2024.09.09 矢板の県民の森までサイクリング/Cycling to the Prefectural Forest in Yaita


#vlog #栃木 #サイクリング #ロードバイク #矢板市 #県民の森 #涌き水 #ゴープロ12 #田園風景 #米 #田んぼ #山登り #ダム #サイクリングロード #自転車車載

The weather on this day was sunny in the morning, but rain was forecast for the afternoon, so I left early and cycled through the golden countryside towards Yaita. I felt like the climb up to the Prefectural Forest was the easiest I’ve done recently. Maybe my legs have gotten stronger by this point, or maybe I just happened to feel good… I filled up with spring water from Idemizu Shrine to hydrate, then saw Terayama Dam and rode around for about 100km. Whatever you do, autumn is better than the hot summer months when it’s cooler. I hope it’s a sunny day off. I’m going to ride a lot.

#vlog #Tochigi #cycling #roadbike #YaitaCity #PrefecturalForest #springwater #GoPro12 #ruralscenery #rice #ricefield #mountainclimbing #dam #japan #Cycling road #Bicycle mounted

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