John F. Kennedy: From the Oval Office to Dealey Plaza

Explosive new facts on who may have been responsible for JKF’s untimely death are explored in a revealing, cutting edge current day assessment of all the evidence and new developments in this monumental case. From CIA involvement, to shots fired from the Grassy Knoll, to the Warren Commission and more, experience the enigma of this pivotal moment in world history like never before. In his final interview Ted Sorensen, JFK’s script writer and closest advisor, discloses his insights along with several key witnesses coupled with never-before-seen expert opinions and forensic assessments.

Director: Brent Holland
Script: Brent Holland
Cast: Ted Sorenson, Sherry Fiester, Lamar Waldron, James Tague, Cyril Wecht
Full documentary


  1. No chain of custody and evidence like the camera discovered after prior searches didn’t uncover them. None of the four agents who handled the stretcher bullet in the chain of custody could identify CE 399. As a result, there was no chain of custody for bullet CE 399, and that bullet as well as other ballistic evidence would not be admissible in evidence. The medical forensic records reference a fourth bullet, Commission Exhibit 392. That bullet entered Connolly’s thigh, was never removed, and lies buried with the governor.

  2. Dealey plaza , named in honor of Samuel Dealey USN,MOH. Captain of submarine USS Harder sunk by Japanese destroyers 24 August 1944 with all hands lost.

  3. 1:11:25 Cyril Wecht was mistaken, Nurse Sharon Tuohy was the first to see the stretcher bullet as she and another nurse left TR1. Tuohy testified to the HSCA of helping remove JFK's clothing, taking blood to be typed . . . twice, and observing the large rear head wound she could fit her fists into.

  4. I graduated HS 1979 in St. Louis MO LHSN. A woman, Dallas TX native taught Health class. We were shown the Zapruder film. I have not forgotten that film. I was 2yrs old in 63 and remember the news flash over the car radio. The country was devastated. That era was a very dangerous time. Classrooms of kids ducked and covered for bomb drills….Nuclear Attack. Lincoln told others that his death would be violent.

  5. Well done! Great break down of the evidence and eyewitness accounts. Great presentation of the facts and how the different pieces of evidence and observations support a "more than one shooter' scenario. And, at every step, as all of the findings are shared, the official conclusion of the Warren Commission is destroyed.

  6. The gall the individuals involved in the Warren Commission had to simply dismiss the Parkland doctors as being mistaken or wrong with their observations. The doctors did not know any of the circumstances of the shooting. They made their initial, experienced, knowledgeable observations. They had no agenda. But when their accounts did not fit the official version, they were deemed to be wrong or mistaken or even, incompetent.

  7. CIA Requires war, that's thier business. History shows this to be true. Not one war after WW1 and WW2 or military action was implemented without OSS/CIA involvement

  8. 1:08:35 and how many of the city Dallas Detectives, including Jim Levealle, said that they " didn't have an assignment" that day? He was not the so called hero everyone thought he was. And all these autographed photos by the detectives with Oswald…..they dogged Oswald, and in my opinion were responsible for his death, yet they had the gall to autograph photos!

  9. This video affords uncritical credibility to Beverly Oliver, but fails to mention the following problems with her claims:
    a) She was the Babushka Lady.
    She has never been able to prove this, and photos show the REAL B-Lady to be a much older and completely different person.
    b) She filmed the motorcade with a Yashica Super-8 Zoom camera.
    No such camera existed in 1963.
    c) She denied to the ARRB that she ever made the above claim.
    She made it to several authors, and on TV.
    d) Her film was seized on the evening of Nov. 25 in Dallas by FBI agent Regis Kennedy and a CIA agent.
    Regis Kennedy was in New Orleans that evening and Oliver later dropped the CIA man from her story.
    e) She was introduced by Jack Ruby in his Carousel Club to his "friend Lee Oswald of the CIA."
    Yes, deep cover CIA spooks are always going around pointlessly blowing their cover to strangers.
    f) Dancer Janet Conforto witnessed the above introduction and spoke to newspapers about it.
    No newspaper carries any such story, and Conforto denied it ever happened when interviewed on Dallas Radio by Eddie Barker.
    g) Conforto died in a mysterious and suspicious way.
    Conforto died in a motorcycle accident in 1980.
    h) She dined with Jack Ruby the night before the assassination.
    Ruby dined with friends that evening and none of them remembered ever seeing her.
    i) She saw David Ferrie at the Club so often she thought he worked there.
    Nobody else ever did. Ferrie lived in New Orleans.
    j) She saw "Raoul," the mystery man in the Martin Luther King assassination, at the Club.
    There is no evidence Raoul ever existed, he appears to have been a fictional character created by assassin James Earl Ray.
    However, she has cashed in nicely over the years…

