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Tokyo’dan başlayacak yeni yolculuğumda başıma gelenleri en doğal halimle paylaşacağım.Bu yolculukda bana destek olmak için kanala abone olabilir ayrıca İnstagram’dan ve Twitch’den Takip edebilirsiniz.

Uber’le çok para kazanıyorum ve senin de bu fırsatı seveceğini düşünüyorum. Daha fazla bilgi için:

Greetings, Greetings, Greetings, I need to turn on the screen in front of me for a second. Good evening everyone, I need to test the sound first. Is my voice coming? I was going to open it on Twitch properly. But there was a change at the last minute. Is there any sound

? Let me check the sound first. It is coming. Great sound. Okay, if the sound is good, I will do this. Let me put this runner here, let me get this runner. How are you, friends? How are you doing? I opened the chatti. I opened it. I saw that people were gathering. Good

Evening. A nice atmosphere started to form. Someone will come out soon. Someone will do such a rude behavior. I banned him for 86,000 seconds. It was pretty good. He banned someone for 86,000 seconds . I’m going to open the chat, I’m waiting for a second, I’ll make my settings and

Come back for a second. Have I turned on my H set? Let me see the chat. Okay , we’re all set . What’s up, handsome? This is the first message that caught my eye. Thank you, Yiğit. Thank you. We were fine until your handsomeness came along. We got banned. We got better.

Welcome, Cem. Welcome. We found it, MR snop, I will do something like this on the air today. Friends, if there is anyone who wants to talk, if there is any chat about Japan on the air, I am sharing our discord account. Those who know, know that I can put you on the air

On the e-sound channel section . If you want to talk, we can chat. I usually want to do something like this on twitch. This is how we do it. Those who come are talking and chatting. Mesut ordered a valuable rmen. Thank you, Mesut. I’m going to eat now. There

Is no one in our moderators. Right ? Let me share the discord and get back to the messages. Wait a second . I’m trying to do something alone. I can’t open the discord . I opened this discord account for a second. Let me share it here,

If anyone wants to talk, come to discord, we will connect from there. There is no limit. It will be a completely interactive broadcast. You can join from anywhere. Look, I have sent you the discord link now. Friends, if you want to talk, it is not just about Japan. Aleykumselam niyaz, welcome.

Why am I using the link for chat and conversation about Japan, apart from general politics ? I’ll talk about everything. Hey, let me come here. Okay, now, don’t spam the messages. The admin tells me it’s my channel. I’m back to the messages. Guys, I’ll read it in order. I thank

Mesut Değer . It’s starting to lighten , be careful, dude, it’s starting to come into my dreams from watching [ __ ], it’s a little bit of a game. Oh bismillah, I mean my hair in 3 messages. Yes, look, when I do this, actually, yes, my hair started to lighten a little.

Let me see, never mind, let the hair open, we’re comfortable. No, no. Welcome, friends, aga, aga nigi. nag nigi, what’s going on? Son, what kind of messages are these? Someone is writing [__] Someone is writing AG nigi, nag nigi. It’s very nice. I wish I could get a drone for it

. South Korea’s currency is good against the Turkish Lira. South South Korea’s money is good against the Turkish lira. South Korea’s money is good Japan Ar ozayaz Damir is holy. What are my 3 favorite features of Japan? The first one is

Safe. We can write about trust and security. It is one of the most popular countries in the world in terms of security. Japan people are respectful. Yes, we can add that. Let me also say that the streets are clean. Let me say that it

Is a general answer. How are you? How are you feeling? Aykut Zeybek. Thank you. We are trying to be good. These days. It would be better if there was another video with the Turkish lady who is married to a Korean. The magician show was good.

You say Selini, did you watch it? Is there anyone who hasn’t watched the video of Selin? If anyone hasn’t watched it after the broadcast, open it and watch it. I set it up, wait, this sound is not coming to you, right? Okay, who is participating from where, who is watching from where,

Is there anyone watching from abroad ? A few people wrote a message like that, I was wondering, let me see if there is anyone following from abroad these days. There are a lot of viewers from abroad, from America and England. The message is also coming. I was wondering

If anyone is following there. He knows how to say banned words while on air. He’s a random guy. Be careful, Cem, show us the graphics card prices sometime. You can check out my Akara video. It’s been 45 months, but I’m going to Akara.

I want to shoot something current from there. Hello, good luck in your life. Thank you genki horiguchi. Island countries are always safe. Ah, the messages are gone. Stop. I was going to read people . Wait a second, I saw Bağcılar, my eye went there.

There is no video we missed. Okay, who is watching from where? Let’s see, almost one wide. Who connects from where? Is the whiteness visible in my hair? Wait a second. Kütahya. We started in Kütahya. From Kütahya. From Bağcılar. Gümüşhane Istanbul. I am dormitory.

I’m watching from outside, bro, where are you coming from? Istanbul, Adana, Antep. Wow, look, Germany came out. Berfin listens. Berfin greetings to Germany. Guten. What was Guten? Guten? Good evening. Was it Guten? Guten Morgan? It stays at the border. Germany, another one. Germany

Came. It’s in the forties. Gran is watching Samet Gran. There is someone watching from abroad. Samun, is it too much light ? Is it too much light? One second. How did this happen? [Music] Oh my God, I don’t see anything on me.

It looks normal on me. Adana Marmaris Üsküdar Guten gaben Guten Aben Guten Aben None. Good evening, what was it? German Çorum Greetings to Çorum. Is it general Papua New Guinea? Is it secret? If it is connected from Papua New Guinea, come to discord and talk to you.

I have had the opportunity to go to Papua New Guinea twice and visit there. But both of them. He’s back from the shore, come, papa, if the new person is really connecting, let ‘s talk to you , see if the new one is actually connecting to me in the

Discord thing. I’ll take it like this then, how did it happen? I think Bagcilar is online, it’s fixed now, uh, the chat is gone. What happened? Is it a broadcast? Something happened. The broadcast is frozen. Messages are not flowing. Those who are watching are those who will watch. Those who watch

Are you. Friends, direct me accordingly. I did something on discord. My pin is up. If there are anyone who wants to talk. We will connect to discord in a little while , nice, there were a lot of people watching from abroad, I liked

It. Thank you, I thank those who took the time to come to the broadcast. I swear, it looks good now. Okay, then, Cem, now I’m going to ask you a very difficult question. Why are all Japanese? Okay, it wasn’t something I thought about, all Japanese. women’s legs are crooked like Roberto

Carlos. I was expecting something else. Yes, they are, they walk like that. Let me tell you what’s even more interesting, some of the men are like that, too, so are some of the Japanese men. There is no problem with the broadcast, it is very good, very very beautiful. Right

Now, thanks to Baykut Zeybek ilas I met you ilas Thank you Biran Greetings to İlyas as well Patya to Thailand Greetings tell us how you went to Japan with black eyes Go Back to the Years Fatih Vallah it is 12 at night right now

If I start telling it it will last until the morning This Long Story I will tell you about it Where am I telling about that conversation? I guess I haven’t told it yet. I’m saving it for 100,000 subscribers or something. I’m saving it for 100,000 subscribers, in detail,

On YouTube. Rather than trying to get confused, I mean, it’s about meeting good people . I turned my direction here because I thought I wouldn’t be able to meet those good people for the rest of my life. Let me tell you because the atmosphere is so bad right now,

Bro, can you send a video to the Turkish hosts? Wait a second, I’m telling you something. You’re trying to take me to the pavilion, and I’m trying to tell my memories here with videos like that. Look, I’m lost right now, I automatically

Went to the ninth well, I went to the ninth well, too. That’s how it ends, right now I want to go to Japan and buy a lot of Nintendo Switch games. o I looked at the price of Nintendo Switch in Turkey today, 14,000 15,000.

I looked at the price in Japan, it’s half and half, look at the price, I forgot what I was going to tell you. Look, there’s a Roberto Carlos on my mind right now. His legs are left and the host is left, two questions and my mind is confused.

It was a mess. I went to Papo New Guinea in 2016. I wouldn’t have gone. We were stuck in the storm. The hurricane. I lost two months’ money in 3 weeks. They didn’t let me out. I had a hard time getting to Australia in the Pacific. I have no sweet memories.

I liked it. Damir is holy. Oh my God, it’s interesting. As I said, papava is new again twice. I just came back from my trip , I want to go there a lot, there was a problem in both of them,

It didn’t end, I wish I had said that. But no matter how bad things you say, I am the one who deterred me about Papua New Guinea. One day, I will see those men with pipes in their dicks . Nip, they have Skoda legs. Interesting expressions

Started to come, videos. It’s going well by the way, I saw the channel when I came to Japan, how nice it is, we are here until the morning, Japan is so far away from Japan, it’s so nice in terms of culture and distance. At the end of the world,

Bro, Turkish hosts, we read about this, Komi, Turkish hosts. I swear, I’m trying to make different content, why not? Is it a Turkish Turkish Host? Wait a second. Where can I find Turkish hosts

? The Turkish host is Baboş, I mean, I passed on the host. Also, the Turkish Host. Although a few people said there were people who worked that way, I don’t know. Will there be a nightlife video on New Year’s Eve? My wife is on leave. We are probably

Like this on the quiet street. Cu K Hachi Go ion iero We walk in the dark streets of Tokyo, Japan, I don’t want to get into the crowd, I don’t want to. I even have a seed that I have been keeping for a year outside

. What exactly do they say? It’s as cold as the Ankara frost. Bro, I was watching you while you were getting 200-300 views. That video of being stuck on a bike at night on the mountain is my favorite video. I watched it in its entirety.

You call it mroot kumamoto without skipping it, right? Such a serpentine arak Ala is playing in my corner , even though 4 years have passed. It was a very good experience , Japanese brother, are you sending the same messages again, Cem, what’s going on with us, Zigor ? Something bad happened.

Wait a second. Oh, Malatya, Malatya, how are you, Malatya, Greetings to Malatya. You can come to our server, friends, those who want to talk, I will take them one by one a little later. Which is the car that the Japanese drive the most? King. I swear, what do I see the most

On the roads? Toyota Honda Well, I don’t know, I haven’t done that thing. I mean, it’s their own cars. I mostly see the cars produced by the Japanese. A little video would be up. But we used to watch Cem Kün’s small video,

There are one or two videos, I will open it depending on the situation, it is extremely cold, I think it is better to hang out at home, it cuts the man like a cold, look, there

Is such a situation these days, it starts to get interestingly hot around 1 o’clock, it starts like this until 4 o’clock. But what you know is September and October. After that, a cold begins. You know, going from that heat to that cold, I don’t know. I’ve never felt anything like that before.

There’s a very sharp weather change. Cem, I can’t forget the restaurant where that clay was shot. What kind of movie was that? But I wish the clay had shot a shot in a restaurant. Volkan clay is a movie. I will go to the restaurant myself. In fact,

I will go there next week with a very dear brother of mine. I am an elder, depending on the situation, I can shoot a story or something from there. It is a beautiful place. It is a beautiful place. He was shooting videos with cars for a while. That’s what happened. That’s what happened.

My Japanese friends are starting to get busy. I can’t go there alone. Friends who took me these days, Ah, one of my hair fell out, I did it like this, One strand went down, we cannot do anything as

A group because there are more and more Japanese people getting married, trying to get married, saving money, these days, brother Cem, I will say something. You know, you speak Turkish with your wife, so she should learn it too. You talk by swallowing too much,

How will he learn the words? H Good question. Yes, I do that a little bit. You tell me, it comes out a little unbalanced. I always say it to him or her. I always tell it to myself. I will be careful. I

Will pay attention. I don’t know. I always move to that side automatically. C Hello Turkey. I don’t immigrate to Japan. someone wants to immigrate from Turkey to Japan Someone, how much money do you have to pay, language school expenses, tickets, etc., is everything included? Well, Nida, come to our discord server, there

Are a lot of people applying for schools, renting a house, etc., you can chat with them, there are already a lot of people in our discord server who are dealing with those things. There is a young friend, are you on discord, nice , come right away, Mister sop,

Let me pick you up. You have been waiting for a long time, MR sop. Hello brother, good evening, good evening, how are you? I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, do the hard work. Did he have questions? Did he have questions? Okay, good luck, you too, stop.

I came to chat. Okay, let me take the trouble, the name of the son is not visible for me . Is there a sound? Is it coming? Okay, your voice is coming. My name is coming. My name is Z and dot. There is no swearing. Zigor. Is it normally Zigor? Yes,

Can you tell us his name? I prefer Zigor. I already use zigor in my daily life. Zigor is everywhere. Is it written as zigor in the e-government? What is it like? Is it your name? Tell me, brother. I am in high school. I even write

Zigor on the exam paper. I am a principal. No one knows the name properly, but we connected to the broadcast with an interesting friend, zigor, zygote, zigor, zigor, friends, zygote, not a zygote, oh my, how are you, brother, I’m fine, thank you, how are you, we are trying to live, where are you

Joining our broadcast ? pitane I don’t know about that place, but anyway, let’s say Adana. How old are you ? Come to the lounge section, I can take your questions from there, live interactive. I’m waiting,

Zigor, ask us a good question. Let’s see when we can see you as a cosplay. Anan. Look, is my hand right on the button? Look, you’re going to curse. There’s no sand, bro. I don’t have a moderator. I have nothing.

Don’t put me in a difficult situation. By the way, this is it. If you want it to be broadcast, I am temporarily available right now, I can help you, be a moderator, thank you sop [ __ ] You are beautiful, just think about it, thank you. Can you ask the question again, Zigor,

When will we see you as a cosplay, for example, in Germany, for example, there are festivals, things are happening or Japan? There are general festivals , such as game festivals, there is something funny here, I forgot the name, there is this thing called Comic Event in Odaba,

In about a week, if I am available, this is the conversation I was talking about. I thought of going to the YouTube video with such content, which is where I sit from here. It takes 22 to 5 hours to get there from home.

The thought of getting ready and going here. Also, videotape it on YouTube. I thought about it, but it could depend on my availability a few days ago. It could happen at any time. I don’t know, but at this moment, I read the thoughts in my mind. I swear, even my wife.

