ČUDNE PRIČE 186 – IVANA IZ KARAVUKOVA i poslednja smrtna kazna‼️

Poslednja smrtna kazna u Srbiji izvršena je 14. februara 1992. godine nad Johanom Drozdekom, koji je ubio malu Ivanu Salijević…
#smrt #cudneprice #ivana #detektiv #braca #motiv #istina

00:00:00 Čudne priče
00:00:33 Karavukovo
00:01:01 Ko je bila Ivana?
00:01:54 Otac Džemo
00:03:37 Pošteni rad
00:04:04 Čuvar pruge
00:05:07 Velika porodica
00:06:56 Očeve želje
00:08:29 Ivanino detinjstvo
00:12:35 Neznani gost
00:14:20 Maćeha
00:14:59 Ko je bio Johan?
00:17:58 Džemo i Johan
00:19:32 Johanov nerad
00:20:23 Policija i Johan
00:22:27 Zanimanje za žene
00:23:21 Pripreme za zimu
00:25:37 Džemov državni posao
00:28:31 Susret Džeme i Johana
00:30:10 Famozni bicikl
00:32:23 Nestanak Ivane
00:35:11 Prijava policiji
00:35:54 Potraga za Ivanom
00:37:41 Detalj kod groblja
00:38:24 Pronalazak Ivane
00:39:40 Uviđaj
00:41:33 Medijska hajka
00:43:06 Johanova predaja
00:45:39 Lovac
00:46:45 Suđenje
00:48:30 Rekonstrukcija
00:50:33 Bolničko veštačenje
00:50:55 Sahrana
00:52:48 Presuda
00:55:45 Registar bludnika
00:58:46 Majka Katica
00:59:42 Johanovo streljanje
01:02:30 Smrt majke Katice
01:04:44 Da li ste za…

Dear friends, tonight we will cover a very shocking story that happened in 1987. Namely, at night, around 20:00, the village of Karavukovo was simply terrified when they heard a terrible cry, a cry of pain, a cry of despair, a cry of helplessness and a cry of anger from a father who

Found the corpse of his young daughter next to the village cemetery . That little girl who was found that evening was called Ivana Salijević. And who was Ivana Salijevic? Ivana Salijević was born in 1982 in the town of Karavukovo, which belongs to

The municipality of Odzaci, as one of the daughters of the Salijević family, actually from her father Džemail and her mother Katica. They lived together with their parents and had four daughters. They lived in a poor house, which unfortunately the vast majority of Roma in our country live in. This family is actually

A Roma family, but a very honorable and honest family. Dzemail, whom people affectionately called Dzemo, did not shy away from any work. He did every job for a wage. He also went to pick the peppers for which this region is known, because otherwise the inhabitants of this region mostly came from Vranje

And the south of Serbia, which is generally known for the production of the best quality peppers. That’s how Dzemail, affectionately called Dzemo, worked as a wage earner. When there were no field jobs, he did heavy construction work. And he worked at the railway station unloading and

Loading goods from freight trains. He did every job to earn a few dinars to feed his family. Dzemaili used to go to work on an old bicycle. And he was known for the fact that when he was riding that bike

He said: “No, I’m not drinking today.” So there’s no way he’ll even drink a bottle of beer. And people laughed: “Come on, Jemo, what’s wrong with you? Well, the traffic police won’t stop you and force you to take a breathalyzer test.” He said: “No, no, it’s about the fact that I won’t accidentally

Create a problem for someone in traffic with my incident while riding a bicycle.” And I think that Jemo was right. Jem’s main slogan and definition is: “You should not be ashamed of honest work, because I only want to feed my

Family and children with honest work.” And Džemo not only worked, he also finished school. It means he finished school with honors. And he enrolled in a course for a railway guard. Of course he passed all security checks. People have said the best things

About him. He also passed the track guard course. And he was supposed to start working as an employee of the Serbian Railways very soon . He was overjoyed. He said: “Now I have entered the state story. I will have a secure salary, I will certainly have a lot

More money to afford my children and buy some toys. But the most important thing is that I have bread for my wife and children. So if there is some chocolate left over It’ll be great.” Jemo was overjoyed at that. His wife, Katica, was a patriarchally educated woman who believed that her husband should

Be respected as a god. Of course Dzemo deserved it. He never mistreated either his wife or his children. And Katica loved him. Katica was a housewife and they had four daughters. The youngest daughter was named Ivana because Katica adored this name. Of course, Ivana

Became the favorite of the whole family. So everyone adored her. And Džemo as a father of course, mother Katica, older sister. And especially grandparents. Ivana was a little girl with thick black curly hair and big black eyes. She was always smiling and loved playing with dolls. So

Dzemo bought her a beautiful doll that she adored. And he fantasized about taking his wife Katica and all the children to Novi Sad by train when he started working on the railway. To enter a large department store and buy the toys they want. And he especially wanted to afford Ivana the most beautiful

Doll because as the youngest, he simply adored her. Some of his relatives said: “Jemo, it seems that you are such a big scumbag as soon as this Katica of yours gives birth to only female children.” He jokingly waved his hand and said

