➡️FIN DE AÑO DEL CANAL @Perfumisticos 2.023❗🎉🎊 🎇 🎁CONVERSANDO UN POCO CON VOSOTR@S❗#live

I don’t know what was happening to me, but I couldn’t open it, I already got the notification, eh, I don’t know what was happening, but the broadcast didn’t come out, so it was scheduled,

I had it scheduled. It’s the first time I programmed it and it was 10:30 and I’ve been trying for 5 minutes now to see if I could see anything, they’re giving me the notifications that I’ve been in front of for 5 minutes

Like a Pam marote in front of what the camera is, the webcam that I do from the computer and and there was no way Well I think it can be seen I don’t want it either that

The issue of the lights is reflected a little I don’t think it’s okay eh Because I put the Lu citle and I saw that in the previous one well in the previous one direct because it reflected a little what the light bulb

Here is I think that already deposing in this position more or less like this I think it’s fine Well first of all eh it can be heard well because of course this this you always have to look at everything to make sure everything is going well eh

Here we see there are some there are some connected I see that they are already known also well good evening everyone I hope that the binge of The Christmas Eve and Christmas binge eh let’s say

A truce to start the next binge which will be the one of The Old night I want to be focused looking at the camera Well yes how’s everything how’s Christmas eh You already know how good Christmas

Is the holiday that some with family others without family and so on eh Well well sometimes they get long sometimes a little bit a little long depending Also many times Well we always remember the people who are missing and so on But well we always try to have the best time possible

And that’s what we’re in for eh They are very significant dates there are people who are very melancholy many memories missing those everything all the people, my grandfather and others, there is always

Someone missing who is good, unfortunately he is no longer with us, but hey, it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done. Well, as little as possible, then that is what it consists of, not only Well, this

Channel is just another hobby and it consists In that, always in sharing, you know life is sharing everything and well, sometimes you don’t see the happiness you want because it’s missing, well, many times, loved ones and so on. Part well

You enter is one of good health which is the important thing but well the most has come we always try to make sure that well that he doesn’t lack it he doesn’t lack that health which is the most important thing in the end in the end the as

They say the money goes and it comes, but man, if you’re not healthy, well, let’s go and read a little here, we see what Víctor García Ortiz says. Greetings, Víctor, happy holidays to all, starting the engines, Pedro Villanueva, Good night, good night, good night, everyone, José

Daniel Herrero, Heredia is It sounds good, a friend of mine eh, I did a review of, for example, that famous Jax, he gave it to me, eh, José José Daniel also gave me one from Zara, which is the only one

I have from Zara, eh, you’ll say why not too? review of Zara not good, it’s not a question of reviewing everything you see eh Ho I brought one to the Channel eh from the low cost you already know that the

Channel consists a little bit of that in low cost designer of all kinds and I brought one that It’s not that I’m going to do an Unboxing, but I bought it late and it’s very close to what, let’s say,

The last review I made. I have it here, it’s very, very low cost and I find it interesting because I’ve already smelled it and I think Later I will tell you the notes that I have here written down by

Him on the mobile phone that I have here this time I don’t see myself because if anything HM the other time I did have the screen thing and let’s see if I can see myself at least unless I watch a little yes let’s see

Now yes Now I have it I’m going with him with the video Eh well now I’ll tell you the notes eh later Here’s another another friend Also great a hug a hug too eh What’s up Cristian binge after

Binge Eh yes eh I try that eh it’s not good to eat too much either it’s not good either in fact to binge but it’s enough for one person to say it for the same thing to happen again I think you

‘re listening quite well anyway I have the thing here of the Jam microphone that I bought and I already said that I used it for the first time in the other live show and I think it can be heard quite a bit

Well I don’t know if you listen well out there yes they say that you can hear well okay And well if it consists of Christmas it is At the end of the day they are things eh They are for parties to have a good time In company

As I said eh some living beings are in It’s missing, eh, we miss the melancholy of the Christmas binges. Well, well, that’s always going to be the order of the day. There are many who are

Going to binge. It’s going to last many days, but it’s about food and some even about wine and so on and drinks But hey, we always try to do that so that we don’t overdo it with food and so on.

It’s not good to always do some sport. I’m not an example of course, but I have always been involved. I like sport and I have done many sports, such as cycling, swimming. and so on

, and the thing is that it’s sad to leave things, many times it’s sad to leave things behind, and we always start a new year, a new year, you end up eating the big one, and you always have a goal of Well,

Well, set new goals, set new goals, set yourself, for example. start Yes, well, you already know how to get in shape or study something Well, well, everyone has their goal, their objective in life, but it is always good. I think it is always good to learn from mistakes and then also from achievements,

Of course, but especially more of the mistakes then Many times well uh mistakes that have been made try to improve each year and so on one turns a birthday logically that also on the one hand it is good to have a birthday not everyone has to overcome the

Barrier of 40 as is my case and Well try one is more or less fine not in shape which is what I would like to be That’s all I propose but more or less the important thing as I have said I

Will say the same thing again health or Maybe on these dates we always miss that, well, I have already said it about our loved ones many times, so we try to, because of health issues, there are people who cannot be with us or have died or for reasons of health. of health

They cannot be with us either Because they are incapable of it Well, I am from the heart Well, if someone listens to it, it is live and they are in tune with what I am saying because they already

Know what I already know what I am going to What I mean is that health is always the main thing and I wish you many greetings from this perfume channel because the important thing is always, as I have said,

Health. I don’t want to be more repetitive but it is the important thing. So I don’t wish you anything that the subscribers The visitors of the Channel have health, that is, from this channel I instill in you that to

Continue. Well, some good habits, try that, well, eh, I lived day by day, no, I don’t know what to say, stagnate, but achieve new goals, eh, with respect to all this, well, let’s finish the year now obviously we are already 27 tomorrow 28 tomorrow Holy innocent

And Well, we already finished the year on Sunday and as I have said I wish you as always that I have already instilled it Already several times later in the community I have always always put always that I have put Well well

The news and so on and to always wish you happy holidays and everything else well eh we continue with this he says he says don’t binge says José Manuel Daniel her Heredia Cristian don’t binge Well it will be that Eh yes eh always like to eat obviously who I don’t believe That

‘s also one of the good things in life. Well, that’s always the case if you’re healthy. Because it’s going well, eat and maybe later you might get upset and you’ll regret it. But hey, go back to being in your daily life again.

Well, hey. This is a live show that I didn’t know if I was going to do or not, more than anything, well, that’s good to talk to you a little, eh. Let’s see how it was there in general and I don’t see anything.

Well, some of them interact more, others interact less, but well, keep counting. things like that I keep talking and so on I read all the I read all the comments eh By the way you have gained subscribers in that is something that one no longer obsesses over the subject of subscribers

Either one does not have to be repeating always the same always the same of the same already very repetitive eh he is always asking for the subscribers let’s see the time is limited we already

Know that here we are not dedicated to this not like others who will do very well but we are not we don’t dedicate ourselves to this This is a jovim more eh one of the a channel that recently just did last

Year last year yesterday eh what I was thinking about since last year I mean and in the end I decided it I’ve been thinking about it for a year and In the end I decided to do it, it’s a Well, a

Music channel and so on, a Hobby So eh I say it as I also put the community tab I say it some eh fan of the subject of music and other electronics Well, I have here the devices that I saw

Back here There are a few and well I have made a new channel I have made a new channel it is my channel eh @cris DJ music in case you are interested and so on and well it is a channel that I have made as a Hobby more like

The theme of perfumery one more job, so well, if anyone has a reference and feels identified, Well, there you see, I did a session a little like that to show some of the synthesizers. And well, what I come to say is that in this life, Well, yes, one has He’s having

Hobbies, he’s having things to do, new goals and so on, and in that, I created a channel there and nothing, and I’ve had a little over 100 views one day, which is not bad at all with three subscribers.

But, well, that’s it, it’s one thing that I wanted to do it like this, I had the idea of ​​that so it’s a novelty that I am and in Primicia saying for you and on the channel and nothing just that eh

Who is interested I put it in the in the tab in the community tab I put it in the community tab and apart from putting it in the community tab that I put it today this afternoon uh just after lunchtime uh I’ve also put a link it’s on the main page you see

The main page there’s a link and there you’ll see everything along with another channel, the free monkey jumping channel that I already belonged to since 2018 with my friend Andrés and Andrés Marín and Antonio José Lara, well, that channel that I made today eh Well, yesterday was, it hasn’t been 24 hours ago,

Nothing now. It’s just saying it and nothing more than a hobby like perfumery. What happens is that in that case I’m really more passionate about perfumery, it was like something like I’ve said

So many times, you start with a collection and so on. And let’s say, Well, encouraged too. Like, as I already said, as a friend, I did something like I already had another channel with two other friends, a

Perfume channel, and they reviewed something, and I started like that, and I jumped into the pool a little bit. Many times, I told you that if you want to make a channel Don’t wait either I say it I say it eh Don’t expect

Too much either to make a channel for tomorrow that everything is there let’s say that you have everything square that everything is positioned that the stars align no eh try if you really like something

In other words, if you like something, do it as soon as possible, if you have more or less time, not in my case either. But well, I like, let’s say share things in this case, because as I said about the

Fre Jamb channel in 2018, later I made this channel in December 2018. 2021 we have been with the channel for 2 years and well eh it has passed well time has passed the truth is and I have decided to make this third channel

This third channel of one that is already my own channel no longer a shared channel but my own channel nothing It’s simply sharing hobbies, sharing things, and what I’m saying is that I recommend that

If there is anyone who wants to make a channel, I’m not an example. Why else would I be talking about how today I would have in these two years? Well, maybe thousands of subscribers, something that has not

Even reached 1000, a goal that I was going to do in 2023 was to end with 1000 subscribers, we are at 700 or so, it has not been possible at all, at all, I am not disappointed with anything or

With anyone, that is not at all eh I’ve always said that It’s good that the interactions I like to interact with people I’m going to see if it’s good to tell you I’m also reading a little

Meanwhile because I have the bottle of water here that I left for a while the other time little to dry and everything Víctor García Ortiz tell you that this 2023 one of my surprises was the lemal elixir for nights out and this last week I acquired montblanc platinum And perfect for the

Office eh Let’s see I’m going to give you how to post messages Ah no it’s I wanted to do one thing and that is that I am unable to make the messages. I would like to but I’m not going to do it yet, the messages.

