have all these   people driving to these community in all these  neighborhoods with all this shady [ __ ] going   on and you have to start tracing and tracking  every [ __ ] thing every criminal was not caught  

People think every criminal was caught every  criminal is not even every American criminal with   documentation is not caught it’s hard to [ __ ]  catch people you have to do [ __ ] research you   have to do investigations you’ve got to go and try  to trap people with evidence and [ __ ] like that  

Even somebody that’s American born and raised here  35 years old can get away with a [ __ ] crime now   imagine somebody with no documentation it should  probably happen so [ __ ] much and nobody talks   about it because they’re scared to scare people  from using Rod chair they’re scared to scare  

People from well don’t use Uber All This and like  I said why did Tony West even go to Uber he went   to Uber because of the litigation surrounding  Eric Holder and the sexual harassment and the   Discrimination within Uber he is a specialist  in civil law like that so he’s a specialist  

That deals with that kind of [ __ ] so they’ve  got like I said they’ve got the government now   and Uber fighting the government of the United  States of America Uber has his own government   Uber is his own government linked to our American  government yeah man it’s scary [ __ ] Ryan and I  

Tell people You’ got to think about the reality  that we live in a lot of people got this [ __ ]   fantasy that we turn on the app and everything  is secure everything’s vetted everything’s okay   no problem whatsoever everything’s amazing it  ain’t always like that in real life it ain’t  

Like that in real life because we really out in  these streets for real we see the [ __ ] that’s   going on for real out here and all these corporate  people they don’t see how we struggle they don’t  

Care to see how we struggle even a lot of YouTube  channels they don’t give a [ __ ] about how we   struggle they don’t want to hear that because  to them oh that’s negative it’s negative it   is negative to see [ __ ] couches on people’s  [ __ ] front when I pull around the corner and  

I see couches and People’s Furniture and [ __ ] I  was in some apartments the other day dropping off   some students when I was still driving I went  through the apartments dropped them off at the   very front I’m driving down past the dumpster it’s  real actual good [ __ ] furniture by the dumpster  

Somebody body got evicted and they don’t just  leave the [ __ ] in the center of the apartment   complex they put all that [ __ ] by the dumpster  it was nice ass chairs tables dressers clothes   and [ __ ] stacked up mattresses headboards if I  had a [ __ ] trailer I would have took all that  

[ __ ] had a goddamn garage sale but that’s a  reality that we face when we driving ride here   we seeing [ __ ] getting evicted with W2s drivers  anybody and I’m like damn I wish I had a [ __ ]  

Trailer I’ll be out in this [ __ ] throwing all  that [ __ ] in the back of the truck trailer man   I’m taking these chairs and it was some nice ass  bar stools really nice bar stools they would have  

Probably fit in my car but I about to scratch my  [ __ ] seats up for no [ __ ] Bar St like no I’m   cool on that [ __ ] but it was nice [ __ ] out  there people are really getting evicted they’re  

Really getting put out of their [ __ ] places to  live when they don’t have the money when you don’t   have the money to pay for the person say hey  this is your bill I don’t have money for that  

Your [ __ ] ends up by the dumpster and do you  really think a lot of these channels and a lot   of these [ __ ] corporations care about that they  don’t CU they don’t see them [ __ ] dumpsters they  

Don’t see it we see it if you driving through  somewhere and you see a dead body you gonna   think about getting killed am I just drove down  I saw a dead body in the street now you thinking  

About your life now because you just saw a dead  body when you driving through apartment complexes   and you seeing furniture and [ __ ] laying by  the dumpster you thinking of your own [ __ ]   now sitting by the dumpster that [ __ ] will hit  you that [ __ ] will [ __ ] hit you you’re like  

Damn they they keep it realing this [ __ ] they  evicting people this shit’s real they evicting   people people for nonpayment of rent you don’t get  that that CT courtesy like they had back when Co   was in you don’t get that courtesy we just live  there for free for eternity and [ __ ] and the  

Government [ __ ] stand there and F be like hey  man you ain’t got to worry about you know paying   rent and [ __ ] like that we’re giving you a a  moratorium on rent you ain’t got to worry about  

Rent dog this is It’s a pandemic right now you  cool no [ __ ] that shit’s over that time is over   now you get when you don’t pay for [ __ ] [ __ ]  and like I said you think the people at Uber care  

No they trying to get stocks up they they got a  fiduciary care to their stockholders you have a   fiduciary care to your family because I don’t  want your [ __ ] furniture by the dumpster and   a lot of people out there they don’t really give  a [ __ ] they don’t care Megan love of barbecue  

Hey we we keep it real around here man we keep it  real around here yeah Megan that’s it we telling   it like it is and we not getting paid here to shut  the [ __ ] up and look the other way no it’s real  

Life going on and it and it sucks that because we  see real life going on and [ __ ] are always late   to react to something we’re trying to be proactive  and prevent something there’s a certain thing   called prevention to be preventative you have to  be proactive you got preventative maintenance on  

Cars preventative maintenance of your life the  preventive maintenance of your life is to generate   profits ahead of time other than being broke and  trying to come up with the [ __ ] money at the end   because if you broke and you come up with money at  the end you’re reactive now you’re not proactive  

You’re reactive so now you got to pay late fees  you got to pay overdue bills you got all that’s   reactive maintenance to your life I’m proactive  maintenance to your life get your [ __ ] up get   your [ __ ] up because something’s gonna happen  like I said I got money in the bank I ain’t drove  

For eight [ __ ] days I had to pay all my bills  right now my money is being depleted real [ __ ]   fast and there ain’t no income coming in to put  that [ __ ] back in so I got to get this car up  

And going I’m proactive enough to know that all  the money I got cannot cover all the debt I got   I know that I’m smart enough to know that you see  these [ __ ] out there getting the tax return oh  

[ __ ] 3500 I’m rich [ __ ] I’m rich [ __ ] h h  no they got the Dunkey I’m rich [ __ ] H like a   [ __ ] like we ain’t Rich $3,000 ain’t [ __ ]  I can eat up $3,000 in one [ __ ] payment of  

All the [ __ ] I got 3,000 ain’t [ __ ] so when  you see somebody sitting on 15 grand guess what   that’s only five months I’m gonna live longer  than [ __ ] five five months it’s like [ __ ]   I’m living longer than five months so you need a  whole lot more money than $3,000 5,000 you need a  

Lot so we slowly generate profits and we Chase  profits because we know we’re proactive we’re   going to be preventative Larry’s like Jay wat  preach preach [ __ ] but it’s real man so we got  

To sit out there and we’ve got to find out ways  to be in front of the wave that we know is coming   we ain’t stupid we stand on the beach we see the  wave coming that wave ain’t nothing but bills it’s  

Just bills thank you Robert Reese I appreciate  that brother hey man we keep it real over here   Robert Reese we be hitting [ __ ] over here man  and I know I tell a lot of [ __ ] they won’t be  

Happy with what I gotta say and that’s cool a lot  of [ __ ] don’t like the way I talk like the way   I present information that’s cool Logan block  oh [ __ ] Logan’s in the building been hustling  

4,500 in two days not just off gig work but good  game there you go brother there you go Logan block   with the 499 Super Chat my brother well see you  live in Vegas I know how you living because I used  

To live that same life I worked at Leroy sports  book back in the day and [ __ ] used to wonder   how do you make $4,600 in a weekend parlays when  you get a good parlay ticket going trust me you  

Have a good [ __ ] weekend but there’s also been  weekends when I had really bad weekends really bad weekends yeah but no and I tell people we’re  proactive over here we do proactive maintenance   to our life and I know that shit’s coming out  the pipe we’re standing on the beach we seeing  

This tile wave of bills coming in my job as  a lifeguard is to say hey y’all it’s a [ __ ]   it’s a wave coming in it’ll be here in about 30  [ __ ] days let’s get out there and generate as  

Much profit as we can to not only cover that wave  but to have a little bit of money that’s coming   for the next wave right after that because in 30  days another wave is [ __ ] coming so you can’t  

Just live for the first wave you see you’re gonna  live longer than the first wave the first wave is   just what you see there’s waves coming behind it  that you know you going to live long enough to  

See so you got to generate your [ __ ] profits all  these low these high AR low [ __ ] Fair riding ass   [ __ ] they they don’t even see the first wave  they might see a few ripples come in and say oh  

I’m gonna take care of these little ripples they  take care of the ripples they all happy and [ __ ]   oh I got 95% AR still after this week how much  you make oh man I worked 80 [ __ ] hours 1,800  

Bucks how much you spend in gas 500 so really you  only made about 1,400 and then you got all this   other [ __ ] you got to deal with you got to pay  for the car now so you’re really sitting on 1100  

Because you had to rent the car pay for all the  gas now you sitting on 11100 for real and took you   80 hours 80 hours to profit 1100 bucks 80 hours  you that’s less than [ __ ] you know $20 an hour  

Yeah man it’s crazy some Market don’t have upfront  fairs yet what Uber Jeep I miss what happened to   the bean oh yeah Jay I got the the thermostat yeah  I’m I’m working on that so I’m sitting there going  

If you if you work 80 hours and you profited 1,00  bucks that’s not a good living that’s not a good   living you’ve got to drive smarter because these  apps are banking on people like that banking on  

People like that because just think if we know  for a fact that they’re taking at least minimum   50% of most of these fairs we doing 50% if you  bringing home 2 G’s that means the apps have two  

G’s so the apps are taking 2,000 out of 80 hours  you really made 4,000 you really made you know   $50 an hour you made 50 bucks an hour you made  $4,000 in driving but because the app took half  

Of that [ __ ] you went from making $50 an hour  to $25 an hour because you only got two grand of   it and now because you had to pay for the rental  car and the fuel and everything instead of $25 an  

Hour you’re now under $20 an hour you’re sitting  about $1,100 over 80 hours right now it’s not good   that’s not good so what you do is you make sure  the rods you do take get you and the rides you’re  

Actually driving get you $40 an hour $50 an hour  that way you don’t got to drive 80 hours to make   four grand the app takes away half of it so you  really get two grand Herz takes they big [ __ ]  

Chunk out then Circle can Quick Trip take they  gas fuel chunk out and you sitting around like   man took me 80 hours to make 1100 bucks [ __ ]  people can make $1,100 in like 24 hours they can  

That in 24 hours less risk of tearing they [ __ ]  car up less wear and tear they can do that [ __ ]   in 24 hours of driving I’ve seen people do it ,000  in 20 hours I’ve seen him do it [ __ ] I could do  

It every once in a while when the [ __ ] was good  when I had Lux and everything it was easy to do   but now we sitting there is it or your family  looks like so you don’t know what the inside of  

Your your house looks like you’re like dude do I  live here like dude am I in the right house hold   [ __ ] up wait a minute yes I don’t do know Rod  don’t live without a surge yeah exactly man you  

Can’t you can’t and so I’m sitting there going you  know if we know that there’s bills coming down a   pipe and you understand how money works as far as  profits go you can’t only work for your car that’s  

Why it irritated the [ __ ] out of me when Tony  Richard sat up there or David Richard sat up there   and said well I don’t know what driver’s expenses  are I I mean we could tell you what a fair fair  

Would be but we don’t know what driver expenses  are [ __ ] find out who’s driving for you first   we’re not all wealthy people we’re not wealthy  people we all got rents we got mortgages a lot of  

Us don’t just own our houses flat the [ __ ] out  so if we’re sitting there looking at What expenses   are drivers some of us have children that we still  paying for some of us got alimony some of us got  

Child support we still there’s a lot of expenses  that drivers have it’s called our life and once   you find out who’s driving for you now you find  out these people cannot live that type of a life  

On this less of money but when you start bringing  in people from overseas flying them in letting   them cross a real grand busting them in you start  bringing all these people in you don’t care about   their expenses they don’t have no expenses they  just got here they ain’t got no expenses they  

Ain’t got no rent they ain’t got no what do you do  you sitting there giving them a place to live you   give them a free cell phone you give them a [ __ ]  you know a rental car allotment so you already can  

Tell what their expenses are each immigrant that  comes over I guarantee I [ __ ] you not [ __ ]   you not y y’all could test me if you want to you  [ __ ] know y’all could always test me if you want  

To go look in Google or anywhere else and ask what  is the average cost of the government supporting   you know a immigrant that like an immigrant in  2023 what is the average cost of the government   I guarantee there’s a a site or a calculation  for that amount I guarantee there’s a calcul so  

If they know that there’s a calculation for that  amount of how much is costing them to support an   immigrant they know this already that’s how they  can generate profits on that person when you don’t   know like David Richard says I don’t know what  driver expenses are he said that I didn’t he said  

I don’t know what driver expenses are so you don’t  know how much I cost you you have no idea how much   I cost you but you can go on Google and you can  find out how much an immigrant cost you this  

Is business this is how they start [ __ ] having  expenses and revenues and generating profits and   budgeting [ __ ] and doing all this stuff like  that this is how they can do it so if they say  

If I know how much it cost me to keep you here  then I know how much I got to pay you to keep   you okay that’s what the game is so when they say  I don’t know how much it cost an American I don’t  

Know how much it cost a [ __ ] American to drive  for their expenses of their life I don’t know so   what do you do you find people who you do know  that information for because you want to get your  

Equation better so you say at least let’s bring  some people in that we know that we know what up   Willam meals we’ll make over 100 extra daily just  on surges we build yeah they’re getting 5,000 a  

Month in in hotel and paid for free so there  you go right there there you go right there on   taxpayers back so they getting five G’s a month  in hotel you know uh five G’s a month wait and a  

Hotel no they’re getting $5,000 like cash in their  hand and a hotel that’s crazy that’s crazy I would   man I would go nuts I would go nuts William Mills  my brother my brother thank you for the Super Chat  

I appreciate that brother got the got the fox with  the heart man that’s it [ __ ] we out here being   slot like a fox we getting on Uber’s ass right now  but in the zones that I gave this woman from the  

Builtmore hotel a ride to the airport this morning  because she was a Democrat and the Democratic   Convention but she was telling me a story of this  driver of this driver took a long trip to Utah  

What hell no hell no I ain’t taking no trip to  Utah a driver nah man tell you William we on these   we on these [ __ ] ass Uber thing they slide like  a fox [ __ ] them we got them and dorin said I’m  

Out here grinding these ragged ass oversaturated  markets exactly and like I said they’re   oversaturated they long trip and no tip man forget  that no hell no was that send you an email another   stream for to get that paper all right Larry I’m  going to see that [ __ ] brother I’m going see  

That brother he’s still driving man I I’ll be done  quit if I did that somebody had to take me all the   way to Utah or I had to take somebody all way to  Utah and I did a long ass trip new Uber wasn’t  

Paying me [ __ ] and still got no tip man I’d sell  that [ __ ] car in Utah buy me a [ __ ] horse and   ride that [ __ ] back like nope I’m done with ride  share yeah Kim oh you know what there was a I saw  

A video about that this guy he’s in Illinois This  Guy’s in Illinois right now like you said people   out here thinking about getting on welfare instead  of working I’m looking at this video from this  

Dude in Illinois he owns like a a Shop sells parts  and everything like that he’s saying and and like   I said it’s not me it’s not me y’all so don’t say  [ __ ] about me but this it’s going on in [ __ ]  

Illinois right now so These Guys these Venezuelan  guys get to Illinois they’re hired by this place   not his place but another place so they’re there  to pick up stuff and everything else and the lady  

Who hired them is like these Venezuelans I don’t  know what the deal is like I said this is not me   so don’t say [ __ ] about me he’s saying she’s  saying yeah these Venezuelans all they do is sit  

On their cell phones they use their phones they  don’t want to work they keep saying if I fire them   they’re going to get unemployment anyways they  don’t want to work they this and that they’re   getting all this money they got these free phones  they got all these new fresh nice clothes they  

Got somewhere to live they don’t want to work so  they’re the laziest people ever I swear these damn   Venezuelans are the laziest people ever and then  he like they’re not Mexicans Mexicans work hard I   was rolling laughing says these aren’t Mexicans  Mexicans work hard these are Venezuelans they  

Don’t work for [ __ ] I was like because that’s  what it is we we’ve got people thinking that   being on welfare is a easier way to live being on  welfare and not working is your ticket to being  

Taken care of like if I fire you you’re going to  get unemployment so it’s better for you to get   a job get fired for not working at that job and  then you end up getting paid so you got paid from  

The job and you getting unemployment so you get  another job and just repeat the cycle again you   just work the job for a few months you get fired  and that’s why they have unemployment insurance so  

When you get fired for whatever reason now you can  just sit home and get damn near the same amount of   money and that’s what these people are learning  the system a lot of them are learning the system  

Jason by the way I emailed you about lift scamming  with extra Comfort reported it to CEO and it was   fix in a day son they were scheming what uh oh man  I’m G I’m GNA find that [ __ ] out they was with  

Extra Comfort they was scheming you reported it to  the CEO and it was fixed in a day damn damn that’s   crazy well right now extra Comfort ain’t paying  [ __ ] on my end it don’t pay nothing because I  

Know they’re charging people you know at least  five6 dollars more to get an extra Comfort car   but I only see lift on mine all lift [ __ ] but  I’d rather have Lux because I’m like my car is  

Too nice for that [ __ ] man they be trying to  pay [ __ ] you know $3 $4 to pack in four people   I’m not doing that in my car my car is too small  for that so I’d rather be like nope if if y’all  

Gonna pay if y’all gonna pack my car four or five  people I mean four people you got to get that pay   up I need more money for that I need more money  because I’m not sitting around you know letting  

Four people jump in my car for five dollar and you  probably charge them you know $20 for the trip so   everybody’s getting money except me it’s like  no I’m cool on that [ __ ] nope Noe the current  

Net fiscal cost of those immigrants is around  84 billion per year and there you have it and   and like I said the government doesn’t have a a  business the government doesn’t generate money it   doesn’t the government generates taxes that’s  what they do they create new ways to tax the  

American people who are out here working hard  and then we end up paying for all the [ __ ]   stuff they do and we don’t ever we can’t ever  like complain about it or say nothing about it   because we don’t have anybody on our team that’s  currently in the government to say you know what  

We’re hitting the the the Lower Class People the  middle class and lower class way too hard hitting   them way too hard because when people were being  paid paying taxes right when the upper class was   paying taxes right people weren’t allowed to  have these loopholes and all this [ __ ] going  

On the economy turned around everybody was doing  well companies were hiring people as soon as the   new Administration came in what happened company  started firing people every I mean it was 100y   old companies closing their [ __ ] doors and  [ __ ] nobody was out there getting money no  

More it was crazy it was crazy yeah nice to have  a contact like that I can’t even talk to American   about Uber’s app problem with me in the M uh  MSY airport I get bots that copy and paste I  

Tell the Bots to kiss my ass you tell the Bots to  kiss your ass and then they put a [ __ ] uh Emoji   of some lips on the very next one he’s like this  is a smart mouth [ __ ] bot right here his mother  

Said kiss my ass the bot put a [ __ ] set of lip  on the [ __ ] app like it’s like okay you messing   with me goddamn it you messing with me exactly MG  said four people in your car is cheaper than the  

Bus this is why they do it this is why they do it  because like I said if these four people had to   pay for a bus ride for one they’d have to wait on  the bus so it’s not convenient at all they’d have  

To wait on the bus then that mean they have to  walk to the bus stop not be at the store they’re   at and get a rout pull up to them they’d have to  actually walk down the street around the corner  

Sit at a bus stop so now that they sitting at the  bus stop wait for the bus to come 20 30 [ __ ]   minutes who knows bus gets there they each got  to pay to get on the bus they get dropped off at  

Another bus stop which is probably not by where  they got to go so they walk from that bus stop   to their house and everything they telling us the  alternative to that the alternative is paying me  

A driver $4 [ __ ] that take the bus take the bus  either pay me straight up or take the bus because   if you don’t want to pay me straight up what  I think that I’m worth to to take all of that  

Out of your pack like I said drivers we’re a part  of convenience we’re the convenience economy when   you go to a convenience store versus a Wallmart at  a convenience store shit’s more expensive little   bitty pack of [ __ ] cookies little bitty baby  [ __ ] pack be like $4 but it’s convenient it’s  

Right there next to your house it’s convenient  you can go all the way to [ __ ] Walmart walk   through the back of the store get the [ __ ]  cookies come back to the front scan that [ __ ]  

To get out you just for $2 but you just did all  that [ __ ] to save yourself $2 you did all that   [ __ ] to save yourself $2 when you just went to  the little corner store convenience store bought  

The pack for four dollar instead of $2 little  small pack and been home already doing whatever   it is you was doing but that’s what Rod Shar and  delivery is we’re convenience services but a lot   of [ __ ] look at us as you know either necessity  service luxury service what we are luxury services  

But we’re convenience service so if people cannot  pay for the convenience pay us extra for making   their life a little more convenient I might not  want to be involved in that [ __ ] because I’m  

One of those people that say Hey you know what if  I’m helping you not have to walk down the street   to the bus stop sit there and wait 30 40 [ __ ]  minutes till the bus comes take you down street  

You at that bus stop now you got to [ __ ] stop  at every stop on the [ __ ] way picking up all   these people the whole [ __ ] time then you get  finally get to your bus stop now you can walk all  

The way to your house through your apartments and  [ __ ] when with me I pick you up in front of the   store drop you off right at the [ __ ] steps in  front of your apartment and you telling me that  

Shit’s only worth $4 no [ __ ] that I’m not  taking that ride take the bus take the bus nope well you took the job you got to pay me not  for $4 I ain’t [ __ ] that [ __ ] I ain’t going  

You gotta take me you gotta take me I ain’t  taking you no [ __ ] work for four bucks any   motivation to redownload the app was removed when  they started hearing the the shared BS stories I’m   not going to be a [ __ ] bus driver telling you  Megan that’s what it is that’s exactly what and  

Then with the new [ __ ] with the uberX share  [ __ ] picking up people along the way but yet   you get it says they’ll give you the same Fair  because you’re going to the same place you get  

The same fair if not a little bit extra more but  they’re charging each of these people along the   way a certain amount to use your [ __ ] car but  the app is saying well since you already on your  

Way I mean just stop and pick the [ __ ] up it’s  like well can I get some of the benefit of the $12   you just charge this [ __ ] we’ll give you extra  doll 50 out of that 12 so the app’s going to keep  

11 but this person is being charged an amount for  a ride that not even getting so if you charging   this [ __ ] for an amount that I’m not even  getting why am I picking this [ __ ] up again  

All because I got uberX share on turn that [ __ ]  off when you do a uberX share the very first ride   you get sometimes the money looks good $16 for a  mil good guess what let him in the car put that  

[ __ ] on stop the request that way you only get  one ride exactly shared equals no yeah because   Uber share is GNA take you everywhere except to  where you actually want to go I’m telling you and  

The thing is when you do a uber share ride the  company is making let’s say you get four people   each person pays let’s say $15 that’s $60 $60 they  just collected from these four [ __ ] people but  

On your original R Rod you agreed out of the 15  original 15 you agreed to get nine so now you’re   getting $ n which each person that comes on there  out of that $60 total you might get an extra $150  

To $2 out of each one so you’re going to get an  extra so you’re going to end up walking away with   $15 $15 out of $60 worth of [ __ ] payments but if  you did each ride individually you get nine times  

Four you get 36 so instead of you getting $36  doing individual rodes times nine you’re getting   15 you’re cutting yourself what [ __ ] $21 you’re  cutting yourself $21 short by doing a uberX share   tier versus just doing a uberX tier that’s why  I’m like NOP [ __ ] that [ __ ] man [ __ ] that  

Man man man Sergio I gave you that advice a while  back in the comment section of one of your videos   yes sir hey I remember [ __ ] man I remember  [ __ ] and that’s why I tell [ __ ] I’ll be in  

These comments because it’s all good information  in these comments people think the videos be good   videos is okay but it’s them comments man because  people out here really doing this [ __ ] and they   giving everybody the yeah the share ride when  I know it what up what up measure reality said  

I’m here for tonight greatest lives on YouTube  seven hours no Sunday night man I don’t know   we only at what an hour 41 damn it does an  hour 41 is we just started talking what the  

[ __ ] man we just started this damn live it’s  an hour 41 is passing we just started the live   we ain’t even really got into it yet we ain’t  talked about the Uber Dunkey rods man we talk  

None of this [ __ ] we ain’t we still got [ __ ]  to go I’m just kidding [ __ ] them Uber dunkeys yon yeah like it paid correctly back in 2018  only lasted a few months yeah yeah it says we  

Ain’t warmed up yet like [ __ ] you see that’s  exactly how they really feel about it if they go   one day of the week with devastating low numbers  of drivers hopefully none no Uber Tuesdays or   something but there’s way too many drivers yeah  yeah I know it measure reality time flies up in  

Here see they got too many drivers out there so  what we got to do as a smart crew keep declining   [ __ ] but start working start working on our  [ __ ] you know the private ride start figuring  

Out ways that we can go out and let people know  we are drivers we are really willing to work we   want to work in this community we want to save  you guys money and we want to make money this is  

All Community [ __ ] right here because when  they start getting money and putting it out   into Corporate America Corporate America is not  returning that money back to our community is   not none of them and that’s just how Democratic  policies work I mean look at all the people that  

Pay all these taxes all this money and everything  you keep hearing about you know schools and and   Democratic communities are not getting the funding  they need the teachers were always going on strike   all the time about the kids not being educated  right and everything I mean right now right now  

I [ __ ] you not let me man I saw this [ __ ]  and I almost fell the [ __ ] out laughing one   of the former the former leaders or directors  or whatever of BLM black lives matter one of   the former [ __ ] said that none of them are are  voting Democrat ever again I fell out laughing  

I was like wait a minute didn’t they get money  from all the Democrats and [ __ ] what the [ __ ]   and they were like you know and these are the  BLM people the the BLM people are going around   telling black people do not vote Democrat because  this is the [ __ ] what they’re doing right now  

They’re setting up black people right now and  they’re and they’re using all these new influx   of people coming into our country to attack  black people’s already suffering don’t get it   right people think black people don’t came a long  way we did we did come a long way trust me we did  

But you got to understand as black people have  become came a long way a lot of policies have   changed that [ __ ] it up for white people think  about it a lot of policies changed that [ __ ] it   up for white people as black people became  more advanced that’s not saying don’t give  

Black people an advantage and everything or a  chance and everything or opportunity but it’s   saying keep the opportunities as opportunities  last White House election what did they say they   said they want to hire a speaker of the house and  they said they don’t want anybody who’s not black  

And anybody who’s not a woman that just [ __ ] up  everything right there Big Horn Kev what he say   and hour 41 is four play thanks for the Super Chat  brother you know we just getting busy but the the  

Current administrator said if you’re not a woman  and you’re not black don’t even apply that right   there [ __ ] me up because that is the core of  racism basing something on race and then sexism   basing something on sex anding this position is  only for one race and one sex that’s all we want  

This position to be that right there let a lot  of people know that this white house has [ __ ]   up everything we ever work for we were working  against [ __ ] like that we were working against  

