小伙15天骑过17座城市上大学 A young man rode through 17 cities to go to university in 15 days

#小伙15天骑过17座城市上大学#【#大一新生骑行1328公里北大报到# [心]】近日,江西新余的丁文鑫从上海出发,骑行15天、途经1328公里,前往北京大学报到。为完成这趟旅程,丁文鑫专门进行训练,还学了修车技术,提前做好应急预案。一路上,他看过流星、彩虹、日出,也经历了中暑、暴雨、爆胎,却从没想过放弃:“前行的勇气之火从未熄灭。”要开学了,祝同学们都能破风前行,享受快意人生!

#The lad rode 17 cities to college in 15 days# 【#Freshman rides 1328 kilometers to Peking University#】Recently, Ding Wenxin from Xinyu, Jiangxi, set off from Shanghai, rode for 15 days, traveled 1328 kilometers, and arrived at Peking University. To complete this journey, Ding Wenxin underwent special training, learned bicycle repair techniques, and prepared emergency plans in advance. Along the way, he has seen shooting stars, rainbows, and sunrises, and has also experienced heatstroke, heavy rain, and flat tires, but never thought of giving up: ‘The flame of courage to move forward has never been extinguished.’ It’s time to start school, I wish all students can break through the wind and enjoy a pleasant life!

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