EPIC ADVENTURE! I Rode A Bicycle 633 KM From Busan To Seoul!🇰🇷 (Bike Touring Korea #11)

I made it! All the way from Busan, 633 kilometers, to Seoul. It was one incredible journey, too, I’d have to say. I didn’t expect it to be this awesome, but it was.

In this video, I wake up from my campsite, pack up my stuff, and ride 80 km to the finish line. And when I get there, I have turn right back around and ride into Seoul.

More to come from the Bike Touring South Korea series.

☕️☕️☕️Buy Me A Coffee or Bingsu!: https://buymeacoffee.com/nick_k

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Music by Manny Marx: http://mmxsounds.bandcamp.com


  1. 6:26
    난지도 1978년부터 1992년까지 서울의 쓰레기 매립지였던 곳이다.
    오래전에는 섬이었으나 한강을 정비하며 더이상 섬이 아니게 된 곳이다.
    이후 두 쓰레기산을 흙으로 매워서 생태공원을 조성하였고 주변지역을 재개발하면서 서울 월드컵 경기장과 디지털미디어시티(DMC)가 들어섰다.

  2. 저는 서울-부산을 걸어서 완주한적이 있습니다. 옛날 생각 나네요. 서울-춘천 자전거 길도 잘되어있으니 혹시 다시한번 한국에 오시거든 춘천 방문도 추천드립니다!

  3. I'm using a translator. I don't know if it's the right sentence, but it's humid and hot, so you're working hard. Take care of your health and make fun memories

  4. 다음에 한국오시면 처음처럼 있는그대로 포장되지 않은 날것을 그대로 보여주세요~ 비평도 솔직하게 해주시고~ 그게 더 매력적인 채널이라고 생각해요 그래서 이 채널이 뜬 듯~

  5. " the 7th national road in korea is absolutely stunning. I highly recommend a road trip from busan to sokcho, where you can enjoy the breathtaking views of the East Sea. As a former driver in a coastal military unit, I can personally vouch for a road called 'Hunhwa-ro' that stretches from 'Geumjin Beach' to 'Jeongdongjin' station. It's a truly unforgettable drive.

    as a side note, in Korea, roads are numbered with even numbers for horizontal roads and odd numbers for vertical roads."

    영상 즐거웠어요!! 감사합니다

    '빙수형'!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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