What are they saying to us if I’m not reading it all the time? I mean, the message that appears here in the tab in the chat, put it so that I can see everything, it hasn’t been possible,

No, I don’t think it’s bad, so Well, I’m reading and no. It doesn’t matter eh I have seen other channels I say I say [ __ ] eh you can put the what the message click Carlo and they see everything but well yes let’s see it

Yes I know which one is the one with the golden bottle you mean Victor Yes that one for outings nights and this last week the montblan platinum and it is perfect for the office okay Yes lemal elixir

I wanted to buy it it is not one it is not from Germany you have already seen on the channel that I do not have a review a lemal with lemal eh I will tell you an anecdote with lemal eh I think it came out around 90-something,

I don’t know if it was anecdotally, I think it was my first designer fragrance, the classic one with the green stripes and so on. That’s the classic one, I think it’s from the 90-something, 90-something. peak when I was a kid and that was my first my first designer fragrance that because then

In 97 98 uh it cost I don’t know if 97 98 99 it was around there if I remember correctly it cost a one pasture and well it was a one fragrance in toilet water in toilet water that they gave me, eh, I came with leem.

I got to the point of hating it because I bought it again and I think that the cinnamon note and that with the vanilla that it has, you know that The vanilla thing is very, very prominent in

That fragrance that I got. I got [__] to the point of disgust, so after buying it, I have it because it was the first one I had, I never said it, the first one they gave me was for kings

There . a lot of years ago and it was the first designer fragrance and I think that after buying it several times I was disgusted why I don’t know I don’t know because it turns out that vanilla

Isn’t something that I really liked either I don’t know if It’s that it’s reformulated over time because we’re talking about a fragrance that has Well, I don’t know if it’s around 20 or so years old, it’s

Around 20 or so years old for sure, it’s been reformulated several times and I don’t know if they put it in like The note was more cinnamon or vanilla or something like that, they added it stronger, they added

More cane and I stopped liking it. I have to review the La Alemal channel because they gave me this thing about buying a 7 ML miniature perfume. I think 7 ML I reviewed it on the channel because at the beginning,

Something I don’t do anymore H Well, from the first moment I have always come out with my face I know that other channels eh Not to criticize and other channels have more subscribers and they are not They don’t even see the face

Or anything, it doesn’t seem to me either, no, it’s not that it’s disrespectful, I’ve jumped into the pool, I don’t care, and I’ve told whoever likes this channel to be on it, and if it’s not, it’s not on, they like my It’s bad

And he doesn’t like it so he should go to other channels and I’ll say eh It’s not for criticism or such but I mean that I always like being in front of the public I think we see things better that way eh here there

Is nothing that is covered At the end of the day, there is nothing here that has to hide anything, so those types of channels, eh, I don’t think I like it. Seeing channels where you can’t see the person’s face, that is,

I think it seems like they’re hiding something or not. they dare out of shame and so on if you’re ashamed forget about making a channel that’s starting So if you already make the channel then do it well don’t go out give

Your opinions mistakes we all make because mistakes we all make and of course I’m the first it wasn’t going to be less and but at least it gives the feeling that if I don’t pull the microphone it gives the

Feeling that because it makes me angry, eh, the reviews that are made, no, you can’t see the person’s face and so on, I have made some reviews So about that guy I’m saying all this, I don’t want

To go through the hills of Úbeda, I’m talking about the fact that I’ve done a review of Lemal Lemal La Classica that doesn’t come to my face because I’ve done reviews of fragrance samples of This is what

A gift that I don’t do anymore because I see that I like to review directly with the bottle yal So at the beginning it didn’t have much fragrance, which I already have Yes, I don’t have enough

Because if you make a channel you have to have you have to have enough fragrance to which I come to refer that I do not like people who seem to cover themselves so well I did

With lemal a very quick review of these as I don’t know if I put a flash review or something like that and I put it as the typical thing on the shelf as you see a shelf of the year I put it like this more than anything good

So that the details could be seen also you I say that it is a it is a miniature So you can’t review a miniature either eh taking from the tripod and so on coming out of the tripod a

Miniature that is like that I mean they are Maybe 7 cm I think it is 7 8 cm a miniature of You’re welcome of little thing so I wanted to do it like this I have done some reviews of that type and they are let’s say

Quick reviews that do it and give Well well then review some some addict Well at lemal I don’t think I’m going to buy any lemal seen eh I see it lemal Elis I’ve tried it No it’s not one

That I liked No it’s not to criticize [ __ ] it’s just not I mean it seems to me I’m already saying that it was the first one I had as a designer I mean with that I say everything but now It’s like I got

A bit of a German handle, if you see, I have the review that comes out of the bathroom shelf, that is, it’s a quick review that I did like that with Well, that’s just a fair amount of time and I’m not going to

Say anything without desire, either. because I did it I always put effort into things I like to do things well either but I didn’t want to give it much importance either So if you see a

Quick review and so on, the alemal is a review, it’s the classic one, the elisir is the one of This year I know that I have tried this year’s No, it is not a no, the notes no do not match with me, the

Theme of cinnamon, I think the vanilla is a little too high and so on, no no, it does not agree with me, the theme of vanilla is something also no Well I have the Chanel I swear it does have

Vanilla but it’s just a different vanilla I don’t like what vanilla is let’s say eh I don’t like what sweetened vanilla is so you can get an idea eh I like vanillas that They are a little more subtle. The Chanel Ayur is one of my favorites. It has vanilla, a quite

Pronounced note, but it is different. It is also mixed a little with everything, with wood and so on . the cinnamon adds a lot of power to the vanilla and that’s what happens then the mon blan the mon blan kind of goes over there

I had the classic one the platinum I’ve tried it I know it’s the platinum because it’s the one in the bottle Blanca la montblan blanca la platinum which by the way she the perfumery they gave me uh the

One mon the montblan Explore and one I say [ __ ] if it’s from the first review I made I mean they gave me a sample I say why I want this many times until you have to ask them for

Samples because they don’t give you anything and this afternoon they gave me the la una mon blan precisely the monban Explore that I already have reviewed on the channel and it was one of the first reviews that I

I did on the channel and I have the 100 ML bottle and there is the montblanc platinum yes I like montblanc platinum Yes I like it and as it says Well perfect for the office no No we

Also label it is something that must be made clear Yes for the office It’s what one is referring to, it’s clear the issue of the office Eh yes, what do you mean by an office? Yes, of course, not everyone likes it, but for example, a worker who carries out construction work in

The street and so on, I think that everyone has the right, of course, and it wouldn’t be necessary to add any type of fragrance. I think that it is typical, the many channels, this one is for the office, this one is for good, some They even say outrageous things about low

Braga and flirting, they are the best for flirting, I don’t know what. And that honestly makes me sick, it makes me sick, and so on. Of course you have to pigeonhole the fragrance, there are more summer fragrances. There are more winter fragrances, many people can even debate with me the issue of there

Being more fragrant than the fragrance that does not have to have a fresher fragrance and let’s say the other ones are more intense and so on. I mean, I mean, there is, I mean. There is one that I’m trying

To see, there is one but it doesn’t have to be classified for a specific time or for going to a specific job or for whether the season is warm or whether the season is cold, whether it’s winter or a

Summer season no Eh I think that each one can go perfectly with any type of fragrance in any other at any time and and nothing that here the fragrances are for daily use eh It also says no for night outs for example no yes there are fragrances that They are more

Accompanied. I have also said little but I have said that there are fragrances that are more suitable for winter. In fact, I have made a winter top and a summer top, recommending fragrances for summer and fragrances for winter, but that does not mean that they are Therefore, whether specifically

For summer weather or for winter weather, autumn, winter, spring, summer, it has nothing of the sort. So what I am referring to is that in countries, for example, from there,

Saudi Arabia, the Middle East and so on, the topic of the note for For example, the note, if you see what they are now, is very fashionable, eh, the fragrance of the Arabic fragrance. Well, I don’t have any more time for a review. I

Simply review the designer’s thing, which is more commercial, low cost, eh, mid cost, medium price and little else, eh. It’s very fashionable because they had told me so, well, they told me Well Cristi, such a

Review of fragrances of these Arabic ones and so on and so on. Of course it can be done, of course this can be done. There are many that are very good, they are lc me. I have tried them and they last a long time

On the topic we are always talking, we are always timing, it is not that it is 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours, you see how, as always, it seems that I am keeping the chrono, the chronometer is to give you more

Or less an idea, what I mean is that it has the prominent note of ut wood ut wood ut wood is normally a strong smelling wood that seems like it is rotten in some way because I have a fragrance in there that is wood that I already have it without really reviewing

Because it is that nor one in a note that matches me a lot so what I am referring to in the Middle East the fragrances carry a lot of prominent note of that wood of ut in the Middle East the normal temperature we are talking about Arab Countries reaches perfectly 50

Gros summer eh 40 gr 50 gr well there has been the case of exceeding even 50 gr And that in summer And in the winter Well maybe it doesn’t go below 30 eh Saudi Arabia Abu Dhabi you already know a place like that in the

Middle East eh they carry your wood That’s a very prominent note that’s very strong and that’s a very strong note. Then they take it back, so imagine if that could cause, let’s say eh, even that rejection. so happy I

Mean that’s what it’s labeling I think we do that like most in Europe fragrance yes it’s a more summer fragrance it’s a more winter fragrance for weather and such I did For example

A top I don’t know about doing much either top want to make the top for summer as I say everything for winter so let’s say advise more or less what comes to be a fresh fragrance that is with citrus notes

With eh somewhat floral notes notes that are not very prominent then in the winter well obviously yes You want to pour a water on yourself as if I pour a Nenuco water on you, that is, every day, it

Doesn’t matter, eh But well, we do always label the topic a lot: fragrances for summer, fragrances for winter, fragrances for the office, fragrances for going out, nights out, fragrances for dates and fragrances for low panty low panty is that we label everything in this life and it is not

Like that I think we have to be a little more open and nothing else It is simply that and I have I have those thoughts that I share with you just the same as not everyone You

Can debate it with me at any time, but I already said that I give an example that in the Middle East that prominent note of you is the one that most of the fragrances have and there is a fragrance, the Nicho

Fragrances, the Nicho fragrances usually have that type of notes, eh yes If there is a difference in the fragrance to the Niche, I have smelled 20,000 and in the end I don’t buy any because it seems like an

Exaggeration to spend, I know, more than 100,100,100 bucks on a fragrance. Eh Well, those are very nice notes with the The topic of oops and oops doesn’t suit me, that’s just it. Yes, there are fragrances that are niches that are more citrusy and so on, but well, citrus fragrance is in

