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Hello, my traveling people, I am Arnaldo González, better known as pituto, and we are with my mother touring my country, Chile, and on this occasion we are visiting the capital of the fourth region, which is Coquimbo and La Serena. In the previous chapter, we showed you one of

The highest bridges. In Latin America, which is the Amolanas bridge, we also visited El Faro de La Serena and we finished at the Coquimbo fort or Amber fort and today we will take you to see the Navigator’s viewpoint in Coquimbo, a sector on the beach at La Herradura in Coquimbo,

We will also visit a Pet cemetery in La Serena and we will climb the big hill of La Serena. I also want to ask you to please do not forget to subscribe to my

Channel, leave us your appreciated like and comment on what you liked about the video and where you would like it to be in the fourth or fifth region of my country Chile so without further ado let’s go to the video

Hello hello hello my traveling people well on this trip we are doing here to the Coquimbo sector we came now to visit the Navegantes viewpoint which is the one I see The back is a very nice place where you can come and visit it. It is a place that has

The entire view of the port of Guayacán and you will find some spectacular views here. The truth is, the views are spectacular. The place is very beautiful if you They are fixed behind my back, I don’t know what the wind will be like. The truth is, the wind is a bit annoying, but

I was trying with some microphones but they didn’t give me much results. So I’m trying to record it just like that so I can show you this place. It is very nice So I am going to leave it with some shots of what this sector is So I hope you like

This place, it is a place that is here in La Pampilla If you put Pampilla de Coquimbo on Google Maps and it will find you This place you enter the pampilla and go towards the left sector towards the horseshoe sector and this way you will manage to reach here

The famous viewpoint of the Navegantes, what else can I tell you about this place, apart from being beautiful the place is a very quiet place where one can come to enjoy the view of the Pacific Ocean that is behind me and also of what is Guayacán and La

Herradura Obviously if you look, there is everything that is the horseshoe and nothing so I will leave you with These beautiful beautiful shots of this place so that if one day you can come, you can visit this place

, this monument to Francis Drake that is located at the Navegantes de Coquimbo viewpoint in the Guayacán sector. It is composed of a metal sculpture covered in concrete which represents the figure of the English navigator and privateer next to a chest and facing the

Pacific Ocean on a cubic concrete base. It commemorates the well-known Sailor born in Tavistock in 1543 who developed his Campaign in the British Royal Navy as a privateer, that is, as a navigator with a patent. of privateering granted by the British crown for the purpose of sabotaging and

Appropriating goods transported by sea by enemy nations to England such as Spain in the 10th century Drake was also the first Englishman to circle the land in a single expedition previously The Spanish Juan Sebastián El Cano had accomplished this feat and the joint expedition with Ferdinand Magellan on this voyage of Drake during

His passage along the coast of Wal Mapu was wounded by a Mapuche attack in front of the Mocha Island. Francis Drey ended his days in Panama. and he died from dysentery in 1596. One of the myths that runs through the life of this character is the supposed treasure of hundreds of thousands of

Coins, 20 pots of gold and 10 jars of jewels that would be buried somewhere on the American coast after enjoy this beautiful viewpoint of the Navegantes We head towards La Herradura to see this beautiful beach beach La Herradura is located in the

Region of Coquimbo on this beach there is a fishing cove of some antiquity, it is a beautiful spa in which observe a calm olia according to some local myths it is said that many years ago when the corsairs and pirates arrived towards the bays of coquimbo the

Pirate Drake arrived in these lands choosing the vicinity of La Herradura to bury one of its treasures, this passage of history gives La Herradura beach a mythical value that is attractive to visitors. La Herradura beach presents a natural setting that is ideal for those interested in practicing marine sports such as swimming

And diving. as well as the winsor possible thanks to its calm waters, most of the visits to this spa occur in the summer season, however this is also an interesting place to visit in winter and at other times of the calendar

The visits In winter they do not pose a risk since its waters retain their tranquility as well as their warm temperatures. From the horseshoe you can see the Third Millennium cross and the Navegantes viewpoint has ideal spaces so that those who are interested can stay in Its surroundings range from

Hotel rentals to beachfront house rentals to enjoy greater privacy. Spending the night in the horseshoe will give visitors the opportunity to contemplate the beautiful sunsets and sunrises that can be seen from the Bay. It also allows for better contemplation

Of the marine fauna that inhabits its waters as well as the variety of birds that glide through its skies Stay down for the both of Us but let’s not Go there you got me thinking I don’t know