: “It doesn’t matter. I don’t see it that way. Whoever has daughters also has sons. Because God wanted it that way. I just want them to be alive and healthy.” He told some of his friends, with whom he went to that course and to train at the railway, that he fantasized

About sending the youngest, Ivana, to some higher education institution. What Dzemo meant by those high schools, only he knew at that moment. It is even Katici used to say: “Ivana is somehow the most intelligent of all these daughters of ours, whom I

Love equally. And I would like her to go to finish some school and have a government job. Now, when I start working on the railway as a full-time employee, I will see if I can get into some a friendly relationship with the bosses

, so one day when she’s old enough, maybe I’ll enroll her in a school related to the railways. Because a state job is a state job. However, if she wants to work on the railways and finish their school, she’d have to

Go to Belgrade. And at the end of the day, that’s not bad either. I think she’ll do well in that story because I can tell by her. She’s very communicative and imaginative in those games of hers. And I noticed that she’s started reading some letters and from primer.” So Džemo

Had big plans for his youngest sweetheart. And that summer of 1987, the monotony of the plain, especially in this part of Karavukovo, more precisely in Ratko Pavlovića Street where the Salijević family lived, was simply resounding with the cries of children who were playing in those dusty streets, running barefoot.

They were shouting something. There was non-stop cheerful noise. There were some houses, a cat on the street. Then the older boys and girls picked mulberries for the younger ones. Everyone was so happy with those mulberries . And they simply gave the impression of the kind of children who are excited

And happy and who enjoy their childhood. The older boys played marbles. Little girls chased each other there with them: they also wanted to play marbles. These little girls carried their dolls and made mud cakes for them. Ivana was also in that team of the smallest girls who played

On the street. Ivana participated in some of their games with that crowd of little girls and boys. The girls pretended to be mothers now. They were carrying their own dolls. Then they lent each other dolls. And it was all somehow squealing from the roar, from the song. And that

Lasted from morning to night. And then somewhere around there, when the cartoon starts at 7:00 p.m. and 15 minutes later, either the mother or the father of those children would come out. And in the choir, the mothers started calling them by name: “Shabane, Pero, Miko, come home.” Then:

“Bring the sisters, bring the brothers.” And as they entered, they counted them to see if they were all there by number. Sometimes it happens that there is an extra child. And then when they see whose it is, I think just like a movie story. Maltene

Seems to be happening somewhere in the south of Mexico. I also love it, so that I don’t say something in a negative context, I love this image of those neighborhoods where members of the Roma population live. Because they are so

Special. They are full of joy, they are full of life. They accept nature in a healthy, human way, and I can freely say also in a childlike way. Their life is actually based on being rich as much as they have children. And

I can freely say that in that regard, many people can only envy them. Because they look at the world with different eyes and enjoy life. And in my opinion, I can say that they belong to those peoples who are the most cheerful and who

Love life the most. And they especially like summer. Most likely because they are of genetic origin from some more southern regions of our planet. And just like that, one summer day at the end of July,

A young man walked along the dusty road in Ratko Pavlovića Street. He had one bag. He walked as if he had been beaten. He just dragged himself along the street. He was tired, dusty, sweaty. And he asked where the Salijevic family was. When these elders asked him

: “Good boy, where are you from? From what story? Why are you looking for the Salijevics?” He said that he came from Novi Sad, that he had heard that she had remarried to one of the Salijevics and that he had now come to see his former stepmother because

She was very good to him when he was a child and while she was married to his father. And then they said, “Yeah, well. Now we’re going to take you to where her house is. We know exactly who this woman is.” And then they saw at that very moment Džemo was coming from

Work on his bicycle. And they called him: “Dzemail, here is a relative of yours.” He was so interested he fastened his tattered bag, placed it by the wall, went up to this young man and said: “Good, my friend” handing him the

Hands of course to shake hands and get to know each other, “How are we cousins?” So he says: “I came to visit my former stepmother. And I heard that she was married to one of the Salijevics.” And he said the man’s name. When Dzemo heard that,

He said: “Yes, I know that is my aunt. She was married to my late uncle. Now I will take you to her.” And then they went there. Djemo said: “Strin, here is your former stepson, who has come to visit you. He cares about you,

How are you?” Of course the aunt came out, said goodbye to the young man and said: “Dear God, how you’ve grown and how beautiful you are now. I just can’t believe that time has passed so quickly.” And who was that young man? That young man was

Johan Drozdek, born in 1956, by Polish nationality. And when he was very young, he came to SFRY with his father on some business. And his father didn’t want to return to Poland because it was very, very difficult to live there. Admittedly, during that

Period, life was difficult in our country, but much, much better than in some Eastern European countries. Both Drozdek and his Polish father stayed in Novi Sad. His father, while hanging out with some Poles who had arrived earlier, met a beautiful

Young Roma woman in a bar, fell in love with her, and they started dating. And then they got married. She became Johan’s stepmother. She was very good to him. And as long as she lived in Novi Sad, she took care of him as if she were

Her own child. And later, when she divorced Johan’s father, she met a handsome and good-looking young man from Karavukovo and married him. It was a horse trader. By the way, he was Dzemail Salijević’s uncle. And now that Dzemo saw how his aunt accepted Johan, he experienced Johan as his real cousin, almost as