The Cologne water lasts 2 hours, it costs 10 or 20 again and it is very good, so I don’t think there is a need to put on a citrus fragrance of 150 or 150 for 50 or

100 ML. I don’t know because they really do. Citrus fruits, you already know that citrus fruits are more volatile and will not last long on the skin. I was commenting the other day live, also because of the type of skin you have. Depending on the pH, neutral pH, supposedly, here we are not

Dermatologists at all. of course but 5.5 is the average Well then eh My skin is well more oily and other skin is drier then the alkalinity of the alkaline skin which is a more

Acidic alkaline skin less acidic too much is done a lot too eh I always have I have had a problem with the issue of duration. That’s why I’m always so heavy on the issue of duration. And really, well, the fragrances didn’t last long. I don’t know if they also decrease in concentrations

And so on, I don’t know because if There is something that is good, they usually say that always when they release a new release it seems as if I gave an example of a car that comes out with everything extra and then

You take things away as the first year, the first release they release a car and they put everything in. the extra and as they have already sat down, let’s say to a certain audience, they spend two or three years

Like that without touching that fragrance, they already touch it because you already know that they reduce costs. So the issue is that, well, that’s what there is in terms of the duration. to harm the in the duration it is going to harm

The fabric it is going to harm the projection what is the performance performance in Estela duration and and projection the and those three things are the performance then Well then it is always going to be like that

That way then What I’m here to say is that I’m going for the zeros of úbeda. It’s that that’s that that ‘s that well, a fragrance at first launches it but in this case the Jean Paul Gotier

The the elixir is going to launch it but with the As time goes by you see that it will also denote performance and sometimes due to raw materials that are a little more expensive or in short supply they will use other types of cheaper raw materials and so on. But the price

It’s going to be Exactly the same, that’s what I’m saying has happened to me on the subject, that’s it. Let’s see here, let’s see, let’s read a little. I have the fragrance here. Ah, now I’m going to show it.

It’s a low one at a price. of 699 this afternoon in the primor So, and I’ll say it now, I’m going to take it out and I’m going to do it, not an Unboxing, I’m not going to do an Unboxing, but it’s out so

You can see it And that’s a novelty on the channel As I said about the Electronic Music Channel that I did yesterday, this is going to be today’s fragrance, the one from this live show, the other time it was

The live show. So a little bit more, I see that there is more interaction on the part of the people the maximum the maximum peak I think there were six six people now Well there are three nor that I have differentiated

Three people who are listening to me well these three people Well, they are with me there at the moment I know that later the live will be seen a lot and many You’ll see, the live show, a little thing, eh, it’s

Something that’s cool And so on. But many times, of course, it doesn’t make you think, you start thinking and say [__] I’m going to dare to make a review, okay, but in front of the camera and start doing a live show. I’m improvised like that

Without anything Let’s see that not everyone does it eh There are channels that have many many thousands thousands of subscribers and I haven’t seen any live shows. So eh they make subscriptions and see views subscriptions views and so on. and Like

About all of that, something that my channel doesn’t have and it doesn’t even have a live show. So, well, what do I know? I do n’t care if I’m wrong, well, if not, then nothing, so it’s not a thing either, that’s why I decided

To do it now. direct because I already did it on the 18th, I did the two years of the Channel and I can’t do anything on the 18th, I did it, I’m doing it now so Well, let those who enter or see it

Now know how good it is that we say these are the two years of the Canal that’s why I’m doing it now and they also congratulated the party and so on and and nothing and and like as the last broadcast

Of this year 2023 2023 that’s why maybe I wanted to do this this live now Let’s say as a culmination end of the Channel this perfumes this channel so so excellent let’s go one thing That that eh I’m going to

Read you I’m going to look I mean I look here on the mobile and I have there eh or the messages or things that don’t that don’t add up to see tell you that this 2023 one of my surprises was the sale voucher

And this last week I read the platinum one and it is perfect for the office it is great Victor So I have already said about the mon blan the platinum yes it is good good fragrance I think which is the

Latest version of monban la mon blan I have the la Explore and and as I said above, they gave it to me as a gift, well asking for it, they gave it to me this afternoon when I went to buy the the fragrance

For you So, eh Yes that’s one that’s a good one that’s a good fragrance Mont blan montblan that’s good the other day I put on berlin intense and a colleague told me it smells old it smells old

That’s something else that’s something else I’ve said it many times The thing about olea, old man, I’m reading the thing about sorry, I hope I drink, if it doesn’t dry out, my throat smells like an old man, that’s

Something that causes a kind of rejection, I don’t know what that is, something else that I’m totally not satisfied, totally dissatisfied. eh fragrances that smell like an old man How do you label a fragrance

That smells like an old man? I mean, there are old people who are better off than you, eh, at 70 or 80 years old, what are you telling me, or is it old? Many times we think old, eh, you are seen, that is, you Have you really seen

How it is or have you seen any fragrance smell smell old it is that it looks old it is that like old like notes that are eh cardamom more more a little bit like more intense like yes

It does smell more more intense and so on like Yes, I don’t consider that old, look, I have the one that Dani gave me. So, I’ve always had it and it never smelled old to me or anything like

That, so don’t be intimidated because someone tells you that a fragrance It smells like it smells like an old man, I mean, I think I’m already saying that the fragrance is meant to be shared so that you can feel for yourself

And that’s it, Punto Pelota, that’s it, that if you like it, you’ll give it a try and that’s what it is. that this concept of old and other non-fragrances each one that is to say that a person cannot

Say that he is older than another by using a type of fragrance that is precisely maybe in mentality it can be more retrograde than that using a fragrance also that many times the clothing and other clothing maybe I understand something better because it can be a

More formal clothing and so on for an older person but the fact that it smells old seems to me like a little lack of respect So no No, that’s like everything in life. I think that eh, we like

To label, we like that, deciding things that are not, and that’s it, the fragrance really has no age, that’s what they say or at least they tend to say, eh, fragrances have no age, eh, like. They don’t have sex either, like the angels who don’t have sex either and then they don’t have

A certain season either, a season eh for winter as I said for summer so stop with a little nonsense. Not those things about how it smells like an old man. What about it because I think it’s

A bit absurd? I mean, if you like the fragrance, you’ve told me, I’ve seen that you like that fragrance, then go ahead and Punto Pelota will give it to you and you won’t. Well, maybe you’ll bother me. O It’s not

Your personality, how you are, not the fragrance. In other words, the way you are is harming me because you cause me rejection because of your personality, not because of a fragrance because it smells old. In other words, let’s stop being

Foolish, I think that’s how it is. Or, it’s people. Maybe you know what the person who is saying is, maybe charming, I’m not saying, I’m not saying the partner, the one who is rejecting, maybe it’s you, as a person, by personality, not as a fragrance, I return

To repeating that is what causes rejection that does reject a person no no the fragrance that’s it that’s like that eh says Víctor says eh Duration happens to me like it does to you Eh yes I don’t know eh then it’s the issue

The hypocrisy that exists Nowadays and other fragrances go on for 24 hours and last for days for God’s sake, but well, what are you telling me? I don’t know if the Nicho fragrance, I don’t know this channel is certainly not going to make

The Nicho fragrance, girlfriend, I already spend quite a bit, I spend quite a bit. I spend already with with him This topic about the Hobby, this one about Nicho fragrances, I already said oo, that is, people who want to see

Nicho fragrance and the channels because this is not going to be that one, nor do Nicho fragrances last that long . In other words , for me, the longest it could have lasted in skin a fragrance can be 12 hours 14 hours Maybe but

I think that was before I think that was before eh today I think that none almost none yes it is true as I have repeated again that Depending on the type of skin in the oily skin

Has a base that responds more to what the fragrance is, I also said in another live that there are also a type of lotions that smear on the skin that make the fragrance last longer the fragrance

Makes it last longer Hey yes It makes the fragrance last badly. There are some that don’t get it out of pure marketing, as I’ve seen, for selling, that’s selling, selling, selling, and more selling. But I don’t know if I’ve never used it. skin and

The fragrances last longer because of the fact that well, there are people who may be able to use it, that is, they last longer and maybe they sin in that in terms of duration due to the type of skin. And look, I

Have skin. I mean, the skin is oily No, dry skin is more volatile, I already said that dry skin volatilizes more and oily skin lasts longer because of the oily base it has, because those types of lotions that are sold that I have seen advertised there on other channels, well, supposedly what

They do is that they last longer, simply that they last longer, and that’s it, I don’t know either, no, no, I can’t say, that’s why I don’t Prado, one thing that I don’t try, one thing that, no, I

Can’t tell you like that. that’s good in principle in principle well eh I think we were going for that eh then it’s here he says Congratulations Thank you very much for the two years of del Canal the male

Dandy Oh Javi Yes exactly uncle exactly Baron Dandy what I remember Baron Dandy the fragrance that my grandfather was a general and a person who has obviously been gone for many years Well, dandy male was his daily fragrance but it was because

At that time I’m talking yes born in the 20 something or so in the 20 something eh it was At that time the fragrance There were four fragrances well there were fragrances but they were Baron Dandy it’s been

1220 years now I think I don’t know if he did it this year or last year It’s already the 120th anniversary of the company being from Badalona eh Barcelona, ​​if I remember Badalona correctly, then I’ll say Oh, it’s not from anywhere else,

I think it’s from Badalona, ​​eh, Baron Dandy, it was a fragrance that’s the one I used, and my friend already gave it to me so I didn’t buy it, I didn’t buy it, eh, it’s not there, it’s not there. of those present here

In the in the in the chat now you are not watching the broadcast eh Baron Dandy is a is a is a fragrance that has been around for 120 years and is still there so it must be for something that I mean that that’s good no

Eh They are Classic fragrances that never go out of style have obviously been reformulated a lot and that’s it, that’s just it. It was then that there were four fragrances that were, well, the one from 1916, I

Don’t know, 1916, I think it’s fresh water, usually fresh water lotions and so on. Baron Dandy and the ones that imported more than a little bit of everything from everywhere, so that’s it, that’s a memory that I wanted. I mean, they gave it to me as a snack of that, well, that’s

The fragrance that my grandfather used. So, well, I have a lot of respect and obviously a lot of appreciation for him and of course it was a great classic of the classic. I took out the

Quorum bottle and I also found an interesting fragrance and I haven’t reviewed it on the channel so well, it’s pending too. The querum one, I think I launched it, I did a review of something

And I took it out, the querum one, I have it, and one of it, along with Well, the Agua Brava quorum brumel one, and so on, they are the typical ones that need to be mentioned. People like it and they continue to sell it