[ __ ] like so to for you to say this position  is only for one race and for one sex nobody else   apply and for you to be a government person person  from the government who makes up law who makes up  

Policy saying that a position of people in this  country that you’re going to be promoting is only   for a woman who happens to be black she has to  be a woman and black that’s it nothing else and  

He did it twice he did it for the speaker of the  house and he also did it for the uh the Supreme   Court or something weird like that or the appeals  court I don’t remember what it was so for us to  

Work this this is black lesbian even that’s Kev  right there I identifies as a black you could have   had the job Kev you could have had it so for this  country to have an Administration that is that   is changing everything around purposely [ __ ]  people up it’s to confuse everybody is to confuse  

Everybody and once we’re confused and arguing  about this and arguing about that and fighting   over this and fighting over that they’re running  away with the pot of pot of gold they all got this   big ass pot of money and they running around like  yeah we got the money they’re back there fighting  

Over some dumb [ __ ] that we started and we got  the money we’re out and I’m like man yes if the   trend of black achievement have continued from the  1960s blacks would have reached parody with Whites   by the 1980s yeah you can’t wave a magic wand  through the air and unfuck every situation ever  

Happened but you can just be fair and do what’s  right that’s right Megan and like I tell people   we all still got a long way to go but with the  current what they’re doing currently right now is   they’re ensuring ensuring that the whites and the  blacks in this country fighting to unify because  

We were the two predominantly races in this races  in this nation at one point in time it was Native   Americans blacks whites we were all the three  races that were predominant here now right now   they’re saying Hispanic culture is going to be  the predominant race in America by like 2050 or  

20 something weird like that Hispanic is going to  be the predominant culture here pred uh Hispanics   so that supersedes whites it supersedes blacks  but blacks were here in droves before you know   Latinos were here so instead of them caring about  what we already had in America and helping equate  

What we already had here in America they’re  starting to replace what we have in America and   once you replace what we have there is no sense  of equality because what you already had never   got that chance yeah they Insurance everybody’s  equally [ __ ] right now yeah Hispanics already  

Hired by population currently I believe so because  there’s a lot of people that are undocumented so   if you’re undocumented you’re not counted that’s  basically what it is you’re not on any documents   you’re just out here right now so if we’re  sitting here allowing this [ __ ] country to  

To instead of worrying about what we got going on  in this country and make sure everybody’s got to   equal opportunity Democrats got to stop playing  the [ __ ] game of don’t put no money into the   hoods because if they put money into the hoods  they know it’s going to happen people gonna get  

Used to having good money they’re gonna used to  being able to be free and that’s what Rod share   was Rod share was that freedom Rod share was the  freedom for a lot of black people who we couldn’t  

Just walk into a lot of black people that don’t  have degrees and [ __ ] like that you don’t get   hired by Walmart making good money making 1,00 a  week 2,000 a week you don’t need H about Walmart  

Doing that [ __ ] you can’t just walk into a law  firm and say I want to be a pargal you’re a black   black person with no paralal experience you’re  a black person don’t have a lot of experience  

In much because you know you just didn’t have the  educational structure for that yet but you wna you   telling me you’re worth $1,500 a week you’re worth  $2,000 a week R share gave people that opportunity   and I’m G tell you right now Democrats knew  rer gave black people that opportunity so what  

Are they starting to do now they’re making sure  anybody who has the opportunity to be in Rod share   is going to stay [ __ ] broke especially a lot of  black people especially a lot of new immigrants   in this country they already know that already so  here we are saying we finally have an opportunity  

To get out of poverty we have the opportunity  now I could use the carent my driveway to make   two G’s a week I can use the carent my driveway  to make 500 a week as a black man looking for a  

Job us you go to a warehouse you’re getting $14  an hour you can get a quarter raise in 90 days   as a black man you can you know get hired here as  a black woman you can get hired here we saw that  

[ __ ] happening in America in real time Rod share  hit and Rod share was like this is an opportunity   for everybody anybody who wants to be out here  working we got an opportunity for you and a lot   of people capitalize on an opportunity a lot of  people capitalize on an opportunity and it scared  

The [ __ ] out of a lot of people in power yeah  thank you Abraham appreciate that brother yeah   way Mo and the alphabet coming coming for all  our jobs yeah and so when they started seeing   people who notoriously historically didn’t have  money like that were people were walking around  

Making1 ,000 a year I mean these kids were 24 27  30 young black kids making 100,000 a year young   white women out here doing delivery and doing  ride here young white women out here making you  

Know $150,000 a year $90,000 a year two kids at  home making 90 G’s a year like how’s this little   white lady making all this money man just she  got nice ass Camry she done bought her a nice  

Little [ __ ] condo and [ __ ] yeah you hit 109k  one year and and the elites didn’t like that the   elites didn’t like that because they were like  there’s a way that we can hold people down and  

We’re not allowing them to be held down if we’re  allowing them to make all of this money they’re   free now they’re free exactly and Ronnie speed  two check Engel lights a week that’s funny they   should let Trump bringing FBI to clean up crime a  long time ago yeah exactly exactly and they know  

They scared they scared shitless right now they  don’t want this dude on a ballot it [ __ ] me   up how you don’t even want this dude on a ballot  it’s one thing to say that American people don’t  

Want him so American people ain’t going to vote  for him it’s another whole [ __ ] thing to say   we don’t even want him on a ballot because they  know what the [ __ ] gonna happen if he’s on that  

Ballot they know it they know it they ain’t  stupid they know it and you right dress Girls   the show they don’t want people to be equal Megan  that’s what it is you got the elites and you got  

All of us Bel below and the funny thing is we  even have black people who are becoming Elites   Tony West the assistant AG of the Civil uh justice  department civil litigation he’s an elite now he’s  

An elite and people say just because you black you  can’t be elite oh you’re an elite now so it ain’t   about racism when it comes to a certain point in  time it becomes you got the halves the people who  

Have all the [ __ ] money all the power all the  decision-making ability and you got the people   you want to keep control over at the bottom you  got blacks you got whites you got Asian you got   Latinos you got Venezuelans you got all these  [ __ ] at the bottom you want to keep control over  

The only way you can keep control of all of these  people is to keep them fighting over Min minuscule   [ __ ] which is why I always tell people on this  channel we even fight to tell the immigrants stop  

Taking [ __ ] fairs I don’t say quit coming in we  can’t stop the influx we cannot stop the influx   but what we can stop is them remaining in poverty  creating poverty situations we want them to have  

Money we want them to have you know their own  apartment not live 10 people to one house if   you come to this country you deserve to live like  the people in this country you don’t come to this  

Country to live like how you lived in your country  cuz now you just made my country into your country   the shit’s backwards you taking [ __ ] from period  a and you moving across the border to period B so  

Now period B looks just like period a it’s like no  you got to go from point A to point B not period   point A to point B man see just like the Marcus  they’re holding the map down the best they can  

Trying to shake people out they don’t want people  like us to be in a position to create generational   wealth yeah because you remember what happened you  remember what happened with that whole thing with   Reddit all them people was making money 20 year  old kids 25 30 year old kids making $2 $300,000  

In a matter of days the elites was scared as a  [ __ ] they was like hold up wait a minute these   people getting money too fast the [ __ ] they  becoming millionaires overnight wait a [ __ ]   a minute hold up and that’s what this country is  about it’s Plantation mentality when you look at  

Rod share it’s Plantation mentality and a lot of  [ __ ] don’t want to say that [ __ ] because they   fear somebody watching their channel is going to  say oh man he’s saying we got Plantation mentality  

Well we do we do [ __ ] we really do because we  do not want these people to [ __ ] eat we got   a bunch of people out here who probably ain’t  finished high school a lot of [ __ ] who don’t  

Have college degrees and they’re doing a lot  better than the [ __ ] we got working here at   Uber and here at lift because they’re out on the  streets driving these people around making these   [ __ ] money 100,000 a year 90,000 880,000 a  year black people who ain’t never had money  

Black people used to be happy used to be happy to  get a [ __ ] refund check $2,000 who black people   used to be happy they post that [ __ ] on goddamn  Facebook I got 3500 back 3500 from from uh [ __ ]  

Income tax 3500 black people used to be happy for  that [ __ ] but now look they realize that’s not   a lot of money now why because now they know  what money [ __ ] feel like now you getting  

People that know what money feel like and they  sitting around going man 3GS is not a whole lot   man because I can make that [ __ ] in one week of  driving Uber I can make that [ __ ] and you know  

I can make two G’s driving in two weeks I done  made four five GS in two weeks man 3GS for tax   return is not a lot of money so once you start  getting people involved into knowing what money  

Feels like knowing what business looks like no  more profits feel like you start losing them you   lose them and a lot of people that done done ride  sharing they understand it they know they are now  

Used to seeing what money feels like knowing ,000  do is not a whole lot of money so even $1,000 a   week [ __ ] used to be happy oh $1,000 a week  that’s $52,000 a year [ __ ] you ain’t got no  

College degree you was working at the warehouse  just two weeks ago making $13 an hour Jeff they   are offering you trip bones for real handing  out cars driving people to airports man I pray   you have great success from Jesse Tucker I mean  that from the bottom of my heart man real [ __ ]  

Real [ __ ] my son got lucky and cashed out on  the Game Stop deals yeah and I tell people if   you understand how we used to look at people that  worked in warehouses and people on Facebook used  

To be like oh yeah man I got two jobs now man one  of them paay $13 hour the other one pay 1450 I’m   making 2750 an hour no you not because you’re not  working them both at the same time you work the  

$13 an hour job for first five six hours then you  go to the 1450 job for the next five six hours so   you add that money together that’s what you make  an hour about 1375 an hour it’s like you take the  

13 the 1450 you create the $150 variance and you  say the $150 variance is 75 cents if you cut it   in half so you’re making 1375 an hour that’s what  you’re making oh damn I thought I was making 2750  

Yeah of course you did that’s what they Bank on  and then you say hey I’m doing better than Diddy   right now real [ __ ] M we all doing better than  Diddy right now I do not want to be Puff Daddy  

[ __ ] that [ __ ] but see and that’s the thing  so once you take people who don’t have college   degrees they have you know minimum college  degrees some have college degrees but all of   us were underpaid and what we were doing all of  us underpaid in what we were doing warehouses $13  

An hour working over here for $19 an hour then all  of a sudden we getting ride here we’re making 4050   $60 an hour $50 an hour over a 2080 hour normal  work year because you work 280 hours in a 40 hour  

Work week year so if you’re making $50 an hour  doing ride and you do it for 40 hours you just   made over $100,000 a year and it’s not that hard  no I’m not driving you I’m still waiting on that  

Park to come in man I’m waiting on that part Uber  live R I’m waiting it should be here hopefully it   says by the six but see it said by the first  the first time now it’s say about the six so  

I’m like they keep moving this [ __ ] out [ __ ]  around have my car man I’m mad puff glizzies said   a Puff Diddy is Puff gzy no I didn’t use Rock Auto  Parts Rock Auto I don’t think they had it I don’t  

Think I got it off um it was a BMW part seller on  eBay I got it from cuz otherwise I’d have to get   it from Germany and all the shits like got foreign  exchange rates on it and [ __ ] like that because  

The cars a 2019 so this part shouldn’t have failed  yet on a 2019 but 2019s only have 40 50,000 miles   on it I got 102,000 so it’s time for my [ __ ]  to fail it’s like man nope I don’t use FCP you’re  

Indot man 2019 33 I is the m package 330i I don’t  know what what the part brand is it’s it’s on the   actual um the auction that I bought it off of it’s  a brand new part but it’s made out of um Germany  

Or whatever but they had a warehouse here in  America that actually had the part so I was like   I need that [ __ ] I need that the immigration  1920 was a problem too it sounds like a repeat oh  

Yeah because that’s when they had the they had the  Great Recession the Great Depression hit in 1920s   back then and what people don’t understand like I  was saying Kim when you take people who understand   the value of money they understand the value of  this [ __ ] money it’s so it’s hard to to break  

Them because we understand how much this money is  worth now a lot of us didn’t have jobs that were   paying very well before we were doing Rod here I  mean we always we get job offers all the time hey  

Man we giv uh applications you can come work here  the boss you made the boss you would get from one   of those jobs or paid less than what you make  doing ride share doing ride share you’re making  

More than what the person that would have hired  you would have paid you a couple years back couple   years back that person getting paid 45,000 a year  50,000 a year that’s what they getting paid you   doing ride share making 80,000 9,000 $100,000  a year so you making more than what they were  

Making and they were gonna hire you and that’s  what ride shair don’t like they didn’t like that   sh a lot of the people who run ride share on the  BM give you a quote dude I don’t take my car to  

Shops I’ve been working on my own car since I was  15 years old I’m 50 now I can’t tell you the last   time I talked to a dealership I’m 50 years old  now it’s like the last dealership I talked to was  

In Vegas back in like 1996 I blew a turbo in the  Mitsubishi Eclipse in 1996 that was the last time   I used the shop it’s like since then I do my own  [ __ ] it’s like I don’t [ __ ] with them I don’t  

Do them N I do my own [ __ ] if these [ __ ] can  do it I got enough Tools in my garage to do it I   got a hoist and everything about [ __ ] Gage but  I got to take my engine out I’ll take my engine  

Out [ __ ] yeah brakes might work that’s what  it is BMW [ __ ] that man yeah if it’s warranty   work but most [ __ ] I buy is not in warranty it’s  rare when I bought even when I bought the Jeep I  

Bought a warranty on the Jeep I bought a two-year  warranty on my Jeep when I bought it never took it   in I did all my own [ __ ] in my driveway I ain’t  let nobody touch my [ __ ] man I don’t like people  

Touching my cars because it’s like they break  [ __ ] they [ __ ] [ __ ] up and because it’s   their job they want to hide that they [ __ ] it up  she like oh D don’t tell them that we broke that  

Tab don’t tell them we broke that lever and one  day you sitting around you’re like hold up what   the [ __ ] is that clinking sound hey man if y’all  break this no we ain’t even touch that we ain’t  

Even touch that we don’t know what you’re talking  about dog that’s why I don’t like people touching   my I know every I know every note nut both I know  which washers on my car which one’s bigger than  

The other one because I used a different washer  for whatever reason I know everything on my [ __ ]   cars I’ll tell you on my alternator bracket the  washer on the back is smaller than the washer on  

The front because the one in the back was hitting  this plastic Tab and I was put it on so I took it   off put a smaller washer on the one in the back  same size washer on the way in the front and  

People might say why your washers two different  size put a bigger washer on one of the back it’s   gonna hit that [ __ ] ignition coil back there and  it’s gonna touch the top of your um thing even on  

My other side I made a bracket and now my bracket  that goes to my supercharger hits the intake so   now I got a smaller washer on the bracket by the  intake so it don’t and the one that connects to  

The supercharger but I did all that myself take  it to a shop a shop wouldn’t know they might mix   up the [ __ ] washers they don’t work on my [ __ ]  I work on my [ __ ] so I don’t take it to shops I  

Want them to mess with my car like no dude who  put this supercharger on the Jeep don’t touch   that supercharger [ __ ] close my hood I only  brought it in for so you could check my tire pressure yeah what Kimmy say in the 1920s  policymakers reduced immigration with several  

Culture and economic goals in mind number one  economic goal is to reduce the number of low   skilled was to reduce the number of low-skilled  workers in the US economy yeah reduce the number   of low-skilled workers in the US economy or  increase well [ __ ] say what’s that clicking  

Turn signal [ __ ] yeah and see that’s the thing  right now the same thing’s going they’re repeating   history Kimmy they’re repeating history right  now if people understand why they’re removing   all of these [ __ ] statutes why they’re removing  everything that’s around us so people cannot come  

To this country and see what already happened  and the people that are alive right now will be   asking questions on what happened when you bring  in Immigration you’re bringing in new fresh blood   and you’re bringing it into the system that they  don’t even understand so you use this this you  

Know sympathetic empathetic you know what we  feel sorry for these people you know they’re   down in in Venezuela they’re not doing too well  you know in Cambodia they’re not doing too well   in you know aapco they’re not doing too well  and you bring it in people all the time and  

You you’re playing on people’s heartstrings about  getting them into your country and yeah they’re   getting off buses and droves and everything but  you don’t realize these people are all slowly   being indoctrinated they don’t have any American  friends they’re just getting off the [ __ ] bus  

They don’t have a single American friends many of  them can’t even talk in English so they don’t have   anybody to tell them what’s about to happen to  them while they over here you’re getting dropped   off on a plantation right now you will not be  wealthy you’re gonna they’re going to give you  

The illusion of wealth by making sure you have  all the things you didn’t have you’re gonna have   a cell phone you’re gonna have a car you got new  clothes look at these new clothes it’s got a Nike  

Sign on it you got all this new [ __ ] and you  got this illusion that America’s Great America   and amazing so what are you going to do you’re  G to do everything you can to pay back you’re  

GNA say hey I’m going to drive all these hours I’m  gonna rent these cars I’m G do this I trust these   people because they told me [ __ ] was gonna  get better and [ __ ] was better they got him  

Because they got him over here and they believed  right off the bat [ __ ] was gonna be better and   right off the bat [ __ ] was better but if that  was the case they should have looked around and  

Been like why do the American people here suffer  but us getting off the bus we have everything   and everything’s nice why are all these people  homeless here why all these people I thought you  

Guys take care of people in America we do we take  care of you right yeah but you don’t take care of   the Americans that are there’s people living  under the bridge right now we pass them on the  

Way here there’s people living under the bridge  already who are those people oh those are old   War veterans those you know old Executives and  [ __ ] like that we don’t n you you don’t worry   about them don’t worry about them we’re worried  about you right now because what these people are  

Going to be is the next prophit centers they’re a  whole new [ __ ] allotment of prophet centers all   these people are looked at as prophit centers if  you can get these people to do the work for chief  

ER you can get them to do the work for for you  know to help boost your stocks your profits and   all your [ __ ] don’t worry about the American  people American people cost too much because a  

We’re like I said we’re used to a dollar now we  know what a dollar means we know $3,000 is not a   lot so you to give me three G’s on a tax return  I’m not gonna be throwing a [ __ ] party with  

That three G’s because I know I can go out and  do ride share because I’m like dude I can make   two three Gs a week doing ride share so what does  rid share do well actually we’re going to make it  

Impossible for you to make two or three G’s a  week we’re going Tove move that [ __ ] down you   want to make two3 GS a week work double time work  triple time run these [ __ ] apps 80 90 [ __ ]  

Hours a week if you want to make that much money  but you will not be making what we make here in   this [ __ ] cubicle you won’t make what we make in  this office because we’re making you know a th a  

Week 2,000 a week and we got degrees over here you  don’t have a [ __ ] degree all you got is a Camry   you are not making more than me and all you got  is a [ __ ] Camry with no degree I have a degree  

And a Camry so I should be making more than you  and that’s how these [ __ ] think in Corporate   America they want to break people they want to  break people oh yeah look at Europe see how great   their immigration was exactly it makes sense  because look at technology and how it was taken  

Over going to a lot of people out put out of work  because they don’t have a tech skill yeah and and   I’m G tell you something Kim about tech skill and  everything the the AI is going to be the brains  

So AI will always be the brains behind anything  they do a is going to do all the thinking so all   they right now need is a body that’s it they just  need a [ __ ] body you don’t even got to speak the  

Language AI can figure out your [ __ ] language  if I type in hey AI you’re talking to Jeff he’s   he’s American he speaks English hey Jeff good  morning how you doing I’m doing fine but okay  

AI I’m G let you speak to Pablo he’s a Mexico hola  Pablo start me a it’s like see [ __ ] AI is quick   the [ __ ] change quick as a [ __ ] and all of a  sudden you don’t have to worry about the brains of  

The operation because the brains of the operation  is run by AI you just need a body that’s it and   you want the cheapest bodies you can find cheapest  bodies you can find to do all the [ __ ] work so  

They want you to remember Democrats let let your  illegal ass stay here instead of deporting you   back across the border and if you vote for the  red guy he will send you back exactly Kev that’s  

What it is that’s what it is because if you look  if you look at the Civil War that went on a long   time ago in this country if you look at the Civil  War and the black people that were fighting for  

The Confederate Army blacks that were fighting  against the Republicans the Democrats were the   Confederates so the Democrats flew the Confederate  flag that everybody hates all of a sudden but   that’s who the blacks were fighting for they were  fighting for the Democrats and so the Confederate  

Flag stood for the Democratic party back then if  you flew to F If you flew that flag you didn’t   fly the USA flag what the Democratic flag what  the uh Confederate flag stood for was a fight  

Against the powers that be that’s what it meant  the fight against the powers that be so the power   was USA the Confederates were like we’re going to  fight against the powers that be we want to keep  

Slaves we want to keep our lives we want to keep  all of this keep all of that and so they fought   with that flag that flag got defeated slaves were  free and all the people were saying if you fight  

For us we’re going to give you you know Freedom  we’re going to give you this we’re going to give   you that but you got to fight for it you know  we’re going to give you all of this stuff and  

Republicans were just saying hey you can fight  for your freedom you can get whatever you want   you get 40 acres of whatever all this [ __ ]  if you help us win the war on the American side  

After the war because everybody was like you know  we actually the the Americans the USA won the war   against the Confederate Army the Confederate like  we have to concede to it they still weren’t happy   the Confederate Army still wasn’t happy because  they wanted their lifestyle that they had they had  

People under their control they like that LIF they  wanted that lifestyle today the Confederate flag   it stands for against the powers that B that’s all  it means and when you have somebody who’s like we  

Fly the USA flag we fly we’re proud of the USA we  fly the USA flag but now when you think of what   the USA flag stands for right now today right now  immigrating people in controlling people forcing   people’s Medical Care making people do certain  things they don’t want to do firing people if  

They don’t do it coercion fraud if that’s what  the American flag stands for right now now you   see why you’re seeing the Confederate flag a lot  because it means we’re against the [ __ ] that   this government right here is doing we’re against  that [ __ ] so when I see the Confederate flag to  

Me it means somebody who’s really willing to  stand up against what that [ __ ] flag stands   for at the current moment it don’t mean they want  slaves back it’s like hey I want slaves back no I   don’t think so stop somebody with a Confederate  flag and talk to them ask them and they will  

[ __ ] run down everything about this government  and as a black man you gotta agree with him you   gonna be like you know what you’re not wrong  actually you’re not [ __ ] wrong so to me I see  

The theory behind why the flag was created I see  the theory and the energy behind why they had it   in the first place it was against powers that be  that’s all admit I am against the powers that be  

And right now if we can get this country back on  track I guarantee if we get this country back on   track to where we should be what we should have  been doing I guarantee the only people that will  

Fight a Confederate flag or not happy with the way  that this country is going when we’re all doing a   lot better if we’re all doing good you’re going to  see that American flag flying every [ __ ] where  

Everywhere but when we’re not doing good what  do we do we it’s it’s hard to be [ __ ] flat at   it’s hard I keep the flag flying because I still  believe in what it stands for even though we have  

A government right now that don’t believe in what  it stands for we have a government right now who   thinks that that flag gives them the freedom to  sell us the [ __ ] out like we are just a bunch  

Of people human labor human bodies and [ __ ] that  could be sold out I don’t like that [ __ ] I don’t   like it he like yeah that’s why I laugh at the  white supremist who pick Confederate flag and  

Nazi flag they pick the losers it’s like fly  that flag Dam it yeah yeah the Civil Wars was   fought over tariffs and the Civil War was not  only fought well the Civil War in America were   fought over was fought over slavery it was fought  over human capital and profits people weren’t able  

To make profits if they didn’t have slaves if you  had to pay people because a lot of people up north   didn’t have the the not really the privilege but  let’s say the privilege a lot of people up north  

Didn’t have the privilege of having slaves like  the people down south had people up north didn’t   have all the land to house slaves and stuff like  that down south you had all the land you could  

House slaves you could build slave quarters you  you had a lot of land so down south they had a   corporate Advantage Whoever has the most slaves  has the most profitable Corporation look at Uber   and lift Whoever has the most slav slaves has the  most profitable Corporation so when you have to  

Pay people a fair amount pay people a livable  wage pay people with benefits and things that   they deserve from the money they’re making you’re  not a happy [ __ ] camper you’re going to be one   of those Democratic plantations saying we’re  going to rise up against people who want what  

They deserve we’re going to rise up against that  [ __ ] because we don’t think we should pay these   people what they deserve we should pay them and  give them what we should give them if they don’t  

Like it walk off the [ __ ] Plantation but this is  what we do on this plant around here we give you   what the [ __ ] we give you and if you don’t  like it that’s your life and you even heard  

A [ __ ] Channel say that [ __ ] that was real  [ __ ] so if we’re over here doing the actual   work just like the slaves if the slaves are doing  the actual work why shouldn’t they benefit off of   their efforts and their labor why shouldn’t they  benefit what about somebody else is so [ __ ]  

High and mighty to say what you just built and  everything that you just did belongs to me and   I want it I’ll give you scraps from it that’s  Uber that’s live we know you out here doing a   ride riding through the [ __ ] rain hitting  potholes and all this [ __ ] but guess what  

We want the [ __ ] money we’ll give you scraps  from it out of that $85 we’ll give you 29 we’ll   give you 32 that’s slave [ __ ] labor right there  yeah and that’s what how they using the immigrants  

Right now that’s how they’re using the immigrants  right now because they don’t know the the value of   an American dollar they really think $15 an hour  is crazy money and in their country probably is   crazy money and our like they’re thinking in  terms of the money they made if you take me to  

Any country out there I’m thinking in terms of US  dollars because I was raised on US dollars I don’t   know any other currency so you take me to Japan  you take me to Germany you take me to Mexico you  

Take me to [ __ ] Portugal I’m thinking in terms  of US dollars because I don’t know how to think   in any other term so when you’re from another  country you’re thinking in terms of your money  

Your currency and you know your currency in a in  that country and what it is in relation to a US   dollar because when people visit your country and  give you $1 us you light the [ __ ] up like holy  

[ __ ] with these 10 US Dollars that’s x amount  of my currency that’s crazy money in my currency   crazy money in my currency but over here $10  us is equal to1 us it’s not in your currency  

But yet if you make $10 us over here you think  it’s a lot of money you send some back to your   country hey here’s $5 out of $10 I made oh [ __ ]  [ __ ] mcka just sent us5 usar mcka sent us a100  

And that’s a lot of [ __ ] money in that country  hundred US Dollars over here it ain’t even gas for   the weekend and you got to work all weekend it  ain’t even gas for the [ __ ] weekend it’s like

Man what Eduardo said man they about to merge and  combine Paw Patrol with uberX and shared hay Uber   bro there’s no way they can combine that no  [ __ ] wait to combine Paw Patrol with with  

All that and I’m going to tell you why I was going  to save this for a video you [ __ ] that are here   tonight all 89 of y’all you were in for a [ __ ]  treat because I was gonna make a video and I have  

