ČUDNE PRIČE 187 – MALI ILIJA i otac sa dušom kockara‼️

Dear friends, tonight we are going to deal with a case that somehow, despite being very shocking, remained in the background because of everything that unfortunately happened to us in the recent period before this event. In fact, the events from the Ribnikar school and the massacre that took place in Mladenovac

Somehow put this event on the back burner. And he must be talked about and he must not be forgotten. Namely, on June 14, 2023, around 7:00 p.m., a nine-year-old boy was found murdered in the Banovo brdo neighborhood of Belgrade. And it is about Ilija Jaramazović. Who is this nine-year-old boy?

Ilija Jaramazović was born on March 6, 2014 in Belgrade. His parents were Dragan Jaramazović and his mother Marija Branković. Both father and mother were policemen who worked in Belgrade, each in their own department. My father worked in the Belgrade Brigade on Banovo Brdo. The birth of this boy

Crowned the extramarital relationship of these two police officers who had met a year before and who adored the Red Star. Whether this love for the Red Star led to the acquaintance of these two young police officers, I don’t know now. But it is possible that it was so.

And who are the parents of this little Ilija? Mother Maria was born in 1980 in Majdanpek. She finished elementary school there, and most likely high school as well. And she grew up in a classic working-class family, as is

Majdanpek as a whole. She lived with her father, mother and brother. Even as a girl she was tomboyish. She liked football, she liked to play men’s games, say marbles, to play football. And she fantasized about becoming a soldier one day. In fact, she wanted to enroll in a military high school. However, her

Mother Slavica, most likely because of the events in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo, did not want her to be a member of the Serbian army. She thought that this girl should be engaged in some other job that is not so dangerous. Maria always dreamed of working in uniform. Even after

The October changes in 2000, there were changes in all structures of society, including the police. The European Union has demanded that a certain percentage of Mup members be female. And of course Mup organized the further education of a large number of girls. And for that first generation of women

Or girls who joined Mup, Maria was also there. Since she passed the psycho-physical test well, she was sent to study in Sremska Kamenica. She was there for a year. She graduated from the police school. And as one of the better students, she was assigned to the largest police administration, actually the

Administration of the city of Belgrade. And not in any, but in the traffic administration. Her home station was the Zapad traffic police station on Topčiderska Zvezda. From the very beginning, Maria showed certain results. Considering that she liked to do the work she started

Doing, she was assigned to the city center. Many of us remember her as a striking and beautiful policewoman who worked at the corner of Pop Lukina and Brankova streets. In fact, it is one of the busiest intersections in Belgrade. Maria was an excellent police officer. And she stopped all

The traffic to bring home the little puppies. Of course , some taxi drivers who know how to be grumpy sometimes, even towards the policemen, immediately came out . But this time they were laughing. They approved of that gesture and

Applauded. The GSP driver also got out, as did all the passengers from the bus. And there, at the corner of Brankova Street and Pop Lukina, thunderous applause rang out. All the taxi drivers in the city found out about this , because they immediately

Informed their colleagues via their radio connection that there is a new policewoman who is so nice and who also takes care of the animals. The taxi drivers who were working their shift at that time came to greet this girl who was working there by passing by

And playing music as a sign of greeting. She became the face of this part of the city. And of course the television came out to record this girl. And while a TV crew was recording an interview with Maria, an elderly lady came up and said: “Mako, could I ask you to

Take my cigar that I left in the grocery store after your shift? Because I can’t take it home .” .” And Maria said: “Yes, of course.” When the lady left, the presenter asked the policewoman, actually Maria: “Excuse me, do you know this lady?”

He says: “Yes, it’s a lady from the neighborhood. And since she can’t take things home from the market, I always take them to her apartment.” It simply caused enthusiasm. And while they were still filming the interview , a man with crutches came by, waved at Maria and said: “Maria, please can you

Take me across the street?” And Maria went and took that man across the street. If a director had edited it, it wouldn’t have turned out like that. Maria is actually a wonderful person. And she had to be noticed by

Everyone. Of course, this kind of word spreads quickly. He reached her elders even faster . And whenever there was some big fuss in the city, actually some event like holding a game or something like that, Maria worked even though it wasn’t her shift. They knew she wouldn’t protest because she likes

To work. And if her shift didn’t arrive on time, Maria would stay as long as needed. She knew that she worked as needed for the job and all day, whether it was minus 15 or + 35, because she adored the police uniform and that job. During that

Period, Maria also had a boyfriend, Žarko, about whom we do not know much, but she was in love with him. She was constantly in touch with her mom and dad. She said that she has no intention of returning with a pre-order for

Majdanpek because her boyfriend also supports her for her work in Belgrade. And that she plans to start a family here in the capital. Both mother Slavica and father Sima supported her in that story. And she continued to work and live in Belgrade. However, where exactly Marija lived during that period in Belgrade, I