A brother from his uncle. He said: “Look Johan, since I see you plan to stay longer here with your aunt, if you need company, feel free to invite me to go to the village tavern, to the store. If you need anything, I

Can help you, feel free to call me and call me. I’m here for you.” Then they said goodbye and Dzemo went to his home. Upon arrival, he immediately told Katica: “Our aunt has a son.” He literally said so. She

Says: “My God, Jemo, how did you get a son? I mean, it’s an older woman, what are you talking about?” So she says: “Her stepson arrived from Novi Sad and will be with her all summer. At least that’s what he told me.” And Katica said: “Okay, if you think you

Should invite him sometime, let him come to our place for coffee and a glass of brandy. I’ll be glad to meet my boyfriend.” And then he said to one Johan: “John, let’s go after the pub so you can meet my family.” And he brought him and introduced him to all

The members of his household who were sitting in the courtyard at that moment. There they drank coffee and a glass of dudovača. And then they parted ways. And after that, Dzemo used to buy Johan a pack of cigarettes every other third day. He saw that young Johan was not doing well financially. After

All, he knew as soon as he came to his aunt from Novi Sad that there was something wrong with finances. And in general Johan behaved like a young man without a job. And his aunt registered him at that address so that

Johan could receive social assistance because at that time he did not have a job and was not doing anything. And now Johan was far away from all those friends from that neighborhood. Why? Because he was blonde, tall, almost that classic

Face from Poland. He was thin, 30 years old, actually 31 years old. He seemed so disinterested in any work. There were some jobs to work on construction and some agriculture, but Johan was generally not interested in any kind of work. Most of all, he liked to sit in front of the village

Store or next to the tavern, and when one of the acquaintances he met now came by , he expected them to invite him for a drink, to give him a few cigarettes. And in fact he became the village scavenger. Of course, his former

Stepmother used her modest income to give him the money he spent on cigarettes and alcohol. So, according to me, Johan was a classic village idler. Now, I don’t want to go into that part of the story about the application, when he applied, whether he became interested in security and

To the leader of the sector that extended Karavukovo. As soon as someone comes from a big city to a small town, the policeman who is in charge of that village, that is, to whom Karavukovo belongs in the security sector, is obliged to know everything about

The newcomer. Even who is he hanging out with? What is he doing right now? How does he behave? Is he troublesome in the pub? Is it incidental in any way? And is it actually of security interest for the police service? I don’t know if

The sector leader did it and processed it. But it seems to me most likely that he was not too interested in the newcomer named Johan Drozdek. Of course, everyone else in that neighborhood, on Ratko Pavlović Street, was not particularly interested in who

Johan Drozdek actually was in the past and what did he do in general? Was he married? Was he in the army? And if so, what gender did he serve? In which city? And everything means the rest as the questions go. However, in this region where Johan Drozdek ordained,

No one was interested in that. He was only interesting to young girls from the neighborhood where he lived. It was just so many young girls who were interested in him because he was a handsome guy and he was blond. Now, according to his behavior, he wasn’t particularly

Interested in those girls. At least he didn’t show any particular interest. He was more interested in drinking. And he was more interested in knowing exactly when Džemo was coming home from work so that he could go to his place to scratch for

A few dinars, possibly for a pack of cigarettes or maybe some cigarettes. And to talk to him like that and tell him: “Let’s see you tonight for a bottle of beer.” And so. And in all that idleness of his, that long warm summer of 1987

Passed in Karavukovo. Autumn has come. Of course, winter has also started. The cold air implies that firewood should be prepared, especially in the villages. His former stepmother, she now started collecting money to buy firewood, that is, to pay people to bring it, to cut it,

To stack it. Of course, Džemo found himself there again, helping his aunt. And lo and behold, Johan was not present when anything was being done. By the way, all those jobs around chopping wood, stacking and everything else were done by Džemo and his

Relatives because they thought they were helping their aunt. Which is what it is. Sometimes they would ask where Johan is? She would say, “He went for a walk in the village.” And that would be the end of it. And November of 1987 came. The noise on the streets has died down

. Those dusty streets have now become muddy due to frequent rains. Of course, there are still some events happening in the streets in the evening. So the children usually go out before dinner to play. And their parents allowed them to go out into the street with approval and pleasure so that they wouldn’t

Bother them at home with household chores. Because there were families with five or more children. And those are all the houses that have one or two of those rooms. And you can imagine the crowd when the children are inside. A real mess. But they enjoyed it. And no one protested. It is important

That everything works as it should. And in the Salijević family, everything worked according to ps and jus. And on November 10, 1987, a special joy took place in this Salijevic family. Because Dzemo came home on his bicycle, he entered joyfully and said: “I have good news.

I have been accepted for permanent employment.” He kissed his Katica several times and said: “Woman, from now on we have safe state bread. I have been hired as a permanent employee to work as a railway guard. So there will always be bread for

You and for the children. And by God, there will be some toys too and chocolate.” And of course everyone was overjoyed. They didn’t have such luck until that moment, since the birth of little Ivana and until now, until he told Dzemo this good news.

