Brazil: Life and Death on the River | Deadliest Journeys

Amazonia, a huge territory where life can be uncompromisingly difficult. In its dense forests and intricate water systems, riberinhos, or river dwellers, cross paths with the garimpeiros, gold hunters. Riberinhos eke out a living from the boats that ply the rivers. Paddling out to meet the river traffic in small homemade canoes, they risk death by trying to fasten onto the often fast-moving boats. Remarkably, many are children, aged as young as five, who try and sell jungle delicacies for a few pennies to passengers and crew. Often, their families depend on them to make ends meet. Jesse’s family, for example. The 14-year-old youngster learned how to swim and handle a canoe almost before he could walk. Jesse turned to crime, in a desperate attempt to escape grinding poverty, and was shot and killed by a crewmember on board a barge he was trying to rob. A moving insight into the misery and frustration of those whom society has virtually abandoned. Elsewhere in the jungle, a woodsman recently found a small nugget of gold at a place called Eldorado Do Juma. It sparked a frenzy of gold fever Brazil hadn’t witnessed for more than 30 years. Young and old, experienced prospectors and tyros, flocked in their thousands to this remote corner of Amazonia to seek their fortunes. With them came shops, restaurants, even brothels, as man’s desire for riches turned virgin jungle into a virtual battleground. Few have found gold, and the slum-like conditions in which more than 10,000 people now live is a festering breeding ground for malaria and violence.


  1. Im surprised when i saw that grown man blame his 6 to 8 year old son for the reason his canoo flooding and went under water….its the little boys fault for not scooping out enough water fast enough????? 😢
    I can only imagine what type of misstreatment these children go through daily. Child abuse is a phrase that is foreign in these areas

  2. Triste futuro dessas crianças. Aonde mora o estatuto infantil ?
    Acordem pra vida políticos, façam algo pelo futuro do nosso país, esperar que outros se debandeiam para crime, como o menino Jessé e percamos outros mais ?

  3. Only ones responsible for that boys death are the parents who had twenty kids they can't afford to feed. The kid probably felt like he had to do more so the little ones could eat.

  4. A Marinha deve fiscalizar essas crianças no Rio amazônicos tem que fiscalizar e proibir essas crianças de acorda em barcos grande e 🚢🛳️ navio coloca fiscalização ok de Serrinha Bahia. Nildo Gomes.

  5. Que duro dios mío y me pregunto , ¿ donde están esos multimillonarios para que aporten embarcaciones para esos nińos para que al menos se puedan trasladar más seguro muy triste ver estos videos me parte el corazón de ver qué en este mundo tengamos que ver cosas como esta , Dios los Bendiga a todos

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