How we got here Oh my I think we better Run We all this Place Tonight I’m telling You Up Well, my traveling people, we went for a walk towards that sector where they had told us that the grotto of the singer of Los Jaivas el gato al quinta was located, but the truth

Is things are not We couldn’t find her, it was very difficult and the car was not in a condition to be able to get to the places we went. I didn’t want to film because the place was actually very complicated. So we arrived here at the horseshoe sector. Here we found ourselves

In the horseshoe So in this area it is very nice you can go down with the vehicle if you pay attention you can go down from that sector you get there with the car and from there you can come to

Walk this this walkway that gives us almost entering the sea which It leaves us in this sector that is very beautiful and you can see very well what the area of ​​La Herradura is. So

I am going to leave you with these shots so that you can know a little about what the Herradura sector is, choosing a little hair Ah choosing hair and that for what you use it for we sold it the rest they sell it And what is this for

Ah and you dedicate yourself to this and well You what do you collect here on the shore or the shore Now there is little but when it is Ah look I had no idea Oh and this is more or less how much you have to

Collect to be able to sell it No if it can be sold almost every day It’s just that I dry it since and you sold it dry and more or less how much They pay for 1 kilo of this is like 1 100 dry not that of 10

Kg there are like two nearby 2 kg 1 K 8 of 10 kg Ah look look Of course I said that about 17 18 kg Oh and if this is called you told me pelillo pelillo le they call what hair is called now Ah now my friend how much is your

Name Not if we are clear that’s why I didn’t know that That’s why it’s good for people to know how it’s a way to make a living too [ __ ] I have about 8 years old Oh and now I’m 60 something, imagine I’ve

Worked at this all my life, my mother worked, she raised us with this already and so I was left with the inheritance I was left with the inheritance Ah look how good but I still have another sister who They take seaweed there now it doesn’t

Come because there is very little of it anymore and sometimes they also go out to the sea we take it from inside look at the white boat that is there look at the white boat boy has one this one hanging next to the white one

I’m telling you the white the white the white with red that is there Ah the one that is here very close noom more where is this white guy a little further away to see there are some tights next to it is Ah ah

Where is he going to stop there Ah no Now that one we have tights hanging that we took out in the morning but we took that one out by diving Oh that one was taken out by diving of course and we will deliver it tomorrow morning Ah

Look how good Oh good Yes well Carlos nice to have met you it’s good take care bye bye my daughter went up there she It’s okay, I thought that I have a physical condition in good condition like

She can go up and I’m going to go ahead but we’re going to make the effort to go up here to get to the top now Well here We’ve reached the top the top part of Oh I’m tired I’m sick

Look how pretty this statue is what does this aboriginal represent the strength of the Andes, the strength of the earth where it houses the identity of the anima and mapuche cultures, the position of the piece shows the transcendental union of the Andean cultures with

The sky and the stars reflected on the earth to be able to tie them and believe in possessing them, the cross square that is the representative of all the Andean towns and the Southern Cross. Here we go with my daughter, let’s go, daughter, I, a little tired, well, we walked

All that sector, we walked the entire sector there, we covered the entire part of the small beach here. La Herradura went to look a little over there at the lates part and now we are going

This way along the waterfront and here we are going to go down and we are going to go here where my mother is and Mauri and the kily who are waiting for us in the car that my Mommy didn’t want to walk so here we go

Good morning Good morning my traveling people we woke up here in La Serena in my nephew’s apartment well as you can see the day is not very good It woke up on a very cloudy day the idea of ​​going to

That hill over there to that Hill I don’t know if you can see the Hill there Here is my nephew working on his business what is it Mauri are printed institutional t-shirts And now and what are you supposed to be doing there now I am transferring the vinyl to the t-shirt with with

It’s hot and there he takes out the little piece of paper And how stamped And look how a lot of people look with Lu’s cold friends, look how beautiful their work is. We’re going to leave their Instagram below so they can

See it so that if they want to have shirts stamped on them and hats here my nephew is in charge of making that little piece So I leave it for all the SMEs that want What is the name of the uniform

Here we already have the shirts and cheetahs So there we are going to leave the Instagram down here we are going to leave it so that they can How His name is so you can communicate with him and a telephone number so

You can also communicate with him Well, my traveling people, I took advantage of coming to drop off my nephew Here at his university which is here in the center of La Serena and I’m going to take a look

Around here in the square to show you the sector like this So let’s go there to see the Plaza de La Serena and when you moving I can hear my Calling there’s no One Else here That I see But You It’s what you doing making me feel like I’ m falling

