He’s willing to die to save her. After accident, I just give my divorce file to bless them

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  1. ahhhgg… nothing would have happened if they had just TALKED.
    That's why communication is so important in any kind of relationship. Otherwise each party is left like in this case, with their vision of what's going on and no idea how the others are affected, it's a total game changer when you know how the other person feels, their vision of things and the situations they're going through.
    Only communication was necessary.
    In the whole story it seems like neither of them bothered to open their mouth even once ahhhgg

  2. People like Vincent are so damn annoying. He never gave a shit about Linda. She's an orphan thrown into a situation where she has NOTHING AND he's butthurt that she's not being a puppet reacting exactly how he wants her to. He never cared about what she was actually thinking or feeling, he just wanted to control her. He actually ended up doing what he accused his grandfather of doing. Clearly his view and interpretation of people was absolutely wrong. You'd figure after he learned that he was completely wrong about bis grandfather, he'd learn that he was also absolutely wrong about Linda.

  3. He could find a way to help Linda but don't because of his grandfather and his ex girlfriend knew he don't love her to just like her and I don't think he would love nobody else and if Linda keep the child it would be the same thing never love but he will have to Adopt a child or pay a woman to give birth to a child she got her own company

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