Good Good morning Guys we are here at Alicante against hotel and leaving this city behind We stayed here for two days Look, it’s a very good city, I recommend it for you a little place quiet several walks one very good infrastructure to serve We have a very good climate sun So it’s worth it

Spent a few days here in Alicante Ok so today they run there I think one It should be about 500 km then we’ll roll 250 km and stop for one lunch at Cabo da babe and then we’ll leave for Sierra mountains and we’re going to spend the night in the chapel

Today and now I’m going to take a take from the exit with the com the camera there pr so you have an idea, look here a beautiful fountain Here the beautiful buildings are all white clean, very clean city, a promenade here this boardwalk on the right here look

Kind of a rambla looks like a rbla same as in Barcelona full of restaurant bars one show and on the left here look look what There are boats here and boats of all sizes saw yesterday there were two ships big ones there on cruises So there was

A lot of people in the city I think everyone day should be intense movement number of tourists arriving and leaving because this here is the famous Costa do Sol from Spain, right here it says that look at the index river here is very little compared to what it is almost

365 days a year from sun but here it is you walk we will walk We walked here the same way yesterday and today the edge sea ​​always by the sea here and here We left there It’s 500 m from the beach Eli, take this one Autopista Look, the traffic here is flowing

Same, you see, it’s well, it’s well planned, you see walk through these to exit and enter the cities look at the question of it didn’t work 2 minutes We are already at na na on Autopista The mobility here is incredible works my hello guys after 200 something

Kilometers then we are leaving here for Los Galardo and Mojacar Hello everyone, here we are o arriving in mojacar Let’s go here to visit and get to know this place here we are there as you can see there seaside a region of beaches and look boy we’re on the way

On the road you can see that this part of Spain here which is the Route of Sun right that It’s just that it’s very dry, no wonder It rains very little here and today is Saturday Oh, lots of bikes, lots of people strolling through an area with many hotels

Stops here infrastructure for pra beach right there guys, a little more from the sea and the coast here from mojacar Let’s go to a somewhat isolated place here we go pass I think this here if I don’t mistake is a half-baked thing which doesn’t have much movement I think there is

A parking lot there for us to stop and have lunch there but look with those clothes on a motorcycle here, stand there on the edge of the from the coast to the beach I think it goes boil what juice there popular saying boils chocolatier there ouch

But it’s a special little place, see Ha How long have we been running in this beachside there are very few people Look at it’s a Saturday my little one solo people of this incredible mother who should be be crowded but beach guys we left that one

Little place there we walked about 2 km 3 km We are already in the coastal strip of new here in the Mediterranean Sea on the Coast of the Sun Spain Look guys at Far away is the ballet of motorcycles there in the famous Cape da Babe, look at this amazing road and look how many motorcycles there, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 bikes lots of bikes around here guys

And another group behind there People here really enjoy motorbikes this this this summer here end of week and back then another group of came motorcycles, how beautiful these footage are look at this footagehere on this climb, look, take a take very beautiful here look I’ll see if I can zoom in later

It’s going to look really nice, huh, group big on a motorcycle he saw and there was more coming back I’m going to let it film a little here for Probably some date large group there Strolling or several groups because there are a lot of bikes, look

There motorcycles going up there and here the others Arriving here, look, look, many Harleys lots of motorcycles there guys, all using Ok Gold wien look Just here and there, look at a lot of bikes concert show Hey guys O region of andalucia national park park natural cat hair nar labio fera geopark reserve

Thanks for you visit here, there are some taggers there Oh and here is the sea Look how blue it is what a beautiful thing, look sensational guys, now I’m going to leave it filming here the region of Cabo da Gata here where I I filmed the bikers here for these for this

Winding road here this little piece of very beautiful road here, look at you You saw it in the previous take, right? What a show show that’s it here and now we are visiting the same place here Look, I’m going leave a a c connected there at the bottom the sea here another cyclist

Two cycling guys here too look here in Spain and France at guys are strong, see pedal guys It’s violent here man, but look, in a little while we will pass down there ol how beautiful this sea is There are people who don’t like the sea I I like it

A spirit of us like you just sit there and watch and appreciate everything That’s it mine really It’s beautiful and here people have gone up now little by little, right And we’re making sense Otherwise maybe we’ll come back this way I shoot from new, we’ll get it right there soon

