2024.8.11 グループライドで小来川往復コース/Group ride on the Okorogawa short course


♯サイクリング ♯ロードバイク ♯グループライド ♯自転車 ♯vlog ♯日本 ♯栃木県 ♯日光 ♯晴天 ♯猛暑

I went to Koraigawa, which is a familiar spot for our Sunday group rides. I struggled with the intense heat and the high pace, and it seems the other members were feeling the same way, so instead of a circular course, we went there and back. It was quite an intense workout, so it was a cycling experience that increased my experience. It’s August, and once the Obon festival is over, it’s already autumn. There have been more typhoons recently, so it seems like the seasons are moving forward.

♯Cycling ♯Road Bike ♯Group Ride ♯Bicycle ♯Vlog ♯Japan ♯Tochigi Prefecture ♯Nikko ♯Clear Weather ♯Intense Heat

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