He doesn’t know, son, I just talked about this conversation to myself. Let’s come to the second question. Okay, let me ask you or ask the viewers, for example, which cosplay outfit would suit me, because I

Am very interested in cosplay, manga, anime, this and that. In fact, wouldn’t that be better than your taste? If you like Hanime character more , I mean, I don’t know, a Samurai like this. Samurai would also be very classic, will Tanjiro be a boy, no problem,

Let it be a boy. Now this is 2 to 5 3 hours, I’m a girl in a woman’s costume, I can’t go that way. You’re not Tanjiro, but a man. Miyamoto would be Musashi. Send me Miyamoto? The eyes look similar, a little bit, but the make-up

Needs a little effort. You can handle it with a wig. Yes, the other day I went to Ike this courier. I saw a wig there too. I might be slowly shifting towards those sides, I don’t know. Do you know a wig, a wig, a cape? It solves everything. Yes, yes, yes,

That’s right. There are all kinds of things in Japan. There are costumes. Yes, it would be quite comfortable. You put it on. I’m coming running to you. estate I am a bit far from things. If my friends who know exactly what it is like tell me what it is like,

I will tell you that the esthete was a female character and it is a bit troublesome. I will tell you that your camera is on the air right now. It is slightly tilted to the left. Mas can be seen on the right side of the window. Just

For your information. Thank you. Thank you. esthete By the way, it fits. Either I don’t know about this, or for example, you can do something, what was it,

The main main character in the Doctor Stone anime, H, something like that, it could be something like that, it could be something like that, you know, an apron, an apron might go well too, let me see, I’ll think about it, I’ll think about it, it’s

An interesting concept. Maybe, uh, bro, should I get to the other thing? Yes, you can ask the other question, a video content. Well, white smart people, you know that they work a lot in Japan. We already see these in anime.

Could there be a one-day video about them? I wonder if permissions can be obtained for that. For example, if you can elaborate on what it is like, give an example, I mean in Turkey. For example, the simplest thing is,

I look at the construction stuff there. They watch their videos. Employees get exercise from time to time. For example, it seems strange to us. You know, we like things that we don’t have in company affairs. Yes,

It is a situation that happens in some companies. You know, if there is something different about it, maybe good content can come out of it. Well, I have a few Japanese friends who work in a company, so you know Japan too,

Getting permission from there, getting a job, shooting a video, publishing it on YouTube, etc. These are a lot of troublesome procedures. The job would only happen to someone you know close to you, let’s get the word out. Well, it could also be a company. It could be a video, of course.

A few other people had written about it. These are all things that are in my mind, these permission procedures. Let me take the camera and go shoot something in this white-collar company. Let me show you their lives etc. These are hard to explain to someone who is not

Here . These are really difficult things, these permission procedures, etc. There was a school conversation in the last Twitch broadcast. I registered a school. Well, after the new year, my wife and I will go to a high school. Here, we will get permission. We will explain our situation like this. Can we film?

There have been people who have filmed before. If we can get permission from foreigners, that school’s e-high school and a girls’ school. If we can get permission from the high school. But I don’t think so, but we’ll try our luck

, so it would be nice if you could take my body with me and explain my problem in a little nice Japanese. Since there are people who have filmed before, the priority is a little bit more for me at school right now.

It’s the new year. For the videos that will come after the new year. The plans I have in my mind are anime costumes, maybe it’s not a full video, but something like this that will be 3 minutes and 5 minutes between videos. Look, you’re going second in two, good

Questions, third. Well, I might as well not ask, but when will we actually see the aunt? Can live live Let me ask her too, bro. I am calling out on behalf of tens of thousands of people. God knows that conversation. Well, brother, is there a conversation going on among you?

Do you want to make videos like this? What kind of approach does he have? Let me get a word out of my mouth, push him a little, let me see what he says. I told him about that conversation, friends. You know, with that flood of yours. There is also a video here about

Putting someone on YouTube. I passed YouTube. Getting permission to put it on the internet and so on. Those procedures are incredibly difficult. Now, there are people who don’t care about it. There are a lot of people who say put it on, of course, what will happen, etc.,

But the ones who come across us are the ones who come across us. As you can see, there is a situation like this, they don’t want it. If a person doesn’t want something, it’s okay. You will show respect, besides, because of his job,

Etc., and for this reason, there were people who sent me messages without even knowing the Japanese, man, who doesn’t want to be seen on YouTube because of their job? seconds, 3 seconds or one minute. Well, no matter what job you do, they will allow it.

In response, I say to them, come to Japan, go anywhere. Tell them to go to the shop and I will take you and put them on YouTube. I will put them on my YouTube channel. Go to 10 shops and

Tell me the answers. You know, if you add up how many of them will accept, either one of them will accept or two of them will accept, etc. Otherwise, you know, a video content, that is, a video, I Am My Thing, it is on YouTube. What am I doing? I’m making videos.

I’m making content. Unless there’s different content, I don’t know. You know, the Japanese thing is to increase interaction with them while doing this and that. I also want to increase the views with them, but it doesn’t work. Well, what do they say? Respecting people’s decisions. Especially the respect from Japan.

It’s not like the respect in other countries. You’ll show respect. Well, you’re buttoning your front here. It’s not enough. You’ll bend down 90 degrees. You’ll show your respect. He’ll go like that. Well, brother, I cut him off and my eyes caught my attention. He wrote

A message saying, ‘Have you gone home in Japan? Come to me right now, friend, brother, I’ll give you a message today. Let me post a Time Out for 10 minutes. You think about it, let me see what I wrote. Photos.

Have you listened to the audio recording that I posted in the chat? I don’t know which one. Tell me what the conversation is. Cover. As I said, I couldn’t handle the microphone in the last broadcast, but I’m going to do something myself and make you

Listen. Well, have you figured it out? I gave the microphone to the warranty, I gave it to repair. Or rather, the other day, but now temporarily, I recorded a

Cover that I took on my phone, a short cover, I posted it in the photo chat. Right on your photo with the cow, the one with the cow. Now, for those who don’t know, there will be people who say

What is the cow cover song, sound, MR snob talking. My friend, tell me his name. MR snob İbrahim İbrahim. Our friend makes music like this. Did I have a guitar? Yes, he has a guitar. He makes songs and songs. He sings songs and folk songs. Just

A second. Let’s see, hopefully, we are opening up now. There is a little bit of baglama. There is a nice lute. What do we have? We are trying to improve it a little. Ibrahim has recorded it as a voice recording.

Let’s listen to it on our discord. It’s been on the air for a long time. We’ve been wishing that he would tell us this . [Music] Take a step, don’t hide yourself from me, look, I’m with you, I opened myself up to you,

I took out everyone who is harmful, I had a heart for a while. Did you have it? Didn’t you look at it, did you have it again? It’s all over for me. mi One Step B don’t hide

Yourself for me macaque I’m in you I opened myself up to you I took myself out to harm everyone I had a heart for a while Did you have it? Didn’t you look at it again Did you have it? It’s all over for me [Music] Come bravo bravo Ibrahim one mouth to mouth to Ibrahim Let’s get health messages guys, how did he sing ? How did you like it ? How long have you been playing like this, Ibrahim,

It’s been 4 years since I played and sang it myself, man, you’ve been doing it for 4 years. Did you write this yourself? Well, this is someone else’s song I came across on the internet . I have my own songs too, but it’s nice to hear him recognize it.

I wanted to play it because it came. It’s nice to sing . If you have a request, if you have a song, my voice is enough. If it’s something I know, I’ll play it here . What do you want about Japan? Friends, this is from our sister, with a

Guitar. Do you know the lyrics of Love ? I know the lyrics, but not right now. It’s from the microphone. It’s also from the microphone. Okay, I’ll do that next time. In the next broadcasts, we will do something with them. Let me

Get back to these Japan-related questions. I missed some messages. Cem. Why did you choose Japan? How did you settle down? How did you get married? Are you happy now? What kind of future plans do you have? Can you tell me? If you are happy, you have pressed all the buttons.

You are loved. What are your suggestions for future friends? What the hell, you asked such a question that it will be talked about for 23 hours and a YouTube channel can be opened about it. Why did you choose Japan

? How? Yes, I said that. Well, at the beginning of the live broadcast, why did I choose Japan? It’s good. Repeat again. Maybe someone missed it. I’m a bit concerned with the issue of running into each other, I mean, the people I met in Japan right now, including my wife,

I put them in those categories because I thought I would never come across those people again, so I went all the way to Japan. How did you get married? This is another question. The answer must have been answered. Are you happy now? Thank God,

Can you tell me what kind of future plan you have? What kind of future plan do you have? Future plan. I swear, I always say it. Hya Hokkaido. A farm in a mountain house. What’s going on? Did someone light a cigarette? What happened? I heard the sound of a lighter.

I cracked my hand. AB. I’m disappointed. Wait, let me put it to rest. In short, you’re just saying: married, happy, with children. Of course, he’s a child . I love Japanese children. I love Japanese children separately.

I have only one video about this in the world. I made a video about Japanese children on a bicycle tour. They are incredibly beautiful. I love them very much. If God allows, let’s see. Best of luck, what are your suggestions to future friends ? Those who have the opportunity should come and

See Japan. First of all, after seeing these places, they will make their own decisions. But those who have the opportunity should first come and visit and look at the environment. Because the situation is as follows: touristic or touristic. You come to the eye, everything looks sweet,

The streets are clean, the people are respectful, you say Oh my God, how are these, people, but when you start living, it’s the stress, the stress of living, the stress of living in Japan, not a little, some of it, I eliminate it immediately,

It’s too much, go to Japan tour on my bike, 11 this 5-hour video. Look at the end, go to a few minutes at the end, look, I made an analogy, for example, I think it’s about Japan. It explains. Brother Cem, a friend has been waiting downstairs for a

While and he asked via chat. Okay, let me see which one, he is 21. Okay, then, Zigor. Wait a second, Zigor. Is there any other question? Let’s do the difficult thing, Uğural, sometime. As a last question, we are waiting for the moments of military service. Military service,

Brother. Okay, Zigor, I wrote it. Good publishing. Thank you, Zigor. Thank you for joining. See you. Take care. Who did you say? MR sop boy 21, brother, boy 21, boy 21 Are you here, boy? 21 If you turn on your microphone, can you hear my voice?

Greetings, brother. Hello, boy. 21. Can you tell me your name? My name is Yasin. Yasin. Welcome, How are you? I’m fine, brother, how are you? Thank you. Thank you. Where are you connecting from? I’m in Istanbul. Are you in Istanbul?

Nice exact location. I’m in Üsküdar. By Üsküdar Yes, it’s related to Japan or Japan is in Japan. It may be unrelated, if you have a problem, don’t worry. I went immediately, it’s a new year, so it’s nice that you came to Japan, I stayed for two weeks in July, huh. Where

Did you visit? 5 days in Tokyo. 6 days in Tokyo. I was in Tokyo for 3 days. I was in Osaka for 4 days. I was in Kyoto for 3 days. It ‘s great. You came. You saw it. How nice. We went abroad for the first time. The first experience abroad

Was with Japan. They took me to the country. I was asking if there would be any problems with the comments. No. Did they ask me anything at the entrance? They said, ‘Nothing, it’s just a few days’ stay. Then

I told them it will be for two weeks. Then they looked at my suitcase and said, ‘Have a good holiday’. I already had a little bit of Japanese. I spoke a little bit of Japanese. Of course, when you speak Japanese, you melt away. So, yes, it helps a little.

Touched But for example, there was a problem when I was returning from there. It’s on the air now. It’s a good thing for those who watch it. Maybe they didn’t take one. I was returning to Turkey. I was going to return to Turkey, but they didn’t take one.

You came across a country. You came across someone who couldn’t enter the country. Exactly, exactly, brother, exactly, he was a Turk. Brother, I was going to return to Turkey. The reason is that the army did not let someone like this into the country. If anyone doesn’t know that he is from Ordu,

Do you know that conversation? Yes, there are places banned from those parts. From Japan. Yes, they sent him back. He made him buy his plane ticket. They wouldn’t pity him, they cut his ticket immediately. It’s pretty bad. I was afraid of him. Thank God,

It happened to me. Friends, Japan is visa-free for 90 days. You get your visa-free passport for Turkish citizens . You come and enjoy Japan for 90 days. Could you please elaborate on what exactly that Ordu Incident is

? I mean, as far as I know, there were people coming from those sides in the beginning. Then, here’s his wife, friend, brother, etc. He came. He remained illegal. He remained illegal. He remained illegal. Those who were caught were caught, etc. Well, that place later became famous and was marked.

They scrutinize the people coming from that side so carefully and touch them frequently. Fatsa Exactly, Fatsa Those sides, I mean, you have to convince the men who come to me. Because they are so illegal, there is such a situation from those sides. I don’t know if there are any other extra situations.

This is what I know. We are notorious again. Are you also biased towards that side? I am from Denizli, but in general, okay. If there is a Sivas person, I am from Sivas. They took it in Sivas, no problem bro, Tokyo Wait, there was a question. Is there a problem? He is

21 years old. Dude, ask, you came and saw. Well, we came and saw, dude, I went, it was very nice, I mean, it was literally the best two weeks of my life. Well, me as a tourist. Of course, there are problems everywhere there.

I went there for a holiday and something came to my mind. This is to enroll in a language school. But not for a long time, for 3 months. Maybe I’m at university now. Maybe next year, maybe not next year, but

Maybe a language school for the year after that. I’m thinking about it for 3 months. I guess you don’t have a chance to go to any language school and make a video like this. Well

, I looked at it in the past few days, and I was going to write to someone, but I can’t find that friend. There is a Turkish friend at a school in Şinci. I’m trying to find him. I couldn’t find it. There was a video of that

Video on Hona Baba. Was it at the Human Academy or somewhere else? I think I saw it about a year ago, he had an interview with him. I mean, I had the idea of ​​reaching him and doing an interview with him. If he is still working at the school,

I can’t find it. I don’t know. Bro, if you want, I can look into it. Don’t bother me, because I couldn’t find it. There was a video on YouTube. It’s a Turk working in a Japanese language school. I can’t find that

Video either. I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman. It’s been a year. Arzen. It’s been a year and a half. Was it a woman or a woman? If I could find it, I would go there, it’s an hour away from me.

I went to school at the academy there for 3 months before. I’m going to make a video about a language school. A lot of people ask about it, so I’ll do it. In response to your question, I swear, we think it would be good,

You know, I am anyway. There are a lot of people who want to come to a language school with a language school. You can go to the school for 3 months with a tourist visa. You can go to the school for 3 months with a tourist visa.

You leave once , you log in again. You get a 3-month visa. They don’t give you a work permit for those 3 months? Then no. You’re a tourist. Well, if it’s 4 months, then there’s no school for 4 months. There’s 3 months. Oh,

I’ve never done any research. You come with a tourist visa. So, as I said, you make an exit and you enter. 3 months is the only time you can finish it that way. After 3 months, is there a 6-6 month course? Write it on our discord.

