Mai escaped and reported to the police in time to arrest Thai.

After Thai started causing trouble, Mai escaped in time. Mai called the police to take Thai to the agency to resolve the matter.
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  1. ❤❤❤😘😘🇸🇮🥰 V bunker in ga nalomit da mu nebo nikdar več prišlo ba misel,da bi katero koli že sko sploh pomislil,da bi jo posilil. Njej je pa končno kliknilo in ga prijavila, tega me je bilo v s čas strah,da se lahko kaj takega zgodi,saj je pravi psihopat ,ki sodi v kakšno ustanovo. Zraven pa še očeta kaznovat ker ga je z svojim financiranjem samo spodbujal .

  2. Attempted rape in Vietnam is a very serious crime. It does not matter if he is drunk that is just an excuse. That would get him 10 to life there. I don't unstand why these cops are portrayed not going by there countries laws.

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