
We start at Eiheijiguchi Station of Echizen Railway and head to Eiheiji Temple via “Mai Road” that is a traffic free, smooth route for pedestrians and cyclists to the Zen temple Eiheiji. After arriving Eiheiji temple, we continue our journey towards Miyama cho (currently Fukui city) via Usaka zuido tunnel and end at Iwaya Bashi Bridge in Usogaguchi Cho.

Date: 25th February 2021
Weather: 9 °C Partly Cloudy

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  1. Awesomeness! So refreshing and relaxing while watching n cycling around these wonderful places. Peace and calm the mind n heart. Infinite blissful!🙏❄🚴

  2. 福井県は本当に景色がいいですね〜☺️私もこういう場所でサイクリングしたいけど札幌圏外まで行かないとないので羨ましすぎます😅

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