You Blow My Mind I don’t know if you know yet what all around and I’m ding to Tell you I know that Now we are taking a little walk around the Plaza de La Serena, walking around it a little, the little stands are being

Placed here now so that later This is full of little shops where we go where people can come to buy handmade things more than anything The square is very pretty I still find that I don’t know I see it very dead very very very few

Trees the encounter I don’t know I like them the squares but where there are more leafy trees, the prettier no I don’t find the square as beautiful as I would like it to be my but I got try The Reason I sneaking out at Night to with you inet Under surprise figure

Out the best love to get you to your Touch wish me the best of luck to get you wish me the best of trying to this your to get you to get you to get you

The Plaza de Armas is one of the most iconic attractions of the city in that place was where Francisco de Aguirre, by order of Pedro Valdivia, refounded the city of San Bartolomé de La Serena on

August 26, 1549. It is surrounded by the streets of Carrera to the east, Arturo Prat to the north, Mata to the west and Gregorio Córdoba to the south, it is the place ideal where serene families and tourists can walk and recreate in a cozy atmosphere surrounded by trees, statues,

Benches and paths that connect. From end to end this incredible place during its beginnings was nothing more than an open-air walk in its center it housed a garden As the years went by , it took on the current form with which it is known. One of the first elements that it added

Around it was a grove of trees that created the perfect environment for passers-by to rest. In the following years, the most radical change that the square underwent was the transfer of the obelisk that is in the central part of the square. The obelisk had been built to commemorate the

Memory of the men who fought in the Pacific War. Today it is The structure is installed on the outskirts of the city’s municipal cemetery to protect the flowers and beautiful gardens. The old Plaza had these protective bars around these protective bars. Every

Year, spring festivals were held so that families could enjoy and coexist. It was also common. that the traditional band of the regiment played to the delight of the serenes in the middle of the plaza. You can see a pool carved in stone. This work was created

By the national sculptor Samuel Román Rojas. You can also see a variety of trees, including jacaranda. Crown of the Inca. Chilean palm. Cedar among other species in the month of February you can enjoy the harvest festival, ideal for tourists looking to taste different

Wines and piscos that are produced in the region. The International Book Fair is also installed in the Plaza de Armas during the In the month of February, one of the most attractive activities is to observe and feed the pigeons that nest in the trees of the square. On one side of the

Main square, you can see the Statue of former President Gabriel González Videla and also the Statue of the music teacher. Jorge peñ gén who is inside the plaza i ye Well my people We are walking towards the big hill that is up there and well we had to

Take a detour because they are fixing it Here I come with my daughter there is Nicole Hello Nico and here she comes my girl Ah And codita codita is also going to be present in the video and

With my daughter Valentina well and we were passing by and here my daughter okay she is telling me that this place has a Pet Cemetery Yes that is daughter Yes look Ah a Pet Cemetery pets

Here people come to introduce their little dogs to their little animal Ah, I had no idea Yes, in fact, look there, you can see what there is I think it’s a little dog Look Oh, really, really, let’s give it

A little one, let’s show it a little. here Ah from Vera Look here lulia Antonia 2007 October 2021 Look how beautiful and here are all the pets, the pets are undoubtedly another member of our family, so when the time of death arrives and there

Is no place to bury them or the resources to incinerate them becomes a sad problem, finding a place to leave them for rest and remembrance. Spontaneous or improvised pet cemeteries emerge in different parts of the conurbation. As happens near the Cerro Grande in a place in the La Pampilla quarry, the park. the

Soap opera and in other places even closer to homes such as in the Las Torres sector in Coquimbo where neighbors report a piece of land located on the side of the railway line between United States and Eugenio Marsal streets that for years has been transformed in a

Place where pets are buried and even reminder photos of their animals are placed . I have already arrived here in the antenna sector and I must tell you that the road is very bad, very bad. Well, I think because I have a little experience to drive on these roads.

I worked for a long time in mining and I was able to go up in the car but I really don’t advise anyone to come by car. The truth is, I didn’t see when I was going up that there was a truck, there were vehicles

Below that I don’t know, I figured what was happening but when I went up, I don’t know. There I am going to show you the image of what the road is like, the truth is things are not very difficult but we are

Here on the big hill where all the telecommunications antennas are located, both for radio television and radio stations and well the place It’s actually impressive but the most beautiful thing is the view we have from here So I won’t talk anymore and I’m going to take a shot

Of the views of La Serena I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love not afraid to love you I’m not afraid I’m not afraid not afraid to love not afraid to love them Always All the l but with you