After that, you had a stomach that went away. I know about that 6 months conversation, but I call it a year. After that, it’s a problem, because it’s a university. Maximum 3 Come on, it’s a 4 month holiday, it’s on our discord,

You can write on the discord, someone knows, I know there are 3 6 9 12 18, look, Semi Semi Özkan wrote it, it’s 6 months old. It’s 6 months old. 6 months 6 months 9 months. That’s bad. You can’t choose 4 months.

This is the situation. Yes, height is 21. Is there any other question? Brother, it’s different. Could it be my question? Could it be my question? Ask Ibrahim. Well, sir, how much did it cost? I’m gross. Yes, your holiday is a holiday. Let me tell you clearly. I mean, it’s nothing,

But I paid 26,000 lira for the plane ticket. I flew round trip with Korean Airlines, connecting to Korea, from Istanbul to Korea, from Korea to Japan , well, after that, the money went to the next thing,

I only stayed in a hotel for 4 days, I stayed in a normal hotel, the rest 10 days, I stayed in a capsule hotel, you know. I stayed in a capsule hotel in Osaka and Tokyo.

I stayed in a full hotel in Kyoto because it was cheap. After that, a total of 650 dollars was spent on hotels. That is, 650 dollars for the entire accommodation and 20 dollars for daily meals because I like Japanese food. Also, 1000 yen was spent on daily transportation,

An average of 1000 yen. He was spending daily transportation , I mean, how much did it cost me in total in Turkish money, 60,000 L, 65,000 or so, not counting such technology, but the money you mentioned, that is,

The money you said on a daily basis, is standard standard money, for example, 1000 per day was spent for transportation, you ate and drank a little, etc. standard money. If you want to spend, you can spend here. Yes, but when I

Went there, the dollar exchange rate was 23, so now there is a difference. There is also that, it makes a little difference. But, well, I have never bought this J pass, everyone I have met has, I did it all without buying it. It seems like my trip

Is very convenient, isn’t it? No, mine was more convenient. I used night buses to travel between cities. They close the buses at night, right ? They’re covering you up everywhere , you’re going like you’re in prison. Go, Dad, go, Dad, Go, Dad

, I don’t know, it’s not over. How did you feel? Come to me, they’ve raided me. It’s like a prison there. It’s playing all the time. It’s playing. I had a feeling that I was going to vomit. It held up well. I swear, mine is. Can I say something

? I’m in Tokyo. I went to Osaka for the first time from . Well, here’s how much I bought the bus. I was in Nanba at 10 to 11 at 7 in the morning. I was in Osaka. The bus was so

Cold that it had two floors. There was also a toilet. Luckily, it was such a different bus. I rolled over. They had closed the curtains in the front, but the front was open, I was watching and watching. After that, it was so cold that their air conditioners

Were femi. I went there shivering. The whole trip was nice. I wanted it. It was very nice, it was nice, it was nice, yes, the buses are 4050 dollars . For example, it is a night bus, it has that advantage,

You can take care of the accommodation part with that money, it is 4 hours, 5 hours. Anyway, you take a nap on the way . Thank you, sir. Come on, it’s interesting. Let me ask you something. Don’t the Japanese drink water? Have you ever analyzed it? The Japanese are either green outside

Or in the subway. I’ve never seen them drink water, not even once. I swear there is something like this. There is a lady who is very interested in water. She is still from a bicycle tour.

I went up to the top of the mountain and they put a vending machine. The machine is cido hamba 2. I will buy something from the vending machine. I will buy water. It is also in the cycling tour videos. There is

Orange water, there is lemon water, there is soda, there is green tea, coffee and tea. I saw something like this. This is not water, there are at least 30 different things, there was no water in the machine,

We are at the top of the mountain, look, and in answer to your question, these are generally the same with my wife, I sometimes do something, I did something the same once or twice, sometimes I did something once or twice.

She had a conversation with us, we had a green thing. I have tea, I also have water in my hand, I take it here, I give the water.

He says, “Why are you giving me water? Give me green tea.” For example, if he does something like that to me, why are you giving me green tea? Give me water. You know, they are used to water. They also have the same thing.

They prefer green tea to water. They drink green tea more. Yes, I went there at work, I look at people, I think only tourists drink water, I have never seen the Japanese people drink water outside like this,

Or this substitute for the water you buy from the market will meet the needs of the body. There are many varieties here, for example, pocari. I have it on my bike, while I’m delivering packages at work, and I’m going to a tour. I usually

Take the water and put it in a corner, but let me add this, which meets the needs of the body, which we call poks. Wait a second, and you said it’s quite refreshing. Yes, there it is. The important thing is, you know. There is that feeling of water

, is there a need to feel that you are drinking water? Because we are used to it, now the Japanese are there. Tab, there is no such thing. What does the body that is not used to it need? Poari or green tea? Okay, we drink it,

Whichever of these guys it is, whichever is useful, they use it . They are exercising their minds, and they think a little differently than us on that subject. Now I see that I drank a lot

Of it, but I didn’t like it very much. I remember making it tomorrow. It tasted good. Of course, the taste may not appeal to everyone. It was good, but I wasn’t in the mood at that moment. I remembered a thousand and one things to drink. Green

Teas, I mean all of them. I also watched it from other Turkish YouTubers. It is highly praised. I went to this green tea, got off the airport, and there was a lain, and I bought a narita. After that, after I went to the hotel, I drank it and tried three different green teas

In Japan. I didn’t give it a chance anymore, all three of them were terrible. I threw them all away. Yes, it’s a matter of getting used to it for those who drink it at first. After living in these , it seemed very bad

To me at first. I was wondering if you could drink tea with the fish, but now we go to the water place, I pour the first tea, I pour the tea,

I press the hot water, I drink at least 56 cups, once I get used to it, it’s about getting used to it, in general, I think this is the answer to most things in Japan . I can say that it gets a little easier. Look, this is a good point.

It’s about getting easier, yes, but I mean, I seriously couldn’t drink it at first, wasn’t it? I said yes, I was like that too. I was wondering if I should drink tea with honey. What does it matter? I didn’t really like the taste.

You know, I was expecting something nice. Frankly, I was expecting it to be a little sweet, but it was very bitter. They have different varieties. Some of them are sweet, some are sweet, some

Are bitter. There are millions of varieties out there. Finally, I decided to buy a fracino with a match from Starbucks. I paid 650 yen for it, so I threw it away. I drank a sip, so I bought my chocolate from Ma’an Yan,

I brought a few things like this from Don K with spades to Turkey. No one liked it, bro, it won’t go to us. I did that too. When we came for the wedding, I bought a lot of jeans from here, with spades. I bought chocolates and I give them

To people one by one. They were saying, “What do they eat? There is no one who likes them.” At one point, I gave them something salty, and I gave it to my aunt. My aunt did something, she spit it out, vomited it, it was quite bad for her,

It seems unusual, interesting, she couldn’t manage them. Don Kote incident, but for example, it is very good, I collected the tax from there, I went with my money, I mean, we were the only ones. I guess some women were surprised, I took back a thousand yans there, I didn’t let go,

There is that tak taki conversation, when it is made over 5000 yen, it is 5500, 5500 EU, is it 5500, when it is made over 5000, give it. It’s being refunded . Nice conversations. Are there any nice questions about Japan? A chat.

Let’s see what’s going on. Poari. Pretty, clumsy, beautiful anime girls, aren’t they real ? Who wrote the anime girls? Wait a second . There is a sound, it is real, but it is not what you think. How can it be like you think? Developed countries do not drink plain water in general.

Is this the conversation we talk about? You know, the German conversation about saying “whatever your body needs”? It’s like everyone in Europe drinking mineral water today. “Is it going to happen? Do you have any news?” Brother Yiğit, no Yiğit, Yiğit went to Thailand,

He is on his way. I wrote it the other day, even yesterday, I said that we should do something at the weekend, brother, I went to Thailand, I said okay. Then say hello to Riye, let her hang out with your sister, this is a bit of a situation, brother, someone is waiting downstairs,

But I came right away. Let me tell you one more thing, then AB is making videos with Yiğit brother. I swear I wrote it as a comment. Let Yiğit come, we will shoot something with him. It would be better if you arrange Yiğit. Let’s leave Yiğit behind anyway .

Let’s watch it bro, it’s nice, we’ll shoot it, let’s see. We also have an idea for a video about renting a Japanese girl, so you can get a little salty Japanese girls as partners, bro, it’s like entering a beef there, we’ll do something about the girl staying for 400-500 hours,

We’ll arrange something for her, we’ll fix it for free, go ahead. Come on, let’s talk about those issues. I was looking for a chat. I was looking for a job. Let me go back and chat. I couldn’t read the messages. Wait a second. Hello. I wonder if the game code developer is

Med from Turkey . It’s different from everything else. What do they say? There are people from different departments on our discord, saying “School student, software developer, teacher, this, that, that etc.” You know, there will be an answer to your problem. Someone

Will answer your problem. Will an anime girl appear in the video again? Publisher archive. Am I going to offend you? The xenophobia in Japan is at a very disturbing level. Are they creating extra problems for the Turks? Or is it about the Turks?

It’s not a situation, in general, in Japan. Especially those who are middle-aged and above, what do they say, it’s not a bit of racism, it’s not racism, this person is such an open-minded person, but I see his situation as something he brought , a little bit when they can’t

Express themselves fully. They close themselves off with such an introverted timidity, when they say this and that, it’s actually the answer to many things. I don’t look at it as racism

. Most of them already know it in our minds. Of course, he only knows ice cream or something like that. I made a video saying it was a Japanese interview. Only one of them thought it was a motoy. The rest Everyone gets Turkish ice cream. That’s it. One person

Knows Ankara. Nobody even knows Istanbul. They don’t know anything. I came across something like this, just to give you information. I think most people know Turkey very well, not most, but the elderly people, that is, the older people. I am chatting. Well,

Most of the people who knew about Atatürk knew about him. Even to me, we were chatting. Where are you from? I am a Turk. Then they say: Atatürk. I don’t know. They say the presidents. There is Ertuğrul. There is Frik Teyni. This is

The war that went to Japan. They know all of them. There is also the Turkish Monument and so on. Turkey is well known there, by the elderly. Yes, those who know the history and are curious about those places. Well, the elderly

Also know as you said. They are the judges of those subjects in Turkey. They know about them. Of course, in general. Well, since I always do these Japan interviews in the evening, I don’t come across people who are middle-aged or

Older, I don’t find them. Since it is a bit difficult to get permission to do an interview, I always prefer young people. Young people, in general, look like Europe and America are like ice cream. If I could interview the elderly, etc., if I could go there, of course, the answers

Would come as you said. They say kebab. Yes, kebab, kebab bro. 100 I’m going to make a video called Ban on the broadcast. Can you send it to me first ? I won’t send it. Everyone should do it. I won’t. Hello,

One of the countries I want to go to for university is Japan. As you know, the exam is less than a year away. Can you recommend a good university or a city with a good student life for Japan ? Most of the foreigners

Prefer Fukuoka in terms of cheapness compared to other things. It could be Fukuoka. There are those who prefer Osaka. Fuk , for example. Tokyo . come to discord I invite everyone to discord, where is this discord no, where are you, noobum, everyone is coming to discord,

If you want to talk, friends, you can like the video, I say the video, my mind always goes to the live broadcast. You can like the live broadcast, I would be very happy for you, those who don’t like it, 2 seconds click, you will get it like this.

You will click and it will be over. Let me see if the likes have increased. Okay, one more is enough. I sent one to me. Thank you. Thank you. You can like it. I would be very happy for the live broadcast.

If there are any of you who have not subscribed. Look, there is something like this in my videos. Let me tell you the countries. In Turkey. Okay. There are viewers after that. Foreign views are Germany first, America, England, Azerbaijan, a lot of

People are watching from here. If anyone is watching from there, greetings right now. Oh, I passed that, DC discord link is at the top. Look, at the top, boo, do you know, I know Oğan Oğuzhan Çakmakçı.

He was on the air just the other day, boo, Turkish. Good Sular. We have a Japanese friend who speaks like Seller and even better than me. There is a talk about coming to Tokyo and working. We will shoot a video with him. Brother Cem,

I have an idea to come to the language school and stay to work. Would you recommend it? Come to the edge of the night, come to the edge of the night, why not? If you want to come this way, don’t do

It. Come and try. Look, my thoughts about it haven’t changed over the years, come and try. Friends, what’s the worst that could happen? I mean, you’ll see the worst here, don’t feel helpless in any way. Come to the worst, I went to the end of the world,

I tried to learn Japanese. I went out like that in 2018, too. He received the compensation, he came, I came, I said it was the worst at a Human Academy, I’ve been here for 3 months, it’s been a fun time.

I said it will be like this, it is not a matter of learning the language or not, you make such a decision at some point in your life

, you are leaving the world, look at it, enjoy it as much as you can, one day, one of my uncles was very drunk in Kaya, Ertuğrul was very drunk, he talked about his conversation and cried, a maniac, then he got out and sank, the frigate sank, Ertuğrul, Fırk, home, foreigners, old foreigners.

Interesting results may occur after a while , especially if taken with alcohol , without knowing the date. Do they throw it away or not? You know, with whom are you comparing it? For example, with Turks. You are comparing Turkish Turkish girls to women. Comparisons

Should not be made. I mean, it can’t even come close. When you say it can’t even come close, jealousy and trip issues. Well, I went to the eye barara. Let me tell you a short thing. Let me tell you about their point of view. I went to the eye bara.

Are there anyone watching? Friends, we went to the muscle girl bar with Yiğit. Look, now I ‘m going to tell you a nice anecdote. I went to the girl’s bar, but before I went, I told my wife that there is such a situation. We will go and

Shoot a video. Here comes a friend, a friend, etc. I even opened their website. He called, he helped me with the reservation, etc. Anyway, we went and shot a video, and even the call was watched in the cave.

There were a lot of comments. Man, people wrote comments. Isn’t this man married? How is his married wife going to kick his ass and get a divorce? My wife’s response was this. I said, “What do you think about these things ?” They are just girls.