We will be at the do level sea ​​and We will return for lunch somewhere place there he says it’s not tasty where you I didn’t want to be sitting here in my motorcycle in my place here doing a ride like this one ha ah it’s not worth it

Don’t worry, I’m not doing it here for you Don’t worry, you’re there quiet quiet there they are not Feeling hot, nothing Drinking a beer there and enjoying this here with me Let me do it for you, my only one you stay there watching on television

Don’t watch it on your cell phone, don’t watch it on a phone TV is much better, images and details on TV, on my cell phone you don’t see the details When you watch on a TV above 40 poleas The bigger the better my num big screen so I’m filming here in al a

Definition for you My So put it there the best definition there if you have cell phone there is no way there you Want to watch a piece now put it there in high definition put it in 4K then maybe there oh oh Look, look, guys, what a show

See this, man, you can find everything here man like I was saying maybe You put the video on YouTube and then it’s not there in the good definition it is at 480 or or even less 300 and little changes the definition then the quality goes there quality of

Image puts 4K there so you can see difference and the details are beautiful because I film all of this here in 4K, okay One of the images is amazing, my friend you have there with good internet Better Even better is the definition of bad internet the definition will be half blurry

So a little blurry But if your internet is good definition, it’s a show The show is worth it, see Here’s a tip for you guys arriving at the beach at Carbone, there’s the totem there Carbone iras so if you have it in the region there it is

Mo have moj there mojacar right you come to towards the beach or the small town Here at Carbone, you’ll look at it Then you do it that beautiful route on that climb on that descent of those curves there we areo entering Carbon it guys more beaches

It’s yesterday we entered Costa do Sol, right? Nothing fairer than than filming this Costa do Sol Here, look guys, there, the bitter water is the place we are going to have lunch there and then go to the region of mountains Look guys we are here in bitter beach on the Costa do Sol

Da Spain heat of almost 30º here neat little beach and Let’s stop for a pit here some lunch then then we continue to trip guys We left the part of coast and now we are heading to the interior part of Serras Look at the view there Look hello everyone, we arrived here at

Granada peninsula peninsula not in Province of Granada here in Spain and We’re already there, I think about 60 km 70 km our goal today is capeleira and here there are a lot of plantations of grape those almonds that the and the pigs those they do that famous Pata Negra ham has

Many in this region and also Oliveiras There, at the top of the hill, you can see there o olive plantations the economy here it revolves around this Hey guys look at the road look at curves good road curves winding but we are rising I think that soon we will be

Well at high altitude, you see why look there Oh, don’t stop coming up here oh good road hot long curves we pack a little here But it’s a good thing to do here, say 50 speed but not a little more here There is a problem, no, the highway is too long

Good look guys, that’s it little town down there Oh left behind We’re rising Here I think now let’s go to high altitude region right here Look the little towns up here already and here it is right turn left turn all winding road doesn’t have 50 m of straight here that doesn’t have one

Curve let’s go let’s see if we can catch it to the left here yes that is my map speak left let’s go there Ah, here you can get an idea of ​​ cities high up like this and all white, small towns, right small communities here in the interior Spain’s Granada region and

We are climbing Sierra region Nevada is Guys, we’re up one ride this winding road here and don’t stop go up region we pass through béres there now to little that community we had Coming in the distance and we keep climbing Look at this little road Go look in the distance there

Look, what’s left behind is what’s left behind down there look alone It’s personal, it doesn’t stop here Look at the ballet of the left right motorcycle left right region of mountain the temperature has already dropped It dropped a little, it was 30 or so below Here came to 20

26 probably there in a chapel where we are 20 km away, it must be right in the region very fresh There, people, in the distance you can see the small towns here in the mountainous region here in the Sierra Nevada but everything is neat See people here also use this a lot these

Greenhouses I don’t know if it’s grapes or fruit vegetables but they use them a lot here in Spain saw the entire road today on the edge of road very very ISS And then there small towns in the small Spanish towns of Mountain Show Show Show Show Look guys, look at the

Small mountain towns here in the Sierra Nevada everything is white, look at the guys, show show Stopping here to take some photos we are already 4 km away from ours objective and you can go calmly here, see look a mountain to enjoy the view Even Travel here without rushing without fuss quiet

Quiet here you can take your time here until I don’t know how many hours to do it these mileages here because this is everything measured by the hour but it’s worth it, it’s worth it ficar around here, run the small towns well quiet is that we have ours objective right