Of course Dzemo winked at his Katica and said: “Thank God there will be bread for more family members now” alluding to the fact that he wants his wife to give birth to a son next year. And of course she laughed at

It all. She said: “Just let God give you health. The important thing is that you got a permanent government job. And everything will go as it should and as you planned.” At that moment, little Ivana was running around the house in the room. And she said, “Daddy, when are you going to

Take me for a bike ride?” And he said: “We’re going to drive all day tomorrow.” you want Now dad has to go finish something. And you go and play with the other children.” And she happily ran out to play with her friends. And soon after that, Dzemo told his

Katika that he had to go to the center of the village to meet one of his own friend and to agree on something. Now what was Jemo supposed to agree with that friend of his? Was it something related to a new

Job on the railroad? Or was it something else? I don’t know now. But when Džemo left around 5:00 p.m., the first darkness had already begun to fall in that period. He just looked out of the corner of his eye to see

Where Ivana was? Was she not in some mud and water by chance? And then when he saw that she was he was playing with his friends on a dry field and land, he just waved his hand, turned and headed towards the center of the village.

And Dzemo met Johan Drozdek who, during that meeting, looked for him a few cigarettes and if he had to give him a few dinars to buy beer in the country store. He said, “Johane, no problem. I have a reason to

Celebrate. Here you are, not for one, here you are for two beers. And here we are going to share this pack of cigarettes. And I’ll buy a hell of a lot of tobacco for you and me later at the store.” Of course, Johan was so interested in everything that

He had reason to honor that he didn’t even want to ask him what the reason was. You can imagine that rudeness. But he happily took those cigarettes and some money that Jemo had given him. He put it in his pocket and said, “Well, Jemo, I have

One more request.” He said, “Tell me, Johan, but I’m in a hurry, I’m really in a hurry.” “Would you like to can you give me your bike to go to the neighboring village? I’m supposed to meet a girl there.” He says, “Come on, please don’t just ask me that. Because it

‘s my only means of transportation from here to work. And for God’s sake, don’t ask me about the bicycle again.” The bicycle stood leaning against the wall of Jem’s house. But when he started to leave, he turned to Johan again and said: “Look, Johan, don’t accidentally think of taking my bicycle .

Because that’s what I told the other children, that he’s not for play because he only serves me to go to work.” Dzemo turned and headed towards the center of the village. He was so absorbed in the meeting that was about to take place between

Him and the man who he waited until he heard what Johan actually muttered. And he said, “Look, you’ll remember me for the rest of your life.” How fortunate that Jemo had heard that threat. He might have reacted in a different way. But he hurried away to met his friend. And found himself. He

Stayed there for a few hours. He started a diary. He was sitting in a bar with his friend, they had another drink and then Jemo said: “I have to go home now because my family is waiting for me for dinner. Because that’s

The rule in my house that there is no way that anyone in the house will take a piece of bread if I don’t sit down at the table.” So my wife Katica does that too, and by God, these older children, and even little Ivana, started behaving like that. . He won’t eat until

Dad comes.” In fact, this is the patriarchal relationship that was applied in the Salijević family. They respected the head of the house. And they didn’t want to have lunch or dinner until the host came. And of course Džemo paid the bill he had in the tavern, got up and hurriedly walked towards

His house. He came in, wished everyone a good evening and a pleasant dinner. He sat down and said: “Well, where is Ivana?” Because he noticed that the youngest child was missing. Katica said, “Well I think she’s still out there with the kids.” Dzemo

Went out and the first thing he noticed was that on the wall of his house, which he did not notice when he arrived, he noticed that his bicycle was not there. He immediately thought: “That crazy Johan took a bicycle and went to the neighboring village to see that

Certain girl. But tomorrow I will teach him a lesson. Today I will not be angry because I do not want to spoil the mood in the house which is cheerful due to his acceptance into permanent employment.” And of course he didn’t want to spoil

His family’s dinner with his bad mood. And he went to a girl who was standing there with her friend and said: “Did you happen to see Ivana?” He says: “No, I haven’t seen her. I’ve been here for almost an hour. Me

I was a little late, I came out a little later. And I didn’t see Ivana at all.” That’s when Dzemo got a little scared. He started shouting. Not in the sense that he was scared that something had happened to Ivana, but he thought: “She’s now gone to

Someone’s neighborhood and now she’s having dinner there with a child from that neighbor. And by the time I find her around the neighborhood, it will take an hour.” I mean, it’s usually not seen among the Roma, if a neighbor’s child came, he sat down with

His friends and company to have dinner. Everything is shared. And then someone from the members of the household after taking the child home. And he said: “If I don’t find her by 9:00, I’m sure someone will bring her.” And now he goes from neighbor

To neighbor, no one has seen Ivana. He starts to calls out: “Ivana! Ivana!” And then someone heard his calling. He came out and said: “Stop Jemo, are you looking for your youngest child?” He said: “Yes.” “Well, he said about two hours ago I

Saw the Pole Johan how he rode away on your bicycle.” And now suddenly Jemo was just startled. He turned pale, he became as white as milk. He felt something tighten around his heart. He just couldn’t speak. He started stuttering. And he said to his to the neighbor: “Please, brother, lend me

Your phone, I need to call the police urgently.” He says: “Why on earth are you calling the police? ” Because I feel that something terrible has happened to my little Ivana.” They immediately entered the house. Džemo called the police on his phone. He said