He gave them an answer. He said, “These girls are Japanese girls, they do sports, they do sports there, you know, they earn their living, they earn their own money. He liked it very much when they do sports. My wife also puts on her clothes from time to time, runs for half

An hour, feeds her, she is like this all the time. Sports He wants to do sports. He really liked them doing sports . He said let’s go together when we get the chance. For example, he meant this is the situation in the girls’

Bar. I hope I was able to explain his point of view. I have a question. Or rather, a friend from the chat asked me to forward it. He said, “He normally wants to come here, but can you send it to me because

His microphone is broken?” If you allow me, ask me. I’m reading what you say. As you know, the university exam is less than a year away. I also have plans to study in Japan for university. He asked, ” Is there a university or a city for students

That you can recommend in Japan ?” Well, look, I’m always kicking the ball on discord, but as I said, my experience is a 3-month Tokyo experience, language school experience, I don’t have any other experience related to schools, you know, Recommend Here, Recommend Here, Recommend Here. If you ask me which one

Of the big cities of Japan that will not put a strain on me economically, I will say Foka, for example, I will say Osaka, I will say Tokyo last, I will answer them, look, Noob, come and let me take you too. Let me draw you all together. You must have an

Answer to these. Look, there is a clear one. Baku Baku. Are you here? I am here. Can you please? [Music] e Japanese is over. My French is over. Yes. What was the problem? Bro, the problem is the problem. First, let’s introduce you. Be the ones who don’t know you. Now

Baku is with Japan. A friend of ours who answers everything related to it. There is nothing he doesn’t know from A to Z. For years, I couldn’t figure out how he has such a general knowledge. I don’t get jealous from time to time. I mean, how can you know

So much if you haven’t been to Japan and haven’t been near the coast of Japan? Ask my friend , this is a difficult question. I don’t know how to answer it, but look, they will be listening to you for the first time on YouTube, so don’t talk too loudly, so people

Don’t think you are arrogant. No, we know a few things about ourselves, for example, about Japan. Ask an irrelevant question, friends. How many languages ​​did you know, Baku? e 3 bu5 or 3 bu5 what the hell let’s make it 4 French English English Turkish and a

Little Japanese Turkish Turkish Japanese So these are all of them he speaks like his mother tongue And this is the voice coming from behind He writes for the newspaper while talking By the way, he is a very famous friend, are you a listener? Doesn’t it come? No,

No, it comes from the height of 21, I think it comes from the height. T dah, it’s slightly German, but it comes, never mind, you also know German. Yes, nothing, it’s very little, as far as I saw at school, Germany, Germany

. If I propose marriage on the first day in Germany, what would be the reaction? It’s an answer he can’t know. Look, how can he know? B, look, it’s a difficult question. It’s hard. If you say, “Dude, translate this sentence in French .” We don’t know, some chapon girls love romance,

It’s a general observation that I’ve seen, if I were to say anything, ask Yaku, but if I propose marriage to a Japanese girl I meet from the first day. Am I right? 199% of them won’t accept it, and I don’t know about that one percent either.

You know, I said not to be offended, but I say no, but there is no such thing, my son. Is there such a world? What happens? You go to Akara, you go to a place on the 5th floor, you say Takashi, get me married the next day,

You get married the next day in Akara municipality, don’t get into that much action, go to Akab Bara, there is in my Aky Barara videos. Go ahead, go to a place on the 5th or 6th floor, they marry you directly the next day. That’s

Yiğit. Welcome, Yiğit thing. Where are you? Are you a puket ? Are you a denominator ? What does Alors mean in French? I hope there is no swear word. Alors? [Music] Alors? Does it mean something? For this reason or something? It is used as a conjunction, but it is not a complete conjunction.

For example, make a sentence with Alors in French. Well, where is Alors? My son, we cannot pronounce the s here. He, look again, the letter s cannot be read at the end. The man beat us with his knowledge. Can you tell us again? I want to say the sentence. Tell me something short.

I want to repeat a short sentence about Ali. [Music] I said “il iliz alum kiş kiş”, there is a word, al, beautiful, beautiful, French. When he speaks French, he always gives me the impression that he is saying something romantic, even if he swears, he never

Gives me the impression that he is saying something romantic like that. It doesn’t sound like that, because you know, because you know, because we don’t know, can you translate how to say God’s grace in French

? You are a blessing from God, you are the light of my eyes. How can we translate the one who loves you ? I don’t know how to translate it. I mean , blin. It could mean bless y shake something my son Nobody

Knows here French Say something Shake like that as a matter of profession No it depends on your job In response to a friend who asked Bro I just translated it and looked and it says it’s me . Is there any reliable source How reliable

Source Where will you get it done Are you looking for trust or what to write ? I swear, I will come to Japan eventually, I wonder what kind of place it is. Elif said, I hope you will come. Elif is shaking, my son says, who is shaking?

Everyone waves something in French, the Prime Minister of France shakes, Baku does not shake. The man is extremely meticulous in those matters. If he swears in French, we will be okay with that too, his understandable tone. It’s understandable, for example, are you retarded in French? Look

, I caught it right away, I caught it right there. I wonder if it comes from there. I mean, I probably caught an imbecile . It’s true. There’s no need to know French. It is in a language . Is there anything related to Japan? Friends, let’s continue with the questions.

If there are those who want to talk, time has flown by. Thank you to the friends who came. If there are those who want to talk , I listened to the discord link. You can come to discord. For questions about Japan,

I will start a chat. If possible, you can visit the publishing house that publishes the manga. I’m very curious about their environment, that ‘s also in my plans to visit the museum. It’s very difficult, there’s that, there’s that, the video is on the to-do

List, that’s what I’m talking about, how will the permission conversations be? When I say Reach that, Reach that, they always take time. Especially since most of them don’t know English, you have to explain your problem in Japanese. I’m trying, but

I’m trying, if you can come across it, it would be nice. These are always on my mind, can you make a kitchen series in the future, such recipes, Japanese food, well, it could be something like this, there might be a video about Street Food or I tried Japanese food,

I usually try to include at least one in every video. Are you saying it’s just about that? It’s a blog style like the meals you make yourself in the kitchen. I mean, you

Gave me a lot of recipes, you went to the market and brought back the dish, then you gave the recipe for cooking that dish, was it dag jiro? My wife’s mother made it, my wife also made it , I liked

It very much, dago jiro, with shrimps and radishes, on important days like this. There is a dish that I liked very much, but I can’t help it, my wife might be cooking Turkish food or something. It might actually be a video,

Bro. Street food video. Sorry, tell me. I mean, it’s a street food video. Now when you mentioned it, I realized that you haven’t made one. If you did, we went to Kava. Street Foods are not full flavors. There is no video that covers Japanese food. As I said,

I try to show a small piece of it in each video . I have them in my head for variety. I always have them in my notebook, written as notes on my computer, and all of them are written in a story like this. When it comes to feeding,

I always have such a mind, something is always working there, such a progression in the story. Sometimes it is spontaneous and so on. These will also happen, there are a lot of things to do, because Japan is a completely content paradise city country.

There is no problem in that regard. As long as it flows smoothly like this Let it go and watch it. As long as it is watched. If it is possible, wait a second. I want to go to China. I have a plan to go to Japan from there. I hope.

Look, you can also check the tickets via China. It doesn’t require a visa there. It doesn’t want a transit visa. If it’s possible. If it’s possible, the one who publishes the manga is EU. I read this. I’m a 58-year-old

Cruel peer. Will I be a Mazar for women’s attention? I hope, brother, exactly, uncle. This is wrong. Wait, son. What kind of conversation has turned out? Wait a second. Brother, I am average this semester, but I graduated from an international university, the department is

Computer engineering, but there are many students. There are people who are studying at the school and follow me. What about this school, friends? Come and write about the topics on discord. Exchange ideas among yourselves. People there are always trying to help each other. I

Have no experience in those matters. Who asked Yağız? Yağız, I got some information about that subject from Yiğit. H For a work visa, you need to study a relevant department at the University for 4 years. Otherwise, it is not possible. You can get a visa and get

Married. You can also come with a tourist visa. He told me that these conversations can be done on discord. It would be more useful if people ask each other, because there are people who come here after researching on these issues.

That would be good. As I said, I have no experience in those matters, so I don’t want to mislead you. When you marry a Japanese person, are you given citizenship immediately? When you marry a Japanese person, you are not given citizenship immediately.

Silo, you have to study the conversation for 5 years, you have to pay your taxes, they take an exam, etc. for at least 5 years. Will you go to Hokka? Please make an Omi Suka video.

I will go to İrfan Okya. I will go to Aiye. I will definitely do it. I am waiting for the snow to rise. I will make a video from there, putting 3 cars on top of each other. Where should I go? What should I do?

I couldn’t get it to fit properly. Kuka. I will look at it. I will watch it again from the broadcast. King. Well, I asked before and let me ask again.

I was confused for a minute about the embassy for permanent permission when you are married. Do we have to deal with the embassy again for permanent permission when you are married ? How long does it take to avoid having to deal with

The embassy once you get a permanent permit when you are married? Normally he doesn’t bother, I don’t understand the question, I guess it’s like, brother, is the residence permit given immediately after you get married ? Do you ever deal with something again

? Hmm, okay, let me tell you my situation, I got married, they gave me one year, they give me one year, they give me 3 years, they give me one year, and when I have a child, it’s a permanent one. My year is over, the last

Time I went to renew it, they gave me another year. What people usually say is 1 1 3. However, your spouse’s business, your own business, your situation is taken care of, etc. You know, there is no such

Statistic in the head as 1 1 3. There are some criteria, they are looked at. There are some that go as 1 1 1, there are some that go as 1 5. Okay, it’s a matter of business, there are a lot of criteria, ten there, the Japanese examine it a little bit

And touch it frequently. In Japan, they sell lokma by machine. H I swear, they sell lokma in the square with inju inside. Imagine selling lokma in the square with chocolate inside the bite. If it is not very sweet with hazelnuts and pistachios, it may be

, it may be, the sherbet will be less, maybe they will eat it. H They may like it , it may be, it is over, will you watch the messages on the side? Well, is there anyone asking the question purple on discord?

How long has it been? It’s been 1.5 hours. I swear, it’s gone by like water. My mind has passed like water. Well, let me ask a question. Yes, this marriage thing. Are there generally weddings between people in Japan? Or how does it happen? They hold weddings as weddings. Weddings are ours too.

We have a Japanese friend who is going to get married soon. Let’s see if they invite us, we will go. It may even be possible to make a detailed video. They are having weddings, especially young people, but there is a situation like this now. Of course, the situation there is

Also economic, renting a hall, spending money etc. Getting married is much more than normal around here. And on the floor, we had that conversation now, our marriage conversation, here in Turkey. You know, can it be here? We made a price list. The money that will come, the money that comes,

The money that we will spend. Yen Oh no, there is no money going, there is no cake, okay, the average of those who come is 20,000 yen, 30,000 yen, they give money in an envelope, but how many people, let’s say 100 people came? On average, they are in an

Envelope, they have such a chat, 20,000 yen, 30,000 yen, usually in the circle of friends my wife goes to. He puts 30,000 yen. I don’t know why, let’s say 100 people came, it’s 3 million yen, but the money he spent

Is like this, 5 million yen, 6 million yen, some Yiğit’s, maybe Yiğit’s, maybe they attended the weddings, 2 million, that is 3 million, I mean, on average, it’s like that, you know, and a meal. If you are paying a bit like this, if you are putting on expenses, 4 million 5 million yen

Is good for that money, 30,000 yen is good, if they are giving 30,000 for one person, you can make the wedding a little cheaper. You know, the wedding is not as loud as we do, I mean, 20 people are 30 people. 50 people, I guess it’s not as crowded as our weddings.

No, no, he calls his friends and relatives, it’s not much , I mean Yiğit hasn’t attended yet, we’ve moved on to the wedding topic, the wedding topic is also interesting, but a lot of money is spent there, even the friends in our

Group of friends are also talking about the girl and the wedding. They have been working hard for a year to be able to do it , that is, 2/3. If they are going to have a traditional wedding, preparations, etc., clothes etc.

Of course, there are organizations that do these, but I don’t remember the exact prices. Look, as they say, for a moderate wedding, it costs at least 3 million yen, you spend it out of your pocket. 3

Let me tell you right away. If you know how much 3 million yen is, they are hundreds, thousands, 10 thousand, 100 thousand, there are millions, many zeros. What should I do? If you are going to have a mutually agreed wedding in Japan,

Let me tell you that 20,000 dollars is easily out of your pocket. What I see is 20,000 dollars. It is clear. Now I looked at it and it says 3 million in 2022. According to a survey conducted in 2017, it is new. Look,

These are also something, you know, they are not expensive, they are standard, they can even be considered low. I mean, I’ve never seen anyone doing a wedding instead of 1 million. Even if it’s just this or that in a circle of friends

, it’s worth a few million yen, whether it’s clothes, food or drink, etc. Of course, if we consider the money these people earn, you know, if it’s two people, they say “mid”, what’s their monthly salary? When you think about it,

It’s 2 3000. If the dollar remains, it can be said that it is a moderate amount of money that can be collected in a year. It is not a very high amount. If someone earns 500,000 in Japanese standards, it will be 1 million months. I have not had any wedding experience yet.

Here are the friends in our circle. I hope he will do it. He wants to go to a wedding. If he does it in Japan, he can get permission. I will withdraw it. But I have to pay 200 dollars out of my pocket and I have to pay it per

Person. For example, you go with two people, two people separately, you give 30,000 yen, my wife gives 30,000 yen, they take it head on. Also, theirs is worse than ours, then brother, I gave you 50 liras, 100 liras. There is no talk of lira asthma.

You will hang 20 to 30,000 from the close circle. 10,000. Asim , there is no livelihood. Theirs is put in the ballot box. I guess you don’t do anything to your neck like ours. You don’t have a neck. I guess it is put in a box. A

Thing has started to happen lately. You can’t put it in a box with an envelope. In some places, I am the same. Can I ask? Yes, what are the rates of weddings? For example , do Japanese people who marry foreigners have a lot of weddings

? What are the conditions? For example, in Turkey, there is a requirement for many weddings. Is that the case there? In fact, young people in our country have a similar idea that I have seen recently. Well, we are better off spending so much money, let’s spend it on ourselves,

Let’s spend 3 million yen on a wedding, 5 million yen on a wedding, let’s go on a vacation, spend ourselves, buy a car, save some money for the future, let’s do this, let’s do that.

There are a lot of people who have plans, as I see. What I hear is, But those who have a good job and financial situation also say “I will work for a few more months and put in that money” and they do the wedding because the man gets married once or twice.

In response to your question, he wants to taste her. I understand, thank you, Yiğit, what happened, Yiğit, something again. It was written by Riri, there was a scarf girl, Yiğit, isn’t it from Thailand, Yiğit? Come on, brother Yiğit, he’s flying, I’m at the airport. Is he at the airport right now ?