Admittedly am not aware of how it all works. But according to some written rule, how it worked before, and I am convinced that even today, Maria as a girl, as a policewoman who had just started working, must have been placed in some single police hotel for

Mup members. The largest singles hotel, and it was for the traffic police in Belgrade, was located on Bežanijska kosa. And considering that the girls also started working, I assume that one part of that huge hotel was remodeled for the needs and use of young female colleagues who started working

In the police in those years. They had everything secured there. They are double rooms with meals included. There are nice sports fields around the hotel. And it is most likely that during that period, when Maria was having fun with her boyfriend Žarko,

She was accommodated in that hotel or in one of the similar police hotels in the city. From the moment she came to this city, Marija loved Belgrade with all her heart and soul. And Belgrade also fell in love with her. Maria actually

Gained a wide circle of friends who came from all social spheres of this city. And most likely in those police hotels where Marija was accommodated, she also met Dragan Jaramazović. And if it was actually Dragan Jaramazović? Dragan Jaramazović was a young police

Officer born in 1980 in Subotica. He grew up in this city. And later he finished the police school and was assigned to work in the city of Belgrade. And not just anywhere, but in the police brigade of the city of Belgrade. It is

A special police unit that serves to maintain public order and peace at large gatherings. Whether it is a demonstration or, say, a concert of a big rock star like Sting or the Rolling Stones, whether it is a big football match or any gathering, the police brigade

Must be present. Dragan Jaramazović also worked in this brigade. And not anywhere but in the operational center of this brigade. That’s actually what the most capable members of the brigade do. Not the most capable in the sense that they are now supermen, but they are people who need to make

The right decision within a second at a given moment. So, in the absence of commanders and other elders, they change them and maintain communication with the security coordinators who are in the field, regardless of whether they are horsemen or, say, guys for breaking up demonstrations, the so-called

“turtles.” By the way, Dragan Jaramazović, like all members of the brigade, was involved in some kind of sport. They usually like practical shooting, horseback riding, skiing and playing football. These guys are also known for many other extreme sports such as scuba diving, kayaking, and

Some do skydiving. Being in this police brigade is actually a privilege. And they are somewhere between members of the police hierarchy those of the most elite special police brigades such as Saj and the gendarmerie and, for example, the intervention police that is at the city level from

November 29. However, Dragan loved nature and loved sports related to nature, above all fishing and cycling. He dreamed of taking part in the famous Tour de France one day. And you, my dear, are in full throttle. All inclusive everything. Now yes.. While the child is sleeping, dad is practicing.

Let’s smile one for Facebook.. The Jaramazovics are mostly athletes. The ones I managed to find through social networks are all well-known athletes in their places, who mostly live in the north of Bačka. Dragan, while preparing for some big cycling races, participated in many smaller races.

And unfortunately for him, he didn’t achieve anything special anywhere. But he believed in himself. And he always bought the best cycling equipment, which of course is too expensive. And also when he went fishing he bought the best fishing gear. This man was a perfectionist. And he

Liked to put it all together and keep it in certain places. I even think that at a very young age he started to show signs of OCD, which occurs much more often in men than in women. Dragan actually had one big problem in his life. He never met his

Father. Some members of the police even say that Dragan grew up in a home for neglected children. Now, let me be honest, of course not wanting to offend anyone who grew up in those homes, because on the contrary, I met physical education teachers who grew up in homes for neglected

Children. I also met a top surgeon from Niš who grew up in a home for neglected children. But I have not met a single member of the police, nor an officer who grew up in such conditions. I cannot say whether Dragan from the home was later hired for the police school in Kamenica.

This young man completed police training and found himself in one of the most elite police departments of the Mup of the Republic of Serbia, that is, in the police brigade of the city of Belgrade. When he met Marija Branković, Dragan was fascinated by her beauty. In 2013,

Maria also liked him. They started dating. And later they started living together, albeit in a rented apartment. This young and beautiful couple soon had their only son, Ilija. And from the first moment when Dragan took his son in his arms, he became so attached to him that it was simply

Unbelievable. Of course, his mother Maria also loved him. But Dragan became so attached that he believed that his son should be everything that he could not achieve in his childhood and in his fantasies. His adoration of his son was characterized by some kind of narcissism. He

Became convinced that this boy must be the other him. He experienced little Ilija as his own clone. And not as a special person and as a completely different human being who can have completely different understandings of life and interests. Come on, love for sports and football is OK. Even

As a girl, Maria loved football. Later, after arriving in Belgrade, he regularly attends every football match of the Red Star football club. Maria adored Zvezda and was an ardent fan of Zvezda. Dragan also adored Zvezda. He believed: “God in heaven, Star

On earth.” He normally transferred that love to his son Ilija. Ilija also fell in love with football. And that’s OK. I believe that every normal boy should love football and basketball. Because children have to play sports in order to learn what responsibility, endurance, and discipline really are. However, Dragan believes that

Now little Ika should also love fishing because he loves fishing. And he believes: “If Ilija is my son, it is normal that he likes such things.” And then he takes the child there through some channels: “Now this fish is fished like this, that fish is

Fished like that. Then we release the fish back into the water, imagine a wish. And the main wish is for Zvezda to beat Partizan.” At the end came a nice one. I mean beautiful, every carp is beautiful in its own way. A small, beautiful fighter.