That an acquaintance of his from the village who lives with his aunt took his daughter in an unknown direction on a bicycle. at that moment she was only five years old, underage means six. And the police said:

“Okay, we’re going to Karavukovo right now. Wait for us in the center of the village. But start looking for a girl. Maybe she fell somewhere. Maybe they fell on the side of the road on their bike, maybe they’re in a canal.” And of course after that Jemo

Told the neighbor what the policeman on duty told him. They went out. Jemo just couldn’t talk. But the neighbor called all the neighbors. They went out. older men. When I say older, all of them from 20 years old and up. And they took

Flashlights because it was already dark. And they started looking for the little girl and of course Johan. Along the way they also met a woman who said: “I’m not sure, but when I was coming back from the store I think I saw

A cyclist riding a little girl on a bicycle. And that they went in the direction of the cemetery.” And when he heard that, Dzemo totally lost his voice, he couldn’t say a word. He was just sweating. Of course, the neighbor from whom he

Called was next to him. He said to him: “Dzemo don’t be afraid, it must be all right. Well, after all, Johan lives with your aunt. You are like a genus. He just nodded and said, “God willing.” They went to the cemetery, went through the whole cemetery, they didn’t find anything

Suspicious. Darkness had already largely fallen. And they didn’t immediately notice that a bicycle was leaning next to an acacia tree. Only one boy, who was about 15, 16 years old, he shouted: “Uncle Jemo, there is your bicycle.” And he pointed the flashlight in

That direction. And when they were about ten meters from the bike, Dzemo let out a scream from his chest that can only be heard in horror movies. The whole village heard that cry . They talk about him in Karavukovo to this day that

They have never heard anything more terrible. Džemo started to run, knelt down and took in his arms the body of his daughter Ivana, who was lying in a clearing on the grass. And she was half naked. So the lower part of the body, the legs were bare. And this child’s head

Was all bloody. And her beautiful black and stiff hair was all covered with blood. One of those people who went in search of little Ivana knelt next to Jem, took him firmly by the shoulder and said: “Jem, leave the little girl. Now the police will come, we mustn’t

Touch anything until they come. Her now no help.” Because the man put his hand on the girl’s chest and realized that there was no heartbeat and that the girl was not breathing, in fact she was dead. And soon, about 15 minutes after that event,

The police came. The investigation begins. They find 2 meters from the girl in the grass and a brick that was big and covered in blood. They understood that the girl was actually killed with that brick. And later, through an autopsy and

A detailed investigation, they determined that the girl was first killed with a brick and then raped dead. And while the investigation was going on, Džemo suddenly got lost. So he disappeared. There was a crowd of people standing and watching the police investigate. And someone said: “Let Jemo come here, actually

Let Jemail come, the father of the child.” They realized that Gemma was gone. And now everyone is asking: “So where is Dzemo?” And they knew where Jemo was. Jemo ran to the village hoping to find Johan to kill him. That’s what he later told

The police. However, luckily for him, and I would say luckily for him, he did not find this rascal who killed and then raped his sweetheart Ivana Salijević, who was five and a half years old at that time. That November 10, 1987, will be remembered for this unpleasant event,

Not only in Karavukovo and Srem, but by God in all of Vojvodina and Serbia. All the newspapers wrote about it. Immediately that same evening, Radio and Television of Vojvodina gave extraordinary news and said that they were looking for a person who is

31 years old, that his name is Johan Drozdek, that he is from Novi Sad, but now with a place of residence in Karavukovo. And that he committed the serious crime of murder. And that if he is noticed anywhere, he should be immediately reported to the police so that he can

Be deprived of his liberty and brought to justice. And while everyone was now talking in the village, because no one had even slept that night where Johan could be hiding, some suggested organizing those village patrols in the hope that they would find him somewhere in a street or alley of the village. Some

Suggested that they also visit the surrounding farms, which the police said that nothing should be done until the morning, because they were afraid that Johan might not be armed by chance. Because someone from the police informed them that this was a person who

Had a problem with the law before. And of course, while the organization of the search for Johan was going on, somewhere around 6:00 in the morning, a person who introduced himself as Johan Drozdek entered the police station of the city of Sombor.

He was all smeared with mud, wet with sweat and was simply killed by fear. And he said to the policeman on duty: “I am asking you to arrest me now and handcuff me. Because I killed someone in Karavukovo.” Of course the policeman already knew what happened in Karavukovo. He immediately handcuffed him

. He informed his commander that a person who introduced himself as Johan Drozdek had approached, but that he had no personal documents with him. And that he is not sure whether it is actually about that person or about a person who may have psychological problems. Because as he himself said: “The face seems

So frightened that I am not sure if he is in his right mind and if he is telling the truth.” Of course, upon the arrival of the commander and operatives who also arrived from Novi Sad, it was immediately established that it was Johan Drozdek,

31 years old. And that he is actually the person who is wanted for the crime of murder. And in the morning, around 10:00 a.m., the emergency news of Radio Television Vojvodina reported that Johan Drozdek was arrested in Sombor. And that he is suspected of the criminal act of murdering five-