It all in my phone ready to edit ready to produce  but you about to get front row [ __ ] seats to my   next [ __ ] video to the point where I might  not even have to make that [ __ ] Paw Patrol  

The reason why Paw Patrol is such a [ __ ] joke  it’s a joke I should pull up the [ __ ] on my   screen but I’m going to try to tell you as much  as I remember from the [ __ ] Paw Patrol is about  

Service animals uberX and all that [ __ ] like Paw  Patrol means you could use any if you use Uber pet   if you use Uber pet you could bring any car any  pet you want in your car any pet because you could  

Selected Uber pet that’s who you selected so you  select Uber pet you show up and there’s a pet it’s   cool cuz you selected it now if you have Uber X  and you’re driving Uber ex somebody shows up with  

A pet they’re saying you cannot deny somebody  with that has a service animal this is what my   whole video was gonna be about that right there  is fraud because if you review Arizona statutes in   California statutes you cannot claim your animal  is a service animal if it’s not been properly  

Trained as a service animal if it’s an emotionally  support animal that’s different than a service   animal an emotional support animal requires no  training I can get an emotional support animal   from the [ __ ] dog pound I can go to the Humane  Society and get emotional support animal that is  

Not a service animal a service animal requires  thousands of dollars worth of training it is   trained to do a service a function it’s not  trained to [ __ ] hang out with you that’s   an emotional support animal a lot of people with  emotional support animals are fraudulently stating  

They have service animals in Arizona has a statute  out that it it makes I think it’s a $500 fine or   $1,000 fine plus you can eventually serve time  in jail if you continually commit fraud claiming  

Your emotional support animal is a service animal  I was going to do a whole [ __ ] video on it I got   it in my phone I still might do it don’t know yet  thinking about it but I was tired of the [ __ ] I  

Got tired of the [ __ ] I’m sick of people walking  around saying they got service animals ser and you   can’t even ask somebody if they have a service  animal like you can ask well what service does  

Like what does this animal do or he just hangs  out with me and you know you know keeps me calm   keeps me cool that’s an emotional support animal  ma’am it’s not a service animal and you can tell  

A service animal from an emotional support animal  like I said I got the video an emotional support   animal is not trained still do the video know  it oh it’s pretty deep the [ __ ] gets deep a   service animal will not be aggressive when other  animals are around will not be aggressive when  

Other people are around walks on a leash walks  without a leash next to you and it’s is highly   trained there’s thousands of dollars there are  only so many service animal training facilities   in the United States of America that train these  dogs only so many so if the person doesn’t know  

What the facility name is that dog is not a  service dog when you pay all that [ __ ] money   you know who train your dog and where it came from  and it it trains with them for up to a a little  

Over a year and you pay thousands of dollars to  have that dog train then they also they for the   next few months it’s back and forth between the  owner of who it was trained for and you because  

They do a lot of reviews with a service animal  emotional support animal you pick them [ __ ] up   from the dog pound there’s no train involved you  just drive down there and pick them up and that’s   why the uh Arizona and California both there’s  there’s either 19 or 22 State 22 States out  

There that have statutes that criminalize people  who fraudulently state that they have a service   animal just to gain access or gain abilities  to institutions when somebody says they have   a service animal to gain access to a building  or a restaurant or something like that that’s  

Committing fraud if that’s not really a service  animal and people know you can take a leash off   of a service animal that dog will stay right there  because it’s trained to do that it does it’s not  

Trained to have a leash a service animal sits more  than it stands a service animal knows its position   and and it knows his actual job and task emotional  support dogs don’t know that [ __ ] you take a   leash off that [ __ ] he’s gone he’s ripping and  running and doing fun [ __ ] jumping all over  

The place that’s an emotional support dog not a  service dog does not find it does not go up under   the same guidelines as a service animal if [ __ ]  don’t believe me look the [ __ ] up I’m not going  

To tell you nothing to [ __ ] you up I’m really  not yeah exactly service animals will train to   help you realize you got seizures they’re trained  for a reason service dogs are trained they’re very   expensive pets average [ __ ] walking around don’t  have service dogs they got emotional support dogs  

They bought from the dog pound they pay a rehoming  fee and [ __ ] they got it off a Craigslist that’s   an emortal support dog and I tell [ __ ] all the  time these [ __ ] are not entitled to getting your  

[ __ ] car just because they got a dog standing  oh this is a service dog oh what service de dog   because you don’t have a right to well you have a  you have the power to ask them but you don’t have  

A right so you have the power to say well what  type of service is he trained you don’t have a   right to ask them for certifications because most  people don’t walk around with certifications there  

There was a big fraud scheme going on of people  putting service dog uh vest on their dogs they get   [ __ ] fine for that [ __ ] that’s fraud you you  can’t just put a service dog vest on a dog that’s  

Not a service dog you get fined for that [ __ ]  and you could potentially go to jail for that but   there’s people going around trying to say these  dogs are service dogs and they not because if  

You say well what type of service does it provide  well it hangs out with my daughter sometimes and   I go to work and it’ll hang out with me when I get  home from work that’s not a service dog that’s the  

Emal support dog so no we’re not that dog can’t  [ __ ] ride with me I’m gonna tell Uber you didn’t   take a service dog [ __ ] that’s not a service dog  what do you you talking about that’s an emotional  

Support dog it’s different and you can also and  if Uber Su if Uber deactivates you for refusing   service to a dog Uber better be damn sure that’s  a [ __ ] service animal Uber better investigate   and say that is not a service animal ma’am we  improperly deactivated somebody for letting you  

Bring a [ __ ] dog you got from the dog pound last  week he did not want to let you in that car that   is an emotional support dog that’s your pet you  did not have Uber pet s Ed you had Uber X elected  

So when he showed up he had a choice whether or  not to let you and that dog in if he had Uber pet   we might say some [ __ ] but he had Uber X and  you said that that dog was an emotional support  

That I mean was a service animal and that’s not a  service animal ma’am that’s emotional support and   it’s a bunch of [ __ ] people out there getting  deactivated trying to bring in emotional support   Vehicles fraudulently stating and you can sue  those [ __ ] in the state of Arizona you can find  

Out who those people are subpoena those [ __ ]  and sue them be like you got me fired for my job I   want this much money and back pay I want this much  money for [ __ ] pain and ser whatever the [ __ ]  

And once that [ __ ] happens I bet you can put a  lean on their house once you get a judgment put a   lean on their [ __ ] house go down to the conable  say I need you to [ __ ] serve these people you  

Serve them at their [ __ ] house get a lean put  against their [ __ ] property anytime they do   anything I don’t give a [ __ ] they try to apply  for a new credit card they’re going to say you  

Have a lean against your property we cannot allow  you oh you trying to buy a car you got to lean on   your property we can’t sell you a car ma’am you  want to trade your car in you got to lean on your  

Property and at that point that $99,000 lean  you can settle for whatever you want it might   say $99,000 lean but I might say you know what  I’ll sell that [ __ ] today you you send me 10  

G’s today I I’ll get wiped off 10 G’s but it says  nine well that was months ago because if you look   in the court system with every judgment you have  you also have the right to charge interest on that  

Judgment that’s right [ __ ] don’t know that you  have a right to charge interest on your judgment   so if somebody you got a judgment against somebody  and they ain’t paid you in a year that $9,000 is  

More expensive that might say $9,000 judgment but  you come up on me now talking about I’m trying to   sell my house and this got a lean on it that was  last year lady that was $9,000 you owe me like  

10 G’s right now 10 it says n interest [Laughter]  sorry whatever R I’ve been trying my best to get   deactivated for nine months mus I’ve been trying  my best hey I’m telling you man you can get it  

You can get it yeah they got to have the services  code on the dog Beauty with Ence Kim the thing is   is that a lot of people are fraudulently getting  those vests like off the internet and [ __ ] like  

That it’s fraud it’s fraud so I tell people  all the time you can check a [ __ ] there’s   certain ways you can check to know whether or  not in most service dogs you can tell right off  

The bat if it’s a service dog or not my dogs I  guarantee you I could take I got the Husky the   border collie and the Pitbull I could take my  dogs anywhere anywhere I guarantee the moment  

I put a service vest dog on these [ __ ] you will  start laughing you will say those are definitely   not Ser especially the Border col that [ __ ]  is all over the place he is not a service dog  

Clearly the Husky she will be huffing and barking  and and going in circles and having fun and [ __ ]   the Pitbull will be jump trying to jump up on you  to lick you and everything like that You’ be like  

These ain’t service dogs [ __ ] get out of my car  I thought you said you had service dogs you could   tell what a service dog is versus what you know  an emotional support dog is you can really tell  

What Ed says UB live need to give the driver  the option to accept the decline when writers   edit the destination mid rde like tell us in  the app the rider change destination do you  

Accept exactly water and I say that [ __ ] all the  time man I say that all the time when when they’re   in the back seat changing [ __ ] information we  should get a prompt on our screen saying writer  

Would like to edit Destination 2 is that okay  for amount of dollars tell us how much money   it is say nope doubt it and let them try it again  would like to edit it for five extra dollars nope  

I’ll tell the [ __ ] in the back hey if you want  to go there dude just slide me 10 bucks because   so many people that ride in my back seat have  they’ve paid me more I even put it on the app  

One time I mean I put it on one of my videos I  picked up somebody downtown drove all the [ __ ]   way to their house for $12 and they were like  can you take me back I they [ __ ] ven owe me  

15 to take them back so I’m PA $27 right there  I was not letting them put that [ __ ] on the   app [ __ ] that no I’m not taking you $112 there  then take you all the way back in the app give  

Me an additional three [ __ ] dollars no hell no  so I’m like I’ll take you back but you got a VIN   on me I don’t I don’t do round trips like that  not on the app no I’m cool they was like oh we  

Just tried to we just tried to you know get a  a round trip back nope not doing it not doing it uhu someone ordered Uber eat tonight and wanted  me to ask Chipotle for something that cost extra  

Money while there cancel j330 man I I hate to call  my homeboy Chad out I really do I hate to call you   out Chad I know Chad he reg listen to the Channel  That’s cool because he he lives around the corner  

From me he’s a driver too but this is the [ __ ]  that happened yeah border K is a working dog Kev   that’s man that’s my dog he’s my best friend but I  don’t like to call my people out you know what I’m  

Saying but Chad messaged me something the other  day he was hot Chad was livid cuz the [ __ ] you   just told me kind of reminded me of that so I sit  there and and Chad he he does Private rides and  

All that too so he gets this lady calls him needs  a ride cool Chad’s like all right no problem and   this is some somebody he’s rolled with before  so the lady gets in the car they drive they’re  

They’re on their way from like tempy or something  all the way out to [ __ ] Mesa or Gilbert I don’t   even [ __ ] know he gets as they’re going there  she’s like hey I’m hungry can you stop and we’ll  

Get a pizza and he’s like oh cool no problem we’ll  stop and we’ll get get a pizza so she’s ordering   a pizza whatever he had no idea that she wanted  him to pay for the [ __ ] pizza so they get there  

He goes in pays for the [ __ ] Pizza he pays for  the pizza he’s giving her the ride pays for the   pizza it’s coming and so they finish eating the  pizza he’s getting to where they got to go to  

And he’s going to say okay you know I’m a charge  her for the ride for the pizza so she goes into   the house she comes back out you know to cuz she  was first she was going to go somewhere else but  

She decided to come back out she say hey you know  what I’m just going to stay here this and that he   was like all right cool no problem no problem and  she shuts the [ __ ] door and walks back into the  

House she never pays him a [ __ ] dime for the  long ass time she was riding the miles of time   or the [ __ ] pizza man I was mad for him I said  dude if you don’t [ __ ] cuss her [ __ ] ass he  

Says yeah man I mess you I told her I said well  that’s kind of rude of you to to get a ride and   everything for me to give you a ride and all that  [ __ ] and then I even bought [ __ ] pizza and he  

Said it was his Tex me was funny as [ __ ] he said  I a bought the pizza and I only got two slices out   of it I fell out laughing I was like dude he said  only got two slices out of it I’m sorry Chad I had  

To tell your story dog that [ __ ] was funny as  [ __ ] I was I was mad for you though dog I was   mad for you I should have screenshot that [ __ ]  and [ __ ] put it on the video that [ __ ] said  

Only got two slices I was rolling laughing you he  paid for the whole [ __ ] Pizza gave her the ride   and everything man exactly I was living I was hot  for him I was PL for no um oh yeah I just stopped  

Using vimo for my privit R last week since now  the IRS is looking at how much you got coming in   through throughout the year yeah you might want  to use zel still zel is still the only one that  

Doesn’t have all them people involved in that  [ __ ] man Uber trying to get me to drive 45   minutes to Mayor to shop and pay $10 hell no shop  and pay Big Horn C hey and he was in Tempe and he  

Drove her damn near Gilbert dog all the way to  [ __ ] gilbertt and he bought the [ __ ] Pizza   I’m like Chad it was like I said it was somebody  he had already given a ride to before so I guess  

The girl thought it was a [ __ ] favor like you  didn’t talk up front you didn’t because I know   some of my people I do that too I don’t talk up  I just tell them I’m gonna give you a good rate  

I’ll let them know that up front I’m gonna give  you a good rate if they don’t want don’t want   to pay then just say I don’t want to pay but I’m  gonna say I’m going to give you a good rate they  

Oh you you gonna charge me for it then I know at  that point don’t [ __ ] with this person don’t do   it but he never told her that he just showed  up picked her up drove her out there and she  

Was like oh I’m just going to stay here I’m not  going to the I’m stay here this motherf like he   was like man she came out he’s like man at least I  got two slices of the pizza [ __ ] you paid for it  

You should have had the whole pizza I know I was  been man I’ll fite you in the comments what’s good   brother what’s good glad you to swing through man  we’ve been in this [ __ ] laughing laughing all  

Night yeah see by the way Jeff they pushed back  their reporting to 2025 okay cool cool so we got   a while to get the hell up out of here well at  least we could still use zel though I say still  

Use zel no matter what but until 2025 you can use  anything and hopefully like I said like I said   man the [ __ ] don’t believe it but the elections  that we deal with every [ __ ] year the elections   that whether it’s you know the local government  you dealing with you need to have people that  

Represent you and represent what you stand for  and not represent you know red or blue I’m red I’m   blue I tell you right now I’m Republican but if a  [ __ ] Republican was like yeah we going to start  

Taxing the [ __ ] out of you drivers I would vote  Democrat [ __ ] that because I vote for policy   I don’t vote for politics I vote for policy but  me being a republican I get a lot of Republican  

[ __ ] and my emails and all that [ __ ] all the  [ __ ] time it’s cool no problem if I want to see   Democrat stuff I just go look for Democratic  stuff and I look at because I think you should  

Know both sides of the coins I hate the fact that  I’m register Republican so they just send me a   bunch of Republican [ __ ] like send me everything  don’t just send me Republican [ __ ] send me some  

Democrat [ __ ] too I want to see both sides of  the [ __ ] coin don’t have me out here searching   for Democrat [ __ ] well what does a Democrat say  because I might want to vote [ __ ] Democrat if  

The policies are better for me and what I believe  the country should be going into I believe in that   [ __ ] yeah a Libertarian yeah so I’m like if if  somebody tells me well as a republican we’re going  

To make sure we tax all these [ __ ] rare drivers  [ __ ] them then I’m not voting for that person   give a [ __ ] yeah Jeff we’re Republicans no I  don’t [ __ ] with you man sorry I don’t but you  

Trying to hit us with some dumb [ __ ] right now  and we don’t make it for that we don’t and if it’s   a Democrat say you know what we gonna give [ __ ]  rare workers a break because they don’t know  

Enough about you know business we’re going to give  them education with you know what I might want   to [ __ ] with this Democrat this [ __ ] might be  talking about something then again the [ __ ] will   lie they all [ __ ] lie [ __ ] them all exactly a  registered Republican yeah I get a lot of emails  

Man but that’s why I wanted because I need to  see policy I need to know what direction [ __ ]   are trying to push it in and I know I know [ __ ]  ain’t overnight nothing’s goingon to happen over  

Overnight you might elect somebody and the change  that you were hoping for might not come till five   six years later but that’s because you’ve got  to get the infrastructure in place you’ve got  

To get the right people in place you’ve got to get  you know the back end in place you’ve got to get   the support systems in place [ __ ] don’t happen  overnight but at least be going into that [ __ ]  

Direction what are we talking about what direction  are we going into because for the Democrats for   the direction them to go to was when in 2021  2021 we’re in 2023 right now 2021 when those   [ __ ] gave undocumented immigrants the right to  work and live in America without being penalized  

That’s when you know it was some [ __ ] going down  and with Camala Harris running a [ __ ] cruise   ship back then so she was running it in the White  House Camala Harris running the [ __ ] white house  

And then her brother like I said people say here’s  her brother-in-law told you I don’t give a [ __ ]   at the barbecue we’re all related her [ __ ]  brother is running Uber the Uber legal so he  

Had an inside track to the [ __ ] cuz he got there  in 17 so he knew right off the bat right off the   bat hey United States going to have a whole bunch  of people coming in that don’t know the value of  

American dollar you guys need to prepare for it  okay how we gonna have a lot of people coming in   they’re gonna be undocumented they’re gonna be  looking for work so I don’t know get you guys  

Ride share [ __ ] up get your ride share [ __ ] up  so [ __ ] come in and it’s like man right off the   [ __ ] bat we we taking a hit now that happened  in 2021 it’s 2023 took couple of years to happen  

But now that they got enough people here they got  enough people here is like man yeah just say they   don’t really care they don’t really give a [ __ ]  about us that’s what we need to make yeah zel zel  

Do it through the bank yeah yep they do it through  the bank now Javier Millie is my kind of President   I gotta look up Javier Millie see what that so  what’s the latest with you and the professor  

Oh nothing man hey he probably over there making  good videos and [ __ ] like you normally do you   know him he’s keeping everybody in the loop he’s  keeping everybody in loop with what’s going on in   the news and [ __ ] like that I’mma there’s a  value in everything out there there’s a value  

And everything and like I said I don’t comment on  his channel I don’t I just because like I said I   already [ __ ] did that [ __ ] once his little  minions was [ __ ] with me back then I don’t  

[ __ ] with it now so you know even if I see  something because they YouTube will put him on   the screen so I’ll see what he’s talking about you  know every once in a while I’ll click like on this  

[ __ ] video just because I want to know at least  I watch the [ __ ] because I hate not clicking   like on [ __ ] because then I’ll be watching  something I’m like I already saw this already   what the [ __ ] so I click like on everything  because and my probably got 5,000 10,000 [ __ ]  

Like videos in my [ __ ] I could care less but  I’m one of them people that say I’m going to   click like on it just because I want to make  sure I already watched it once I don’t want to  

Watch it again click like because it’ll stay on my  screen as as a big black thumb and I’m like cool I   already saw it I don’t want to watch it again and  I’m one of them people man that’s just like a lot  

Well I don’t click like on videos it’s cool you  ain’t got to you be a [ __ ] watching [ __ ] twice   I don’t care or sometimes you be like damn what  was that [ __ ] video I was watching go through  

Your like videos and go through your history and  you could find it that’s the tracking right there   well if say says you watching ronning speed TV I  don’t I mean I’m G tell you something about Ronnie   speed TV is it’s cyclical it’s they’re not doing  nothing new over there they’re not doing nothing  

New they’re doing the same thing you know get in  your car sleep in your [ __ ] car drive non-stop   take every request to come through have a high  [ __ ] AR you know Max the [ __ ] out 80 [ __ ]  

Hours drive as much I mean it I think his channel  was made for immigrants it’s not made for people   with that already know the value of our American  dollars this channel is made for immigrants   immigrants going to love his [ __ ] Channel I  mean in a minute he’s going to start having to  

Translate their [ __ ] to [ __ ] Spanish because  ain’t nobody on this channel gonna understand what   he’s saying in English like d where all the people  that speak English go on your channel I don’t know   they don’t Stars they don’t Stars me Amigos my  [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and do you think Pedro’s using  

That door Das glitch man I think they all were but  that’s on them I don’t like I told [ __ ] I don’t   care if you use it or not nobody really cares if  you use it or not is just at least be honest about  

The [ __ ] and and a lot of people were using it  weren’t trying to help out the community by saying   hey man you [ __ ] out there struggling Harry a  tutman me Harry a tutman me man you [ __ ] out  

There struggling and that’s all they had to do was  just help [ __ ] out was strugg so we don’t see no   furniture by the [ __ ] dumpster for all we know  that furniture about a dumpster could have been a  

R share driver or delivery driver who just didn’t  have the inside track on how to keep that [ __ ]   Furniture in their apartment you don’t want to see  that [ __ ] that [ __ ] ain’t cool ain’t nobody in   this [ __ ] country should be having their [ __ ]  thrown at the goddamn dumpster and for people to  

Sit there and say they don’t give a [ __ ] and  they don’t care one day it’s gonna be them it’s   gonna be they [ __ ] and trust me somebody cares  about that somebody cares that see your [ __ ]   sitting outside even if they don’t stop and tell  you they care that [ __ ] hurts [ __ ] people so  

To say somebody had it that bad to where all  they [ __ ] they collected for how much time   is sitting by that [ __ ] dumpster that [ __ ]  don’t look good it ain’t cool and I’m just one  

Of those people cuz I know I’ve had to live like  that before I’ve slept in my [ __ ] truck before   we’ve been I used to live in a Salvation Army  three months me and my mom s we lived in that  

[ __ ] salvation nor for three [ __ ] months so we  understand what it feels like to lose your [ __ ]   and have to start over all over [ __ ] again man  so I’m one of those people that just you know what  

Some of us have a heart some of us just have a  heart some people don’t some do but I’m gonna do   whatever it takes if I gota you know tell somebody  some secret code [ __ ] in a [ __ ] email I’ll  

Tell them that I’ll tell them that and it helps  them to dude I’m so glad I know about [ __ ] Paw   Patrol I be trapping these [ __ ] surgeons now I  don’t ever lose a surge I do this I do that that’s  

Cool I’ll never see your [ __ ] by the dumpster  that’s all I give a [ __ ] about [ __ ] if you   make more than me give I never cared about who  makes more than me I just want to make sure you in  

The same house you’ve been in that’s it that’s it  Z I finally got so pissed I canceled 40 straight   orders door Das took six hours to deactivate my  ass they took six hours to they deactivated after  

Six hours uh this Uber they Jeff what position you  playing football are you a you a football coach   you like a badass linebacker I was actually a  safety and a wide receiver and when I was doing uh  

Flag football I actually played defensive lineman  I was defensive lineman so I got to rush the   quarterback that was the fun part of my job right  there because I was already quick I was already  

Fast but to have somebody on the end I was fast I  had decent size the big dudes used to beat me up a   lot like once they got on the ground that was it I  wasn’t getting back up these [ __ ] too heavy but  

If I could get around them and I can get to the  quarterback and I flag football I tell people I’ve   seen more people injured in flag football than  real football we’re in flag football we all big  

Dudes we don’t wear pads at all we’re all going  full [ __ ] speed people are getting hit thrown   toss kick no pads [ __ ] with broken noses ankles  and [ __ ] twisted [ __ ] shoulders out of place   we be beating it it’s like playing rugby playing  flag football is like playing rugby and you got to  

Somehow get to that [ __ ] quarterback so we was  out there many years man and we had you know a   lot of guys from the University of Utah was on our  team Reggie he was a soccer player from like Saudi  

Arabia [ __ ] catch any [ __ ] thing this dude was  like he was a soccer player but he played football   for us I don’t know how this dude could catch  anything he was crazy University of Hawaii tassi   Al tell he was our quarterback we was beating  teams that you think should play in the NFL  

These dudes walk out the building they look like  all NFL players they be beating the [ __ ] out of   us we was beating them all we hey we use quickness  and intelligence man we one of the smallest teams  

Out there on the field and we beat them out every  year three years [ __ ] straight we play for the   Hard Rock casino right on Paradise in um Las  Vegas bullet Paradise in Vegas we play for the   Hard Rock Casino and the Laughing Jackal loupe The  Laughing Jackalope was another bar so the Laughing  

Jackalope sponsored us and Hard Rock Casino  sponsored us so we played for them and man we used   to go there afterwards and have a [ __ ] blast but  yeah football was nuts man it was nuts nuts out

There yeah I don’t do them now no money in yeah  what is that uh I don’t [ __ ] with deliveries   not even worth getting out of the car oh it  depends some of those deliveries wo man I like  

I said I waited at the bar and I had it on the  video I waited at a bar one time because I told   a dude when I got to the bar on Baseline it was  the Baseline of mcent talk there’s a little bar  

Over there and I had to go all the way to auki  so on Baseline of M Clint talk I went to that   bar and I text him I said dude they didn’t even  start making your food yet so they about to start  

Making it right now but I said I’ll wait for  it I ain’t got [ __ ] else to do I said I’ll   wait for it and so I’m just watching sports on TV  waiting for his food and the dude was like okay  

Co no problem picked up the food when it was  finally done drove it all to his house [ __ ]   tipped me 50 bucks just for waiting for it and  it was on like maybe a 12 mile drive it’s a 12  

Mile drive and I think it was something like 20  bucks maybe and I ended up getting like 50 bucks   plus the 20 bucks something crazy like that on  the thing it was nuts I was like holy [ __ ] so  

Some orders you get are pretty banging like that  you get some pretty banging orders but it’s like   most of the times the y’all [ __ ] see on the  videos what [ __ ] be they be sending me $3 for  

Nine miles me walking across goddamn mud holes and  [ __ ] I’m like man I can’t do this [ __ ] no no   I can’t do it look big horn CS a yeah played  four years High School football never injured   played flag football in Hawaii and navy just Lo  shorter twice yeah because Kev what people don’t  

Realize man in flag football like we see all flag  football tournaments All Over America that [ __ ]   should be on ESPN cuz we be [ __ ] killing it’s  like playing rugby man you running around we are   getting [ __ ] thrown and when you get blocked  and you not paying you get like you get chop  

Blocked and you ain’t paying attention let’s  say you chasing somebody and you can see they   flag and you headed for their flag but you don’t  see the block coming this way oh man I don’t seen  

Some ugly blocks in flag and [ __ ] will lay on  the ground for a couple of minutes and we’ll go   over there make sure everything’s okay this and  that flag is rough we ain’t got no pads on Zone  

I mean all we got is shorts t-shirt a set of flags  and some [ __ ] cleats that’s it and gloves that’s   all we got we have no protection whatsoever and  it’s full force full speed football you can’t   tackle nobody but we get tackled all the time  because people act like they ain’t gonna tackle  

You we every play everybody’s on the ground by the  end of the play and it’s like it just happens like   that and it’s like that’s why I used love going  for the quarterback there’s been times when I’ve  

Dived I’ve dived just so I can grab the flag  and made a mistake and tackled the quarterback   so they get like a first down something like that  [ __ ] always happens man this say hey Jeff would  