Now we’re going to let him go like everyone else. Let’s kiss him first. Come on, come on.. Wow.. He used every free time to take his son to some canal where he was fishing and to spend the whole day with his son. And in the whole

His mother was absolutely not involved in his recreation with the child. I believe that Dragan made a big mistake here from the very beginning. Do you have that one? Nothing, no carp. Come on, fight. Spin now spin a little spin spin blinker spin. Don’t pull the strings. Don’t take pictures.

I don’t take pictures.. Come on spin. As for cycling, since the birth of his son, Dragan stops cycling and sells all his expensive equipment, even though his wife Marija supports him in cycling. Although she knew that he would not do anything significant, she gave him absolute support

Because she loved him. Well, wait, that’s it, that’s a video. You’re in shape, nothing. And here is the preparation for the Tour de France. However, Dragan is now starting to engage in some other free activity that is not really commendable for an ordinary person, let alone

A member of the police. Dragan starts to engage in sports betting on so-called fixed matches. And he even makes public announcements about how he won money on a certain hit. And he praises some forecasters there who gave him that tip. He announced it publicly. And we all know that those who

Set up those matches are actually organizers of fake betting. They also need people who are engaged in any public work. Of course, it can also be a member of the police, but to instill confidence in other naive players, the so-called sheep. And in that story, he is

The leader of the ram who needs to bring those sheep to the wolves for shearing. And now he says: “I got RSD 500,000 on the tip that Pera Perić gave me.” And then I publicly thank Pera: “Pero, all the best to you. For the money I got

From you, I’m taking my wife and child to the sea, let’s say to Egypt.” And that is now a real bait for some hundred people who follow the events in that particular betting shop. In order for him to show how much money he has, he really gets a few hundred

Thousand RSD from those players who fix the betting. However, the condition is that he shows that money and behaves arrogantly in their betting shops, which include electronic gambling machines and, of course, electronic roulette. Now that Dragan has received money from the bosses, he spends it on

Electronic roulette. And the unwritten rule is that the mother never cursed her son for gambling, but for trying to get out when he goes into the red. I don’t know a single person who got rich playing electronic roulette. Everyone went into the red and into big debts. In the end, they were often

Forced to borrow large amounts of money from greengrocers as well. This is where the big problem begins . Dragan was a good police officer. They say a very intelligent boy with promise. But the gamble dragged him into the quicksand. The

More he tried to pull himself out of it, the more he failed without him even noticing. His wife Maria noticed his deterioration, which he did not notice . And more and more frequent quarrels began between the two of them. Namely, they had different political beliefs. Marija

Branković, his wife, was an extreme leftist, while Dragan was right-wing. Those different understandings alone don’t necessarily mean that there can’t be love between two young people, but it was a gap that was widening more and more between the two. I believe that Maria

Tried in every possible way to bring her husband to his senses and to convince him to stop gambling and not to spend large amounts of money on something that does not exist. And that’s exactly what he was doing. He was trying to beat electric roulette.

I mean, total madness. And he fell into great debt. And of course the Greens chased him. And now he would take from one to give back to the other, and from what he takes to give back to this one, he would take a little more to have for the gamble,

Calculating: “I will make a lot of money now. In the end, I will also get lucky, so now I will , not only to pay back, but also to prove to Maria that I know how to make money.” He was only creating a problem that had no solution. Although

Dragan tried to act like a man who was not troubled by financial problems, he acted like a cold-blooded boy, in general these problems really bothered him. And he actually didn’t care that he was taking and pouring from the hollow into the empty. Even once while he was in a big market he

Bought a product and look what he says: “You are suffering from depression, lack of money, you are trampled by a sea of ​​problems, Do not despair, just for you a multi-purpose rope for everything RSD 139.99. Is this normal for you? It sounds like a joke, but it’s not a joke. This

Is spoken by a member of the police, an officer of the police brigade, a man who is in charge and who is under oath to save other people’s lives. He advises people that if they have a problem, they should solve it in the simplest way.