And-a-half-year-old Ivana Salijević. Of course the nation was in shock. When they heard how this girl was killed and later raped, it caused such anger in the entire public that the entire nation was boiling with anger. And she demanded the lynching of Johan Drozdek. Of course he was safe, in the remand prison

Of the city of Sombor. And now that it has been announced that Johan Drozdek has been arrested and is in prison, one of the villagers who was hunting that day and who was returning from hunting said that around 18:00 he saw Johan

Drozdek coming out of one of the bushes near the cemetery and how he was pulling on his pants. At that moment, the hunter thought that Johan was defecating and turned to the other side. And the hunter commented on

The confusion that Johan had on his face : “Johan must have been embarrassed that I saw him, so he made that silly crazy face.” And he said: “If I had known what Johan had done I would have shot him with a rifle.” And then he said to Jem,

Actually to Jemail: “Jemo, if I had known what that crazy Johan had done, I would have killed him like the worst beast. Because what he did, no one would have done wild beast. This is the most monstrous thing.” And of course, after all that,

The prosecutor’s office started the trial of Johan Drozdek. During the trial, Johan Drozdek confessed to the crime he was charged with. He said that he was not drunk, that he drove the girl in the direction of the cemetery with the intention that he was

Raping her because her father Jemo didn’t want to lend him a bicycle. And since the girl knew him, he called her and said: “Look, little one, if you want me to ride your dad’s bike, I’ll buy you a big chocolate.” And a naive child

Who she still doesn’t know what is a lie and what is human malice, that simple happiness was shining. From her big black eyes you could see the happiness that she would get chocolate and that she would ride on her father’s bike. Because she imagined Johan

Drozdek as her cousin . And in fact, at the age of five, she didn’t even know that she could expect any harm from anyone. In fact, as a child, she thought that adults were actually obliged to protect and protect children from anything

. And so she sat on a bicycle, on that frame. Johan drove her in the direction of the cemetery. And when they were near the cemetery, according to Johan’s story, Ivana started begging him: “Uncle Johan, please don’t go near the cemetery,

I’m afraid, I’m afraid of the cemetery.” And then she started crying: “Please bring me back, I’m afraid of the cemetery.” And Johan then slapped her across the mouth. He gripped his neck with his hand and said: “Shut up, don’t cry anymore, or

I’ll tear your head off now.” The unfortunate child was speechless with fear. Johan drove her another hundred meters. And then he put a bicycle next to that fatal acacia, grabbed the girl by the hair, dragged her to a distance of ten meters from the bicycle. There he came across, actually tripped over a

Brick which he took in his right hand. And with all his might, he began to hit the unfortunate child on the head, as he later stated in court because he was terribly irritated by her crying. He kills that poor little creature who is still

Ignorant of human malice. And after that he commits unnatural fornication and desecrates this small and innocent body. I’m just now as I’m talking, imagining that image and imagining myself if I were in the situation of the policeman who is looking for Johan

Drozdek in order to act. Who knows? But I better not talk about it. Johan Drozdek was safe, in prison. The trial continued. According to the order of the court, a forensic medical examination was carried out at the psychiatry hospital for such cases in Belgrade. And it was established that Johan Drozdek is

A stable person, meaning that he is completely normal mentally. And that he was aware of what he was doing at the time of committing the crime. While all that goes on, that story of the trial and all that, the pain in the house of the Salijević family does not stop.

They buried their pet in the local cemetery. Just the one the girl was most afraid of in the world. Such is fate. And the parents were simply lost in grief. They felt like they were going to die. In one

Moment, they experienced the greatest happiness and the greatest pain from a man whom they accepted as the most born of their kind. At one point, they smoked and gave him pocket money as if he were a student. In fact, this was all done by

Jemo, the father of this unfortunate and murdered girl, thinking that he was helping this young man until he found a job. But as he later declared before the court: “Once a beast, always a beast.” And he said that he had made the fatal mistake of

Accepting the same man as his first-born. And that he didn’t ask the police to check who moved into his late uncle’s house. And who lives with his aunt. He always said that he would never forgive himself for that for the rest of his life. And he stated that several times during the trial.

The trial lasted a year. And on March 14, 1988, Johan Drozdek was sentenced to two sentences. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for unnatural fornication and rape of a minor. 10 years was then the maximum sentence for

That crime in the Republic of Serbia. And for the crime of murder, he was sentenced to death by firing squad. Of course, the defense ex officio filed an appeal against this verdict. They asked for subsequent and special expertise to prove that Johan is an insane person. Because in their explanation they

Said that what he did could not be done by a normal person. And that he is actually for treatment in a closed hospital. Another one was done expert opinion. However, that expertise also confirmed his sanity. The supreme court confirmed the first-instance verdict for Johan as well . Johan Drozdek was

Sentenced to death by firing squad. And the execution of this sentence was awaited. Of course, the press wrote a lot about this case. Then it became public who Johan Drozdek really was. He was a multiple rapist. He had several prison terms for rape. The last prison sentence was

Due to the rape of an older minor, for which he served three years in the Mitrovica Penitentiary. Then he had 4.5 prison terms of a couple of months or a year each for serious theft. So it was about a man who really should