You pay for a monthly subscription to Uber in  lift in return you get n 9010 split and and if   you don’t do the monthly subscription you get the  current Mile and rate and time in your region but   how much would the monthly subscription be though  that’s the thing if if the monthly subscription  

Is not worth it then no and I have to have a I  have to have a say in which rides I get I still   can cherry pick I still can do what I want to do  I I don’t have to take nature if I don’t want to  

That’s the thing if they say yeah well we gonna  be seeing you the [ __ ] Tucson hell no I ain’t   going to Tucson because there’s no guarantee on  a ride back they might be like yeah we’re gonna   send you the Flagstaff Tucson mon Fountain  Hills they be sending me all over the [ __ ]  

Place they say we’ll give you a 9010 but it’s  got to be in your area like you get to choose   your own areas and [ __ ] like that like hell  yeah I do it [ __ ] yeah I wouldn’t go nowhere  

I’m like dude I stay within a phoenix you know  Phoenix Scottdale tempy Mesa you know Gilbert   Chandler I wouldn’t no Tucson no Maricopa  no Kasa gr no [ __ ] Yuma because they send   Yuma [ __ ] no Yuma no Flagstaff no [ __ ] you  know Williamsburg or wherever the hell out man

No because that’s the thing is there’s no way  because in Phoenix there’s a lot of people who   come to the city of Phoenix but they go other  places like out in the deserts is where they  

Live like way out in other cities cuz they come  here for business for the week maybe a week and   a half they do contract work or whatever but then  they got to go back to Tucson that’s a long ass  

Ride to Tucson but people like yeah man I’m up  here doing contract work I used live in Tucson   because I’ll be taking them like driving them  around while they up here and [ __ ] but they   be like yeah I gotta go back to Tucson I’m  like and there’s no flights going that way  

So you have to drive so and a lot of people  they don’t drive their car up here because   they just leave it back where they are and  they’ll just take Ubers the whole time they   and their company pays for all the Ubers  so what what do he say the my first time I  

Jumped for a catch landed on my shoulder lint  back to the Huddle we ain’t running that plan anymore exactly exactly we a I think we’re  done with that play like [ __ ] that [ __ ]   I know even Megan said the same thing Eduardo  it would it would have to be steady profitable  

Work that’s what I’m saying if it’s not steady  profitable work then what are you signing up for   I mean at some point you might be signing up with  something that’s worse than what you got and you  

Don’t even realize it it’s like but hopefully  like I said the doors wide open right now the   door is wide open for any app out there who wants  good drivers if you want good drivers that don’t  

Mind working don’t mind driving nights don’t mind  putting in some good miles a lot of these channels   especially mine hit me up in [ __ ] email because  I mean if if if there’s an app out there that says  

Jeff we’re in these markets these are the markets  we’re in we want good drivers we would like to pay   drivers we want drivers to sign up for us so we  can expand our markets hit up channels like mine  

Because drivers out here like we need options  we need a lot of us like me only R lift and   Uber that’s it lift Uber and private rides that’s  it hum when hum turns into a night thing I could  

Start doing hum at night but a lot of us need  those options and we’re looking for places that   got good drivers because imagine if the Riders out  there if the Riders were like dude every time I’m  

Looking for a ride on Uber it gets declined  it gets cancelled I can never get a ride but   when I go on this other app man within the first  like five minutes I’m already getting somebody   already cuz drivers make the money when you pay  your drivers right that’s who they gonna be for  

Give a [ __ ] about Uber give a [ __ ] about  Lyft think I’m like oh yeah I’m an Uber driver   I’m prestigious I’m way more prestigious I drive  for Uber I’m prestigious you ain’t prestigious   you probably broke [ __ ] that’s why you driving  for they [ __ ] ass and drive exactly so it’s like  

We got a lot of people out here who who are ready  to work man ready to use our [ __ ] cars we ready   to get it done but if Uber Li want to play this  game like I said Tony West this dude right here  

Tony West he’s the main reason why a lot of us  aren’t making the money we used to make they’re   paying this dude a whole bunch of [ __ ] cash  to keep them from being sued and keep him from  

Losing lawsuits because I bet he was involved in  the whole [ __ ] with that 328 million and that’s   why they probably settled he’s probably saving  these companies so much money letting him get   away with screwy [ __ ] because he was the he was  one of them people at the doj that sued Bank of  

America so he was one of the people running doj  when Bank of America got sued by the government   so this dude knows the ins and outs of [ __ ] he  knows [ __ ] he knows courts he knows how systems  

Work so now that he’s got them these apps is doing  whatever the [ __ ] they want to do it’s like dude   we got the government on our team dude we got  the government so [ __ ] these drivers we are the  

[ __ ] government pretty much we got the doj Dude  down the hallway [ __ ] these drivers and they’re   doing whatever they want to do yeah maybe we need  to meet with Trump and you know what Kim this   is what I said every group in this country has  met with presidents every group teachers unions  

Have met with HBCU and their presidents have met  with [ __ ] presidents who else UAW Union people   have met with presidents railroad people what up  Merl all the airline people have met with all the   presidents ride share drivers are a [ __ ] force  of the economy we are a force of the economy we  

Deserve a seat at the [ __ ] table we don’t have  a union but that’s cool we don’t need a union   just grab a couple of smart [ __ ] be like you a  driver yeah cool what’s your AR 98% we don’t need  

To talk to you 98% you a driver yeah what’s your  AR 3% you got to see at the [ __ ] table come on   cuz that’s all you just find a low AR driver and  be like dude we need to talk to you you come you  

Got to sit at the table meeting with Trump your AR  is low enough if you at least 30% and up you can’t   sit down with Trump you got to be under [ __ ]  10% to sit with Trump what’s your AR 11% no it’s  

Not low enough no no [ __ ] that 3% 2% oh [ __ ]  2% [ __ ] you want to speak directly to Trump you   at [Music] 2% man man sh I know the low AR crew  [ __ ] that [ __ ] the lower your AR is the more  

You going to rep us I was at like 30 I’m down  I’m I think I’m hovering around about 20% well   maybe 12 because it was after that’s given so I’m  around 12 up to 15% I’m not low enough you get me  

Down to two three% I can rep everybody now we need  to find some real this [ __ ] out a 1% you a 1% AR   you want to speak to [Laughter] Trump say let me  look at my AR [ __ ] [ __ ] we time to wake up hey  

Jeffrey it’s possible because 90% of the drivers  out there ain’t like us man they’re not out there   driving for free and they don’t even know it  until they have to replace their [ __ ] struts   yeah and that’s the thing once you replace your  [ __ ] struts and and people don’t understand how  

Expensive struts are if you don’t do the labor if  you do the labor and you buy the assembly you’re   gonna be good because you got to do it yourself  but if you don’t do your own struts and you only  

Buy the strut and not the assembly and they got to  take off the coils and all the oh it gets pretty   expensive pretty expensive oh no he’s said [ __ ]  9% I don’t get to sit at the table no you can sit  

At the table at 9% you under 10% you can sit  at the table but we need somebody like 1% see   I’m at like 12 13% I’m outside with everybody  you actually in the building I’m outside with  

Every [ __ ] body till I get my [ __ ] a little  lower once I drop about another three four% I’m   in the building [ __ ] that [Laughter] [ __ ]  this is 40% AR 22% cancels [ __ ] your cancels  

Offset your AR you really at 18% I’m just kidding  yeah my cancer need to get down well Uber Li said   Tony has more than 25 years of experience spanning  public and private sectors proud to joining Li he   was the Executive Vice President public policy  and government Affairs General Council yeah I’m  

Telling you man Uber has the government official  so when you got a government official you got   somebody who can scratch other people’s [ __ ]  backs pad in other people’s pockets knowing how   to move [ __ ] money and everything so when  you knowing how to do that you got somebody  

In your building knowing the names knowing the the  departments that work certain things knowing the   parents oh man I know his dad I used to work  with his dad let me talk to his dad hey man  

You know what we got this case going on right  now man if you don’t believe that’s how [ __ ]   works I’m gonna tell you like this if you don’t  believe that’s how [ __ ] Works watch this series   called suits suits is about attorneys what goes on  behind the [ __ ] scenes the potential of you know  

Things happening with attorneys between attorneys  with companies around companies watch suits that   shit’s got a lot to do with with the real world  and how [ __ ] really works inlegal like I said   I I took the lat I was going to try to become an  attorney but I just couldn’t afford the [ __ ]  

Process like man going back to law school I had to  leave Vegas to go clear across the country just to   go to law school I said no I’m not leaving Vegas  man I’m cool nope so I never did it but I wish I  

Would have you know at least if I would have got  accepted into a law school in Vegas like the the   William Boyd law school I would have been okay  I think I would have did okay and I would have  

Probably you know my main thing I love fighting  for like family courts civil stuff I wouldn’t have   been good with [ __ ] you know criminal law hate  that I like civil law that’s me yeah bigor g suits  

Is awesome man it’s a good ass show man it gets  you sucked in and it makes you really realize how   these systems around us really work it it helps  you realize that [ __ ] say Uber Uber said drive  

This person to the hood for 8 skip I know it I  know that’s funny [ __ ] skip oh goo said there   are two types of people in life we got deposit and  withdrawals from whom unfortunately are just skill  

We’re just skilled of being a crap magnet the  seait life is the exact mirror of that glad I left   it man yep yep because when you get them corporate  people man they they’re in it for self they’re in  

It for the illusion of being somebody valuable to  the people around them and incorporate the more   valuable you are or people who offer you stocks oh  you got offered stocks yeah I got offered stocks   you get offered a partnership yeah I got offered  a partnership because of the [ __ ] you’re doing  

For the benefit of the corporation not for  the benefit of ity or for the benefit of the   economy but for the benefit of the corporation so  once you get sucked into that [ __ ] that’s what  

I used to call them monkey suits back in the day  because monkey see monkey do they call them [ __ ]   monkey suits so I’ll be like dude I just can’t do  what everybody else is doing I I have too much of  

A a human nature too much of a human nature to  not realize that what I’m doing doesn’t affect   my soul as a person and sometimes you just like no  man I’m cool on that [ __ ] I’m good I’m good and  

They go oh man well if you do this this and this  you might might be able to get that position you   know next year because when he steps down it could  be your position what makes you think I want that  

Position [ __ ] I’m not here just to to elevate  into this company to get deeper into y’all [ __ ]   I’m trying to pay for bills and [ __ ] I got kids  to raise and stuff like that this takes care of  

My life outside of these [ __ ] doors I don’t  live for this company and a lot of people don’t   know how to balance themselves because outside of  that company they probably ain’t worth [ __ ] and   that’s not being mean it’s being real outside  of the company of what they do they probably  

Can’t hold a good conversation with a [ __ ] they  probably you can see right through they [ __ ]   they probably not that valuable they probably got  so much dirt in their [ __ ] life they know they a  

Worthless [ __ ] so the corporate life is the only  way they can sell their value well I can do this   I can do that I can be you’re a corporate person  but me I tell [ __ ] all the time I could ride a  

[ __ ] 10 speeed around town by the time I make  it home I got 10 [ __ ] best friends we laughing   like a [ __ ] about just life in general a lot of  people don’t do that I mean I’ve sat when I had  

To park at Walgreens one day I park at Walgreens  I’m talking to a homeless dude with a dog that   he was was a mixed dog I don’t even know what the  [ __ ] it was mixed with but I was like dude that  

Is the coolest dog I’ve ever [ __ ] seen what  the hell man a little short dog I mean it was   like a movie star [ __ ] dog it looked like it was  a Jack Russell mixed with maybe a lab I don’t even  

[ __ ] know but it was like little medium size  I was like that is the perfect [ __ ] dog so I   went and I bought him some dog treats but it was  like you know stuff like that you don’t get to see  

Every day in Corporate America you don’t get to  see cool ass [ __ ] dogs you’ll never see again   stuff like that so you know I enjoy life I enjoy  cruising through life and and just experiencing   this [ __ ] Universe experiencing everything out  here because at some point the [ __ ] has to it  

Has to make you be somebody it has to add up to  be and money don’t always make you money’s good   because it takes care of the corporate people  on your [ __ ] back you can pay your mortgage  

You can pay your car note pay all that [ __ ] but  at some point nah you can’t do it you gotta you   got to walk away from the money say this ain’t  good money all money ain’t good money you’re  

Not going to pay me no [ __ ] $100 to drive all  the way a [ __ ] TUC sign all money is not good money claudo says I’m an Uber driver I can only  afford to fly spirit thank you Uber that’s funny  

[ __ ] that’s funny [ __ ] you should watch the  judge movie with Robert Downey Jr oh man I’ll   probably see that I’ll probably see that I like  to watch that especially with Robert Downey Jr   man he’s funny as a [ __ ] this is Al say y’all  know Uber Cala Kamala Harris brother-in-law is  

The top lawyer in Uber and got a 40% raise yep  yep we was talking about Tony West man we was   talking about him all in the beginning of this  thread it we was talking about Tony West and  

And every he’s to work for Pepsi and you know end  up leaving Pepsi when Eric Holder was suing Uber   Eric Holder was was investigating Uber over all  the [ __ ] that was going on at Uber and guess   who Uber did Uber was like since we’re getting  investigated by the justice department let’s  

Hire somebody that used to work at the justice  department so they hired who Tony West so Tony   West was probably like duh I know everybody had  to justice department let me see who’s involved   in this [ __ ] all they did was hire a [ __ ]  agent that knew all the [ __ ] players that’s  

All they did so once they hired him he basically  got everybody to back off that’s it says this is   how I’m gonna get people to back off you start  bribing people paying people moving money around  

Doing this doing that that’s how you do it this  is aler King says Jeffy we’re doomed I Spirit The   Uber of the sky that’s funny [ __ ] EXA say hey  Jeff next time Trump has a campaign we need to go  

Out and have signs out saying Rashia drivers for  Trump real [ __ ] real [ __ ] because we already   know right now Democrats run Trump run Uber we  know the Democrats are running Uber and lift   and anybody who support them I don’t mind like I  said I don’t mind Democrats it’s the policies that  

They’re having right now the policy of controlling  [ __ ] people and keeping people underground to   keep people underground and not make money not be  rich not wor like not work hard enough to to take   care of our families but keep trying to push  us out of the system so they can let all these  

New people in once all these new people come in we  event going to all go broke and they going say see   told you you guys are gonna be better off once we  got you over here look at all these Americans that  

Are homeless now and you guys are doing amazing  right now we’re goingon to sell you their [ __ ]   houses they can’t afford them we’re gonna sell  them to y’all now like [ __ ] [ __ ] wait LIF   panicking in Dallas Fort Worth they just sent me  a decent offer this week 225 or 50 trips almost $5  

Extra for every trip time to use that the hard  M radius filter hell yeah get it for a runner   get it turn that [ __ ] on five miles go near  anywhere where you know it’s going to be crazy  

Rides go by [ __ ] Walmart go by [ __ ] apartment  complex and just sit it’s like they be like why   you sitting in front of this apartment complex you  live here now no [ __ ] I’m getting all the rides  

Out of here they all two three miles to Walmart  go sit right in any apartment complex man I need   a uber ride to the Walmart somebody sitting right  there [ __ ] get it get it look at Don says what’s  

The ha your Tubman glitch I everybody emails me  about it all the time man it’s just is it’s what   we do when we see a surge or you want to save  a surge or they start sending you [ __ ] while  

You holding a [ __ ] surge there’s a way and like  I said we don’t talk about it online because we   don’t want the engineers to figure it out if they  already know or they we don’t just want to show it  

So people email me about it they email each other  about it and we talk about it behind closed doors   so we don’t put that information just out there  for everybody to see the people that do it we talk  

To each other in in person like if you’re at a gas  station and you see a Uber driver going man I just   lost a $20 surge man you go okay you didn’t you  don’t know about the the the glitch that can help  

You keep your surge right man you know this hey I  tell [ __ ] email me at Uber Jeep a they   got this Harriet tubbin fix that’s the Underground  Railroad to keeping the money in your pocket and  

There’s too many people out there that don’t want  to tell information like this to others I say it   because you might be able to use in your Market  you might be able to do a lot like me I do a lot  

Better with it like when I get surges now I’m  not scared I’m I don’t give a [ __ ] what they   sent I’m not scared no more I’m brave enough  to take a surge I’m brave enough to sit on a  

$13 surge now a lot of people are scared of those  surges because it used to be when you get a big   surge they’re gonna s you on a [ __ ] nature hike  they were right they were right when you get a big  

Surge on your phone trust me you going on a 30 40  mile [ __ ] ride now if I get a $20 surge I’m not   scared like send it give me the surge give me  the $20 surge they give it to me I’m cool I’m  

Cool and I tell [ __ ] a lot of us are okay with  it now we cool with it because we understand what   it means and how to use that surge properly now  so and and many of us have been doing for a long  

Time so I tell people you’ve got to understand  man you’ve got to understand there’s ways that   we help each other in ride share that a lot of  channels won’t help because they don’t want to   be seen as somebody who’s helping [ __ ] drivers  out for real not you know not sitting there going  

Oh well in order for me to help you you have  to hold the phone in your right hand and hold   your left hand in the air to get better [ __ ]  reception and then no [ __ ] all that we don’t  

Do all that we really help you keep this [ __ ]  money this is a great place for with actual surge   yeah oh man if you know how to get surges man woo  man man if you know how to keep surges that’s the  

Trick it’s not getting the Sur is the trick  keeping that [ __ ] man yep everything I’ve   learned now makes me a more relax driver I feel  controlled and not afraid to cancel decline yep   night shift and that’s what it is we had to  take the power back we had to take the power  

Back on what we was going to do Jeff what is the  absolutely Blue Claw bruo Insurance hit and run   strategy exactly that’s funny [ __ ] but no n sh  if we do that man we used to be so scared that the  

Next ride popping up was gonna be something that  we didn’t want we were so scared of that I don’t   give a [ __ ] now they can send me whatever they  want to send me I’m like you trash [ __ ] y’all  

Really going going try me really going to try me  do it again see what happened now now what they do   now they’re sitting up there trying to get us to  be like if you if you’re at the airport and you’re  

Declining stuff at the airport they’ll boot you  completely out so if you’re at the airport and you   holding a surge you get booted out of the system  you got to log back in you don’t have it no more  

You don’t have it I know this is absolutely go  go remember that [ __ ] absolutely absolutely oh   yeah it’s possible to generate sir you just got to  turn your phone off that’s it that’s it you turn  

Your phone off kind of hang out for a minute  this and that let that [ __ ] go Boop oh you   found a way not to get kicked out man mine I only  get kicked out the airport I don’t get kicked out  

Anywhere else except the airport that’s it rich  MVP says how to hold the surge oh yeah we do it   all the time y’all see that [ __ ] in my videos  all the [ __ ] time what up Solomon what’s good  

Like people will see the videos they’ll see rides  coming through the pipe and they be like dude how   are you still riding around the $3 Surge and it’s  like 10 minutes later I was like Harriet tutman  

[ __ ] send me an email I’ll put my email in the  description of all my videos I put my email in   there so people don’t have to ask me what my email  address is I just and all my description on all my  

Videos I tell people I hand type them there is  no copy paste [ __ ] on none of my videos I hand   type each description on my videos I hand type  my email address shirt website whatever I hand  

Type everything in there to let people know when  you come to my channel and you want to know what’s   going on with this video or anything else first  thing you should do read the description because  

That’s going to help you not ask that I see people  all the time my comments hey man what’s your email   address apparently they skipped the description  because we know on Facebook so many people copy   and paste their [ __ ] descriptions that [ __ ]  is crazy everybody’s description be the exactly  

The [ __ ] same I’m like no so what I do is I  hand type my descriptions in all my descriptions   are different and that way if somebody wants  information they just go go to the description   they can know about what this video is about  basically what my energy or My Vibe about the  

Video is about stuff like that yeah and the good  and see most of my descriptions are very short   I don’t like long ones because in descriptions  they’re looking for buzzwords keywords and stuff   like that I just Harry up and put you know only  what that video is about because when you copy  

Paste descriptions a lot of people do that so they  can so they can uh be trapped into the algorithm   because they think oh this video description is  good for the algorithm so it traps it a lot of  

Times it’s only is is the first three hashtags  you do your first three hashtags put you in a   certain algorithm that’s it see Jeff you don’t  use the caddy for Uber and lift while the Beamer  

Is down to get some money man that CAD is a 25  there is no app out there taking 2005’s right   now and with that big ass caddy [ __ ] man I’ll  be rolling like a [ __ ] they don’t they don’t  

Want to use that they don’t want that I think  most of them start at 07s everybody starts at oh was as a former federal state government  employee when dims in the office there’s more   waste with excessive hiring using upper management  which is the phase off too many chiefs and not  

Enough Indians yeah it’s the phase you get all  these Chiefs not enough Indians and they do it   because it covers up what some of the other  people are doing when you got job duplication   and we used to do that [ __ ] in in uh Corporate  America when you got job duplication you got four  

Or five people doing the same [ __ ] thing that  means nobody’s really responsible for it because   you can always Shi responsibility and when you  say hey how come this ain’t getting done yet oh   well this person over here in this department  oh yeah well we told that person about in this  

Department by the time you find out who’s really  not responsible you got a whole another situation   coming out the pipe [ __ ] six months later and  it’s like you just keep job duplication to take   away responsibility when somebody’s the only  person there that can do it yeah they’re done  

They’re done because you know that person was  responsible for it there is no doubt you’re   the only one here responsible for that [ __ ] and  you didn’t do it you dropped the ball on it hire   more people when you hire more people nobody’s  accountable for [ __ ] that’s just how it works  

We do that same [ __ ] in Corporate America you  pack [ __ ] a manager a sub manager an assistant   sub manager an assistant to the assistant and  it’s like [ __ ] all right all heex cool cool  

I used to get the emails and stuff when I get off  live streams and all that stuff man so guys please   please like his page so other drivers can come and  join here hey Solomon I appreciate that brother I  

Appreciate it and I tell people a lot of my live  streams I record them with all of the information   still running on the on the uh the chat because  some people they all watch it tomorrow they’ll  

Watch it when they get up tomorrow and kind of go  through the you know what what was going on last   night a lot of riders on here a lot of drivers  always bringing up information in the chats and  

That’s why I like to read the chats or whatever  the people because it keeps other drivers informed   on what’s really going on what’s really going on  cool thank you Kimmy Beauty Withers thank you say   okay I found prime spots for good sures here in  Chicago the outskirts of our Midway Airport EXC  

That airport is in the middle of four towns all  these dudes in the queue while I’m sitting eating   good outside all hex that’s the same thing I do I  I do not go to that airport I’m like dude just go  

Sit at the Circle cage just south of the airport  sit at the Circle sit at Panera because what’s   gonna happen is you’re G to get a a ride from one  of these hotels and with Lyft is crazy Lyft will  

Give you surge airport surge with another ride cuz  one time I’m sitting at my house they gave me a   ride that was like eight miles down the road for  like a three mile ride but it had a $12 airport  

Surge connected to it so they gave me airport sech  for a ride that wasn’t even going to the airport   just because I’m close enough to the airport I was  like [ __ ] I’ll take it what up Mike this is Jeff  

My godamn I’m late run a little late run oh you  run the night shift right now there you go there   you go [ __ ] man you got to get out there and get  it especially Sunday night people trying to get to  

The airports people trying to wrap it up before  the weeks you know starts and [ __ ] like that   get it in get it in man is what uh met I’m really  glad I didn’t go out tonight not much popping off  

Tonight yeah especially with it like I said with  it being early in the month it’s just the Third   Day so a lot of people are paying rent right  now more people are doing like you know grocery  

Shopping stuff like that so you don’t get a lot of  wouts from Walmart people just getting their money   in but again Walmart rids if you pick up somebody  from Walmart you gonna have a whole cartload of   [ __ ] because everybody been waiting on that  money to hit right after Thanksgiving so that  

Money hit they’re going to hurry up and go grocery  shopping before they blow that money on some other   [ __ ] so you going to be loading up your car  doing Walmart Spark instacart all of that [ __ ]  

That’s going to be hitting for the first couple  of days of the month because a lot of people got   that money in once they get it they hurry up and  go out and [ __ ] get everything before they blow  

That money and it’s like kids been like Mom we  ain’t got no more [ __ ] poptarts [ __ ] kids   been bugging you on some [ __ ] Pop-Tarts [ __ ]  you’ve been Hing me for them [ __ ] Pop-Tarts for   like two weeks my money ain’t here yet wait  till the money get here [ __ ] kids be like

Yay Man dash your felon much respect all you R  here drivers what’s good what’s good he said I’m   The Dashing felon hell yeah not fella felon I’m  the Smooth Criminal this is one person working   one person watching them two people watching them  three people watching them one person works and  

They charge you for seven people doing the job  man and and like I said government jobs usually   whenever you get something done by the government  man it is the slowest process ever you’ll be like  

Man you’ll be in the lobby there’s nobody in the  lobby but you but it takes them 20 30 minutes to   get to you there’s nobody else in the lobby it’s  just you and they be [ __ ] around on the computer  

[ __ ] around they see you sitting there but they  be like dat of Entry they be keying [ __ ] moving   [ __ ] around doing [ __ ] because in their head  they want to get their in basket down a little  

Bit I’m just trying to get my in basket low so  they sitting there typing and [ __ ] typing and   [ __ ] trying to get their in basket lower and  you just sitting over there waiting like uh is   anybody gonna [ __ ] help me with the [ __ ] you  come over there it’s [ __ ] they could have did  

When you left they’re like man you know I had  these four pink slips in my inbox I’m trying   to get down to two pink slips it’s like [ __ ]  just take care of me and get me out of here I  

Don’t want to be sitting here watching you work  I got to get the [ __ ] up out of here uh oh as   you just finished finals oh this is about to be a  [ __ ] money Week Money week was it uh what offer  

Kicks said cracking the [ __ ] up because my son  loves them oh he loves the [ __ ] Pop-Tarts he   like give me the chocolate ones give me the ones  with sprinkles on it give me the strawberry ones  

Hell yeah [ __ ] pop and they don’t and this the  thing about them kids they put these [ __ ] in   the toaster they just eat them straight out  the package I thought poptarts was made for   a toaster man these kids do not put them poptarts  in the toaster they eat these mother straight out  

The you hear them soon as you get the box box open  Crackle crackle crackle crunch I’m like you ain’t   putting it in the toaster nope them [ __ ] is  Donuts they flat Donuts that’s they ain’t even   Pop-Tarts no more they just rename those [ __ ]  flat Donuts you want a flat donut what’s that  

It’s a Pop-Tart these [ __ ] don’t eat that [ __ ]  it’s like they do not even put them in the toaster   like no they ain’t waiting that long they open  that [ __ ] pack right there [ __ ] crumbs all  

Over the [ __ ] place I was like man these [ __ ]  ain’t no Pop-Tarts they flat Donuts get out of   here Dad felon says I’m a felon who Dash is excon  gig driver that’s why I can’t get on R sh here  