Well done, he follows us from everywhere. Go to your sister, have you met her? Say hello, when I get back to Rye, Baki says a lot. Don’t do it, when the anger returns, let’s shoot a video together, my son, party each other, it’s economical I think it’s an economical party on paper, yes,

It’s a little more comfortable, there are those who are in a good financial situation and do it that way. Of course, it varies from person to person. When it comes to matters , my surroundings are always a bit old-school, old-school. I

Met my wife in the past, we were together for 7 years, then we got married, I am a graduate of television and cinema, Yiğit granny, He granny, you call anything, Yiğit, brother, we will choose a man in green glass movies and take him to Germany, and say

‘I can’t have that, son. I’m from Japan, so how can I deceive you by saying that I brought you to Mongolia and Iran halfway ? People, everywhere is dust and

Dirt. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with the subject, but can you read Japanese Language and Literature? There are a lot of people who read it. You can study it in our country. So

, maybe you can do business between the two countries. Or You can find a job in Japan directly from Japan. You know, the people I met in Japan. Well, how can I say the circles I met in Japan? I forget this. The people I met in Japan are like this.

Generally, all of them are people who have studied Japanese language, literature, gone to school and taken lessons in the rules. Or should I get angry for stupid reasons and leave Japan? Hm, no, such a thing has never happened to me. I’m not up to the level of the rules. Either I’ll start.

I’ll go to Ulan Japan. I’m not into that. I think you like it. I mean, it’s a rule. It’s nice. Getting to know the culture. Getting to know the culture. It sounds nice, nice. Yes, more than just nice, now I’m in the head, you know.

I settled down and live here. Okay, sometimes, brother, there is a queue. You have to wait for an hour. There is a queue there. You wait for an hour. The rules are followed there. There is a strange respect . Something is going on. It’s always stress.

At the end of this stress, I don’t say anything. For example, come on. Let’s take my wife with me. Let’s go to Spain sometime. We said. We had a conversation, I mean, it’s because of my wife’s job, etc. We thought that if my wife’s job was a little more comfortable, maybe

She could think of something like this in a corner. We don’t wear the Barcelona hat for nothing, son. But I haven’t reached that point yet, and I won’t get there in a year and a half. If I

Get to that point in a year and a half, that’s not it. I mean, it’s unlivable in Japan. If you go to the Government Palace, you should visit it. I also wanted to study radio, television and cinema. My father still hasn’t sent me. That’s why I swear at him. I

Think you should go to Paragua and let that be your next trip. I swear, Batuhan, that place is far away. Have I ever been there? I wouldn’t go there for the sake of the country. Let’s go to South America

Like that for 3 months, 5 months, 6 months or a year to travel. My current situation is no difficult. EU brother, then I think it’s exactly the same. When will you come to Turkey? My plans for Turkey have already arrived soon. Yes, I came soon. But right now,

There are no plans for next year. I don’t know if we should come at this time. I don’t even know, I mean there is no plan. In short, when you came, brother, did you come alone or did you come with your spouse? The last time I

Came was alone, then brother, are you planning a meeting when you come alone ? Well then, how come I won’t come alone when I come again ? My conversation about coming alone was a little different at that time. That’s a little different

. Next time I come, I’ll probably come with my wife, but I don’t know. It all depends on the situation at that time, the work and the forces. How much will the leave be? How much will my wife’s leave be? We will stop because my family

Is in a different city and I have relatives in other places. When you say go there, go there, it may be a matter of time, but why not? You know, a day can be given to distract you and meet people, I mean,

You said this is permission, how does this permission work there? How much entitlement do you get per year? On average, per year. For example, let me tell you about my wife’s conversation with us, she works in a hospital. She can get the maximum amount per year.

Normally, she can go out for a week, 7 days, maximum 10 days, and that is, you know, B1, begging, racing, etc. Our wedding is a little easier if you are in a foreign company, so a 23. You can get it for a week, but I don’t know for companies,

It may be for companies, it could be a little longer for companies. It was very bad for us. Tab, more or less for the wedding. Yes, one week is a classic. It’s a bit similar to our conversation. The time for the wedding was a little different. Since it was a different conversation,

It took about 212 days. It was an extra situation because of the wedding. Otherwise It is impossible for such a permit to be granted, the maximum my wife can get. In fact, it is not 10 days, it is 8 days. Two days of this

Is spent on the road. We have the disadvantage of being far from the country. It seems very interesting to me that the Japanese do not speak English and the Japanese do not need to speak English. Look at what you attribute this to. You know so many languages. What do you think? The answer

Is that the man doesn’t need it. Yes, that’s it. The answer is simple. Actually, there is no need. It is enough. So, here’s the empty glass. The law issue in the bandit movie was told to the man’s father. I was going to go to the movies. But

My mother, who was disowned by her father, came. You did such a great thing. Didn’t I understand what? Vano. Have you ever eaten soba? They bring you soba, you finish it, they fill it up immediately, then it doesn’t

Exist, I mean, it’s normal. There are no restaurants like that in Tokyo. I didn’t try what I ate, the last time I ate it was abura abura. I liked soba. Nowadays, I consume it whenever I come across it. I haven’t been to the place you mentioned.

Here’s the thing: Normally it’s traditional. A woman in restaurants, I mean, someone is waiting for her. Well, after she finishes the little stove thing, she fills it right after. I mean, the thing is to see how much she can eat, you eat, you eat, you eat. Well,

Then when it swells, you have to cover the head of the bowl as you eat, otherwise you have to fill it with ten meals again. Interesting, there is this. You are a video. You must have watched the video on YouTube, Tokyo Jesus

I can put a list of things to go to, things to make a video about, send it on discord, it’s interesting but it’s too much, I don’t see anything that can be eaten in 3 plates, 5 plates, they put it one by one, it’s bite-sized, so

They put less of it, it could be Jesus. What did you say, I put it on YouTube suggestion, okay, under these conditions, traveling is too much. It’s difficult, round trip to Japan is 55,000 with Turkish Airlines. You won’t look at it with Turkish Airlines. You’ll look at it with a Kamikaze transfer.

You’ll look at it via China. You’ll look at it 3 months and 5 months in advance. There will be a transfer. There will be 3 transfers. Yes, I don’t know the recent prices, but it’s half that money.

You can reduce the money. The question I’m asking is. You know, we have the Turkish Parliament. Sometimes I say Oray visits. You say the Grand National Assembly of Japan. I don’t know about that. Is there a visit there?

It might be interesting. He says he won’t let me suffer anything there. I just go there. I don’t know about that. If it were Entes. Look, put this in a corner. I wrote it, I’ll look into

It, thank you Oğuzhan for writing, two days are on the road, 3 days are at the dinner table, the remaining 5 days are left to sleep, walking and chatting. We are waiting for your comments and answers to our questions. Please don’t get me wrong, mod friends talk directly and ask their questions

As if they are requests for conversation. Ask for the truth. I am I read what I see, I don’t have a moderator, everyone is watching, we want to listen to you and make comments. If there is, he can come too. But if you want to talk, come to the discord, come

To the hall and shout loudly. I will talk the most. Jokes aside, they saw it. So, I’m trying not to miss it. Are you thinking of traveling to Benur, Canada? Canada I swear there is Canada too, I want to go there, go there, do you

Want to go there, do you want to go there, do you want to go there, do not misunderstand things, it is not up to you, do not ask. I want to go everywhere, I

Want to see it. I am a tourism graduate. I have a working certificate abroad. I am looking for tourism or a different job in Japan. I’m blinded, the question suddenly disappeared from my eyes, I can’t see it, how is the majority of the work different, Oğuz Çay, come to discord, I

‘m throwing all the ball to discord. Son, look at discord, please answer everything. Yes, abuse doesn’t only happen physically, psychological abuse also happens to people. What is this conversation? It leaves places that will last a lifetime. I missed the conversation. Are you saying that the abuse is only physical? The Japanese

Also have psychological abuse. Exactly, look, when we made that video with Selin, the girl said how many years ago she had experienced something, there are pains, staying, etc. psychological disorders Hello, I just met you, I enjoy watching you. Thank you

Faruk. Hello, I was in Tokyo last week. Oh, another one who came to Japan. I want to be an English teacher in Japan. How do you think you can become an English teacher in Japan? Is it your native language? But they usually look at some criteria. Mother langage anil

, they prefer it a lot. Yes, as he said, there is someone who makes a kona. Cem Hi, how are you, dokan? I’m fine. I swear, how are you? I want to be an English teacher in Japan. Do English teachers earn well there

? I don’t know how much money they earn, but a lot of foreigners whose native language is English. There are people who work in nurseries, there are people who teach, there are Crack lists, etc. Sometimes I come across them and see them giving lessons

. If there were no problems with the PC, I would come and talk to you, but unfortunately right now, thank you. Write your problem here next time. Actually, when you write a question, no one should write a question. I will read it. You can write to the normal chat on discord.

You can also write there. Let me write chat. I see chatti. What time is it? It’s a one-day holiday, so for Tokyo, I’m going through the financial situation, the economy, this and that. If I were to go there, it

Would take a long time. I think 4 days like this would be enough to understand Tokyo. On average, at least 4 days are needed. 4 4 days are needed. Exactly. In order to understand and get into their work, every week and 10 days

If you stay in Tokyo for a week, okay friend, I figured out the subway, I’ll get off there, I ‘ll get off here too, I’ll go to these places, I’ll solve everything, etc. You can come to that raft, but

I think you should not be limited to B full for at least 4 days . Well, of course, some financial situation. If you’ve come this far, go to Osaka if you can. I don’t like Osaka very much, you can stay for a day, go to Kyoto,

Stay in Kyoto for 2 days and 3 days in Hiroshima, I recommend you go and see Hiroshima, stay at least one day, for example, Osak Osaka, I totally agree, I mean, it’s an empty city, I really regret going there, 3 days is even too much. I mean,

Even one day is enough. If you are not going to Disney Universal store, of course, there is such an activation thing there , it is in a very bad situation these days. Osaka Kyoto Center. Or rather, Kyoto

Is very beautiful. I am in Kyoto. I wish I could have stayed longer, but in my humble opinion, it is 2 weeks . If you are going to stay, I think you should go for 20 days, that is,

You have to enjoy it for it to be worth it. You pay so much for the plane ticket, then it would be better if we stayed a little longer. Of course, it is also related to people’s permission.

Some people could take a week, but in that tight schedule, 3 days there, two days there, one day there. I mean, even that journey in Japan, for example, that high-speed train you will take from Tokyo, all the way to Osaka, Kyoto, or all the way down to Fuka,

The view you will see on those roads will be enough for you, Hiroshima, Hiroshima is beautiful, I am very beautiful, beautiful, but I am a place, for example, look. I was going to say something if I didn’t have plans to live in Hokkaido Which cities would I like to live in next ?

I wanted to go out, some places don’t appeal to me at all, for example Hiroshima, something like that happened I took a step on a bicycle. There’s a train passing by, it’s like a tram on the rails, it’s weird like this, I wanted to ride a bike, I wanted to go, I wanted to stay here, I sold my bracelet, I sold my money. I went out and met a few different

People. While I was talking about the Memorial Museum, this and that, I had a strange psychology. I even left early . I say it in this video, too, in the bike tour video. I wish I had stayed a few more days. How much does it take to live a normal life in Tokyo

? Like your life, for example. Well, is it my life? It depends on what you do. I don’t know if he’s asking in Tokyo. Wait a second. If Aslı Aslı is asking, it’s a serious issue. I’m giving an example from myself. To live a normal life. This is a very broad question.

How much do you need? If you live alone, let me tell you how much you need for monthly house rent. If you live alone, there are many factors. Now, for a 20 square meter house , you will pay 400 dollars. Your average monthly bill is

100-150 dollars. 100 dollars. I mean, will it go that far or not? It changes, I mean 1000 dollars. Let’s say 1000 dollars. Let’s say 1000 dollars, which is the standard. He even made a video about it. I don’t remember how much it cost. I don’t remember how much it cost, but

You can consult his video. Because he is alive, he is alive now. For those whose earnings are standard and above. Of course, I said 1000 dollars. For example, 1000 dollars is one of 1000 dollars. I think 1000 dollars is standard. Somehow, after all,

It’s a job in Japan for those who earn above the standard. If you’re used to it, I think life will go on fine in Japan. If you’re used to it, don’t miss the little things in between. Cem, we have plans to come to Tokyo for 14 days around May and June.

If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be there anyway. Do I have any advice on how to get a cheap flight ticket to Hall? It’s May and June, there ‘s still 56 MONTHS left. I always say, look through China, I mean, the prices are even for one day.

If you look at the average prices right now, I’m not saying how much the prices change, but of course it would be more appropriate for you to come, like in the movie Parasite, you have to deceive me by pretending to be an English teacher and

Settle in the house of a rich family. In order to live a good life, I got into the man’s own feelings. I felt it right now, what did you feel, cruci? Look, I was afraid of you. I was afraid of sending you a Time Out.

I was afraid of you. Stop. Actually, he wrote a message. Wait a second. Friends, don’t laugh. Who is it? Stop laughing. Be careful. Be careful. I’m joking. Is Japan really expensive? All other youtubers say it’s cheap except for accommodation. What is your opinion? Is it really expensive for accommodation? Now

After corona, before corona, everything is naturally cheap, hotels, this, that, etc., since there are no people, after corona, after the doors opened, the prices doubled. Accommodation is expensive. Yes, it is above Japan standards . All other youtubers wrote about the other thing, accommodation.

Other than that, they say it’s cheap, what do they call cheap? For example, if it’s food, daily. For example, there are shops that can provide meals for 6 dollars in the morning, noon and evening. Look at 6 dollars, 3 meals in the morning, noon and dinner can be done for 6 dollars.

It depends on the type of things you can do. If you want to cut it down, any kind of If I cut it down, it’s 500 yen or so. Of course, it could be, but there are a lot of fried products for 2 dollars, soup, rice, this and that. Look,

I’m not talking about convenience stores or anything like that. You won’t go there anymore. There are places like this where you can bring water and tea and drink a lot of Japanese tea. You have to know these places, I mean, there are chain restaurants. It’s usually cheap at worst.

Come on, I passed by these places, watch my two homeless things video, they sell food to homeless brothers in those areas on YouTube for 1 dollar or 2 dollars, go there every day. There may be some travel expenses, but I can’t look at where dcy writes the questions in DC. I’m reading chatti

On YouTube again. Let me see if there is anything there. You wrote a question from there. A lot of people came too. Thank you. The moderators were surprised because you came to discord. “Oh my God, what’s going on ? Have you seen the big thing? What’s the big secret in discord?”

People said, “Akin, Security because Akin came.” There is something purposeful. It’s an extraordinary participation event on Cem Kün’s server. You think you should sell your mother, 10,000 people came, 20,000 people came, how many people could have come ? If there is no participation, you uploaded two sounds to discord, if you want, look.

