Cycling the world – Europe: episode 134
Leaving the serene trails of Montañas Vacías, I head to Madrid, embracing my penchant for exploring capitals whenever possible. By the way, Spain marks the 58th country in my worldwide expedition. The adventure continues as I cycle towards Cuenca, only to face an unexpected wilderness encounter near a farm—a close brush with a tick, a first in my eight years of travel. This episode blends the charm of city exploration with the raw, unscripted moments of life on the road.


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  1. 🇬🇧🇮🇹🇪🇸
    🇬🇧If you find the videos entertaining or useful and want to "buy me a coffee or drink", consider making a donation to support the channel and my round the world adventure: contact me or simply
    🇮🇹Se la visione ti è piaciuta, valuta la possibilità di fare una donazione, "offrirmi da bere o un caffe" a supporto del canale e del giro del mondo: contattatemi o semplicemente
    🇪🇸Si te ha gustado verlo, considera hacer una donación "ofrecerme una bebida o un café" para apoyar el canal y en la vuelta al mundo en bici: contácteme o simplemente

  2. Hi Davide, very nice and relaxing ride. Watch out for those ticks, they are very nasty creatures! I have to admit, I was a bit taken by the quality of your videos. If I'm not mistaken, you are using the Insta 360 camera (!?), I didn't know Insta could make such good shots!? By the way, maybe it would be a good idea to treat us with the "round the camp fire" chats and tell us something about your bike and camping equipment, what is holding up and what is going less well and what you would like to change or improve after all those kilometers on the road. Cheers.

  3. Normalmente las garrapatas la encontraras donde hay ganado, o potreros, ella se aferran o se suben alguna planta y cuando uno roce con la planta se suben a uno.
    Sino la garrapata no esta infectada de paracito , no pasa nada, al reves si esta infectada con parasito.
    He tenido la suerte que no me ha pasado nada a mi, porque me han picado muchas de ellas cuando voy al campo .

  4. Glad to hear you did not get bitten by the tick, here in the U.S. they are known for spreading Lyme disease more than anything else. Hope you can prevent getting bitten by them or anything else.

  5. There are towns in Spain that have the "de la frontera" in their name and that is because it used to be the border between the Cristian kingdoms and the Islamic kingdom. Some of these borders lasted for hundreds of years. It was only in the very late 1400's that the Cristians conquered all of the peninsula.

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