Here Nothing can scare me I’m not afraid not afraid not afraid to love not afraid to love Well, I’m going to walk a little further because there when I was going up, look at how the

Road is, the truth of things is the road, but Oh, it’s not steep, it’s like that, and it’s worse, it’s worse. So look here at the height of these stones, we have the view of the another side of what is

The view of what is the other sector on the left side of the Pacific The Pacific is to my right Look how beautiful it is there are a booths and here you can see the other part of La Serena everything that

Is which would be everything that it is if I’m not mistaken everything that is white lands that sector and there the road that goes towards if you look closely you can see the beach of La Serena you can already see the cross and on the other side you reach Let’s see

The beach of La Herradura also has a view that is a little bit AC So it is beautiful from the back side there is also a view of houses also the panoramic view nothing to say it is a

Spectacle to come here to the big hill to look but yes well Someone has to come, as I keep insisting, someone who knows how to drive well and who can navigate these places because the road is

Very complicated, I hadn’t realized it and here I saw that you can go that way. I’m going to go see if I can go through. to take a shot for that sector, well, here I found several guys who were

Resting with their bicycles. What I didn’t know was that when I came down from the Hill I would find a big surprise. Well, now that I’m coming down from the big Hill, we’ve already traveled a little bit, it’s up there.

It’s not that windy here. So I stopped here for a while to show her something that caught my attention. My daughter says, if you look, there’s a ramp. The friends jump on their bicycles. They get to that ramp and they jump and so

On. I mean, if you look, well, in my youth we did this but at this point of madness, look here, the ramp is, imagine what it’s like to jump from here to the other side, there

We are. talking about 1 3 4 5 6 like 7 Met is very rigid but well that’s why I understand now the guys that there are little cyclists here on the hill Well let’s continue down if you

Pay attention to the path the path is very complicated it’s super bad but here we go going down Now Hello Well my traveling people here I meet Elías Bruna one of the boys we saw upstairs look here comes one coming down here comes Look Oh the man Ah but his one jumped

Now Hey hey so you are telling me that to go up more or less it takes you all from here in Serena yes from some of some specific place in La Serena or are we all

From the different ones there is a friend from vicuña that always comes Ah How good and they get together What day or is it relatively suddenly they agree to come Every day I with the miser Hol Álvaro say hello to

The boys there we compete a lot Then we saw an important race now so we are training a lot and they compete in It’s that look the truth is I had no idea nor am I very involved In this case, but

My daughter told me, it’s not that they come to practice, what is it called? Because then they go to Valparaíso, I don’t know where, of course, Valparaíso, like the very important competition in Chile, that is urban, but it is only by

Invitation, it is very difficult to get there. I ran there in 2016. already and from there I couldn’t come back last year I went to the classification to go and we classified three of oo that were chosen throughout the year I came fourth

As I told you before when I came down from the Hill I was surprised that the boys were already on their bicycles They had also gone down but in a very special way Since they are training for competitions in this sport Since they practice this extreme sport which is

Mountain biking or cycling mgb considered a risky sport is competitive cycling carried out in natural circuits at through forests and on narrow roads with steep slopes like those offered by the big hill. The bicycles are usually made of aluminum, titanium, carbon or

Other alloys that are as light as possible. They have front suspension that is in the fork with travel from 100 to 210 mm that can be spring-oil-air or both systems combined, some also use suspension for the rear wheel, normally with a system

Of articulation in the bicycle frame, the rear suspension can be rarely integrated into the frame, which helps these kids to be able to practice this sport, which is highly risky without further ado. I invite you to see one of the descents that our great friend makes. Elías Bruna

And so on We have reached the end of this beautiful video We say goodbye to the incredible episode number two of our exciting journeys, it has been an experience full of unforgettable moments, laughter And of course a lot of Adventure Thank you for joining us on this journey full of

Discoveries but don’t worry The fun does not end here we want to cordially invite you to our next episode number three where we will immerse ourselves in the beauty of the Japanese park of La Serena and relax on the wonderful Totoralillo beach. It will be an experience full

Of charming landscapes Japanese culture And of course unforgettable moments that we will share together do not miss the opportunity to explore with us and discover the beautiful that these places have to offer we are eager to have you back with us

Next Sunday for this new Adventure Get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of the Japanese park and enjoy the serenity from Totoralillo beach in our next episode see you soon remember to subscribe like and activate notifications so as not to miss a single moment of our incredible adventures until next time my

Friends not afraid to love not afraid to love Always l but with you here Nothing scare me not afraid not afra not afra to love not AF to to not help to love

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