Is it sound as a thing? You can give it to one of our ears immediately, not as a thing, but as a panel, you can give it to the sound channel, if you want, I can open it, where is it, but I don’t understand, as a panel.

Open discord. Okay, you see your name on the left. Okay, there is a thing like this there, on the adjustment gear. It says “Open the sound panel.” Open the broadcast. If you want, I can show you bro. Or I will open a broadcast. What, son,

I don’t understand, you confused me with something. You opened it, cut the connection. I broadcast. I can’t turn it on. What happened, son? What did you do? The man left. Something happened to me. Your cat, brother. Don’t confuse me. Son, wait a second

. I’m reading a Japanese question. Did you write a real question? Should I turn it up? OK, turn it up. Master, turn it on. Turn off the light. Wait, what’s going on?

Let me put your leg in the light. Wait a second, I hit it so loud, I ran away to the sound of one of them. Stop, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, boy, wait, I wasn’t expecting something this loud. Should I turn it down a little bit? Okay, guys, wait

A second. I wonder what you should turn down. Wait, let me see. I’m looking right now. Your voice isn’t there anyway . Normally, OK, okay, Buray, turn off the light, let me put the light to work, I shot it, I ran away to the sound of one,

That’s it, is there more? I took out two, brother, it’s good from the sections of the last broadcast, let’s collect it like this, at the end of a year , I bought two of them for 5-10 minutes, there are

Below, those who want to join. There is ten brother, I have something to say, there is Muharrem, we went to Japan together, you can shoot that too. Oh let me take a moment Muharrem Alo Muharrem AB your microphone is off Mr. Muharrem your microphone is off Greetings everyone I finally came Aleykumselam Hello

Muharrem how are you we are fine I swear Cem How are you Thank you we are fine we are too so you came to Japan too You set foot there this summer we were there 3 people together Yasin I am a We had a friend named Murat,

We stayed there for about 16 days. V, how nice, how did you find it? How did you find Japan? I swear, Japan is generally peaceful. Give us your observations. It’s generally peaceful. I posted something about this on Facebook and YouTube. Sorry, something is wrong. I said,

I wrote a post on Facebook, I mean, let me say one last sentence. For example, I think we can open the discussion from here. Someone in Japan does not want to live in Europe, for example, a Japanese person. Well, they have such admiration or a

Wish to go to Europe and live in England or something like that. They don’t have it. But someone from Europe may want to live in Japan. % of the seconds, there was an unusual event message on Discord. I’m solving it. It’s nothing. If something happens, I’ll close it. No one can visit.

Increased activity from normal members. I say no action is needed. I continue. It’s solved. Mark this information as What are you saying that only 20 or 30 people came? Sometimes there are boats or something, that’s why you are istil or something, you are saying why

Would Muhammad Japan go to Europe? I’m going crazy asking the question again. General summary, last sentence. Let me say more. For example, I have this observation. Now, it is wrong to give this from Turkey, but now, for example, if we say in our country,

If we had a vote, would the majority want to live abroad? If such a survey was conducted in Japan, I would say they would not want to live in Europe. Someone who is a Japanese citizen may not want it, but someone who lives in Europe

May want to live in Japan. So if we do a survey, I would say that there would be many people on the “don’t want” side, but I don’t do much. Again, there might be some who want it, a certain portion of people might want it, so generally. Everyone wants America, but

I don’t think I will have Europe. Well, I even came across Japan saying I would like to live in Hungary, especially young people. I think the average Japanese youth is 25 years old. If you leave the 202 year old Japanese youth aside, they

Would all run away from the country and the rest would all be old in Japan. It will sink in 10 years and they will all be dead anyway. Immigrants are now in the country. So what you’re saying is, Yes, you

Entered from a different place, but generally they all have an admiration for America. They want to go there. There are those who want to go to Europe, but the ones who want to go there

Are the ones who want to see, we are the ones who want to surpass themselves, especially the young people. There are a lot of people, girls, especially Japanese girls, as far as I can see, the passport rate for women is higher than for men, because once I went to renew my wife’s passport,

It was as hard as my finger . I saw a Japanese man at the passport center. That woman was a girl , so that’s an interesting observation. The chat is waiting for another friend. If your friends are done with their questions, OK , who is this ?

Is it you, Faruk Exactly, exactly, hello, good luck, welcome, thank you, how are you, we welcome you, good broadcasts, I am fine, I was working and broadcasting in the background, I was listening to chatting, how nice. Exactly, where are you participating from, I am from Istanbul,

Are you in Istanbul? What? You have a nice profile, I clicked on it and it turned out something sparkly. Oh yes, I put it exactly like that, let me call it an influencer of something else. When you become a moderator of a discord, we just hang out there.

Where does your admiration for Japan come from? What would you like to ask? Well, let me tell you this first. I wrote you in chat, I wrote you in chat It hasn’t been long since I saw it on YouTube and I came to the live broadcast for the first time.

I didn’t understand how it happened when I said there was a chat or something. Actually, I got into it. Of course, I have a question to ask, but I don’t know the dynamic here. So,

You are filming it here. I don’t know if it is in the form of a question and answer. Well, let me say that. Well, it started like this. Well, I’m actually an incredible robotics freak. I’m an engineer and I’m also studying game development. I was working on robotics engineering there in the past.

So, I really liked the technology knowledge in Japan, so I can say it started from there. Then, as usual, most of the people here The person started to talk about both games and anime. These days, we said something with friends, let’s go to an Asian country, let’s

Travel to Japan, and I saw you while I was looking at YouTube . There is also another friend, and that is Japan. He lives in Japan, his wife is Japanese. Is it okay for me to name him? He is a YouTuber. I don’t know if you know

Him. He is also my close friend. We were chatting with him and so on. Actually, my love for Japan started from there. Well, he kind of goes back and forth on technology. Actually, I’m curious about this thing, maybe. It may be a bit personal, you may not want to answer.

As Turkish men, we go like this. For example, you loved someone, got married, etc., I hear this a lot. The incidence of cheating is mutual between men and women. In Japan, the rate is incredibly high. Now, knowing this or not, how did you dare to do this? How did you find such

Personal courage? I’m very curious about it, you don’t have to explain it, but it was a topic that I was curious about, to be honest, the exact question was going well towards the end. Did something happen to me? No, no,

There is a cheating issue here. How did you dare? Did you get married and tie yourself up? There is no home. Technically, I’m not telling you anything. But for example, personally, I don’t think I can find that courage. Do you understand? For example, you

Are like, “What would I do if I were you? There is a thought. I mean, how did you break that thing?” Can it actually break that judgment? How did it happen? For example , how you proceed by knowingly observing these things. For example, we did not live there, you

Have been there for years. Is this out there exaggerated? Or is there really such a thing? Do you know that I made a lot of observations ? I think I have summed it up. I understand. I understand. Thank you

For your question. Now, I first said the answer to this at the beginning of this live broadcast. You know, this is it. The issue of meeting your spouse, how did you get there, how did you break your mind? I settled there. Okay, actually the answer is simple. Repeat it again

. Here I am, I met my wife . I lived here. Will I be able to decide what I can do here? For example, I wanted to get away from the city life completely and make that decision. It’s a completely dark thing.

Let me do it tonight. I’ll give my answer tomorrow. I left here in a corner. I went into seclusion. Let me say it again. I will pretend to have given the answer , but now I believe this. You know,

Your chances of meeting a good person in the world have decreased a little bit now. Bad people are everywhere, too. I mean, my wife, let me tell you specifically about my wife,

She is beautiful. I came across a good person, with a pure heart . I thought I would not be able to find someone like her. I changed it to here. I wanted to live here, etc., etc. From there, at the eleventh point. You say ”

Fall in love”. Well, at one point, are you saying “My heart’s feelings have overtaken my logic”? Yes, there are a lot of things. I just gave a general answer. Here it is, from there, from right to left. Well,

I said a lot of things. I don’t want to confuse people, if I were to talk about it in general terms, I thought I would never find such a person again. Oh, by the way, as I said, I didn’t ask you specifically. I don’t want to misunderstand you

, but I asked in general, so maybe it could be private. I understand, I understand what you mean. When it comes to cheating, the Japanese say the same thing: There is one thing, they don’t think the way we think, these people, the Japanese, think differently than the rest of the world, that is,

Someone who thinks in Papua New and someone who thinks somewhere in America may be the same, but someone who thinks in Japan and someone who thinks in America cannot be the same. Now I understand this, that’s all. People think differently , their perspectives are different from the rest

Of the world, that’s the issue of cheating, that’s the bottom line. That’s what we do with you, there’s also the occasional conversation. Hmm, I won’t do much, now this will be misunderstood. Let me give you an answer like this, in short, there is a difference in culture. I mean, just

Think about us, look at us, it’s against us, now look how the man thinks, I’m from Malatya, right? Yes, don’t tie it right there and there, wait a second, if you tie it there, blood will come out. Don’t tie it that way. Look,

There’s a Japanese girl and there’s a Japanese boy. They’re a couple, okay? There is no such thing as all of them. Friends, some are jealous, some are like that. Now we see these people on the internet a lot, because they have a lot of interaction, we

Come across them all the time. Otherwise, there are ten out of 10 Japanese couples. There is no such thing as this. Yes, there is a couple now. Japanese boy and girl , well, woman, man, going to the general house,

Etc. You know, he is satisfying himself. Okay, they ask the girl, the Japanese girl, is this cheating? It’s not cheating, it’s just that, she has met her needs, it’s over. The man, the Japanese man, is the same, he’s seeing another girl, he’s corresponding, etc., he’s going somewhere, he’s having dinner. chatting, conversation,

No sexual intercourse, is it cheating? I think this is cheating. Even the perspectives change from person to person. Yes, but you know, it’s all together. Their minds work differently. Let me explain . If there is a step based on

A biological need like that, this is for some people. It’s not for everyone. You say that for some women, this may not be cheating, there are some who look at it as a getaway. Well, but if she is included in your life,

If she has a love for that person, it’s an extra. You know, if she has a feeling that we call love or normal love, that’s cheating. You say you are entering. Even if

It is not 10000%, well, in general, your blood is in this direction. As far as I understand, it is gene, yes, in general, it is my observation, and also, well, here it is, it is in the [__] sector, erotic, I don’t know, hentai, this, that, etc., there

Is an incredible money flow there, it is an incredible industry. There’s a flow, Yiğit. Even though it’s here, he did some research on how much money was spent. He sat down and researched the industry. Here’s hentayi, how many, Lav Hotel,

Brothels, etc., this is such a sector, he researched how much money is spent here. Yiğit. What did he even say? 10 new ones out of every 100 yen. Is it 20 new? What is it going here? Just because it is going to this sector or something, he says that these people’s introversion and

Expressing themselves in different ways has revitalized the sector here and there a little, etc. So, when perverted emotions are suppressed, it comes out at a different point. Then he says he has turned this into an industry. Yes, that is. There are a lot of things going on behind closed doors,

Completely different things for us. If we go there, of course, there are many different conversations. But, for example, two muscular Japanese girls raised their heads. There were a lot of comments. Are you going to divorce your wife? Are you not married? It’s my

Favorite video. I enjoyed it very much in that video. I wrote it with a comment and sent it to my friends, I said we are going here. To be frank, to show their point of view, the answer my wife said, I have said it again, but

I will say it again, Japanese girls do sports, I add their own bread and bread, and they earn their money, there is energy. They spend money etc. I mean, it was normal for him. He even said let’s go together. He said, ‘Let’s have fun and spend time together . ‘

Sometimes there are similarities in those matters, introjection and introjection, of course. Let’s open a Lava Hotel in the heart of Istanbul and see what happens, for example, or your country, they will demolish it from Edirne. Imagine if you opened a lava hotel in Malatya. For example, in Kars,

I won’t make such a comment. I won’t make such a comment . We, too, can compare. They are watching me from there. I can understand that such comments are coming from there. I don’t say anything to them either. I just look at them. It’s very wrong anyway.

I don’t know how many thousand kilometers away from here, it’s very different, I mean, it’s not an artificial country, it’s not an artificial country. The people are closed to themselves, they have their own species that have lived for thousands of years, so their mentality is different. Well, it’s very

True in that regard. Well, I’m very happy to hear that. I was like, Well, there are these idol things, there are idle conversations, young girls and boys, by the way, is there a thing on live broadcast? Is there a language restriction?

I will tell you something accordingly. Tell me something that won’t happen, unless it’s too heavy. Bro, a 15-year-old man, a 45-year-old man. They organize jamming events. You know, I read something like that, I became very spiteful at the same time,

They say there is such a thing, okay? I mean, I read somewhere that a 45-year-old man takes his own sperm in his hand and shakes the girl’s hand. It was a perversion for me. What if we become Japanese? I mean, I’ll tell you something. Don’t let me open my mouth. Look,

If I tell you what I know, there will be confusion. Takashi next door can’t go out in public. He wears a mask. How can you understand? They all look alike. Also, by the way, there is a question limit. Shouldn’t I do anything about many people

? One thing is that we are chatting for the last time, no problem. Everyone is talking. I mean, there is no problem. I’m trying to understand the rule. Well, this is me. Well, me. Well, I

Am a person who travels abroad a lot. Most likely, if I have the chance, I will get an offer from England next year. I’m planning to move there too. It’s because of the industry. Well, I see something in our people. I don’t know what your point of view is here.

I don’t know how or how these situations are in Japan. Have I noticed? Most of the people in Turkey, for example, most of the people who want to come there. Well, they always talk about something in questions like this. Well, brother, if I come there, well,

I’m rocking there, well, if I come there somehow, I’m giving an example, if I employ myself as a waiter, there, 2 years, 3 years, brother. I buy my car, I don’t know, I buy it, I do this, I do that,

They start counting like that. I’m very good at that. I believe it is a wrong perception. I think people behave with the logic that I will talk about the country they live in, namely Turkey, or they look at something

Like, “Well, for example, it’s in America.” For example, there are people who calculate like this. If I go to America, live in New York, open an Uber like this, I’ll get 300 for myself. If I buy a car for 2,000 dollars

And take an Uber every night, this much money. I’m asking, can Americans be this stupid? You know, wouldn’t everyone do Uber? If they know how to live so comfortably, life is sustainable with these parts, that is, with an unqualified job. I think going abroad is a very difficult thing because

In the country you go to, you are no different from a newborn baby. You have neither a social circle nor a credit flow. You have nothing. Now, you can help me better in that regard. Well, in Europe and America, I do this. I know it is like this

, but is this the same in Japan ? Now, I don’t know about America. I have an answer when I come to Japan. How is this car buying issue? The question is long, my answer will be a little short, don’t get me wrong. Astaghfurullah,

Let me tell you this now, look at you by taking an Uber. Let me tell you how the car is here, cars are cheap, hand by hand, you know, by working for a while, the Custom has remained in that person’s life for a while

, you can work for 6 months to buy a car, you can work for 2 months, or if you work for a month completely off-hand, it can take a month. In the end, I saw that you can buy a car by Uber with your bike, because even a second-hand

Car can be bought. The prices of cars are going up and down. I posted one here. I also mentioned something. Coming to that, the answer to that question. If we come to the simplest,

You can buy a simple second hand car here by making an Uber, you can get into a simple second hand car here after a month. What do I mean by that? You know, you will work without eating or drinking. For example, it can be found

In second hand shops in villages and towns . I don’t know how many places there are for it. He wrote something. Was it on discord? What was it? Something was written somewhere. I forgot the name. Something is going on right now.

