



#ロードバイク #ロードレース #ロードバイクトレーニング #サイクリング #自転車レース #ヒルクライム #ウエイトトレーニング #コアトレーニング #ロードレーストレーニング #TREK #トレック #ロードバイクペダリング


Twitter : TomoyaKoyama1
Instagram : tomoya.story
HP : tomoyakoyama.com



連絡先 tomoyajapane@icloud.com

How many mountains to get some confidence how many debates to earn some tail the years pass I’m still the same what will it take why the way up and down I’m losing ground pretend to tell me what to believe I ain’t got a sweet tooth for

Lying SP show me hot succeed my w is ooh ooh ooh what to do I am me and not you ooh ooh what to say please make the string go away Pretender how many right turns to reach some kind of goal how many dress enough for me to play some ball seon

Change still the same range where will it take tell me why the way up and down I’m moving around tell me what to believe I ain’t got a sweet tooth for lying expander show me how to succeed but while it is sprad in

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