One of the biggest problems of the Republic of Serbia is that it is at the very top of European countries in terms of the number of suicides. Last year we had 1,400 suicides. And 60% of that by hanging. And now, if this advice was given

By a member of a satanic sect, I would understand it, but a member of the police brigade to post something like this on social networks should be ashamed of him. And not only that, but I am surprised that his superiors did not initiate any disciplinary proceedings against him, and even

Suspend him. It is a disgrace and a shame, not only for this man but also for the entire MUP, because he wears their uniform. And they see a policeman through him and not an ordinary man. I assume that when Maria saw this

Post of his, she was also in total shock. I’m sure of that, knowing how much Maria loves people, how much she loves human life and how much she values ​​it, I guarantee that she was speechless. Fortunately, little Ilija did not know how to read at the time, to see what

His dad was posting on social networks. Because Elijah also had the soul of his mother and knew how to love and suffer. It is that soul that is really worth something. However, Dragan did not want to take down that post. And he thought it was really funny. Just one month later, Dragan,

Marija and Ilija go to the sea. Now we are like migrants on Paradise Island. Let’s go to Paradise Island. That would be it. Let’s go to an island paradise … On that vacation, the two tried to mend things in their marriage. And that seemed to be the case.

However, after returning from the sea, Dragan immediately went to the betting shop and started “Jovo again from hollow to empty”. Although this man told himself when he had a son that he would be the best father in the world because he didn’t

Have a father, this behavior of his shows that he was actually the only thing that mattered to him in life. He is self-sufficient. And he thought that this son also existed for his sake. And not that he now, as a father, should carry out the mission

Of raising that son and educating him. How could he be an exemplary father to his child if he didn’t leave the casino? Absolutely mission impossible. And now that Maria has realized that there is no cure for her husband and that

There is no salvation for her marriage, she has decided to shorten that agony. But Dragan, most likely through his connections that he acquired while working in the police brigade, decided to spite his wife Maria and that he get custody of the child. And that’s exactly what he did. He had better connections,

He made his wife into a woman who is dangerous for that child. He even reported her for domestic violence that she allegedly assaulted him. I don’t know a single member of the Special Police Unit, any brigade, without

His wife beating him. I haven’t heard that yet. And this man reports it to the court without any shame or shame . Most likely, he was advised by some lawyer from those casinos. And he gave him advice which he accepted. And it was actually

A pact with the devil. And he consciously entered that story. Reports a woman for violence. He even asked that Maria be forbidden from approaching Dragan so that she would not endanger him. Imagine that scene. And of course she was forbidden to approach Dragan. At one point, Maria not only ended her

Extramarital union with her husband, but for a period she did not even know where her husband lived with the child. After that, they smoothed the relationship a bit. They agreed that the child would stay with him for a week and with Maria for a week. However, over time, Maria fell into some financial

Problems. She even had to cancel her apartment where she lived. She lived with some of her friends, and she often slept in the police station where she worked, actually in the West traffic police station. I believe that her husband forced her, without anyone even knowing, to

Take out some loans and loans in order to pay him supposedly for the child and for everything he needs. And if he had used the same money to repay his debts to greengrocers, of course he would still be gambling. She even did it publicly

Said that he called several times for this loan, and for the one that she knew how to get from her friends. She gave it to him thinking that in this way she was not giving money to her ex- husband but to her child. However, he used that money as he

Used it. The child never even complained to her that he was suffering some kind of violence or neglect from his father. On the contrary, he always took the child with him. He posted joint photos from Zvezda matches on his profile. Everyone thought he was an exemplary and good

Single father. And they even praised him. Let’s celebrate the birthday. He is late because of corona. There’s a crowd outside. Don’t worry, there will be people for half an hour. Little Ilija, of course, went to school in the meantime. He was an excellent student. He finished the first

Grade, he also finished the second grade. And at the end of that second year, the tragedy happened in Ribnikar on the third of May. We all know what happened there and how much it all shook us. We still cannot forget a single

Tear that was shed for those children. We are still suffering from what happened there. And often we shed another tear. This event not only shook us elders, it had a great impact on the children as well. Among other things, on

Little Ilija. Ilija Jaramazović could hardly wait for the end of the school year. After he graduated with honors, his mother asked him: “Iko, what do you want your mother to buy you? Do you want a new soccer ball?” He said: “Mom, I don’t need

Anything, it’s important that I’m alive. And it’s important to me that I survived this school year.” Then she said: “Elijah, child, what are you talking about?” “Well, mom, you see what happened to this little girl in Ribnikar. It could happen to me tomorrow too.”