Be very interesting for the service in terms of security. After this event, the public proposed to introduce a special public register of sexual predators. So that the citizens could know at any moment who has moved into their neighborhood: Is he a maniac or an honest citizen? Unfortunately, not only was this

Not adopted then, those registers do not exist even to this day. Of course, if the head of the security sector undertook an operational check for a person who suddenly moved to his area, he would have access to his complete file from the criminal records. And would generally put him

Under surveillance. Because when a policeman does his job, he can be a good or bad policeman. A good policeman is not a policeman who, when he finds a lost wallet during a tour of his sector and returns it,

Takes it to the duty station and reports it, that is not a good policeman. That’s an honest cop. If, for example, he sees a child or a man drowning in the river while going around his sector and jumps in and saves him, that is not a good

Policeman. That’s a brave cop. And there should be a difference. A good policeman is that policeman who actually has the largest number of written operational official notes, actually information about persons of security interest from his security sector. I think I

Was absolutely clear when I said countless times that it is necessary to bring back the good old policeman. The period when this murder happened was the period of police officers who were working. But apparently they were busy with other activities as well. And maybe they weren’t interested in who moved there in

The neighborhood where some cheerful people live, where you really don’t even know what’s going on, who’s coming, who’s leaving. And I think that’s a big mistake. I wouldn’t call it discrimination, but I can safely say it’s gross negligence. Because precisely those people who perhaps someone considers insufficiently interesting

To deal with can actually be a source of very good information that is very important for the security, not only of that place, but also of the entire country. And which can contribute to solving some serious crimes that were committed, maybe not in that place, but maybe in some other place. But from

Those people who suddenly moved there all of a sudden and decided to visit their aunt, aunt or stepmother from childhood. As I said, the Salijevics never recovered. Especially mother Katica. She ran after her pet. She gave birth to her Jem two more children. She gave birth to

A girl whom she named after her favorite Ivana. She also gave birth to a son whom she named after her beloved husband Jemail. However, she never recovered from the loss of her beloved Ivana. She said that she was just waiting

For the moment when the beast that killed her child would be shot. And that moment came on February 14, 1992. The guards entered Johan Drozdek’s cell and told him that he would be shot tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. That he has

The right to a last wish in the sense of the dinner he wants to be ordered from the hotel, that he can get a pack of his favorite cigarettes, that he can drink a glass of his favorite drink, that he can get to read a certain magazine, that he has

The right to a 5-minute telephone conversation with someone if he wants it and if he knows his number. However, he said that he has no desire, he doesn’t want anything in particular, he just wants to drink a few coffees to stay awake. And while he was

Waiting for the execution of the death sentence, he said that he never regretted killing the little girl because she annoyed him terribly because she was crying. On the morning of February 14, he was brought before a firing squad made up of eight policemen who came from various secretariats of the interior.

Businesses from all over Serbia. And they were given special weapons, so that four rifles had live ammunition and four had blanks. They brought Johan Drozdek in front of the peasant platoon. Between them, they did not know who charged the weapon with live ammunition. They stood 12 meters away from the convict,

Behind whom there was a special curtain for collecting bullets. It is a so-called bulletproof curtain, to prevent ricochets. They looked eye to eye. And then a so-called screen is placed in front of the convict, so that the police officers who shoot him cannot see him. They only see one framed

Square that is 50 by 50 cm. That’s exactly the square that goes on the convict’s chest. It is such material that the convict sees the policemen, but the policemen do not see him, and on the given command they all shoot in that square.

Four bullets hit Johan Drozdek in the chest. He fell. Then the prison doctor comes and checks if he is dead or not. When he is declared dead, further official action is taken. And of course the public was informed that on February 14, 1992, the death sentence was carried out on

The said convict. And regardless of the fact that Katica Salijević brought two new lives into the world, the sadness for her darling did not stop in her heart. And this woman died of grief. She is now surely up in heaven

With her darling, while the executioner of her Ivana, I hope, is now burning in hell. I don’t know what to say, but after what happened to a child, it is rare for a mother’s heart to accept such a loss. And her father

Blames himself for why he hung out with Johan Drozdek in the first place and why he accepted him as a relative. He says that for days, that is, nights and nights, he dreams

Of meeting him in the center of the village, how he catches him, how he ties him with a cable that he later hangs on his car, which he bought in the meantime. And then he drives it all night at 100 an hour. And so he dreamed of him countless times. Let his evil

Fate be a lesson to all people that they must check who comes to their neighborhood, and especially who comes as their guest. Because if you remember a little Johan when he was a child, when he was a good child, it does not mean that that

Child did not grow into a big monster in the meantime. And that maybe it will make those people who care about you and who love you unhappy. We must not forget this event, first of all because of little Ivana. And the event that

Happened, that is, the execution of the convict Johan, will be remembered as the last execution of the death penalty in the Republic of Serbia. Now many are advocating the return of the death penalty for some convicts, that is, for some criminals who commit murders against, for example, pregnant women and children. I

Don’t know what you, dear friends, think about it. But I would like to hear in your comments whether you are in favor of reintroducing the death penalty for these serious crimes and for a similar crime committed by Johan

Drozdek? And would that punishment have an effect on the reduction of criminal acts of murder against women and children. Because we are in an epidemic of femicide and killing of children. In anticipation of your comments, I welcome you to the next Strange Tale. Stop all violence.