Though hey that’s what’s up man [ __ ] [ __ ] he  says hey I’m I’m a felon I can’t do get I can’t do   ride share but I could do delivery [ __ ] you  need to rename yourself Hamburglar instead of   The Dashing felon the Hamburglar you out there  stealing [ __ ] hamburgers you be like Robble  

Robble Robble he running around stealing [ __ ]  hamburgers and [ __ ] I am the Hamburglar you   need to wear a Hamburglar costume when you like  we got [ __ ] uh we got what B Bigfoot Dasher you   need to wear a [ __ ] Hamburglar costume while you  running around doing I’m pretty damn Dasher though  

He say hell I’m pretty damn dashing do [ __ ]  running around they said dude why this [ __ ]   just show up like the hamburger just showed up  at the house it’s like oh man that’s the dash and   felon man this [ __ ] be stealing [Laughter]  hamburgers man man big or I admit I’ve never  

Used a toer for poptarts see y’all doing it all  wrong man y’all doing it all wrong y’all [ __ ]   killing me like nobody nobody uses a TOA for  poptarts they just call them flat Donuts the   [ __ ] scratched the [ __ ] word poptarts I was  like hey these are flat a package of flat Donuts  

Poptarts are always cold for me I know it y’all  are nuts for that [ __ ] the Ronald McDonald’s   custom hell yeah [ __ ] the Hamburglar well do  I hit up the college areas in the beginning of  

The month now you know they don’t pay rent so you  know they don’t pay rent man for real well see in   the beginning of the month the most of the kids  down in the ASU areas and stuff like that they  

Usually party on the weekend they party because  you know they gotta pay rent they all done and   [ __ ] they got all they [ __ ] out the way so  now they want to go drink away any money they  

Got left because they’re like man I just spend  all that money I’m going go drink away my SS   and pretend that I’m not broke so they go drink  pretend they ain’t broke so it’s cool to go down  

There and pick them up so these kids don’t know  about the Hamburglar and Grimace exactly exactly   like Hamburglar and Grimace but they that’s old  school [ __ ] right there and then you got the   Fry Guys running around with just eyes on a [ __ ]  big ass pom pom whatever the [ __ ] they was when  

He a toaster then dipped in milk the best way to  go man see that’s me I would do Pop-Tarts when I   did them I would always do them in milk because  you gota you [ __ ] break them and they hot as  

A [ __ ] so you hurry up and you put them like  you bite it and drink the milk real fast so it   don’t burn your [ __ ] tongue because it’s fresh  out the toaster man you get a hot warm cold man  

Love them [ __ ] Pop-Tarts and i’ always get the  chocolates man the chocolate poptarts be the best   these kids they don’t even put them in toaster  man they be walking around outside with these   [Laughter] [ __ ] so you want to be extra nasty I  knew somebody who would make PB and J sandwiches  

With Pop-Tarts man that’s that might actually be  pretty good if you use like let’s say strawberry   jelly and you’re using [ __ ] you know strawberry  jelly some strawberry you need some peanut butter   and strawberry Pop-Tarts that might be pretty good  that might be pretty good see these folks taking  

Uber to avoid vandals when no one is driving  their at exactly dipping it solves the problem   completely chocolate fudge and chocolate chip man  y’all gonna have me go by a big ass box tomorrow  

And the thing is now the like when I buy Pop-Tarts  now like when my son gets them I get the knockoff   Pop-Tarts I don’t even know what they [ __ ] call  them they might call them pop flips who knows flip  

Tarts flip Tarts like yeah [ __ ] if you eating  flip Tarts you know you eating a generic version   of Pop-Tarts what are you eating a flip tart  like what the [ __ ] a flip tart it’s generic   poptart it’s a knockoff it’s a Chinese version  of a [ __ ] Pop-Tart you eat a Chinese Pop-Tart  

You eat a flip tart I got it from the swap meat  I got a box of these [ __ ] from the swap meat yeah exactly the Great Value ones hell yeah  M man y’all making me hungry you going to go  

Swing through the store real quick y’all got some  poptarts in this [ __ ] we ain’t got no poptarts   we got a whole package of those flip Tarts back  there and on flip Tarts you know it’s The Knockout   version because on the Pop-Tarts box everything’s  like nice and straight like all the words are  

Straight on flip Tarts the words be all crooked  like the boxes went through the machine too fast   or some [ __ ] the words be like crooked one word  that way one word that way half the [ __ ] word  

Is off the end of the box like you only got half  the [ __ ] title on it the other half of the box   is just white he like the Al he wants to exactly  and those Dollar Tree poptarts I do it man see  

We need to create an apple places to piss at 3:00  am. [ __ ] that’s a bush [ __ ] that [ __ ] like   where you gonna piss that bush you see one [ __ ]  Bush by 711 and last week I was driving [ __ ]  

Out there they don’t care man I had a bum take  a [ __ ] right in the Rocks I’m sitting there   backed into my spot kicking back like this and  this [ __ ] took a [ __ ] squat he [ __ ] bent  

Down Pull his [ __ ] pants down sat right I was  like this nasty [ __ ] I had had to put my car   and drive [ __ ] get out of there man I’m not  gonna sit here and watch this [ __ ] and these  

[ __ ] is all just walking around people gassing  up their cars and everything like that and I’m   like it are we so blind at Society to where this  [ __ ] takes the [ __ ] right in front of my car  

And nobody bats an eyelash I’m like am I the only  one seeing this [ __ ] what the f these people   don’t care man it’s like people are [ __ ] totally  like they’re they’re immune to like reality going   on around them I’m sitting there like I’m in  my car listen to [ __ ] I’m sitting there in  

The club look over I’m like this [ __ ] is not  taking a [ __ ] [ __ ] squat right in front of   my [ __ ] car like I mean he was like right there  caddy corner and it’s all these [ __ ] over here  

Gassing their cars up and [ __ ] and they just  like looking around it’s like [ __ ] walking by   eating donuts and [ __ ] is it I’m just like man  I’m getting the [ __ ] out of this Circle K this   place is nasty as a [ __ ] I’m out say anybody  in the Uber Chicago Market here Chicago Uber  

Market Marcel say anybody in Chicago up in this  [ __ ] yeah Uber [ __ ] gets you one and a half   Tarts per package I know the app texes the other  half I know it for real you only get [ __ ] 20%  

Of the Tarts man Jeff when the BMW part arrives  what’s the instulation time are you taking a video   of the install I don’t know the install might it  took me about two hours to get it apart but with  

That two hours you got to understand I tell people  getting Clips off are harder than getting them on   and getting things off always harder than getting  it back on so it’ll I think it’ll be quicker than  

Two hours to put it all back together because once  I get the piece in everything’s already figured   out it’s a bunch of clipping in sliding things  on especially with the hoses with the hoses you   always got to get because they’ve been heated up  since it’s been [ __ ] you know the car was made  

So you got to get a flash scw screwdriver in pop  it up keep wiggling the hoses wigg work to get it   off to get everything back on it everything just  like snaps in place so it’s going to be fast as  

[ __ ] to put it back together if I’m gonna  videotape the process I don’t know because I   gotta hold the camera in my hand usually so what I  might do is just sit the camera somewhere and just  

Let it roll I don’t know how I’m gonna do that if  I’m even do it because getting it off is the hard   part putting it back on is just a reverse of the  process so it’s like sometimes I’m like why even  

Record the whole thing one time I record started  putting something back together I took it apart   put it back together just because it lets people  know this is how fast it’ll be it my rear brakes  

My rear brakes on the bamer I just recorded myself  putting it back together to show how how fast it   could be but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t explain it  they talking about it because they can always  

Just say hey go this is how I took it apart so  to put it back together just the inverse of it   that’s it it’s easy to do you say I pee in a  water bottle and pour it out why do you pee  

In a water bottle and pour it out why just pee on  the [ __ ] ground now you just ruined a good water   bottle [ __ ] like that’s what these are these  are my water bottles I put water in these and  

I put drink packets in them I’m not going to piss  in my water bottle man was that me to up here on   the dark being in a dark parking lot and like that  like driving at night I know it for real you got  

To do that [ __ ] man I tell [ __ ] sometimes I  tell you what if you know like if you got a little   brick wall that you can park you can back your car  up pop your trunk to flip your trunk up and you  

Can stand back there and piss nobody even know it  be people all over the place they think I’m in my   trunk I’m not in my trunk I’m taking a piss it’s  like then when you’re done shut the [ __ ] trunk  

Drive off they see a whole [ __ ] River going  all the way down the [ __ ] concrete they be   like damn that [ __ ] piss by that time you gone  you ain’t worried about it like yep I took a piss  

Right here at [ __ ] Applebees while you [ __ ]  was sitting there talking at the front like damn   because sometimes you would drop somebody off  go around the corner be like man I gotta use the  

Bathroom hold up for a second [ __ ] that I’m g go  right over here then you be sitting there be some   workers coming out be like oh [ __ ] these workers  man pop your trunk Boop now the trunk’s up in the  

Air they think you in a trunk for something you  back there taking a [Music] piss that’s said be   a real hardcore and get a Cather in the back no  stopping necessary you racing [ __ ] NASCAR it  

Like uber be like this [ __ ] was on the app for  12 hours straight and he took 100% AR he never got   out the [ __ ] car [ __ ] bag full as a [ __ ] you  got the [ __ ] car you hold that [ __ ] back it’s  

Like a big ass pack of yellow Kool-Aid what the  [ __ ] do you got [ __ ] walking into the house   with a big ass [ __ ] you holding that [ __ ]  like it’s a sack of [ __ ] rice like look at  

This big ass bag of Kool-Aid this [ __ ] carrying  up in the house that ain’t Kool-Aid [ __ ] highy punch he said all the Thorntons and Speedways  by me have washrooms I know those SS locations  

About you know those and I know quick trip us to  be the same way I used to go to Quick Trip all   the time but [ __ ] some nights they be like this  one closes at 9:30 I’m like damn this [ __ ] Clos  

At 9:30 that’s why I sto worried about place the  piss I’m like [ __ ] if it’s a brick wall I see a   brick wall Pop the trunk see that’s the thing  back in the day when the [ __ ] say man I’m G  

To go Pop the trunk everybody take off running  because you go get your [ __ ] saw off shotgun   your N9 millimeters and [ __ ] out the trunk now  I’m like hey man I’m gonna go Pop the trunk you   just pissing he like [ __ ] mother I’m going  to go Pop the trunk everybody take off running  

You Pop the Trunk start taking a piss what are  they talking about why are they running why is   everybody running from me I’m just popping my  trunk he’s fa to kill us [ __ ] everybody take  

Off running like [ __ ] I gotta piss [ __ ] y’all  man He Man Dam I went to sing karaoke songs and   you still on here spitting the truth man we be  in it we be in it you [ __ ] hilarious he said  

Man I wouldn’t have seen karaoke and you still  on here man what for 3:20 yeah three hours and   20 minutes man this is now I don’t now I don’t  have to walk into a Panera Bread to warm up lunch exactly got a hot bag of

Piss see I made butter in seven microwave seven  I there you [ __ ] boy it’s like dude your ass   walking around with a big old hot bag of [ __ ]  warm lemonade he like dude why is this bag warm  

Sitting back you’re like oh [ __ ] I forgot to  left my bag in the back seat with the passengers   only four more to go oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] nuts  man you [ __ ] nuts 7-Eleven that microwave too   just found out oh yeah 7-Eleven let you use  a microwave man that’s cool man y’all gota be  

[ __ ] dying laugh my eyes be burning for that  [ __ ] what this record is it almost seven hours   I think yeah it was what the record is about six  hours six hours like five minutes 20 minutes I   don’t even [ __ ] know but tonight we ain’t  doing it because man it’s already [ __ ] 11  

O’clock man and it’s Sunday it’s Sunday no we  gonna have to do a long live this is what I’m   gon this this is how we gonna break the seven  hour this is how we gonna break the seven hour  

I gotta start a stream at about I would say 4 pm  so I can get with people in the in the rush hour   traffic listen and everything like that we start  at 4 pm and we run it till probably about 11:  

Midnight and call it good that’s it and that’ll  be fine right there 400 p.m. to about midnight   and we we chalk it up call it good on the spot  and that’s how we going to break our seven hour  

You did a seven hour live stream yep yep we doing  it I have a box in my trunk with lawon found man   [ __ ] that [ __ ] I still got somebody’s ID  it’s somebody’s ID in my center console and  

I I keep saying one day I’m just gonna get rid  of it because [ __ ] never call for that [ __ ]   see that will work I just head out at midnight so  there you go measure we we gonna figure it out man  

Because doing live streams are hard to do because  a lot of people other uh YouTubers they do their   live streams during the day people come in and  out we laughing and joking switching topics all  

This crazy [ __ ] so man what time work was hey  was a snag 160 today and six hours on Uber Eats   which is really solid in my market but man I would  have sent some of my screenshot today [ __ ] was  

Low as 25 cents a mile woo that’s crazy and see  the thing is $160 on Uber Eats you ain’t really   driving a lot of Miles though that’s that’s why I  tell people Uber re is and door Dash and all that  

You get the best miles per dollar doing delivery  because you’ll get some good [ __ ] like $11 for   like three miles and it’s just time [ __ ] you  up [ __ ] the other night I did the one it was  

Like 33 bucks I think it was like probably six  miles or something weird like that for 33 bucks   but it took an hour because the the [ __ ]  line was so long so you ain’t really driving  

No miles it’s the time you’re getting killed on  right there and that 7-Eleven it’s it’s a 70 not   seven a Taco Bell there’s a Taco Bell sitting on  like Southern and Dobson just north of the um of  

Banner hospital that that Taco Bell always got a  [ __ ] line wrapped around the corner man I’d be   like godamn I’ll be wanting to use it though i’ be  want to get them orders but I’ll be sitting over  

There I be like I’ll look across the street I’m  like no I’m not doing this [ __ ] no it’d be like   $10 for like three miles but I look at that line  I’m be like Noah that’s about 40 minutes right

There oh yeah the Wendy’s around here so bad had  to write corporate yeah and that’s the thing man   if if more of us drivers told these corporations  about how much our time is being wasted sitting   in these lines Behind these people that don’t  even know what the [ __ ] going on they we stop  

Wasting our time because I don’t like sitting in  these lines man if they gonna take 30 40 minutes   and I’m only getting $10 because it’s like two or  three miles 30 40 minutes is way too long for that  

Man what up what up Al say hey buddy it’s me from  Sydney again what’s good what’s good way out there   in Sydney Australia what’s up what’s is is it uh  snowing out there in Sydney because I was looking  

At some YouTube videos and I was like damn is it  snowing like that in Australia shees slide too raw   okay I have a question if y’all drive at nights  do you stay up all night when you out driving  

Oh yeah when I drive and everybody when I drive  dude I’ll go and I’ll start at probably about 78   p.m. and I Drive sometime till about midnight  2 o’clock take a break Drive till about 4:  

Or 5 in the morning take a break and then I’ll  probably go to sleep at about 8 in the morning   8 n o’clock in the morning and I’ll wake up  about 3 4 p.m. that’s why people don’t used to  

See me online till like 3 4 p.m. I’ll be sleep  said love you man no it’s summer well what are   all these videos out there for showing wintertime  it’s like snow and everything everywhere I’m like  

What okay lots of Americans are here holidaying  all right that’s what it is some I know New York   got a a ton of snow right now and somewhere else  had a ton of snow and I’m like damn is it snowing  

Like that what in Australia you’re like nope it’s  summertime and the whole continent of Australia is   having summer right now like there’s no snow  whatsoever I don’t know why they putting out   all these [ __ ] videos Dan it’s like what  I Get Crazy Dollar of my r on a lot of food  

Delivery orders and the shopping orders paid  because I run and I’m super fast just got to   have an unassigned plan how long you’re willing  to wait and try to get an ETA that’s a bunch of   coke that ain’t Snow Yeah and see that’s the  thing with shopping man I don’t like to shop  

That much I love shopping for myself because  I just kind of cruise to do my own thing but   shopping for other people man they be want some  weird [ __ ] on all different sides of the stores  

Now when you get your shopping list is it all  a sign like based on which ‘s is on like does   it tell you Al a you know section two or do you  just kind of like know where [ __ ] is because  

You’ve been in that store a whole lot because I  be walking around this [ __ ] all day like man he say I used to sleep until 8 used to sleep until  8 am. until your ass started morning streaming I  

Know well see most of my streams and this is  the thing measure what’ll happen is my video   will be from like the day before but it’ll end  up it’ll post early in the morning because you   can schedule so it’ll post like 6 seven in the  morning it’ll post and I’m like because that’s  

When YouTube will say post this at 6:00 a.m. post  this at 6:30 I’m like oh man because they always   give you the list the logs on on what time people  go online we’re night drivers nobody worries about  

Night drivers and I be looking at their [ __ ] I’m  like why is nobody ever up at night on YouTube but   we’re all up at night on YouTube because we all  night drivers YouTube just don’t register that  

[ __ ] I’m like man so I said [ __ ] that I’m done  dealing with YouTube I’ll do it my own way uh oh   she said I’m back at the barbecue dropped off oh  what happened what happened I got Dro sometimes  

You’re like you know what my [ __ ] server went  out my server went out oh most stores tell you   the aisles no sections though okay because  I wonder how people’s doing these deliveries  

I’m like you just showing up at a store blind and  all of a sudden you be like oh you had a private   ride okay there you go that’s what it was that’s  what it was yeah because people be showing up at  

These stores I be like how do y’all know how to  go grocery shop with these people we don’t know   what they want it’s like a list and you got to  walk through this whole [ __ ] Store look for  

Stuff it’s because they have it on the on the app  what SS you going to now it makes sense you know   the whole time nobody ever told me that [ __ ] I  never knew that cuz I’ve never shot for nobody so  

I’m thinking how do people know where all this  [ __ ] is like it’ll say yeah go give me some   grapes go me I’m okay grapes is in a the fruit  area they like oh yeah go give me this go give  

Me that go give me and I’m like how do they know  where all this [ __ ] is do you just shop that   [ __ ] much when I when I make up my list on  my phone and I’m cruising I have no idea where  

[ __ ] is I know where the cookies are because  I always go get cookies that’s about it I know   where the ice cream is because it’s always in an  ice cream area I had the hardest time finding them   [ __ ] little battered shrimp tails sometimes I  just leave the store because I don’t know where  

The [ __ ] they are I always find them my mistake  and I never remember where they were see Neil says   driving and listening that’s what I’m saying man  at night nobody cares about the night drivers even   YouTube don’t even care about the night drivers  I’m like we’re not all awake in the daytime some  

Of us sleep days because we drive nights and none  of these other channels out there want to you know   support and represent the night drivers out there  we still got [ __ ] to do it’s like man luckily he  

Didn’t give you a Chicago sunroof you got to make  a plan in the beginning or you’re screwed and just   wait until you have a few questions and call a  customer instead of chatting them yeah that’s  

What I say like and that’s what I do with my  order sometimes if I got a you know a couple   of questions then I’ll do it I know Megan you good  you good she said I’m driving and listening can’t  

Read what I type too small you good you good  I and that’s what I am and that’s why a lot of   times when I’m doing my live streams I don’t want  to add a lot of flare to the videos add a lot of  

[ __ ] I tried to read the comments because I  know people are driving they don’t got time to   be playing with these [ __ ] phones all the time  they just drive worry about driving so I would   subcontract my mom for shopping she knows where  everything is can’t be stupid he was subcontract  

His [ __ ] account out to his mom hey mom you  want to make $ five where are you at I’m at Kmart Kevin go next door to Ross I need this from Ross  like [ __ ] [ __ ] so yeah we’re a special breed  

Man we different we different and that’s and  that’s the one thing man we would rather be   up at night doing less driving around traffic and  stuff and that’s why when it’s a lot of traffic I  

Do not like to drive it’s way too much traffic  so I love being out at night just cruising and   everything going on my own doing my own thing  keeping up with the traffic I want to keep up  

With going to the other side of town if I have  to but I’m like man this is King predicting Xmen   week to be profitable what up Redeemer what up  Christmas week is pro man you know what we got  

To do to be profitable I think a lot of us  a lot of us going to have to start getting   private rides because there going to be people  out there who going to need rids to and from  

Christmas parties holiday parties [ __ ] like that  and I’m telling you right now with this boo [ __ ]   going on and no surge like that people g ain’t  gonna be dealing with Boost they’re not gonna be  

Dealing with Boost 450 boost but people gonna be  paying you know $60 for a ride and you and your   Boost is gonna be getting $18 out of the $60 and  it’s like we used to have Serge Serge is to pay  

Real well real well like yeah oh Ryan man we love  nights cuz nights is wide open it’s wide open and   like I said you can get be on Broadway Southern  Baseline streets wide open at night ain’t no car  

Around at night daytime anxiety dude it’s cars  for as far as you can see as far as and I’m like   dude I don’t know how people do days I don’t yeah  you can U-turn anywhere I don’t care [ __ ] I be  

I can get out of any parking lot like as soon as  I pick somebody up I can just leave the parking   lot days [ __ ] you be sitting there waiting on  traffic this way you got wait on traffic that  

Way they got to wait on traffic this way it’s  like godamn I’m never going to make it out of   here and that’s why Uber stopped giving us time  because people was getting paid to get out of  

Parking lots and paid to sit in traffic they was  like this is killing our profits right now we’re   paying people based on time how about just give  them up front fairs it’s like that [ __ ] don’t  

Work for all of us because we get stuck in traffic  and we know we ain’t getting no more money it’ll   have that little increase button on it increased  you get an extra like 90 Cent but yet it took  

You an extra like 12 minutes you’re like I got  90 Cent for 12 12 minutes come on man with to   said I didn’t tell you the story about my quest  those [ __ ] are offering me straight garbage for  

A whole hour before I got one that was worth it  send me some pet rods and had me sweating there   see they they not only did they throttle you they  started killing you with the actual offers they  

Were sending you so you didn’t want to take it  Marvin what good what’s good Marvin Chico thank   you for the Super Chat brother he said one of  my packs asked me if Uber lift give our tips I  

Told her they’re stealing and it’s that why I  have my placard or New York QR codes you know   and they don’t give me a nice tip I told them tip  you direct yeah and that’s smart right there man a  

Lot of passengers are asking that question right  now and I’m glad you said that because a lot of   them don’t realize why we got that [ __ ] hanging  in the car they think it’s like taxi [ __ ] like  

People are paying for ride to that I was like no  you could tip on that don’t tip me through the   app tip me on my plaques because see and there you  got the QR codes and everything back there you got  

The business card shoot him a card he be like hey  here’s a card right here keep this you know take   a picture of it send it to your friends they ever  need to ride because passengers and Riders we’re  

Going to be the ones that that bridge that Gap  we’re going to bridge that gap on us having money   because right now the apps is like we don’t give  a [ __ ] about y’all we F to boost these stocks  

We F to pay everybody back all these investors we  owe money to we G to get them all paid up and I’m   G tell you right now when Uber stock hit a certain  dollar amount it’s going to be a mass sale like a  

Rug pool [ __ ] they gonna get it up there it’s  gonna be a crazy ass sale and this whole app is   gonna like implode in like a day people gonna  be on the news talking about man do you see  

What happened to Uber stock those [ __ ] lost  30% of their value 40% of their value in like a day it’s gonna be crazy that day is Gonna  Come it’s gonna be [ __ ] crazy that [ __ ]   gonna just bottom out it’s gonna bottom out  see morning’s in the south suburb of Chicago  

Chill as [ __ ] tons of sures three lane roads  are the best hold wait a minut let me try I can   do like this wait a minute oh that’s not how  we do it I’m I can do it that way ah all right  

The mornings are good about 7:30 in traffic 202  picks up he got to know all the different ways   to the airport yeah Kev and that’s the thing in  the mornings I would rather do airport and just  

Stay close to the airport don’t venture out too  far because once you start getting to the 51 to   17 [ __ ] like that oh it’s a wrap it’s a wrap  going downtown coming anywhere down to 10 once   you start getting that area it’s a wrap you’re  done and you’re gonna start crawling through  

Traffic you can’t go nowhere well time to wake  up says I have friends that work W2 nine5 even   in corporate world and they’re telling me  that the bonuses this year are a joke same   even handle out Starbucks gift cards they  they even handing out Starbucks gift cards  

And [ __ ] like hey we gonna give you a $5,000  bonus like we gave you out last year we’re gonna   give you a $25 Starbucks gift card go get  yourself a coffee [ __ ] I rather have the

5gs wait a minute I had a Christmas party on  Friday pretty nice meity wait a minute what do   you mean you had a Christmas party on Friday  you had a Christmas party like uber gave you  

A Christmas party say no 10 for me hate that  parking lot yeah I wish man I wish like I said   we need to have a a ride share Christmas party  where we just have a big ass parking lot and we  

All come through we bring our uh Riders through  and everything everybody get some [ __ ] Donuts   a piece of cake and [ __ ] and you just keep it’s  like a drive-thru a ride shareed drive-thru all   the drivers come through the little [ __ ] Uber  lift lights on somebody need to do that [ __ ]  

For drivers because we do a lot for this goddamn  commity Community they should give something back   to us or a private ride to a Christmas party  oh there you go there you go yeah they should  

Do that they should like you know what we gonna  take care of the Uber drivers of the community   this year come down the street and there [ __ ]  cold pop I forgot about that [ __ ] [ __ ] flat   Donuts when are you getting some flat donuts for  [ __ ] Christmas they they just hand [ __ ] flat  

Donuts through the window you want a poptart  that’s a flat donut [ __ ] that’s not a poptart   poptarts pop out of the toe that’s a flat donut  in the package it’s like that should be funny as  

Hell but that would be cool though we just ride  around getting [ __ ] food giving to us as we   Cruise like hey man here you go cool appreciate  that it’s like man all the r show drivers are  

Getting taken care of delivery getting taken care  of but you know these mothers ain’t gonna do that   man so Uber hates me they never invite me anywhere  one year live had a [ __ ] barbecue where we had  

Hot dogs and [ __ ] like I showed up to it and  those [ __ ] giving out like hot dogs some chips   free shirts weird [ __ ] like that but they don’t  do that [ __ ] no more they don’t man they don’t  

Mess with us no more like that cuz they’re like  oh these drivers don’t give a [ __ ] I like dude   them hot dogs is pretty [ __ ] good we do give  a [ __ ] it’s like I don’t have a high AR so I  

Don’t get the free hot dogs I had to come to the  lift little barbecue thing to get the free hot   dog all the high AR [ __ ] get hot dogs all the  time we don’t get hot dogs we get [ __ ] on DC  

Area 5:00 a.m. 8:30 100 bucks in three hours just  doing short rides mostly to the train station see   Mr Manchester that’s what it is man you’re in  the DC area DC all those places that use public   transportation mainly you’re getting people from  home and taking them to train station stuff like  

That if we have main transportation services  here we got the light rail [ __ ] like that but   most people you know they just want to ride to  work they don’t even want to ride to light rail   because it’s almost like people are scared to ride  public transportation here DC New York Chicago  