For a million dollars per liter. So that’s it. Well, yes, Baron Dandy made me very excited when he gave it to me. It’s in bulk. It’s always been in bulk. I don’t never lie. It’s, that is, it’s selling. bulk bottle and I have seen around there, the old Baron Dandy bottles

Were shaped like a flask and they were small, they were I think it was up to 200. 100 ML and 200 ML No, it’s not the big liter bottle. Before, there were also flask bottles, but they stopped being manufactured. I’ve seen it on the internet and so on, and

It turns out that it’s good because there were also of size 100 of 200 ML Baron Dandy there was even a Baron Dandy a version of male Dandy which was a special edition like the quorum there was

Also a quorum la la quum Silver there was a special edition Well I don’t know if it was Baron Dandy too There was a special edition that was not the classic but a flan version of what I’m talking about and well, it no longer exists, they say they were the la, with respect,

I was reading about the topic, man, Dandy, the company. I already said it’s from Badalona. I don’t think it’s from Badalona. Barcelona has a museum, so people can visit it, and they said they were the best-selling fragrance in Latin countries in South America. Well, South America, I always say, South America,

Central America, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Chile. all that Peru else eh it was one of the best-selling fragrances it became the best-selling fragrance of at one time I don’t

Know if it’s been a while since that’s what I’m talking about well eh I don’t know if it’s compared to the beginning of the century when when it came out we’re talking 120 years old, you already know. Eh, it was the best-selling fragrance

In those Latin countries. So let’s fix the topic. Well, I’m going to continue reading something else here. Congratulations, thank you. Yes, two years on the channel. The other day I was on a live show of Mania cebes with Mania ceb.

And and with Mania ceb Well the truth is the live show is spectacular the one the guy does I was watching it there at night the c in the early morning eh Mexican Mania gives in and the guy is a mentally horny and nothing

Eh I put it in the community tab his live lasts between hours and a bit something like that I have seen more than one of course and nothing because I thank him also because once at the beginning of the Channel the medium I

Tell you a little also a little about the movie I made the channel December 21 and in January Well, I liked the guy, I saw his review and the rest of the few reviewers that I see in Mania

Cebe eh if you see it well I’ll promote it and I also owe him one because Well he promoted me I made a Well an email I wrote him an email saying that I had a fragrance channel and so on, I’m

Following it And if I could do well for some reference of mine and the guy, well, a piece of reference and such, he left my logo marked for a long time, he said here a new channel from

Spain and so on eh. please subscribe eh As if it were like a friend I have not seen that person I have never seen I already say that eh virtually like many I see you

I hope I would like to see one day at any time some I see and others no eh that’s what there is the virtual way this This is like that the channels are like that and and that live gave me a lot of promotion

And well I got like from a few days to another in two or three days I got like 20 about 20 subscribers Thanks to him then Well, I give him respect, the truth is that he gives me great

Eh By the way he already did it since 2018 eh it’s been a while since 2017 or 2018 I don’t know if he’s been with him for 5 or 6 years with him with his channel and nothing He did Precisely In December he also celebrated

His name day, his anniversary with the channel, he did a very very nice live show that I participated and nothing that I like it I love seeing his review and well many times due to lack of time and so on

And that’s very funny Also because he was doing it he noticed a reviewer who apparently died, he was a reviewer from there, I don’t know if he was an American, Venezuelan American, that man died some time ago, he has a perfumery channel Well, thank you But he died and Others

And he said that he was doing the review in the car he was driving he was doing his review in the car and he noticed him when he did the review So here we imitate a little bit of everything

So here we don’t There is nothing that is original or I have seen Well at first I want to make a channel you see things you notice some reviewers who have more who have less and so on you see

How the story goes in the end you try to be yourself one more oneself, let alone making a copy-paste of others, which is something that in the end is not cool or enjoyable, although

Many will notice. They have even noticed my channel and have done the same as me, so that’s it. Well, that’s it. Well, very good. Even in less than 2 years they have surpassed 1,000 subscribers. Well, very good, that’s great. This channel is going like this. It goes with few subscriptions, many views,

We have exceeded 170 or so thousand views but it doesn’t even reach 1000. But well, I mean, we don’t obsess over it either because it is not necessary to obsess over it. If you said

That one is going to make a living from what I say it again that I share this anyway I do this live and let’s know when I do another one again and maybe even better I do a live in January than I do it in

March In other words, there is simply nothing for that to share, to share life, to share life. hobbies share I have said it before share Hobby and so on well that he also did 5 years on the channel or 6 years on the channel and reaches 40,000 subscribers now it reaches 40,000 subscribers

Obviously with respect to me I am a tiny speck of dust in nothing And in the middle of the Immensity but what did he say that he was like that eh more personal than not he didn’t even have the intention of

Messing with people or anything like that thing that other channels go like that in that way disrespecting and other copying doing things that are good well that’s what I said before too eh And I have said that

They are things that are not that That’s good that it doesn’t matter that everyone goes as they go and that’s it everyone goes at their own pace I’m happy I always see support there With you, I greatly appreciate it because if

Not, maybe the channel would have been stopped a little longer. It’s not that I closed the channel because there is no intention of closing the channel either, but I did even go so far as to go as far as

C that without getting a what It’s a short review s short each makes me some but to do a review review of the fragrance I have gone up to 5 months or so almost months without doing that was

In the last year on the 22nd in 2022 well I took that and then I started to do the reviews reviews well practically hom not every week but almost every week and nothing that goes like by blow

Many times by jerk that’s it Well many times he has more time he does it other times he has less time he doesn’t do it and nothing happens either so this At the end of the day here we all learn I have

Said it I learn from everyone and you learn from me and I learn from you I am a simple I have already said it many times I am a simple amateur and that’s it and here we are so and they close to the And

To what is done chest and it is not to what is done chest but already Well well, I share a hobby with you and that’s it I did yes I did the two years and that’s it I’ve said it about the subscribers

Views I’m having I’m happy with the views in the subscribers Well, well, that ‘s how things go, that’s how things go Nothing happens either, there’s no problem and that’s it, yes, they are all fragrances that I buy from my collection, I have already said simply, simply and plainly, that

I I don’t do reviews to criticize the fragrances that I hate most of all, no, I don’t like it, I also don’t like destroying a fragrance, a company, the people behind it, a perfumer and others who carry out their work, it takes time, no, just the test to that’s the tests eh

Let’s see [ __ ] eh if you don’t like it don’t buy it Point Ball That’s it if it doesn’t have any more if it doesn’t have any more no you do

N’t have to ask to see the elm I mean you don’t like it don’t buy it and that’s it He doesn’t buy it to say the 10 worst fragrances I’ve ever bought in my life just for the fact that I have

Views, don’t bother me. So that’s just why you do it, that’s why you feel better like this, a better person, a better person, they haven’t even told me that, he says. Oh, why don’t you buy fragrances to criticize her,

This, the other thing, I’m not the one who criticizes anything or anyone, neither on my channel nor as a person, that is, nor personally as a personality either, or I don’t know, that’s not how it works for me and that’s it. eh There are

Fragrances that I like more other fragrances that I like less fragrances that I have made a mistake I have not reviewed and there is some fragrance that is even in the shorts and I have not reviewed yet

Because due to lack of time and it is in the shorts it is in I haven’t reviewed the shorts, I already mentioned the issue of the shorts, which seems like a bit of a waste of time to me. He’s making the shorts and it’s very worth it.

Well, what do you want, you see that you have a lot of fragrance, well, it doesn’t matter, you have 50 fragrances, you have 200, I have 200 fragrances, it doesn’t matter, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a better channel, much less there are people who put out the

Same fragrance over and over again, over and over again. and again in the tops because I have seen it in the tops summer top winter top and they give off the same fragrance in the summer as in the winter

I mean, touch the And you say Well, that’s it Yes well Ok for the fact that you have visualizations is not a nonsense, it is also a waste of time for yourself. I think it is a waste

Of time, and big and big, so you are not going to be wasting your time either. I say that if I do things, it is because I know how to do them. of my own heart, so to speak, and

If not, I don’t do it and that’s it, that is, eh, the issue of some of whom I even saw how well they closed the channel and others closed the channel. You don’t have to close a channel either, eh. You can have

A channel, get a review It doesn’t get reviews But hey, you keep it because out of respect for the subscribers to the Channel’s visitors, a little bit of everything, I don’t think it’s necessary to close

A channel either. Well, you want to close it because it’s true that you’ve already burned yourself. It has a lot, you have stayed a lot, as there has been a case, I am not going to mention it, but you already know that there are people who have closed

Perfumery channels. I have already seen it and it was a shame because they were very good reviewers. I am talking about a year ago, two and a half years ago. There were people who closed the channel, well, that

‘s it, it’s respected, of course, but there’s no reason to close it, but well, there are people who, apparently, because of the haters, because of the haters that I’m going to refer to. Eh, well, they’ve closed channels, they’ve

Closed channels because Unfortunately, they have crushed it a lot, they have crushed it a lot to those people and they have crushed it and they have closed the channel because because the hate has surpassed me. I already say that I have a blockade and now let’s go for

That. Many people believe that with this, with a mobile phone, you can do something, and so on, with this, that, and so on, let’s go here and bring it to me. to the pirot You know So I have seen some funny guy with a false profile more false than themselves who have made

Derogatory comments and I have taken it and I have reported it eh that’s what it’s for to block block and report and that’s it and see you later Lucas and go away to I’m going to take someone else out eh come on but let’s say I mean it

Has hurt me channels that I followed that have closed Because of this type of character they are not eh garbage garbage what is there eh that they show their face to us I mean the face the face does not give it then

Well eh this This is a this that power you have power for this for a derogatory message about what of what he says it to my face we no longer perished in another way we no longer

Perished of I say it another way in case there is someone that you know who might see it and feel referred to because it doesn’t take long for me to [__] and and I already say block and report and and outside eh the

Description is it occurs to me very much to put all the description a person who feels that it offends others and discriminatory data both to me and to the other visitors of the channel will be completely reported because this is garbage will be reported and blocked and and whatever

Has to go but well apart to block and report on YouTube little more, that is, it’s not that you’re going to [__] and you’re not going to do anything to me, just

To the Channel Why Because you don’t like it, so don’t watch it Don’t watch it Go to another channel V another channel and that’s it and if you are so you know so forward so brave so brave I tell you for

People who can see me who feel referred to so brave eh very brave with with a [ __ ] cell phone And well that’s it, I say that at the beginning I got excited sometimes, I said, Well,