But to leave tomorrow but what It would be worth it to stay a few days for this Sierra Nevada would start here, see we passed through many small towns there all beautiful Did you see this one, it deserves a show too Look, look at the cities on the edge of these

Cliffs there and down here on the left right below Here’s another one small town, I’ll talk a little Here to talk about today’s wonderful day trip After we took the curves here, that was it around 70 75 km but look boy just curves Curves and curves and curves

And climb and climb and climb Then I go see the altitude of this place here Did you see there, the sign of the hotel we are going to stay there, the sign was there lanos is the hotel we will stay there today FCA Lenos Spanish estate is a winery, right

I hope it’s a winery here goes let’s combine the pleasant useful there with small town Look the part dees here look there oh, there are many crafts here Avenida people walking there, probably we are there 250 m from the hotel we are staying walking around here looking for something

Thing to eat at night this after a good bath because the temperature is now 26º so it is hot I don’t know if with the sunset this here Cool it come on guys I’ll let it run here so you can have it a notion of the famous

Chapel name of the city we will stay in Here we are, 100 m from the hotel there is the Rural hotel lay down the wool 2l the Argentinean talks janos both L here I’m going to talk lanos same or Lanos, the car is right in front of the car

Hotel there oh there oh this is the hotel that we will stay here Oh, I’m going up here, let’s go give it a go here because you can’t make a mistake here mine Hotel Rural I’ll get there later I turn it off to get to the end there

To see if it looks nice there Probably yes no no no later From the hotel there I’ll leave it with you ok I’ll go hang up here in a little while I’ll be back with Let’s park the bikes here from stay here today chapel in the Sierra Nevada mountains

Here in Spain carrying out our tours we arrived here just now here o A small mountain town and Let’s just do one night here today So let’s take advantage and give it a try visited here in the center here which is Just a small town stop to film for you then get information

Here and there the bars are full of people full of we are right on a mountain here a a small town and gives for you to walk it, we are here two blocks from the hotel here is the part of artesanias Look at the whole city white here place to buy souvenirs there Oh and let’s see if we find something there is a pinch something and then we’ll come back I guess We are going to have dinner at our hotel Today there chapel here is the sign of the restaurants of museum and end of summer here Guys, the girl at the hotel is busy there

He said that the city is full, I’m going get a little further down here In this square here, just to say ah Panorama for you but the best would be across the mountain there catch the city here in front D take a lot from the front, but that’s all like this

These are these little white houses like this Here you go, look, it’s all like this, go there Down would be nice there on the other side of mountain take a photo PR here and then it would look nice but in all cases T taking just a partial for you and having

An idea of ​​the place, ok then Let’s get to this little bar here Marcelo Eduardo they got there let’s go I’ll be back with you later night there if there is somewhere interesting there OK let’s get here Oh, this little bar is full of people PI like everything in Agito here, how about

Eduardo calmly go, now, oh, oh Goró, I want to see you not take one, right Marcelo gets the throat I’m losing weight, I can’t keep it losing weight here take a That’s it Hey guys, look at the panorama here I come hang up here then I’ll be back with you

Ok guys going up going up the streets here from chapel lady Look at the type of buildings there as they are look problem is the breath here Here it is, you have to go up slowly saw if you go up too fast This is F but it’s okay, it’s up there

Hotel and down here all these streets like that look cool show show worth it little home Close, I’m going up here, let’s go Look guys, what’s with the chimney there Look at everything, it’s a sign that it’s cold here because Look, it’s a chimney, a chimney, and not a chimney

It’s over, look, see you there down here we are there in these little streets these alleys and going through famous chapel towards our hotel which it’s higher up here we go later I’ll be back with y’all there


  1. Olá Milane, venho acompanhando seus vídeos e viagens pelo mundo. Muito legal, parabéns! Notei que aparentemente você hospeda sua moto na Europa. Tem alguma empresa que presta esse serviço? Sabe se daria certo com uma moto com placa Brasil? Agradeço se puder compartilhar dicas. Abs. Marcelo

  2. Caro Milane, deixando o ¨gostei¨ e aproveitando para lhe desejar um Feliz Natal, Paz, Saúde para o Amigo e sua Família e também um Ano Novo com muitos kms de motoca e muitos vídeos para curtirmos.

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