The mother was in shock. She hugged her son and said, “Son, don’t be afraid. The school year is over, and that will never happen again. Even the president himself said that the police will guard the schools. You will be safe, too. And after all, your dad’s a cop. And you have nothing to

Fear.” And Ilija smiled for the first time in several days. He shed tears again for those children from Ribnikar, he hugged his mother and said: “Mom, I’m still happy to have you as a mother who will protect me. And

I also have a policeman father who loves me and who will protect me from all evil . But not only me, but also all my classmates.” Ilija was the happiest child in the world that day. He felt safe. He has a policeman mother, a

Policeman father. And he considered his father a superhero. In his too clever little head and in his tiny pure soul, little Ilija did not notice that his father was behaving more and more strangely. To have some long strange conversations with some unknown people both during the day and at night. And which

Last indefinitely. And to constantly mention hunting, hunting and hunting. His father was in serious trouble. He could no longer borrow money from anyone, neither from greengrocers nor from friends, because he owed money to everyone. He was deeply in debt. He had the biggest debts in casinos, which

Grew day by day with interest. Dragan had no solution to this crisis. And he thought of a way out in the worst possible way. What he advised some people a few years ago, he decided to implement. In fact, his OCD diagnosis took its toll. And he found himself in that percentage

Of people who, in a way that is almost branded by all religions as the greatest mortal sin, decided to float to the surface and be saved. To go to another world. And don’t let me be misunderstood, if that’s what he decided, he should have

Done it. But that he should not lead anyone on that path, least of all the one who loved him the most in the world. And nobody loved Dragan Jaramazović more than his son Ilija. And in his rented apartment on Banovo

Brdo he put his child to sleep. And while it was supposedly sleeping, he shot his beautiful child’s head with his official pistol while the little angel was sleeping and not realizing that the monster father would send him

Straight to heaven at that moment long before his time. And then he takes his own life with the same gun that the state gave him to protect other people’s lives . He is a simple nit. Instead of giving the child

To his wife, if nothing else, at least that unfortunate woman would now have a living one son and would have 70% of his salary, which the child would have received until he turned 18 or until the end of his schooling. Imagine if he, God forbid, was one of those

1,000 Magnificents who are supposed to be watching other people’s children in schools. And that at that moment something clicked in his brain. I don’t know if he showed any gaffes? Did he have any tics there at work? Have colleagues noticed his strange behavior? I simply cannot believe that members

Of the police brigade do not have regular check-ups with psychologists. I simply cannot believe that a man who was entrusted with leading an action in which hundreds of his colleagues participate and the lives of thousands and thousands of other people are saved decides to do something monstrous like this, just because

He had no way out of some of his financial situations, or would take revenge on his ex-wife. An incomprehensible story. And it happened somehow at that moment when we were all still talking about whether little Costa was mentally sound or not. No expert has yet given their final opinion on the child

Who did something terrible. This event is done by a police officer in a no less monstrous way. Even much worse. Because he is educated, trained and has been a member of the service for 21 years. He is actually a member of the police brigade whose

Main task is to protect other people’s lives and the constitutional order. And that’s why they were given service weapons and a good salary after all. But no police salary can withstand outsmarting electronic roulette balls. Police pay is meant for normal people. Those who want to live a luxurious life, and have not

Inherited large sums of money from their parents, then do not need to ask for an official badge from the state and a weapon. Instead, they should get their own weapons. And let them be on the other side. And let them be

Prepared to spend the rest of their lives in prisons or end up in obituaries. This monster father to whom the state gave everything, and would have given him even more as a single father, decided to put not only himself

But also his son, whom he supposedly loved the most in the world, on the pages of the obituary. The whole of Belgrade was in shock, both the police and the people. Everyone recounted from mouth to mouth and from place to place what actually happened a few days later at

The Bežani cemetery and what a sad funeral it was. Members of the Zapad police station came to escort their colleague’s child to the other world. The little one was in a white box, music was playing. But it was not a death march, but it was the famous

Red Star fan song: “And in the sky where I am going, my Red Star shines.” Little Ilija was buried with this song. And on top of his little white chest was a Red Star scarf. Little Ilija was buried in the jersey and tracksuits of the football club Crvena Zvezda. A soccer ball

Was also placed . It was bought by the officers of the Zapad police station. The entire funeral and everything surrounding the funeral was paid for by these guys. The entire Bežanija hair was talking about how they had funerals and funerals, but they had not had such a funeral until then

. The mother’s wail overpowered everything and could be heard all the way to the center of New Belgrade. That was heartbreaking. A mother crushed by pain does not know what to do for herself. Even now, she spends more time at the Bežani cemetery than she

Devotes to her work. I don’t even know if it will ever be able to work properly again . This woman is devastated. This woman who was once a symbol of the traffic police on the streets of Belgrade experienced a terrible blow of fate

With the help of her monster husband. This woman is a brave woman. And I believe that she will return, not only to the service but to life because she deserves it. She has to live, she has to give courage by her example

To other mothers who are unfortunately left without their children. And her son will be waiting for her in heaven all that time. And maybe he will play football with the angels in the same jersey in which his mother saw him off to them. And I hope that at this

Moment little Elijah is really in heaven. As I hope and deeply believe that his father’s soul is burning in the last circle of hell. And of course he never got out of it. Dear friends, I have said as much about this case

As my emotions allow. Maybe I should have said many more things about all this, but believe me it’s not easy for me. And I may have missed many things . However, you must know that this case has been bothering me since the day of

When it happened. I had to tell you this and share this story with you because I consider you part of my team. And that’s why I ask you, as before, to write your opinion about all this in your comments. And until the next Strange Story, I greet you.