This is what these people are about. Because I come here to share a fiction and what it comes down to is that I do n’t know what this is and what this isn’t. I know how much and some even insult that was very at the beginning of

Everything it seems as if it were me here t the work already seen that the channel is still the same a small channel and that’s it the same thing right now there are two people who are not watching me no one I would speak

The same thing right now two people well I’m talking two people 40 I’m talking to 40 people 60 I don’t care 60 people I do it because I like it and that’s it now I’m going to read a little

More in the comments and we continue with the topic but what about the I’m already telling you, I’m already telling you that the pirot totally brings it to me, but come on, there are people who have been

Able to close the channel because the issue of the well, it seems very strong to me, I don’t know, I don’t know, it has overcome it. He has overcome it and that’s it Hey, well, each person there are people a little bit

Weaker, more like that, but let’s go to this height for there, there, there, there is nothing more than there is nothing more to comment on that and nothing And that YouTube did a very good with the topic of comments eh let’s

See I always give the topic of comments that all kinds of comments are seen there are comments that can be at best derogatory and others leave it as a period of paralysis so that

You can review it in my case I don’t care here they put some of these directly lame I’m not interested I take it I block it and I report it and that’s it Punto Pelota eh No I put all kinds of comments there

Even channels that look like they don’t show anything that doesn’t I mean They don’t even like it until I comment because they block the type of comment. I’m not saying about fragrance, I’m saying about something else, there are even sometimes that they don’t like the comments, there are people who don’t

Like the comments, they don’t like it. interact with people and directly because they cancel there is a tab that says that there are no comments it blocks the comments it simply leaves it makes its video

Its viewing and no no it does not make any comments to me Precisely what I like most is interacting that’s why this is what I One way, with not even having 1000 subscribers, I’m already doing the second live show. That’s also the difference compared to other channels, in case you don’t know,

Okay, greetings Mister Star from the Mania Ceres team Mister Star Greetings from Mexico, a big hug one day, you’ll join us. I say it to the beach because if it is pending, it is also called namesake El Tocayo. Greetings, man,

You are seeing me from Mexico and you are from the Mania team. Thank you very much for Thank you very much for being here because because there are three people and one One of them is you, so

Thank you very much, you, the one who 10 or 100 perfumes do not make you, neither more nor less. Keep going as you are, it has very good content. Thank you very much, uncle Mister Star. Thank you very much. Nothing is what was said, you

Also know, Manuel, also from Mania c Manuel misar 2.0 belonging to the Mania c team that I mentioned that he did the other day on The live that I had a great time with now with 40,000 subscribers since 2017 I think it’s Eh Well that’s what it is that we continue

Forwards I put a comment [__] says that it is important that I continue in the fight and so on after that after 2 years no eh Yes neither why not í yes it is true that what I am talking about there are issues that already eh channels that have closed because

The issue of pressure from the G has overcome them, others who have gotten tired, others who have already overcome the issue of not following any channel anymore. In other words, the issue is over, buo That’s it, so you close it and that’s it. but

No, I will continue, I will continue, it’s the same, it’s the end, a hobby, a passion that I started a long time ago, so I’m still there, I mean, I’m happy, I’m happy, and as long as there’s desire, health, that’s the

Main thing, and thank you for saying that I have good content. Because you You belong to the team, a large channel with 40,000 subscribers. So I thank you for someone who comes to me and puts me on

The live show, like Mister Star 2.0, who comes to put you here, who belongs to the Mania cbe team with 40,000 40,000 subscribers who I’m reading it now one day it accompanies us to the great beach

Of course the one who has 10 or 100 perfumes doesn’t make you any more or less Keep going as you are doing it has very good content that makes you proud only for that reason it deserves to do this live

Only That’s why it deserves to do this live and I honestly didn’t expect a big hug to the visitors from Mexico to the Canal de Mani. I also wanted to do that. Have you ever

Done a perfume marathon? Have I ever seen 20 of 202? I think. You know, I would like to it Yes, it’s better than sharing a day, that’s also a marathon perfume, but the truth is that esplo

Is the live show that they do, the live show that esplo does, that’s why they say that it’s like I’m taking part in the esplo, so it’s quite a I am proud that I gave you a channel with 400 people,

A team of one component of the Channel that can attend a live show that does it, which is more or less four or five components and so on, and so on with the one with the magician with the other. So, you’re proud just for that, that’s why I’m still, I’m still here,

I’m still in the fight. So thank you very much, really, thank you very much, man. Thank you very much. I like it. I like it. I mean, I’m excited. Tell me Hello, greetings from Murcia, what do you think of the equivalence houses like safir Divine Which one is

The best for you, is it worth the safir one, look, I bought one, a safir, I have one from Beti and I don’t have the one from Safir. those from Zaragoza, the one from Zaragoza, the one from Zaragoza, the one from the

Malpica industrial estate, I know him personally, I have been in Zaragoza and I know him from that land personally, so for the maños, for the maños, greetings from here because I did not know that the safir were from

Zaragoza And Well, look, as time goes by, you know, you read, and so on, I have a review of Safir, which is what I made the video like that, in a way, a little bit, funny, and so on,

I’ll say it with the singer David Bisbal, who was a perfume that also a fragrance that they gave me the one from the tube that comes out David vival the singer from Almería and well and I did it

And that one belongs to safir it seems good to me equivalence No it is not no it is not an equivalence channel the Divine too I’ve tried it and I think it’s a good value for the price

And the quality that it is. I mean, it seems pretty good to me. We’re talking about what 10 12 15 I also have perfumes of that kind, like Antonio Bandera’s review, the one that I did and so on

, well, it seems pretty good to me. I mean, it seems like quality for the price, quality for the price, for what equivalence is, well, with respect to equivalence, I don’t know, I can’t tell you why

I don’t, I don’t buy that type of fragrance, I already said that it The only one I have bought is one that says betiera mos that I have it in a short somewhere I haven’t even reviewed it yet. I think they are quite good

But no there is no equivalence channel no I don’t always like to compare So I don’t like to be comparing this fragrance It looks more like the Chanel, I don’t know what or the other one gave it. I think I

Think that well each fragrance has its own personality and simply that and equivalences. Well, they are equivalent to something equivalent. Well, what does an equivalent one refer to ? Look, you say. What does one mean equivalent to being Exactly the same it is not going to be Exactly

The same it is not going to be for example you cannot buy a fragrance that costs 80 with a fragrance of 10 15 I am not saying that fragrances of 10 15 are bad but Simply because the

Material ingredients there is also a lot of marketing on average that is paid for that everyone pays for it But well then the components above all what I am referring to is the issue of alcohols because it is more higher more higher simply and the materials obviously raw because they are low

Cost also so there is a difference in that there is a good equivalence Yes there is a good equivalence but they didn’t tell me why there is no equivalence and so on no I believe that each one

Has their own personality And that’s it, that is, each fragrance It has its own personality, yes, it is true that it can be like an inspiration, you can say like an inspiration, but no,

I don’t have the idea of ​​equivalence, as well as very very given, I don’t know, it’s not not a thing. That it’s very very given, I buy. fragrances that you can maybe be inspiration, more good, less

Good and so on, but they have personality. Well, what do I know here? There is no copyright here for the fragrance, there is no copyright, that is, they can make an equivalence precisely to a fragrance of

Channel or Dios or Prada or Armani of whatever it is that is costing you the 50 liters like the ultra mega reviewed Sabat, Sabat de Dios is the best-selling fragrance that

Aqua de yo by Armani took away the position of Aqua de yo by Armani on Sabat the saa de Dios took the position of Aqua de yo by Armani from Alberto Morillas who made it in the year 96 and the saa de Dios well he knew it from dior and

Now get the elisir Well, they are fragrances that are already like the Niche perfumery, the 50 ML is already costing you 100 100 bucks. So the price has already gone up a lot and the equivalence is Well

, for all types of pockets for people who cannot afford it. I see it well everyone has the right to be perfumed everyone has the right to use fragrance For the simple fact that

They are low cost or not low cost inspiration or let’s not call it equivalence or let’s call it whatever eh or copy and paste Well everything the world has the right. I think it’s good. I mean, here there is no copyright here, here there is

A dior fragrance, eh. There is one, there is one of these, a gas device that measures it for you, or I mean, take the fragrance and measure it for you. It has a name. I don’t remember the specific name but the

Gas device measures everything for you and takes out the fragrance just like that eh chromato gas chromatograph I think eh or something like that yes eh I read it somewhere G gas chromatograph is there That measures everything that is the component, the alcohols that have all kinds of specifications,

Eh, the raw materials, the concentrations, especially the concentrations that have been used in that fragrance, and it gives you an equivalence, an almost equal inspiration, eh, Yeah, but it’s already difficult. more

They don’t cost 10 eur they cost more they don’t cost 10 or 15 they cost more then Well now now that eh let it be more similar the duration the Estela projection is less similar we are always talking

About the performance Well well that and that another sing that and each one but Yes No I’m not for that I mean I ‘m not against that everyone is free to use any type of equivalence I don’t

Do it on this channel because I don’t But because there are already many that already have their own personality They don’t have to imitate others, many imitate others too, that is, I have released fragrances that imitate others, of course. Of course, the ones I have released, those are equivalences, those

Are inspirations. Of course, yes, and on this channel there are, but I am not from this channel. It’s not about equivalence, I prefer to buy the perfume directly, let’s say the original and that’s it, and if I can’t buy it

Well, well, I can’t buy it and that’s it. I design another type of fragrance. That’s how it is. That’s okay. Oh, you have it. Hello, Greetings, I’ve already done that. read nothing to thank Of course yes the following

Marathon perfume [ __ ] I am buying very good quality Arabic yes Mister est is telling me about the Mania channel cebe is telling me that he is buying very good quality Arabic [ __ ] Maria cz

Cristian I wish you the best in this 2024 that is going to begin and I hope that you fulfill all your goals, one of them I hope you are is to continue growing your channel eh So let’s see and see Cristian I

Wish you the best in this 2024 that is going to begin and I hope that you fulfill all your goals, one of them I hope is to continue growing your channel so much. Give it all the effort, in case you don’t see it,

Mr Star and Mania are here, cbe, this is this thing down here, it’s this thing down here, this person that I have a lot of respect That’s why I said that a big greeting a big greeting man eh I think it’s

Super strong that he’s in this live show man and and nothing man excites me the truth is that I’m very excited the truth is that yes eh I wish you the same as nothing that you move forward that you have already surpassed

40,000 subscribers, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, uncle, for being here, it seems like a lie, that being on such a small channel, it’s you and that he comes and tells me this, the same thing I tell you,

So I wish you the best and and Yes, eh, well, I’m going to try to do everything possible, yes. There we are in the fight, whatever it is, to continue growing and trying hard. Yes, exactly.