  1. Postoje nepisana pravila ?

  2. Iskreno.. nikad se nisam slagao sa smrtnom kaznom, to vidim kao neku vrstu precice..

    Kao i dozivitnu robiji.. jedes, spavas, setas a ne j.bes isto pemzija..

    Vec da robijas 21god a svaki dan trebas da cepas 5m drva, fizicki neki poso da crknes.. iz dana u dan, da u roku 10/15 godina neostane nista od tebe

  3. Treba da se vrati smrtna kazna za monstrume i na taj nacin bi se njihov broj smanjio. Danas idioti prave idiotske zakone po kojima se ima samilost za monstrume, izmisljaju milion izgovora da ih zale i postede a za zrtve this monstruma ih nije briga.

  4. Њега су метком ,,частили", да се ја питам горео би на ломачи док му душа(коју нема),не заврши у паклу и да осети бол бар сличан оном које је јадно дете претрпело, па да видимо дал'би плакао или арлаукао од бола,ђубре зликовачко.

  5. Ako smrtna kazna nebi umanjila krivicna dela kao ovo i slicna ali bi smanjila broj tih zlocinaca koji nebi imali priliku da budu povratnici i ucine ponovo taj zločin.

  6. DA !! Smrtna kaznaa je zakon da zaustavi zlocin. Ali ja bih takve drzala par GODINA zive u zatvoru. Zasto? Jer je premekano odmah ubiti. Treba ih muciti I polako ubijati. Zatvorenici bih mu sudili svaki dan 😂 a onda na kraju ga streljati .

  7. Ovo je jedna od 3 najužasnijih priča koje smo ovdje čuli. Duša mi se moja raspala, i jedino čujem onu imenicu djevojčica i toliko malo godina života. Nakon ovakvih rečenica ne da bih uvela smrtnu kaznu, nego bih i potpisala da roditelj žrtve, srodnik bira na koji način.

  8. Ljudi zasto da ćutimo i da gledamo i slušamo kako nam monstrumi ubijaju nevinu decicu jel ne smem da kazem sta bi uradio tom monstrumu da se bojim vlasti i da cutim imam pravo da kazem sta bi mu radio ubio bih ga iskren da budem a nisam ubica niti neki ludak i nikada ne bi mogao nekog da ubijem ali te monstrume bih mucio da umre u najtežim mukama pa neka mi slobodno sude i neka me uhapse posle ove poruke nece mi biti zao jer znam da bih ubio monstruma koji ubija male duse koje se ne mogu odbraniti Neka pociva u miru

  9. Aman bre ljudi!!! Pa dokle da štitimo i čuvamo psihopate, ubice, i kojekakve ludake. Da zbog takvih da stradaju normalni i nevini životi. On završava sa životom nevine žrtve, i takav ima pravo na humano suđenje, na sigurnom je mestu, hrane ga oblače ga, čuvaju ga, dok bol oštećenih večno traje. Taj ološ se smeje, zajebava se i Nada se da će jednog dana izaći na slobodu. On iz zatvora ikada a žrtva ili konkretno nesrećno dete iz groba nikada. Takve treba po kratkom postupku likvidirati. Svi počinioci ovakvih krivičnih dele se sakrivaju iza neuracunljivosti. Ovom bolesniku je sud dosudio sasvim ispravnu kaznu. Ubiti počinioca.

  10. Treba smrtna kazna za monstrume,a u ovom primjeru ja bi bila jedino sigurna da je mrtav samo kada bi mu ja pucala u prsa svih osam metaka.Da Bog da a da monstrum ubije neznam onda ko je lud da nebi uveo smrtnu kaznu

  11. Sjecam se toga kad je bilo citala sam u novinama samo sto je pisalo da je bio neki rodjendan pa je mala djevojcica otisla sa njim jer mu je vjerovala.. Proslo je puno godina al znam da je takav strasan utisak ostavilo na mene da to nisam zaboravila. Hvala za ovu pricu Braco!

  12. Po meni smrtna knazna nije rijesenje jer ljudi nerazmisljaju o kazni kad rade neko krivicno djelo ali dozivotna kazna zatvora je ja mislim gora i teza od smrtne kazne ovak ostatak zivota mora provest iza resetaka mogu ga mucit drugi zatvorenici i to je pakao a smrtna kazna ubiju ga i rijesio se svega

  13. Ovo jecjeziva prica. Ja jesam za vracanje smrtne kazne, pogotovo za ubistva dece. Slusala sam strucne ljude koji kazu da to ne bi smanjilo broj ubistava, ali ipak mislim da bi se ti monstrumi teze odlucivali na ovakv cin da znaju da im preti smrtna kazna.

  14. Smrtnu Kaznu treba Hitno Vratiti.A ne takve da ih Hrane i Čuvaju 30 ili 40 godina pa kad izadju opet po starom.U današnje vreme je sve gori kriminal i zlo svake vrste.Tako da samo na pomisao da će biti osudjeni na smrtnu kaznu ali po hitnom i brzom skraćenom sudjenju.Niko neće ni da krade a kamoli ubija i siluje.Srbijo Probudi se.🇷🇸

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