Places like that you’ll get a whole bunch of good  rides to places like train stations and you get   tips that’s the thing when you’re taking people  to train stages and stuff like that you get tips   because they’re happy to be in a car they’re good  they’re Kickback they’re chill they’re relaxing  

They go here you go so they give you did they give  you little cocktail hot dog cheap ass man no they   give us like real fullsize hot dogs with buns and  everything they even gave us the [ __ ] buns I was  

Like holy [ __ ] they gave us buns he’s like man  low AR get non-toasted poptarts that’s we going   to [ __ ] get a flat ass donut you want a [ __ ]  poptart that’s a flat donut you never heated it  

Up you going to try to give me that [ __ ] in the  car put it in your engine bay it’ll heat up as you   drive to your next reservation you get there you  take the [ __ ] Pop-Tart out of your airbox you’re  

Like dude where’d you get that poptart from I  had that [ __ ] on top of my air filter in my   engine it’s it’s hot now now it’s it’s hot enough  [ __ ] that [ __ ] EXA that’s that’s the TR hey  

Megan that’s the original crusty Dusty the [ __ ]  poptarts that’s the old G crusty Dusty the [ __ ]   poptarts like [ __ ] J said damn Jeff still been  bra we over here kicking it man we kicking it we  

Still got a few drivers out there driving right  now so it’s cool just for us to chill with them   man chill with them keep the 19th grader loves  doing day lives none of them like to do night  

Lives so it’s like [ __ ] that we cruising with  the night crew tonight [ __ ] crues Hold Your Hand   see best reality is stupid we thought the [ __ ]  hot dogs at the lift barbecue you said them [ __ ]  

Even gave me some bread he said no them [ __ ]  be like hold your hand out here’s a hot dog no   bun burn your [ __ ] you dropped that [ __ ] on  the ground so fast now you got to wash it off  

It’s got grass all on like do not get a hot dog  from lift these [ __ ] don’t give you no bun the   bunless GES son I can’t believe Uber Uber does you  guys so dirty with cancellations and closed stores  

At least door Dash gives us half pay man if you  if you get a closed store at Uber I think I mean   yeah Uber Eats you have to call them and they give  you like three bucks or five bucks or something  

Stupid like that so you got to sit there for the  next 10 15 minutes fighting with them online for   like three bucks so every 15 minutes you if you  was getting $3 every 15 minutes you done put  

Miles on your car plus the 15 minutes of screwing  around so you can only do like four those per hour   and now you only got $12 that hour dealing with  closes [ __ ] locations you don’t made 12 bucks  

An hour you probably drove a total of 12 miles  to do that [ __ ] yeah they do they charge you   for the mustard package and that’s funny [ __ ]  it’s like can I have mustard on it uh you [ __ ]  

Pay me 50 Cent like way the [ __ ] a minute hold  up you ain’t paying me that [ __ ] that [ __ ]   say Uber Jeep they got Amazon delivery stations  near you I do Amazon Flex as well yeah they got  

Some up on like 44 for 48 or something like that  I’ve dropped people off there before like I know I   dropped the guy off work he was working at Amazon  Flex he worked at the warehouse so I drove him up  

And dropped him off at work I was like what is  this place because it was people outside loading   their cars up and he was like this is Amazon  I was like oh [ __ ] that’s was up had no idea  

Yeah they have to call a store to verify their  clothes man it’s crazy they they and that [ __ ]   takes too long man it’s taking all this time they  should give us 10 bucks for that not no three five  

Dollar give us 10 man Tom W I’ve been driving for  so long that I carry certain condiments in my car   in my trunk mother like can you give me some extra  relish big don’t worry [ __ ] order [ __ ] from  

McDonald’s but she like how the hell did I get  [ __ ] Chipotle [ __ ] like goddamn ketchup and   [ __ ] like that I didn’t get [ __ ] from Chipotle  he just giving them [ __ ] from any store [ __ ]   it’s ketchup eat it what the [ __ ] but I didn’t  order from there you give these [ __ ] hand- me-  

Down [ __ ] packets I ain’t never seen a [ __ ]  passing out hand-me-down down condiments [ __ ]   time to wake up got some hand me- down condiments  [ __ ] you don’t went to like Chipotle but you got   Applebees napkins and [ __ ] [ __ ] time to wake  up you dirty you like [ __ ] go to Starbucks you  

Forgot the straw you just give him a McDonald  straw that [ __ ] got like a yellow stripe down   the side of it they be like I just ordered [ __ ]  Starbucks how do I get a McDonald’s STW from   Starbucks [ __ ] hand me- down condiments like  time to wake up always say some weird [ __ ] he’s  

[ __ ] stupid this [ __ ] seriously giving people  hand me down condiments man since everybody’s   lineing up at the trunk for relish exactly this  [ __ ] like hey man I forgot to get this but don’t   worry about it he opened up the [ __ ] truck he  got on the left [ __ ] mustard and [ __ ] Mayo  

On the right I’m like dude hold the [ __ ] up how  do you got hand me down condiments so much [ __ ]   this [ __ ] got goddamn uh Taco Bell sauce every  [ __ ] man Taco Bell forgot my sauce oh I got you  

Dog don’t worry about it this ain’t even Taco  Bell sauce yeah it’s from an actual like real   Mexican place it’s like in a little [ __ ] packet  it’s like a little cup with a lid on it it’s like  

Hold the [ __ ] up exactly great Pan Man only  only time to wake up the only I got mustard   Packers catchup soy sauce packets napkins Forks  plastic bags plates this mother got a whole trunk   full of hand me- down [ __ ] it’s like dog where  you get all this [ __ ] from where you get this  

[ __ ] from [ __ ] I’ve been delivering for quite  a while it’s like you [ __ ] open up your [ __ ]   Spork that [ __ ] got 2012 like stamped on it man  this Spork come from 2012 I’ve been doing this  

[ __ ] for a while [ __ ] try to eat he try to eat  Chinese food with the spork that [ __ ] just break   it’s brittle as a [ __ ] man you done had this  [ __ ] in your trunk so much it been heated up  

By your exhaust system [ __ ] just break it’s like  dude just brought me a spork the [ __ ] broke as   soon as I tried to dig into my Chinese rice like  man exactly man I should open up a hot dog car in  

The back of my trunk for real dude you can make  money you can make money all right Kev hey Kev   says they got that 4: a.m. airport run hey I used  to do them dog I used to do them I’ll be back let  

Me get this B back together I’ll be back get  it get it boy smart decisions better profits   we got to go man all right Kev get that money man  we’ll see you tomorrow though we’ll see you out  

There tomorrow hey Johnny boy said that’s how I  was in 2020 I was doing only door Dash and Uber   Eats because you know at that point if you get  into somebody house and they be like and you open  

An app and you finally see that they ask for some  extra [ __ ] hey can you get some extra catch up   you like oh [ __ ] I got asked for extra catchup  [ __ ] it I got something in the trunk so you get  

These [ __ ] catchup you don’t you’re like dude  this [ __ ] come from [ __ ] Subway like I didn’t   get Subway I got McDonald’s I had to catch up in  my trunk it’s like dude do not get nobody no hand  

Me- down condiments no tip this [ __ ] gave me  some hand me- down condiments man this [ __ ] was   from somebody else’s order like [ __ ] two months  [Music] ago and then you give them the relish you   give them the [ __ ] and the [ __ ] says best  refrigerated it’s been sitting in your trunk for  

Two months best refrigerator keeping cool place  that [ __ ] been in your trunk burning the [ __ ]   up keeping cool place how you doing people like  that dog that’s [ __ ] up that’s [ __ ] up it’s   like I’m gonna take a picture of a condiment  package I’m gonna see what that [ __ ] it’s  

Probably says keep in a cool place this mother had  that [ __ ] sitting on his exhaust system [ __ ]   hey you try to get the mayonnaise out that shit’s  clear like you put a whole bunch of clear [ __ ]   right on his sandwich he told me this [ __ ]  was real ain’t even no real [ __ ] mayonnaise  

That shit’s all clear it’s like man don’t tell me  I wake up at 3:30 and you still on live yeah well   we ain’t gonna do the seven hour live not today we  ain’t doing the seven hour live today [ __ ] that  

Man CCH you be there for so long [ __ ] be yellow  in they I’m telling you man I’m telling you man   that shit’s funny as hell that shit’s funny as a  [ __ ] that sh be yellow it’s like I didn’t order  

Mustard you got mustard in the catchup package  you had that [ __ ] so long time to wake up you   nuts man Jeff you’re a riot I love supplying  some material for your first stand up I know   hey you gonna have [ __ ] asking questions [ __ ]  all these door Dash and delivery people not gonna  

Be like they’re gonna be saying please get me  fresh condiments they’re gonna start putting that   request in there not no [ __ ] from your trunk  time to wake up do came with a whole new category   of [ __ ] condiments now you gonna have [ __ ]  irritated I’m like dog why does your mother [ __ ]  

Ketchup smell like armorall [ __ ] got that [ __ ]  out of trunk you know they had towels laying on   the [ __ ] and everything like oh [ __ ] I forgot  to get this [ __ ] some relish hold on for a second it’s identifying as ketchup you raises  I know it the Wendy’s is open yeah baby $16 for  

Three miles there you go get it get it the Wendy’s  is open asking for some extra catchup packets   don’t forget you got to restock that [ __ ] in the  back start start working on your [ __ ] supplies  

Time to wake up got [ __ ] R share supplies this  [ __ ] got he be riding around people like man I   really wish I had some catchup hold up let me pull  over real quick scw [ __ ] put his hazards on and  

Everything he put his [ __ ] blinkers on mother  go around to the back of the car come back like   here you go [ __ ] they like damn this driver cool  as [ __ ] this [ __ ] threw his hazards on popped  

The trunk open this [ __ ] had a whole goddamn  service center in the trunk [ __ ] gave us catch   up right on the spot this dude cool as [ __ ]  he deserves a tip [ __ ] time to wake up this I  

Know relish be passing the smog test in the truck  you already you already know [ __ ] he be at the   inspection place these [ __ ] be going through the  trunk you know how they do it on the computer and  

Everything they gonna his [ __ ] thing be like  relish you got a check mark next to the relish   relish catch up this [ __ ] smog checking all  this [ __ ] in the trunk [ __ ] peanut butter   check poptarts check he got all [ __ ] in his TR  trunk this [ __ ] [ __ ] passing inspection Marvin  

These [ __ ] is man they nuts these drivers is  nuts man they [ __ ] nuts this I a man and that’s   the thing I clean my car out all the [ __ ] time  I’m always cleaning my car out for time to wake up  

To sit up in here and say this motherfucker’s like  dude I’ve been driving so long I got all leftover   condom in my trunk you don’t say that [ __ ] you  don’t tell nobody you giving them hand me- down  

Con man that shit’s funny as a [ __ ] dude this  shit’s funny that shit’s funny this motherf he   GNA show up at people barbecue say oh man we left  catchup nobody brought ketchup mother hold up I   got some [ __ ] in my trunk say who has ketchup  in they [ __ ] trunk he’s stupid that’s funny  

[ __ ] [ __ ] I might have a shotgun in the trunk  I might have a 9 millimeter in the trunk anything   a spare tire in a trunk it’s mother like dude  I got ketchup relish [ __ ] mail what you need  

Do I got you covered like do not give me no no  [ __ ] relish out of your trunk dog hell no he said then that [ __ ] rasher experience  said that [ __ ] passing inspections man   that [ __ ] passes you your [ __ ] A  never been so long that shit’s pass  

The smog checks you know it’s bad  mother you got your relish on the   smog check it mother got a little yellow  sticker on it you’re cleared this shit’s good man man man Dash fell what up to Naga my man  what’s good boy this dude he tripping man time to  

Wake up be tripping he be killing me killing  me y’all should have a whole snack shop in the   trunk mini fridge labels prices and everything  someone’s hungry or thirsty gotta man I’m telling   you [ __ ] gonna start doing that [ __ ] hey  Dash and you last time we was on the chat we  

Was talking about how you can get somebody order  let’s say you go pick up somebody door Dash order   and these [ __ ] didn’t tip you so you just  hurry up and you get a ride share delivery  

Like hurry up get a ride share ride you sell the  ride share ride the [ __ ] you just picked up on   your door dasad delivered for half [ __ ] price  that’s your tip right there because the person  

Gonna cancel the order they gonna say I never  got my order which is cool because all you do   is just sell that [ __ ] to the people in the  [ __ ] back everybody wins you get your money  

They get a new order it’s like hey everybody wins  we got a fix for everything around here this is I   got Old Bay Seasoning Packers for barbecue dry  rub man [ __ ] I know dude got rib rub season  

To Sauce in his trunk I’m for real it’s like man  this mother got a whole [ __ ] shop sitting back   there your ass you know you probably got one  of them rotisseries where you spin around and  

Got spice racks and [ __ ] in [ __ ] it’s like  dude what do you do for a living you’re like I   don’t get caught slipping that’s one thing [ __ ]  I got a whole condiment section in the back of my  

Trunk you ain’t gonna catch me slipping because  you know me when I used to do deliveries I would   sit up there and like be like all right hold up  for a second I’ll be going through my whole thing  

I’m like oh [ __ ] it says please give me extra  sauce or please give me extra and I would always   forget it I’m the [ __ ] that for because I don’t  read that [ __ ] until afterwards this [ __ ] his  

Ass and it don’t make a difference if I forgot  it or not I know I got it in a trunk this [ __ ]   like hey man they order Burger King but his ass  be dropping off [ __ ] PF Chang soy sauce hey  

Man we got Burger King how in the hell do we get  some PF Chang soy sauce hand me- down [Laughter] condiments this is [ __ ] time I need  some Chopsticks hey Megan be like I got   some Chopsticks [ __ ] that [ __ ] I got some  chops man this [ __ ] got com from everywhere  

He got [ __ ] napkins man sh hey sharel that’s  [ __ ] time to wake up this the only [ __ ]   driver I know that got [ __ ] hand me- down  condiments already he waiting on the [ __ ]  

He got a restock up he like man I gotta hurry  him get his [ __ ] out I got to restock up I   gotta restock up napkins and [ __ ] all in  this [ __ ] trunk this [ __ ] got nap from   every restaurant like goddamn you order IHOP so  you order IHOP but your ass get McDonald [ __ ]  

Like goddamn sporks and [ __ ] like like Dude  where’s my IHOP [ __ ] they used to give you   IHOP for no man I got my own [ __ ] I don’t  need that [ __ ] I got my own [ __ ] I got

You he did that during Co Chick-fil-A sauce and  buffalo yeah exactly bro he got a whole Kitchen   in the trunk man man this dude he be killing me  man he be killing me now he gonna have me trip  

See now I’m GNA have to go when I start doing food  delivery I’m G have to go give me like something   with some compartments in that [ __ ] I’m Gonna  Keep me some extra condiments all back there   because you know I’ll be forgetting [ __ ] [ __ ]  Panda notorious for not offer kick said Panda’s  

Notorious for not putting soy sauce and [ __ ] in  there man but don’t worry time to wake up got you   and the thing is offer kicks if you know you on a  delivery and you look over and traffic and you see  

Time for kicks in I mean time to wake up in the  car and you be like hold the [ __ ] up hey hit the   horn hey dog I just left Panda these [ __ ] ain’t  putting no soy sauce hold up this [ __ ] hit them  

Hazards you see when that [ __ ] hit them hazard  lights it’s on it’s over it’s a wrap that [ __ ]   hit the [ __ ] hazards he put that [ __ ] in park  quick as [ __ ] hold on I got you hazard lights  

[ __ ] and park mother run pop that trunk what  you need I need some Curry got you I need some uh he said he have a sauce dispenser on his  belt that’s [ __ ] ay time to wake up running  

The [ __ ] this [ __ ] he got a s suspens on  his belt [ __ ] just some kids roll up with   some tacos he be like click click you know how the  mother give you change at the goddamn thing they  

Give you change at the at the game this motherf G  people sauce at the game what Robert re say say I   was the sauce King did that matter what place I  I have the sauce well like you said it was just  

Sitting in my condiment bag so until I was until  it was needed some of these sauce packs are old   I’m guilty man hey Robert ree y’all [ __ ] with  them hand me down condiments man but hey as long  

As that [ __ ] don’t say you know refrigerate you  good to go he said I realized I’ll be giving out   old sauce pack so I just grabbed enough for the  day after that I do it and sometimes you got to  

Do that because I’m I’m notorious for forgetting  [ __ ] people be like hey can you give me some   extra catchup give me some extra this extra that  I always forget because I don’t read that far  

Into it until I’m almost at the [ __ ] house and  I’m like godamn I didn’t I’m like you know what   the they don’t trip can you give me some extra  green chili sauce and a pack of red sauce I’ll  

Be forgetting like a [ __ ] by the time I get  there be like man where the [ __ ] time to wake   up at [ __ ] pull up hit them hazard lights  click park I got you dog hey you the r share  

Savior [ __ ] we forget [ __ ] hey call time  to wake up real quick [ __ ] pulling around the   cor haard already flashing because he know what  you got he’s like hey hazard’s already flashing  

Already he know he I got you dog don’t even worry  worry about it like man I was up a condom M caddy   man that’s him right there hey that’s what he  gonna have that [ __ ] on the side of his truck  

Condiment caddy he’s just riding around helping  out ride share drivers he says oh man he said I   knew I wasn’t alone hot facts we drivers have  to keep up our [ __ ] because sometimes you   can’t look in the bat because it’s sealed and the  restaurants forget that [ __ ] when the customers  

Ass see y’all [ __ ] on top of a whole new level  of the game a lot of [ __ ] ain’t got that we   don’t we don’t got no [ __ ] you know actual  people who do delivery giving us the [ __ ] the  

Real [ __ ] on delivery y’all [ __ ] out there  like man you got to have some backup condiments   secondhand that [ __ ] to a [ __ ] hand me  down he said I had a whole bag f with just utensils Robert looking like he left a picnic this  [ __ ] said I had all [ __ ] utensils he left a  

Picnic [ __ ] pull up cop be like sir where you  coming from a picnic like all man I’m just working   well you got all these [ __ ] knives and forks  and [ __ ] in the bag [ __ ] show some ID this  

Mother said Fork couple of old napkins sometimes  I know that sound bad but they save today no dude   you ain’t gonna catch me with that [ __ ] [ __ ]  ride around in the front seat you got a big ass  

[ __ ] bag of nothing but nothing but [ __ ] forks  and knives and [ __ ] in the bag you just riding   around all day you waiting to use that [ __ ] like  no man he says man no joke try eating Chinese food  

With without a fork yeah exactly especially if  you at work in an office if you at work in an   office and you ordered food to be delivered  and your ass was looking for you know some  

Fork some utensils you know you need some extra  soy sauce and all that [ __ ] you don’t want a   [ __ ] like me bringing it because you gonna get  whatever the restaurant gave you that’s all you getting time to wake up in hot fax Robert  ree come through they’re like dude you you  

Getting the delivery and so much more  you [ __ ] around get a napkin you get   a whole napkin set like dude we got this  napkin set from Ponderosa Ponderosa ain’t   even around no more you done had these  [ __ ] napkins since 1985 in your [ __ ]  

Car they got gum stuck to the mother  you getting the delivery and so much more exactly bro I ain’t never seen people do  that [ __ ] that’s funny [ __ ] that’s funny   [ __ ] because I used to do delivery and I never  thought about keeping extra [ __ ] in the car in  

Case somebody didn’t have some that [ __ ] is  classic that [ __ ] is classic man I stop doing   my car start to smell like a kitchen hell yeah  ride shair kitchen Sizzler same [ __ ] Sizzler all   these places man they be forgetting [ __ ] so I  just keep a bunch of straws no sauces since those  

Requests are usually in the delivery instruction  anyways and that’s my problem I used to never look   at the damn delivery request because I didn’t do  deliveries enough so I was happy just to get one I  

Like oh [ __ ] this is a good ass delivery right  here I’mma do do this I’mma do this y’all done   been through so much [ __ ] in delivery somebody  like me wouldn’t realize that y’all you know it’s  

A smart thing to keep extra [ __ ] in your car I  never knew that I’m and I’m learning that [ __ ]   tonight it’s [ __ ] I’ve been doing ride share  for four years doing delivery spot dude I just   learned tonight that it’s okay to keep extra  [ __ ] in your car y’all been doing hand me-  

Down colist for [ __ ] years the Uber Spork Sam  your guy Rick G in Vegas what up OCD my man my man   hey and you Mr ear we was talking about sports  bet me and Logan we was all talk about sports  

Betting hey Rick he does it too he’s the same  way y’all be out there says man Megan said what   they used to throw me off them saying what was in  the bag like we were supposed to check I was like  

I ain’t dipping through these people fool y’all  crazy and then you get then you get deactivated   for it could do somebody [ __ ] like man he said  we missed it but out a split man it’s all good   brother man hey but I’m tell you delivery drivers  y’all [ __ ] y’all want some [ __ ] because that  

Right there is classic that is experience talking  to you right there because I guarantee how many   people out there ordered food had no idea  you was getting some hand-me-down condiments   [ __ ] had no idea they was like man this jelly  tastes funny as a [ __ ] man I this Ser old ass  

Ser with pancakes man this Ser tastes funny as a  [ __ ] man Ser this [ __ ] tastes old as a [ __ ] yeah always Su economies they have in  the bag No Matter What pancakes hot sauce vinegar he said [ __ ] pancakes with hot sauce  that’s funny [ __ ] you got to be careful them  

Chopsticks they slip them in those little paper  thin if your car is dirty they would be putting   them putting dirt in their mouth with those  dirty sticks [ __ ] dirty you better check   your chopsticks [ __ ] be like inspect those  [ __ ] inspect the deck [ __ ] with the paper  

For delivery now they pick it they should go  get their own [ __ ] yeah exactly man that   [ __ ] is funny as hell this is Denver pit KC no  cover [ __ ] damn caught in a cactus man man see   through mustard from [Laughter] night mother said  R experience that [ __ ] see through must from

1985 the whole [ __ ] pack the package is like  the whole back is clear it’s like dude they don’t   even make cat they don’t they make that she would  clear [ __ ] Packers in the back what the [ __ ]  

Sh [ __ ] see through that [ __ ] funny man man  she’s funny as a [ __ ] you they be out there   driving around just giving [ __ ] she’s like dude  they don’t even have this restaurant no more you   know all them restaurants that you have like in  places like Kmart little food court restaurants  

And [ __ ] like that you still got [ __ ] like  that in your car and you [ __ ] around and give it   to somebody they gonna report your ass they gonna  report you I think I got some [ __ ] catchup from  

1991 this driver just please take a picture of the  catchup they take a picture of that [ __ ] yeah we   don’t think no Woolworth exists no more [ __ ]  Woolworth been closed forever this came from the   Woolworth [ __ ] food court oh my bad that sh  was just in the Bag Man y’all [ __ ] killing me  

Man exective packed me a [ __ ] antique you like I  ain’t using this [ __ ] I’m going to sell this on   eBay this is a [ __ ] antique pack old ass [ __ ]  old ass [ __ ] man y’all got some [ __ ] tips for  

They ass boy y’all got some R share delivery  [Music] tips n should have a special sauce I   you got a you got a whole bag of old [ __ ] for  people that don’t tip you be like wait a minute  

These [ __ ] didn’t tip [ __ ] hazard lights you  know you see time to wake up put the [ __ ] hazard   lights on it’s it’s a rap he going to the trunk  on your [ __ ] ass hazard lights trunk pop that  

[ __ ] is like [ __ ] he going to give you some  old ass sauce from 1991 you didn’t tip I got you   [ __ ] this relish tastes funny your [ __ ]  ass [ __ ] Kart Slurpees with the bear on it  

And [ __ ] like that it’s like dude where did this  cup come from they don’t even make cups like this   no more Kmart and you know they used to have the  [ __ ] the uh straws they had the spoon at the  

Bottom that’s the kind of [ __ ] it’s like dude  where the [ __ ] you get this straw from it’s a   straw with a spoon at the bottom out of [ __ ]  time to wake up Trump that [ __ ] he got all  

Kind of [ __ ] he got spare [ __ ] he got [ __ ]  for tippers and [ __ ] for non tippers he got that   [ __ ] separated this is the Tipper [ __ ] this  is the non- Tipper [ __ ] anything that’s [ __ ]   outdated yeah that’s that’s for non tippers all  this [ __ ] right here is just ND man man man this  

[ __ ] funny as [ __ ] say Woolworth is still in  the UK too no it’s not you ww worth is in the UK   man what he say Tom said man he’s com ments your  comments you for cracking my ass up I’m driving to  

The Ghetto of Colorado Springs delivering food  at midnight listening to this [ __ ] it’s the   best dude this is all you man this is all you  brother you I mean I ain’t never heard nobody   with that [ __ ] that you and Robert Reese y’all  the first two [ __ ] I ever knew that had [ __ ]  

Backup [ __ ] condiments that shit’s funny as  a [ __ ] pulling out nap from circus City hell   yeah circus City from back in the day like dude  where you get these napkins from man this sh say   CC on it D Chanel is this [ __ ] Chanel napkins  [ __ ] that’s Circuit City it’s got the se’s next  

To each other I got some Chanel napkins mother  Circuit City mother like 1990 he got the [ __ ]   out of his trunk he like man he this man say when  I I used to delivery and the restaurants were out  

Of what the customer ordered they always as if  they would like something else instead I pretend   I pretend check with the customer always answered  yes I know it can you check yeah yeah keep [ __ ]   driving [ __ ] that [ __ ] man ww worth be me  but my wife knows it from Australia oh yeah  

[ __ ] Woolworth’s the [ __ ] see through mustard  comment almost off the road with the snow on the   ground here I’m done I that [ __ ] see through  mustard them Radio Shack napkins mother and they   got nap everything out of business that’s the  thing time to wake up that [ __ ] wait till a  

Company go out of business and he just show up and  just get all the napkins and [ __ ] like [ __ ]   this [ __ ] I’m putting this [ __ ] in my Arsenal  this is in my inventory now it’s like Radio Shack   napkins and [ __ ] like that mother got salt put  extra Economist in Blockbuster Video cases hell  

Yeah I know this mother got Blockbuster Video  like dude where you get these video cases from   [ __ ] time to wake up man this [ __ ] get them  the funniest thing Rob said the funniest thing is   when you pick up from a restaurant that normally  gives you real skinny straws they get to give you  

One and the straw you get to customer is the big  old giant McDonald straw and they know at that   point they got a hand- me- down [ __ ] condiment  at that point they knew they [ __ ] up it’s like  

Wait a minute hold up where’ this come from I had  a Starbucks delivery and they retracted the tip   and wanted to go back to the front porch and kick  their coffee over I would have that’s why you got  

To bring a BB gun bring a BB gun and shoot a hole  in that [ __ ] cup they come out to be a stream   just the cup going down the steps like man say  it’s not even the same straw in the restaurant  