Thank you very much, man, for being here. The truth is, I appreciate it a lot. I mean, it has been. You have been one of my inspirations ever. Better said, speaking of inspiration and so on, I am also here because I loved what I was talking about. I have always loved your

Review and nothing, I will continue, I will continue on your channel, it may be that also do something why not to thank I greatly appreciate it it would be the [ __ ] to do a live show like this one day and nothing

I’m here, man, so greetings, a big big hug, Mexico and nothing. Thank you very much. Nothing here, we’re still here, man, for two years already that’s it. This is what there is. Thank you very much. It’s really good. It’s

Good. No, I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect it to be here. in this live 40,000 subscribers and and it has been there since 2017 So and he has thrown eggs and he has had many haters and so on

And And there you see it that is an inspiration for any type of channel And then as a person that is You can see that your review is very good people, very good person but like that the whole team the whole

Team eh And that’s it and that’s what there is and that’s what there is so thank you very much for really telling you for being here in this direct and I was impressed that he was here man I mean no

I didn’t expect it I really didn’t expect it eh nothing eh I wish you the best as I have already put you in I already told you eh I wish you the best the messages and so on to you to all of you, health, what’s

Important is my Star Greetings, that is, health and moving forward, you’re doing it. I’m the best live broadcast of all the perfume channels that I can on the face of the earth, man, so

I’m having a very, very good time. good with you and I see it because we already know the issue of schedules Well, when when I can because I know it’s true that in Spain Maybe it’s 2 to 3 in

The morning something like that It ends at dawn many times I see the glimpse because It’s 7 in the morning and you’re finishing up You’re finishing up and it’s 7 in the morning and you’ve already been there for

3 hours and a bit and it’s straight from 3 hours and a bit or it’s really amazing So I’m I’m the bomb I’m the Bomb That’s good how good how good Thank you very much eh Thank you very much Well look now that there is

Mani and Mister Star and the others present I am going to tell you very grateful Thank you very much er you are a you are a crack hac one you are a crack man you are a crack big big big big very

Big guy 40,000 you finally overcame the Barrier And you reached 40,000 subscribers I’m enormously proud you already know that I tell you this from the bottom of my heart and I appreciate you I obviously appreciate you

I hope tomorrow we meet you and so on But but well eh Very grateful and you are big you are big you are both my Star you man I am very big and nothing and there it is while as long as

You continue Well nothing you are you are invited here and a live you see that the live and my second live But well I am doing what I can man no A lot has nothing to do with your live show,

They are super endearing, super fun, mine is rather good at telling a movie and boring, I think, but it’s a pleasure, a great pleasure, that it’s here. So nothing, I can’t say anything else,

The truth is that I’m excited because that’s what I’m going to get and I’m going to get what the fragrance is, which is this one here, the one I was going to tell you as a novelty is this one. Let’s see, it’s my very own one from Bustamante

Okay, it’s this one here, this fragrance okay You can see this fragrance from here if not if you see it you are already seeing what it is like It is the it is a low cost And now I will tell you the price I think I don’t know if it’s in

Mexico I don’t know if they still sell it I know that the Antonio Bandera ones are out there hey you see As in the box I bought it this afternoon and I didn’t want to get anything for you the good price in the primor

Here the chain of primor at a price of 6 comma that no me no I can’t clarify with the lac 6.99 worth 6 99 we are talking about 100 ML I am going to take it out because it was one of the little surprises that he was going to make

On the channel and he was going to do like Well an Unboxing that I have not used anymore I have used the tester and I liked it And I already bought it from Anyway, I was going to buy it directly. Look, I was going to buy it

Directly because I wanted to do the Unboxing anyway. So I didn’t lose for 7 either and I think it had very good comments and so on. So there’s the This is the fragrance of this one. here

It comes up Well, very presentable along with the others This is my very own origin that has been on the market for some time now it comes up with what is the chibato thing the anti-theft chi thing and

Nothing eh This is to complete Bustamante’s collection of the one from puch, which is the goal, which is the last one that I have reviewed on the channel, this one, I leave it here so you can see the goal along

With the last one to review on the channel, eh, there was no review. in Spain hey I did the review I did the review a few days ago and there was no review uh the Go is the last one And this is my very own

Bustamante So here it is here you see it And now I’m going to tell you the the note and so on what we’re going to apply as I always like to apply it on the skin like that, well, the cap doesn’t have any. Let’s see if

I clarify here the Play on foot. You know, look, look, it’s great, look, it’s great Mani [ __ ] it smells very good, it smells very good We’re talking about a fragrance of 7 we also complete with what is the line from before eh Why will I do a review anyway on the

Channel and I am going to read you the notes that I have here and eh are the following ones this one has from the alfaa wood family Oriental is here eh we have origin exit exit note exit citrus fruity green bergamot apple and cassis spicy floral heart note that has geranium

Cinnamon pepper Pink and then the base note amber wood Oriental mu mus which is the the mus patchouli wood wood amber vanilla mus that’s what it has Those are the notes it has is what it is it’s an ambery ambery Oriental woody Oriental Well I’m starting to what

The notes are at the beginning the fruity citrus already said bergamot apple cassis I’m noticing the beginning the the apple I have already smelled it this afternoon the one that I have already put in a tester that yes there was a tester eh it has a very quite good citrus output eh especially

The fruity one a fruity citrus with with notes of apple on top All that I come to denote a little bit is the apple then it is floral a touch of pepper that gives it I already said that I have already added

A touch of pepper it is quite ambery Oriental and the note of patchouli and vanilla the vanilla is not I don’t appreciate it, what I’m here to say is, above all, I have patchouli as an essential oil and the patchouli is noticeable as a green patchouli, a patchouli

, woody note, dosa, mucous and so on. It’s a very good fragrance and I recommend it to you. so maybe for 7 eur I’m already giving examples of 7 I don’t know if well well there is this type of fragrance

Over there in Mexico eh you have it but but I know that pch is manufactured in Mexico eh In fact I think there is a that it is mediterranean that it is sold there in the mediterranean yes it is sold there

And nothing This is an est to complete the Bustamante collection I think it is a good good fragrance in fact it seems like a more expensive than what it is and it It gives the note that is

The oriental amber base, the patchouli are notes that I like, vanilla, I have already said that it is not that it is appreciated very much, but above all, it is the green fruit, the fruit that gives it the apple and

Others eh good an oriental wood is good eh you see how the tonality is like that and nothing That is to complete what the Bustamante collection is eh This is made in

Spain according to what Barcelona says here and you know what is from is by Antonio puch and nothing is here is this is comes what is and carved in the what is the bottle and that’s it This is what comes here very

Good presentation and this is also an engraving what you see here everything this my very origin is an engraving this has been on the market for a while now my very my origin eh very my

Origin I don’t know exactly it seems to me that it’s been around for a while eh I’m going to take a break for a moment to look at a little eh but come on I’m going to look at that Yes it seems to me that 2017 or there

It was 2017 or there it was it’s been around for a while it’s been around for a while I don’t know I think it was because of that cinnamon and pepper cinnamon and pepper yes They are notes a little more, yes, it gives the

Background note, nothing. I don’t want to waste any more time either, but come on, it’s been on the market for a while now. The last one is the one. The last one is the goal. The one I have reviewed on the channel. I can tell you that. la la night

Which is la very mio night which is the blue bottle I couldn’t find it because it was made up of five fragrances I have three reviews with this one would be the fourth and very mio night would be the fifth

Which is the blue bottle I think I also don’t know how old she is four five she was out there eh I don’t know the year it doesn’t matter eh I haven’t found her I don’t know if you know if the someone who good of

Those who see if they make me a comment eh later after they see This video if you have it I don’t know if they still sell it there, at least in the first one I haven’t found it, the very mine, it’s an

Era to complete the Bustamante collection and no nothing, this would be the fourth bottle and nothing good, good fragrance, I liked it so I’ve done it and now and you’re ready I think we’re done we’re going to finish the live show for today we’ve been there Well I almost don’t know an hour

And a half maybe a little more you’ve already seen I’ve already done what it is let’s say an Unboxing for you, very mine origin of Bustamante with respect to Bustamante now wait a

Little for me to concentrate eh I know that it is involved in the issue of the fragrance they said that it was sold they said Well it is a fact eh that it is not verified that it is I sold a Bustamante fragrance every 30 seconds. I don’t

Know if it’s true or not, but every 30 seconds a Bustamante fragrance is sold. I think the mu mio Sport, the mu mio, and the mu mio, eh, this is the mu mio, the last one, very mine. Well , I made the review And this is my original mu

You know the Go, I bought it, uh, a set that came with a shower gel, this one also came with a shower gel. I didn’t want to buy it because it didn’t

Seem a little more lefty to me either. I had to spend a little more money on you, but I think I was in around 10 eur it didn’t even reach 10 eur 9 something like that so they also have the issue of

Shower gel like the one I came to review about Bustamante’s last one I did In case anyone is watching the live after Afterwards I already did the review of Antonio Banderas, the seduction, I think it was the five seductions of Antonio Banderas, the five fragrances of Antonio Banderas,

Series C daxio Well, if anyone is interested and nothing, I think that with Antonio Banderas, eh, it is pending Also buy one that It’s the icon one, there are two that are that are the ones I have them reviewed on the

Channel eh because I wanted to complete the Antonio Bandera collection among other things because how is the Bustamante This one is worth it, this one from Bustamante I think it comes out a little They are 10 cheaper at most than 11 12, the most you can find, and depending on the price they

Change the prices and so on and I was interested in the topic of these fragrances because people like them, I have seen comments They encouraged me to continue reviewing fragrances of this type low cost and nothing well

Eh Spanish France France of de puch here here you also see what they are eh Barcelona puch and so on [Music] eh here They don’t sell it here they don’t sell it eh says Mister Star Okay well eh Mister

Star eh I saw a puch I saw a puch that was marketed is based puch is based in Mexico and they marketed the mediterraneo which is one of the great classics eh along with the [ __ ]

The [ __ ] and the mediterraneo are the classics sea te You go to the Antonio Banderas website and see the classic series and see the [ __ ] and the Mediterranean then there is the

Temptation and there are two or three fragrances also eh along with eh They are the temptation and the seduction and then there is There are several, there are several of those, Seduction, I think it is the one that has the most, there are five