ČUDNE PRIČE 187 – MALI ILIJA i otac sa dušom kockara‼️

Mali Ilija je bio jedinstveno dete, izrazito saosećajan i inteligentan. Voleo je da crta i da igra fudbal. Voleo je “Zvezdu” i maštao je o tome kako će kad poraste biti fudbaler ili policajac kao njegovi roditelji…

U ovoj crnoj godini stradalo je previše dece i nijedno od njih ne sme biti zaboravljeno. 💔

Ako nekad sretnete njihove roditelje, priđite im i zagrlite ih, porazgovarajte sa njima, podelite sa njima tugu…

00:00 Čudne priče
00:51 Tog dana
01:09 Ko je bio Ilija?
02:18 Majka Marija
03:27 Zaposlenje
04:21 Saobraćajna policija
06:21 Tv ekipe
10:01 Život na Bežaniji
11:00 Ko je bio Dragan?
12:23 Zaposlenje
13:40 Sportovi
17:18 Zajednički život
18:25 Rođenje Ilije
19:26 Fudbalske utakmice
21:23 Pecanje
23:10 Klađenja
24:57 Rulet
26:39 Svađe u kući
30:55 Odlazak na more
33:22 Starateljstvo
35:41 Pozajmice za dugove
38:11 Kraj školske godine
41:36 Kobna odluka
44:04 Kolege u čudu
46:33 Sahrana
49:23 Podrška Mariji


  1. SVIMA DA BUDE JASNO ZBIR SVIH BROJEVA NA RULETU JE 666 (mislim da vam to sve govori) Poštovanje Braco. Mislim da se nisam potresao i zaplakao ovoliko , Još od emitovanja slučaja (malog andjela) Smaja Ćešira . Snimak na 28:07 izgleda jezivo.Čak sam pomislio posle tvoje konstatacije da,su mu na videu čak i ekstremni satanisti pozavideli…
    Zašto si monstrume mučki uskratio pravo na život maloga dečaka? Jel,zbog kocke ,novca,dugova i tvojih iz kladionice "drugova" ubio si ono što je svim NORMALNIM LJUDIMA centar sveta i u životu najmilije? Ti pi*do ljigava gori u paklu u najgorim mukama … Šta li ti je skrivilo dete koje je tek počelo da živi , zašto si mu životni vek ti smrade odredio??? ŠTO psihopato (kako si kazao) uže sebi oko vrata nisi samo stavio i rešio probleme??? Već prvo uradio si što je NORMALNOM ČOVEKU najjezivije ,što se nisi samo za uže opredelio? Čime te je to uvredio , pa si ga u raj preselio???

  2. kockar i psihopat je vjerojatno dobijao prijetnje smrću i njemu i sinu i kao luda glava " e neće nama presuditi niko drugi ,nego ja".malo je htio da se igra boga" ja ga stvorio,ja ga i uništavam".lik je bio bolestan,a neko je morao znati pročitati i protumačiti znakove pored puta,moralo se signalizirati odgovarajućim institucijama,međutim"boli me briga,to nije moj problem"kako mnogi danas gledaju na devijantna ponašanja pojedinaca u najbližem okruženju–i zato se nažalost i događaju ovakva zla.moramo svi aktivirati moždane vijuge u svim,ali baš svim situacijama i posrnulim osobama na neki način bar pokušati ukazati ako smo uočili da je stanje alarmantno.neka nam je Bog svima na pomoći.analizirajući ove čudne priče ne mogu se oteti dojmu da nečastivi svoje igre vrlo uspješno igra,a u ostvarenju rezultata evo vidimo neki su svojevoljno izabrali pomoči tom istom.

  3. Zalosno je jer zakon u ovakim slucajevima drugacije ne reagiea,svim kockarima treba zabranit da vidaju svoju djecu jer to su ljudi koji imaju psihicki problema i koji vole samo sebe,a koji su manipulatori tek o tom ne treba ni pricat imam djete iz takvog braka i znam o cemu pricam,ali daba sve koliko god da se obracas ustanovama i drzavi oni jednostavno smatraju da to nìje stetno za djete jer kako oni kazu ne zlostavlja ga,a nedaj boze kad se nesto desi svi dizu ruke od tog,mislim da puno vise treba pricat na ovu temu jer kocka je gora od bilo koje ovisnosti to najbolje znaju oni koji su to prosli i zivjeli s takvim ljudima.