Someone the cin have to know giving people  McDonald’s barbecue sauce you picked up from KFC I do it no I still have a Tandy radio  Shack no you don’t a Tandy Radio Shack Radio   them little [ __ ] man people be Wonder their  food time travel I know they sitting there like  

Dude where did this [ __ ] come from when do  we make this order man I think I ordered that   [ __ ] when I was seven years old it finally  arrived [ __ ] slow tip like oh [ __ ] what   slow delivery [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you mean  yeah that [ __ ] man funny [ __ ] this throwback  

Reminiscing comedy segment man the these  delivery drivers they be [ __ ] people up man I’m tell you yeah hey [ __ ] customers gonna start  leaving comments in they [ __ ] they gonna start   leav in the comments saying can you please get  me a uh some catchup from this year like what  

Do you mean because I know how these [ __ ]  delivery drivers be doing that [ __ ] time   to wake up he always throws on his hazards once  you put them hazards on you’re getting some old   [ __ ] like [ __ ] that so I use my Taco Bell na  for pukers and and girls crying in the backseat  

On the phone doing a breakup but you give them a  [ __ ] that’s probably why they crying you gave   him a Taco Bell napkin had some hot sauce on the  [ __ ] they wipe theirself in the face with that  

[ __ ] like why you crying my eyes are burning  where’ you get this napkin from [ __ ] you like   oh [ __ ] that’s from Taco Bell I remember the  the sauce spilled in the packet that [ __ ] got   some [ __ ] extra hot sauce in her eye damn  sorry she get out I all swollen the [ __ ]  

Up thanks for a napkin but I don’t know man I  think it was something on that napkin it’s like [ __ ] pull the tip they get a snot rocket floater  in the cappucino that’s [ __ ] funny [ __ ] snot   rocket floater now you know all these [ __ ]  gonna be opening their cappuccino first like  

I don’t know man these [ __ ] be tripping  with these deliveries that’s funny [ __ ]   that’s funny [ __ ] still Works they don’t make  [ __ ] like that anymore the Tandy radio and it   still [ __ ] work that’s crazy [ __ ] what claudo  say hey at least peel the Salvation Army stickers  

Off like man where’d you get this cup from sorry  dog I had that [ __ ] in inventory mother that’s   not inventory that’s hand me- down [ __ ] you  trying to give it a fancy name inventory that   ain’t inventory forgot [ __ ] he’s like I’m not  turning around that’s that’s a Four Mile Drive  

Back [ __ ] that [ __ ] it’s like dog all these  napkins is brown and say quick trip on them I   ordered [ __ ] from Denny I got a bunch of Quick  Trip napkins what the [ __ ] like this [ __ ] ran  

In the building real quick damn I forgot to get  napkins [ __ ] ran in like don’t do that [ __ ]   at Quick Trip the [ __ ] bums be touching them  napkins man you wipe your [ __ ] mouth you’re   like damn what’s on my mouth somebody long ass  hair and [ __ ] hanging off like dude don’t eat  

Them don’t use them Quick Trip napkins [ __ ]  that [ __ ] like he in Arizona time yeah exactly   man man man that’s funny [ __ ] that’s funny  [ __ ] Flex is all right we will archiving you   can listen to the whole thing tomorrow oh where  Flex at where Flex at I ain’t even see him in  

Here [ __ ] man see hit the like button we be  in it we be in it oh yeah to this thing will be   recorded man is like half this [ __ ] y’all be  killing me man and that’s the thing when we get  

To the the beginning of the live streams we get  down to business we have fun then once we start   hanging out oh it’s a rap it’s a WAP [ __ ]  start crying laughing and [ __ ] that [ __ ]  

Be stupid as a [ __ ] and see that’s the thing a  lot of delivery drivers y’all need to be saying   y’all need to be telling people [ __ ] like this  when y’all be doing shorts be like listen if if  

You’re one of those delivery drivers out there  who want to save time save energy and effort and   you forgotten condiments make sure you keep all  the old [ __ ] condiments in a bag in your trunk   this way you’re taking care of new people with old  [ __ ] it’s like a pyramid scheme with condiments

This is holy [ __ ] this the last 20 minutes of i  s has been funny than most Netflix comedy special   these days holy [ __ ] you on the road brother man  we’ve been dying and it’s y’ it’s the [ __ ] y’all  

Be doing man this [ __ ] delivery oh that’ll be  cool some cond is in the foreign language and give   it out that [ __ ] to be funny as a [ __ ] this  [ __ ] is funny [ __ ] oh Dash fell said hey this  

Is fun man I was just gonna pop in and say hello  I’ve been here for an hour now it gets like that   dog it gets like that man we’ll come in and we  be like yeah man we’re gonna do a live stream you  

Know maybe a couple hours will’ll be good man it  be [ __ ] four five hours later we be all crying   laughing tears and [ __ ] my eyes be bloodshot Red  by the end D we’ve been laughing the whole [ __ ]  

Time like [ __ ] by the time I leave man we be  [ __ ] like we all look like we got beat up eyes   be swollen from laughing and crying and [ __ ] man  yeah what he say it’s always fun man the place is  

The best spot on the whole internet man for real  we be doing it man we be doing it I appreciate   that time to wake up we’ve been here having a good  time though but it’s like not a lot of drivers  

Have that we are so you and and I’m the same way  we so used to go to different channels and they   force you to just watch them on live streams you  just watch them like they never really interact  

With you they never [ __ ] with you you just  listen to them talking and everybody’s talking   in the comments and that’s cool but some of this  [ __ ] people are driving and the people that are  

Driving they can’t read the comments so that’s  why it’s up to us to to keep up with the chat man   to say some of the [ __ ] because this [ __ ] be  fun f as a [ __ ] well Logan say hey you’ve been  

Checking out any SUVs you might be interested in  I’m still looking at that uh Traverse I’m still   looking at that Chevy Traverse man and like I said  once I get this car poop back together I gotta  

Get out there it’s not gonna happen in December  because I didn’t think I was gonna be out this   long so I gotta go out make some make a ton of  money see what I can do out there then probably  

January February get that Traverse and I’m I’m  really going to try to do it man I’m really going   to try to do it this is Megan I’ve got soy sauce  with nothing but Chinese letter and all over it  

You deliver for a Chinese restaurant some of that  stuff has to be over I can’t even read that [ __ ]   he some of this [ __ ] has to be over five years  old this [ __ ] that shit’s wine you gonna put  

That [ __ ] on your [ __ ] rice and have drunk  kids walking around like what the [ __ ] we just   put this Chinese sauce we put this soy sauce on  my kids [ __ ] rice and next you my kids acting   drunk like where’d you get it from that delivery  driver just drop this [ __ ] you don’t [ __ ]  

These kids up you got these kids drunk as a [ __ ]  on 5-year-old Chinese sauce that’s it’s [ __ ] up   oh Robert say say I’m about to kill you with this  one when you pick up from Wendy’s and they forget  

To put crackers for the chili guess who kept the  extra Wendy’s crackers some may have been stale   but oh well Robert ree keeping the old chili  crackers this [ __ ] funny as a [ __ ] hey you  

Got to do what you got to do bro you got to do it  and that’s the thing this [ __ ] he running around   these chili crackers right and you know they got  the the oyster crackers Robert show up with a big  

Ass pack of Saltines he just throw some Sal tees  in your bag them big ass Square crackers [ __ ]   open up their Wendy they be like how the hell we  get these big ass Square crackers in here [ __ ]  

I ran out of Sal tees us to get the big square  ones now [ __ ] that [ __ ] ain’t even in the   package you just stole those [ __ ] in the bag  [ __ ] that [ __ ] man that [ __ ] is funny as a  

[ __ ] man man man man so [ __ ] said man Toyota  spend money only on gas I’m telling you man I   love Toyotas that’s good [ __ ] but my water my uh  thermostat was going out so I had to replace that  

[ __ ] man woo Smiles per 35 tires that’s it Jeff  just funny as [ __ ] we’ll have people showing up   who don’t even drive they just hear to laugh man  dude it and it’s y’all it’s the way y’all out here  

Doing [ __ ] in the streets for real [ __ ]  don’t realize man we out here trying to make   this [ __ ] money we ain’t playing with these  people we ain’t playing if I got give your ass   [ __ ] a 2012 [ __ ] catch up I’m taking care of  this order you getting your order I’m getting my  

Tip man hey Paris we be here hey they be turning  this [ __ ] out they be here turning it out they   tur it out what sharvil say hey the stream is  cracking me up I have napkins from Taco smell  

Mickey Etc yeah exact and that’s the thing you got  to make sure you read that [ __ ] because if you   sitting there delivering somebody some [ __ ] from  Taco Bell and you [ __ ] around get they ass some  

[ __ ] Taco some McDonald napkins they gonna see  that big ass M on that [ __ ] they be like wait   a minute what did we just order from Taco Bell  this raggedy [ __ ] just gave me some McDonald  

Napkins like end this tip stop the tip too late  tip already went through like got his [ __ ] ass   got you your [ __ ] driving off got you [ __ ]  you [ __ ] setting people up with [ __ ] old ass   condiments got you [ __ ] [ __ ] driving man had  the best weekend for Uber ever Jeff finishing up  

For the weekend now these lives keep me going and  always looking forward to them oh Nick that’s good   [ __ ] brother good [ __ ] and you had the best  weekend for Uber ever that’s what I’m talking   about man out there driving smarter that’s what  happens man this [ __ ] ain’t over yet we we going  

Down swinging dog we going down swinging a lot  of [ __ ] they not ready for it yet $1,200 for   300 miles that’s what I’m talking about brother  that’s what I’m talking about right there and a   lot of people man what up Bigfoot Dasher all right  Dasher F all right I’m tired good night y’all  

Appreciate the laughs and interaction with the  chat hey hey you always welcome back brother you   came in man don’t forget you are You The Dashing  felon aka the Hamburglar for us oldheads you the   Hamburglar from back in the day you might call  yourself The Dashing felon but you the Hamburg  

You stealing [ __ ] food on the way out I swear  I ordered two [ __ ] Big Macs [ __ ] like the   hamburgler running around and [ __ ] I know it  man we be in here cracking the [ __ ] up we be  

Crack up man it’s just nuts it’s nuts Bigfoot  Dash was in the build my brother what’s good   what’s good I still got to get my fun to get  on gaming with y’all man dude it be we be in  

Here having too much fun he’s said Hamburglar out  the Dasher f it there you go brother be easy out   there be easy man no but Nick that’s good man if  you went out there made that uh 1,200 bucks 300  

Miles and that’s the thing I get about 400 miles  for a full tank of gas my goal is $1,000 I want   to make a grand on one tank of gas 400 miles you  did 1,200 and 300 so I wouldn’t even have to use  

A whole tank of man you was killing it dog you was  killing it but sometimes you got to be like that   dude you got to just go out there [ __ ] hit your  nose to the grindstone don’t take no [ __ ] rods  

No short rods I mean you running at $4 a mile  right now we got people out there talking oh I   want a dollar a mile you at $4 a mile that’s the  kind of driving we got to do we got to do short  

Trips we got to get high money we got to make sure  that when we’re out there actually getting this   money we doing it the smarter way and not letting  these apps think we’re a bunch of [ __ ] suckers  

Man we got to make this money the right way Neil  today just got home there you go there you go have   y’all seen the Wendy’s Chili’s in the can at your  grocery store I haven’t seen that I haven’t seen  

It o says love trolling fools worry about my tip  notifications I know it oh man I saw that [ __ ]   on your on that thing right there he was like man  oh well you got like a 95 what the dude say you  

Got like 90 something notifications [ __ ] he was  like of course I got like 95 notifications on my   phone it’s like man I can’t and the other dud was  like yeah I’m about to say the same thing man you  

Got all these damn notifications you don’t check  your notifications it’s like [ __ ] those are all   tips I don’t count my tips they ain’t say [ __ ]  after that they was like oh exactly I’m glad y’all   can see all those notifications those are all tips  [ __ ] it’s like I don’t gotta worry the money’s  

There I’m glad y’all see the money the money’s  there they was trying to be funny they was trying   to be funny like you lazy or you got like weird  [ __ ] going on in the background this and that  

Oh you got all these [ __ ] notification you lazy  [ __ ] look at all these notifications you got   you’re like I don’t check my tips those are all  tips I don’t check them I was like got him got

Him be whoa you got damn near two to 400  subscribers since I was last in here Jeff   insane I don’t know Paris I like I said I don’t  everybody’s just coming into the to the building   you know I’m saying they come on the channel we  try to introduce them to smarter driving hopefully  

They looking at some of the videos and realizing  there are people out here real drivers out not   just me but real drivers getting the money per per  hour that they want and I’m one of those people  

That say Hey you know even in my market if it’s  sucking one day it might do best the next day I   mean I made you know nothing on Friday it did good  on a Saturday good on a Sunday but I’m looking  

For like higher dollar per miles there’s like  Nick just came in $1,200 and 300 miles there’s   a way to do it and you have to do it the smart  way if the immigrants we got out there and the  

New people we got out there just do it the smart  way the apps have no other choice but to use us   because if they’re sitting there saying well we’re  just gonna try to use a cheaper driver send that  

Cheaper driver that that uh request if there are  no cheaper drivers they got to step the money up   and that’s what we trying to do get them to bump  the money up bump it up so everybody’s paid well  

When people are out there driving for dirt sheet  it’s killing everybody it hurts every [ __ ] body   I want people to make more money because if more  people make more money and we all holding each   other up and pulling each other up the apps GNA  lose it’s not driver against driver it’s drivers  

Against the apps that’s what it’s always been so  we got to go out there and and help our drivers   make more money hope they make more money get  everybody up some because otherwise we gonna be  

Stuck doing private rides we got to go out there  teach people how to do private rides how to get   clients to to buy into the idea of using our  business cards and once we do that like I said  

The apps are going to lose out we can make this  [ __ ] happen we can make this [ __ ] happen but   we got to do it right man we got to do it right  yeah people asking how you do that I know it  

6.69k yeah man it’s almost at 6700 it’s crazy and  this is the thing so always said about my channel   I said because I love having you know the small  sub count because we all talk to each other we  

All really get down with each other and stuff like  that and I don’t want to be one of those channels   that ignores people because we’re drivers we we  really out here you know making his money really  

Out here doing this [ __ ] for real so for us to  be able to all chat with each other and to know   each other to see each other on other channels  and kind of follow each other around I mean this  

Is our Network right here is then when I be over  on on Robert re’s Page I’ll be watching his live   stream I’ll watch all of his interviews and stuff  like that and I can kind of see a lot of people  

Over there and it’s like it’s cool that people  are still staying informed on what’s going on in   the rare Community because if we don’t if we’re  in the dark and the apps want to keep us in the  

Dark and we’re not getting all the information we  need that’s how they take over and we’ve got to   start getting you know the newer drivers to to get  in on the right channels the newer drivers run to  

The channels with the with the huge sub counts and  when they get there they’re not getting the real   information they’re getting the watered down  [ __ ] and it’s like no no man you gotta get   the real get the real they got you coming in  thinking oh just stay in on the diamond tier  

They on a platform [ __ ] that no come in and  drive smart that’s how you beat people that’s   how you do it yeah it’s the best way to network  man best way to network Daniel said hit 32 miles  

For $37 and I’m the only snake in the airport  parking lot geez yeah exactly exactly here’s a   good tool for drivers to use the Phoenix because  the app is perfectly here to to leave out events  

Not to Serge till it’s too late to get to them  yeah and Lawrence that happened to me a few times   what they’ll do especially Uber Uber’s notorious  for that Li will put the surge out early Li what  

Uber would do is they’ll wait until the very last  minute to put out surge because they’re trying to   get everybody out of there trying to Nature hike  everybody out which only leaves the um the wayes  

Around or leav certain drivers around I just say  stay put every once in a while I’ll do the short   rides around the area just so I don’t like waste  my time kind of hanging out I do like you know  

$4 for two miles get somebody over here $6 for  two or three miles get somebody over here but I   always try to head back to my parking spot because  once I get back there they have to use us now now  

They gotta use us so it’s like [ __ ] yeah me  I’ve been doing private trips for years that’s   all I’m doing 95% these days I refuse to drive  for pennies that’s right Megan and a lot of us   are getting there now and like I said we’re  trying to follow suit we’re trying to figure  

Out ways how to get out there and and get back to  people being people and not everybody relying on   technology and Technology on apps and [ __ ] like  that and so when I talk to people when I’m riding  

With them I keep I don’t be robotic with they ass  I be real straight up with them General they like   oh man it’s cool man you like riding with a real  person man you a cool ass driver man you like the  

Best driver you got to keep that [ __ ] human  and human and pull people away from technology   because we getting people lost in that [ __ ]  what up Justin my brother and it’s like once   we get people back to that more of us can start  doing private rides because people start saying  

These apps ain’t about people they don’t give a  [ __ ] about people they’re about uh shareholders   and they’re bottom line they don’t give a [ __ ]  about how much they chargeing people nor how much   they paying us so we gotta win people back we  gotta win them back we got to I’m gonna buy my  

Own hot dogs damn it exactly they one time in the  restaurant forg me to drink so while driving the   customer’s house I gave my Gatorade and told him  that was all they had left oh hell the restaurant  

Forgot to give you the drink so you had to give  up your Gatorade man I’ll be mad as a [ __ ] I   like nope you got to call a restaurant and get a  get a credit get something at it get a credit back  

I’m keeping my Gatorade I’ll be mad as a [ __ ]  yeah remember $600 bonuses Uber now keeps all that   money know your worth real [ __ ] and that’s what  it was man I remember they used do all the quests  

The bonuses everything like man now you get 70  rides you get $35 bonus 70 rides will give you   a $35 bonus [ __ ] like that I’ll be like dude  this is crazy I don’t even choose them bonuses  

Man I’ll choose 30 rides and I still won’t get 30  rides they like you want to do 30 rides 40 rides   50 30 I’ll select 30 and I’ll end up get like 22  rides for the week it’s like that’s it because  

Everything else is garbage but each of those rides  be paying me like almost 200 bucks so I get like   400 something dollars for going out like maybe  you know 24 hours hours total of driving over the  

Next few days but I’m not going to sit there and  Chase these quests and put myself in a position to   where they think my car is a piece of [ __ ] they  can send those kind of ride to I’m not doing that  

I’m not doing that yeah that’s it don’t spend  your money fish for crumbs [ __ ] that fishing   for crumbs I used to be a diamond driver at 93% AR  that changed real quick when the fairs went lower  

[ __ ] no cim you got to do it you got to do it  and that’s what they try to do they try to sucker   people with all these bonuses and [ __ ] hey if  you drive this many miles this many hours blah  

We gonna give you this bonus and remember when  they moved the bonus structure from the amount   of rids you did to the amount of money you made  and it was funny how they went to the amount of  

Money you made and all of a sudden all the fairs  went lower so they were saying if you make $300   you can get this much of a bonus okay because  most people like dude I can make 300 bucks like  

In a day but then they cut all the fairs in half  so it [ __ ] with you because you’re like damn I   got to make make $300 in fairs but that’s the  only way I’m going get that bonus but now to  

Make $300 is going to take me two days instead of  one day that’s how they was screwing people over   man they was doing that [ __ ] they was doing  it uh oh Jeff Jesse out the airport getting  

That money getting that money South Florida said  220 miles for $140 on Uber man please 229 miles   dude that’s about four hours five hours of  driving for 140 bucks and that’s all gas all gas man oh Greg oh he say you were the first  rer related Channel I follow because you’re in  

My market I got lucky man thanks brother hey I’m  G tell you hey and and this is the thing about my   channel not not a lot of channels like mine not a  lot of R shared content creators like my channel  

And that’s cool I tell them it’s okay because I  get it because a lot of them have a narve to sell   they looked at like I look at drivers as families  families that have you know roofs over their head  

[ __ ] food to put back back in the fridge  we’re all small profit centers for ourselves   we’re profit centers for ourselves a lot of a lot  of channels look at the collection of drivers and   our channels it’s people that can sell [ __ ] to  so instead of them helping you make more money  

And really they try to say hey you know what if  you need a loan I got a sponsor that can help   you you know pay your no because that’s another  bill nobody wants to pay for a [ __ ] loan that’s  

Another bill people got to deal with now and once  you get to that to be that type of a channel a   lot of drivers kind of shy away from that [ __ ]  like no man I you know it’s cool to come in and  

Hang out and see what you got going on in your  videos but you’re always trying to sell [ __ ]   you’re always trying to [ __ ] sell [ __ ] and  at that point you know I started seeing channels  

Do that and I’m like I never do no [ __ ] like  that’s cool that’s crazy I’m a driver and I know   how it feels to have bills you don’t need so I’m  like NOP if you need to make more money I don’t  

Give a [ __ ] of it’s only extra 50 bucks a day  using [ __ ] Paw Patrol or you know learning how   to trap surge or whatever you gonna figure that  [ __ ] out on my channel you’ll figure it out and  

Even if it doesn’t work in your Market at least  you can tell other people hey try this in your   Market because it works in these markets but it  don’t work in this market and that’s how we kind  

Of help everybody out man look at Rick say hey  JW’s the best everyone use his info and apply   it don’t get caught with an Uber pet request you  riding around with Uber Dunkey in the car Uber  

Donkey Eon like [ __ ] that [ __ ] and I tell I  haven’t been caught with a dog yet I haven’t been   caught yet Uber pet they’ll send me something but  it’ be so stupid so I won’t take it but I haven’t  

Had something close enough to take it’s like man  he I almost got call that dunk it up night yeah   man since I laugh when they was talking about Uber  boat they have no idea how much gas you go through  

In a boat boat stands for Budget on another  thousand exactly exactly and I’m like man uberboat   they’ll probably try to sell the boat driver is  it’s kind of like that old that old travel agent   [ __ ] yeah we’re gonna give you 50 bucks to take  this person over there but you’re using $40 in  

Fuel so if you using $40 in fuel to run this damn  boat over there why you giving this dude 50 bucks   but the people probably paid 200 for for the  boat ride it’s like that’s some Uber [ __ ] for  

You right there man the funky Dunkey that’s right  Rick the Funky dunky Man [ __ ] I gotta I got some   leather seat covers in the garage I gotta put the  [ __ ] on man I gotta do that [ __ ] say all this  

Information can be used in any Market Nationwide  man I hope because like I said if if we can just   find a way to to keep people from struggling so  bad that we got to take [ __ ] rods that’s the  

Whole purpose of us always talking each other man  that’s the whole thing what we do we help people   in the chat we help people in the comments saying  do not be one of them desperate drivers that they  

Looking for force them you got to force them to  pay us you can’t ask them to pay us even other   channel like yeah if they want to pay you $10 they  should be allowed to pay you $10 yeah you’re not  

Fighting for us if that’s your opinion you’re not  fighting for us I don’t even make statements like   that on my channel I don’t give a [ __ ] we gotta  go out here and we gotta fight we’re not taking  

No rise that ain’t worth [ __ ] bottom line we  just not taking it and people can argue and be   mad well well then you got to go do something  else for a living if no this is what I’m going  

To do just like teachers and [ __ ] teachers  when they argue when they go on strike and they   want to protest something we support those  teachers if you a person that’s supporting   drivers support what we doing over here support  the fact that we’re fighting for the better value  

When we know Riders are paying a lot of money  fight for this [ __ ] value fight for it that’s   right brother we the 300 Cam’s like we gotta go  on strike yeah and that’s the only way we can do  

It because Riders are the end goal Riders and if  people are likewell how can we get Riders from   point A to point B if ain’t no drivers out there  Riders are going to find another way Riders will   find another way whether it’s gonna be private  rides another app calling a friend something but  

If we all say well we not driving if this app  want to act like this we gonna shut the [ __ ]   down for a minute let [ __ ] just build up yeah  M Jeff gonna organize drivers like haa I know Rod  

Sher haa goddamn it let’s go get these [ __ ] yeah  hey you got some catchup in your trunk dog I got a   hot dog [ __ ] time to wake up like actually  I do got a pack of of catch up [ __ ] hazard  

Lights like [ __ ] that [ __ ] throw them hazard  lights on as a wrap yeah that’s what it is per we   are the beginning and this is the end as drivers  so if we can’t go out no Spencer fra was in here  

Tonight no he wasn’t he wasn’t in here flex no so  if we’re the beginning we got to go out there and   we got to show these [ __ ] these writers are not  going to get from point A to point B like a lot  

Of people was bored caught and all the the um the  Taylor Swift concerts and all the Beyonce concert   and all that stuff and what happened people was  complaining that they couldn’t find rods people   were complaining and that’s what we need to hear  people complain about not being able to find rods  

Because when Riders are complaining corporations  hear it they don’t give a [ __ ] if we complain   oh this just a bunch of complaining ass drivers  want more money [ __ ] them man [ __ ] them but   let a rider complain let a whole group of riders  complain and if they say oh man [ __ ] you Riders  

We don’t complain about you Riders y’ y’all need  to find a ride man we ain’t worried about about   y’all that’s when the apps are going to be like  holy [ __ ] we’ve got Riders complaining now not  

Just drivers Riders and that’s what we got to do  we got to make it to where Riders are complaining   we got to talk to Riders we got to let them know  hey man if you waiting too long for a ride this  

Is why if people ain’t picking you up because  that trip is too long this is why the money’s   just not there for drivers drivers are being  you guys are paying $100 $200 for these [ __ ]   rods we’re getting you know 60 bucks that’s it  out of the 125 we’re getting like 60 bucks and  

Y’all thinking the Riders worth 125 Riders have  to complain in order to help drivers because we   complain all we [ __ ] want they don’t give a  [ __ ] about us but the moment we turn around  

And we talk to the Riders and we get them on our  team and they say listen if you guys ain’t taking   care of the Riders I can’t get the work I don’t  have a reliable source to get home my kids can’t  

Get around I can’t you guys got to do something  because we’re paying you [ __ ] good money to get   us a ride and if you’re not paying these drivers  and these drivers ain’t showing up we’re going   to start paying the driver straight up we’re going  to start Mee beting drivers getting business cards  

Paying them straight up and just saying [ __ ] the  apps cuz you apps ain’t caring about people the   way you should be caring about people and that’s  how we got to do it man it’s a Cutthroat [ __ ]  

Business but that’s how we got to do it they want  to cut our throat we gonna cut theirs back so you   [ __ ] don’t want to pay us guess what we out  of the equation then we’re out of the equation  

Motherf like damn they gonna be like dude we ain’t  making a lot of money on these rides from the   concerts now what the [ __ ] is going on everybody  knows drivers now everybody who’s meeting drivers   and knowing drivers and getting rides back and  forth every concert I do private rides almost  

Every concert because people know these apps are  gouging them and they always like Jeff you want to   take us to the concert and pick us back up at this  time and this time cool I’ll do it because while  

They’re at the concert I’m doing rides in the area  doing short rides trying to get money and the apps   could have had that ride to and from the concert  but the apps ain’t [ __ ] paying to for rides like  