Fragrances, I don’t know if there is any other version coming out, and then there are the icon ones, the icon ones are the latest ones that Antonio Banderas has made, well, it is produced by Antonio Bandera and the other one the other

Actor and well they are from icon they are from icon or from tualet and icon the perfume is okay Well it turns out that I have seen reviews there in Latin America I don’t know if Mexican Venezuelan and so on they review icon

Elixir and this in Spain It is not there and the last one is the icon elixir. It is a bottle that is the latest release from Antonio Bandera. I will be angry to complete the Antonio Bandera collection. In fact, I already

Have all of Antonio Bandera’s. I have one that is a limited edition that is from [ __ ] from the club that I don’t even have it on in the shorts, it is not reviewed on the Channel and I will review it and in the the

Bottle is like the [ __ ] the one that comes which is the classic [ __ ] I don’t need to say it more or less the classic diolo And it’s colored eh Well it’s lilac eh what the liquid is is lilac

It’s more floral and so on and I have it pending to review the channel and it turns out that it is an edition limited So check if I still have fragrances that I haven’t released on the channel yet and so on. The important thing is that the fragrance can be reviewed as

The events happen and nothing I always try release low cost fragrances I have seen I have seen that good on your channel Well you always also release low cost fragrances I have also noticed that Well they are Spanish fragrances from puch yyp is based

In Mexico as I say and the mediterranean is made in puch Mexico or I mean, it’s 100% Mexican. I mean, before I don’t know if I also did it or not, but the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean, I can assure you

That one of the best-selling fragrances is in 100 ML, it’s in 200 ML, it’s very very versatile, a citrus fragance has eh notes eh Also, above all, it seems to me that it has, above all, what is the

Note of the nebro note and other things that it has that gives it a lot of very invigorating that fragrance is very special because they make it in Mexico so that you know it eh And then well it’s precisely the most

Classic And that one I think is from the year 2001 something like that that completed the bustamantes collection eh with this one with the origin I’ll do a review and I think it’s good very good fragrance so along

With The Antonio Bandera and designer ones, as I said, I have the bamboo and bamboo water one that I have pending review are from Adolfo Domínguez, I know you have that one a lot out there, the one I

Had already released in the box the bottle that They are that the bamboo one is already heavy and that of Adolfo Domínguez, who for me is a designer who, well, has a lot of history behind it and so on. I have worn

Clothes by Adolfo Domínguez. I have even had a suitcase of jers and so on. It seems good to me. In Spain, I say that Adolfo Domínguez in Mexico they also sell a lot and have a very good fragrance

Eh I have yet to review bamboo and bamboo water from Adolfo Domínguez and I have some left out there that I think are from one of Lima Lima Tonca or something like that. I don’t know if I don’t I don’t know if

I even have a review on the channel but it’s pending review I’m going to buy it too to complete the collection of Adolfo Domínguez masculine masculine because feminine they have many more Adolfo Domínguez fragrances and well it’s already complete The In the collection we are

Talking about a masculine theme because Bustamante also has a feminine fragrance, you already know the same as Antonio Banderas has many other feminine fragrances and it

Is quite good and with quality for the price, as I say, this one is already quite good, the very my origin is and nothing so I recommend it. It is a novelty that ‘s good that I wanted to bring it up live just that eh I think I’m going to finish for

Today eh We’ve had enough time I’ve already talked a little about everything we’ve even had a conversation with with great Man cz with Mister Star Eh Well, look, I didn’t expect it, I already say that life gives you surprises and I’m very happy, nothing that I did continue, uh, have

A good end of the year, that you continue the fight, the same thing, I say, what can I tell you if you have since 2017 eh The Followers eh that you know that my second country as visualization

In Mexico and then comes Argentina then Well, I am always very grateful, very United eh with you and very very grateful for everything and thank God well well well we are here the

It’s true that in the other live one, I think he was from Argentina, greeted me. So, I mean, they look like they’re from several countries. Hey, there’s something I’m saying. Sorry, in the other live, on the issue of subtitles, I tried to make my videos always subtitled but the thing is that the

YouTube platform didn’t let me eh subtitle more eh more languages ​​except Spanish and little else so I don’t know the reason I couldn’t subtitle So forgive me if the live ones aren’t substituted but it’s not because I can’t but it’s simply that it’s not that YouTube doesn’t let me, eh,

Something that I do in the other videos in the other reviews. There are reviews that have up to 50 different languages, whenever I have time, I click on it, I get into the subtitles So that they diversify the videos, it is no longer because I have more views, but because everyone

Has the right to perfume themselves there and see my content and of course, a person said them. who lives in the East or in Asian countries or African countries, like even the Somali language, the indie in

India, eh, it’s no longer central Europe but all kinds of countries, well, there could be, and I even have Portuguese, eh, in three languages. the Portuguese Portuguese eh one Brazilian the other and then eh another type of Portuguese the original I mean I have it subtitled everything I

Work hard enough I give eh I make an effort in things eh I mean I can’t do more I mean if there is Someone who doesn’t like the content, well, just don’t see it, if you like it, just

Give it a like, make a comment and I’m grateful because time takes me, the truth is, that’s why I say that time takes me. I don’t know what day tomorrow will be. YouTube We will continue with

This, I’m not saying, I don’t charge anything for this either, simply because I’m doing it for Hobby, one more Hobby and that’s it or at least not for the moment. I mean, I don’t have any benefits. They are simply the support you give. virtually and since you are only finding with your presence

Here or without presence, giving a simple like and so on or subscribing to the Channel, but I don’t have to be saying I just put my videos here, subscribe to the Channel I think that with that it

Is I’m not enough, I have to be saying the typical bore, eh, subscribe to the Channel and the rest, you already understand me, you understand me very well, so above all, mani and you. You already know that not even they say it. So neither, and they are big channels. channels

That are important what is mine is nothing what is mine is a speck of dust eh He doesn’t even say it no it doesn’t seem like it to me either it’s like very repetitive it’s neither right nor wrong if I say it if it’s said well I

Said it at the beginning until there comes a point that you get tired and that’s it and I simply put it in my video subscribe to remind people who can subscribe they support the channel to the

Content creator that is me and nothing for the channel Well well little Let’s say more than anything, let’s just say that it’s getting a little bigger, but it’s not for anything else but because we appreciate the work we’re doing, I’m saying about both small channels and

Large channels, of course, and the channel that carries, for example. mani of 40,000 would deserve not to have 40,000 would deserve to have already exceeded 100,000 the 100,000 and there are channels that are, to say the

Least, crap that exceed 100,000 carrying at the same time that he already said it carrying the time that he then in this life Not everything is gratitude is often unfair and nothing is already there, we do

N’t have to assume either, nothing happens, we don’t have to assume things and that’s it. We just have to continue the fight And that’s it, things are going little by little, which is not a question either. You know that there

Are channels that are dedicated to criticizing and then there are the same haters that have maybe even I think that it has been said even hater. In other words, the haters themselves who put up fake profiles are the owners of channels belonging to others, other channels, or the same one, a

Large channel can make a fake profile and try, let’s say [__] to yours, because they are even people who They have thousands of subscriptions, I have heard it and apparently it is even true that they create false profiles to destroy your channel and they are selfish people that the same owners of

Those channels, whether they are perfumery or a thousand different things, make false profiles. for [ __ ] to yours Then pay attention to how the YouTube theme is going about how this is like a jungle

Is a jungle and here each one here each one well has to manage as best they can but well going well going forward being honest being real every time I try to make it more and more real in my

Review and as I am there is no more and I already say whoever likes it well that no well nothing because there are already thousands of perfumery channels or something else as if it is what It doesn’t matter Nothing greeting Greetings

Says Víctor Acosta Greetings Mister Greetings Víctor Acosta Greetings Mister Star okay said Mister Star that ao sells it there in Mexico They don’t sell it bustamantes Well then a shame it’s a eh that eh It’s very good it’s very good they are fragrances interesting and I keep reviewing it because I

They put in the comments if they review Bustamante fragrances and such, they are good and I am guided a little by that that is why I take it out and I say I leave it as it is the very my origin This is the the good the

To complete the collection the last is the goal the one you see I have already reviewed A few days ago there was no review I was looking there was no Spanish review I mean there was a review eh precisely in

Latin America out there I think I don’t know if there were any no Or it seems to me that they were from I don’t know where eh I don’t know if in Latin America it could be that someone has bought it and others take it from Spain

And have reviewed it there because it is that age but well no it doesn’t have it eh Nothing that they are good that I think are good fragrances that I already have the complete collection, as I have said, I will say again

About Antonio Bandera and that I am missing the elixir and the elixir I have seen reviewed on channels in Central America, Latin Venezuelan and and here in here, for example in Spain, no, it is not available. Well, I am a

Melilla but here in Spain, no, he hasn’t gotten the elixir, which is Antonio Bandera’s last one to complete the collection. In fact, I’m left with the desire. It’s called deon elixir and it’s the last

One. Very fashionable now with the theme of elir. Well, the It came out this year and I haven’t been able to review it on the Channel. So you know that I haven’t reviewed it on the Channel because I haven’t been able to find it. So far,

At least the perfume stores I’ve been to are called primor, called druni. eh, in Sephora and so on, it was the Peninsula I am referring to the territory eh Already in various places in several towns and

In several cities So not only here I live here in Melilla but I have gone to the Peninsula and I have not found it either eh Nothing is here anymore it is What is there, eh, however, Well, that

Antonio Bandera one is sold there, well, I’ve seen it. I don’t know. I don’t know, but it’s sold there because I’ve seen reviews of this year, a review that has also been released for June. July and nothing that [Music] hey I tried the Hugo Boss this afternoon the el primor the Hugo BX

Elixir an exorbitant price the Hugo Boss elixir elixir that is very fashionable the elixir like the jor Go 10 is exorbitantly priced 80 100 ML 80 80 some euros 100 ML no no I haven’t bought it and so on a fragrance that does look powerful apparently it has quite a good duration And

Estela gives me the sensation It’s not that it’s amazing either but it is at a price of 80 100 ML already seems too much to me eh I haven’t seen anything out of the other world as a thing either eh But well

It’s new, there’s the Phantom the Phantom the perfume the black bottle I have reviewed on the channel the one from or the toilette that it has I think It’s one of the most views it has, it’s already over

10k, that one’s view and then there’s the Phantom, as news, the Phantom, the perfume, which is the black bottle, eh, I’ve smelled it and I like the o from toalet better, eh, the ugo, I said that already I have