I forgot the name. Anyway, it’s such a big place. I don’t know who shot a Japanese car. I don’t remember. But there are cheap cars going on auction. It was something like that. Hon Like a price increase thing, cars like this come and sell them, something like that, because around here,

When you go to a gallery, the price increases a little more, it gets saltier. Yes, then as an answer, you earn 2000-2500 dollars per month, when your expenses decrease, you can get a second car, then I can say this as an answer. Uh-huh -huh, I didn’t ask about the car. I actually tried

To point out the mistake of going to a country with economic expectations. Someone wrote it very well . For example, I’m living in Turkey right now, I’m in my room in Istanbul. I’m going to America, I’ll take an Uber there. This is the first one 6

Months 7 months I don’t have a job, I’m shaking 6 7 months Uber production man, you know the one who says I’ll make a living from Uber there, about the situation where the account at home doesn’t match Çarşı.

Actually, I tried to talk about it, someone from the chat also writes. No brother, it’s not like that, they do über, don’t you see it in movies and TV series? He wrote something, but I was talking about that too. Going to live in a country after being influenced by movies and TV series,

Especially with an economic expectation, shakes a person very deeply , and it shook my close friends. Well, it has happened many times that they went there thinking that it would be great, but the income at home did not meet the expectations. I wanted

To ask this specifically about Japan. Well, you said yes, I agree with what you said. Oh, I didn’t get the answer. Wait, I just thought of it in my mind. I’ll continue with the answer. I agree. You came from a very high level . I think we should put ourselves in their

Place and look at them from that perspective. Okay, it could be like that too, but it’s where he comes from. You know, he might have financial difficulties, he might be excited, he might want to earn money. Yes, I understand that when I came here,

I didn’t know the language, I didn’t know anything. Well, I got married, I got into something, I deliver packages on a bike with a little shame, etc. I want to do something to make money. I want to earn money, but I don’t have those things, you know, I’ll go,

I’ll deliver packages on a bike, I’ll enter the house, I’ll wear a car, I can never earn that much money with money, for example. Of course, it varies from person to person and it depends a little on the character, this subject goes on and on for me. If I were to tell you,

I always say, I build yachts, I fold them, just to have a farm on top of a mountain, I’m there with my wife and child, I’m clean of animal shit, man, who wants to move to Japan and watch it clean of animal shit ? I think

It might be better for him to work on the arrangement, it might make him happier for his job. Of course [ __ ] everyone wants to go to America, there are billions of people in the world, everyone wants to escape there,

We can understand, I don’t want people, it changes from job to job, brother % I agree with you, I mean, sorry for your words. I cut it bro, we are at the same point, you and I,

Between going with a life expectation and going with an economic expectation. Actually, that is the point we are talking about. You brought me to deliver what I said, and I understood it from you. My expectation here is for my life to be like this and

The place that can best meet it. I think this is the place that can meet it best . But I said that sometimes it is not possible to go to a place with economic expectations and I already supported that.

Thank you for my answer. Ed y Of course, if you are going to an economic place to make money. Yes, it is Japanese. In my opinion, if you are not doing any business, coming to Japan to make money is the right choice. If I’m not doing business, I can answer here like that.

Can I make a small addition? Yes, I went there too. I researched, of course, I know more or less. Even now, the average monthly salary in Japan is 400,000 450,000 yen. If I know correctly, how is it wrong? 450,000 y 400,000 yen.

Isn’t it good? I said it’s wrong because you said it’s average. How can they be average but they were earning 400? The average money around here is 200-250,000 yen. Isn’t 200,000 yen too little ? E manager and above is what you can earn, it is not a standard

Money, those money are above the standard. Okay, let’s say 250. Well, now the monthly rent for a single person in Tokyo is 80,000, so I guess it will be 80,000. Of course, it varies from region to Shusa. Let’s say 50,000 8,000 yen, 170,000 remains. You know, 50,000 or even

50,000. You know, you go out for monthly grocery shopping, it’s very comfortable, you spend 120,000 with the rest of your monthly salary, let’s say 130,000, you spend 120,000, or 100,000, you can buy a PlayStation 5. For example, there are 15,000, 12,000 yen,

I always saw that when I went there, or an iPhone is 150,000, 160,000 yen. y At least it is easy to reach such technological devices, but cars. Of course, they are very extreme, car prices are 5 million, 7 million yen, Toyotas, etc. But again,

Relatively speaking. If you have a good job in a foreign company. You know, you get 400,000 in cash. I think it’s easy to buy. As I said , the difference between coming with a qualified job and,

As you know, almost taking refuge, that’s what I meant. Just now, I mean, I mean, you are an engineer or I don’t know if someone said, you know, as a teacher. You know, as a teacher, I have such a specific job that is predetermined and you went there. Well,

I guess there is a big difference. Of course, C makes a better comment on that subject. What did I miss? I was looking at something in the comment, Discord. The

Focus went away, the thing disappeared, I was looking at the message. Of course, there is a difference between a qualified job and a job, for example. We talked about going there with a qualified job, for example, you are a software engineer, you found a job there, they did something,

They called you and brought you there, there is a big difference between living with the wage you earn there and taking refuge there like this and then we find our way somehow. Actually, is it a matter of purchasing power, that is, living? What I earn at the end of a month

Is it a matter of living with money? Did I understand it correctly? In general, at one point, yes in general. Yes, I look at it like this. I always tell them that you can live with so much money. Someone who spends his money to earn something

Wrote me a message. He says, ‘I have expenses that will not reach 100 dollars a month,’ he says, ‘I have kitchen expenses. For example, the man eats nodal all the time, but he hasn’t seen it, for example, he is trying to save money. Some people are like this, you know, Denim,

Denim, it all depends on the life one will live. If you earn 2,000 dollars, after the electricity, water, natural gas bills are deducted, after the food is deducted, there are people who save money without doing anything. I am not a fan of getting into those places too much.

Yes, it changes, the conversation is a lot, I mean, it is not a fixed thing. I ate, it stopped automatically, it stopped, what did I eat ? Is it going to get better? I got better. If I misunderstood,

I went to my room in response to the question. Then, I was looking at the question for a while. You speak well. You speak well. Talk to us. Let’s get your mind off it. We have it. By the way, the broadcast is coming in 3 hours. Isn’t it too late there

?) I’m so sorry, we’re just chatting, this is 6 hours ahead, 9 + 6, is it 3 in the morning ? I’m going to watch the derby tomorrow, too. I want to stay up for a while so I can get used to it.

Will there be a Fener Kay derby at 1 in the morning? We’ll watch it here bro, I’m in Turkey right around this time. Most likely the match will end. Even the score. Anyway, I won’t give the score. Never mind, my prophecy will hold.

Make the coupons later. Bro, it was yours. Lastly, share it on Instagram. It is strong in that direction. Let me say that he will buy a Fenerbahçe. Let me pass. Let me say that he will buy a Fenerbahçe. No, brother, don’t say that. It won’t work. This time

, I am also from Galatasaray. I don’t have that thing either. For example, 2 will not be finished. Is there any Japan? Questions about Japan. Chat. Let me see Discord. What’s going on in discord? I’ll pin the link of discord. Friends, you can have questions. Those who want to chat can

Come. You can come to YouTube. There were different conversations going on. While you were talking, I was interested and my eyes were wandering there. As we were talking, I said, “How fast do the topics change? ” It started broadcasting bro.

I will go on holiday in Japan after 5 years. With two of my friends. How many TL in total will it be Mar? 5 Until the end of the year, month Fatih inventor is in parentheses, bro . It is not clear what we will be in 2 seconds. 400

480k T money for the plan of 5 years later. Also TL. You said is it enough to calculate ? I mean, it’s a difficult question and it’s a difficult one. You never know. Maybe 1 L will be 30 dollars in the future. I don’t know. Anything can happen

. He wrote that. I was very curious about that. He didn’t answer. I was asked a question like “Do you feel it is happening to GBA?” I wonder today. I thought about it before the broadcast today. Do you know what I was thinking? Wait, let

Me see, I was sitting down and suddenly it came. I said to myself, “It’s been a while. It’s not an earthquake .” I said to myself, “I haven’t felt it for a while. Look, it’s been a year and a half. It’s been almost a year and a half.

I’ve barely felt any earthquakes.” What I’m afraid of is that an earthquake is expected to be very strong here, especially in Tokyo. It’s like I’m looking at them, I’m a team, I’m combining the news.

Because 8 here, let me sell the mother, 5 5 this 5 is happening, the earthquake is shaking like this He 8 9 I mean it’s a superhuman superhuman thing, I think it ‘s like a preparation from the creator. I’m thinking, he’s waiting, he

‘s waiting, whatever God has given me, I’m waiting for something to happen, because there hasn’t been a big earthquake in Japan in these 5 years, I don’t know the last big earthquakes, even how many of them are on the gold, but I don’t think it’s normal, I think

There will be a big earthquake soon, I hope it won’t happen, but this is it. It is expected to be like the big Istanbul earthquake. There is nothing to do. This is the Earthquake Country. Do you have a phobia? Do you have an earthquake phobia?

My earthquake phobia. Well, I have been through a lot of earthquakes and big earthquakes. There is nothing. I stay where I am. I couldn’t get over it. I am turning to stone. I am freezing like this. I can’t do anything , for example, even though I’ve seen so many earthquakes,

I can’t get over it. I don’t know if it’s a phobia. Think about it like this. Well, at least it’s not like Turkey, they know it’s an earthquake zone, so they build the buildings accordingly. Of course, you should feel more comfortable here, and so do the Japanese. So,

When you look at it, open the videos and watch them. At the moment of an earthquake, people drink their tea. Cry, the man drinks his matcha tea, for example, he goes out freely, opens it in front of the door, he knows how to behave, he has no fear, of course the building

Will not collapse, it will not happen, it will not happen, but I went up to the tower the other day, that’s his kind of mentality, I went there thinking, “What if there is an earthquake?” I sat somewhere and collapsed. I’m sorry , I’m psychologically damaged. Did you live in Malatya

? First of all, before moving to Japan, I was in Istanbul. Okay. The earthquake video you shot, that is, what was seen in the video. At least it was very bad. Which one, what year, Malat

Mer, I mean, what can I say? I would like to say that I hope it will get better, but the situation is progressing very slowly. Do you expect any losses from there ? Thank God, nothing happened, but we had a lot of acquaintances who lost their spouses, friends and relatives, I understand. Well,

I have not lost anyone from my close family, but there are many deaths from our distant relatives. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, brother, you know, I don’t know, I think you can rest easy, our people still continue to progress with the same mentality, our

Maraş, I mean, probably about 4% of it has disappeared. I was doing something, I was in London. My family was in Kahramanmaraş when the earthquake happened. I didn’t get any news for 3 days. It’s a very, very bad psychology. But thank God, nothing happened to them.

When I went there, I saw in your video places like this with children etc., we shared the same places, you can’t recognize them, you can’t do anything, but I don’t know if you have any observations, the same mentality still continues, those

Areas where nothing has been learned, they go with the idea of ​​moving the city here, let’s move it there, but the same contractors are doing the same thing. It seems to me that the people in Japan are continuing with this question. This is a long topic. After 3 hours, I

Can’t shake my head anymore. I can talk slowly. Let’s talk about this earthquake seriously in the next broadcast. Because the Japanese people have no perspective on this issue. There is no point of view, so know how to compare in the next broadcast. You can remind me to talk about it. This

Earthquake conversation is sad. Anyway, we will talk about earthquakes. Earthquakes are a lot of things. We also experienced it very recently. We had enough. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Don’t talk at all, never mind . Well, someone said something,

Look, in which city of Tokyo do you live? He said, Which city of Tokyo do you live in? I’m in the center, you can find me, you’ll see someone on a black bike. In which city of Tokyo? In the center of Tokyo,

Is there minato minato? Questions about Japan If the questions are purple, as the time progresses, I guess your mind has wandered, brother. I normally spend my time at these hours. Tell me a little. Let me turn left, let me turn slightly to the right. Let me scratch my ass and lie down.

We had a good conversation. The conversation was good and fluent. Normally, look, when I was going to the broadcast, I was saying the most. It’s a good time when the conversation is like this, it flows well. I also

Feel a little energetic even though it’s this hour. Are there still any questions about Japan? I’ve researched the rural areas with the least earthquakes before. He just said a house in the countryside. Which regions do you think are going well and are they in rural areas?

What is the situation, whether it is infrastructure or job opportunities? In rural areas, there are mostly elderly people . There is a system based on agriculture. In Japan, young people do not stop. There are job opportunities. If you know Japanese. Well, you can do something. When you go to the municipality.

You have to love the countryside of Japan a little, you have to know a little Japanese here, it’s a bit difficult to keep up in that aspect. Brother, hello, what do you think about the yen? The yen is flying and going. The last time it was around 142, fruit prices will increase again.

There will be an increase in fruit prices in the center. The mosque is taking me away from the Turks in Japan. Do you see ? Is there a lot of people leaving? Sometimes I come across them while I’m making a video.

