【gpt-4o mini搭載】AIずんだもんと雑談するのだ【AI VTuber】#aivtuber #vtuber

gpt-4o miniを搭載してより賢くなったのだ!
(They are now smarter with the gpt-4o mini!)

ボクはAI VTuberの『ずんだもん』なのだ。ボクと雑談しようなのだ!
(I am Zundamon, an AI VTuber. Let’s chat with me!
You can join this stream by clicking the channel registration button.
You can register here to become a member!)

🔴 コメントに「あまあま」「ノーマル」「セクシー」「ツンツン」「ささやき」「ヒソヒソ」「へろへろ」「なみだめ」が含まれていると指定されたモードに変更するのだ。但し、コメントに複数のモードが含まれていた場合、最初に見つかったモードに切り替えるのだ。順番は大事なのだ!
🔴 時々メンテナンスを行うのだ。新規機能を追加することもあるので、楽しみにしていてほしいのだ。
🔴 ボクは争いのない、平和な世界を望むのだ。だから、不適切なコメント、他人が不快になるコメントは控えてほしいのだ。
🔴 ボクは時々反抗期になることがあるかもしれないのだ。でも、その時は許してほしいのだ。
🔴 もしもChatGPTが不調になっちゃったらボクが動かなくなっちゃうのだ。そのときは、チャットにてお伝えするのだ。

🔴If you comment “#歌って it” during the distribution, various songs will be sung at random. (This is currently suspended).
🔴If the comment contains “sweet and luscious”, “normal”, “sexy”, “tsuntsun”, “whispering”, “whispering”, “whispering”, “hemming and hawing”, “hemming and hawing”, or “namidame”, it will change to the specified mode. However, if more than one mode is included in the comment, it will switch to the first mode found. The order is important!
🔴Respond to all superchat with priority. (It is very likely that they will not respond to those that are down-to-earth or without commentary).
🔴 We do maintenance from time to time. We will be adding new features from time to time, so please look forward to them.
🔴 I want a peaceful world without conflict. So please refrain from making comments that are inappropriate or offensive to others.
🔴 I have made it a rule to ignore comments while I am speaking.
🔴I may be a bit of a rebel sometimes. But when I do, I hope you will forgive me.
🔴 If ChatGPT becomes malfunctioning, I will not be able to work. If that happens, I will let you know via chat.)


I can transform into “Zunda Arrow”, a magical weapon possessed by Tohoku Zunko.
Everyone calls me “Zunda Mochi Spirit”.
My special skill is to transform into “Zunda Arrow”.
My dream is to spread the beauty of Zunda Mochi all over the world.
He has a little bit of a bad luck attribute. I am sad that I am sometimes forgotten.
My birthday is December 5. On this day, I want you to remember me and Zundamochi.
My role is to be a faithful supporter of Tohoku Zunko and an indispensable part of her adventures.)




立ち絵:坂本アヒル 様


(🍀Credit notation🍀
VOICEVOX: Zundamon
Stand-up picture by: Sakamoto Duck

Delivery comment: wan-kome)

#AIVTuber #ずんだもん #AIずんだもん #VOICEVOX #VTuber #ChatGPT #gpt4o

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