Tried the elixir, I don’t think it’s worth reviewing either. I’m not saying it’s bad, but because of the cost, no no no, I’m not going to spend that much either, having many fragrances still pending to be reviewed, among them, for example, a Chanel, a jur that I have. eh it’s pending review

And as well as others and and so on So even the Fahrenheit I mean the faren of God is not reviewed on the channel I mean look if I still have eh fragrances that are pending review

Eh And they are expensive they are from Chanel and dior So we are already talking about the most eh At least designer price without going to the niches eh we already know that

Nicho perfumery eh 50 ML is 150 eur 200 eur on average you already know how The prices of that go up from 150 50 ML to above I have reviewed the one from my collection the t for la noar extrem noar extrem de

T for I bought it 50 ML Well, rather, they gave it to me for 50 ML, I think it cost 70 when I bought it and Now it is priced at 9 something, bordering on 100, 100, eh, 50 ml in the tf noar extrem,

You know the golden lid and the rest is black, it’s a Ho de parfan but but there, that’s already that’s perfumery and Nicho, I consider it now Nicho perfumery the tf and then the as news I have already said

The dior the elixir the the sav sabach from dior the one from Johnny’s advertisement that I have also smelled it because even though I don’t buy it I am smelling it everywhere eh there is the of elixir eh sabat of dior

With a price of at least 50 in Spain, as you know, at a price of 100 ML it is around 100 ML 100 ML 100 ML which amounts to the same 3.4 American fluid ounces that

I said before in the videos In the videos at the beginning it is no longer necessary, they are 100 ML and Punto Pelota and the 140 or 140 the 100 ML that is Niche perfumery eh the sabat elisir thing has

Hit a big hit that has been the [ __ ] and now The tonf has also gone up a lot in price. Hey, I’m not going to be buying, I’m saying France like that, just over 100. I’ve already said

That the maximum I think the t for has been and there’s little else and that’s it. well eh let’s see here I wish you the best Greetings Mister Star says Víctor Acosta says Greetings to Mister Star

And Mister Star responds I wish you the best this 2024 eh Greetings to Víctor Acosta So Mani take him to tea [Laughs] Well what’s happening I already know that I have the lavia yes I have I could until now eh What happens is that

Here already eh They are the Let’s see look at it I don’t know if you can see I started the live at 10:30 it’s the la the 1 men 20 what What happens is that I have been talking, I have been chatting and I have been comfortable with you

And with him, with Mani and so on, it has already been a total desalination eh Nothing because I liked that he was there and nothing is here Mister is present too eh And nothing about that because I liked it

A lot it moved me a lot eh Mediterranean yes Mediterranean perfume I have it I have it in the channel reviewed and it said puch Mexico I mean with that I say everything and it is a perfume that is very very good

Mediterranean very Italian and so on The fragrance is citrusy with those notes that it gives I don’t know if that thyme in nebro I think it is a note that has a lot of special nebro and that is what made it

A France a total perfume a perfume and we are talking about 100 ML That’s what I say 100 ML How much can it cost Between 10 and 15 and then the performance is not bad at all, I mean it always lasts I say

It seems like 4 hours 4 hours but if it lasts six it could last six on another skin other than mine well it lasts perfectly 6 hours I think that the most prominent note in that was the nebro note in the

Mediterranean note eh Nothing else eh says va mani take it to Team mediterraneo perfumo Yes it says Mr Star and Víctor Acosta va mi Live Thank you very much Víctor nothing We will continue with eh We will continue with this

With the topic because well seeing that I’m liking it, I’m liking the topic of the live shows. There have been many more interactions with the presence of Mani and my Star. I’m really liking the live show. What I’m going to say again: I’m coming now. I’m finishing now yes or yes I’m finishing

Now eh what I mean is that you have to be that in life Well well we have to go ahead because here we all make many mistakes eh I mean that no one is perfect eh I can make many

Mistakes Even well I can commit to reading the notes I say perfect fragrant there are times that the notes I have already said it there are times that they even make it up and so on I prefer to give data

I am very detail oriented I know that I do it a lot the videos that yes the box that yes the one that yes this belongs to I don’t know what And so on Well well I’m giving the most precise data posi I also like that

The notes are what they are eh There are times when I don’t know how emphatic You can even even invent the notes eh Because later I saw it on the website for example Antonio Banderas

Has his own website eh this deb lover I say the same thing he has on Instagram the notes come and so on eh they have web pages I try it on the designer one they have the pages I always try if

I want to look at the notes more than fragrant, I’m not saying that it’s everything either, it’s not that it’s everything, it ‘s not a lie, far from it, but there are times when the notes don’t match, so I go directly and

Look at the website And I do trust that because The website itself is saying more than anything that’s why, well, that’s it. This is how to give the most precise data possible. The perfumery is simply sharing like or any other hobby. Well, well, I’ve made a channel and I’ve also made it.

Also said about electronic music It’s good that I already do yang sessions and so on Well then J session eh So you don’t know because they are sessions that he does live and Well well you’re going on there

I have my my link I’ll repeat it again eh for those who see it again the good one who follows it will have already heard it well I have put it in the as a link on the main screen

And here it comes well eh you will see that music for lovers of electronic music and nothing ending here well that eh Already at the end of this year I made this that channel also for those who are interested there

You also have the link and nothing and simply one more hobby like it can be anyone eh I think let’s go To finish the live, I am very grateful for all of you, for those present, for those who will see more. Soon I know that the live will pass later and

More people will see it. The other live was good too and the views were also later. But well, what do I mean? that above all in the direct interaction in what I like the most

Eh I am a channel This is a channel that does not try to be at all eh heavy or serious I certainly do not try to be a person as honest as possible and and nothing share my Hobby share my hobby also share my passion of course eh whether it’s music or perfumery

Of course that’s what it’s for sharing at the end of the day eh if you share that’s when Well it gives you the feeling that more people might be interested That more people can also help him to perfume himself or watch music from a live electronic music session at a

Given time, eh nothing, that’s just it, so you know that the link is there in one of the links eh Cris Dj music CR @ Cris Dj music and well that’s it, just that eh I wanted to end

This year with that other channel eh And that’s all we’re going to finish now because I think that’s it Well it’s about time I’m very happy to wish you eh Very good start to This year 2024

I also ended up finishing as best as possible this year 2023 I already say greetings to everyone who sees me later and I managed to achieve that I managed to be there after two years Well well pass just over 700 subscribers one goal was to get the 1000 I couldn’t get it,

That’s not why I’ve collapsed, in no way, you already know, I’m a person. Well, I’m trying to be adante and nothing is done, we’re with this channel. We will continue as long as there is health, as long as

There is Gan, and above all, also a little time eh Nothing the subtitles of the videos I ‘ll put it eh sorry if it’s not there I’ll say again forgive me if the live isn’t subtitled but

It’s because the platform doesn’t let me subtitle if I can’t because it won’t let me it’s because it won’t let me I can do the videos but not in the live stream, it doesn’t stay like generating

Or reading and it doesn’t let me. I don’t know if it’s a YouTube error or I don’t know but well that’s it, that’s it, I just wish you the best of health and prosperity. year 2024 I finished 2023 well and a hug to everyone from the bottom of

My heart So we finished the live here which I think has already been quite entertaining and and there has been a little bit of all kinds of interaction eh nothing Thank you very much and and nothing and and see you soon

So eh Thank you very much Victor for the like and he told me that it was excellent Well I don’t know how I do it But well I like it I just like the content and such eh That’s why there are the views not

The subscribers but the views yes eh pca in subscriptions but not in views eh honestly I am quite grateful to all of you and nothing and I will say again that the hater thing Well, the pirot has brought it to me eh Nothing that has been said to me again, I do not

Want to be repetitive either that what has happened to me, let’s say it has [__] quite a few colleagues who already before I set up this channel eh have been able to close the channel eh No I didn’t understand it

Well I understand why it was because of he and others because they have crushed it too much I say that they should come to me that nothing that without problems that the hate says that it also interacts in

Some way That is to say that it gives in some way how the channel rises position on YouTube So many comments like Well it positions that it doesn’t matter but well it is anyway not to me Nothing is going to position me. So directly because I delete and block I repeat again. So

Nothing, I’m going to say, I’m lazy, so clearly, and thanks to those present, eh those who see more later this live and nothing boys girls eh we finish this 2023 with this live and give you the best luck in the world that you know I am very grateful to you and I

Love you well virtually but I love you and I appreciate it very much and I had a good time Despite the fact that we are few but few but but well nothing good luck and until the next video next direct whatever so a big hug to all eh prosperous 2024



➡️DIA 27 – 12 – 2.023 A LAS 22:30 HORAS




⛔️ ⚠️ NORMAS EN EL CANAL ⚠️ ⛔️






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➡️ 🎶 Mi otro Canal 🌐 dedicado a la Música Electrónica y Grupo Español 🇪🇦 llamado 👉THREE MONKEYS JUMPING 🐵 🐵 🐵
🎧 MUSIC PRODUCER AND MIXER compuesto junto con mis 2 grandes amigos:

➡️🎶 My other Channel 🌐 dedicated to Electronic Music and a Spanish Group 🇪🇦 called 👉THREE MONKEYS JUMPING 🐵 🐵 🐵
🎧 MUSIC PRODUCER AND MIXER composed together with my 2 great friends:

👉Antonio J.Lara y Andrés Marín.



➡️Vídeos 📺 Subtitulados en Diferentes Idiomas 🔊 para mayor cobertura pública 🛜

➡️Videos 📺 Subtitled in Different Languages ​​🔊 for greater Public Coverage 🛜

➡️Vídeos Realizados 📽 en HD (Alta Definición) y 4K (máxima resolución 4.000 píxeles), usado en Cine Digital e Infografía (Técnica de obtención de imágenes por medio de procedimientos informáticos).

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➡️Realizado (Made) 📹 + Filmado (Filmed) 🎬 Móvil 📲 Samsung Galaxy S-21Ultra 5-G.

➡️Edición (Edition) YouCut Pro 🎞 Video Editor.

➡️Aro de Luz (Light Ring ) 🔆 + Soporte [📱] (Mobile Suport) = Hama – Modelo (Model) 4642 Spotlight Fold Up 102.

➡️Micrófono Inalámbrico (Wireless Microphone)🎙Modelo (Model) Wireless Lavalier Microphone.

➡️Micrófono para Directos (Live Microphone)👁 📢🎙 Hama 👉 Modelo (Model) Mic – Usb Stream


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