That so I don’t [ __ ] with the apps like that and  when they had what there was another the Beyonce   concert one day I didn’t drive Drake concert I  didn’t drive one day a lot of these concerts just  

Don’t [ __ ] with because the apps are not paying  enough Riders got to complain for us Riders got to   complain on our behalf to help us out yes GNA have  to be a strike for sure well I’m GNA put together  

A coner card to list top restaurants things to do  and drivers that I can that I can uh di black SUV   van Tesla their names and numbers Network prefer  refer private rides yeah and that’s what I do a  

Lot I tell people I don’t have a big car so I know  a few guys in my phone that got bigger cars they   got SUVs so somebody need the SUV I can help them  anything I can do to keep these people who need a  

Ride from referring on the apps who gonna half  ass pay another [ __ ] driver I just sent them   like a guys with a SUV name like hey man take  care of these people man they need a ride I’m  

Be like well I don’t have one so you’ve got to use  the app man [ __ ] that if I know somebody I got   you don’t worry about it I got a car I can pick up  one people two three but you need five [ __ ] here  

You go you need forward space here you go yeah  measure yeah you keep people waiting for Rogers   Scott Harbor nobody picks up passengers Uber would  listen that’s right that’s right and I see it all   the time people standing out there in droves just  standing there and it’d be nobody picking nobody  

Up nobody people just standing all up and down  a curve suitcases and every [ __ ] thing and I   be I’ll be driving through like damn all these  people waiting on and it’ be no crazy traffic   I like all these people waiting on [ __ ] rides  this is crazy ain’t nobody taking no rides yeah  

My strike for sure it’s a collective effort p is  collective 100% Collective effort everybody has   got to be involved in this [ __ ] and I know a lot  of people out there they’re scared that they’re   going to get deactivated oh If I decline these  RIS they gonna deactivate me and now people are  

Scared right now they keep kicking me off the app  and I’m G tell you what Uber is doing right now   Uber is looking at like people that are they’re  declining rides and getting booted off the app   they’re doing that I think for insurance purposes  they think people are out there driving on the  

App staying on the app wanting to be covered  on the app in certain markets like they want   to have their car covered by Uber because some  people saying well Uber does cover you in certain   phase one two or three whatever they cover you so  people are staying on the apps being covered by  

Uber’s insurance and they’re not taking any rides  so Uber’s booting them off the app saying well if   you’re not driving for us we’re not covering your  car so they just boot you off the [ __ ] app then  

You have to go back and log back on again yeah  they kicking many drivers out of airports yep   and that’s what I it’s part of it a lot of people  are sitting on these apps not taking rides being  

Covered by Uber’s Insurance not taking any rid  so Uber’s losing money by insuring all of these   people that ain’t taking no rides and so Uber’s  like we going to just boot them all off the [ __ ]   app after three requests if you’re not driving for  us we’re not insuring your vehicle we’re not doing  

It and they can’t make any money off with that  they’ll lose more money than they make because   imagine if somebody sitting on an Uber app in  Phase One or whatever and they they’re covering   them whether or not they’re covering them and that  car gets hit Uber just has to cover a car that’s  

Been sitting there for three hours declining  [ __ ] rods the whole time it’s like uber was   like [ __ ] damn it yep communicate Trends and  opportunities we got to do it and that’s what we   got to do man we got to create you know there’s a  lot of people out there that’s using like Discord  

Groups and stuff like that and all that and that’s  cool and we’ve got to get the only way we can do   it is to put writers inside of some type of a  group where writers can contact people and say  

Hey I’m in this Discord group called you know cash  rides like we can do a Discord group called Cash   rodes Phoenix do a Discord group called Cash  rodes Vegas do a Discord group called you know   cash rides Atlanta and or either cash rides like  Scottdale and people can join that Discord group  

And go hey this is Megan I’m in Scottdale uh is  anybody up here that can pick up a group of three   from Scottdale to whatever a driver that might  actually get the notification on their phone  

Cash Rod Scottdale might go Yes actually it’s  four of us drivers in here that do you know cash   rid there’s four of us right now so where you  guys at here okay cool I drive you know A2000  

Something Tesla I’ll be there to pick you up this  is you could put a picture on it like hey this is   me in my car okay we’ll be here Pro no problem  so we can have Discord groups being the actual  

You know the feed for people who want to say well  I I have my phone in my hand I don’t know how to   contact nobody well there’s disc groups out that  start with cash app so look up cash app Scottdale  

They pull it up holy [ __ ] there’s a group called  Cash app Scottdale we type in it hey this is me   and my boys there three of us we’re looking for  a ride down to 10 feet willing to pay $25 cool  

I got you then the dude with the Tesla might send  his picture I might send my picture hey dude we’ll   take the orange Beamer perfect I’ll be there in  a second and it’s just us relating back and forth  

To drivers that’s all it’ll be yeah and it’s hard  to compete in the airport que man hard drop offs   only yep that’s why I don’t go out there but we’ve  got to find a way how to how to get people to want  

To participate in something where the writers  can contact drivers directly and not just like   straight to my phone only to my phone but more  to like a a like an aggregant amount of drivers  

Because if just saying Beauty with ESS is if you  started a cash app or a Discord group that say you   know cash rods LA or something like that and yeah  we got I got hum on my phone but that’s only for  

Day times I it’s not for night times so if we did  something like and during the daytime any that hit   that Discord group that said cash Rod Scottdale  I wouldn’t be in the group because I’m sleeping  

During the daytime so it would be for any other  drivers that will be able to be in the group and   you can like open your app like hey cash R this  and that pop it open bam and you can meet people  

From there to become private clients so you might  go you might meet somebody in cash rods you know   Scottdale and be like hey cash Rod Scottdale pick  them me and that might become your new Private   Client they may never have to use that Discord  group again but the Discord group should at least  

Exist it should at least exist for people to have  an introduction to the possibility of getting the   cash Rod driver because they may say hey you know  what we did a cash Rod driver once he was okay he  

Was cool but his car his tire was kind of flat you  know we kind of told him about it and that will   help people say at least you can go to a group  where we know there are driver sitting and you  

Can pick a private driver from that group right  there because I might you know take two people   one might become our Private Client the other one  might not like me that much and be like oh man  

I’m going to use this uh dude in the black Tesla  instead cool so you using him instead of me it’s   totally cool because I only gave him a ride once  never really hit it off with him which is cool he  

Might have used cash Rides Again the second time  found out you know Juan Vargas now that’s his guy   now so it’s it’s a way to do it man there’s a  way we just gotta find a way for Riders to get  

In touch with drivers straight up through an app  through their phone not a whole bunch of [ __ ]   just straighten know like O say I have an idea on  this yeah and that would be cool man that would be  

That’s all I do in Scottdale cash rides yeah and  they do it I was thinking about while my BM was   down I was thinking about taking a Jeep up there  and just doing cash rides in the Jeep but I’m like  

Man that’s that jeep use a lot of gas it’s a nice  ass thing but it use a lot of gas I was like shees   it’ll have to be some a lot of cash DS for me to  do that [ __ ] I’d want to make at least you know  

Two $300 in cash rides doing only a handful of  them cuz that jeep it cost me like 70 80 bucks   to fill that [ __ ] up and like if I’m not if I  run all that gas out in 200 miles run all that gas  

Out then I’m I’m screwed I got to turn around and  make at least 280 to call it a $200 night because   I can use a a quarter tank of gas in this [ __ ]  Beamer and make about 150 in a quarter tank it’ll  

Take me a whole [ __ ] tank in the BMW to make  200 bucks and I’m like [ __ ] that’s a lot at   a dollar man that’s crazy oh Rick said I think I  can make this happen too hey man there there has  

To be a way somebody’s got to at least try it and  I don’t know if we got to do it like as far as a   marketing tool to say hey anybody out there with  Discord with Discord can have a you know access  

To cash rides in your city if you put cash rides  whatever the city is and if that Discord group   pops up you know that Discord group exists and  it’ll say how many members are in that group it  

Might say eight members so there’s probably eight  drivers that sign up in that Discord group so you   have a one eight chance to get you a driver  you might pop up a group and it says you know  

100 drivers you got a one of 100 chance to get a  driver out of that group so you might say hey I’m   gonna go to cash rid Phoenix because I went to  cash rid Scottsdale and nobody answered it like  

Three four minutes later nobody even answered  so I went over to cash Rod Phoenix and Bam two   people answer me like real quick so yeah oh Waste  Management week yeah this is going to be fun this  

Is and you know Waste Management week we made a  killing last year made a killing and you you know   this year what they G to do Boost no surge all  boost all [ __ ] all that’s what I think that’s  

What’s going to be this year if we don’t get our  [ __ ] right if we don’t get it right right now   and prepare about what’s gonna happen oh everybody  anybody who made money last year is gonna make  

Half of what they made last year working the exact  same hours they’re gonna say damn I only made this   much yeah it’s gonna be crazy man it’s gonna be  crazy oh telegram instead of Discord oh yeah yeah  

I thought I forgot about telegram yeah I forgot  about that yeah numbers matters in this business   you’re right peris numbers matter it’s a numbers  game so if if we’re all doing very well getting  

Rides outside of the apps and it’s okay to use the  apps you know to fill in the gaps and [ __ ] like   that and the apps are gonna realize that we’re  not filling the gaps they’re gonna say well these  

People ain’t even on the line and more and more  drivers become doing it and they start seeing   certain accounts just disappear they’re gonna  be like man hold the [ __ ] up we got too many   drivers doing other [ __ ] like you said telegram  Discord there’s so many ways we can like market  

And advertise to get people out there to see that  there are drivers willing to work willing to work   and if we can just get out there and get them to  use those Discord and those telegram things to  

Find the r they need to the airport because if  it’s a drive R let’s say somebody trying to go   through Uber lift trying to get a rout at the  to the airport but the problem is Uber ain’t  

Paying [ __ ] for it because they do that [ __ ]  a lot from Chandler they’ll ride from chanler to   the airport going like 22 miles but they’re only  paying like [ __ ] $14 for it nobody’s taking that   and this person got to get to the airport they  jump on this Telegram and his Discord cash rides  

They can even do cash rides or airport rides or  anything WhatsApp same thing and they can find a   driver instantly because somebody’s probably there  because we they know what they’re paying on Uber   and nobody’s picking it up on Uber it’s decline  decline decline decline I’m I’m not finding a  

Ride dude go over the [ __ ] you know WhatsApp  cash hit that [ __ ] Bang within minutes drivers   say hey man I’ll come get you man I’m willing to  pay $30 I’m willing to pay $35 all of a sudden  

Bam somebody picks the they don’t have to wait on  Uber no more they don’t have to wait on a million   declines to get nowhere somebody could be at a  at a um at a concert trying to leave the concert  

They only got to go 10 miles Uber’s charging them  $78 for 10 miles they’re willing to give somebody   you know $40 50 it’s like dude I’m only 10 miles  that’s it they trying to charge me 78 they can  

Go over to that cash rides downtown or whatever  cash rides this and that hey y I’m sitting down   here oh cool I got a black SUV I’m willing to take  45 I’ll take 45 okay where you guys at we’re right  

Here there you go nobody has to wait on these apps  no more if we could just go straight to the source   The Source are the Riders that’s the source the  apps are not the source of where we should be  

Going to they’re focused on Riders we should be  focused on Riders we do Logistics we take people   from point A to point B and if that’s what these  apps are focusing on we whichwich our focus is say  

Apps if you’re not going to pay us we’re going to  sidestep y’all we going to sidestep y’all and we   G to get money a different way and sometimes you  gotta do he say my mind is turning now hey brother  

We all gotta stay on that [ __ ] we all gotta stay  on it let’s buy an app Michael that’s we need to   get an app app developer get an app developer  and we just go nuts with marketing the [ __ ]  

Out of the app ourselves we’re drivers we can have  people download that [ __ ] show that [ __ ] do   whatever and the app don’t no money even have to  go through the app all the money can stay cash app  

Vin Mo Zale all the money can go directly through  a driver like that the money don’t even have to go   through the app the money can just come if I show  up because I’m using an app I show up and all of a  

Sudden it’s like hey hold up for a second I’m here  now all right how do we pay you do we pay you cash   cash at vimo however you want to pay me cool what  if we just give you 40 cash right now cool let’s  

Do it put the [ __ ] in GPS get them to where they  got to get to it don’t have to be no navig no app   no [ __ ] it’s like a social networking app it’s  looking for a ride that’s it you’re looking for  

A ride we don’t need navigation and [ __ ] like  that we don’t need no payment system no all this   [ __ ] in this it could be the most basic [ __ ]  ever most basic [ __ ] ever your end Drive taking   too long and that’s basically what it is Megan  social networking just people looking for a ride  

That’s it hey it’s me I’m at the grocery store  right now at Walmart nobody’s gonna and okay   cool actually I’m in the Walmart parking lot where  you at I’m right here cool swing around pick him  

Up here’s $10 the app was willing to give me $33  for this ride 303 was they going to give me this   lady gives me 10 because I was right there in  the parking lot and she found me on Whatsapp or  

Whatever else on the hey cash rides and you can  be a member of everything you could be a member   of cash rides Walmart who the [ __ ] knows cash  Rod Walmart you know yeah I’m at Walmart right now  

Which one the one on Southern oh cool I’m actually  like five minutes from there perfect it’s a social   app it’s just people connecting with people that  need something done we’re drivers willing to drive   willing to work these [ __ ] need a ride that’s  it you put two and two together you get it done  

Yeah biggest thing is to spread the word and let  people know drivers we’re coming to protect our   communities we’re coming to protect our economy  we’re coming to make sure we keep a roof over our  

[ __ ] heads we coming to work we coming to work  and a lot of these apps trust me they gonna be mad   as a [ __ ] they’re sidest stepping us they’re  doing this they’re doing that oh we’re going to  

Have legislation to stop this how the [ __ ] you  have legislation to stop people from feeding their   [ __ ] families but yet none of these [ __ ] have  legislation stopping the [ __ ] they doing to us   as drivers because they are the government like I  said these [ __ ] are the [ __ ] government they  

Got government people sitting in their buildings  right now all these [ __ ] used to work for the   government now working for these rasher apps  now that’s why yeah many of these rers already   feel upset because they’re taking advantage of  that’s right Megan that’s right and and that’s it  

Leverage AI possibly help to produce the marketing  real [ __ ] and not only can AI help us create the   marketing for it but AI can even help Market  it because imagine if you had some type of of   scheduled marketing boost or something like that  and it just shot everything out to everybody at  

One time like hey for the next you know two hours  on this app I mean two hours you know drivers are   willing to drive for the concert at highly reduced  rates from the um from the Beyonce concert right  

Now downtown Vegas drivers are on this app a  lot of people gonna get that [ __ ] and hit   their phone be like hey man I just got this thing  on WhatsApp saying drivers are willing to drive  

For a reduced rate if not using Uber a lift it’s  on this and all of a sudden people start hitting   hey man this is my group we need to ride we’re  at the Beyonce concert we about to walk out in  

Like 20 minutes perfect I’m already at the Beyonce  concert and let you know you’re getting all these   rides because this the AI part of the blast sent a  blast out to everybody that was either involved in  

The app or on social media like Instagram Facebook  whatever the [ __ ] it is and people go damn hold   up for a second so we’re getting notifications  saying that there’s drivers available at a reduced   rate from if you’re using LIF or if you’re not  using lift or Uber say damn let’s do it let’s  

Do it yeah small pan rods don’t mean nature hikes  yeah exactly exactly nature hikes exactly what it   is so the problem is that you still have drivers  that were underbid same drivers and take those  

Small rides that with Uber and lift NOS yeah but  and that’s the thing with with some of these apps   it it wouldn’t be more like a a bidding system I  guess it would just be like who does who does this  

Person feel comfortable with because if somebody  says you know I don’t feel comfortable with Jeff   I’m not gonna make them feel comfortable with  me gonna do well I give you five dollar less   motherucker if you don’t like me you don’t like me  cool I just wait for another ride or some [ __ ]  

It’s all good because at some point you know you  can only do so many rides in a 24-h hour span if   there’s hundreds and hundreds and thousands of  rides that need to be done in the day I’m G to  

Get some rides that day trust me everybody can  give everybody a ride I’m gonna get some rides   so it’s like Z got total like 10 private clients  yeah I believe that measured after seven years  

Of this [ __ ] I’m just so jaded I wish I would  have started up the private game years ago like   some others have done yeah yeah and see and like  you said U LIF running a mini Monopoly Monopoly I  

Think they’re the same company I really do I think  they’re the same [ __ ] company oh yeah Gerald   definitely safety is a factor but see even safety  is a factor with Uber and lift safety is still a  

Factor with Uber and lift safety has been a factor  with with anything we’ve ever done when we jump in   these cars but the only thing is with us doing  our own thing we don’t have to worry about Uber  

And lift’s policies we can just deal with the US  Constitution and we could just like hey man this   is what we do and I guarantee I’ve been doing this  [ __ ] for almost five years four years and I’ve  

Never had a problem maybe it’s my energy maybe  it’s the people I roll with I deal with and I’ve   just never had a I’ve never never been at a point  where I felt like I was in danger of anything when  

I was out driving and I drive nights that’s it I  drive nights I don’t even do days I had somebody   try to rob me in Chandler Lawrence man sometimes  it could be it could be the way you carry yourself  

Sometimes Lawrence and there’s no knock on you  and who you are but sometimes people look like   they’re out of place like I tell [ __ ] Keep Your  Head on a swivel look like you know where you’re   going look like you going somewhere look like  you doing something they always look for somebody  

Who’s lacking cuz even C like me get robbed people  my size get robbed people my size get jumped and   [ __ ] like that but if I look like I know what  the [ __ ] I’m doing and where I’m at and I don’t  

Look out of place people are less the [ __ ]  with you very less the [ __ ] with you because   I guarantee I can’t tell you how many times yeah  he said I was on top of it that’s what it is you  

Got to stay stay with your head on a swivel know  where you going I keep my windows cracked not all   the way down sometimes if my windows are all the  way down my car’s always in drive my foot’s ready  

To hit that [ __ ] gas pedal and it’s like you  just got got to know you know be safe where you   are be safe Z Neil I feel comtable Jeff just Mak  sure you bring donuts with you exactly hey it’s  

It’s hard to feel uncomfortable with a [ __ ]  holding a crusty Dusty you jump in the car you   ain’t never seen no criminal riding around holding  a [ __ ] Custer donut it’s like [ __ ] you come to   my hey you here to pick up Shelly yep you don’t  feel uncomfortable this motherfucker’s got a  

Jelly fil goddamn donut he ain’t doing [ __ ] he’s  like having a cop without a uniform on he’s eating   a donut no [ __ ] man yo that’s it Lawrence man  Chicago always got you on alert that [ __ ] you  

It’s in you man when Chicago’s in you St Louis  Memphis it’s in you you already know already   so you know what to look for when you see people  either kind of lingering around walking like they   looking for something like if they kind of like  looking around but they walking in your direction  

But they yeah it’s something it’s time for you to  to skirt out of there don’t wait till they get to   you [ __ ] by the time they get to you waited too  long so it’s was like [ __ ] if I see you looking  

Around like this and that and you walking towards  me my car is already moving hey hey bro hey bro   I gotta ask you something you ain’t got ask me  [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know you it’s like [ __ ]  

I roll the [ __ ] out exactly like I don’t and  when [ __ ] want to flag me down and stop me Nah   if I’m in front of the building like when homeless  people approach me when I’m in front of the store  

Yeah they be like hey sir I know who they are  but if I’m sitting on the side of the road like   when I’m just sitting there or empty parking  lot casing and somebody roll up oh if I see a  

Car coming into the parking lot and I’m out there  scouting rides and everything [ __ ] I’m already   ready to hit that start button and go I’m already  ready there is no waiting to see what they going  

To do no I’m already looking at this car [ __ ]  come through the parking lot they go they Park   they walk to the bar cool they’re going to the  bar but if these [ __ ] try to circle around and  

Start coming behind me and I see them coming down  [ __ ] this parking lot is way too big for you to   be driving that [ __ ] car next to me you got way  too much space my shit’s my Brak lights are lit  

Up my shit’s already in [ __ ] drive it’s like  [ __ ] I don’t play man I don’t play this Z we   born different they act crazy I just act crazier  like that’s what it is what what did they say uh I  

Don’t know karate I know crazy like you don’t know  karate I know crazy [ __ ] be running around like   [ __ ] yeah Rich I love driving on people I work  for Domino p and sag Nash that was the richest  

Kid in high school [ __ ] I was like dog Lo me 50  Cent I got you dog 50 bam and here’s 10 cent for   the taxes you know they goingon to hit you with  the 55 when you get at the cash register bet bro  

Thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] you dropping Quarters on  [ __ ] everybody was running around with change   in their pocket you like hey here’s three quarters  yeah you got to keep a tool all the time be like  

Construction at work [ __ ] I keep a tool on me at  all time I am the [ __ ] Second Amendment myself   say damn when I was in school my mother always  gave me $2 every day for lunch and I thought I  

Was rich I like man I get $2 sh you be getting  them [ __ ] crusty ass cookies and every [ __ ]   thing scamming and scamming hell yeah oh yeah oh  [ __ ] we almost at five hours all right y’all  

We gotta cut it we gota I’m not gonna hit five  hours man we ain’t gonna hit five hours today   we gonna stop right before five just to let these  [ __ ] sweat he’s doing more five hour lives nope  

Four hours and 55 minutes no I’m just kidding but  [ __ ] man hey I appreciate you guys rocking with   me on this live man man I wish there was way I  can keep the live going so y’all can keep chatting  

With each other and [ __ ] like that but you know  what tomorrow’s a new day Monday let’s go out and   get this money tomorrow hopefully my Park comes  in early the park comes in tomorrow I’m gonna do  

A short and my short gonna say you [ __ ] better  watch out [ __ ] hey love you dog love you dog   hey I’m gon be up in Vegas man I gotta come  up in Vegas for real man I’ll be up there in  

About a month but yeah man you guys be safe out  there hey time to wake up get rid of some of the   [ __ ] condiments man get some new ones you got to  replenish your supply put some new [ __ ] in there  

Get rid of some of the old [ __ ] the 1985 [ __ ]  the [ __ ] mustard with the clear back hey love   you Megan hey I appreciate you guys for rocking  with me tonight and Megan you gotta help us you  

Got to help us learn how to get more private  clients you got to help us lady help us but we   gonna teach each other we got some [ __ ] to teach  each other for real though and hopefully if we can  

Start talking more about these apps and how we can  contact people and get them to use us this is what   we going to try to do we G to figure it out like  I said I’m G I’m gonna be giving some some hints  

On how I’m creating you know a private base and  how I’m getting people around and see if we can do   this we gonna see if we can do this right probably  create like like I said a Discord a WhatsApp or  

Something like that and see if that kind of works  out we gonna see if it kind of works out all right   Robert Reese my brother my brother this is Neil  said have fun some of my Riders love your feed  

They’re probably like this dude’s crazy no but man  I appreciate you guys man see I’m G check out the   other four hours now all right Flex y’all be easy  out there man I appreciate y’all coming through  

Ryan Hey man tomorrow we we on it hopefully my  partk comes in I cannot wait to be back on the   road I’m gonna get these [ __ ] good all right  y’all Robert Reese y’all be easy out there man  

Hey keep spreading love with them second with them  what them secondhand condiments I love that [ __ ]   man y’all all right y’all all right all right Laur  you be easy out there all right Rich I’ll see you brother

We are partners (independent contractors) in rideshare and delivery, so let’s find out who we’re partnering with. This is business, so let’s talk about the business and who we’re involved with. And after that, let’s have some fun laughing at what we do for a living! Welcome to the BBQ! LOL!

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#lyft #uber #rideshare #driver #lux #delivery


  1. Good morning. You are spot on with this live. Government is definitely attached to rideshare. They see how much money is attached to it. Also, the airport get $2 off each ride leaving and coming into airports. Lastly, I explained to a rider Dec. 1st why he couldn't find a Uber at 6am is because a lot of retired people don't drive during those days and Uber surge those prices on those days because they know they have Government checks. He said, wow didn't even think about that. I said, yeah Uber and lyft capitalize off of people not thinking much or a lack of knowledge so they hire lawyers, psychologists and government workers to work against the workers and drivers. It's psychological. Watch when taxes drop how a lot of rideshare drivers quit because they feel like they are rich and Uber prices surge because Uber and lyft want that government tax money. I watch everything, even when we got stimulus checks, prices surged like crazy when the checks dropped. Uber know all the government info.

  2. We spreading the message ppl are finally listening to us. Fuck dara. Lets get these mfkrrs got for robbing us all. These niggas fucked wit all our money. For that shit I wont stop till they bleed back all the shit they done took from us. One thing gvt dont play about is other peoples bread

  3. Who would have ever thought the Republican Party would be seen as the people’s party even when the media continues to say otherwise. Ultimately they are all in it together but…. I like to look at results. Trump: everybody was flush, minimal world conflicts, unemployment low, gas prices low. Biden: people are broke, inflation out of control all democratic stronghold states are a mess, COVID fear mongering went on for years, we are constantly told racism is out of control when inter-racial relations are seemingly better than ever. Liberals are turning on the Jews man, this is the craziest time (911 excluded) I’ve seem in my 50 years of life.

  4. I disagree with the undocumented workers, but thats a huge discussion, and its not because of who they are, its about saftey reasons, they should have to take driving classes here etc first

  5. Dude I’ve seen nice furniture sitting out too and thought about running to the house to get my SUV to flip that stuff lol. The stuff I seen sitting out one day I could have easily made $1000 plus for it. I was like dammmm!

  6. The people with the lying about the dogs need to be sued, the fed govt should make them register the animal and carry an official card to show drivers/store owners etc

  7. 😂🤣😂 everyone check out rideshare guy, New short I think it’s called accept or decline long Uber and Lyft trips. Sergio specifically mentioned me in it although everything he said, was bullshit and was not what I said that guy is a straight up 🤡. I told him I make $30 an hour declining 97% of the garbage offers and if I didn’t have to decline 97% I could make 40 to 50 an hour but that’s not what he was saying in the short at all. He’s mad at me for asking questions that he creates the atmosphere for.😂🤣😂
    If you have any concerns about Sergio’s attitude towards drivers changing recently, don’t mention it he’ll get mad and definitely don’t say you want to get paid better. He’ll go and make a short saying that you want to make $80 an hour.

  8. I fell asleep sometime after the ketchup in the trunk conversation. All of a sudden, I woke up in my office chair with a stiff neck. 😆

  9. drivers can report to TNC & TDLR instances where they have not been paid or underpaid; unsafe passengers & inadequate safety handling; harassment and discrimination from passengers and from Uber & Lyft, licensing violations and drivers can report instances where they believe they have been unfairly deactivated or suspended from the platform & yes they can get sued for retaliation

  10. yea don’t rent. im renting and it doesn’t make sense. but never take garbage. if you have 6 rides a day wait for the best 6 rides. you gonna decline, decline and then eventually you start getting paid.

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