2024.8.10 烏山・もてぎポタリング/Pottering around Karasuyama and Motegi


♯自転車 ♯ロードバイク ♯サイクリング ♯vlog ♯日本 ♯栃木県 ♯烏山市 ♯茂木町 ♯担々麺 ♯道の駅 ♯田園風景 ♯夏 ♯蝉の声

I took my time to ride to Mogi in the scorching heat, but it was tough. I would have been disappointed if I had gone there thinking it was a relaxed and easy ride. I had better ride in the early morning or evening when the temperature hasn’t risen much, otherwise I would have been exhausted in the second half. But the mountain climbing was fun, the countryside scenery on a clear day was beautiful, and the dandan noodles were delicious, so this was a good cycling trip.

♯Bicycle ♯Road Bike ♯Cycling ♯Vlog ♯Japan ♯Tochigi Prefecture ♯Karasuyama City ♯Motegi Town ♯Dandan Noodles ♯Roadside Station ♯Rural Scenery ♯Summer ♯Cicadas’ Voice

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