  10. Evidence relating to the shooting:
    a) All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's Carcano.
    b) Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo, from behind.
    c) Connally was demonstrably seated lower, inboard and turned sharply to his right.
    d) Victims' wounds demonstrably line up on a trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window.
    e) View of the entry wound on Connally's back would have been demonstrably blocked by Kennedy's body, meaning the same bullet has to have gone through both of them.
    f) Bullet recovered from the stretcher is badly crushed at the nose and flattened down one side.
    g) That condition is consistent with going through Kennedy's body without hitting bone, slowing and tumbling on leaving him, then broadsiding its way through Connally's ribs, as medical and forensic evidence clearly demonstrate.
    h) That bullet was also matched to Oswald's rifle.
    i) Nobody planting a bogus bullet at the hospital within one hour of the shooting could possibly have known a bullet needed planting at all or that he wasn't simply planting one bullet too many into evidence and blowing the whole plot.
    j) Kennedy is very clearly seen in Zapruder's film to suffer a massive exit wound exploding at the right temple and absolutely nothing happening at the back of the head, both consistent only with a shot from behind.
    k) Parkland doctors are plainly seen at their first press conference speculating wildly about the wounds, unable to conjecture about number, trajectories, etc.
    l) Connally's said the shots came from behind.
    m) Autopsy shows the shots came from behind.
    n) Parkland doctors had no particular problem with the autopsy photos when they examined them on NOVA in 1988.
    o) Witnesses directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly over their heads.
    p) Those witnesses had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there.
    q) Zapruder's secretary was only yards away from the fence and heard and saw nobody there.
    r) It's vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions.

  11. Dr. Cyril Wecht's demonstrable record:
    a) can be seen recreating the shooting using two actors seated bolt upright at the same plane and level, both facing forward, knowing full well that was not true
    b) repeatedly and blatantly lied about the condition of the stretcher bullet, which is in fact badly crushed at the nose and flattened down one side, perfectly consistent with causing the victims' wounds
    c) firmly testified throughout the 1970's the evidence demonstrated the shots came from behind before he started cashing in as a conspiracy theorist
    d) solemnly guided viewers step by step through the video "Alien Autopsy…"

  12. This video is lying to you: the HSCA was all set to conclude Oswald acted alone until those acoustics experts came forward at the last minute with their dictabelt recording, which the Justice Department and the Ramsey Panel indeed investigated and discovered to be erroneous and invalid as evidence, completely debunking it more than 40 years ago.

  13. Open challenge to anybody saying the autopsy was faked.
    Explain just two things:
    a) How do you safely and swiftly approach scores of people in Kennedy's own entourage, Secret Service agents, FBI agents, military personnel, doctors, pathologists, ballistics experts, x-ray technicians, photographers, witnesses, etc., and persuade them all to obey illegal orders, assist a bloody coup, and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason?
    b) How is it a BETTER and safer idea to hijack bodies, perform surgeries, alter wounds, destroy evidence, falsify reports, fake x-rays, forge photos, commit perjury by the dozen, bluff their way through subsequent, not-yet-formed commissions and investigations, and pile cover-ups atop cover-ups… instead of just leaving well enough alone and saying Oswald must have had an accomplice who got away, which would have suited any "conspiracy" just fine?

  14. A pool table? This analysis is a train wreck. So, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, LBJ and on and on were in on a conspiracy. It was Oswald's gun on location along with Oswald, who fled and shot a policeman. Not to mention General Walker's attempted assassination.

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