  4. Nije mi jasno zasto je EU trszila od Srbije da zaposljava i zene u policiji. To bi trebala licno Srbija da odlucije kad vec nismo u EU a i verovatno nikada necemo ni biti .


  6. Pozdrav Braco,prvi put pisem komentar Za Vas rad i imate moje puno postovanje. Jel bi mogli da obradite jedan slucaj koji se desio pre 4-5 godina o jednom decaku koji se ubio iz puske. Danilo iz Majdanpeka. Hvala

  7. Ziveti sa takvim covekom je pravi pakao.To nisu ljudi,gori su od svake zivotinje.Puni su sebe,smatraju da su najpametniji,najbolji u svemu,strucnjaci da lazu i okrecu price uvek u svoju korist.Oni su u stanju i psihologa da naprave ludim jer su psihopate na svoj nacin.U sebi nemaju ljubavi ni za koga,njih vode demoni…To sto je sebi oduzeo zivot trebao je i pre rodjenja malog Ilije.Mala duso neka te andjeli cuvaju a majci zelim svu snagu da izdrzi bol i tugu.Veliki zagrljaj za majku a vama G.Braco hvala za svaku tuznu pricu koju objavite.Gde sudstvo mora nauciti u ovakvim slucajevima kome dodeljuje decu,da otvore duple oci…Pozdrav iz Offenbacha

  8. Izvini Braca ali onaj ko kocka ne može biti desničar jer desničari su konzervativni i kocka se kosi sa konzervativizmom on je mogao biti samo praznoglavi ljevičar

  9. Dječica iz Ribnika, mala Vanja, mali Ilija…srce mi se steze. Zbog njih i njihovih roditelja koji su ostali u patnji..
    Pokoj im vjecni, nevinoj djeci kojima je život ukraden😢

  10. Saslušala sam ovaj slučaj kao i svaki do sad. Ovde mi je jako zaparalo uši činjenica da ako ima dobre veze, može sve. Čak i da se dete oduzme majci i da ocu kockaru. Tu je bila i najveća greška. Jer i te "veze" su znale kakav je to čovek. Prosto danas se ništa sakriti ne može, pogotovo on to ni krio nije. Takođe i te "veze" koje su pomagale neka nose to malo i nevino dete na duši. On otac bio nije, jer ako nekoga voliš ne dižeš ruku na njega nego ga od svega braniš. Taj iz pakla nikad izaći neće, ima Boga. A majci, nikad se od toga ne oporavlja samo se preživljava sa tim do kraja života. Njoj mnogo snage želim.

  11. Evo me na pauzi na poslu i odgledah zavrsetak dok sam vecinu videa odslusao, rasplakah se . Andjele mali neka te andjeli cuvaju, mami zelim puno puno snage da se digne i nastavi dalje makar znog svog sincica ako nista. ❤NEKA MU JE LAKA ZEMLJA

  12. Gospodine Braco , pisao sam vam nekoliko puta do sada , dali bi mogli obraditi priču o ubistvu , Batočanina i Škrbe , naravno ako postoji mogućnost , znam da je to bilo politicko ubistvo , nabi želio da imate neprijatnosti

  13. Pozdrav Braco i cela ekipa Agamemnon produkcije,volela bi da uradite slucaj o Gypsy Rose,jako je zanimljiv slucaj i danas je izasla iz zatvora, pozdrav iz Kragujevca i išcekujem Vas odgovor!!!☺️

  14. Strašno. Da li je neko pozvao na odgovornost sudiju i socijalnu službu. Mogu i nadležni u policiji da odgovaraju jer su odgovorni za psihofizičko stanje kao i ispravan rad svojih službenika. Jednom rečju propao sistem.

  15. Znala sam mnogo ljudi koji su bili u toj brigadi,ali njega ne. Sve sam rekla uzivo kad sam gledala . Nadam se da ce Marija nekako smoci snage da nastavi zivot .zbog onih kojima je bitna i koji je vole.


  17. Poštovanje Braco. Gledam i gledao sam do sada sve šta ste ikad objavili. Jako me rastužilo to sto nevino biće izgubi život radi budale. Moj otac je bio policajac, pošten i časna čovjek, koji je ostao siroče sa samo dva mjeseca, moj djed je poginuo, baba je otišla u Njemačku raditi, a mog oca su podigli tetak i tetka, završio je školu za unutarnje poslove, 78.godine počeo je raditi u specijalnoj tada miliciji u Zagrebu, u Šimunskoj, gdje je i bila škola. Nije imao ni oca ni majku pored sebe cijeli život, a meni je dao svu ljubav koju je mogao dati, iako nikad nije osjetio pravu roditeljsku ljubav. Moj otac je moj idol, moj ponos, moj Bog. Čovjek kojem bezuvjetno vjerujem, uvijek me štitio, iako je sad penzioner, i dalje je tu da mi pomogne i financijski i kao čovjek sa puno vise teškog životnog iskustva, a i dalje štiti i mene i moju djecu. Moj cilj je biti i čovjek i otac kao sto je moj otac. Zašto pišem ovo? Zato sto je moj otac imao sličan život kao djete kao i ovaj monstrum sto je ubio malog Iku. Nije to do toga kakav je tko život imao, nego kakav je tko čovjek. Ovaj monstrum je narcis, i nije zaslužio imati takvog malog anđela. Braco, želim Vam puno zdravlja i sreće u životu. Lp Miso

