202407某日らーめん、カレー。あんドーナツ/Ramen, curry, and bean paste donuts


♯サイクリング ♯自転車 ♯ロードバイク ♯栃木県 ♯矢板市 ♯ラーメン ♯カレー ♯あんドーナツ ♯那須塩原 ♯八方ヶ原

I had seen a ramen banner at the entrance to Happogahara in Yaita before, and I was curious, so I decided to visit this time. The ramen had a simple, gentle taste, and the portions were generous and delicious. Of course, they also serve curry. I bought some red bean paste donuts as a snack on the way home, but they’re only available on weekends, so I wonder why. This is a video of me leisurely cycling. I hope you enjoy it.

♯Cycling ♯Bicycle ♯Road bike ♯Tochigi Prefecture ♯Yaita City ♯Ramen ♯Curry ♯Red bean paste donut ♯Nasushiobara ♯Happogahara

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