They look at me in the eyes and there are people who don’t answer. But I understand from that look that they are Turks. There were a lot of problems with Japan. Ms. Esin. Here you go,

I read the problems whenever I see them. Japanese companies are far behind, they are not in technology. I don’t agree with him. Go to any country in the world, whether it’s a developed city, a mountain, a place like this or that. A person always has something made of Japan at their

Disposal, and I don’t believe that Japan will suffer any economic damage in that regard. I mean, it’s the same for companies . If you look at who makes the sensors, you can start from there. Since there are so many of them, they are spreading everywhere because they are made cheaply. I mean,

There are a lot of devices made by the Japanese and they are available all over the world, I mean, I wouldn’t say a million, but there are hundreds of companies like that . Did I tell you that about 30 years ago, one of America’s sources of income was that money

Was flowing through Japanese companies, the flow of money was flowing, they had a say in America, Japanese companies were making crazy money, then of course they took over, China came into play, America came one by one, Japan fell one by one. While I’m talking about etc., but

It’s still a foundation brought by Cender. The guys have a solid foundation. Can you give me information about Uber? Is it enough? If you work full time and work regularly, it’s enough. We talked about the standard money of an average Japanese person, 200-250,000 yen for a month.

You can win, thanks to your videos, the whole TR was there at one point. How come? Is the Tsunami moving too much? It’s not in the center. It’s not here in my region. In my region, it’s just the River Kama River. That’s

Down there. Greetings from Edremit Akçay. Greetings from your brother Ayhan Öztürk. Brother Ayhan, if I meet you on the road, I’ll ask you something. Follow you without saying. Aha, here’s something, Yiğit Yiğit, you’re the brave man on discord, don’t do such things. I

‘ll know right away. Didn’t I give you a score? I gave it to Fener 21 A. I wasn’t going to say it. I told you about the Uber you did. If Japan found a cure for the earthquake, it couldn’t find a cure for the tsunami.

I mean, the ocean is rising for him. How can he find that? I mean, they can’t do anything, they are taking precautions, but it’s not a normal thing, it’s a natural disaster, I don’t know Japanese, I’ve been an accountant for 15 years, and I also

Have very good experience in production and sewing in the garment industry. I’m losing my voice in this profession in Japan . Wait a minute. I’m going to look at these two questions in a second, it’s been 3 hours, friends, so please like the

Live broadcast while I’m answering these questions. You can also subscribe. While I ‘m answering these questions, look, you haven’t watched the last video. Well, I said a little bit of Japanese in Japan. Sorry, Ms. Esin, my eyes are wandering. Well, your profession is Okay, okay, you can do your job here.

But to work here, you need to know Japanese based on your profession . Let me answer that, because the people who will work around you, the people who will be related to your job, do not know 90 English, and you cannot speak Japanese either

, you may feel a little uneasy, it may stress you out. Would it be better if I learned and practiced Japanese before I came to Japan ? Or should I learn Japanese directly? Have a look at it before I come, learn a little,

Brother. Stay V. Yes, before coming here, get some ear familiarity before moving here. I do n’t know if you have any problems with kanji. For example, not knowing at all is like this. For example, lady, do you think it will cause problems in clothing or something? What do you think? Of course,

They always take it off. I think it is used a lot anyway. It is difficult to talk about things. I mean, does writing and writing come into play? With the work that these years will bring. Hall is something that could happen to me right now. So, how do I

Solve it? For example, while I’m working here and there in Uber, I sometimes take screenshots of Google. Also, I solved apartment buildings, for example, it’s something that time has brought. I don’t need a hooker, because of my job. I don’t use kanji very much.

I translate it where I need it, I understand it immediately. And since I know where and how to go, there is only a small margin left. Google Translate helps me to solve that. Well, if you want to get citizenship or something, I guess

They would make you take a blood test or something, right? I don’t remember wrong. Yes, yes. Ten Yes, they ask different questions. Citizen, you had a children’s book. How do you go from there? How does it go ? I look at it for fun

. Is it caym? It says potato cayo, there is no kamisi, here are the numbers. When I say may, I am trying to go through Japanese rather than that, in daily life with spouses and friends. Let me buy the book and study Japanese. Rather,

I am trying to put some words in my head in daily life so that something like this can happen more. Well, as they say, it should be organic. Because you learn something from a notebook and a book. Again, in order to convey it, you have to talk to those people. Talking to someone

Is more important to me. It only goes so far. Because that is write down somewhere, write in kanji, write in hiragana, read the sign, but speaking is involved. For example, stress comes in, timidity comes in, when you say this and that, the word doesn’t come out even though you know it,

I think it’s easier to get over it by talking like this, even if it’s wrong . Brother, what is your Japanese language now? Is there n3, is it n3 or are you n4? You say M5 is the last one. Yes, I’m the last one. Brother, don’t kill yourself so much.

I understand some of it. Now I understand some of the conversations from right to left. Oh, what is this saying? What was it in Japanese? It comes after 5 minutes of the conversation, for example. Ulan. After 5 and 10 minutes, I said, “Sometimes it starts, it doesn’t, it starts.

Since it’s in such simple Japanese, I came here as a tourist, I guess my level is M5, I’ve never been there, one thing was enough for me. I talked a lot with everyone, a lot of details, of course, there were a lot of things I didn’t understand, but M5 was good

. So maybe it’s basic from a tourist perspective. With basic things. The Japanese already have something like this, they know that you are a tourist. I sometimes speak especially Japanese. The other person should speak Japanese to me and answer so I can learn something. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He

Speaks English. I swear out of 10 people, he is like this. I have an older brother. Well, don’t worry about taking a Japanese course. I have an older brother. He was taking a Japanese course. When he went to Japan in 2013, he said, ‘Well,

I’m going to improve my Japanese, I speak Japanese with the Japanese people there, I’m good at Japanese,’ he said, ‘I know it well, he speaks Japanese. Yes, I said this, I said it’s a conversation, it’s just a little bit of a conversation, if they speak Japanese, they continue in Japanese, but

They understand that it doesn’t know Japanese. Assalamu’alaikum alaikum. Did you stay to see where you’re going today? Okay, they already understand it. In English, it’s like this. English is from right to left. You’re not breaking it, you’re tiring something. But no. There is something like that in Japan,

For example, the Japanese really don’t know English because I’ve experienced it personally . I’m still surprised. I even met them there. I said to you, ” Isn’t it taught in high school?” I said, “Is n’t it taught in high school?” That’s why

He said we don’t know. I mean, it’s such a developed country. But no one can talk about it. There’s no need for it. It’s not much different here, actually. The situation is given in our country as well.

Of course, but are we a developed country? Now we have to look at it that way. We are a developing country, but we are very open to the outside world. It is very advanced now, I will attribute it to education, but of course,

With the education in Japan, those subjects are also long in our country. I studied Tourism. What happened? So, someone who studied Tourism in high school should now be speaking English as their mother tongue. But no. I learned English in the night shift at the hotel where I worked.

It’s a little bit about philology by chatting with people. I mean, it’s related to the language structure. It’s something to do with grammar. When you look at our Turkish, there is Turkish as a mixture of many different languages, there is Persian,

There is French, there are a lot of words borrowed from English, the structure already proceeds with the root Turkish structure. Well, we can talk like this, we already have a difference. I mean, our brain has evolved accordingly. It’s in Japan. I don’t think so many languages

​​take in too many things from outside, words or rules, I don’t really think it might be because of that, that’s what I think. You know better. Well, I think they know English because the education is very good in Japan. Isn’t it number one in the world?

There is a talk of shyness between us. I don’t know, I’m in trouble. Tab, I’m Baku. I was going to ask you. I mean, you are the one who speaks the most languages. You know many languages, like your mother tongue. You speak a language, you can answer better

. As he said, pronunciation. Well, English pronunciation for Japanese people or pronunciation in general is a problem for all languages ​​because some languages ​​can produce sounds that they do not have, for example, speaking French. Well, Japanese people generally have a hard time saying the r’s. They cannot make the sound of some words.

For example, sometimes we can do something like that, I can’t think of an example, but we can still do something in Japanese because we both come from Altai languages. We can adapt to it a little more, but they are Latin languages. Germanic languages ​​etc. can sometimes be difficult when learning them because

They are sounds coming from the throat that we are not used to, etc. They can be difficult, yes, I analyzed something like this, I mean, I think people in Tokyo don’t need English more, you know, a lot of tourists come, you know, maybe it’s something. You know, we always

Talk, is it because of Danan? They don’t know anymore. The last day, on my last day, I was eating doner kebab at the Akab Bar in Tokyo. Man, there were two girls at the doner restaurant. They came from Hokkaido. They were from Hokkaido University. We were speaking Japanese. Then we switched to English

. It was very good, one of them was studying Korean Language and Literature, the other one was something related to aesthetics, I mean their English was excellent, they came from Hokkaido, I mean, in cities that match me a little , their English was very good in terms of pronunciation or grammar.

Hm, but how many people in Tokyo, for example in Kyoto? I talked to a person who is my age. Well, I’m at university. I’m 21 years old. Well, he doesn’t know. You

Know, the smart people in Kyoto knew more or less very little about me in Tokyo. But I think the only people who know are the old people. I think they know more than the young people. I chatted a lot, and I said,

I haven’t had any problems with the old people here either. They all spoke English to me very easily. Well, you must have come across me, or you did. Yes, but on my first day in Tokyo, a man came to me, said hello, in the subway. He

Said, “Where are you from?” I said, “I am Turkish.” Why did you come? Are you here for a trip? Come, I came as a tourist. He gave it to me as a gift, and we chatted for a while in English

. I mean, the uncle is 7075 years old, or 65. By the way, you seem to be quite sleepy, right? Exactly. He came and shut down. I guess your mind is slow. My eyes caught something. The parrot had written something in the chat. Just because he speaks English.

Dude, the man here speaks French and English like his native language, this and that , chats, dude, your father also speaks English, let me put [ __ ], he says, sign up, it’s your country, bro. Every language has a language tree. So,

We will do something about this language issue together with the earthquake in the next broadcast. We can talk again about the match with you tomorrow. Did something happen to Pro? The match will end at this hour. The match will end at this time. Most likely, I can sleep at around 70. I

Stayed up last night because I was going to watch Galatasaray’s match. It was supposed to start at 2. What match was it? The last time we won 1-0,

The Karagümrük match will start at 2 o’clock and end at 4. He Karagümrük match. I put the laptop on and turned on the match. Is it okay? What a great match I will watch. I just laid down with peace in my mind. Let me sell it.

My eyesight was gone in 10 seconds. I opened my eyes and the match was over. It’s such a problem. Tab Let’s say he’s used to it, I’m trying to get used to it, but it doesn’t work. The last

Time he ran away was because I was going to watch the Bayern match. Was it at 5 o’clock ? What was it? I fell asleep thinking I was going to watch the match. In the morning, what happened next? Did I go to work? What did I do?

Something interesting happened. Then one day, I had to go to bed, it’s weird. You are like jetl . Here, the Champions League matches are already at 11 o’clock in the away game Turkey time. There, it is 5 o’clock at night and 5 o’clock in the morning anyway. Anyway, good luck. Now, what

Situation are we in? It’s been 3 hours, friends, like the live broadcast. Is there anything else I can think of ? The last thing you want to say? I swear, this is something that catches the audience. Turn off the light. What’s going on, son?

Let me put your leg in the light. Look, I’m getting sleepy right now. This is all planned. You’re bored . How can you come to Japan? You’re bored with Japan. I think you’re getting sleepy from that. Nope. It’s normal. I’m feeling sleepy. It has nothing to do with chatting like this, it’s normal,

People want to talk like this, they want to chat, I’ve never been anything, I’m nothing, I mean, even if people ask 10 questions, they will talk to Japan. Bro, I will come, what will I do, how much money should I spend, I will answer nicely, when the broadcast is over, say nicely.

My swearing is ending the broadcast. Damn, don’t ask such stupid nonsense questions, I’m tired of it. [ __ ] all of them are rmi. Thank you to those who watched V. Friends, I’m on discord now. I came to thank you. Thank you to those who came to discord.

Friends, we would like to thank each and every one of you for your participation. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You came and talked. I will wait for you again in the next broadcast. We will chat like this again. Well, I will chat

A lot. I mean, you are sleepy now. Otherwise, we will talk about the economy. We will talk about politics. Say Giz Shinzu brother how was he killed etc. we can talk to them too yz

AB I’m going to say the Chinese came and shot the gentleman, that’s a big deal, talk about it in 2 hours, you don’t do anything, brother, we’ll talk here and hang out. I mean, I gave you the way, he removed the Chinese from the middle, secret intelligence from there from there.

Look, if I can come, if I can, in the next broadcast, do you know what I will ask you? I will ask you about the news about refugees going from Turkey to Japan. Yes, I don’t know. Did he understand what I mean? Then

We can talk from there. I think the topic is too long. Baken solved it. People, I mean, there are many refugees from Turkey. I can give a general answer and move on to the next broadcast. It makes sense. By the way, yes, we will talk about these. What was the earthquake refugee?

How did he die? There was also something else, there was language, there was language. Bro, my son, I have grown old without answering these questions. What is Japan? Bro, can you answer that too? How do I come to Japan?

And what city do you live in in Tokyo? What city do I live in in Tokyo? What will happen if I answer which city in Tokyo I live in ? Who is wondering? Is Cem really joking? Friends, or did he really not understand the subtle thing there? I didn’t understand him. He

Didn’t understand because of the lack of sleep. Tokyo is a city. Look, someone wrote in which city do you live in Tokyo ? Toyo is a city. It’s a normal question. Because Tokyo is exactly a city. It’s not both a city and a region. Does the city contain a few things

? Yes, I perceived it as something like where do you live in Istanbul ? There was something there, there was a deer in your tongue and it spun over it. That reel to reel. Do you understand, Celal, it’s wrong? You didn’t write it. Son, look, it’s the same thing. Walk from there.

You didn’t write it wrong. I asked for it. We just broadcast it. Never mind . Okay, we will continue this reel in the next broadcast. For those who subscribed, those who liked the live broadcast, wait, let me gather my last energy. Thank you. Friends, come to Discord, chat, chat, there are

People from all races and nationalities. I won’t say yes, no. Everyone is Turkish. I guess I linked it to the wrong place here. The face-to-face chat continues there too. Thank you. Subscribe. Follow the videos. See you in the next broadcast. Are there any friends? It’s not what you want to ask.

It’s live broadcast. Those who are currently on discord. Something you want to say. Your last words . Hello brother, I am very pleased to meet you. I am also pleased to meet you. I

Also thank those on the live broadcast. Are you listening? Thank you. I hope we will see you. Have a good night . I hope we will come across one day in Japan. Either it is small or we will come across it somewhere.

I hope we will come across it. So take care of yourself, good night. Best regards to everyone. See you soon. See you guys. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye. Good night.


  1. Üç saat dokuz dakika ne çabuk geçti 6 bardak çayı 🍵 bu güzel muhabbet ile çok keyifli yudumladım 😃 bu güzel video için çok teşekkür ederim babayiğit cem devamını bekliyoruz 😃👍❤️

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