  18. Ah Boze Zar nam nije bijo dovoljan Rat jos nista nismo naucili svi koji ubijaju neduznu djecicu nek mu Bog sudi a i hoce
    Mali Ilija Andzele Mali
    Majki svu snagu od ❤

  19. Ovde je,verujem, maligni narcisticki poremecaj licnosti u pitanju. Najekstremnija podkategorija narcisoidnosti ,odlike psihopate,sa posebnim naglaskom na koncept tkzv. separacijskog narcisizma gde individua ima nisku toleranciju na odvajanje tj.separaciju od nekog objekta ili osobe. I bicu slobodna da Vam odgovorim gosp.Braco da je vrlo moguce a i vrlo verovatno da takve osobe sa poremecajem licnosti iz klaster B ,prolaze ceo zivot "ispod radara" okoline jer se ponasaju manipulativno,pogotovo u javnosti. Ovde nazalost imamo i sve druge elemente – grandioznost,potreba za kontrolom i moci i nedostatak empatije. Narcisticki poremecaj je poremecaj licnosti ,ne treba zaboraviti,i prisutni su ne samo u romanticnim odnosima ,vec i u roditeljskim gde svakako ubijaju svoje dete,da li polako psihicki gaslightingom,ili doslovce oduzmu zivot kao malom Iliji koji je sada nadam se na nekom lepsem mestu bez boli ❤

  20. Dobro vece Gospodine Braco prvo moram da kazem da ste jedan veliki Gospodin volim vasu emisiju I kako vi to punim srcem pricate svaku pricu sa puno emocija sto se dice ovog slucaja nije mi jasno kako neke ustanove mogu da uzmu Majci dijete I cak da da Dragan trazi da se Majci zabrani da vidja svoje dijete to samo ima dole kod nas u EU Zemljama se dobro prvo provjeri majka a I otac a ne samo na neke optuzbe o strane oca Bez dogaza da odvoje dijete od majce jel da je ustanova socijalno radio poso kako treba vidjeli bih da Dragan ima Poroke Kao sto je Klacenje Kocka I da ima Sifru neku. Pitam se kako da kolege nisu vidjeli primjetili da nesto sa Draganom nije uredu I Policajci idu na preglede kod psihologa nije mi jasno smatram da je Marija bila dobra Majka I da je svoj Poso radila Posteno sa punom Energijom jel je je volila daj Poso I da pomaze Drugima isto Je I Draganu hdjela da pomogne al on je trebo pomoc od psihijatra Ono sto je on sa strikom opjavio to ne radi normalna osoba a kamoli policajac to je vec trebo da bude alarm da se nesto sprema strasno sto se Dragana dice dobro ste Rekli Gospodine braco to je jedna gnjida od monstruma koji nije Imo pravo da nosi ime Oca jel pravi Otac za svoje dijete bih svoj zivot dao on stidi svoje dijete a ova gnjida je to malo stvorenje koje gledo svog Oca kao zastidnika I volio ga I vjerovo da ce ga cuvati izkoristio I ubio Rodjeno dijete. Ako da gnjida Dragan Monstrum nije vidio izlaz iz svoji problema u koji se sam uvalio I ako mu se nije zivjelo trebo je se ubiti jel je svedno kukavica a to dijete je trebo da ostavi da zivi nije dijete krivo sto ima Monstruma oca Jadna Marija koja padi za svojim Sinom I kojoj je to isto dijete uzete bez prava neka se svi ustanove stide zavili su jednu Zenu u crno ne do Bog nikome I ja sam Majka I bol koji Marija nosi I koji ce morati da nosi ne zelim nikome mali Ilija nek pociva u miru a Draganu da gori u Paklu sto je jadnom Iliju uzeo zivot dijetetu koji je vjerovalo u svog Oca uzas.😢😢😢😢

  21. Ne podnosim emisije u kojima deca umiru,al na zalost to je surova stvarnost o kojoj ne sme da se cuti. Cinjenica je da ljudi koji pricaju o samoubistvu ti i urade i zato je ovog coveka davno trebalo uzeti pod lupu a ne jos mu i dete dodeliti,upravo su te veze i vezice mozda i presudile ovom malom andjelu.

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